Creation and display of articles (content) in Joomla using sections and categories, a blog on Joomla and a More button. The most common mistakes and questions Why in Joomla

pull October 29, 2012 at 01:51 pm Why is Joomla bad for a website?
  • Lumber room *

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Joomla if the site on this engine (as on any other) is created competently. In particular, if initially the modular assembly of Joomla was prepared for the modern approach to website promotion.
But in our practice, it was very difficult for the website creators with whom we worked to create such an assembly.
Joomla, as a free management system, has its advantages. But they are rarely used, due to numerous shortcomings.

What do we need from a management system for the site to smoothly reach the desired top?

1. Competent links. This is the URL that we see in the browser's address bar. Joomla modules designed to create competent links use an initially incorrect layout of the page address, but this could be tolerated if the site structure (and the nuances associated with it) will initially be used at the planning stage. In most cases, attaching such a module after creating a site and filling it with content is no longer possible due to the inevitable collisions of old page addresses and new ones. A great example is if you have an online store module. Even the most expensive commercial module will instantly lead to a technical knockdown. If the module is simple, then it will live for some time until you discover that the products you wanted to promote will never reach the top, no matter how much money you spend on it. All these problems can only be partially solved.

2. Titles. They are also page titles. They are not that important to the user, but they are incredibly important to the search robot. The story with them is absolutely the same as with the links, only there are much fewer functional modules. Relatively capable versions are of course paid, but they should also be installed before creating the site. Most often, an unfortunate site optimizer implants an injection script into the site layout, which integrates the correct search titles for a specific address. But it’s not convenient to work this way, because in order to correct something, you need to go to the FTP site and edit the file from there, think about syntax program errors and other things that the optimizer wouldn’t even think about, but has to. And besides, the occurrence of such situations aggravates the senselessness of such a control system. The standard component of maintaining page titles in Joomla is very weak and is not subject to even the most necessary simple fine-tuning.

3. Top level headings. The problem is the same as with titles, only not so pronounced. Of course, they can be entered for each text through a visual editor, but on a website with an architecture of little complexity, sooner or later there will be a collision of materials, which is fraught with bad consequences that are not obvious at first glance. You can force Joomla to manage headers centrally using some module at the stage of website creation. After creation, the problems will be the same as with titles. Only with large collisions of headings that are already used in the text or in standard components.
Clean code. There should be nothing superfluous in the code, but Joomla programmers can rarely cope with this, since they are hampered by the extremely poor linear structure of data and templates. Everything is fine if Joomla was initially cleaned of unnecessary modules and unnecessary components and configured properly. It is desirable that the version that the programmer puts on the site is modern, and not dated from the last millennium. Alas, the author of this article has only seen such sites from real SEO and web programming professionals who firmly know how it should work and what they need for promotion. In 90% of cases, sites are programmed according to the “who knows what” principle, since programmers in a design studio, freelancers and just your good friends are often not going to promote them with their own hands. The exception is something very low-frequency and inexpensive, preferably without competition at all. Of course, a site can be written in Chinese - and it will be beautiful, very informative, ergonomic and with excellent graphics - but optimizing such a site will cost titanic work, which will still not bring the expected results, since promoting the site requires nuances that This control system is not intended to create.

In 99% of cases, it is easier to rebuild a website on Joomla on a different management system than to try to configure it.

4. A website on Joomla is very easy to break. To do this, there are a lot of exploits and software freely available on the Internet, which are updated with each new patch of this already pretty patched up system. Let’s say that before you know it, on your site, if your site attracts someone’s envious attention, a block of pornographic links will appear, hidden from ordinary eyes, accessible for viewing directly from the page code. Or one day you will receive a notification that your resource is sending spam. Or your potential customers will be attacked by a Trojan (by the way, you won’t even be able to understand where it is or whether it exists - it’s one line of code that looks like Java, but is autonomous and brings truly interesting results). The result is a loss of karma, a fall (for a long time) in rankings or a permanent ban.

