Comparative analysis of LED and incandescent lamps. Power ratio of LED lamps and incandescent lamps

IN Lately Many people are thinking about switching to LED. If previously there was one such parameter as power, now it is a full-fledged electronic lighting device with several main ones, a power supply on chips, light from warm to cold, and even three-color RGB.

Ignorance ratio LED lamps and incandescent lamps are used by unscrupulous sellers and manufacturers, for example, indicating a brightness of 800 lumens and declaring that it is analogous to a regular 100 W incandescent lamp.

  • 1. Power ratio table
  • 2. Tips for replacing incandescent light bulbs
  • 3. Energy Saving Correspondence Table
  • 4. Specialist comments, video
  • 5. Infographics
  • 6. Consumer characteristics

Power ratio table

The table shows the power ratio for LEDs with open diodes, that is, without a bulb, which reduces brightness by 15-20%.

The most common misconception is that a 10 W LED is equivalent to a 100 W incandescent lamp. But taking into account the fact that the matte bulb reduces the brightness by 20% and 1W is spent on heating the driver, then in the end we only get 7 useful watts, which will give 700-800 Lumens on average. Which completely falls short of the required 1300 Lm.

Example of a frosted flask

High-power diode bulbs use a bulb to protect your eyes, especially children, because they are blinding like welding.

An analogue of 100W incandescent will be two 650 Lumen diode lamps. When choosing, you should no longer focus on Watts, but use the number of Lumens according to the correspondence table. The brighter the diode, the larger its radiator should be. This is one of the indirect ways to determine power and select the correct equivalent.

1. You can also find long G13 LEDs on sale, which can replace mercury ones in fluorescent lamps, maintaining the current body.

2. If your lighting for the room has not yet been designed and installed, then in order to reduce the cost of lighting, you can install it. The panel measures 60 by 60 cm and is 1 cm thick without the power supply. It can be mounted on almost any ceiling using an overhead method. In return, we get a huge brightness of 3600 lm for 1250 rubles.

3. I prefer diode lamps in the form of corn, they have a good design and do not require a separate radiator for heat removal and a bulb. The only drawback is that they are open electrical contacts low voltage diodes.

Energy Saving Correspondence Table

Energy saving ones are most effective when permanent job, with frequent switching on and off, they consume several times more for heating, and at first they turn on at half the power.

Energy saving, W LED, W Light flux, Lm
4 3 250
9 5 400
13 8 650
20 14 1300
30 22 2100

Expert comments, video



Consumer characteristics

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Incandescent lamps have been used for a very long period of time, and LED analogues have become widely available not so long ago (more than ten years). Therefore, today many people are wondering which type of light source is better/more efficient/more profitable to use? To answer this question, make a comparison of the main parameters (power, brightness).

Differences in design and operating principle

All the advantages and disadvantages of both options (incandescent lamps, LED analogues) are due to their design features. The first of these options is distinguished by its simplicity of design and operating principle. So, the design includes: a glass bulb, a filament body (tungsten filament), holders, and a base.

The basis of the work is to heat the filament to high temperatures, which leads to the appearance of light radiation. One of the features of lamps of this type is the conversion electrical energy into thermal equivalent, which significantly reduces efficiency.

LED light sources, on the contrary, are characterized by a more complex design. Main components: built-in driver, stabilizing electrical parameters power source; base (threaded or pin, which is determined by the model of the lighting element); light emitting diodes in different quantities.

The principle of operation of this type of lighting elements is to convert electrical energy into a light equivalent. Such lamps can be connected to a 12 or 220 V power source. The second option requires the installation of a built-in driver, since the diode version must be powered from a DC source.

Comparison of main parameters

Determine for yourself best option lighting element can only be done by comparative analysis technical characteristics of both types.

The incandescent lamp will be considered first:

  • power can vary from 15 to 200 watts, which affects the efficiency and determines the intended purpose of the light source;
  • supply voltage – 220-240 V;
  • color temperature typically ranges from 2,700 to 3,200 K, the higher the value this parameter, the shorter the service life of the product;
  • shade of light – warm yellow;
  • luminous flux (directly dependent on power);
  • service life (average 1,000 hours);
  • the dispersion angle is 360 degrees for all versions thanks to a completely open diffuser.

LED versions are characterized by similar parameters, but with different indicators:

  • the power is extremely low (from several units to several tens of watts);
  • supply voltage (12 or 220 V);
  • color temperature varies over a very wide range (from 2,700 to 6,000 K and even higher, depending on the model and its intended purpose), while the product produces warm, cold or neutral light;
  • the luminous flux at low power is equivalent to that of a high-power incandescent lamp;
  • duration of operation (from 30,000 to 100,000 hours), but the maximum limit is achievable only under ideal operating conditions;
  • The dispersion angle varies from 120 to 360 degrees, which is influenced by the design of the lamp.

