Modern problems of electronics. Contract manufacturing: Russian features

In the article we will talk about the problem of the modern society of electronics engineers. Description of the problem, conclusions and ways out of this situation.

Science cannot be formed without the participation of people who are passionate about it.

Only if you have time, effort and full immersion these

people in their favorite business can turn out great.

Figure 1. What good intentions lead to.

In this article I would like to describe one of the problems associated with electronics - the problem of the modern electronics community and describe a number of ways out that I see from this situation.

How did I come up with the idea to make this article?

The fact is that for quite a long time I have been conducting a video blog on my YouTube channel. One day I was really boiling and I recorded this video, in which, having prepared myself, I described freelancing in electronics

Then, having received huge feedback from subscribers, I made a second video about the problems faced by electronics engineers and people associated with the production of something new in Russia. In it, in my opinion, I examined in sufficient detail the main problems that I and my colleagues faced.

Now I’m boiling over again, and this is not described in the above material. Therefore, I decided to record a video and write an article. Repetition in written material is necessary because it affects different age audiences of modern engineers. For the generation that is now 18-26 years old (I’m from there), it’s easier to learn about new information by listening, while drawing or doing something. It is much easier for older people to read an article and glean information from it. The school audience, as a rule, does not visit my website/channel on YouTube and so on, since they are simply doing slightly different things.

Description of the essence of the problem being described.

I would like to highlight the problem: the community of domestic electronics engineers itself. We, like any society, have a somewhat specific highly professional language in which we communicate with each other (fetas, juices, stones, etc.), we consist of a large mass of people with similar interests, so I believe that we can distinguish the electronics community in Russia. The problem lies not in interpersonal relationships, but in the systematic problems that people in a given community face.

The first of them is well described by my recent example: A colleague slipped a counterfeit footprint Micro- USB connector and, which led to a number of my difficulties in project work. The chronology of events is approximately as follows:

1. I was going to make a major modification to one of my projects on HF measuring equipment. My colleague and good friend, who is actively promoting this topic, has long asked me to make a convenient and familiar Micro-USB connector on the board for charging a wearable device. I started searching for suitable ready-made footprints and my old friend Mr. X shared his footprint, with a link that he had done this and had everything already debugged.

2. Before using this footprint, I asked Mr. X again if he had used this footprint. To this he replied that yes, and I myself found pictures with confirmation in his album on the social network. I quickly added it to my project and sent the boards to production with full confidence.

Figure 2. Photo of the finished board from production

3. As it turned out, it contained a technically impossible feature and the PCB (printed circuit board) production returned it to me, pointing out an obvious flaw. This is due to the fact that they cannot make a tricky metalized cut with a diameter ratio of less than 2 to 1. Well, I was not at a loss and quickly corrected it. After that, I wrote to the author, to which I received a rather strange answer: “the footprint is not mine, someone else made it, check it yourself, I have nothing to do with it.” And then he was right. I realized that I did not approach the information received critically and because of this I made a mistake.

Figure 3. Photo from production

4. As it turned out, standard connector It didn’t fit into the resulting footprint, but with the help of a “hammer and persistence” the connector was installed into the resulting footprint. It should be noted that I found a suitable USB connector only in Mitino. In other stores there were others that did not give me a feeling of reliability and footprints of which I still don’t have.

Figure 4. Photo of the connector itself.

5. This story received an unexpected continuation after the device was fully assembled and debugged. I discovered that all the pins in the connector were swapped. This led to the death of two ltc4054 and the loss of my authority as a developer in the eyes of my colleague. Apparently, the person assigned the numbers based on the first image on Google, which shows the CONNECTOR FOR THE CABLE. As a result, I had to show considerable skill in wielding a knife in order to carefully cut off part of the polygon on the board and solder it with wires (it looks disgusting) to the ltc4054. I’m ashamed to show a photo of this case, so I won’t put it on the site.

If you abstract from me specifically.

