Creating a wiki page in a public. How to create a wiki page in a public in contact

During the social network, VKontakte creates thousands of new public pages. Imagine how many of them are created per month, or a year. And imagine how many publics are already administered at present. For the successful promotion of each of them, there is not enough beautiful avatars and a large number of records on the wall. To interest people, "force" them to stay on the pages of your community need something specific.

Absolutely, each community can be made more interesting by filling it with useful and interesting information. But what to do with it? Just fall out on the wall and hope so that it will go so? The answer is not true. The wiki-pages will help in such a matter.

Wiki-pages are really something specific. After all, thanks to them, you can simply download interesting materials in the community, but also to arrange them in such a way that the user himself wants to jump from the page to the page. Not many know that thanks to the wiki-pages, as well as, so that they are so named, - Wika markup, from the public page VKontakte you can build a full-fledged website, because the user has all the tools for creating new pages, links between them and Even graphic design.

But even fewer people know how to create wiki-pages in public pages in contact. We are already the process of creating internal pages in VKontakte groups and all that is connected with them. The situation with publics is similar, but the process of creating new pages is somewhat different from the method of their creation in groups. Therefore, the case with publics need to be considered separately, and this is precisely this manual.

Creating a wiki-pages in publics:
When creating pages in publics, you do not need to use wiki markup, as is done in groups. You just need to manually form a special link that will lead us to the creation of a new page. And in order to form the desired link, only you can know the identifier (ID) of your community:

After that, you need to go to about this link:

Where is String xxxxxxxxx - this is the community ID, and pagename. - The name of the page on which it will be available. The name may include Latin letters, numbers, and even some characters, for example, the Sign of Digger "_".

Suppose that the identifier of our community is 84747051 , and we decided to call testpage.. Then the link will have this kind:

Fill the page with the desired information:

After creating the page will have this kind:

So, we created a new page in public. Be sure to set the right to edit the page so that extraneous users cannot make any changes. To view and edit rights, visit the section "Access to page" on the content editing page created by Vicky Page:

Ready. The page is created and rights are established. It remains the most important thing - to create a link to the page so that it opens in the window (on that they are wiki-pages). To do this, create such a link:

If you need to create an article with different font formatting, add illustrations, make a navigation menu or even a mini-site - you can easily do it with a wikie markup.

Here are 4 instructions:

  • Creating a wiki page using the link
  • Creating a Wika-Page using the Materials section
  • Creating a wiki page using the service
  • Creating a wiki page using the application
  • How to attach wiki page to post

Creating a wiki page using the link

1. Link http: // vk. COM / PAGES? OID \u003d -XXX & P \u003d Navigation_strant Replace Xxx - on the ID of your public page or group, and Navigation_strant We replace on the title of your page (the gaps do not necessarily replace to the lower underscore)

3. Edit the page and save the changes.

Creating a Wika-Page using the Materials section

This method is suitable for creating a wiki page in a group

1. Connect the "Materials" section in the community management

2. After that, the "Fresh News" section will appear on the first screen of the group.

3. Go to the "Fresh News" section - this is a Wiki page, but if the menu is planned in the group, and you need a separate wiki page, then act further:
In the mode of wiki-markup in double square brackets, we write the name of the wiki-page and save the result.

4. Go to view mode, click on the title page - and fall on the created page. Fill and save.
After that, the link on the "Fresh News" page can be deleted. But in this case the link to the created page is better to save.

Creating a wiki page using the service

This method is suitable for creating a wiki-page for groups and public pages.

On the page you will see this form:

How to use form

1. In the first window you need to insert your community ID.

How to find out the community ID

2. Now in the second window, write the name of your page and click on the "Create page" button - voila, your page is ready! It remains to fill it out and save;)

Creating a wiki page using the application

This method is suitable for creating a wiki-page for groups and public pages.

Go to the app

Wiki page (wiki page) in contact

This article we decided to write to the help of moms in the decree, who want to start earning in the profession of the administrator of social networks. Vicky - if it is quite simple, then this is a technology that allows users of the site to fill and change the contents of this site.

What is Viki (Wiki) - the page and why is it needed?

Surely many of you have repeatedly seen in contact in various communities a beautifully decorated menu by clicking on which you fall into the drop-down graphic list with the desired categories.

Or a beautiful article with various texts, pictures, emoticons, etc., on which you get by pressing the clicable text under some post.

How to make wiki (wiki.) - Page in contact in a public or in a group. Method number 1.

