Create an ice effect in Photoshop. How to Create Simple Ice Text in Photoshop

While surfing the Internet looking for various Photoshop tutorials and reading people's posts on forums, I discovered that there were very few tutorials on how to make realistic ice in Photoshop, and that a lot of people found the process to be quite difficult. I took this as a challenge and decided to try to make something icy without having any such experience. After 2 hours of hard work, I was happy with the result. I loved the sharp crystalline look of the ice that I made in Photoshop. Then I decided why not write a lesson on how to create realistic ice in Photoshop.

Create new document(mine is 640 x 480 pixels). Make the Background color blue (I chose #2E517D). Using the tool Custom Shape Tool(Freeform (U)), take the shape Fern(Fern) which you can find at Nature(Nature) from the drop-down menu of additional forms and settings.

Create a new layer and, holding Shift key to maintain proportionality, draw the shape of a fern. Then, select a tool Path Selection(Outline selection) and right-click on the picture, select from the list that appears Make Selection(Create Selection) and click Ok. Fill with tool Point Bucket(Fill) The resulting selection is white.

Double-click on the fern layer in the layers palette to open the window Layer Style (Layer Style). Start with effect Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay). Set value Angle(Angle) at 111 degrees, Scale(Zoom) by 70% and Opacity(opacity) 100%. The gradient should contain the following colors: #C8DBEA at 10%, #FFFFFF at 50%, and #C8DBEA at 90%. The effect should look similar to this:

Apply style Stroke(Stroke) with a size of 1 pixel. In the parameter Position select Inside and select #28A6FF for color.

Now choose a style Color Overlay (Color Overlay) and specify the parameter Opacity(opacity) value 75% and color #ABC2E4.

Apply style Bevel and Emboss(Emboss), leave all settings at default except Gloss Contour(Gloss Contour) whose setting should be changed to Ring(Ring), and set the parameter Shadow Mode(Shadow Mode) color #3D5286.

In style Contour(Outline) set the values Range(Range) to 100%, Contour(Contour) to Cone (Cone) and check Anti-aliased (Smoothing).

Now activate the style Texture(Texture) and select in Pattern(Pattern) Wood (Wood) and set the value Scale(Scale) by 63%.

Apply style Satin(Gloss) and change the values Blend Mode(Blend Mode) to Normal, Opacity(Opacity) to 100% and color to #A6D5F5.

Add style Inner Glow (Inner glow) and change the color to #2B81D9.

Add style Outer Glow(Outer Glow) with the color changed to #7DD9FF and Opacity 15%.

Add an effect Inner Shadow(Inner Shadow) with the color changed to #484A70.

Add style Drop Shadow(Shadow), with color #1B2A6A and Opacity- 40%. Leave blank Use Global Light(Global Illumination), and the values Angle(Angle) change to 45 degrees, Distance(Offset) by 65 pixels, Spread(Distribution) 5%, Size(Size) 100 pixels.

You now have an ice effect that can easily be applied to any other object (for example, by copying styles from one layer to another with other objects directly in the Layers palette).

My name is Zainab R., I am a young but passionate designer from Lahore (Pakistan). I have been infected with art since childhood, moving from traditional to digital art. Although I have come a long way and have a lot of experience, I still continue to develop and try to expand my creativity.
We will be creating work based on the concept of ice and fire. In this tutorial you will learn how to achieve this combination as quickly and easily as possible.

Materials used:

Step 1: Planning
Open in Photoshop image, with whom you would like to work. Before looking for a model, determine for yourself what position it should be in to suit your idea. Our concept is ice against fire. We want to depict a sleeping girl who seems to be reborn again. Her calmness will be conveyed in the form of ice, and her awakening in the form of fire. Start by guessing how the ice and fire will be positioned around the girl. I used a soft round brush in orange and blue color for the approximate outline of fire and ice. Now I have a clear idea of ​​what direction to go in, so let's get started!

