Create your own product and sell. We create a sought-after product

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

In today's article I want to briefly tell you about how to create your own information product (information product), and also about what services to use to create and launch it.

It is clear that in one article it is impossible to list all possible services and talk about them in detail, so I will only tell you about those that I used when creating my own!

How to create an information product

1. Creation plan information product

I’m not talking about choosing a topic (niche) for a product, so we’ll assume that we already have it. In addition, you, of course, must be an expert in the topic of the future product and have relevant results. Also, it is very important to determine the demand for a future information product, because if no one needs the product, then no one will buy it.

The first thing you need to start with is creating a plan for your information product. It is necessary to devote enough time to this issue, because the quality of the product itself (book, course, etc.) will depend on a well-drawn plan. The more detailed the plan, the easier it will be for you to create a product in the future.

Therefore, on at this stage, it is necessary not only to write a list of lessons (chapters), but also to describe in as much detail as possible what exactly will be discussed in each paragraph. During the process of recording the course, I constantly came up with new ideas, and I tried to implement them in my course whenever possible.

2. Course registration

Once we have a clear plan, we begin recording video lessons. The video lessons of my course are video screencasts, when creating which I used only two programs, these are:

Microsoft Power Point. Using it, I created slides (presentations) for my video lessons;

Camtasia Studio best program to record video from the monitor screen.

I talked more about how to use the Camtasia Studio program, as well as how to record video from the monitor screen in my article - “”. I recommend you read this post, it has a detailed video tutorial.

3. Creating graphics for an information product

For my free video courses, I made all the graphics myself, using the program Adobe Photoshop . The graphics include the cover of the information product and the course menu.

I don't have any special skills in terms of design, so for my paid course, I decided to order graphics from a professional. I turned to Evgeniy Peshinsky, who creates graphics for the products of one of the information business gurus, Evgeniy Popov.

This is how the covers and menu for the “Reactive Blog” course appeared.

You can view all of Evgeniy’s works on his website at this link. There you can find his contacts and, if necessary, contact him.

4. Create a menu

I created the menu for my course myself using the layout in PSD format, which Evgeniy Peshinsky made for me. There is nothing complicated here, I wrote about how to create an autorun menu - autorun, the article also contains a detailed video tutorial on working with the program Autoplay Media Studio, which is used for these purposes.

Also, I would like to note that today a lot of people use MAC computers and other computers in their work. Apple technology. So, files in the “.exe” format in operating systems ah, which is installed in Apple devices, do not start.

Therefore, it is best to create a menu in HTML format, but this already has its own certain difficulties. Firstly, it is quite difficult for beginners to make such a menu, and secondly, today there are certain difficulties with protecting products whose format is different from “.exe”.

You can create a menu in HTML format yourself, however, if you do not have enough experience in this matter, then it is better to turn to professionals, for example, I am looking for freelancers on the exchange In essence, such a menu is a regular website that can be created in the program Web Page Maker, which I will mention below.

5.Product protection

To protect my course, I used the service I believe that if the cost of your information product more than 1000-1500 rubles, then it’s worth thinking about protection. Of course, this does not provide any guarantee that your course or book will not be hacked and posted online for free, but it is still better to be on the safe side...

Before sending the product for protection, you need to contact the service guys, discuss everything, and then send the files for protection. All detailed instructions available on the service. Before sending, you need to finalize the project in Autoplay Media Studio, make sure that everything is done correctly, that everything works, and then send your files for protection.

The protection does not take long, they did it for me the next day, after transferring the course files.

How to organize sales of information products on the Internet

After your information product is created and protected, you need to consider the following points.

1. Possibility of selling the product on physical media (CD, DVD disc And).

2. Possibility of automatic sales

3. The need to create affiliate program

5. Creating a selling website and connecting it to an online store

I have implemented all these things myself, and now I will tell you about them in detail.

How to make a course on physical media

If you have a very low budget, or you like this activity, then you can get by, so to speak, with artisanal production. To do this you will need:

— CD or DVD blanks;

— polygraphy for printing;

— a printer, preferably with the ability to print on disks (blanks);

- CD (DVD) writer.

Personally, I didn’t bother with this, and addressed this question to special service, fortunately there are a lot of them in RuNet. I use for making physical version course service Automation of Internet sales:

To cooperate with them you need:

- conclude an agreement with individuals they work, like absolutely all the services mentioned we're talking about In this article;

— send them the course files and printing for the discs (printing is usually done when creating a 3D cover for the disc);

— agree to notify them of the receipt of orders and send PIN codes to customers for protected products. Personally, I set everything up so that when such orders arrive, the service is notified in automatic mode. But I send pin codes for my products to my clients myself, after they receive the CD with the course.

There are no difficulties in working with this service, at the initial stage there is no need to spend money on anything, the first orders are sent at the expense of the ai-p service.

