Creating an RSS feed with styles in PHP. Create your own RSS feed using Google Apps Script

Formats for presenting data. Explanation of this abbreviation for different versions looked different:

  • R ich S ite S ummary (RSS 0.9x) - enriched summary of the site;
  • R DF S ite S ummary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0) - a summary of the site using the resource description infrastructure;
  • R eally S imple S yndication (RSS 2.x) - very simple collection of information.

The general meaning of all these options is that RSS is a way of publishing (broadcasting) and distributing information from a site. Web content syndication means rapid spread information, thanks to simultaneous placement in several sources at once.

RSS feeds are mainly used for annotations, announcing the latest information on websites: news, new publications, updates and changes.

History of the creation of the RSS format

RSS technology was first used in the late 90s by Netscape to distribute news on its Netcenter portal. First open official version RSS became version 0.90. By 2000, the format had become widespread and split into two different standards - RSS 1.0, based on the W3C's XML and RDF standards, and RSS 0.92, based on Netscape's version of the format 0.91. The latest version of the RSS format is 2.0 further development this thread (by the way, the author of this version, Dave Weiner, came up with his own decoding of the abbreviation - Really Simple Syndication).

In 2006, a competing format, Atom, promoted by Google, entered the fight against RSS.


You can find it online various designations for a news stream in RSS format: RSS feed, RSS feed, RSS stream, RSS channel. All these terms mean the same thing.

What are the benefits of RSS feeds for website visitors?

There are special aggregator programs that allow you to collect information from many RSS feeds from different sources. These programs are capable of not only automatically receiving data in RSS format, but also processing it: sorting, filtering and making it as easy to read as possible. All of them are equipped with such aggregators (“readers”) popular browsers. There are also aggregators on the Web - these are special sites for collecting and displaying RSS feeds (examples - Yandex.Lenta, Google Reader).

Using aggregator programs, users have the opportunity to subscribe to news from their favorite sites and blogs and view them without bypassing the source sites themselves. This allows you to save enormous time, especially if the reader has a lot of such favorite resources. By opening the RSS aggregator, you will almost instantly find out which sites have been updated since your last session with it and have the opportunity to quickly view the headlines in order to decide which ones are worth visiting the source site to read the full version of the news or article or other fresh material.

Viewing news in RSS format also allows you to save traffic, since this format is much “lighter” than pages on regular sites due to the lack of graphical shell, advertising, etc.

How to subscribe to a site's RSS feed

Modern browsers are able to independently detect the presence of RSS feeds on sites, and, having detected them when visiting the site, immediately offer the user a dialog to subscribe to the RSS feed. In addition, sites that broadcast RSS feeds usually have special icons - most often an orange rectangle with diverging waves inside. A standard RSS icon looks something like this: or this, but the design of such an icon can vary as much as you like, depending on the imagination and eccentricity of the webmaster. By clicking on this icon, you subscribe to the site's RSS feed.

Why does a website need an RSS feed?

Based on the above, I hope you have already understood that a modern website, especially one that is updated frequently, cannot do without its own RSS feed. If you are interested in increasing traffic to your site and retaining the attention of regular visitors (customers), neglect this useful tool not worth it.

The RSS feed also brings certain benefits in terms of site promotion, since replicating this feed on other resources helps to increase the number of links to the source site of the RSS feed.

In addition, there is an opinion that sites containing RSS feeds can be ranked higher due to the fact that RSS feeds contain a) highly targeted, b) narrowly themed, c) frequently updated material. The presence of an RSS feed encourages more frequent visits to the site search robots, that is, such a site is indexed more often and new information is discovered by search engines earlier. In addition, this factor increases the chances of being included in the search engine index.

RSS feeds and SEO

SEO specialists warn about negative consequences, which the presence of an RSS feed on a website (blog) may have.