Comparing the above characteristics, you can see that LED light sources are superior to incandescent lamps in many respects.

Power Correspondence Table

Despite the fact that each type of light source has its own set of parameters, the comparison of the two lighting elements under consideration is primarily made on the basis of the power of each of them.

The correspondence table looks like this:

By looking at the data provided, you can determine the most economical light source without additional calculations. Without a doubt, this is an LED lamp.

Review of pros and cons

Considering light sources based on diodes, one can note their cost-effectiveness and high efficiency, which is due to the intense luminous flux at minimum value power. In addition, this performance is characterized by very long period operation.

Considering that the service life of an incandescent lamp is on average 1,000 hours, and the operating life of a diode analogue is 50,000 hours (average value), we can determine that 50 pcs can be used for the maximum period (50,000 hours). incandescent light bulbs and only one diode-based unit.

But LED versions also have disadvantages. First of all, these include high cost. Under certain conditions (intensive use), we can talk about a relatively quick payback for such a purchase (2-3 years).

Both types of light sources are distinguished by pleasant lighting, but unlike an incandescent lamp, diode versions are available in a wider range of models with different color temperatures.

It should also be noted that there is no need for maintenance of diode-based light bulbs, again, due to their long-term operation. However, towards the end of the operating period, such lighting elements are characterized by a significant decrease in efficiency, which is due to the natural process of degradation (crystal clouding).

Thus, the correspondence table makes it possible to evaluate the difference in the power values ​​of the light sources under consideration. And the comparison will not be in favor of versions with incandescent filament.

In addition to the above pros and cons, you can also focus on the efficiency of lighting elements. Light bulbs with incandescent filaments get very hot, as a result, less than 50% of the energy expended is spent on lighting, which is due to the conversion of electricity into thermal equivalent. The efficiency of diode light bulbs is much higher due to their low heating.

When choosing a fluorescent (usually called energy-saving) or LED lamp, many buyers are guided by the inscription on the packaging indicating the power of an incandescent light bulb it can replace. But this approach is erroneous, since manufacturing companies often overestimate the technical indicators of their products.

So what is the right thing to do and what to pay attention to when choosing an LED lamp instead of a burnt-out fluorescent or incandescent lamp?

Table of correspondence between power and luminous flux

Unlike light bulbs with a spiral, the main selection criterion for which is power (W), you need to buy LED lamps based on luminous flux (lm). It is this physical quantity that indicates how much light power a particular light source emits. By the way, the packaging of all currently produced incandescent lamps also indicates the value luminous flux. The buyer just needs to learn how to correctly compare watts and lumens. And to make this task easier, below is a table of power and luminous flux for the three main types of lamps.

Incandescent lamp CFL LED lamp Light flow
20 W 5–7 W 2–3 W ~200 lm
40 W 10–13 W 4–5 W ~400 lm
60 W 15–16 W 8–10 W ~700 lm
75 W 18–20 W 10–12 W ~900 lm
100 W 20–25 W 12–15 W ~1200 lm
150 W 40–50 W 18–20 W ~1800 lm
200 W 60–80 W 25–30 W ~2500 lm

From the comparison table it follows that a 100 W incandescent light bulb should be replaced with a 12-15 W LED light bulb. Why? Because their luminous fluxes are approximately equal and amount to 1200–1400 lm. At the same time, on the front side of the packaging of many LED lamps you can see 10 W = 100 W. But it’s worth looking at the table with technical parameters LED bulb, as you can immediately see the discrepancy in luminous flux.

In addition, the buyer must take into account 2 more important nuances:

  • the light output of warm LED lamps (2700°K) is approximately 20% lower than that of similar neutral lamps (4000°K);
  • the plastic diffuser bulb “eats” up to 10% of the emitted light. The exception is with a transparent glass bulb, in which there are no scattering losses.

If you wish, you can independently calculate the approximate luminous flux of an LED lamp. To do this, you should use an empirical relationship: for every 1 watt of power consumed, the lamp emits about 100 lm. It is also necessary to subtract the energy losses on the driver (approximately 1 watt) and on the diffuser (approximately 100 lumens). As a result, it turns out that a 10 W light bulb creates a luminous flux of about 800 lm.

It is worth noting that the efficiency of LEDs is growing every year. Therefore, new models of LED lamps will have greater luminous power.

Why such difference?

To answer this question, let's briefly look at the operating principle of each type of light bulb and compare their energy consumption. In an incandescent light bulb, the working element is a tungsten filament, which must be heated to 2000-3400°C to make it glow brightly. At the same time, approximately 95% of the lamp’s power consumption is spent maintaining the temperature of the coil, which means its efficiency will be only about 5%.