Automatic payment acceptance and affiliate program

There is nothing complicated here either. I use a payment acceptance system. I wrote about how all this is done in the article: “”.

The affiliate program is also implemented using of this service. At first, working with the service can cause certain difficulties for beginners, but this is only at first glance; over time you will figure it out. I try to save my time, so I don’t want to deal with all these services on my own.

That's why I purchased the course Dmitry Pecherkin, which is called “ Service”. Everything is described there in great detail about all the intricacies of working with the service.

In addition, this course is sold with resale rights, and once you purchase it, you can also sell it and keep 100% of the price of the course for yourself. One sale pays for all the costs of the course in full, I have already returned my money a long time ago and even earned extra money on top. Therefore, I recommend that you do the same. You can familiarize yourself with the course and purchase it.

Creation of banners and other promotional materials for distributing information products

For my Reactive Blogging course, I created promotional materials in the form of flash banners, this is what they look like:

Creating a selling website and connecting it to an online store

To create a selling website, I used a plugin, which I will talk about and share my feedback in upcoming posts. In order not to miss anything, I recommend it!

You can also use the program Web Page Maker. I wrote about how to create simple websites in this program in my article: “”.

In order for a visitor to purchase a product, a simple link must be inserted into this selling site, which will appear on the e-autopay service after you add the product there for a single sale.

Well, that's basically it. There is nothing complicated about this either.

Today I planned to launch a crossword puzzle marathon, but at the last moment I decided to temporarily postpone this event. Perhaps in the next article I will publish the first crossword puzzle, so!

They decided to send me on vacation from April 29, although it was planned in May; I myself wanted to go after the May holidays, but it didn’t work out.

On vacation, I decided not to rest, but instead of resting, to work productively on the blog and creating a new information product. I decided to make a video course on the topic making money on blogs, which will help bloggers increase income from their blogs!

In the course, I will talk about various “tricks” that I use myself and that really work.

I think the course will be super cool! One of the tricks that I will talk about in the course helped me earn almost 40 t.r. in several days! Thus, the income from this blog in April will exceed 60 tr. Moreover, This does not include sales of the information product! But the main highlight of the course will be technical aspects of making money on a blog, i.e. those things that absolutely every newcomer to the blogosphere needs to know.

The course is scheduled to be released in early summer. So wait... 🙂

Also, now, after the release of the course, I started analyzing blogs again, although I increased the price of this service a little and redid the page all using the same “”. IN Lately There were a lot of people who wanted to do it, but there was absolutely not enough time. More details about the service "Blog Analysis" you can read.

That's all for me! Thank you for your attention and see you on the pages of my blog.

    However, it is interestingly written. But the most important thing before making a product is to understand whether people need it? It is also important to understand this topic. This is a very detailed article

    Serious article. All the steps that need to be taken by all those who are thinking about selling their product are described.

    But it is necessary to go all the way and know all the nuances of this work.

    After this, your work is filled with even greater significance, and you, Alexander, as an Internet businessman, have moved to the next level.

    Your articles have good quality, written to the point. And if someone thinks that he read or saw this, and did not see anything new for himself in your work, then this is not a fact that others will have the same opinion.

    But no one will know about his skill for a long time, since he does not have such work or, having extensive knowledge, cannot make it and release it.

    I haven’t learned anything new, so everything I know is correct and sufficient. Very interestingly written, thank you!

    Evgenia Kuvarina

    But I’ve learned a lot for myself, though I’m not planning on making my own product yet, I still don’t have enough experience, but it might come in handy in the future. Everything is very structured and described in detail

    Very correct steps, especially 1 and 4, you can’t go anywhere without a plan, and without protection too.

    Sash, please tell me... when ordering electronic version and downloading, who sends pin code information projector? you yourself or e-autopay?

    Alexander, which ones are there? free programs for recording video from the monitor screen. Or something with a crack?

    For me, the article is useful and even very useful. I’m bookmarking it.

    Sasha, you should be given a medal, because creating a high-quality information product is very difficult, it’s similar to making your own film. Personally, I am not a negative person, but I know that I will never be able to create my own material, because I am not verbose. If I create my own information product, the course will consist of a 10-15 minute video)))) Apparently you have had this gift since birth.

    As for me, I am a successful partner in Forex, because I was able to gain 3200 clients. As for the information business, I don’t know how to overcome my fear of speaking into a microphone, how to force me not to give up when releasing material, and how to make a clear plan.

    I've been wanting to create one for a long time free course(issued as a subscription) about how I built my hierarchy of clients on forex4you.

    Thank you, Sasha! Now I will definitely create some CREATION! I’ll have to write a post about this on my blog later too!

    Of course, I knew that creating an information product was not an easy task, but it was so much so!! It’s just a bit of a hassle until it gets from the idea to the final product!!!