The problem posed is not single case manifestations. As soon as I wrote about this in my VK group (at 1 a.m.), a number of comments appeared in the group, and I received several similar situations in messages that people found themselves in. Possible reasons in this I see 4:

1. Complete irresponsibility for your work. The fact is that many young and not very engineers, even in large companies, do work that does not go beyond the drawer under the table, which is cleaned daily by the cleaners. In such projects, it makes no difference whether the project can be done or not, whether it works or not, and so on. Such projects are usually carried out by employees in the first six months to a year of their work, so that management and those around them get used to each other.

2. Intentional sabotage on the part of Mr. X. I still don’t know what it could be connected with. But people are different, and maybe the person didn’t like my character or something else? - Maybe. I can't say for sure. But in in a general sense this thing is not correct from my point of view: “If I don’t like someone, I simply don’t help him, or I help at his request, if it’s not difficult for me.”

3. Systematic errors in devices that no one fixes. It happens. During interviews, I saw a bunch of companies that, right from the entrance, showed how significant they are and how they made 40-50 of their unique devices(that’s a lot) from different areas of technology, most of which simply did not start or had very large jambs. Maybe Mr. X does just that and nothing else. Again, I don't know.

4. This is still Mr. X’s student work. When you’re at a university, no one really cares about such small details.

(if you have your own options for why such things happen, I gladly ask you to write to me and I will add your opinion when mutual understanding is achieved)

Conclusions that I drew from this material:

1) Now I will never use someone else’s footprints in my life, until I receive either factory confirmation of the correctness of the footprint (touch with my hands and view this piece of the project in detail in in electronic format), or before checking on your debugging using LUT.

2) I won’t follow the customer’s lead and shove something that hasn’t been tested into a production device. As shown this device(photo below), it turns out perfect if you use run-in components and work out the small moments in detail.

Figure 5. Photo of the device in the case

3) Now I will evaluate the quality of the engineers around me, who are so eager to communicate with me, not by the level of their projects, but by such small details. In fact, it may just turn out that a Java/C programmer working for an electronics manufacturing company in his free time traces boards to students and pours all the bullshit on forums on DC-DC converters, although in practice he has never assembled his converters (well or clearly realized why there are different pies like here: link to L5973). If you are a Java/C programmer and most of the time you work on Java/C and everything else is residual, then I see a fantastically cool topic for discussing Java/C, but in the hardware topic I will require straight-up data.

4) You should never panic about deadlines. It leads to a large number errors and problems.

Ways out of this situation.

1. Introduction of personal responsibility for one’s work. I personally am always responsible for all the mistakes in my devices. Even if I use someone else's parts.

2. You need to clearly do what you love. If this is your favorite thing, then you will understand it. If not, then don't even try.

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One of the main problems facing electronics is related to the requirement to increase the amount of information processed by computing and control electronic systems while simultaneously reducing their size and energy consumption.

This problem is solved by:

    creation of semiconductor integrated circuits, providing switching time up to 10 -11 seconds;

    increasing the degree of integration on one chip to a million or more transistors less than 1-2 microns in size based on the use of nanotechnology and, in the future, molecular electronics;

    use in integrated device circuits optical communications and optoelectronic converters, superconductors;

    development of storage devices with a capacity of several gigabytes on a single chip;

    applications of laser and electron beam switching;

    extensions functionality integrated circuits (for example, the transition from a microprocessor to a minicomputer on a single chip);

    transition from two-dimensional (planar) integrated circuit technology to three-dimensional (volumetric) and the use of a combination of various solid-state properties in one device;

    development and implementation of the principles and means of stereoscopic television, which has more information content than conventional television;

    creation electronic devices, operating in the millimeter and submillimeter wave range, for wideband (more efficient) systems transfer of information, as well as devices for optical communication lines;

    development of powerful, high-efficiency microwave devices and lasers for energetic impact on matter and directed energy transfer (for example, from space).

One of the trends in the development of electronics is the penetration of its methods and means into biology (for studying the cells and structure of a living organism and influencing it) and medicine (for diagnostics, therapy, surgery).

2. Elements of electronic circuits

Modern electronic circuits contain a large number of functional components as nonlinear elements, based on the use of the properties of semiconductor materials.