The operating principle of a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) is to produce UV radiation by passing current through mercury vapor and then converting it into visible light using a phosphor layer. The energy efficiency of modern CFLs is approximately 5 times higher than their filament counterpart.

In LED light bulbs, light is produced by passing current through a pn junction and then passing it through a phosphor. The ratio of light energy and total power of LED lamps latest generation can reach 30%. But there is no exact efficiency value for all LED bulbs, since it greatly depends on the type of LEDs and driver used.

Summing up

The power of the LED lamp, when choosing, is not a paramount value. Much more important is the luminous flux it emits. The same point applies to energy-saving CFLs. If you approach replacing burnt out sources artificial light for LED analogs is more pedantic, then in addition to comparing light fluxes, it is necessary to take into account the pulsation coefficient, color rendering index and a number of other points, described in detail in the article. It is also recommended to pay attention to design features the lamp in which the light bulb will be used.

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Since invention light bulb More than 200 years have passed ( Conventional light bulbs provide excellent light, but are very energy inefficient - 95% of their energy is converted into heat. Fun fact: after the ban on the sale of light bulbs more powerful than 100 W, manufacturers, as if nothing had happened, continue to produce them, but they call them not light bulbs, but “heat emitters” and in essence they are right.

About ten years ago compact fluorescent lamps appeared energy-saving lamps( They are five times more efficient than conventional light bulbs, but have many disadvantages: the lamp bulb contains dangerous mercury, the light of the lamp has an uncomfortable spectrum, the lamp takes a long time to flare up, gaining brightness, in the cold the brightness of such lamps decreases tens of times, usually such lamps cannot work with brightness controls and switches with built-in indicator.

With the advent of bright white LEDs, the new kind light bulbs ( At first LED light bulbs were very expensive, now light for a regular E27 base it costs 250-450 rubles. Such lamps are 8-10 times more efficient than conventional incandescent lamps and, if properly designed, are very durable. They also have disadvantages: the direction of light, an uncomfortable spectrum, increased dimensions compared to a regular light bulb, but manufacturers are trying to overcome all these disadvantages and they are starting to succeed.

In Chinese online stores, LED light bulbs are almost the most popular product, but, alas, the quality of the vast majority of these lamps is very low - the power and brightness do not correspond to the declared ones (sometimes several times), the color is unpleasant to the eyes, the lighting angle is narrow.

Therefore, today I will talk about a good light bulb, bought in Moscow for 390 rubles. The lamp is called FlexLED "LED-E27-7W-WW". As far as I understand, FlexLed is a private brand of the F-center store chain, where the light bulb was purchased.

Thanks to the shape of the frosted diffuser, the angle of light of this lamp is almost the same as that of a conventional light bulb.

The LED light bulb is longer than a regular one due to the base with a driver (driver - electronic board, providing power to the LEDs).

The parameters on the box are:

Power consumption - 7 W (actually it turned out to be 7.2 W)
Luminous flux - 485 Lm
Color temperature - 2700K
CRI Ra=80
Duration of work - 40,000 hours.
Replacement of incandescent lamp - 50 W.

At first glance, it may seem that the luminous flux of this lamp is too low for 7 W (another lamp from the F-center - FoxLine, at the same 7 W, indicated 600 Lm, and the Chinese often write 700 Lm on 7-watt light bulbs). In fact, the light bulb actually produces less light than FoxLine and a 60-watt incandescent lamp, but its light is very comfortable. Really great beam angle and very nice color, a little whiter than incandescent.

I took two shots in my still unrenovated bathroom. The shooting parameters are the same: ISO 125, F1.8, 1/60, white balance 3500K. On the left is a 60 W incandescent lamp, on the right is FoxLine 7 W.

Although the light bulb produces less light, it was quite enough for the bathroom. The manufacturer indicates an equivalent of 50 W, I would say that it is more likely to be 55 W.

I measured the illumination in three points: on the shelf in front of the mirror, on the surface of the cabinet directly opposite the lamp and in the center of the wall above the bathtub.

As you can see from the label, an LED bulb is less bright than a 60-watt incandescent bulb, but much brighter than a 40-watt one.

Unlike Chinese light bulbs, FlexLed works normally with a switch that has a built-in indicator - it does not light up or flash when the switch is off.

The light bulb has taken root in the bathroom, I will need to buy the same one for the toilet.

In conclusion, I will provide a calculation of the savings from replacing a 60-watt lamp with a 7-watt LED lamp.

Let’s assume that the lamp burns for one hour per day, and the cost of electricity is 4 rubles per 1 kWh.
Regular 60W: 365x0.06=21.9 kW x 4 = 86.6 rub.
LED 7W: 365x0.007=2.56 kW x 4 = 10.22 rub.

Thus, when used for one hour a day, the LED lamp will pay for itself only after five years. By the way, in this mode of use, the LED lamp should last 109 years.