    How simple it may seem at first glance, the most difficult thing is to take everything and do it! Thank you, very useful article, I think it will come in handy over time

    Yeah, as expected, it’s not at all easy, but in the end it pays off well!

    Very detailed step by step plan. I don’t know if it will be useful, I don’t plan to create my own product yet, but over time, when I have more experience, everything is possible, but I’ll definitely learn how to record a video from the screen. I've been planning to start recording video lessons for a long time now.

    I also want to create my own information product one day, but as I understand it won’t be easy.

    The article is quite interesting. Everything is excellent, laid out step by step.

    Yes, everything turned out to be not so difficult. True, I haven’t fully figured out the payment yet.

    It also seems to me that graphics for an information product is probably one of the most important points. Nowadays there are a lot of different products, and only those with a beautiful box will be able to attract the most buyers. I know you will now say that the name of the author plays an important role, yes, but also appearance the product is far from in last place.

    Great article, just what I need right now. I’ve already figured out the free products, understood the principle, and made the cover. Now it’s worth thinking about paid ones. Everything somehow didn’t make sense to me, detailed information how to organize this whole thing. But now everything has become clear in theoretical terms, thanks to this article, I will begin to practice. By the way, on my blog I wrote about how you can make a cover for a book or box, absolutely free. I used this myself until I got Photoshop.

    The post is excellent, voluminous and detailed, although in some moments I would have done things a little differently, but these are technical details. Soon I will also be releasing the first paid educational materials, I think that the service for sending discs that you talked about will come in handy (though a little later) and if it can be connected to Just Click. Sash, by the way, do you know if this can be done with them?

    Damn, it turns out that you need to buy so many things to learn blogging.

    I don’t have my own information products yet. And where should I create them if I still have little thought on this topic? However, it is possible, for example, in chess. create a book. I more or less understand them. If anyone knows how to play, please suggest.

    Your income is very high. Not everyone will be able to reach this level.

    Here’s another question: Did you buy Kamstasia Studio or for a month? trial version download.

    Good afternoon, Alexander!

    Please tell me what is the best way to proceed.

    The other day I’m releasing my first information product and I asked myself: is it worth placing the landing page on a separate hosting or can it be in the directory of your website (WPpage)? The catch is that now the site has 30-40 visitors per day, and I’m going to bring a lot of traffic to the landing page. a large number of of people. And if the landing page is in the directory of my site, then the traffic will rise very sharply to several hundred. Could this have a negative impact on the development of the site (for example, in terms of search engines)?

    I have heard a lot about Evgeniy Popov, they say he is a successful businessman. Your courses, Sash, are also good, the other day I read your book “11 Mistakes That Will Bury Your Internet Business” and, as I wrote in previous comments, I took the “Blog Analysis” course, learned a lot for myself, corrected a few things on my website , but most importantly, I had the desire to open my own blog.

Lecture by the founder of the Elementaree food package delivery service, Olga Zinovieva.

To bookmarks

Olga Zinovieva

The third lecture at the Russol Startup School is dedicated to creating your own project: from starting and forming a team to improving and maintaining the product on the market using the example of the Elementaree service.

Video recording of the lecture

Creating a project must begin by determining the type of product you want to create. This is where we started Elementaree. All products can be divided into three types: revolutionary, evolutionary and existing mass market.

Elementaree is a revolutionary product. A revolutionary product changes the existing system of behavior that has been worked out in people’s heads, which most often requires the performance of routine actions. We wanted to create a service that selects an individual menu instead of the standard trip to the store for groceries and hours of cooking at the stove.

The second type of product is evolutionary. It must be better in terms of given parameters in an existing market and improve it. That is, you see a niche that is currently poorly developed, and you rush there. For example, in Russia there is still no decent network of local convenience stores. There is Stopexpress (analogous to the American 7-Eleven), Azbuka Vkusa is beginning to develop in this direction with its Azbuka Daily project, but so far this is not enough.

Mass market is a product that you create by analogy with one that already exists from a competitor. For example, you think that ABC works poorly. And you create your own store, absolutely identical to it, but with a different name, and think that yours will work better.

Why is it important to understand what kind of product you are making? Because all other decisions from the point of view of the MVP (minimum viable product) of this project, its financing model - everything will depend on the classifier.

For example, if you are making a revolutionary product, then you will have to look for those people who will believe that your project will grow and make a profit. This may justify the risks that investors take at the start, when they are told: “Listen, well, we want to do such a thing - in principle, it doesn’t exist, we don’t yet know how it will work, but we think it’s good "

With evolutionary products, there is another form of financing. This is more likely about such good strategists or private investors who are interested in the topic.

It is now becoming more and more difficult to deal with mass market products. Rather, this is a niche for small and medium-sized businesses and businesses where debt financing with banks takes place.