Firstly, it was noticed that search engines often index the content of RSS feeds on other sites earlier than on the source broadcasting the feed. And these sites are considered the primary sources, and the author’s site also receives a hit from search engines for “duplicate content.” This is especially true for blogs in which not only the title and short annotations are included in the feed, but entire posts. Thus, your content quickly becomes "non-unique" and "useless to people" from the search engines' point of view. Why does this happen, you ask, since the feed contains links to the news source? But because the sites that rob your content (RSS directories, social bookmarks) are mostly “fatter” than your site, that is, the trustworthiness of your resource is in no way comparable to the trustworthiness of a promoted service.

As a consequence of the described phenomenon, broadcast streams often shift the original source down in .

Secondly, do not delude yourself that those who rob your feed will necessarily include a link to the source: many blatantly cut out such links or put them in noindex, nofollow or in JavaScript.

Thirdly, in the same way, you should not expect that visitors will come to you from thieving sites via links: many of them will limit themselves to reading the news where they found it. And if we take into account the frequently encountered point number 2 (the absence of a direct link to you), then the prospect of increasing traffic through such resources becomes completely illusory.

Fourthly, the XML format is very convenient for . Having created your own RSS feed, you will quickly discover that its contents are shamelessly “torn” by the creators of satellites, spllogs and other web vermin, further contributing to your content being considered non-unique and useless by search engines.

The takeaway, however, is not to abandon RSS entirely. Your regular visitors need an RSS feed! But there’s no point in rushing to add your feed immediately after creation to various RSS directories.

How to create your own RSS feed. RSS Feed Elements

A number of engines and CMS already have built-in RSS feed publishing modules. If you use one, you don't need to worry about this issue. This chapter is for those who want to write their RSS feed by hand or are interested in the RSS format specification.

To create your own RSS feed, you first need to create a document in the XML 1.0 standard. That is, the RSS feed file must begin with the line

Another key moment- the actual RSS element indicating the version:

The tag is placed inside the rss tag . It contains all the information. First, information about the channel itself is indicated, and then the news flow itself. Here's what it looks like in general:

Tape title to site
Short description channel
date last change in the channel*

Heading of news or article No. 1
Link to full text of news or article No. 1
Text of news No. 1 (length is arbitrary)

Heading of news or article No. 2
Link to full text of news or article No. 2
Text of news No. 2 (length is arbitrary)