If the lamp burns around the clock, the picture changes dramatically:
Regular 60W: 365x24x0.06=525.6 kW x 4 = 2102.4 rub.
LED 7W: 365x24x0.007=61.32 kW x 4 = 245.28 rub.

With round-the-clock use, an LED lamp will pay for itself already in the third month of use and will save 2,000 rubles every year, taking into account the fact that conventional light bulbs will have to be changed every month and a half, and an LED lamp should work continuously for 9 years.

p.s. I already wrote about the FoxLine "FL-A60-7W-3000K" light bulb from F-center (

In order to save energy, many consumers have long abandoned incandescent lamps (ILVs) and switched to energy-saving fluorescent analogues. With the development of technology and the introduction of innovative solutions into production, alternative light sources have appeared on sale - LED lamps (LED). They are several times more economical than conventional ones and fluorescent lamps(LL). When choosing this product, it is not enough to be guided only by power; you need to know the main characteristics and determine the operating conditions.

LED lamp: design and main technical characteristics

An LED lamp is a light source, the emission of which is carried out through the use of several LEDs connected in one circuit. Unlike other types of lamps, it does not use a tungsten filament, various gases, mercury and other components dangerous to human life. It is an environmentally friendly device that does not emit harmful substances during operation or failure. In terms of its energy-saving indicators, it is the most economical among its analogues. Can be used to illuminate streets, industrial or residential facilities and premises.

The design of this light bulb consists of the following elements: diffuser, LEDs, circuit board, radiator, power supply, housing and base. The last element can have two cartridge sizes: E14 (small) and E27 (large).

When choosing, you must be guided by the values ​​of the main characteristics:

  • Luminous flux is measured in lm (lumens). The amount of light that spreads in all directions from a light source.
  • Power, unit of measurement W. The amount of energy consumed per unit of time.
  • Color temperature of the glow, unit of measurement K. Determines the color of the luminous flux emanating from the radiation source. Incandescent lamps are mostly 3000K, which is a “warm”, yellowish tint. LED light sources come in different colors, from 3000K to 6500K (“cold” color, with a slight admixture of blue).
  • Light output, measured in lm/W. A characteristic that determines the efficiency and economy of a light source. Products different manufacturers, it is, of course, different.
  • Heating temperature, unit °C. Points to operating temperature heating the glass surface of the lamp.
  • Service life is measured in hours. Determines the maximum service life under optimal conditions declared by the manufacturer.
  • Color rendering index, CRI. Measured from 0 to 100 points. For optimal human perception of color rendition from a light source, the more points, the higher. A value of 80 CRI is considered normal.

Two LED lamps with the same power may differ in luminous flux and glow temperature.

This variety energy saving light bulbs can be produced in two types: standard (pear-shaped) and in the form of “corn”. This factor must be taken into account when replacing the light source in the lamp. Last view It is not recommended to use it, since in this design the LEDs are located on the outside.

Comparison of LED lamps and incandescent lamps

For household use a person uses LN with a rated power of 40, 60, 100 W. Let's analyze the correspondence of LED lamps to incandescent lamps. The results are presented in the correspondence table. From the data obtained, it follows that the declared LN corresponds to the power of LED lamps of 5, 7 and 13 W, which is more than 8 times less.

The rest of their technical indicators are almost equivalent. Obvious advantage SL lies in their power consumption and service life. Thus, replacing a conventional light bulb in a lamp with this energy-saving light source is economically justified, which is primarily confirmed by the ratio of LED lamps to incandescent lamps.

Performance Comparison

Lighting is mainly used in dark time days when a person is in a state of rest and rest. For these conditions, soft (warm) lighting is considered favorable light. This corresponds to a color temperature of 2100–3500 K. Therefore, the emitted yellowish light from LN is better suited than the white light from SL. The luminous flux emitted by the LED contains blue color, which has a negative effect on human vision, especially on the unformed lens of a child’s eye. Light bulbs with a blue spectrum in their radiation are recommended for lighting office workspaces, as they stimulate human activity and productivity. Also Negative influence The optic nerve is affected by the flickering of LED lamps. This is due to the low quality of assembly and components of the power supply, as well as voltage surges and surges.

Before purchasing SL, make sure that the pulsation of the light flux is no more than 5%.

When choosing an alternative light source, you must be guided not only by the power of LED and incandescent lamps, but also by other technical characteristics and factors. The high price of SL is compensated by subsequent savings Money to pay for consumed electricity and long service life. And the absence high temperature heating the outer surface and releasing harmful substances into environment during operation increases product safety.


To save electricity, there are alternative light sources to incandescent lamps - LED lamps. This article presents the main characteristics that influence their use. Above is a table comparing the power of incandescent lamps and LED lamps. When choosing a light source, performance characteristics must also be taken into account. We hope this article will help you make the right decision.
