Creating a virtual machine in virtualbox. Set up a virtual system

Sometimes PC users are faced with the acute question of how to create a virtual HDD or CD-ROM. Let's study the procedure for performing these tasks in Windows 7.

Creation methods virtual disk, first of all, depend on what kind of option you want to get in the end: image hard media or CD/DVD. Usually, hard files The drives have a VHD extension, and ISO images are used to mount CDs or DVDs. In order to carry out these operations, you can use the built-in Windows tools or turn to the help of third-party programs.

Method 1: DAEMON Tools Ultra

First of all, consider the option of creating virtual hard disk using third party program for working with drives - .

  1. Run the application with administrator rights. Go to the tab "Tools".
  2. A window with a list opens available tools programs. Select an item "Add VHD".
  3. The window for adding VHD opens, that is, creating a conditional hard drive. First of all, you need to register the directory where it will be located this object. To do this, click on the button to the right of the field "Save as".
  4. A save window opens. Enter it into the directory where you want to place it virtual drive. In field "File name" you can change the name of the object. The default is "NewVHD". Next click "Save".
  5. As you can see, the selected path is now displayed in the field "Save as" in the program shell DAEMON Tools Ultra. Now you need to specify the size of the object. To do this, by toggling the radio button, set one of two types:
    • Fixed size;
    • Dynamic expansion.

    In the first case, the volume of the disk will be precisely specified by you, and when you select the second item, the object will expand as it fills. Its actual limit will be the size of the empty space in that HDD section where the VHD file will be placed. But even if you choose this option, you are still in the field "Size" you need to set the initial volume. Simply enter a number, and the unit of measurement is selected to the right of the field in the drop-down list. The following units of measurement are available:

    • megabytes(default);
    • gigabytes;
    • terabytes.

    Be careful when choosing the right item, because if you make a mistake, the difference in size compared to the desired volume will be an order of magnitude larger or smaller. Then, if necessary, you can change the name of the disk in the field "Mark". But this is not a prerequisite. After completing the described steps, to start forming the VHD file, click "Start".

  6. The VHD file generation process is in progress. Its dynamics are displayed using an indicator.
  7. After the procedure is completed, the following message will be displayed in the DAEMON Tools Ultra shell: "VHD creation process completed successfully!". Click "Ready".
  8. So virtual hard drive created using the DAEMON Tools Ultra program.

Method 2: Disk2vhd

If DAEMON Tools Ultra is a universal tool for working with media, then Disk2vhd is a highly specialized utility designed only for creating VHD and VHDX files, that is, virtual hard drives. Unlike the previous method, using this option action, you cannot make an empty virtual media, but only create a copy of an existing disk.

Method 3: Windows Tools

A conditional hard carrier can also be formed using standard tools systems.

  1. Click "Start". Right click ( RMB) click on the name "Computer". A list opens where you can select "Control".
  2. The system management window appears. In its left menu in the block "Storage Devices" go by position "Disk Management".
  3. The drive management tool shell launches. Click on the position "Action" and select an option "Create a virtual hard disk".
  4. A creation window opens, where you should indicate in which directory the disk will be located. Click "Review".
  5. The object viewing window opens. Navigate to the directory where you plan to place the VHD drive file. It is advisable that this directory be located on a different HDD partition than the one on which the system is installed. Required condition The key is to ensure that the partition is not compressed, otherwise the operation will not be possible. In field "File name" be sure to indicate the name by which you will be identified this element. Then click "Save".
  6. You are returned to the virtual disk creation window. In field "Location" we see the path to the directory selected in the previous step. Next, you need to assign the size of the object. This is done in almost the same way as in DAEMON program Tools Ultra. First of all, select one of the formats:
    • Fixed size(set by default);
    • Dynamic expansion.

    The values ​​of these formats correspond to the values ​​of the disk types that we previously discussed in DAEMON Tools.

    • megabytes(default);
    • gigabytes;
    • terabytes.

    After completing these steps, press "OK".