The required channel elements are title, link and description. In element all elements, by and large, are optional, but, according to at least, or <description>must be present.</p> <p>* Dates in the RSS feed must be in RFC 2822 format! For example, Tue, 18 May 2010 07:30:00 +0300. If you have difficulty with <a href="">correct design</a> dates or don't want to do it manually, use our online date and time converter to RFC 2822 format.</p> <h3>Optional RSS Feed Elements</h3> <p>You can deposit <a href="">Additional information</a> about the channel, source site or channel author.</p> <p><b>language</b> <br>The language in which the channel is written. Allows collectors, for example, to combine all sites in one language on one page. Scroll <a href="">acceptable values</a> of this element lies . <br><i><b>Example:</b> </i> ru-ru</p> <p><b>managingEditor</b><br> <a href="">Email address</a> the person responsible for the editorial text. <br><i><b>Example:</b> </i> </p> <p><b>webMaster</b><br>Address <a href="">Email</a> the person responsible for the technical aspects of the channel. <br>( (Vasily Petrov)</p> <p><b>pubDate</b><br>Date the text was published in the feed Date and time in RSS follow the RFC 822 specification, except that the year can be represented by two or four digits (the latter is preferred). <br><i><b>Example:</b> </i>(Sat, 07 Sep 2002 00:00:01 GMT)</p> <p><b>lastBuildDate</b><br>The time the channel content was last modified. <br><i><b>Example:</b> </i>(Sat, 07 Sep 2002 09:42:31 GMT)</p> <p><b>cloud</b><br>Specifies a web service that supports the rssCloud interface that implements a subscription to channel updates. . <br><i><b>Example:</b> </i></p><p> <cloud domain="" port="80" path="/RPC2" registerProcedure="pingMe" protocol="soap"/></p> <p>(In this example, to request a notification, you would send an XML-RPC message to, port 80, path /RPC2. The procedure called is myCloud.rssPleaseNotify.)</p> <p><b>ttl</b><br>Lifetime - the number of minutes for which the channel can be cached before updating from the resource. <br><i><b>Example:</b> </i> (<ttl>60</ttl>)</p> <p><b>image</b><br>An image (in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format) that can be displayed with the channel.</p> <p>The maximum width is 144 (default is 88). <br> <a href="">Maximum height</a>- 400 (default - 31).</p> <p>Element <item>may also contain <a href="">additional elements</a>, such as:</p> <p><b>author</b><br>Email address of the author of the message. This is relevant, for example, for RSS feeds of online media, in which each article has its own author. Element Format:</p> <p><author> (Andrew Petrov)</author></p> <p><b>comments</b><br>The URL of the page for comments related to the post. Element Format:</p> <p><comments></comments></p> <p><b>enclosure</b><br>Describes the media object attached to the message. It has 3 required attributes: url (application address), length (application size in bytes) and type (application MIME type). Example:</p> <p><enclosure url="" length="15200000" type="audio/mpeg" /></p> <p><b>source</b><br>The name of the RSS feed from which the message received from its <title>. Has a required URL attribute (link to source).</p> <p><source url="">Kapitoshka's channel</source></p> <h3>Checking the RSS feed for compliance with the standard</h3> <p>So, you've made your own RSS feed. To make sure that you did everything correctly, I advise you to use the services of online validators, for example, Feed Validator or RSS Validator.</p> <h3>Organizing a subscription to an RSS feed</h3> <p>To organize the ability to subscribe to your RSS feed, you need to do 2 things:</p> <p>2. Insert between tags <head>And</head> <a href="">next line</a>:</p> <p>This step is necessary in order to inform browsers about the presence of an RSS feed - as you remember, self-respecting browsers have their own RSS readers.</p> <p>By the way, the RSS feed detected by the browser on the site can be viewed by clicking on a special icon in the menu. In Mozilla it is in the address bar, in IE it is in <a href="">command line</a>:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>By the way, as an option, you can give under the RSS button a link not to the news feed itself, but to a feed in the Google service First, of course, you need to register there and add your feed. The advantages of “igniting” your feed are that the FeedBurner service allows site owners to provide information to their subscribers in the most convenient format, and also provides complete statistical information about visitors and subscribers of the feed, and allows you to make money on your feed (using ).</p> <p>Any webmaster wants his site to be popular and visited. And uses everything for this <a href="">possible ways</a>. One of the options to increase the popularity of your resource is to use RSS technology.</p><p>In a nutshell, what it is and how it works. RSS allows users who subscribe to an RSS feed to instantly receive notifications of any new content posted on your site. If the announcement of your article turns out to be interesting, the user just needs to click on the link and he will end up on your website. This way, the user will not forget about your site, but will regularly receive reminders of its existence in the form of article announcements.</p><p>This article is devoted to how to organize an RSS feed for your website yourself. So, as already described above, in general RSS is <a href="">summary</a> new products on your site, which is a file with an xml extension.</p><p>Like everything in this world, RSS has several modifications (versions). The most <a href="">popular formats</a> RSS currently are RSS 2.0 and Atom. IN <a href="">this review</a> We'll learn how to create an RSS feed that's compatible with both formats.</p><p>Let's start creating an RSS feed. We create <a href="">empty file</a> with the txt extension, open it, for example, with Notepad. The first two lines will be like this:</p><p><?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?><br> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""></p><p>In them we indicate that it is <a href="">xml document</a>, and the feed supports RSS 2.0 and Atom formats simultaneously.</p><p>Now you need to specify the full path where the RSS content file will be stored on your site. In my case it will look like this:</p><p><channel><br> <atom:link href="http://сайт/feed/rss.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /></p><ol><li><b>http://site/feed/</b>- path to the file on the hosting.</li> <li><b>rss.xml</b>- this is the name of the file that will store news from our site (which, in fact, we are creating now).</li> </ol><p>Now we indicate the name of our RSS feed, a link to the site and a brief description of the channel:</p><p><title>Everything for the webmaster

http://сайт/pic/rss.jpghttp://siteRSS feed

And the date when our channel was last modified:

You need to pay special attention to this line of code. Each time you add news, you will need to change the number in this line. Otherwise, programs for reading RSS feeds simply will not know that the news has been updated. After all, when they come to your site, they look at the date in this line, compare it with the date of the last update in their database, and if they match, then the information is not read.

