Special forces in Ingushetia. Fight against terrorism

A special forces soldier from Ingushetia aka hardingush says: “Local residents noticed suspicious passengers wandering through the forest in the area of ​​the village of Ali-Yurt. Either the bandits came to set up a base closer to the populated area (so as not to run far for food in winter), or they came to take away the contents of the caches left by their accomplices.

So that life would not seem carefree and cloudless to the terrorists, the leadership decided to scare them away. Finding out why they are approaching the village is quite simple - are there freshly dug caches? So they stupidly came to pick up some goodies. If not, then they are planning some kind of crime.

Considering that when they see the military, they immediately tick away as far as possible, it is enough to conduct a small special operation like this to discourage them from coming close to the village. Let the accomplices drag their burden away, and the bandits sweat, taking and then dragging their roller on a hump for a couple of tens of kilometers. Reconnaissance of internal troops is working. We are sitting in the rear, ready at any moment to pull ourselves up to the scene of the collision and pour lyules on the Mujahideen.

However, the description of everyday life, according to the survey, is of interest to friends. And therefore, under the cut, there are some sketches from our life, answers to some questions about gear and equipment, and just all sorts of miscellaneous things.”

2. We start moving. A colleague is Muslim. When he sees the lens, he instinctively raises his finger up: “Allah is one.” A fashionable feature among Muslims is to testify at every opportunity.

3. But trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. Therefore, put a machine gun in your hands and you can start moving.

4. Gloves. Nothing extraordinary. Regular comfortable gloves-mittens)))

5. Columns sometimes come under fire. Therefore, the machine gun is not for the sake of showing off.

6. But bandit bullets cannot penetrate an armored booth. And they don’t even break through the observation windows. Here's a view from the inside:

7. And here it is outside

8. Autumn has come to the mountains... (lyrical digression before the offensive)

9. Ali-Yurt. The cradle of Wahhabism in Ingushetia.

10. This is where the “true faith” came from, exported from the UAE, Turkey, Syria, Egypt...

11. But there is no time to consider. Need to settle down and settle in

12. One, two, three and the tent stands.

13. And now there’s a fire….

14. And you need to start preparing lunch right away

15. Not just potatoes...

16. And the first losses among personnel...

- Guys, I'm wounded. Go away, you won’t get there with me... Leave me here, I’ll cover you...

17. - Well, yes, how can you cover it... Do you want to gobble it all up yourself....

18. Here it is! This is the dish of my dreams! Great pot!

19. And this is a very cool backpack with a folding chair. A fisherman, but he also rules in the field.

20. Whoever sits on it is the king. First one sits...

21. Then, through intrigue and deception, he was overthrown and long live the new king!

22. The Cavalry Guard's life is not long. And the power changes again...

23. The knives are quite ordinary. But high quality. But not very expensive. If you lose it, you won’t have to suffer for a week without sleeping)))

24. Digging a hole for organic waste. We take the inorganic ones with us. Culture, what did you want)))

25. Meanwhile, the dish is ready... mmmm...

- Everyone remain vigilant. Now the strikers from the forest will trample on the smell.
- Boyki, to hell with him, the main thing is that the Vovans don’t come. They will definitely press the boiler.

26. Interacting units are also cooking something...

27. Packed rations. A source of all sorts of additions to the main dish.

28. Insides of the dry solder:

29. Note to the housewife: from the handle of a dry ration you can make a cool case for a table knife to take it with you on the road

30. The smell leaves no one indifferent. Even the thieves' place was empty...

- Take a picture of me without a face. I want to get on the blog.
“They can take pictures of you with your face, so that the terrorists can’t sleep at night from the horror they’ve experienced.”
- Look at your face. Alain Delon, fuck...

32. Erysipelas like a mug...

– Take a photo of the drinking system, otherwise our blogger will have nothing to post on the Internet.
- Yes, you post it yourself.
- Why the hell?
– Who asks to take photos for him?
- Yes? Who runs around with a flashlight and takes pictures the most? You are Hardingush.
- Guys, don’t quarrel, it’s me who’s Hardingush.
- Sure sure. This is said by a person who a week ago asked how to envy your mailbox on the Internet...

34. Thermos mug. An irreplaceable source of tea)))

35. A little about what money is spent on. The equipment is crap. The main thing is that the weapon becomes a part of you. You don’t mind spending any money on upgrading your machine. Although the differences in quality and functionality are sometimes minimal. Well, for example, a butt. 8 thousand rubles. It is distinguished by its great convenience and the fact that its length can be adjusted. But the standard calimator is quite suitable for work.