So, after you have clearly defined the type of product, you need to understand what your MVP is. That is, what will be the minimum version of your product. This version needs to be sold. Based on this trade, you can draw conclusions.

And here is the sub-point: you need to understand the problem you are solving. At some point it seems that everything is clear: “We want to feed people. What's there to explain here?" But that's not true. It is necessary to record hypotheses for testing.

For example, we started with a subscription dinner model. The underlying hypothesis: practically the main or only meal of food that people need at home is dinner. We understood that customers want restaurant food and are willing to pay for it.

We also defined price category: average and above average level. We thought that such a model would save our customers from going to the supermarket. Accordingly, we can then conclude whether this is true or not.

After you formulate the hypotheses and the problem, you can think about what the MVP will look like.

At this stage, it is very easy to make mistakes and waste time and money on something that does not apply to these hypotheses. For example, you can make a beautiful website or hire a content editor who will write you amazing articles. If this is not something you want to check first, you probably won't need it in the first step.

First, you must clearly understand the problem, compare it with those features of the product that should solve this problem. Write them down and understand how you will measure the necessary indicators.

It is very important to determine in advance how and with what tools you will measure the audience: what kind of users came to you, how many there were, where they came from. That is, everything related to standard online marketing and attraction, but at the same time with established hypotheses.

You will need to communicate a lot with your audience, either talking to customers in person or through surveys. This will help determine which hypothesis works.

Elementaree Product Change Story - Moving From Subscription Dinners to Healthy Eating and various types full day diet. We looked for those segments in the product that provide the greatest “return” of customers.

An important step personalization has become part of the development of our project: we deliver a unique menu to each client. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop a system for this computer software, special way assembling orders, changing almost the entire internal filling of the company.

We derived this hypothesis based on the data people left during surveys and calls. We have found that the main reason customers do not return is that they are not satisfied with something specific on the menu. Customers want a company to take all of their needs into account. personal characteristics and food preferences. But if the service does not take this into account, the person does not become a regular customer.

Taking this hypothesis, we de facto invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to make it work. When the first personal orders were launched, the return rate increased by 2.5-3 times according to various parameters. This result is not possible if you simply focus on the market.

Next important question when creating a product - a team. You need strong players. Those who can achieve results better than the other 90%. It is with such a team that you can confirm your hypotheses.

You should allocate a maximum of two key employees. They must be selected according to a complex procedure. You also need to write “speed card” ( specific goals that you expect from these employees within a certain time frame).

The selection of the team is carried out according to a scenario in which all the results desired from the candidates and their competencies are spelled out. The interview is conducted in two stages.

First stage: quick screening of candidates. This can be done over the phone by asking five questions about the person’s professional life, his successes, and plans. This way you will understand how suitable the candidate is in terms of his ambitions and potential.

The second stage includes a long one and a half hour interview: you learn more about the experience, consider every line in his resume. Retrospectively: from the oldest to the newest, trying to determine whether the candidate has the necessary competencies and whether he will behave in certain situations the way you want.

In the early days at Elementaree, most employees performed related functions. What is now done by ten different people was once done by one. This is fine. The willingness of early employees to take on a lot of unrelated tasks deserves respect. If you are taken to the team in the early stages, then be prepared for this. The team needs those employees who will say to everything: “Forward, let’s run!”

After forming a team, you need to make a launch plan. The higher the speed, the more it becomes a key factor. The world is changing quickly, and competitors are not sleeping either. So if you don't do something today, someone else will. Perhaps in the same beautiful workshop, somewhere in another room.

Let’s say the launch happened, the clients started coming, what should we do next? Next, you need to draw conclusions on hypotheses based on the received data.

But do not forget that there can be a lot of different opinions, not because people are bad or they want something else, but because we are all subjective, so you need to believe the numbers.

So, you started, looked at the numbers. The most important skill needed at this point is to be able to let go of your own pre-launch beliefs. Because, most likely, it will be revealed that you understood everything wrong or half of what you thought was far from the truth. It is very important to admit this not like: “Okay, let’s pour in more money into marketing”, and so that you are ready to change your strategy. Because a product is, first of all, about a business model.

Never say to yourself: “Oh, well, I will never change this, because that’s what I was taught and that’s what they told me in the Komsomol.” This shouldn't happen. To avoid this, you need to stop being an owner.

All the entrepreneurs I know are owners. And I am like that myself. We all hold on to the fact that our idea is correct, everyone else doesn’t understand anything at all, and only we can teach everyone.

The main thing is to be able to let go: it doesn’t work, you admit your mistake, change it, let’s try further. It’s not a fact that it will work out the second and third time, but, as we know from Edison’s example, it will work out for sure on the thousandth or ten-thousandth.

After you have forgotten everything you believed in, honestly looked at the numbers, honestly understood what needs to be changed and where, a self-repeating cycle begins.