  7. Returning to the main partition management window, in its lower area you can see that an unallocated drive has now appeared. Click RMB by its name. Standard template this name "Disk No.". Select an option from the menu that appears "Initialize disk".
  8. The disk initialization window opens. Here you just need to click "OK".
  9. After this, our element’s status will be displayed in the list "Online". Click RMB By empty space in the block "Not distributed". Choose "Create a simple volume...".
  10. The welcome window opens "Volume Creation Wizards". Click "Further".
  11. The next window indicates the volume size. It is automatically calculated from the data that we provided when creating the virtual disk. So you don’t need to change anything here, just click "Further".
  12. But in the next window you need to select the letter of the volume name from the drop-down list. It is important that there is no volume on the computer with the same designation. Once the letter is selected, press "Further".
  13. It is not necessary to make changes in the next window. But in the field "Volume Label" you can replace the standard name « New volume» to any other, for example "Virtual disk". After that in "Explorer" this element will be called "Virtual Disk K" or with another letter that you selected in the previous step. Click "Further".
  14. Then a window will open with the summary data that you entered in the fields "Masters". If you want to change something, then click "Back" and make changes. If everything suits you, then click "Ready".
  15. After this, the created virtual drive will appear in the computer management window.
  16. You can go to it using "Conductor" In chapter "Computer", where there is a list of all drives connected to the PC.
  17. But on some computer devices after reboot to specified section This virtual disk may not be displayed. Then run the tool "Computer Management" and go back to the department "Disk Management". Click on the menu "Action" and choose a position .
  18. The drive connection window opens. Click "Review…".
  19. The File Browser tool appears. Go to the directory where you previously saved the VHD object. Select it and click "Open".
  20. The path to the selected object will be displayed in the field "Location" window "Attach virtual hard disk". Click "OK".
  21. The selected drive will be available again. Unfortunately, on some computers you have to do this operation after every restart.

Method 4: UltraISO

Sometimes you need to create not a virtual hard disk, but a virtual CD drive and run a file in it ISO image. Unlike the previous one, this task cannot be performed solely using operating system tools. To solve this you need to use third-party software, for example.

We figured out that virtual disks can be of two types: hard disks (VHD) and CD/DVD images (ISO). If the first category of objects can be created both using third-party software and using the internal Windows tools, then with the task ISO mount can only be dealt with by using third-party software products.

Virtual machines are virtual computers that are emulated using special software. These virtual computers allow you to install operating systems and other software on them. This article will show you how to create virtual machine using VirtualBox.

Among the software for creating virtual machines, there are few free solutions. One of best programs Oracle VirtualBox is of this kind. This program allows you to create virtual machines for all popular operating systems, even the latest Windows version 8.

In order to create a virtual machine, download and install the Oracle VirtualBox software. The installation process is very simple and will not cause any problems.

Launch VirtualBox and click on the “Create” button. After this, the “Create a New Virtual Machine Wizard” will launch, with its help you can quickly create and configure a virtual machine.

Let's go through all the stages of creating a virtual machine in order and try to install the operating system Windows system 8.

In the first window of the wizard, we are asked to enter the name of the virtual machine and select the type of operating system that we plan to install. Enter “Windows 8 Consumer Preview” and select “Windows 8” in the version field. If you plan to install a 64-bit version of the OS, you need to select the version marked “64-bit”.

In the next window we are asked to enter the volume that will be allocated for your virtual machine. For Windows Vista/7/8 it is better to set the value from 1 GB, for Windows XP from 512 MB.

Here we are asked to choose the type of virtual hard drive. We leave the standard value VDI (Virtual Box Disk Image) and move on. In the next virtual disk settings window, you need to specify the Dynamic or Fixed virtual disk we want to use.

A dynamic virtual disk will consume space on your real disk only when it is needed. A fixed disk immediately reserves the required space on the real disk. We choose a fixed disk because it works faster.

Let's move on to the next window. Here we need to specify the size of the virtual disk and the folder in which we will save it. For operating systems Windows Vista/7 and Windows 8, it is better to specify a value of 25 GB; for Windows XP, 10 GB will be enough. That's it, this ends the process of creating a disk for our virtual machine. You may need to wait a while for VirtualBox to generate the virtual disk. When the disk is created, we will return to the Virtual Machine Creation Wizard, where we will need to finish setting up the virtual machine.

After this, the virtual machine is ready for use. In the VirtualBox program window, select the created virtual machine and click on the “Start” button. After this, the virtual machine will start and the “First Launch Wizard” will open. Here you can specify the media from which the operating system will be installed. This could be an actual disk drive in your computer, or

Virtual machine(VM, from English. virtual machine) -

  • software and/or hardware system that emulates Hardware some platform (target - target, or guest platform) and executing programs for the target platform on the host platform (host - host platform, host platform)
  • or virtualizing a certain platform and creating environments on it that isolate programs and even operating systems from each other (see: sandbox).

Interesting moment! When I clicked this link and tried to download the file VirtualBox-4.1.12-77245-Win.exe Internet browser Explorer (IE), this browser told me that there is no such file. I had to install Google browser Chrome and continue making this article with it.

We go to the site by specified address, move the mouse pointer over installation file for our platform (), click right button mice. In the window that opens, move the mouse pointer to the “Save link as...” menu item and click left button mice.

In the window that appears, select where to save. Let's choose for clarity“Desktop” by moving the mouse pointer to it and clicking once with the left mouse button.

We run our file to install the program. To do this, move the mouse pointer to our shortcut and press the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, move the mouse pointer to the “Open” menu item and press the left mouse button.

In the window that opens, hover the mouse pointer over the run button and click on it once with the left mouse button.

The program installation window will open. Let's do this, since buttons in windows are always clicked with only one click, I will say this: “Click on the button.” And I won’t bother you and it’s easier for me.

Here we simply click on the “Next >” button (translated into Russian as “Next”).

In the next window, we also don’t touch anything and click on the “Next >” button

In the next window we are asked to create shortcuts to launch the program (when it is already installed) on the desktop and in . You can leave both, i.e. leave both checkboxes. (I usually check "Create a shortcut in the panel quick launch"I'm cleaning it up).

Click on the “Next >” button.

In the next window, we agree with what is written and click the “Yes” button

Allow the installation of the program to start. Click on the “Yes” button

A similar window opened again. To avoid answering the same question dozens of times, put a tick in the “Always trust” box. software“Oracle Corporation” and click on the “Install” button.

The program continues installation without stupid questions. After installation is complete, the following window will appear:

We see that the shortcut on the desktop is already installed (by the way, the installation file can be moved somewhere). We leave the checkbox to immediately launch the program, well, and click on the “Finish” button.

A virtual machine manager window will open.

All. Now you can create any quantity virtual computers for any operating systems available in this program, install these operating systems and experiment with them.

How to install windows on a virtual machine

Since I have the Windows 7 distribution at hand, let me use it as an example to show how it’s done "Creation virtual computer for the Windows 7 operating system" .

Click on the “Create” button.

A window opens where we must write what we will call the virtual computer and select the operating system for which we should create it.

In the name field we write the name of the virtual computer. It is better to immediately write a name that is close in meaning. Since if you have more than a dozen virtual computers, then you may not immediately figure out which one you need to run to research, for example, some program.

Choose Microsoft platform Windows, since we're going to .

Well, we choose specifically under which Windows we will create a virtual computer - Windows 7.

After all our manipulations, the window should look like this:

My advice to you on this matter. At first, leave the settings suggested by the installation wizard. You can change it to your liking at any time after installation.

And so, we are offered to allocate 512 MB of memory for the RAM (RAM) of the virtual computer. We agree, click “Next”.

In the next window we leave everything as is. Be sure to leave a checkmark next to “Boot disk”. We will create new disk, since we don’t have any virtual disks. Well, click on the “Next” button.

We will see a window for creating a virtual disk file type. Don’t bother here at all, but immediately click on the “Next” button.

The next window asks you to select a dynamic or fixed virtual disk. Leave it as dynamic.

The deeper meaning of this choice is as follows.

If, for example, you chose a virtual disk size of 25 GB. If the disk is selected as dynamic, then when installing the operating system the program will “take away” from your real disk exactly as much as it needs for the operating system, for example 2GB. The remaining 22 GB will remain on your real computer and you can use these 22 GB on your real computer. As programs are installed, your virtual disk will gradually eat up gigabytes from the real one until it reaches 25 GB.

If you select a fixed virtual disk, the program will immediately “eat up” 25 GB from your real physical disk.

But the advantage of a fixed virtual disk is that the virtual computer with this disk runs much faster.

So, click on the “Next” button.

The next window prompts you to select the actual size of the virtual hard disk. Agree with what he suggests. Just click on the “Next” button.

In the next window it writes to us about the virtual hard disk parameters we have selected. We agree and click “Create”.

In the next window it tells us in full what the configuration of our virtual computer is. Click on the “Create” button.

All. The first virtual computer for the Windows 7 operating system has been created.

Now all that remains is to “turn on” the virtual computer and begin training with installing the operating system.

Attention! There is one tricky point. Virtual computer window "captures" mouse when you work with this mouse in this window. To make a virtual computer window "let go of the mouse", you must press "Right Ctrl".

I want to show you what this program looks like on my computer under operating system Ubuntu (Linux). Under these virtual computers, I actually do all these lessons that you see.

That's all. Good luck and creative success to everyone. 🙂

One operating system - virtual - inside another operating system, but already real - this is an ideal find for those who like to test software third party developers and different versions and assembling operating systems.

It's safe, it's interesting, moreover, it's even useful for development. VirtualBox program- perhaps the only one widely famous representative software that provides the mentioned capabilities.

It is free, simple and easy to use even for novice users. Like with using VirtualBox install a virtual Windows operating system? We will consider this question below.

Step 1. Create a virtual computer

With download and installing VirtualBox unlikely to cause any problems, it can be freely downloaded from developer's official website, and it is installed as standard.

The launched program will open with a welcome window, where you need to click the command - “Create”.

The window that appears will give you a choice of operating systems supported by the program. We select the required version, set a name for the virtual computer. Click "Forward".

We indicate what system we are creating:

Correct Windows work XP will be provided with a capacity of 512 MB random access memory, but for Windows 7 it is better to allocate 800-900 MB.

Enter the red section of the scale, thereby giving the virtual computer more than half of its hardware potential physical computer, it is forbidden. Click "Forward".

In the next window hard choice disk, select the option to create a new hard disk.

In the next window, it is better for beginners to choose a storage format - fixed disk, since it works a little faster than dynamic. Click "Forward".

This figure will also be taken from the memory of the physical hard drive, so it is necessary to select the optimal amount, which will be enough for the purposes of operating a virtual computer, and this will not be to the detriment of physical memory.

For Windows XP you can allocate 5 GB, and for Windows 7 – about 15 GB. Here, using the browse button visible at the end of the first line, select the directory of the physical computer where the virtual hard drive will be placed.

Choose better place on a non-system drive. The "Create" command will start the process creating a hard disk of the virtual computer, after which you can admire the parameters of the newly created virtual computer.

Step 2. Install the operating system on the virtual computer

The virtual computer has been created and the operating system can be installed on it. Click the “Run” command.

Choose either boot disk operating system located on a physical drive, or a disk image. You can set the path to the disk image using the browse button at the end of the line. Click “Continue”.

IN separate window VirtualBox will open a familiar menu Windows installations. The further steps are no different from the process of installing Windows on a physical computer.

Hello! My name is Maxim Borisov, let me remind you that in this series of articles we are talking about virtual work VirtualBox machines. Last time we already did, and are now ready to create the platform itself for installing the operating system.

Please note that even before installing the OS itself, you need to tell the virtual machine what operating system we will install. At this stage, you need to select the OS type - Windows, Linux or another. In addition, you need to indicate whether the system will be 32 or 64 bit.

On some computers, 64-bit OS versions are not shown in the list. Most often this is due to the fact that the hardware does not support such systems or is not enabled. Also, one of the problems may be a conflicting Hyper V server in Windows 8 or 10.

It is worth remembering that the memory you allocate to the virtual machine will not be available to the real machine when VirtualBox starts. Therefore, if you have 4 GB of memory in total, installing 64 bit versions does not make much sense. On the other hand, if you leave only 1 GB of RAM for the virtual machine, you will experience performance problems.

If you have not created virtual machines before, select “Create a virtual disk”. It is worth understanding that the guest OS installed on the virtual machine will not have access (by default) to hard drives main (host) system. Therefore, in one of the next steps you need to think carefully before deciding how much disk space to allocate for a virtual machine.

The type of disk matters in cases where the same disk is used by several hypervisors (programs for creating virtual machines). In our example, we are installing our first virtual machine, so I leave the default option and the hard drive will be created in the internal VirtualBox format.

The next parameter has great importance. If you select “Fixed virtual hard disk”, space on the physical hard disk will be immediately allocated and archived for it. “Dynamic” is another matter; it will take up space on the physical disk as it fills up.

The size of the virtual disk cannot be changed after installing the OS, so if you select 15-20 GB and then they run out, you will have to create the machine again. So, the 32 GB that is recommended to us is the minimum that needs to be selected, especially for modern Windows operating systems - 7, 8 or 10.

The creation of the virtual machine is completed, let's launch it.

And we see that for the first time we need to insert bootable media or select the OS image on your hard drive. If you close this window, it will not appear the next time you start the machine.

But let's do it anyway, I'll show you how to start the OS installation later. In the meantime, let's make some more settings, which, in principle, could be done after installing the OS, but it wouldn't hurt to familiarize yourself with them before.

In the "General" and "Advanced" sections you can change the path of an individual machine. Make sure that it is not stored in a folder with all machines, but separately. But, even during VirtualBox settings We set this parameter so that the space on drive C is not cluttered and now there is no need to change anything. But enabling the ability to transfer files via drag-and-drop and clipboard is very convenient.

In the "System" and " Motherboard» You can select the boot device. Please note that there is no option to select a flash drive; I’ll tell you in a separate article if there is such a need.

In the "Processor" section, you can configure the processing power that is available to the virtual machine. Although the slider technically works if there is only one processor on the physical machine, do not set the setting to 2-3 or 4. This will cause a conflict. But the processor power available to the guest OS can be adjusted. Although, for most systems it is better to leave it at 100% and then the guest OS will use the power as needed. This does not mean that all 100% will be downloaded at once, but if necessary they can be used.

For correct operation with Windows 8 and 10, enable PAE/NX technology support.

Now let's focus on file sharing between the host and guest operating systems. This is what shared folders are for.

By clicking on the plus sign you can add temporary or permanent shared folder. You can also place files that are needed for the guest OS in it. Someone even adds the entire disk D to a shared folder, but then you should understand that the guest OS will have access to your real files, and in some cases this is unsafe, for example, if some malware is being tested on the guest OS.

Let's summarize our creation of the virtual machine - we did everything right, and the machine works. To install the OS you now need to select top menu machine, select “Devices”, “Optical disks” and find either the system image or insert the disk into the drive.