Competition. Ideologically, this free management system (like many others) was created not so that you would save a couple of thousand rubles (that’s how much a NetCat license costs), but so that you technically would not be able to create full-fledged competition. Is this what you want from your website?

Tags: Joomla, NetCat, cms, SEO

11 years ago

Many potential customers ask why Joomla is among the many CMS? And I can say that I have never seen a system more flexible in settings and capabilities. I can break it down point by point:

  • This is of course modular. From more than 2800 components and modules using CMS Joomla you can create a website for your purposes. Be it a home page or a serious online store.
  • Easy template change for Joomla. If you want to have templates for every occasion or holiday, Joomla allows it. There is no attachment to a specific template. Templates can be changed for both the user part and the administrative part.
  • Ease of writing articles (content). Visual editor almost similar to Word. Formatting and other settings. In addition to this, you can immediately create a new menu item that will link to a page with the full text of this article.
  • Ease of SEO. For each article, you can specify a set of unique keywords, and you can hope that users looking for the necessary information will come to you, and specifically to this article (if it is, of course, unique).
  • Flexibility in menu settings. With two keystrokes you can create or delete new menu items.
  • Embedded components for forums, guest books, comments, photo galleries. That it is very convenient for users and administrators. Once you register, you get access to all sections, of course, if it is limited access.
  • Commerce. You can install e-commerce components.
  • Constantly updating the Joomla CMS engine increases the security of the site.
  • Convenience when working with users. You can restrict rights for different user levels. For example, you can create the following groups: users (can watch and comment), managers (can watch, comment and edit materials) and superadmins (full control over the site).
  • For a superadmin, of course, there are a large number of settings. What allows you to make even an elephant with Joomla.
  • Generation of CNC (human-readable URLs). Not just a set of links, but for example like here /portfolio.html.
  • With enough experience, a Joomla website can be deployed in a matter of hours.
Disadvantages of Joomla

Unfortunately, we can’t go anywhere without them. So:

  • CMS Joomla is popular among hackers for hacking. Open source, low development speed of Joomla itself. Although still in second place after WordPress.
  • Very bad documentation
  • With large data, brakes are noticeable.
  • Low quality code of third-party extensions.
  • Slow search
  • This is probably not all that can be said. But I hope this will be enough to make a decision in favor of this Joomla CMS.

    Warning: main(.../includes/phpInputFilter/class.inputfilter.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in .../includes/joomla.php on line 81 Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required ".../includes/phpInputFilter/ class.inputfilter.php" (include_path=".:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php") in .../includes/ joomla.php on line 81

    This error means that your ftp client is not configured properly. That is, when copying files to the server, it converts file names to lower case. In fact, there is a phpInputFilter folder in Joomla, but when uploaded to the hosting, its name becomes: “phpinputfilter”. For windows hosting this does not matter; for unix hosting the FILE NAME REGISTER is important. For example, in the Total Comander file manager, this option is located in the copy dialog box and is called “Translate file names to lower case.”

    I turned off the site, but it still appears. Why?

    When you turn off a site in the global configuration, and then want to check it, it remains as if it were on. Don't worry. You just need to log out so that it is no longer visible. The fact is that after shutting down the site is visible only to administrators, and as soon as you log out, you will become a regular user and will not be able to work with the site as usual.

    I go to the site and they tell me that it is closed. Inscriptions like “Site closed”, “Site offline”, “Site temporarily unavailable”

    This can happen for one reason - some problems with MySQL. There should be a number written at the bottom, it is from this that you can judge a more precise reason for the site not working:

    1 - There is no MySQL support on the hosting at all. Such issues can only be resolved with the hosting company.

    2 - We cannot connect to the database (either the access details are incorrectly specified in configuration.php, or the database is simply overloaded and discards new connections). It is worth checking the correctness of the entered details (if something was changed or the hoster moved the site somewhere), or wait until MySQL is unloaded and is able to accept connections.

    3 - The specified database does not exist. This is a serious reason to check your configuration.php and everything related to the settings in it. connections.

    When I insert javascript, flash and other tricks into content/modules/components, they do not appear on the main page; instead, the HTML code that I entered is written. What to do?

    Try disabling the editor and pasting the HTML code directly. To disable the editor in “User Management”, click on yourself and select a simple editor in the editor selection option on the right. Perhaps what you need will not appear in the preview. Look straight ahead. If you use the JCE editor, then it allows you to use java scripts in your code, i.e. does not cut javascript code. To do this, it needs to be configured, i.e. Allow the use of Java script. Settings are available in the editor mambot.

    How to disable the visual (WYSIWYG) editor?
    • Go to the admin panel and in User Management select the user you need and in the editing form select “Simple editor (HTML)”. This can be done with any user (unless you are a super administrator, of course)
    • Log in to the front, when editing your data, select the same editor and save your choice.
    Why is it that when I create a new module in the admin panel and insert php code into it, it is not executed but is displayed as is?

    That's how it should be. Modules of this type (not real modules located in the /modules folder, but virtual ones) do only that they display the text entered into them. Naturally, there can be no talk of any code. In order to execute your code in modules, you need to write a module. It's not that difficult, but it requires knowledge of the PHP language. You can also install a special mod_php module.

    How can I make sure that only registered users can save pages?

    No way. It's not possible and that's all. The page is downloaded by the browser in any case. IE-only tricks that prohibit mouse button clicks are harmful and will not appeal to any of your users. And who uses this IE.

    I get the error: "Download XXX - download failed" + "ERROR: The installation XML file cannot be found in the installation package" + I cannot install any component

    There may be several options:

    • During installation (on the archive selection page), Joomla writes which directories are not writable, correct the rights if they are missing.
    • Make sure you put exactly what you need. That is, not just a zip archive downloaded from somewhere, but you need to make sure that this archive does not contain other archives that need to be installed. Very often components come together with modules and mambots, and all in one file. So, don’t try to install one file, unzip it and then install everything separately.
    • Make sure /media has the appropriate permissions (for example 777)
    • It is impossible to install a plugin, for example, for Community Builder or SOBI through the extension installer for Joomla, such things must be installed through the installer of this specific component
    • You cannot install extensions from RAR archives, only ZIP or similar GZ formats.
    • The following problem is possible - safe mode will not allow you to install components. There’s nothing you can do about it (Don’t be lazy and ask the hoster if you don’t know what it is). If you have safe mode installed on your hosting and there is no way to turn it off, then perhaps a safe mode patch will help you. After installing it, you need to set permissions to 777 on all the necessary directories, configure FTP access and try to install the extension again.
    • Make sure that there are no special characters in the name of the downloaded archive, ideally if there are only English letters
    • Especially for Russian Apache - you need to insert the line “CharsetRecodeMultipartForms off” into .htaccess (if a white sheet falls out - and you don’t know why - it means you didn’t read the fact). You can also try adding the following lines to the .htaccess file:
    CharsetDisable On CharsetRecodeMultipartForms off AddType application/zip .zip AddType compressed/zip; application/x-zip-compressed .zip
    • Perhaps the encoding is incorrectly specified in the xml file. If the component is localized, make sure that the encoding="XXX" specified in the header is correct. For localized components this is most often “windows-1251”
    • According to Fey's advice, you can make the following modification for PHP versions greater than 5. Open the file /administrator/includes/admin.php and add one line there:
    function mosMakePath($base , $path ="" , $mode = NULL ) ( ... for ($i = 0 ; $i< $n ; $i ++) { $path .= $parts [ $i ] . "/" ; $path = str_replace ( "//" , "/" , $path ) ; // эту строку и надо добавить if (!file_exists ( $path ) ) { if (!mkdir (substr ($path ,0 ,-1 ) ,$mode ) ) { ...
    • Try installing the extension from a directory rather than from an archive. You need to copy the files via ftp to a folder on the host and install from there. The installation folder is indicated on the page for installing components/modules/mambots.

    If nothing works out, the last option remains - long and difficult. We make a dump, upload your site via FTP, deploy it at home on a local server (for example, Denver), install a component on it or whatever you need, make a dump again and upload it back to the server.

    If nothing works, we don't know the reason. This is hosting, real hosting with its problems. It is impossible to foresee everything. There is no need to create all sorts of topics, like “doesn’t anyone know?” A solution to the problem (even if long and difficult) is given - use it.

    When installing components, I get the error “Another component is already using the directory: /xxx/components/com_zzz/”

    This error means that Joomla checks the presence of all folders before installing a component and finds that some component is already there. This does not mean that there is anything there. Perhaps you previously installed this component, but when you uninstalled the folder, it was not deleted, for example, because new files appeared there. You just need to physically delete the directories

    • /xxx/components/com_zzz/
    • /xxx/administrator/components/com_zzz/

    and then try installing it again. But just in case, it’s worth copying the contents of the directories somewhere if you are not sure that you don’t need anything there.

    I want to use mambot XXX, but writing (XXX YYY) in the article (everything is as per the instructions) - nothing changes and this text is written the same way. And when I write the same in the template, nothing happens either.

    In administration, in managing mambots, you must first publish the mambot. Secondly, make sure that you write the structures to call it correctly. It should also be recalled that mambots act only where they are called. For example for articles. They cannot work for templates, modules or anything else. This is not their territory.

    When I work in the admin panel, the buttons for saving material, category or section do not work

    Most likely your editor has stopped working correctly. To check this version, you need to disable the editor and try to do the same (how to do this - read the fact about editors!).

    I use the RSS export component or in the module I try to pull news from another site, but instead of news there is emptiness. There is nothing

    Most likely your hoster has disabled external connections for the PHP language. This is the most common reason. Those. receiving RSS is a connection to another site, and your hoster doesn’t want you to drive up unnecessary traffic and prohibits such connections. You can ask them directly about this. In the meantime, they are responding, you can look at the error logs to see how php is swearing and what exactly it is swearing at.

    Joomla does not have comments for articles. How can I make it so that I can comment on them?

    Joomla itself does not have anything like this built-in. But there are a lot of solutions with different functionality. Most often this is a component and a mambot. Mambot writes a link to comments and their number in the article, and the component accepts incoming comments from users. You can choose components to your taste from the extension catalog. There is a link to it in this FAQ and on the main page

    I installed Jacl Plus, but the site completely died. Shows various errors, does not work as it should

    The thing is that JACLPlus is a hack. This means that it is intended only for the version for which it was released. And the most common mistake is that it is installed on the wrong version for which it is intended. For example, you can install 1.0.12 on joomla version 1.0.8. As a result, the site will die. The most effective way to restore is to get backups. Even in its distribution there is a file where this warning is written in capital letters in English. The second reason, which can also happen, is that this component cannot work correctly with some third-party extensions. You should look for their support on the official website of this component.

    How to manually uninstall JACLPus (version 1.0.10 or higher), i.e. restore Joomla!

    • You need to take 5 files from the Joomla distribution and write them over the existing ones. These are the files:
    1) includes/joomla.php 2) includes/gacl.class.php 3) includes/gacl_api.class.php 4) components/com_content/content.php 5) components/com_content/content.html.php
    • Run a MySQL query (if the tables have a table prefix different from jos_ , then manually correct the query - change the table prefixes)
    -- -- SQL queries for manual uninstallation JACLPlus -- Only for tables with the "jos_" prefix -- ALTER TABLE jos_session DROP jaclplus; ALTER TABLE jos_core_acl_aro_groups DROP jaclplus; DELETE FROM jos_groups WHERE id > 2 ; DELETE FROM jos_core_acl_aro_groups WHERE group_id > 30 ; UPDATE jos_categories SET access = "2" WHERE access > 2 ; UPDATE jos_contact_details SET access = "2" WHERE access > 2 ; UPDATE jos_content SET access = "2" WHERE access > 2 ; UPDATE jos_mambots SET access = "2" WHERE access > 2 ; UPDATE jos_menu SET access = "2" WHERE access > 2 ; UPDATE jos_modules SET access = "2" WHERE access > 2 AND access != 99 ; UPDATE jos_polls SET access = "2" WHERE access > 2 ; UPDATE jos_sections SET access = "2" WHERE access > 2 ; UPDATE jos_session SET gid = "1" WHERE gid > 30 ; UPDATE jos_users SET gid = "18" WHERE gid > 30 ; UPDATE jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map SET group_id = "18" WHERE group_id > 30 ; DROP TABLE jos_jaclplus; I can't send mail
    • The very first thing you should do is ask the hosting company how sending mail from PHP is organized. It’s easy to find out how scripts should send mail, and configure sending accordingly in the global configuration.
    • You can also find out if everything is normal on their part. Sometimes sendmail is not active, and you just need to enable it for mail to start working.
    When installing the component: Fatal error "PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10)"

    Most often, the source of the error is the web server itself, which is configured to modify the input data in a certain way, or rather, recode it (and remove some headers). To eliminate this, you need to add the line to the .htaccess file

    CharsetDisable on

    If you have Russian Apache installed (you can check this with your hosting company), then for it in the same file you need to add

    CharsetRecodeMultipartForms off

    If this does not help, or you are not allowed to have your directives in this file, then the only way out is to install the extension from the directory. On the archive selection page there is an option to select the directory on the server in which the unpacked archive with the extension will be located. You can upload it there using the same FTP manager. Sometimes the cause of this error may be that you are trying to download not a ZIP archive, but, for example, a RAR archive. Remember, Joomla cannot read this format.

    The message “No objects to display!” appears on the main page. How to remove it and what does it mean
    • This inscription means that at the moment there are no articles in the system intended for publication on the main page. If you display anything on the main page, this inscription will disappear. You can publish articles in the Frontpage Manager in the Joomla admin panel.
    • If you don’t want to publish anything, but the inscription still needs to be removed (it’s strange, of course, to look at a blank page, but nevertheless), then you can remove it in the language file (in the language directory, find your language file and erase these words from there, let there will be an empty line)
    I removed the standard component/module/mambot. How to get it back

    Of course, you already understand that this was not worth doing. Any module or mambot can be disabled, and it is not at all necessary to delete it. But, if you still did something irreparable, it means you are still a complete beginner and, in principle, it costs you nothing to rearrange Joomla from scratch and not stress about this matter. You may also, quite by chance, have a Joomla backup from which you can restore everything. But. If there is none of this, then you need to do approximately the following steps:

    • First, make a backup of your files and database.
    • Install Joomla locally so that you can compile an installation archive with the extension
    • If your extension is:
      • Mambot - in the /mambots/group/ folder you should most often find two files mambot.php and mambot.xml, archive them in a zip archive and try to install. "Group" is the logical group of your mambot. If this is mosimage, then this is the content group (the mambot processes content on the site). If you don't know the group, try searching everywhere.
      • Module - in the /modules/ folder, most often find two files (if there are more of them, during installation the installer will complain that there are not enough files, or you can immediately look at the xml and find out what you need additionally) - mod_module.php and mod_module.xml. We pack them in a zip archive and try to install them.
      • Component - create a temporary folder, copy all the files from the /administrator/components/com_component/ and /components/com_component/ directories into it, pack it into a zip archive and try to install it.

    But. Most standard components are made in such a way that they do not have a record of their installation in their xml file. This is not bad, it’s just that if we consider them standard, then it’s not so scary that information about them is inserted during the installation of Joomla. In particular, some components do not have menu item entries in the administrative part. Those. Even if you install the component this way, you still won’t be able to get to it (except for manually entering the line “index2.php?option=com_component” into the browser address bar). Therefore you can:

    • Dump one table #__components and find in it just one line of the form "INSERT INTO #__components ..." where the substring "com_component" will be present.
    • Manually add the “administrator” section to the xml file before installation (if it doesn’t exist), and add the “menu” tag to it. Something like this:
    ... Menu item title ... Why mambots (moshidefrom, mosimage) do not work with components other than standard ones

    Everything is correct. That's how it should be. The fact is that a mambot is a group of functions that is called by a specific component for its own purposes with its own specific parameters. For example, mosimage requires a list of pictures and article text stored in the database. Other mambots simply require an article ID. If you think that some left component will somehow cause these mambots, then you are mistaken. It won’t, because it’s not built into it. Mambots operate only where they are called and where they are intended to work. Nothing will happen if you write mosimage in your contacts, because the mambot must be CALLED by the component, and it does not and cannot know ANYTHING about mambots and your desire. Yes. The articles component can, but only because it has a special piece of code to call the content group mambots. In order for mambots to work in a completely unrelated component, almost the same section of code (with all the necessary changes, of course) must be added to the code of this component in the right places immediately before output. If the author of the component is concerned about this, everything will work; if not, you can try it yourself (of course, if you know the PHP language).

    In the admin panel I blocked myself, but there were no other administrators. What to do.

    To do this, go to phpMyAdmin or another table manager, open the #__users table and find the line with your user (most often admin). And change the value in the block field to 0.

    When creating an article and entering a link like mailto: [email protected] it is created, but when creating a letter, incomprehensible characters are written in it that should not be there

    \n This e-mail is being protected from spambots. To view it, your browser must have Java-script support enabled type="text/javascript">

    It's simple. This is what the emailcloack mambot does - a bot that encrypts email addresses from spam bots. Most often, you can safely turn it off in the list of mambots. There is little real benefit from it.

    Error: "main(/path/includes/version.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/includes/joomla.php on line XX"

    This error means that you may not have correctly specified the value of the $mosConfig_absolute_path variable in configuration.php when migrating the site. Check it with the real path on the server (there should be no slash at the end).

    Error: "Sorry, but you do not have sufficient rights to view this page. You must log in or register."

    This error means that when you request a page or when submitting a form (for example, a site login form), Joomla, checking your ability to access this address, begins to work out the verification logic not quite correctly. All this logic comes down to substituting the name of the current component and checking the entries in the table of menu items for an item similar in address. As soon as it is found, its access level is checked, and if it is “special”, access is denied. Moreover, it does not even take into account the disabledness of any menu item or the fact that there may be several similar ones. The solution to the problem, oddly enough, is to delete menu items or assign them a different access level. If you don’t have anything secret on your site, then you should look through all your menus and find, even if disabled, menu items with an access level different from general and try to make them common to everyone, and if this doesn’t work, delete them. But usually the first one helps. And first of all, look exactly at those menu items that link to a component that you do not have enough access to.

    Error: Warning: session_start(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/xx/zz/) ...

    This error appears due to incorrect settings of sessions (a special mechanism of the PHP language) on the hosting. There is only one way to solve the problem - by contacting the technical support of the hosting company.

    CMS Joomla is one of the most extensible content management systems in the world.

    The range of applications is truly endless, from a simple blog to a powerful news portal, from the simplest business card website for a company to a sophisticated billing system.

    Joomla is a kind of constructor; you take the necessary components and attach them to a common framework.

    Do you need a comment system - yes please

    need feedback from users - no problem,

    I need a store and that’s not a question!
    The beauty of Joomla is that it combines its extensions perfectly.

    For example, my first billing for customer service worked specifically on Joomla in conjunction with the Community Builder component

    Well, let me list the positive qualities inherent in this CMS:

    1. Free.
    This quality is written first, because, you see, we are all used to expensive, which means reliable and classy, ​​but not in this case
    They don't even ask you for backlinks. Without straining yourself financially, you get a powerful engine for your website.

    2.Easy to learn.
    The system is extremely easy to administer; of course, you don’t need to immediately open the admin panel and poke at random anywhere. There is a lot of information on working with Joomla on the Internet and no wonder it is the most popular system on the Internet.

    3.Extendable functionality through plugins.
    What I already talked about above in this article. You take and build what you need, expand and complete it as a private house on a large country plot.

    4.High security.
    Well, everything is clear here, no one will encroach on the holy of holies. New security mods are constantly being released. The main thing is to monitor and update on time.

    5. A huge number of design templates.
    Perhaps no other system can boast such an abundance of free templates. In my practice, there was even nonsense when I needed a paid template for one individual project and I could not find anything, I had to sculpt it myself.

    Moreover, the structure of templates in Joomla is very simple and any novice user can master it in a day.

    6. Not whimsical in hosting requirements.

    Now Joomla will work on almost any hosting. You can even pick up a free one, but I highly recommend it.

    Almost every hosting will install this system on their servers for free. Most have automatic installation of Joomla

    You still have a choice of which cms to work with!
    Yes, WordPress is better for a blog, but a website needs a more powerful CMS.

    Try Joomla, millions have already tried it and don’t regret it.

    Creation of turnkey projects of any complexity!
    Bringing raw sites up to standard
    Development of a unique custom design
    Layout and stretching for popular systems: WordPress, MODX, OpenCart
    Contact us, we will do it efficiently and beautifully!

    Choosing a CMS for your website is a very difficult choice because there are so many different CMSs out there now. They all have great features to boast of, but it's not always clear how these features will help in real life. In this article, we will talk about five reasons why many people choose Joomla to achieve their website goals and solve their real problems.

    This article is not about comparing Joomla with other CMS platforms, there are quite a lot of comparisons. They are often biased to one degree or another and contain generalized information that does not always make sense. In real life, we have to achieve specific goals, and this is easier if we choose the right tools.

    This article is about the benefits of the Joomla system. These benefits are indeed great, but they are only useful to us if they relate to what needs to be implemented in the project. Maybe they will be useful to you, maybe not. Choosing the right CMS for a project is a complex process in itself, and only you can decide what will be best for you. But it's always good to make an informed decision.

    Author's Note: I am very involved with the Joomla community and love Joomla. However, I put my personal biases and preferences aside. Sometimes I use other platforms for work. Like any business owner, I have a responsibility to meet the needs of my clients, which motivates my decisions. Through years of experience working on many projects, I have discovered specific reasons and situations why and when one platform often performs better than another. This is my inspiration for this article.

    Here are five reasons why people choose Joomla: 1.) Extensive content management capabilities

    Joomla was built from the ground up as a content management system. And content management is what she does best. There are hundreds of options, dozens of interface screens to help you create, organize, sort and display content in countless ways.

    Joomla includes extensive built-in interface options for managing your site. No additional coding or plugins required to perform complex content management and display tasks.

    Content management features become increasingly important as a site grows. There are a huge number of advantages that the Joomla interface offers for working with websites containing a large number of menus, articles, sections or pages.

    We can work with menus, articles, categories, tags, manage various other built-in features and third-party extensions directly from the interface. In Joomla you will find a huge number of switches, buttons and options for almost anything you can think of. And these are all standard functions that do not require any additional code or plugins.

    • Sites with large volumes of content and pages
    • Sites with large and complex navigation structures
    • For those who create a website and have no coding experience
    • For people who like everything to be organized at all times (like me)

    Pro tip: Each interface and component has dozens of options and settings to control everything from sorting, filtering and organizing, content (title, author, date, etc.), page display controls, blog page layouts (yes on Joomla makes it easy to create a blog), metadata, SEO options and much more. You can do anything because there is a lot of power under the hood if you know where to look.

    Extensive built-in core functionality also helps eliminate the need for additional plugins and extensions. This can help with stability, security and support.

    2.) Standardized interface and functionality

    The more you learn Joomla, the more features you get. It's good to know that Joomla has a set of standard controls and many of the core features work in a similar way. This not only helps us get to know Joomla, it also creates a more stable and reliable CMS foundation. This foundation is the source of many powerful features in Joomla.

    Standardized Joomla interface.

    Once you learn how to use one feature in Joomla, you will learn many things in Joomla at once. For example, after creating an article, you will already know exactly how to create categories and tags. Plus all the functions of saving, closing and copying content are the same in most core components and many third-party extensions.

    For more advanced users, the basic PHP architecture in Joomla is also standardized. Joomla is built on a standardized pattern

    This makes Joomla an ideal choice for:
    • Anyone who needs to manage their own website
    • Training clients or employees to manage website content
    • For those who make a website themselves
    • Site of integrators and developers and programmers

    Pro Tip: Mastering Joomla may take some time, but once you do, you'll have a powerful set of tools at your disposal. The workflow may seem a bit confusing at first, but once you learn how all the components work together, the site will become very easy to use.

    3.) User management and access control features

    A user registration system, a user manager and several levels of ACL (Access Control List) are built right into the Joomla core. This makes Joomla ideal for sites that require user accounts, user registration, or information restriction features.

    User registration and custom access control are built into the core of Joomla

    Setting up basic user accounts, user registration, user access levels, restricting access to content and admin area is common for Joomla. If standard ACL levels are not enough, you can create as many custom levels as you need with full permission settings for all core features and most third party extensions. It's all built into the core of Joomla and is ready to use from the very beginning.

    This makes Joomla an ideal choice for:
    • Sites requiring user registration
    • Sites with requirements to restrict access to content
    • Membership or subscription based sites
    • Communities or forum
    • Business sites that require a separate “client account” section or client login
    • Companies with a large staff or number of participants

    Pro Tip: The access control core is also standardized in Joomla, allowing access settings to be applied across all core Joomla components. The standard is also integrated into most third-party extensions. All these complex settings are carried out through a windowed interface and without programming.

    4.) Advanced template control

    Some CMS platforms allow you to use only one active template (or theme) or one set of template parameters for the entire site, and, in most cases, this is enough. However, if you've ever wanted to make it easier to use different template settings on different pages, or wanted to use more than one template on your site, then Joomla can easily help with this.

    Joomla can handle simple and complex design requirements.

    In Joomla, you can install as many templates, create as many overrides for one template as you want, and assign your own variation of settings to at least every page. This means that any pages, groups of pages, or specific sections of your site may have different design settings. To do this, you just need to use the built-in settings in the template interface, without any additional code or plugins. The scope of settings, of course, depends on the template.

    For example, you can create a section of the site with a blue panel and other pages with green, or you can create variations of landing pages on different templates, or create a temporary change in the appearance of the site for holidays or special occasions. Joomla makes it very easy to try different settings and changes, which allows us to be more creative with our projects.

    This makes Joomla an ideal choice for:
    • Sites with broad or frequently changing requirements
    • Multi-sectional sites with color variety requirements
    • Creative web designers
    • Template Developers

    Pro tip: for more advanced users, it is possible to directly edit the template through the template manager interface using the built-in code editor. You can make complex code customizations without leaving the back-end interface.

    5.) International language support

    One of the many reasons for Joomla's popularity around the world is the wide internationalized language support it offers. Joomla can be installed in different languages, or with multiple languages, which is offered to users right out of the box.

    Support for international languages ​​integrated into the Joomla core.

    Like everything in Joomla, language options are standardized and can be used in different ways. For example, language settings can be assigned to each user so that people from different locations can work in their primary language. We can also create content, navigation, or language-specific sections of the site based on any number of parameters. There are a ton of applications to further enhance Joomla's multilingual functionality. The reason for this feature is that it is very popular in the global community, making Joomla the only choice for many users around the world (especially for certain language groups).

    This makes Joomla an ideal choice for:
    • International sites and projects
    • Websites requiring multilingual support
    • Sites with multilingual content
    • Large teams, multilingual staff

    Pro Tip: Joomla has extensive built-in language support, but it does not translate website content. Translation of existing content may be displayed and assigned in different ways, but it is not an automatic translation of content written in one language and machine translated into another. This is an important distinction to keep in mind. There are many additional automatic translation extensions for Joomla if you need them.