In the slightly later stages, when your mechanism is already working, it is important to stick to the approach of small runs, tests and improvements. It's very easy to say, “Well, okay. Now we have made the product, that’s it. It’s like it’s working, let’s just scale up now and conquer the world.” But it seems to me that this is ineffective.

Work on the product must be constant and regular. You must make a plan of the hypotheses you want to test. Then try them.

For example, Elementaree updated the site in September where our personalization technology EE.Chef was officially released. She selects the menu based on the client's preferences. We have also expanded the line: there are dinners, breakfasts, snacks, salads, fruits - whatever. However, we are focusing on what has already been created: collecting feedback from those who are following the trajectory of personalized orders. We have also drawn up a plan according to which we determine what features still need to appear in order for the “return rate” to increase.

Another important thing is cannibalization of your own product. When we only had proper food for seven thousand rubles a week and five meals a day, everyone told me: “Listen, Olya, you can’t launch a cheap product, if you launch it, everyone will stop buying this, they’ll start buying that, and in general it will be nightmare, you can’t!”

Of course we launched it. Why? Because it is obvious that the existing niche of affordable food was empty.

And what happened in the end? We analyzed whether customers switched from a more expensive product to a cheaper one. Yes, many clients have tried it. But very few people stopped at it, because their food needs are different. It’s the same here as with supermarkets: some people go to Azbuka Vkusa, others to Perekrestok. But this does not mean that there is better or worse. People are different, and everyone chooses what suits them.

Another story about understanding yourself in the market: either you are partially related to the product, or you are an innovator going ahead of everyone. If the latter, then you need to create an information field around the created product so that people understand you. It is necessary to clearly convey the values ​​that the product carries. We are still doing an average job at this, but the second thing is happening - everyone is copying us.

This is what happened to us with “proper food”: three months after our new product, other companies introduced various kinds of diets. Then we made “affordable food” - again history repeated itself. However, this is good, because this is how competitors develop the market together with us.

We noticed that customers who have special food needs began to contact us: diabetics, asthmatics, allergy sufferers, people with stomach diseases and others. They have a long list of foods that should not be consumed. They look at it with horror for several days, then someone waits for the disease to go away on its own. Those who are definitely not going to get better on their own are trying to do something, but it is very difficult and time-consuming. So we created specialized products for them - that worked too.

This is why it is very important that your system has a non-standard channel feedback. We never asked clients about their illnesses, but due to the fact that we left a special field for their statements, this gradually began to emerge.

It is important to separate noise and trend. In the data, in the numbers, in the entire perception of your product. When resources are limited and everything does not always go according to plan, you need to look at trends and understand what is happening and will actually happen in the next six months. If there is something wrong in long-term trends, then this is a reason to go back and understand what is wrong with the client, with the product, and where this discrepancy exists.

If, on the contrary, in long-term trends you have more return, loyalty, and orders, then you are going the right way.

Short-term storms cannot be avoided. However, short-term storms always pass. Be prepared for them. Always carry an airbag with you.

Now let's touch on social aspects. We are at the stage where the entire model of going to the supermarket (despite how technologically this model can work for the client) both from the point of view of the quality of products, and from the point of view of the cost of products, and from the point of view of a person’s time, is losing to the model of personal a set of products tailored to customer requirements. This set is compiled by professionals, and cooking is optimized to fifteen minutes instead of an independent process. This solution is technologically better.

But very often society, socio-psychologically, does not keep up with technology. That is, all the stories, from drone drones to self-driving cars, could already be on the streets of every city, but this does not happen, because human habits are very strong. Therefore, it is important to understand how problematic it is for your product to lag behind technological progress. If this has a serious impact, then it is better to think about a solution at a very early stage.

This relates more to the ideological, communication component of the project, which, if necessary, will need to be included. Moreover, it is quite difficult to invest in, and this is something that was initially very difficult for me to admit, because I grew up in the understanding that if the product is good, everyone will just run and use it.

It turned out that there are people who are technologically more advanced and open. They are called "early adopters." But to be on the mass market, you need to jump over the “chasm”. This requires you to have a certain strategy on how to work with a mass audience and a client who still watches TV (statistically, on average, three and a half hours a day) and spends only 30 minutes on social networks. To be a mass service, you need to sell to them. This, of course, requires money.

From a marketing point of view, we are probably the most backward, because social networks play a key role for us. Historically, at a very early stage, they began to provide conversions on targeted advertising.

Initially we worked at Facebook, and now we feel that this is not enough, we are starting to bring in other social networks, and so far it is quite difficult.

By creating new services and new products, you can add complexity to yourself and face the fact that you will have to rebuild a channel that for most people does not work for sales. I know very few players in the market for whom Facebook is their main sales channel. Not involvement, coverage, awareness, but sales.