The date must be entered in English in the following sequence - Day of the Week, Day, Month, Year, Time.

  • Sun – Sunday
  • Mon – Monday
  • Tue – Tuesday
  • Wed – Wednesday
  • Thu – Thursday
  • Fri – Friday
  • Sat - Saturday
Next, you need to post the news itself that you want to convey to subscribers of your RSS channel. This is done like this:

How to make your own RSS feed?

Mon, 19 May 2008 01:29:14 GMT

  • ... - the entire news block is contained between these tags
  • ... - here we write the news headline
  • ... - link to the full version of the news (article)
  • ... - summary of the news
  • ... - date of publication of the news on the website
  • ... - again a link to the full version of the news (article)
  • If you post several news items at once, then you need to create such a block for each one.

    When all the news has been entered, close the news feed tags at the end:

    What we got as a result:

    Everything for the webmaster
    Website portal news – everything about creating and popularizing websites

    RSS feed

    How to make your own RSS feed?
    This material provides step-by-step instructions for creating an RSS feed for your website.
    Mon, 19 May 2008 01:29:14 GMT

    Now we save the file, change its extension from txt to xml and upload it to the hosting. Then we put an RSS button on the site (the path to which we wrote in the file) and make it a link to our news feed.

    The RSS flyer we created can only contain text information. If desired, we can create a more “advanced” RSS channel - with the ability to post graphic information (in other words, pictures). This is done on the basis of the RSS feed we have already created with the addition of a new CDATA tag to it. I marked with color new insertions into the old code, which allow us to create an RSS feed with graphics:




    This material provides step-by-step instruction creating an RSS feed for your website]]>

    As you can see, many code elements are now simply included in tags, and the description includes a picture

    So, you have created a file with an RSS feed (with or without graphics) and placed it on your hosting. Now is the time to make sure everything is done correctly and the RSS feed displays the information correctly. If you use Opera browsers or Mozilla, then you just need to enter address bar browser path to your RSS feed on the hosting and see the result. If you want to practice and see what RSS feeds look like with and without graphics, you can take a look at my RSS feeds:

    • - ribbon with graphics (not updated)
    • - tape without graphics

    It will also be a good idea to check your code for errors. You can do this, for example, here - FEED Validator. This resource will scan the code of your RSS feed and give a conclusion about the presence or absence of errors.

    Based on materials from the site

    RSS feeds today are firmly established on the pages of many modern sites, because this technology very convenient for obtaining information about site updates. If the site does not have an RSS feed, then one of the online RSS feed generators will help you create it, which will help you implement RSS technology on your project if you have no experience in writing the appropriate code for your site.

    The easiest way to create an RSS feed for a site you like is to use the services or. The first of them has a Russian-language interface and does not even require registration. The second one has the ability to translate the interface into Russian. Both services are extremely easy to use. To receive an RSS feed, simply provide a link to the source website. There are no additional tools that lead the user into a dead end. The task of searching for updated elements and designing the feed is entirely assigned to the algorithms of the services themselves.

    More flexible options for editing your own RSS feeds are offered on the sites and. Feedity crawls a user-specified web page and compiles a list of all the links on it that lead to new posts or articles. PonyFish has useful feature storing and transmitting cookies, which allows you to process pages that require registration to view.

    The service provides good opportunities for generating RSS feeds. This service, unlike those discussed above, operates in a “semi-automatic” mode. The user can actively influence the selection of data for the RSS feed and its design. Another service offers three modes for creating news channels: AnySite, MySite, Podcast. It is clear that the first mode is the creation of an Rss channel for any site. The second mode offers you to independently install markup tags in the code of your web pages, which the service robot will focus on. And the third is the ability to create audio podcasts.

    If you already have an RSS feed, you can include contextual advertising. The most successful service for this business is Feedburner, owned by the search giant Google. It is quite closely connected with the AdSense service, so that if you wish, you can include contextual advertising in your feed. By placing an already existing feed on this service you get the opportunity to add a row to it useful services, including podcasts in video formats.