Very simple! Enter a view link in the browser search bar

instead of xxx - set the ID number of your public or group (numbers only). You can find out the ID number of your public or group by opening any photo and copying the numbers in the address bar of the browser going after "Photo-" and to "_".

Instead of PageName - enter the name of the wiki-page that you create (if a few words, then through the bottom flash "_"). In our example, "Zim_Syud".

There is another way to create a wiki page in VK, more complicated, but maybe you will like it more.

How to make wiki (wiki.) - Page in contact in a public or in a group. Method number 2.

  1. If you want to make wiki - page for a public, you must first create a group (community) in contact. Only there is the possibility of creating a wiki - pages. And after that, finished wiki - the page can be transferred to public (public page). Create a group is very simple:

A) in the right column, choose "My groups";

B) in the window that opens, in the upper right corner, click "Create a Community"

C) write the name of the future group (at your discretion)

D) turn on the checkbox (check box) near the group "Group"

E) click "Create a Community"

If you need a wiki - the page for the group in contact, then step number 1 skip.

2. To make wiki (wiki) - page, you need to open the "Materials". To do this, go to your group. In the right column, under your group avatar, click the Inscription "Community Management". In the window that opens, find the item "Materials". Select "Open". Do not forget to save changes.

3. After that, on the main page of your group, under the description, the inscription "Fresh news" will appear, and next to "edit". It is here that we need to click.

4. Please note if on the main page of the group, instead of the description you "fastened the post", you need to "disable". Click on the post (not on the picture! Namely to the text of the post, under the picture, click "Out")

5. After you have pressed the "Edit" button next to the "Fresh News" inscription, the Wiki (Wiki) window opens. In the upper right corner, you will see a button with two ticks - this is a switch of editing modes. In the visual editing mode, the newcomer work is much easier, since this editor is partially similar to the usual Word. In Wiki mode - markup, you need to prescribe a special code.

6. We put the editing mode switch to the "Wiki Markup Mode" position.

7. And we write the phrase by clicking on which a person will fall on the Wiki page created by us. But so that this text becomes clichable, it must be concluded in double square brackets (on the keyboard in the English layout of the button with Russian letters "X" and "Kommersant"), for example [[click here]]. Click down to "Save Page" below. And then "Preview". If you are all done correctly, then the inscription you wrote inside square brackets will appear below the "Save page" button and will be clickable (will be referenced). That's it, if you press it, you will be transferred to an empty page with the name "click here". If it does not work and under the Save page button, you see the inscription in square brackets, check again in which mode you have the edit switch.

8. In the browser's address bar, we see a reference to the obtained wiki page, the following type:\u003d-Hhhh & P \u003d Pagename

where xxx is the ID number of your public or group (numbers only). You can find out the ID number of your public or group by opening any photo and copying the numbers in the address bar of the browser going after "Photo-" and to "_".

pagename is the name of the wiki-page (if a few words, then through the bottom flash "_"). In our example, "Zim_Syud".

  1. After replaced by ID, press "fill in content".
  2. You get to the wiki again - editor. If you are not a specialist, then fill the wiki page using the visual edit mode. Everything is simple here. You can add, and change how you like any text. Insert photos, audio or video. Attach any link to text or pictures. To see the result, click "Preview". Nothing difficult.

We touched upon the issue of attracting subscribers to a public through viral posts, decorated with wiki - markup, so called wiki - Pages.

Wiki.- This is a special language that supports hyperlinks allows you to create and link sites with each other using only a web browser. On the basis of this technology, for example, Wikipedia website has been created. It is important to carry out forwarding With this technology can anyone, even who do not know this language.

For us, two possibilities are interesting:

  • Forwarding within the site from one page to another using viral posts intended for motivation Subscribe to Your Publish Page
  • Forwarding from a third-party site to your page (in the case of advertising on the promoted publics)

Let's figure out how to create such a Wiki page.

To work with Vika, we will need a group, since this page can be created only in the group, and after it is created to transfer to public. The process of creating a group is similar to. To do this, go to the "My Groups" tab and click "Create a Community".

In the window that opens, select "Group". The name can be prescribed any, mostly these groups call "Chernovik ...". Confirm by clicking on the "Create Community" button.

In the next window, you must connect the "Materials" section. All other sections will not be interested, so they can not be connected. In conclusion, click "Save". After that, we turn to the main page of the newly created group. In the future, we will work with the section "Fresh News". When you hover the cursor to the name of this section, the Edit button appears, and click on it.

After pressing, we go to a kind of editor, where we will create a Wiki-asshorter. First of all, you need to switch the editor to Wiki mode - markup, for which we click on the icon in the upper right corner. If the editor is in the mode you need, then when you hover the cursor, the "Visual Editing Mode" is flooded. If this does not happen, then the editor is not yet in Wiki mode - markup.