At the very beginning, we worked in my parents' kitchen. Later we realized that we needed one cook, because it was difficult to cook ourselves. Then we focused on the menu and recipes, because we had a very big hypothesis that it was important for clients how much time they would save on cooking. Therefore, we immediately optimized the recipes, removing all the culinary words that confuse the average person. The delivery was very basic, everything else was completely off the charts.

We are not going to enter the European and Chinese markets. Our basic concept is that Russian market very large, and we need to convert customers who regularly go to the supermarket. If we do this in Russia, it can be done somewhere else.

I think that we are now at the stage where we need to learn to talk about ourselves very simply. Because so far even I can’t quickly explain to a new person why Elementaree is more convenient, cheaper and better than cooking on your own. And this just confirms that marketing has not figured in our activities for quite a long time. But now we are working on it.

It is worth paying attention to delivery. Now we send personal orders every other day, and this is a barrier that does not always fit into standard consumption patterns. The buyer wants even more fast delivery- the next or the same day.

Marketing is communication. The process from the buyer’s first contact with the product to purchase takes more than a month. That is, people spend a long time trying to figure out what it is. Best clients- those who come from friends. Apparently, they are told about us something like this: “Look! I cooked borscht in 15 minutes, wow!”, and it’s attractive.

Hello, friends! In the article we will consider the question of how to create an information product and start your own information business from scratch, where to get knowledge on how to create an information product.

Create an information product and it will create an information business for you from scratch

Do I need to create my own information products or not? This will be discussed in today's article. Initially I did not plan to write an article on this topic. But taking into account the comments to my old articles, taking into account statements on the Internet about the crisis in 2015, I decided to write an unscheduled article today about how to create an information product and how to start an information business from scratch with its help?

There are also statistics that show that 99% of information products started are abandoned by many authors and are not completed. Of course, I myself can’t believe that there is such a small conversion in the creation of information products, but there is no smoke without fire. Apparently this is approximately how it is. I want to express my opinion on this topic.

So, first you need to clearly decide whether you need to make your own information product or not, and then delve into technical side the question of how to create an information product. You need to clearly understand what issues you want to solve with the help of the created information product?

In previous articles published on the blog, we have repeatedly examined what information products there are, the purpose of a free information product and other issues related to this topic. Let me remind you that information products include e-books, audio courses, video lessons and video courses, trainings, webinars, recordings of webinars, seminars, conferences and other information products. They are paid and free.

To put it simply, to collect your subscriber base, to build your authority as an author, to make money on a free information product, you need a demon paid information product. A paid product, of course – for sale.

If your goal is to start collecting your subscriber base and start making money, then you really need to create your own free information product. A free information product should be followed by a paid one on the same topic. The scheme of work in the Info business is simple - give a person something free, and then offer a paid product. I think most beginners understand this rule.

So, we've sorted out the first part. If we need to collect a subscription base, we want to make money on a free product, we want to offer a paid product to a person after a free product, then we definitely need to make a free information product. If we want to build our own information business and in the future make money by selling information, then here we also need to start with our own free information product, and then create a paid product. Next, you need to create a whole line of products, and while selling your products, you also need to earn money through affiliate programs - this is the scheme.

In my opinion, the simplest and at the same time informative product is an e-book. Creating other types of information products is much more difficult for a beginner. Therefore, I would recommend that beginners start creating their information products by creating e-books, both paid and free. You can read about how to create an e-book in the article ““. If you wish, you can download the book itself.

At the first stage, you can create a whole line of products in the form of e-books; believe me, many people like this format of information products. To create e-books, no costs are required other than your time, that is, you will create your Infobusiness from scratch.

Using the same scheme, you can create a video lesson or video course, but this will require more technical knowledge. Creating other types of information products still requires experience and knowledge. It is unlikely that a beginner will be able to conduct a webinar on high level, both technical and organizational.

So, if you are not a lazy person, then how to create your own information product and build an information business from scratch? To do this, I can recommend you a free video course by my colleague S. Panferov “Secrets of Creating Information Products.” Here you will find answers to many questions. This course will not help you overcome laziness, but technical knowledge You will receive, you will easily understand and create your own information products.

Information business is good business, of course, you can’t do it without costs, but the costs of creating it are thousands of times less than in an offline business. If we take into account that in Russia the information business is still very poorly developed, then this niche is now suitable for many people, we need to start mastering it.

If you have already decided to create your own information business from scratch, then it is worth starting work on creating your own information products. There must be a clear and consistent plan for your actions from the beginning of creating a product to its sale, and then success is inevitable. If you don’t have faith in yourself, then you shouldn’t start, it will only be a waste of time, energy and nerves.

The topic of Infobusiness is vast and huge; even 100 articles are not enough for full review, but today we looked at the way to create an information product and start your own information business from scratch. There is no need to be afraid of difficulties, you just need to take it, start and do it. Even if there are technical difficulties about which there is no information in courses or books, the answer can always be found, they will always prompt you. I wish you good luck in creating your own information products, building a business and making money via the Internet.