Step 2: Splash Effect
I like to create all the time unusual effects, this helps reveal my idea. We'll start by creating a splash effect. Create a new layer above the main image layer. Select a tool Brush (Brush), and then select the splatter brush from the brushes palette. Now select a specific area of ​​your base image and create a single brush stroke across that surface. In this case, I applied the stroke over the girl's shorts. Make the girl layer active in the Layers palette. Then, still on the girl's layer, click Ctrl key and click on the thumbnail of the layer on which you created the spatter brush stroke. Now the resulting pattern from the brush will be highlighted on your canvas. Then just press Ctrl+C ( approx. translation: follow this action to copy the selected area), and then Ctrl+V ( approx. translation: follow this action to paste the selected area onto a new layer). This way you have selected a piece from your main image in the form of a stroke created using the spatter brush. Move the resulting shape to another location to create the effect. It feels like her shorts are being torn or flying apart. different sides, in any case, you will see it. Now, using the same technique, create even more shapes and place them to create a destructive effect.

Step 3: Ice Effect - 1
Now that we've created the additional effect, let's move on to our main idea. We'll start by adding ice to the girl's body. Make sure you remember the direction of the ice you planned earlier. To achieve the icy effect we will need several different stock images. Here are the stock images I used to achieve the first part of the ice effect. Please note that the shapes of the ice fit perfectly to the contours of the girl's elbow. You can clearly see where they can be placed. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T ( approx. translation: perform this action to call the tool Transformation ( Transform )) , this way you can resize the stock image to the size you need. Then place it on top of the girl's elbow. Install blending mode (blendingmode) this layer on Lightening (Screen). Take the tool Eraser (eraser) and erase areas that extend beyond her arm or that don't look good. I then took a third stock image and added it to her top arm using the same technique.

Step 4: Ice Effect -2
Now take a stock image with water splashes. The advantage of this type of splash image is that it somewhat resembles frozen blobs. We'll take this image and place it on the right under the girl's elbow. Install blending mode (blendingmode) on Lightening (Screen), and also make the necessary corrections using the tool Eraser (eraser). Create a new layer under all the stock images, set it to Color tone (Hue). Take the tool brush (brush) and paint over the girl’s hand a little with a soft blue brush. This will give her hand an even more frosty effect.

Step 5: Ice Effect - 3
Now, take the tool Pencil (Pencil). Set its color to white and create some scratches on the hand to highlight the ice longer. Outline the strands of her hair falling in the ice area. You've just created your first ice effect. Later we will work on an effect that will help us add more power to the ice. Now, using the same method, using stock images, a soft brush and a pencil, add more ice effect to the girl's body. We are already doing very well good results, but just by using stock images and layer settings. We're done with achieving the ice effect, now it's time to move on to the fire effect.

Step 6: Flame Effect - 1

Instead of using real fire stock images, we'll do things a little differently. To achieve the flame effect, I used stock images of the nebula. I think using images like this instead of images of real fire will add more magnetism to the work. Let's take the first image with the nebula, place it on top of the girl's chest and arm, setting the layer mode to Lightening (Screen) . Then let's take Eraser (eraser) and erase those areas that we don’t like. Here's what I got:

Step 7: Flame Effect - 2
Using the same stock images, I placed them on another part of the girl. I use the same sources, because in the previous step, I erased many of the details of the image, which I can use in another part of the girl’s body. That's what I'm doing now. Let's continue adding images with the nebula. This step is entirely based on your own imagination.

Step 8: Background
I like the background texture in the main image, but I still want to add something else to it. So I found this cute stock image on and just set the mode of this layer to Lightening (Screen), applied it to the bottom of the image. Using a tool Eraser (eraser) I have adjusted this image.

Step 9: Colorization -1
Let's add a little more color to this area. Since we are working based on the concept of fire and ice, we will use those colors that best emphasize these elements. Create a new layer and set it to Soft light (SoftLight). Take the tool brush (brush) and choose the color that goes best with the flame/hazy effect. Paint over some parts that you think are necessary to give them depth. IN in this case I painted over the girl's hand.

Step 10: Colorization-2
Paint where you think is necessary, and then change the color to blue and do the same where it is necessary. Change if necessary opacity (opacity) for individual strokes, create a separate layer for each stroke. Click on the icon Adjustmentlayer) in the Layers palette and select Gradient map (Gradientmap). Select Gradient map (Gradientmap) from Purple to orange (PurpletoOrange) from the default settings. Install opacity (opacity) layer about 20%. Click on the icon again Create a new fill layer or Adjustment layer (Adjustmentlayer) , but this time select the option Selective color (Selectivecolor). Choose the settings that best suit your work. Here are the values ​​I chose:

Cyan (Blue) -23,
Magenta (Purple) +13,
Yellow +7,
Black -23;

Cyan (Blue) -7,
Magenta (Purple) +20,
Yellow -17,
Black +11;

Cyan (Blue) +100,
Magenta (Purple) +36,
Black +20;

Cyan (Blue) +40,
Magenta (Purple) -3,
Yellow (Yellow)-9,
Black +27;

Cyan (Blue) +9,
Magenta (Purple) -7,
Yellow (Yellow)-36,
Black -24;

Cyan (Blue) -6,
Magenta (Purple) -5,
Yellow -7,
Black 0;

Cyan (Blue) +1,
Magenta (Purple) -1,
Yellow +3,
Black +2.

Step 11: Final Effects

We're almost done. To add the effect, I took two floral brushes and added them on top of the girl's hand and her chest, setting the resulting layer mode to Soft light (SoftLight). Place this layer below all the layers, but above the main image, this way the brush shapes will blend in with all the other effects. Now create a new layer (at the very top) and go to the menu Image - External channel (Image - ApplyImage). Click OK. Then go to menu Filter - Artistic - Applique (Filter - Artistic - Cutout). Use settings default (default) or use them as you wish. Click OK. Select a tool Eraser (eraser) and erase the areas you don't like. Create a new layer and apply again External channel (ApplyImage). Go to menu Filter - Sharpness - Sharper (Filter - Sharpen - Sharpen). Before you is a successfully and easily completed job.

The Arctic freshness of this effect is well known from advertising of drinks and toothpaste. In this tutorial, designer Fabio Sasso shows you how to create an ice effect while sitting in a warm room.

Sasso is a master of the intricacies of layer styles. In this tutorial, he'll show you how to use layer styles to create stunning effects, such as 3D water droplets frozen on the glass surface of a bottle. You'll also learn how to create and use your brush, including Smoke brushes that will help you create amazing effects. You can also apply them to your other future Photoshop projects.

Final result

Step 1

First we will create the background. Create a new document in Photoshop program, fill the background with a jade color (I used #90aea7) or a cool midtone blue. Set the Foreground color to black and the Background color to white. Next, create a new layer and go Filter - Rendering - Clouds(Filter > Render > Clouds). Then select Filter -Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur), set Radius(radius) blur 180 px, change the blending mode to Overlap(Overlay).

Step 2

Now let's make the background lighter. Being on the layer with clouds, go Image - Correction - Levels(Image > Adjustments > Levels). Set the white slider to 165 - this will enhance the highlights in the image. This technique for creating a good background is widely used in various projects and is an excellent alternative for most linear and radial gradients.

Step 3

Now we need to create an ice base on which the bottle will stand. Create a new layer and fill it with white. Next, go (Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint) and in the settings window set Type(type) design on Midpoints(Medium Dots). Then let's go Filter - Blur - Motion Blur(Filter > Blur > Motion Blur). Install Bias(distance) by 80 px, and Corner(angle) at 0º. You may have to apply slight scaling after applying the filter Motion blur(Motion Blur filter), because The edges will not be smooth and will not match the texture in the middle of the layer.

Translator's note: The edges of the texture will be too blurred after applying the filter, so the author suggests increasing the texture scale a little.

Step 4

The idea of ​​this step is to create the floor gradually disappearing into the endless space of the background. For these purposes we use a quick mask. Press the “Q” key to enter the mode Quick mask(Quick Mask), select a tool Gradient(Gradient Tool (E)). Drag the gradient from the bottom of the working document to the middle. A red area in Quick Mask mode means that part of the image will be visible, while the transparent area will be hidden.

When you are satisfied with the selection area, press the “Q” key again to switch from Quick Mask mode to Active Selection mode. Next, let's go Layer - Layer Mask - Show Selection(Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal Selection).

Step 5

You can download the bottle image from at a low price. This bottle image is already separated from the background, just move this image onto our working document.

Note: if you are using a different bottle image, first separate it from the background and then move the image onto your working document

Step 6

To create a frozen effect on the bottle, we need to create a brush with which we can get this effect. To do this, we use the same filter that we applied earlier to the floor. Create a new layer, fill it with white and then go Filter - Design - Mezzotint(Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint). Select a tool Oval area(Elliptical Marquee tool (M)), set the radius Shading(feather) by 50 px, and then create a circle selection and then go to Editing - Define Brush(Edit > Define Brush Preset). Name new brush‘Freezing’.

Step 7

Let's go to the bookmark Window - Brushes (F5)(Window > Brushes (F5)). In the brush settings window, select the created ‘Freeze’ brush, then set following settings for brush: in the menu Brush imprint shape(Brush Tip Shape), set Interval(spacing) by 10%. On the menu Dynamics of shape(Shape Dynamics), install Size fluctuation(size jitter) 100% and also set Minimum diameter(minimum diameter) 20%. On the menu Diffusion(Scattering) set Diffusion(scatter) by 120%, and also Counter(count) to 5. In the menu Different dynamics(Other Dynamics), install Opacity fluctuation(opacity jitter) by 50%, and Fluctuation in paint quantity(flow jitter) by 20%.

Step 8

Now create a new layer on top of the bottle layer and start painting with the Frost brush. It is necessary to paint only over the area of ​​the bottle image, for this, using the tool Feather(Pen tool (P)) create a work path around the image of the bottle, then right-click on the created contour and select the option in the window that appears Create a selection area(Make a Selection). Without removing the active selection, let's go Layer - Layer Mask - Show Selection(Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal Selection) to hide everything except the bottle image, so paint with a brush using this mask.

Step 9

Now let's add a thick layer of ice to certain areas of the bottle. To do this, we need to create another brush. Let's go to the tab Brush(Brush (F5)). Select a standard round brush, approximately 100 px in size. Next, apply the following settings: in the menu Dynamics of shape(Shape Dynamics), install Size fluctuation(size jitter) to 100%, and Minimum diameter(minimum diameter) by 1%. On the menu Diffusion(Scattering), set Diffusion(scatter) at 0%, and Counter(count) to 3. In the menu Texture(Texture), select a pattern Noise(Noise) and reduce the scale to 20%. On the menu Different dynamics(Other Dynamics), install Opacity fluctuation(opacity jitter) by 50%, and Fluctuation in paint quantity(flow jitter) by 40%.

Step 10

Create another layer and process it using a layer mask as described in Step 8. Remember that you only need to paint over the area with the bottle image. Select the new brush you have set up and start painting with the brush white over areas that need to be frozen. Vary the brush size using the “[“ and “]” keys to create a jagged, more realistic effect - start with a large brush and then continue with a very small brush. Use weak light gray shade to create details, such as the shadows just under the bottle cap, as well as the bottom of the neck. These subtle details, painted with a gray brush, will add real depth to the effect.

Step 11

Create a new layer. Using the same small diameter brush, carefully paint around the border of the bottle to create a rough, frozen edge. Also paint over the ice in the middle of the bottle to create a subtle 3D effect.

Step 12

Create a new layer directly on top of the frost effect layer and using a standard round brush draw small circles, these circles we will turn into water droplets. Vary the size of the brush, with the majority of the droplets being small size, and also add a couple of large drops. Next, let's go Layer- Styleslayer- Shadow(Layer > Layer Styles > Drop Shadow).

Translator's note: 1. to create water drops you can use several layers: one layer for small drops and one layer for large drops 2. apply layer styles to the drawn circles to create the effect of water drops.

In the layer style settings Shadow

  • Opacity(opacity) 40%
  • Blend Mode(blend mode) Darkening the base(Color Burn)
  • Bias(Distance) 1 px
  • Size(size) 2 px

In the layer style settings Inner shadow(Inner Shadow), set the following settings:

  • Opacity(opacity) 75%,
  • Corner(Angle) 90º
  • Bias(distance) 0 px
  • Size(size) 1 px

In the layer style settings Embossing(Bevel and Emboss), set the following settings:

  • Depth(depth) - 730%
  • Size(size) - 4 px
  • Mitigation(soften) - 3 px
  • Corner(Angle) - 151º
  • Height(altitude) - 37º
  • Shadow Mode(shadow mode) - Darkening the base(Color Burn) Opacity(opacity) 30%, color dark red.

Step 13

Creating frozen text is very easy. First type out your text - just for example, I wrote the word 'ICE' - create a new layer and then start painting over the text with the ice brush we created in Step 9. The most important detail here is that the edges of the text are not too smooth. you can even use the tool Eraser(Eraser Tool (E)), setting it to an ice brush to hide certain areas of the text. Next, apply a layer style Shadow(Drop Shadow) to add shadows, for this we go Layer - Layer Styles - Shadow(Layer > Layer Styles > Drop Shadow).

Translator's note: layer style Shadow(DropShadow), apply to the freeze effect layer.

In the layer style settings Shadow(Drop Shadow), set the following settings:

  • Corner(angle) 90º
  • Opacity(opacity) 30%
  • Bias(distance) 1 px
  • Size(size) by 1 px

In conclusion, let's go Editing - Transformation - Warp(Edit > Transform > Warp), you can choose standard warp settings or custom warp to give the text a cylindrical bottle shape. Extend the center of the text a little in height, and make the edges of the text along the edges of the bottle a little shorter.

Translator's note: in Warp mode, you can select standard setting Use an arch or manually to deform the text.

Step 14

Step 15

Group all layers related to the bottle (except for the floor layer and the background layer), duplicate the group. Next, let's go Layer - Merge Group(Layer > Merge Group) and then go Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Install Radius(radius) blur 30 px. Change the blur layer's blending mode to Lightening(Screen), and also reduce Opacity(opacity) of the layer up to 70%. Select a tool Eraser(Eraser tool (E)) to remove the effect in certain areas. Try to recreate the effect of feeling a cold atmosphere. Don't forget to add details to your painting, such as clouds in background and reflection on the floor.

Note: To add clouds, you can use Cloud brushes by downloading them from the link at the beginning of the lesson

The text effect that you will learn to make in this lesson can be used for various purposes: to design a postcard (and not just a New Year's one), make an interesting collage, or even place such inscriptions on a website of a certain topic. Today we will make ice text in Photoshop.

Step 1: create text

1. Create a new drawing with a white background. The dimensions of our image are 1200x800, it’s better if you make the same one to make it easier with the settings.

2. Select black color in the palette on the toolbar and write the text. We wrote the word "ice" using Times New Roman Bold font at 350 pt.

3. Now go to the “Layers” window (if you have it closed, call it from the “Window” menu) and, being on the layer with the text, click at the bottom of the fx window, select “Embossing”. We set the settings as follows:

— “Internal bevel” style;

— “Hard cut” method;

— depth = 280;

— direction “Up”;

- size = 90;

— softening = 0.

Step 2: Make Ice in Photoshop

1. Select the text layer in the “Layers” window, click right button mouse and select “Rasterize text”, after which it will become a picture - the inscription cannot be changed. Therefore, if you want to write something else, do it before rasterization.

2. Now we will make an imitation of ice, so you can first create a duplicate layer in case everything doesn’t work out successfully the first time (CTRL+J).

3. Select the “Hand” tool in the left panel, and in its settings in top menu on the left, change the shape - load “Miscellaneous Brushes” and find brush No. 49 (“Large Star”). Set the tool size to approximately 50 pixels.

4. Zoom in on the inscription so that you can clearly see all the details. Make an imitation of icicles at the bottom of the letters by drawing small lines from the outline of the letters down. Using the same tool, “crush” the light part of the embossing, lightly pushing against the dark part so that the “pieces of ice” turn out uneven.

This must be done carefully, without touching very dark fragments. Touch the edges of the letters in their light part with your “Finger” - they will seem to crack.

If you don't understand how to make this effect, then take the "Finger" with specified settings and try to paint over the letters completely, after that you will probably understand what you need to do. If you overdo it somewhere, click “Step Back” in the “Edit” menu. This is what we ended up with. So far it looks like coal.

5. Go to the “Filter” menu, select “Stylization” and “Embossing”, set the settings:

- angle = 177;

- height = 74;

- effect = 77.

6. Now apply another filter: “Sketch”, “Chrome”. Settings: Detail = 5, Softening = 3.

This is what happened.

7. But our “ice” is dirty, we need to “clean” it. To do this, just change the blending mode of the letter layer to “Background Dodge.” The result was something unsightly.

Reason – White background. This inscription will look good on a dark background.

For clarity, let's transfer our letters using the Move tool to a photo with a rose on a rather dark background. Let's look at the result.

Our ice is white, you can add color to it, for example, a blue tint using the “Color Balance” setting in the “Image” and “Adjustments” menu. In the photo that you saw at the beginning of the lesson, we just added a blue tint to the ice.