In essence, Wiki is a markup is a kind of code, with which you can create interactive elements in groups and publics. Our goal is to create a page with the end of a viral post to attract subscribers. From the viral post, we highlight an excerpt at the beginning and tear it in an intriguing place. It will be the visible part, and the whole material will hide the Wiki page. To create it in the editor, open twice rectangular brackets and close them, the following should be obtained :. Inside the brackets, we enter the text that will encourage our visitors to access all the material by subscribing and click "Save Page".

If everything is done correctly, by clicking on the "View" or "Return to the page" we move to the created Wiki page, where the text entered should acquire the view of the link. After clicking on the text - the link, we go to the page itself, where we will fill it with the main material and make transfer to public.

To transfer a page to a public page in the address bar, you need to replace the identifier of this page (digits to the sign & selected in the figure) on the publication identifier.

To obtain a public ID (if you gave him a short name), press any of the pictures published on it and in the address bar will be able to copy it (numbers between photoc and _).

Copy the numbers from the public and insert them instead of the wiki numbers - pages and immediately press the Enter key. After that, at the top of the page instead of the name "Chernovik ..." the names of the public should appear. This means that everything is done correctly and our Wiki is postponed to public.

Now click on the "fill in content", a familiar editor opens to us, in which I insert the article completely. You can also add photos, multimedia files. After that, go to "Access to the page" and in the Access section, mark "All Users", and in the editing section - "only group executives" and click "Save Changes".

After saving the page, click "back to page" and copy the link to it in the address bar. This link must be saved in any text file (notebook, Word).

Now we go to the publication of our viral post. We have already been viewed in previous articles. The only difference in this case is that first publish an announcement, and after adding a photo, we write that the continuation or answer (depending on the type of post) is under photo, and insert a previously saved link. We are waiting for the page and remove the page and remove the link. Now click "Send" and make the fixation of the post at the top of our public. As the post is fixed, we were viewed in one of the previous articles.

Now you can organize an advertising campaign by publishing an announcement to the post in the "promoted" publics. We looked at the creation wiki - Pages. Thus, you can create a huge number of pages and attract more and more subscribers that intriguing them with interesting material.

Why create wiki-pages

Hello, dear readers of the project "Anatomy of Business"! In this article, we will find out what the wiki is needed, and will witness, how to create them.

Perhaps the main reason for which Vicky Pages is used is an increase in the conversion of visitors to subscribers. Below I will give instructions using which you can increase this indicator at least 10-15%.

Stages of creating a wiki-page

First. Copy to the browser address line such a link:\u003d- Xxxxxxx& p \u003d. HELLO

Second. We replace the symbols in the browser string Xxxxxxxx On the ID "Public" for which we make a new page. If you do not know the ID "Public", then in this article I wrote how to determine it. Next replace the word HELLO The name of the page we want to create.

Third. Press ENTER. In the browser window, an invitation must appear to fill the new content page.

Example of creating a wiki page

Suppose we want to create a wiki page for the "Public" "Anatomy of Business".

2) Change two parameters:

  1. instead Xxxxxxxx We put the ID of our "Public";
  2. instead HELLO We write a name for a new page.

3) Press Enter and get this result:

4) We are convinced that the new page is named as we need, and click the link Fill content.

5) We will turn to edit mode. Here fill the content page.

On the page you can place text, photos, audio and video files and add external and internal links to it.

6) After we filled the page with the required content, click the button Save page.

7) IMPORTANT! Be sure to save on your computer links to created pages, because in the group they are not saved anywhere.

Several interesting "chips" when creating a wiki-pages

Fishka №1
In the title of Wiki-Page, use the words-motivators: Subscribe, register, join, etc.

Fishka №2.
At the end of the material posted on the wiki page, motivate people subscribe to your project. For example: "Did you like the material? Want to be aware of the latest news? Subscribe to the project "Anatomy of Business"! " In this case, the name of the project is made in the form of an active reference. This can be done using the hyperlink function.

Chip number 3.
Always use bright pictures in the material.

Chip number 4.
At the bottom of the page, leave references to the most interesting materials placed in the group.

Chip number 5.
So that more people subscribe to your publishes, use these pictures:

This will add loyalty to your project. Just do not forget to make this picture a hyperlink on your group.

Using all these chips, you can significantly increase the conversion of your "Public", which means to save the advertising budget.

If you have questions about this topic, you can ask them in the section. On promotion of projects on social networks can write