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Friends, I greet you! Today is a significant day for us, I’m finally launching step by step training information business and today we are taking the first step, we will consider in detail the topic of how to create an information product.

If you are interested in how to create your own paid information product, then you already understand what an information business is. If anyone doesn’t know, you can read my article about the information business, where I explain in detail what it is and what it is eaten with, as they say.

Let's start with the fact that first we need to register with the mailing service, where we will create a sales funnel. And the second important thing is that we must have a service on which we will create sales pages (landing pages).

On my blog you can find an article about the “smartresponder” mailing service. But it is not relevant now, since this service closed a month ago. So I found a replacement for it, and I even like the new one better. Let's continue our topic of how to create an information product.

Now go to my article " which mailing service to choose", read it and use the link there to register in MailterLite. After you follow the link, immediately change the language to Russian.

Now, after changing the language, click on the “registration” button. After this, a window will open where you need to fill in the required fields, that’s all, registration is very simple.

As soon as you register and confirm your email by going to it and in the letter from MailtrLite, follow the link. After this, you can create your first form to collect subscribers.

We do all this together, answering the question of how to create an information product. We need the newsletter to sell our product to our subscribers.

And in order to gain subscribers, you must first create a subscription page and give the subscriber your first free product for a subscription, then in the next letters we start selling.

And so we continue, we went to the “web form” page and we need to click on the big one yellow button"create a new web form". The first step is the button itself. To do this, make an inscription, select a color, width, height. Practice, it's all very simple.

The next step is to set up a pop-up form where you need to write an email. Here you also need to make an inscription, then in the design tab you need to design the form itself. After that, move on to the next step.

Setting up a confirmation letter. To do this, simply click on the areas that you will edit and write what you need, just first click on the “edit” button.

Finally, all you have to do is compose a thank you letter with a link to the free product. To do this, go to the next step and configure it in the same way as the previous letter.

Thus, the form is ready, to receive the embed code on the subscription page, go back to the first step, here you will see the embed code, be sure to copy it.

Now you have taken the first step, then we will create a sales funnel in MailtrLite. Now we need to create a subscription page. To do this we will need our own domain and hosting.

Follow the link, click on the word “hosting”, in the window that opens, select Start and in the next window fill in the First Name, Last Name, Patronymic, Email and Phone, put a tick in the checkbox below that you are familiar with the public offer and click on the “register an account” button.

After that, go to your hosting and click on “Balance” in the upper right corner. Top up your balance by 300 rubles, because we still need to purchase a domain. Remember that the domain is paid once a year, and hosting every month.

And so, you have replenished your balance, click again on “Hosting” in the left top corner and we get to the control panel. Now we need to click on “domains”, I show in the picture where it is.

In the window that opens, you need to click on “register domains”, look at the picture.

Now comes the most interesting moment on the topic of how to create an information product. You need to come up with a domain that your subscription pages and information products. Think about making it look nice and free. For example, I have information products under the domain dengy-tut, come up with one for yourself now.

Write what you came up with and click on the “register domain” button. If it is free, then from that moment it becomes your personal. To continue creating information products, click on “ hosting" in the upper left corner.

Now we need to install the WordPress engine on your domain. To do this, go to " file manager", then to your domain folder, open it and see the public_html folder - this is the root directory of your site. There is now a plug in it, i.e. If you open it, you will see two files that need to be deleted and WordPress downloaded instead. Let me give you a video to make it clearer how to install WordPress.

You watched the video and I think you easily installed WordPress on your site. Need to download now wppage plugin, where we will create an unlimited number of subscription pages and sales pages.

Go to this link, download the plugin to your computer and now you need to install it on WordPress. Everything is very simple here, don’t be afraid of the new names. In a couple of days, you will understand all this as well as any specialist.

In order to create an information product and make money on it, you must learn new information. Go now to the administrative part of WordPress, as shown at the end of the video you just watched.

Now you need to add the wppage plugin. To do this, hover the cursor in the left column of tools over “plugins” and select “add new”. In the window that opens, click on the “download plugin” button at the top. After which you will need to select this downloaded plugin and download it. After downloading, click “activate”, and now you have a tool for making information products.

This plugin is paid, but you can try it for free for two weeks. Therefore, you can start working right away, and after two weeks you will pay and the vppage will remain with you forever.

I recorded a video on how to use the wppage plugin and I’ll let you watch it now so that you can clearly see the video on how to create an information product.

Let's summarize, today we registered for the mailing service and created a subscription form there. And we purchased a domain and hosting, installed WordPress and activated the wppage plugin.

A lot has been done preparatory work in order to start making money in the information business. I want to make you happy that you have done the most difficult thing, then only the details and various tricks of setting up a sales funnel will go.

