Satellite TV mts on which satellite. Connection and installation of satellite television from mts

Began to distribute leaflets with the official presentation of the satellite platform.

The operator continues to position its services as a new generation television, which can be connected from anywhere in the Russian Federation. He promises fast installation equipment and easy access to the maximum number unique services. All that is required from subscribers is to press a couple of buttons on the remote control.

The number of TV channels remains the same - 130, 30 of which are available in high definition. special attention deserves the fact that it is not littered with many TV shops and TV channels that are not of interest to the Russian audience. The operator guarantees the presence of the most rated content.

The cost is 8500 rubles.

If desired, subscribers can connect additional packages: "HD" (for 149 rubles per month), (99 rubles). So far, there are only 2 of them, but over time, the operator promised to add "Informative", "Children's" and "Film" packages.

Details about MTS Satellite TV services

Recall that the official presentation of the MTS satellite platform has recently taken place. We published information about equipment, connection costs, packages and tariffs in the last review. Now let's take a look at additional services and operator services.

Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet is a service that allows users to access global network straight from the TV screens. The operator provides the possibility of distributing 3G Internet. For these purposes, the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bequipped. The function is useful for those subscribers who are deprived of access to wired network. The daily traffic quota is 1GB. And if users want to increase the speed, you can connect to the Turbo button option.

Interactive Services

Interactive services include the most common services. Users will be able to get acquainted with the weather forecast, exchange rates, news and even information about traffic congestion. News is divided into categories. The weather can be displayed in full screen or as a widget. Users can customize the display brief information in the form of date, current day of the week, temperature, pressure, etc.

Repeat TV allows you to watch recordings of programs that were on TV on the current or previous day.

TV recording allows you to record programs on external media. This can be done in real time or in delayed view.

TV programme allows you to get acquainted with detailed descriptions feature films, sort them by genre, directors and actors, set reminders.

TV pause- the ability to pause viewing and continue it from the moment the broadcast was stopped.
Video on Demand gives you access to popular movies and movies that just hit theaters.

media player makes it possible to view photos, videos and listen to music on the console.

Parental control - a function that will protect the child from watching unwanted programs. Restrictions can be set on any channels.

The management of additional services is carried out by means of a TV guide using a remote control.

Satellite TV is the opportunity to receive a variety of TV channels in remote parts of our country. One of the most popular satellite TV providers is the operator cellular communication MTS. After purchasing the necessary kit, users often ask the question of how to independently set up satellite TV from MTS. The procedure is not particularly difficult, therefore, using our recommendations, it is quite possible to cope with it on your own.

What is satellite TV MTS

The satellite of the MTS company is characterized by an extensive coverage area covering about 95% of the territory of the Russian Federation. Subscribers have full access to 245 channels high definition HDTV format and high-speed Internet networks 3G and 4G.

A stable signal is provided by the modern satellite ABS-2, 75 E, recently launched by MTS. The satellite is equipped with powerful transponders that provide confident reception on a plate with a diameter of 0.6 to 0.8 meters.

Installing the antenna guarantees the owner:

  • steady signal High Quality regardless of the place of installation;
  • ease of installation and configuration;
  • a package of various TV channels;
  • possibility WiFi connections without the use of additional devices;
  • a set of interactive features: weather, news, exchange rate, social networks and popular sites;
  • automatic software update;
  • the ability to watch movies on an individual schedule, without waiting for their release;
  • TV guide function with additional information about ongoing and planned TV shows.

Equipment selection

Red satellite dish for TV from MTS - stylish and efficient

To connect satellite TV from MTS, you need a standard set of equipment, as well as for television from other operators:

  • plate;
  • receiver for HD-format signals;
  • SMART card MTS;
  • converter module;
  • coaxial cable;
  • F-type connectors;
  • fasteners.

What is necessary

There are no difficulties in setting up MTS satellite TV. You don’t even need special equipment to detect a satellite signal, it’s enough to have a smartphone with an application downloaded from the official website.

You can also determine the position of the satellite using the wizard on the MTS website or directly in the set-top box menu:

  • On the MTS website, go to the "Satellite TV" section. Then we find the "Settings" tab. Next, open the "Coverage Map" window and the "Settings Wizard". Here we type own address. A map of the area is displayed indicating the angle of the antenna.
  • When using the receiver menu to determine the direction, go to the "Settings" tab and then "Antenna settings". Select the desired city from the list that appears. A compass image will appear on the screen indicating the desired angles. The direction of the antenna is set by a conventional mechanical or electronic compass installed in the gadget.
  • Having determined the position of the satellite, it is necessary to point the antenna at it. During installation, care should be taken to ensure that the signal is not obstructed by trees, buildings, or other obstructions. The antenna is directed strictly at the recommended angle. Deviation of the head even a couple of centimeters will lead to a loss of signal quality.

The process of setting up MTS satellite TV

Set-top box for satellite TV from MTS has a conservative design

After installing the antenna and connecting the cable to the set-top box, we proceed to set up the signal:

  • Turn on the console and wait for the download.
  • Open the "Settings" menu, then select "Antenna Settings".
  • A scale appears on the screen of the TV receiver, reflecting the signal level. Good quality is indicated by a line Green colour. Rotation of the antenna must be carried out until this happens.
  • After the scale is completely filled with saturated green color, we finally fix the antenna.

For ease of setup, it is necessary to perform all the steps together, so that one person directs the antenna, and the other controls the signal level in the apartment.

Receiver setup

After setting the maximum strong signal by adjusting the antenna, we proceed to the direct adjustment of the equipment. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • We go through the authorization of the equipment to receive full access to MTS TV services. The receiver is equipped with a built-in GSM-module with the ability to transfer data via the Internet. You need to make sure that this function is in the active state in the receiver settings.
  • With an active GSM module, authorization of the connected equipment is performed in automatic mode. If at the time of authorization any function is not available, the procedure is performed when help SMS or call the contact center.
  • After authorization of the equipment, we search for channels through the corresponding menu. We first switch the TV to the DVB-S2 signal reception mode.

Full access to MTS satellite TV services is possible subject to a signed agreement with the operator. Until the signed contract comes into force, the services will operate in trial mode.

Setting features depending on the brand of TV

Setting up your TV to search for satellite TV channels is easy

To connect satellite TV, you will need a DVB-S / S2 tuner with a CI slot in your TV receiver. TVs released after 2012 are equipped with it. If the receiver is old, you will need to purchase a set-top box with the function of receiving an HD signal.

Tuning is done automatically or manually, depending on the specific television receiver. As an example, consider this process for Samsung TV with SMART TV function:

  • Go to the "Menu" tab and select the "Broadcast" line.
  • In the window that opens, select the "Auto-tuning" item.
  • Press the "Start" button. Mode - "Full". The scanning process starts.
  • The TV is searching for all available channels from the connected MTS receiver.

Older models are tuned in manual mode. The process goes like this:

  • On the TV remote, press "Menu".
  • In the window that opens, click "Channel" - "Antenna". Change the setting to "Cable".
  • The Country tab opens. In it, the TV receiver will prompt you to enter a password. By default, the password 0000 is set in the receivers. In the list of countries, select Russia or Eastern Europe.
  • Go to the section " cable channels". It can be located in the main menu or in the "Auto settings" tab.
  • In the section, we set the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the beginning and end of the search: 29800KHz-362000KHz. The remaining values ​​in the menu are already set automatically.
  • Select the "Auto settings" - "Digital TV" window and click the "Next" button.
  • Open the search mode and hammer "Network". With the "Search" button, we turn on the process of scanning available channels.
  • After scanning is complete, click OK. The channels found by the receiver will be saved automatically.

What can go wrong

In the process of connecting the MTS TV receiver or searching for channels by the TV, technical failures may occur. You can diagnose and correct the situation as follows:

  • The display shows "No signal". The reason may be cable damage or weather conditions.
  • When the inscription "No channels" appears, we reset the settings to the factory settings and start the connection process again.
  • We also reset the settings if the image on the screen and the sound do not match.
  • When the TV searched for channels, but did not find many, you need to update, that is, start a new search.
  • The receiver gives an error code "E". Scroll possible errors can be viewed on the MTS website.
  • If the screen displays an error code starting with a different letter, the TV is faulty.

You can independently connect and configure the satellite TV antenna from MTS, having minimal skills in working with tools and using detailed instructions from this article. If there is any doubt that the process will be successful, it is better to contact the master. Improper installation and configuration of equipment can lead to damage and significant material costs for its repair.

Cable communications are far from being available to all residents of Russia, while many people have a desire to watch the best television channels in good quality. The way out of this situation is to connect satellite television which is available even in the most remote corners of the planet. In Russia, satellite television services are provided by many providers, including MTS. appeared relatively recently, but many have already managed to evaluate its advantages, while the number of new subscribers is increasing daily. If you have just purchased the kit, then very soon you will have to figure out how to set up MTS satellite TV. Of course, except for those cases when you decide to hire a specialist to perform these works.

Of course, if possible, it is better to seek help from an appropriate specialist who will install and configure the equipment.. MTS does not provide such a person, so customers are forced to deal with this issue on their own. Of course, there is a fee for such services, and not a small one. If you do not want to pay or in your locality there is no suitable wizard, you can set up satellite TV from MTS yourself. It is quite real, and you do not need special equipment. No one guarantees that you will certainly cope with the task, but it's worth a try.

What you need to set up satellite TV MTS

Many are convinced that setting up satellite television is an incredibly complex procedure that requires special equipment, so you can’t do without a specialist. In fact, everything is much simpler. Of course, no one will argue that everything is extremely simple, but there is nothing impossible here either. Many are most concerned about the issue of special equipment needed to find a satellite. Don’t worry, you don’t need to buy any special devices, any smartphone is enough. Of course, before setting up MTS satellite TV, you need to find out what exactly you need and prepare everything in advance. Don't worry, the list won't be long.

To set up MTS satellite television, you will need:

  • Directly the set of satellite TV MTS;
  • Working tool for mounting the antenna;
  • A satellite search application installed on a smartphone (for example, SatFinder);
  • TV or projector.

You don't need any additional devices. Basically, even if you don't have a smartphone, you can still locate the satellite. This can be done through the setup wizard on the MTS website or in the set-top box menu.

  • Important
  • If you are not confident in your own abilities, do not risk the equipment and contact a specialist.

Setting up satellite TV MTS

Before you set up MTS satellite TV, think it over again on your own. You must be aware that no one will compensate you for damaged equipment if you damage it during the self-installation process. If you are confident in your abilities and realize possible risk, then you can proceed with the installation of the antenna and tuning. Ideally, if you have an assistant. It will be much more convenient if, in the process of adjusting the antenna, someone monitors the quality of the picture. So, let's consider how the process of installing and configuring satellite television from MTS goes. By the way, if you prefer visual instruction, then at the end of the article there is a corresponding video.

  • Important
  • The MTS satellite dish must be turned to the south, otherwise you will not be able to catch the signal.

Follow these steps to install the antenna:

  1. Choose a suitable place to install the dish. It should be in the line of sight of the satellite, that is, there should not be high-rise buildings or tall trees around that can interfere with signal reception;
  2. Assemble the satellite dish following the instructions that came with the kit;
  3. Install the bracket in a predetermined place and attach the plate to it (do not fasten all the bolts, otherwise you will not be able to fine-tune the equipment);
  4. Attach the converter, connect the cable to it and pull it into the apartment, then connect it to the set-top box.

Mounting satellite dish completed. Be sure to check that everything is securely fixed. After fine tuning it is necessary to tighten the remaining bolts so that the antenna does not change position in bad weather. Often, subscribers complain that the signal disappears during the wind. As a rule, the reason is poor fixation of the satellite dish. So, after mounting the antenna, you can start setting up the equipment. As mentioned, for a precise definition, you can use special applications for a smartphone or a setup wizard on the MTS website. In our example, the SatFinder program is used.

To set up MTS satellite TV, follow these steps:

  • Download and run the SatFinder application (the program is free);
  • Turn on the transfer of location data on your smartphone to connect with GPS;
  • Select satellite ABS 2 - 75 E;
  • The program will show the direction of the antenna, as well as calculate the angles of elevation and azimuth;
  • Point the plate in the right direction;
  • Turn on the set-top box, then open the menu item Settings - Antenna settings;
  • A scale will appear that displays the signal level. If the scale is filled to the maximum, nothing needs to be done. Otherwise, rotate the antenna until the scale is full.

After completing the above steps and reaching the maximum signal, you can securely fix the antenna and proceed with the authorization of the equipment. The most convenient way to authorize is by calling help center. we have already told. That's all, we hope you managed to install and configure MTS satellite TV without any problems.

Currently, MTS, in addition to services mobile communications and the Internet, offers its customers a television service. By installing a satellite dish, you can watch broadcasts from all over the world. You can use the device not only in the city, but also in a country house or country house anywhere in the country, since it is difficult to find a place on the map that is not included in the company's coverage area. Installation and configuration of the MTS satellite dish can be done both independently and with the involvement of specialists. Special difficulties this procedure does not call.

Key advantages of the device

The MTS satellite dish allows the user to receive the following benefits:

  • Thanks to modern technologies and use latest materials, the satellite television signal received by the antenna remains stable, regardless of where the receiver is located: in the city or outside it;
  • Installation and configuration of the MTS satellite dish can be done independently, since it does not require any special knowledge and skills;
  • Large package of channels available. The user can choose from sports, scientific, children's channels, as well as channels for business and entertainment;
  • Together with the antenna, a compact set-top box and a 3G modem with a wide range of functions are supplied, which allow you to watch satellite TV in HD format and change the angle of its location for best quality reception;
  • The parameters of the device can be controlled without any additional devices. Enough built-in access point via WiFi;
  • Usability smart features TV (if the TV has such a function), which is achieved due to the high bandwidth channel mobile internet(as a result, the data transfer rate can reach 1 GB per second);
  • Ability to record interesting program if you can't watch it live.

To take advantage of the listed advantages of MTS TV, you should purchase and properly configure a satellite dish from MTS.

The composition of the MTS TV set

The list of devices that allow you to take advantage of all the benefits of mobile satellite television includes:

  • The receiver, which is, in fact, a 3G modem. It must provide a stable connection to the Internet, as well as be able to receive and process HD-format signals. Instead of a modem, you can use a TV set-top box of a certain modification or the TV itself, if it is equipped with the appropriate devices;
  • "Dish", which receives a signal from the satellite;
  • Converter. Its task is to process the signal and transmit it to the TV. If it does not work correctly, the image will be unstable or of poor quality;
  • Devices for fastening a satellite "dish". In addition to reliability, they must be able to change its angle in order to ensure stable reception of various channels;
  • Cable connecting antenna and TV.

Note! It is recommended to purchase the entire kit in the assembly from official sellers. Since the device is technically complex, it is covered by a warranty, and if you buy it cheaper from the hands or on the market, you may encounter problems during operation. In addition, the purchase of the entire kit from an official seller guarantees its assembly (the coincidence of all elements) and significantly saves installation time.

Preparatory stage

Before you set up satellite TV, you should perform a number of actions:

  • Locate the satellite. For this, it is recommended to use special program"SatFinder", which can be downloaded from the website of a service center or a specialized store;
  • Select the location where the antenna will be installed. The ideal place is the roof, because there it can be rotated around its axis and the angle can be changed to ensure a stable reception of the signal. In addition, the higher the device is located, the less various obstacles that interfere with its path, which also improves the signal quality;
  • Collect all devices in single system. After the antenna is assembled, you can proceed to install and configure it yourself.

Before installing the device on a roof or other selected place, you should prepare all the fixing devices (they are supplied in the kit) and the necessary hardware (screws, dowel-nails, etc.), and also check the plug connectors for connecting the system elements to each other .

Mounting the antenna

The quality of the signal will depend on how correctly the “dish” is installed, so maximum attention should be paid to this issue so as not to redo the work in the future.

The sequence of actions during installation is as follows:

  1. Determine the place where the "plate" will be attached. If the device is mounted on a wall, then it should be possible to point the antenna mirror to the south. When mounting on a roof, it is recommended to make sure that there are no higher buildings or structures in the field of view that could interfere with the signal;
  2. Assemble the device in accordance with the requirements of the instructions. All elements must be securely connected to each other;
  3. Installing the bracket for mounting the "plate". This will require a drill and reliable dowel-nails. Using a drill, it is necessary to drill holes in the surface where the device will be attached, and then fix the bracket on it using dowel-nails;
  4. Attaching the satellite dish to the bracket. It is not worth fixing it completely, because when setting up installed antenna you need to turn it to improve the signal quality;
  5. Assemble the converter and point its head at the satellite. The final step is to connect the cable of the outdoor module of the device to the set-top box.

After that, you can proceed to setting up the antenna. To do this, you will need to check all cable connections and turn on the set-top box in the network.

System Setup

It is quite possible to set up MTS television on your own. You should proceed to this stage only after the installation of the dish itself and checking its direction towards the satellite is completed. Before you start setting up television equipment, you should connect the set-top box to the TV using special cable and a separate plug. If there is a cam-module in the kit, it should be installed directly on the TV.

If all the steps for installing the device were performed correctly, the equipment will be configured automatically. The user only needs to do the following:

  • install the sim card in the set-top box;
  • start the process of analyzing the 3G signal, wait for the completion of this process;
  • to authorize the equipment, while viewing channels must be allowed within 5 days (before the end of this period, all required documents should be provided to the operator);
  • create a user profile, set age restrictions if necessary;
  • to configure the channels, after the completion of the search procedure, a list of them should appear on the screen.