    Well, that's probably all. Using one of the above services to create your own RSS feed is not difficult; all you need is desire, and the benefits for your site will be undeniable.

    You probably know that the WordPress RSS feed (channel) is different from the website, and you can create as many different RSS channels as you like for one website. Do not know? Read on.

    WordPress RSS Feed

    RSS feed (channel, feed) is a dynamic file XML format, tied to the site domain, formed according to certain rules. When new material is published, the RSS feed of this type of material is supplemented and updated.

    If we open the site’s RSS feed file in a browser, we will not see visually understandable information. It looks like this:

    To make the RSS feed readable, there are so-called RSS aggregator s.

    Important! The RSS aggregator will create a separate RSS feed from an unreadable feed home page site. Such tapes are often called “ News feed RSS format".

    Since there are many aggregators, you can create as many RSS feeds as you want on the main page of the site. Each feed will have its own address on the network. In addition, you can create an RSS feed not only for the main page of the site, but for various sections and new comments.

    For example, you have an online store on WordPress and you reflect all the appearance of new products in separate section"New items." Using the feed address of this section, you can create an RSS news feed for the “New Items” section. This feed will be needed to create a store newsletter.

    Another example. You information blog WordPress and all new articles you publish on the main page. In this case, it is enough to create an RSS feed on the main page of the blog, which will be updated with material when a new article is released or news is published on the main page of the blog.

    WordPress RSS Feed Addresses

    CMS WordPress by default creates several RSS feeds for the site. Of these, the two main ones are important (relative URLs are indicated).

    WordPress RSS feed in RSS2 format

    • Feed of latest posts /feed/
    • Feed of recent comments /comments/feed/
    • Feed of latest posts /feed/rss/
    • Feed of recent comments /comments/feed/rss/
    • Feed of latest posts /feed/rss2/
    • Feed of recent comments /comments/feed/rss2/

    In Atom format

    • Feed of latest posts /atom/
    • Feed of recent comments /comments/atom/

    In RDF format

    • Feed of latest posts /rdf/
    • Feed of recent comments /comments/rdf/

    The core of the system contains files that output each of the listed feeds. All are in the wp-includes directory.

    For records:

    • feed-atom.php (feed in atom format)
    • feed-rdf.php (feed in rdf format)
    • feed-rss.php (RSS feed) is deprecated
    • feed-rss.php (rss2 feed format)
    • feed.php ( feed feed functions)

    Note: The file feed.php is the RSS container for the bloginfo function. Using the get_bloginfo() function, you can get converted information stripped of tags and symbols for use in site feeds.


    • feed-atom-comments.php (comment feed in atom format)
    • feed-rss2-comments.php (comments feed in rss2 format)

    Feed icon on the website

    IN latest versions WordPress, this widget has been removed from the boxed version. Now this widget can be found on the JetPack system plugin under the name “RSS JetPack links”.

    You can and should configure what to show in the WordPress site feed in the console on the “Writing” tab, points:

    • Display the latest in RSS feeds...
    • Show in feed..., announcement or full content.

    Conclusion 1

    • There are two main RSS channels (also known as feeds or feeds) of the site: the main page and the latest comments;
    • WordPress RSS feed has four formats: rss (obsolete), atom, rss2, rdf;
    • Using RSS aggregators, you can create as many RSS news feeds for your site as you like.

    Practice applying knowledge about WordPress feeds

    For practical use site feed, you will need the URL of the main feed (/feed/) or the URL of the news section, which I talked about at the beginning of the article (/category/name-category/feed/). feed can be changed to the desired format. The category prefix in the URL is used in the default settings.

    Feed check

    To check the site feed, you need to enter the full URL of the feed into the address bar of the browser and check how the WordPress RSS feed is reflected in the browser.