Therefore, follow further articles on my blog, bookmark it and subscribe to new articles so as not to miss the most useful things.

Now, to relax a little, go to the “ competitions"and try to exchange 5 rubles for 10,000 rubles, perhaps you will be lucky.

Hello guys! Alexander Borisov is in touch with you! Do some work once, and then get paid for it many times throughout your life. Is this possible? Yes it is possible. To do this, you need to choose an activity for yourself that will ultimately bring you passive or residual income.

You can read about passive income in my previous article - “”, but that’s not about that now. In this article I want to tell you about how you can create a source of passive income for yourself by creating your own information product. In short, it is also called Infoproduct.

What is an information product anyway and what do you eat it with?

An information product is information on a CD or DVD in the form of mp3 files, videos, slide shows, etc., which can be sold for money. What information? Yes, any. The main thing is that it carries some value for other people.

Are you a person who is well versed in installing and configuring operating systems? Windows systems XP, Vista, etc.? Why don't you make an information product on this topic. Do you know how many people constantly call specialists to set up and repair their PCs at home and pay a lot of money for it?

Oh, so many. So offer your information product to these people on the Internet and let them learn how to set up their PC themselves. Option? Option...

Are you an expert in creating professional videos with various special effects and transitions? Great! Why not make a video on this topic. Many people want to learn this, I have no doubt, your information product will undoubtedly be in demand.

Personally, I will be studying this topic in the near future, since video marketing is powerful tool for the development of information business.

Are you self-educating? Great! I respect you. Why don’t you record your own training on personal growth on any topic? The demand will be amazing!!! 120%. Friends, hundreds and thousands of examples can be given...

Let's take another example. I can create websites. Great! Well, I make websites and I do it, I made myself one website, a second, a third, etc., but how can I make money thanks to this? Elementary. I record several training video lessons on creating a website using the Camtasia Studio program (the program records what is happening on your monitor screen in a video file), record these video lessons on a CD or DVD and sell them online.

How to do all this? How to beautifully and efficiently design a CD or DVD, how to create your own website to start selling your information product, how to accept payments on the site, how to deliver the information product to the buyer, how and where to receive money after selling the information product?

Oh my, a lot of questions. How complicated it all is, well, screw it all. You have to figure it out, study it, I’m not good at it, it’s not for me...


Well, some people just don't need it. To each his own, as they say. Everyone chooses for themselves how to earn money and what to do in life. Everyone has their own choice and it should be respected.

How is an information product created step by step?

From this video course you will learn all the technical aspects of creating your own information product, and also learn how you can make money thanks to it. Passive income Friends!!! What's in this video course? The course is divided into 6 sections:

And now everything is in order:

1. Introduction - general concept What is an information product and how can you make money on it?

2. Scheme of work. In this section I talk about the scheme for creating and selling an information product.

3. Product creation. In this section, I talk about how to create your own information product, namely: how to create video tutorials using the Camtasia Studio program, how to create a beautiful Flash menu for an information product, how to create a graphic 3D cover (box) for an information product, etc. . How to burn a finished information product onto a CD or DVD.

4. Website creation . This section is the largest. In it I touched on all the technical aspects of creating the site. How and with what program you can create your website, how to buy a domain and hosting for the website, how to upload the files of the finished website to the hosting, etc.

How to make a website specifically for selling an information product, so that it has a payment acceptance system installed so that people can pay for your information product. How to set up an affiliate program script so that people can help you sell your product (this is a very important point).

How to attach the service to your website in order to save everything in your database e-mail addresses your clients and much more.

5. Advertising and delivery. In this section, I talk about how to properly advertise your information product on the Internet and spend a minimum of money on it. How to start advertising company in Yandex and the bodycklick service, how to compose advertisement and set up an advertising budget.

How the information product is delivered to the buyer, how not to waste a lot of time sending disks and automate the information business by 90%.

6. Conclusion. Here I talk about how to withdraw earned money from payment systems and how to deal with paying taxes when running an information business, etc.

Interested to know all this? No doubt. It seems to me that you even have some idea in your head about what kind of information product you can create in the future. In general, DOWNLOAD the video course and study it. Yes, yes, DOWNLOAD, don't buy. Imagine, I’m giving it away just like that!!! Well, I promised you a gift for the New Year, didn’t I?

Study the course, apply the acquired knowledge in practice and create your own information products from which you can earn good money! Personally, I already have several of my own information products, which sell quite well. By the way, and on free products you can get quite a lot of money, I wrote about this in my previous article -.

Well, this is where I end my article, I want to wish you success in this matter and congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2011!!! (date of writing 18:12, 12/31/2010)

I look forward to your feedback after studying the course and comments on this article, and even better if you receive not only all the latest articles in your e-mail, but also all the information about my new video courses!!!

I wish you success!!!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov