Istanbul Yalova thermal springs. What hotels in Yalova have nice views? What are functional cookies

The thermal resort of Yalova Turkey (Turkish: Yalova Kaplıcaları, English: Yalova Thermal Resort) has been known since the times of ancient Byzantium. The first thermal baths in these parts were built during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine (312-337 AD), approximately 1600 years ago. During the Ottoman period, the resort was not very valued; the sultans and their families mainly recovered their health in Bursa (Turkey). Only in the mid-19th century did the Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid (1831-1861) reconstruct the baths, and his mother, Alem Valide Sultan, received a remarkable cure for rheumatism at these springs. Today, the Valide Sultan thermal hammam still operates on the territory of the resort.

History of the thermal resort of Yalova Türkiye

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II (1876-1908), the first chemical analyzes of the healing waters of Yalova were made. At the same time, a new period of prosperity for the resort began - new villas, casinos, and other buildings necessary for the functioning of the resort were built. Some of them have survived to this day. With the beginning of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913, 1918-1922), the resort was deserted and only with the coming to power of the great leader of Turkey Ataturk (August 19, 1919) a new period of development began in Yalova. In a very short time, the thermal hospital was reconstructed and turned into a world-famous health and rehabilitation center.

Infrastructure of the thermal center Yalova Thermal

Today the resort operates the Çamlık Hotel, the Hotel Cinar, 6 apartments (2 of which are luxuriously furnished) and the Thermal Hotel. In addition to them, the structure of the health resort includes:

  • sauna-hammam Kurşunlu (Turkish Kurşunlu Sauna-Hammam) - was built during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian, 17 centuries ago. In 1900, the building was restored. "Kurşunlu" means "leaded" in Turkish - the dome of the thermal spring is covered with a lead roof
  • Valide Bath - it was built by Sultan Abdul Mejid for his mother, there are separate parts for men and women
  • 26 private baths (Sultan's Bath) - luxurious marble baths and pools that were built for the Sultan's family, today they can be rented by the hour
  • special thermal sauna
  • thermal pool 22*11*1.65 m with water temperature +38 C

The modern resort and its divisions are subordinated directly to the Turkish Ministry of Health, but many private hotels with thermal pools and healing hammams have been built near the health resort.

In addition to spa therapy, manual therapy, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, paraffin baths, etc. are widely used in Yalova. The thermal waters of Yalova springs have a temperature of 55 - 60 C, a pH value of 6.88 - 7.48, and according to its physical and chemical properties, the water is characterized as hyperthermal and hypertonic, contains significant amounts of sulfur, sodium and calcium.

What do Yalova thermal springs treat?

  • rheumatic diseases
  • systemic digestive diseases (including constipation)
  • metabolic pathologies (obesity, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, gout)
  • dermatological diseases
  • consequences of orthopedic operations
  • diseases of the liver, gallbladder and urinary tract
  • gynecological diseases
  • dental diseases (water is used as drinking water for tooth decay)
  • recovery in the postoperative period

As resort regulars say, there are three types of healing water in Yalova: water for the stomach (helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system); water for the eyes (treats eye diseases) and water for the feet (effectively helps with rheumatism and eczema).

Manual therapy in Yalova Termal

It is used to obtain a better result of treatment with thermal waters. Its main healing properties:

  • relaxation of the muscular system
  • antistress
  • improving blood circulation
  • improving body flexibility and range of motion
  • optimization of lymph circulation
  • improvement of nervous system functions
  • reduction of chronic pain
  • strengthening the immune system
  • significant rejuvenation and improvement of skin tone
  • reduction and normalization of blood pressure
  • reduced swelling and scar tissue

The most effective use of manual therapy in combination with thermal baths is in the spring.

Therapeutic methods and dosages for treatment with thermal waters

  • Swimming - 15-30 minutes
  • Thermal baths - temperature 34 - 35C, 36 - 38C, 38 - 40C, 40 - 42C
  • Regularity - either daily or with a break of 1-2 days
  • Number of treatment procedures - 15 - 20
  • Duration of treatment - 2 - 4 weeks
  • Bathing methods - full immersion, partial immersion, limb only immersion

Where to stay in Yalova Türkiye: best thermal hotels

    You can book the hotel you like by clicking on the link above, or on the hotel review page in Yalova. We do not take commission.

    The minimum cost of a hotel room in Yalova is 20 euros.

    Book a hotel in Yalova Termal

    Things to do in Yalova

  1. Gym (basketball, volleyball, table tennis, running tracks)
  2. Visit to historical hammams from Byzantine times
  3. Relaxing massage
  4. Hiking in the forest near the thermal spa.
  5. Health jogging with a visit to natural beauty - Üvezpınar waterfall, Gökçedere reservoir, cycling tours and excursions to world famous attractions - Sudüşen selalesi waterfall, Delmece mountain plateau, Iznik lake
  6. Bicycle tours in the surrounding area - the region and the city of Chynarcık (Turkish: Çınarcık) on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara, the small seaside town of Esneköy, acquaintance with the Karaca arboretum
  7. Horseback riding in the countryside, the nearest villages are Akkoy and Ortaburun, Yenimahalle.

From Yalova you can easily organize a wonderful excursion to the ancient Ottoman Bursa, visit its thermal springs and hammams, admire the Great Mosque, visit local historical museums, see the Green Tomb (Yeşil Türbe) - the tomb of the fifth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Mehmed I and the Green Mosque (Turkish: Yeşil Cami), decorated with Arabic script, - the Muslim temple is located opposite the tomb

Yalova Türkiye how to get to the thermal center Yalova Thermal

This amazing miracle of nature is located in a beautiful forest, 12 km from the center of Yalova, almost on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara.
Getting here is also quite easy - from Istanbul by sea by boat or ferry it will take about an hour (more details -

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Turkey's thermal resort of Yalova is a 2.5-hour drive from Istanbul and has been famous for its hot mineral springs since Ottoman times.

The healing springs of Yalova are located in the dendrological park and are guaranteed to cure diseases of the lungs, stomach, liver, eyes, as well as all kinds of skin and gynecological diseases.

In the territory thermal complex There are restaurants, bars, cafes, a department store, a television salon, a games room, a conference room for 230 people, a historical thermal outdoor pool, a sauna.

In Yalova, treatment of diseases is offered based on the complex use of pools and baths, underwater and simple massage, a course of ingesting water, visiting a Turkish bath and sauna.

The pride of the resort is its magnificent park, which contains thousands of unique plants and flowers. The thermal resort of Yalova is a wonderful place for physical and psycho-emotional relief of your body, the ringing mountain air, Turkish hospitality will leave an unforgettable impression on your soul about this paradise.

After treatment, it’s nice to walk around the complex with its luxurious botanical garden and breathe in the aroma of mountain forests. Accommodation offered Yalova Thermal Hotel", which is part of the well-known state hotel chain of Turkey "Turban".


  • rheumatism,
  • polyarthritis,
  • stomach diseases,
  • kidneys and intestines,
  • allergy,
  • urological disorders.

There are also several sources of drinking water on the territory, which are beneficial for the stomach, kidneys and intestines.

In Yalova, treatment of diseases is offered based on the complex use of pools and baths, underwater and simple massage, a course of ingesting water, visiting a Turkish bath and sauna.

The Yalova Thermal complex itself is located 11 km from the center of Yalova. On its territory there are two hotels (Camlik Yalova Thermal 3*+ and Termalium Wellness Park 3*+), one mini-hotel with 17 rooms Cınar, an outdoor hot mineral water pool (22*11 m, water temperature +38 °C) and indoor swimming pool, as well as a Turkish bath, “Sultan Baths” (26 separate baths), gym, tennis court, volleyball and basketball courts.

The Yalova Thermal health complex, located in a picturesque mountain gorge, has a fairly impressive territory.

It houses two hotels, “Camilik Yalova Thermal” and “Termalium Wellness Park”, mini hotel Cinar, outdoor and indoor swimming pools with hot mineral waters, a Turkish bath, several sports grounds for team sports, a tennis court and a gym traditional for such complexes. hall.

The local water, which can be drunk both from the tap and from the springs themselves, is rich in calcium, sodium chloride and fluoride.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, obesity, skin infectious diseases and many other health problems are effectively treated here. The resort has cafes, restaurants, and even a classic disco bar.

A local landmark is the house where the national hero-liberator of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, once stayed. From a specially equipped observation deck, you can see the picturesque landscapes, which are completed by the boundless expanse of the Sea of ​​Marmara, blue in the distance.

Water has a healing, relaxing effect on the body.

Recommended for: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, neuralgia of various types, metabolic diseases, obesity, skin diseases, as well as genitourinary diseases.

The resort fully complies with European standards.

The resort complex includes: two hotels, an outdoor pool of hot mineral waters, an indoor pool, a Turkish bath-sauna, Sultan's baths, consisting of 26 separate cabins, a tennis court, volleyball, basketball courts, a cafe-bar, a tavern, a casino, shops.

The pride of the resort is its magnificent park, which contains thousands of unique plants and flowers.

Thermal resort of Yalova a wonderful place for physical and psycho-emotional relief of your body, the ringing mountain air, Turkish hospitality will leave in your soul unforgettable impressions of this paradise of nature.

You can get to Yalova by ferry from Istanbul in 2.5 hours.

Prices in dollars - low season SNGL/DBL

Category Nutrition type of number 6 n. 7 n. 10 n. 12 n. 14 n.
Yalova Termal Hotel & Spa Boutique HB Standard 679 1236 742 1342 936 1666 1062 1878 1188 2090
Yalova Termal Hotel & Spa Boutique HB Standard Front 710 1273 778 1385 988 1730 1123 1953 1258 2177
Black Bird Termal Hotel & Spa 4* HB Standard 959 1424 1066 1555 1409 1993 1622 2255 1835 2516
Limak Termal Hotel Boutique HB Standard 1336 1812 1507 2013 2032 2629 2375 3031 2717 3434
Submit your application

Cost per room in Euro

Number of days/days

Children: 0-6 years - free, 7-11 years - third person in DBL

The tour price includes:

accommodation in a 3* hotel

BB food

medical insurance

the doctor's consultation

Additional charges:

l air flight Moscow - Istanbul - Moscow

l individual transfer (with ferry ticket), services of a Russian-speaking guide – 460 $ (1-4 people)

l NV - 17 $/person/day

Termalium Wellness Park Hotel

Cost per room inUSD

Number of days

Deti: 0-6 years old - free, 7-12 - 50% PPinDBL

The tour price includes:

accommodation in a 3* hotel

power supply

medical insurance

the doctor's consultation

Additional charges:

air flight Moscow - Istanbul - Moscow

individual transfer (with ferry ticket), services of a Russian-speaking guide – 460 $ (1-4 people)

In ancient times, people believed that underground hot water and steam had special powers. Belonging to the period of antiquity, the steles, built into the outer walls of the Kursunlu Turkish bath with mineral water, are bas-relief images of Hercules, the god of health Asklepios, nymphs, considered the spirits of hot water. For a long time, the inhabitants of Yalova worshiped these gods and spirits, the sick sought miraculous healing methods by falling asleep in the prayer house and contemplating dreams.

However, during the period of Christianity, the images of gods remaining from the times of idolatry were changed and they began to be called by the names of the Three Holy Sisters killed in these places.

Emperor Constantinos the First (312-337), who suffered from skin and stomach diseases, often came to the springs. Konstantinos ordered the construction of the Temple of the Archangel and a building for the rest of the sick. The emperor’s mother, Helena, also came here.

The Byzantine Emperor Justinianos (527-565) ordered during his reign the Temple of the Archangel and the building for the sick to be renovated and a new palace and public bath to be built next to the springs.

In 525, Empress Theodora came to the drinking springs, accompanied by four thousand people. Emperor Justinianos II from 565 to 577 was engaged in construction and improvement here,
Emperor Alexio the Third (1195-1203) also came to the springs, but after him interest in the mineral springs in Ialovo began to gradually decline.

During the Ottoman Empire, there was a revival of interest in the springs of Yalova, starting from the reign of Sultan Abdülmecit (1831-1861). After the healing of the Sultan’s mother Valide Sultan, who suffered from rheumatism, at the springs, increased attention to the springs began to return. Roads are being expanded, new baths and palaces are being built.

But during the Balkan War (1912-1923), the First World War (1914-1918) and the Liberation War (1919-1923), the forgotten springs were abandoned and turned into a landfill.

The fate of the hot mineral springs changed with the arrival of Ataturk in Yalovo on August 19, 1929. He really liked the mineral springs and did everything to turn them into a world famous health center.

The Yalova resort is located 12 km from the center of Yalova, 120 km from the international airport of Istanbul in a picturesque mountain gorge. The water contains sodium chloride, calcium sulfate and fluorides. The temperature at the outlet of the source is 57-60o C.

Thermal water is very effective in the treatment of rheumatism, polyarthritis, gastric diseases, especially indigestion, allergies, non-urological diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system, urological disorders and diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

The water temperature in the outdoor pool is constantly about 40 degrees, which has a beneficial effect on the body when swimming.

In Yalova, treatment of diseases is offered based on the complex use of pools and baths, underwater and simple massage, a course of ingesting water, visiting a Turkish bath and sauna.
On the territory of the thermal complex there are restaurants, bars, cafes, a department store, a television salon, a games room, a conference room for 230 people, a historical thermal outdoor pool, a sauna, “Sultan” baths with 26 cabins and “Bolide”, massage and wellness rooms, Sport halls. After treatment, it’s nice to walk around the complex with its luxurious botanical garden and breathe in the aroma of mountain forests.

For accommodation we offer the Yalova Thermal Hotel, which is part of the well-known state chain of hotels Turban. The small and very cozy hotel has 185 standard rooms equipped with a bathroom, telephone, TV, radio, minibar. The hotel has 24 hour service, meals - breakfast and dinner - buffet. The hotel has several restaurants and bars.

Yalova is a city and district in northwestern Turkey, the administrative center of the Yalova region. The city is located near the Sea of ​​Marmara.


The first settlement in the Yalova region appeared in the prehistoric period, around the 3rd millennium BC. e.; The Hittites ruled here around the 2nd millennium BC. e., then the region was captured by the Phrygians (c. 1200 BC). The Greeks founded the city of Pythia (Greek: Πυθια) here. In 74 BC. Pythia, together with the Bithynian coast, comes under the control of Rome.

After the division of the Roman Empire in 395, the area remained under the sovereignty of the Byzantine Empire and the city continued to be called Pythia. The thermal springs of Pythia were often visited by Greek emperors. In the late Middle Ages, the name Pytheas gradually fell out of use, but the subsequent Yalova most likely goes back to the Greek Yialos - “coast”. Temporarily, from the 1070s to 1097, the Yalova region came under the rule of the Seljuk Turks. In 1302, Yalova was one of the first territories captured from the Byzantines by the Ottoman Turks.

In 1912, there were 14,894 Greeks, 5,000 Muslims and 1,000 Armenians living here.

Notable residents

  • Lundemis, Menelaos (Greek: Μενέλαος Λουντέμης, 1912-1977) - famous Greek writer.