36. But here is a non-standard one. 30 thousand rubles.

37. Again, the forend. It’s better to buy it yourself so that you can hang all sorts of useful devices on it:

38. Suddenly a herd passes through the battle lines)

39. So that later the Imarat propaganda does not suddenly tell that “Russian Kharbiy are stealing cattle from the population,” here comes a shepherd:

40. One of the fighters gravitates towards artistic photographs. Whatever the child amuses himself with...

41. In the meantime, it’s towards evening. Intelligence reported that they found no traces, everything was clean. The cordons and ambushes are being lifted, it’s time to head back. We leave under the cover of a smoke screen))) “Everything is great, we can get underway!”

42. Machine gun at the ready again

43. The column returns home

Well, this is how the day went in the rear.

In Nazran, the counter-terrorist operation regime, which had been in effect on a number of streets since the morning, has been lifted. Members of the gang underground, who were hunted by the security forces, were eliminated. According to intelligence services, the militants resisted and opened fire on the participants in the operation. Two special forces soldiers were killed. During an inspection of a blocked private house, powerful homemade bombs were discovered inside.

Many people come to the house on the outskirts of Nazran today to look at the place where the battle took place between law enforcement officers and armed militants. The scale of the destruction makes it possible to appreciate how violent the clash was.

The operation against bandits began here early in the morning. Having received information that members of the gang underground might be hiding in the private sector, the security forces decided to blockade the adjacent area, introducing a counter-terrorist operation regime.

Nearby streets are blocked by armored personnel carriers. The special forces soldiers take up positions, but before the start of the battle they still try to come to an agreement with the militants.

“The special forces of the FSB of Russia blocked the houses where the armed bandits were hiding. Residents of nearby houses were evacuated. The militants were asked to lay down their arms and surrender to the authorities, to which they refused and opened fire on law enforcement officers,” said Alexander Polyakov, official representative of the NAC Information Center.

A shootout ensued. After some time, the security forces decide to launch an assault.

“As a result of the clash, two bandits were neutralized. Their identities have been previously established. According to available data, they were members of a gang that committed terrorist crimes in the North Caucasus. Weapons and ammunition belonging to the bandits were found at the scene of the shootout,” said Alexander Polyakov, official representative of the NAC Information Center.

Not just any weapon, but a whole arsenal. After the assault, a cache was found in the house, and in it were Kalashnikov assault rifles, one and a half thousand rounds of ammunition, a device for silent shooting and explosives - several TNT blocks and two homemade bombs with a total capacity of 20 kilograms of TNT. During the search there, a flag with the symbols of the terrorist group ISIS, banned in Russia, was also found.

Judging by these findings, the militants had everything they needed to carry out a series of terrorist attacks. And, having destroyed the bandits, the security forces prevented casualties among the civilian population. Moreover, they prevented it at the cost of their own lives. During a shootout with militants, two FSB special forces officers were killed. None of the residents of the surrounding houses were injured during the operation.

I think everyone already knows that the main tactics of bandits are ambushes. Shoot the car and let it go. It would seem that an ambush leaves the attacked fighters without a chance. However, it is not. There are tricks against scrap. The situation is such that the bandits are already fighting, and you just have to join it. And the outcome of the battle, without exaggeration, is decided by a split second. Stop the car, take a position and open fire on the enemy. And all this under fire, often crossfire. Moreover, the bandits, having met resistance, in most cases run away, abandoning the wounded. And it is necessary to take measures to destroy them and (necessarily!) control the wounded. Now he is unconscious, and half a minute later he shoots you in the back. In short, there are many nuances. Well, okay, let's look at the photos?
32 photos and some text.

I have already written about how such training takes place. But then individual elements were practiced - falling out of the car and taking a position. In this case, it’s a full-fledged task - to fall out, open fire, pull the wounded out from under fire, and hit the targets.
Naturally, the fire is carried out by combat fire. Instructors watch for mistakes. And they give all sorts of unpleasant introductions. They are on the side of the bandits, in this case. The more of us who die, the more pleasant it is for them:

The attack is always sudden. Therefore, such skills are practiced until they become automatic. That is, your brain has not yet realized, but your body is already acting

You will get your bearings as the battle progresses. Don't waste precious seconds - that's not the case

Training allows you to cut off all unnecessary movements. Avoid the fuss. You are some kind of robot that acts regardless of feelings and emotions

If you hesitate, you have upset the instructor. And a frustrated instructor tends to improve his mood, causing you to be ambushed again and again.

There are no heroes in our squad. A large body is detrimental. In battle, the stronger you group, the greater the chances that you will survive

But once grouped, you are still like a spring. A second - and you have already launched a counterattack

Just like in hockey, if you don’t score, they score on you. If you don't shoot, the enemy will shoot

Rolled over! Finished the exercise))))

Why two instructors? Because it is difficult for one person to keep track of what three people are doing:

Oh, what are you doing here?

Now do you understand why it is important to be able to shoot well with both your left and right hands? Are you left-handed? - they constantly ask in the comments. We are all left-handed. And everyone is right-handed. Who we are depends on the position we have to take in battle

We lay down and took a nap:

They yawned and turned over to the other side:

Not service - raspberry

This is how you crawl in battle. Not like they show in the movies

Check out how handsome the guy on the right is. Hitting a person who sticks out of cover so minimally is only possible by accident

But, unfortunately, this also happens

The elder is sad. He says sadly:
- You - .... and...! What...? You... already! Heaven has never seen such shameful boys as you, violinists!
- It's not us?
- Who...?
- Bandits!
- .... .... ....! .... .... .... .... ...? .... .... ....? ... stupid!

Look how it went

And this device, guys, is called an automatic machine. And my name is Captain Obvious

But let's get back to classes. Bandits attack from the front, from the rear, from the right, from the left. It all depends on the imagination of the instructor

In short, I think it’s clear that any options are being explored. The bandits don't have enough imagination to come up with something we're not ready for

Therefore, an ambush is not a reason for sadness. And a reason to seize the initiative and show the bandits who’s really in charge here

And in the car, by the way, there is a “wounded” soldier sitting. Bullets fly a few centimeters above his head

A second, and now he’s already lying down

After such exercises, despite all my physical shape, all my muscles hurt. Because it uses muscle groups that cannot be trained in physical training classes.

But the bandits attacked from the rear

As a child, I would have given a lot to light something like this.... Smoke Smoke! But now it’s somehow all the same. Road spoon for dinner

Let's kill the scoundrels. Let them smoke))))

Well, of course, the smoke smoke is not just like that. The fighter on the right runs to pull out the wounded man

Added at 20:30

In Ingushetia, random people were again killed by special forces - cousins ​​Khavazh Ozdoev and Artur Pliev. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee recorded them as bandits. The relatives filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office about the unlawful actions of the security forces in Dolakovo. The security forces were looking for militant Ibragim Mestoev, but they got the wrong address.
An erroneous murder under the guise of a special operation occurred in Dolakovo, Nazran district of Ingushetia, on April 8th. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee immediately reported on another successful special operation in which four Ingush militants were killed. Information with many inaccuracies, including the names of the victims, appeared in the Russian media. It is as if members of illegal armed groups involved in a number of terrorist attacks were blocked in one of the private houses. “They refused to lay down their arms and, as a result of the ensuing fire contact, they were neutralized,” NAC officially reported, naming the names of those killed - Adam and Khalas Ozdoev. Two pistols and two homemade grenades were found on them.

Then shooting began in one of the neighboring houses. The criminals were offered to surrender, but they refused and were blown up along with the house. “According to information that requires additional verification, they are Ibragim Mestoev and Yakub Mankiev - active participants in the Nazran bandit group,” NAC informed.

In fact, everything was somewhat different. Near the first house, Khavazh Ozdoev and his cousin Arthur Pliev were killed. Adam Ozdoev was wounded in the head and taken away from the scene of the special operation by security forces in an unknown direction. These are easily demonstrable inaccuracies in the NAC message. The rest is difficult to refute, but the relatives of the murdered are trying to do this by submitting appropriate statements to the head of Ingushetia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, prosecutor Pavel Belyakov, head of the Investigative Directorate for the Republic of Ingushetia Ibragim Mogushkov, Ombudsman Dzhambulat Ozdoev and human rights organizations.

“That morning I woke up from machine gun fire outside our house,” Zareta Ozdoeva, the older sister of Adam and Khavazh, told a BigCaucasus correspondent. “I jumped out of the house and shouted first in our language, “Who’s shooting, what’s the matter?” Russians are the same." At this time, her brother Adam, who got up a little earlier for prayer, which Muslims perform at five in the morning, looked outside the gate, saw the murdered Khavazh and ran towards the garden. He met Arthur Pliev, “the son of his mother’s older sister,” who was temporarily living with the Ozdoevs and was hurrying to the noise at the gate. Together the guys began to run away, and the special forces shot at them in the back. Adam fell wounded and Arthur was killed.

“What are you doing? Who are you,” Zareta shouted, jumping out into the street. “Bitch, now you’ll find out who we are. Come in, bitch,” the people in camouflage responded in Russian, mixed with unquote abuse. These law enforcement officers did not present any documents. Behind the gate, Khavazh was lying face down on the asphalt, shot in the back and side. “Is this Mestoev?” they asked the woman. “No, this is my brother Ozdoev Khavazh,” she replied.

Three people in bulletproof vests stood nearby, and one of them was holding a rope with a hook at the end in his hand. “What are you doing?” Zareta shouted? “He shot at me with a machine gun and was killed,” she received in response. But there was no machine gun nearby. Khavazh was picked up by a rope and dragged away from the gate, placing a pistol on him. They did the same with Arthur.

After this, the security forces intended to hit the house with guns, but Zareta did not allow her home to be destroyed and demanded a search. “They agreed, gave me a video camera and said: “You walk around at gunpoint. One careless movement, and you will be killed." First, I went around the whole house, shaking out all the cabinets, all the drawers, moving the sofas. And the special forces radioed from everywhere: "It’s clean here. It’s clean here.” We reached the pit where we store potatoes and cucumbers. They wanted to throw something round there, but I didn’t give it, I went down there with a camera, and it was “clean” there too.”

And only at the end of the search, one of the security forces swore and said: “S...ka, this is the wrong house, we needed the second house from the left corner, and this is the second from the right corner of the block.” After this, special operations began in “that” house - Yakub Mankiev’s, where the militant Ibragim Mestoev was hiding. Yakub's father, a former high-ranking official, tried to negotiate, but the forest "friend" of the guy did not let him go. The bandit resisted, the company commander Dzhambulat Amirarslanov was killed, the Mankievs’ house was blown up along with the basement where the militant and Yakub were hiding.

The fact that the liquidation of Mestoev was the task of the special operation in Dolakovo was later told on LiveJournal by a user under the nickname Hardingush, who keeps a diary on behalf of a simple soldier of the Ingush special forces, forming a positive image of the “Imaratysh” catchers. “Ibrahim Mestoev was our main target. We didn’t sleep at night. We waited for the order. At dawn the order came - we can work. The place was blocked and they offered to surrender,” he wrote back. “Two immediately went for a breakthrough. The news wrote that these were the Ozdoev brothers, but it seems to me that there is a mistake. One was really Ozdoev, and the second, as the opera said, was Arthur Pliev. They immediately tried to escape, abandoning their “amir”. Courageous Mujahideen, so courageous... Abandoning your commander before battle is very boyish "They fired back with pistols while running. They didn't run far. The bullets run faster."

Arthur Pliev, as his brother Amir Pliev assured the Bigcaucasus correspondent, could not possibly have been a militant. He simply didn't have time for this. “He received an economics education in Nalchik, graduated almost with excellent marks. But our work was not very good, and for 15 years he worked with us, brothers, on construction sites in the Krasnodar Territory. We often worked even without days off. We lived together, and I always knew where he went and when he came. Recently he managed to get a job as chief accountant at the school where Khavazh and Adam worked, but he didn’t even have time to get into the swing of things,” said the brother of the murdered man.

Khavazh Ozdoev was the support of a family that lost its father back in 1988. The mother raised two sons and three daughters herself. Khavazh was the eldest of the brothers. He once underwent a multi-hour kidney operation, which is why he did not serve in the army. But the entire economy rested on it. He raised cattle and worked as a fireman in the school boiler room. He was going to be married soon, and he was saving money for the wedding. But the special forces took all 200 thousand rubles with them, also taking two plasma TVs, two computers, telephones, jewelry, construction tools, a mink coat and other property specified by Zareta in a statement to the prosecutor’s office. They even grabbed turkey eggs from the hens, which were supposed to hatch their chicks in a week.

Adam worked as a computer science teacher at a Dolakovo school for two years, moonlighting as a fireman. He also wouldn’t have had time to hang out with the “forest people” purely physically. He left behind a wife and child. The wounded man's relatives consider him kidnapped. “We were told that he was first brought to the republican hospital, and then, accompanied by security forces, they took him to the hospital. We ourselves are from North Ossetia, and our aunt went to the hospital there, but did not find him,” said Zareta Ozdoeva. “And then the Ingush guys came to us.” "from law enforcement agencies they said that they heard Russian special forces say that Adam had a wound in the head and was taken to Moscow. We know nothing more about him."

Zareta Ozdoeva and Amir Pliev asked the investigative authorities, the prosecutor's office and Yevkurov to assist in initiating a criminal case regarding the murders of Khavazh Magometovich Ozdoev, born in 1982, and Artur Magometovich Pliev, born in 1975. and the kidnapping of Adam Magomedovich Ozdoev, born in 1986, in order to “restorate justice and bring the perpetrators to justice as provided for by law.” A response came from the investigative department for the Republic of Ingushetia that the application had been forwarded to the Nazran interdistrict investigative department, Ibragim Tsechoev. At this point the matter stalled.

After the death of one son and the disappearance of another, Khavazh’s mother became very depressed, although she had previously suffered from heart and liver diseases. With her troubles, one day she went to see Evkurov. “He won’t kill a fly, he won’t kill a chicken,” the head of the republic quipped when he saw the grief-stricken woman. “And he really was so correct. All the neighbors can confirm this. He didn’t smoke, didn’t drink. He didn’t go to work or home - he didn’t go anywhere else. He kept his spirits up on Mondays and Thursdays,” recalls the sister.

Only once did the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Beku Yevkurov, find the strength to admit that the security forces exceeded their authority and for no reason shot civilians - brick factory workers, including a woman approaching retirement age. This was in Nazran last spring. No one was ever punished for this. In the summer, five students fell victims of special forces in the village of Ordzhonikidzevskaya. Yevkurov stated that Moscow university students were recruited by correspondence. Allegedly, militant Magomed Dzeitov lured them to Ingushetia and on the day of the special operation invited them to their first combat mission, where they opened fire and were destroyed by return fire. All complaints from the relatives of the young guys about the lawlessness of the security forces were rejected.

And now history repeats itself. Relatives testify that Ozdoev and Pliev were not armed, did not offer resistance, and that the special forces themselves let slip about their mistake in the address, but no one is conducting an investigation, and the killed continue to be called terrorists based on NAC information containing obvious factual errors.

Svetlana Bolotnikova

The difference between Chechnya and Ingushetia, formed in the post-Soviet era, has always been quite subtle in all respects, including in relation to terrorists. It is no secret that even during the first Chechen campaign, Ingushetia turned into one large “alternate airfield” for Chechen militants and international terrorists from all over the world who fought on their side.

Here they could lick their wounds, find a warm welcome from some local residents who sympathized with the ideas of Wahhabism and were willing to provide them with housing for a modest but decent amount in dollars, and finally recruit replenishment for their thinning ranks every year.

But then even the most “frostbitten” terrorists tried not to reveal themselves on the territory of such a friendly republic. This was facilitated by the peace-loving position of the then Ingush authorities, led by Ruslan Aushev, who did not want to take out all the terrorist “dirty” from their “hut” for everyone to see. Now the authorities in Ingushetia have changed and their attitude towards the militants is not nearly as friendly. The main problem is that over all these years, in Ingushetia, as in Chechnya, a fairly large layer of active Wahhabis and people who sympathize with them has formed, organized according to the same type of “jamaats” as in neighboring Chechnya. That is why militants are able to carry out large-scale “special operations” that require the involvement of several hundred and even thousands of people - even going “on the job” with a small detachment of not even one or two hundred, they are always confident that along the way and on the spot they will easily find those willing to join the gang and increase its number to the desired size.

This sad fact is facilitated by many reasons, the main ones being widespread unemployment in the republic, especially in the outback, coupled with the lack of real and decisive steps taken by the central government. Local residents have a not entirely unfounded opinion that official government and security forces are not able to protect even themselves, not to mention those who decide to entrust their safety to them.

Many of them were seriously strengthened in this opinion on the night of June 21-22, 2004, when several thousand bandits, led by Basayev himself, drove freely throughout Nazran all night, smashing government buildings and killing all government officials they encountered along the way - be it a minister or a simple policeman. Almost the entire leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia was destroyed, and several hundred weapons were seized from the ministry’s warehouses. In contrast to the belated and not very skillful actions of the authorities, the militant raid on Nazran was a significant and concrete step that clearly showed who really controls the situation in the republic.

Since then, some things have begun to change in Ingushetia, but so far the militants living in a “legal situation” feel relatively calm. Ingushetia is still not Chechnya, and it’s simply not possible to organize “cleansing operations” with “passport regime checks” there every day. But truly operational space opens up for the actions of bandits. The police and military, trying to maintain order in the autonomy, are forced to act according to the laws of absolutely peacetime, since there is officially no trace of a “war” that will “write off everything” in Ingushetia, as well as in Chechnya. Therefore, each operation to detain a more or less large gang or its leader turns into a whole complex of events, the main difficulty of which is not to harm “civilians” living nearby, and especially not to cause unwanted publicity. This often happens, but in the case when operatives are dealing with truly “frostbitten” bandits and their commanders, all the inhabitants of a given locality and its environs become witnesses to a spectacular pyrotechnic show.

Local FSB officers tried to detain one such “scumbag,” Iznor Kozdoev, on January 6 in the village of Kantyshevo, Nazran district. However, the bandit turned out to be more skillful and decisive - he threw grenades at the capture group and disappeared, despite the wound he received and the fact that the house was surrounded on all sides.

Another similar “scumbag” was a certain Magomed-Bashir Albakov, who rented a house on Tangiyev Street, on the outskirts of Nazran. As a mid-level field commander, on the evening of June 21 he took an active part in the terrorist raid on Ingushetia. The leader and his subordinates carried out a complete “document check” on the Caucasus federal highway, shooting on the spot everyone who had any connection with state power. Albakov’s bandits also took part in the looting of the warehouses of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs. By the time the operatives were on the trail of Albakov, his gang already had so many corpses on its account that they could not count on an amnesty or even the mercy of the court.

Nevertheless, having surrounded a house with bandits on January 8, FSB officers “to clear their conscience” and in the hope of the incredible still offered them to surrender. In response, the terrorists opened fire from machine guns and grenade launchers. But this time the attackers prepared much more thoroughly than in the case of Kozdoev - since the local operatives had a clear idea of ​​who they were dealing with, the main role in the assault was assigned to a group of employees from departments “A” and “B” of the FSB TsSN.

The terrorists also prepared thoroughly. There was enough ammunition in the house to shoot back for a whole day, and a strong fortified basement was equipped as the last line of defense.

The Vympelovites, with the support of an armored personnel carrier, finished off the first line, that is, the house itself, quite quickly. Four bandits remained lying under the rubble, but the leader retreated into the basement and continued to resist. To quickly put an end to this operation, the attackers fired several shots at the basement from Bumblebee flamethrowers, which literally fried the “thug” who did not want to surrender - the Bumblebee thermobaric ammunition, which exploded in the confined space of the basement, did not leave him a single chance to survive. survival.

Only after this, around 1 p.m., did FSB and Internal Affairs Ministry operatives begin dismantling the ruins and identifying the remains of the bandits. In the ruins they found 2 machine guns stolen on the night of June 22 at the warehouse of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, spare parts for them, a Makarov pistol, a Nagant revolver, 10 homemade grenades, 10 loaded magazines, 2 grenade launchers and a large number of cartridges. A cache was equipped in the basement, where there was a radio-controlled explosive device with a capacity of about 1 kg of TNT, an anti-tank mine, 3 magnetic mines. It soon became clear why Albakov’s subordinates defended themselves no less stubbornly than he himself - well-known terrorists died with him, in particular, Uruskhan Lolokhoev and Amirkhan Gorchkhanov.

The first of them was the brother of sergeant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia Mikail Lolokhoev - the same Wahhabi “mole-martyr” who, after a bandit raid on Ingushetia on the night of June 22, blew himself up in the office of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Torshkhoev, having been summoned to the latter for an official investigation. Fortunately, no one died except Lolokhoev himself, although Torshkhoev and another officer who was next to him were very seriously wounded. The third brother, Magomed Lolokhoev, also a sergeant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia and also a Wahhabi “underground worker,” was detained some time after the second brother blew himself up.

The second, Amirkhan Gorchkhanov, could boast of no less “noble” family connections - his brother Ilyas, being the “naib” of the Wahhabi group “Renaissance of Islam,” also known as the “Taliban,” was one of the leaders of the terrorists who seized the school in Beslan.

In light of the existence of such reputable and extensive gangster-terrorist “dynasties”, the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation V. Ustinov, made immediately after Beslan, does not seem so barbaric - to introduce collective responsibility for the relatives of terrorists and, in the event of a hostage-taking, to carry out a counter-seizure of their members families. And the fact that the corresponding bill was rejected by the Duma on January 14 cannot add optimism...

2024 gtavrl.ru.