Semiconductor materials (germanium, silicon) by their electrical resistivity ρ occupy space between conductors and dielectrics ( ρ =10 -3 …10 8 Ohm-cm). The different values ​​of conductivity in metals, semiconductors and dielectrics are due to different amounts of energy that must be expended in order to free the valence electron from bonds with atoms located at the sites of the crystal lattice. Moreover, the conductivity of semiconductors largely depends on the presence of impurities and temperature.

Semiconductors contain two types of mobile charge carriers: negative electrons and positive holes.

Pure (intrinsic) semiconductors are practically not used in semiconductor devices, since they have low conductivity and do not provide one-way conductivity. Mobile charge carriers in intrinsic semiconductors usually arise as a result of thermal generation. So-called impurity semiconductors, in which, depending on the type of impurity introduced, either electronic or hole conductivity predominates, have received technical application. Depending on the type of conductivity (main charge carriers), semiconductors are divided into semiconductors R-type (hole type) and n-type (electronic type). The concentration of majority carriers is determined by the concentration of the impurity and is practically independent of temperature, since already at room temperature all impurity atoms are ionized, and the number of majority carriers arising due to the generation of electron-hole pairs is negligibly small compared to the total number of majority carriers. At the same time, the concentration of minority carriers is small and strongly depends on temperature, increasing 2-3 times with every 10°C increase in temperature.

The electronic devices under consideration are shown in Fig. 2.1.

Rice. 2.1. Classification of electronic semiconductor devices

This is my second year teaching the discipline: “Electronics and microprocessor technology" We discuss industry problems with students in class. In contrast to the topics studied: physical processes in semiconductors, p-n properties transition and transistor characteristics, the problem of domestic microelectronics is well understood by young people. The guys proudly watch videos showing the operation of the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system, which is controlled by domestic microelectronic developments. The radar system is controlled using central processor“Elbrus” and the result of hitting a target completely depend on a microcircuit measuring 3 by 4 cm. This contributes to the development of interest in the subject.

Today, import substitution in the field of microelectronics affects national security. It seems to me that the country’s leadership, which argued in the 90s that its own electronics were not needed, that they could be purchased abroad, understood perfectly well what they were talking about. It was in this area that the first blow of the shock reforms fell. The electronics industry was one of the first to be destroyed. If in the Soviet Union from 1965 to 1991 there was a Ministry of Electronic Industry of the USSR, for which many research institutes and design bureaus worked, and the development of electronics was decided at the state level, today we hear only pathetic talk about innovation. The work of Soviet scientists and engineers at the turn of 1965-1985 made it possible to bring the USSR to the advanced world level in this field. The system of industrial educational institutions trained personnel for the industry, which no one needed in the 90s.

As an education worker, I find it very difficult to restore the system of industrial education in the field of electronics. When taking the Electronics exam, many young people do not answer the question about the structure of the atom, although they are required to know the work electronic devices. This restoration must begin, first of all, with a change in state policy in the field of education. At the turn of the 90s and 2000s, almost all higher and middle educational establishments were removed from line ministries. The laws of the market dictate completely different relationships between enterprises and educational organizations. As a result, the budgets of universities and colleges were depleted, and many departments closed or were idle, producing not designers, but managers or salespeople.

I believe that it is necessary to identify areas of the country’s life in which not market, but completely different laws should apply: education, healthcare, culture, etc. Then return the system of sectoral educational organizations to the relevant ministries. Within certain industries, the lack of strategic certainty is acutely felt. Increasing efficiency as such, which is read in many of these supposed development strategies, cannot be the goal. Revive and educational organizations, and the industry can precisely achieve strategic certainty. A clearly formulated goal will help formulate requirements for the graduate. And here it is very important to avoid dehumanization vocational education, because today economic feasibility tends to exclude all basic subjects as not profitable, leaving applied skills. The development of professional qualities and spirituality of a specialist must be connected.

“If we take as one unit the level of knowledge at which our students will be in the year they receive a profession, then throughout their working life each of them will have to add another five or six units to their spiritual wealth - otherwise they will lag behind life and will not be able to work successfully.” .