Important! To figure out how to install the MTS satellite dish yourself and how to set up a stable signal reception, it is recommended to use the instructions. If you have any questions, you should contact a specialist who can always suggest ways to improve signal quality and answer other questions. Authorization is performed in two ways: via SMS or a call to the operator.

So, self-installation and setting up MTS TV is quite possible. You can find out how to install the device from the manufacturer's instructions or by looking at various videos in the Internet. They quite clearly demonstrate the process of assembling the elements of the device, the order of their connection to each other and connection to the system. One of the most difficult procedures is the installation of the satellite mirror. To ensure a stable signal, it has to be rotated frequently. This requires an assistant who will change the position of the "plate" while the user evaluates the quality of the image on the TV screen. In case of any difficulties, you should immediately contact service center. This will avoid serious damage equipment and situations in which the warranty would be invalid.


High technologies are advancing by leaps and bounds, and denying yourself some innovative benefits is stupid, even if you plan to spend your leisure time somewhere in the countryside silence (and in most cases, the wilderness). you won’t surprise anyone on a wooden house, so connoisseurs of high-quality TV can only decide on a provider that will serve your “dish”.

In the market of this kind of services, there is a serious struggle for each client, which allows an ordinary user to make his own (albeit not rich) choice in favor of one or another service provider. MTS satellite TV channels were among the first to start their work, which gave a significant advantage over other participants " big three". Moreover, in addition to the usual viewing of television channels, a considerable functional range is available to the subscriber.

Let's try to figure out what MTS satellite TV is: tariffs, functionality, services, prices and reviews ordinary users along with expert opinion.


Television broadcasting occurs at the expense of a spacecraft in near orbit (satellite ABS-2). The point of standing of the device is located approximately above the center of Eurasia, which makes satellite television channels available almost throughout Russia - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. This is one of the significant advantages of the company, while other market participants have devices that are displaced to the eastern or western part of the continent, which do not allow reliable reception of a signal in some regions.


One of the main advantages that MTS satellite TV has (user reviews mention this advantage more than once) is interactivity. This is the first time the company has offered such a service on the TV market: “smart” set-top boxes are used to receive the signal, which combine the support of several services (satellite, mobile and fixed-line communications).

A convenient proprietary interface from MTS allows you to manage an interactive program guide directly from the TV screen, see exchange rates, read news feeds and even get information about traffic jams in your city.

And all additional features, which are included in the MTS, are very well developed. For example, the weather widget popular with many users is displayed as a small insert on the screen, but if you need detailed overview, available detailed information a week ahead. It is possible to customize the widget exactly to your needs and requests: cloudiness, precipitation, wind, pressure, humidity, sunset, sunrise, and more.

Other services can be configured in the same way. For example, it is possible to complete the news widget by category and importance of events, and view exchange rate changes in real time on a dynamic chart. And this is only a small part of the advantages for which the owners have already fallen in love with MTS satellite TV. User reviews about the interactive capabilities of the set-top box are extremely positive, so there is simply nothing to complain about on this item.


It is also worth noting the extended functionality that is available during TV broadcasts. In addition to the standard assistant (which is broadcast in this moment and after), the service additionally helps the user to navigate the channel names, genres, find something by keywords, etc. If you are interested in a specific topic, you can pre-form your playlist on all channels by keywords (Settings satellite channels-> Lists -> Add to playlist -> Search by keyword), which is very convenient.

Another convenient and extremely useful feature- sorting programs by time and subject. You can also find out details about the films being broadcast: cast, release date, budget, number of Oscars, etc. That is, the setting of satellite channels will occur according to your filters. You can group broadcasts alphabetically or give out channels only with the participation of an actor.

It is also possible to set a reminder of your favorite show. Moreover, the response will not only be on your TV, but will also come in the form short message by phone or email, that is, by user-specified contacts. This is an extremely useful feature that MTS satellite TV provides for free. Reviews about the reminder service are not always positive: some subscribers sometimes complain about late messages, but we hope that the company will correct this service in the future.

Parental control

An extremely important feature if you have children in your home. The service limits the display of TV programs in accordance with the established censor, and the category of channels is determined automatically. If desired, you can protect all unwanted channels for children with a PIN code.

In order to get all the features that the Parental Control service provides, authorization is required in personal account and subsequent adjustment of filters for viewing. There is also an additional SMS interface that allows you to work with the service via phone.

OTT service

This functionality deserves special mention. Using the Repeat-TV service, the user can easily view archived films and TV shows that were previously broadcast. You can also pause or rewind the “live broadcast”, but this will require external drive like a flash drive or external hard drive, which can be connected via a USB connector, having previously configured MTS satellite TV for this service.