    If desired or necessary, you can check the validity of the feed feed on the service:

    Using RSS Feed

    Having the site feed address, you can:

    • Show site news on another WordPress site using the “RSS” widget, entries from any RSS or Atom feed;
    • Create a newsletter on the FeedBurner service. A beautiful newsletter with its own subscription form;
    • Show site news in news directories, for example, LiveRSS: ;
    • Create a newsletter for your subscribers on any third-party email service, such as MailChimp. Multifunctional mailing, interface on English language, with your custom subscription form. Integrates perfectly with WordPress.

    Any other alternative to FeedBurner and MailChimp can be Post service: SmartResponder (died 01-11-2016), UniSender (Russian), Aweber, as well as Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, MyEmma, ​​Mad Mimi, Infusionsoft, Feedblitz, HubSpot, MyNewsletterBuilder, Inbox First, Sailthru, Klaviyo , Vero, Pardot, Zapier, Ontraport, ExactTarget, Vertical Response, Drip, MailerLite, WhatCounts, ConvertKit, MailJet, Maropost.

    Good day. Today we will talk about setting up an RSS feed. First, we will figure out what it is, how to configure it correctly and why it is needed at all. Let's consider all the disadvantages and the possibility of eliminating them.

    What it is?

    Each of you reads several news sites. For example, you read 3 blogs, how do you know that a new article has been published? You need to go to three sites and look, but now imagine that you don’t need to do this, you will need to go to 1 site and there you will find out everything necessary information about new articles. Sounds good, you agree, now let's figure out who it is intended for.

    If you have your own blog or website that publishes various news, then RSS feed is for you. It will help you promote your website, but if you have a corporate website for a company or a business card, then this is pointless, because the information on them is not updated so often. Conclusion: RSS feed is needed only on sites where information is updated several times a week.

    Many well-known sites and programs work on the same principle: “Yandex.Zen”, “News in win 10”, etc. They collect news from other sites where there is an RSS feed, they do not write the news themselves, they simply collect them from other sites.

    How to make it ?

    Tape title to site
    Brief description of the channel
    Date of last change in the channel*

    Heading of news or article No. 1
    Link to full text of news or article No. 1
    Text of news No. 1 (length is arbitrary)

    Heading of news or article No. 2
    Link to full text of news or article No. 2
    Text of news No. 2 (length is arbitrary)

    This is a standard type of RSS feed.

    After this, you need to install an RSS icon on the site. You can scroll down to the footer of the site and see what it looks like, although I'm sure you've seen it hundreds of times already.

    Organizing a subscription to an RSS feed

    To organize the ability to subscribe to your RSS feed, you need to do 2 things:

    2. Insert between tags And the following line:

    This step is necessary in order to inform browsers about the presence of an RSS feed - as you remember, self-respecting browsers have their own RSS readers.

    Optional RSS Feed Elements

    You can enter additional information about the channel, source site or channel author.

    The language in which the channel is written. Allows collectors, for example, to combine all sites in one language on one page. The list of valid values ​​for this element is .

    Example: ru-ru

    Example: (Copyright 2017, Ivan Petrov)

    Email address of the person responsible for the editorial text.


    The email address of the person responsible for the technical aspects of the channel.
    ([email protected](Vasily Petrov)

    Date the text was published in the feed Date and time in RSS follow the RFC 822 specification, except that the year can be represented by two or four digits (the latter is preferred).

    The time the channel content was last modified.

    Specifies a web service that supports the rssCloud interface that implements a subscription to channel updates. .


    (In this example, to request notification, you would send an XML-RPC message to, port 80, path /RPC2. The procedure called is myCloud.rssPleaseNotify.)

    Lifetime - the number of minutes for which the channel can be cached before updating from the resource.
    Example: (60)

    An image (in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format) that can be displayed with the channel.

    The maximum width is 144 (default is 88).
    The maximum height is 400 (default is 31).

    Element may also contain additional elements such as:

    Email address of the author of the message. This is relevant, for example, for RSS feeds of online media, in which each article has its own author. Element Format:

    [email protected](Andrew Petrov)

    Page URL for comments related to the post. Element Format:

    Describes the media object attached to the message. It has 3 required attributes: url (application address), length (application size in bytes) and type (application MIME type). Example:

    The name of the RSS feed from which the message received from its . 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