Tips and tricks for setting up traffic. Speed ​​limit for users who have exceeded the daily limit Daily limit on lifesurf

level 80 developer March 3, 2016 at 01:34 pm

Speed ​​limit for users who have exceeded the daily limit

I use squid3 as a proxy server and lightsquid to view statistics based on the Ubuntu 14.04 Server operating system. Authorization in squid is used by IP. Lightsquid has a list of users who have exceeded the daily quota, it looks like this: 1742755176 1026604252 946605505

On the left side are the IP addresses and on the right is the volume of traffic. The maximum amount of traffic per user is set in the lightsquid configuration file.

The following bash script converts the lightsquid file into a list for squid:

#!/bin/bash # Variables path="/var/lib/lightsquid/report/"`date +%Y%m%d`"/.overuser" #Path to the file of exceeded users #Script body if [ -f $ path ] #If the file exists then grep -oE "\b(1,3)(\.(1,3))(3)\b" $path | grep -v "#" >/tmp/over #Select only IP addresses from the file if [ `grep -vcf "/etc/squid3/nolimit" /tmp/over` -ne "0" ] #If there are addresses that are not privileged then grep -vf "/etc/squid3/nolimit" /tmp/over > /etc/squid3/limit #Upload non-privileged addresses to a file for squid squid3 -k reconfigure # Apply the squid fi configuration rm "/tmp/over" # Delete the temporary file fi
The output is a file with the following content:

The nolimit file looks like this:

The nolimit file contains addresses that do not need to be limited in speed if the daily quota is exceeded. Add the following lines to the squid configuration file:

Acl baduser src "/etc/squid3/limit"

Delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 6400/64000
delay_access 1 allow baduser

Don’t forget to create a limit file and add to it the IP address of a network that does not belong to our network, for example like this:

Now all that remains is to add the following commands to cron:

/usr/share/lightsquid/ | /etc/squid3/

The above command starts parsing squid logs and our script. For me it runs every 15 minutes.

Echo "" > /etc/squid3/limit | squid3 -k reconfigure

This command resets the speed limit; for me it runs at the beginning of the day at 00:00. That's all, this is how I “punish” malicious traffic consumers.

Tags: squid, lightsquid, linux, bash

Hello, blog site visitors! We continue to consider services for free website promotion and attracting audiences (target) to sites, today a review of autosurfing A relatively young project, the web service started little-known in 2008, but has gained popularity thanks to constant development and modernization, because the number of users is 260,000 participants.

Webmasters are offered expanded potential for site promotion; the practice differs from classic autosurfing. The difference in the approach lies in the provision of organizing not the usual, standard visit to one page specified in the settings n number of times per day, but in obtaining an order of magnitude tangible result for the counters.

Thanks to the local algorithm, the user will set up views of several pages of one resource, receiving a full-fledged surfing session without auto-transitions, we are talking about worthwhile behavioral factors: imitation of human behavior, no scrolling with the mouse. The trick is different, read the material to the end.

I note that after studying the proposed instructions, the user will get a positive result. In this sense, beginners will benefit from a well-made local blog, competent articles devoted to working with general issues of website promotion plus SEO promotion.

Peculiarities offers registered webmasters three account statuses: Minimum, PRO and advanced VIP, which influence the number of sites and credits taken out in the surfing program, but at the same time expand optimization that increases the quality of the coveted traffic.

Improved statuses are not lifetime, they are purchased for the required period from 1 month for credits accumulated when using the program and affiliate contributions or money. The last option entitles you to a discount if you pay for more than 2 months, 1 gets a gift, and so on, up to the advantageous 6+6 format.

Earning money from the affiliate program and setting up

The resource does not buy credits from surfers, free site promotion or purchase of improved status. It is allowed to receive passive income from active partners with a payment of 20 rubles for each attracted one. As soon as the referral gets 10,000 impressions in surfing or pays for services from 20 rubles, then money will be deposited into the account of the inviting participant. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles. transferred on Mondays to Webmoney WMR and Visa/MasterCart plastic cards.

An interesting feature was the experience and level, interconnected status with partner daily bonuses for visiting the Livesurf service, reminiscent of the genre of RPG games. The level depends on the total amount of accumulated Experience, which is earned by a surfing program, voting in arbitration, daily bonuses or a banal purchase of it.

But you can also lose experience, the reason is not attending the project for 3 days, the sanction is the loss of -10% of the acquired property. The illness is treated by contacting the support service with a request to leave for a while, and upon return to restore what was lost.

Adding pages initially seems more confusing than, say, the archaic “Webserf”, but thanks to the presence of hints near each setting item, the process of mastering occurs at an accelerated pace. Basic functions work regardless of status, income sources, search engine priority, geotargeting and IMP - interval between sessions and advanced ones, for example, turn off impressions at night. Advanced accounts activate additional login pages (PRO) and SEO analysis (VIP).

The scheme that solves the issue of natural visits is interesting (I saw this for the first time), you need to add the main domain (the level of attachment is not important), and add HTTP-REFERER from the previous one to the next URL addresses, plus it is recommended to attach them from Yandex and Google, disable unique IPs, thus , an uninterrupted chain is created. The counters record non-standard 15 seconds, and the amount of the exposed session with full viewing depth. Read detailed instructions on generating natural visits to your blog.


Website promotion in Livesurf differs among similar projects in a number of interesting features; in addition to the classic direction, if desired, the webmaster can “construct” high-quality traffic and earn money by attracting active referrals.

With respect, Dzmitry Roshchyn

The traffic sent to the site can be configured so that it meets the requirements of a specific task. This is precisely why there are functions for selecting the desired traffic.

Among them, an important role is played geotargeting. The setting allows you to select only those countries from which traffic is required.

You can select impressions only in Russia, Ukraine, or select the desired countries from the list.

In addition to geo-linking, you can configure traffic in such a way that every visitor was unique. And you choose the time of uniqueness yourself.

Uniqueness is set for a group; if there are several pages in a group, then a unique visitor will view all of them.

You can also choose when the visits will take place. Mark the hours during which we will not send visits in the table, use a ready-made solution or select random hours:

All settings that somehow limit traffic may reduce the number of visits. In this case, you can increase the HPV and reduce the UTI.

You can also select the devices from which visits will be made and the ratio in which they will be distributed:

If you would like to discuss these settings in more detail, clarify any nuances, or just have any questions, then be sure to write to so that we can figure it out together.

If so, then you need to enter the corresponding statistics section.

  • At LiveInternet.Ru Transitions from pages;
  • Yandex.Metrika Sources of visits / Sites;
  • Google.Analitics / Traffic sources / Rerferral.

All that remains is select 5-20 links, from which users go to your sites and indicate them as the source of the transition.

How to set up direct referral sources from search engines?

When setting this up, you should also not forget that the page, and in this case the search results page must contain a real link leading to your website.

This means that you need to correctly indicate the URL of the direct source of the visit you need to enter a keyword from your site in the search engine, find it in the search results and specify this search engine page as the referral source.

Let's see what this looks like with an example:

And we need referral source from Google search engine.

We find this page in the search engine using the key query “Internet”.

This URL will be the desired referrer.

How to set up traffic for a young website?

If the site appeared quite recently, it has not yet advanced in search engines, and the statistics do not show transitions to it from other sites, then you can create such sources yourself.

Good for this these methods are suitable:

  • Posts on social networks with the URL of the advertised site;
  • You can post a link to the site on forums;
  • Agree with other sites that their links will be placed on your site, and their link will lead to your site.

What mistakes can be made when setting up the source of referrals to the site?

In fact, the main mistake is that some users indicate as a referrer URL that does not lead to the advertised page.

This happens often when setting up traffic from social networks. If you need a transition from, for example, VKontakte, then this option will NOT be correct:

The same applies to search engines if If you need to transfer from Yandex, you should not specify the referrer this way:

If setting up direct visit sources causes difficulties, or something is not entirely clear from the article, then please contact , and they will definitely help you.

In order to increase the time spent on the site, and in general have a beneficial effect on the external statistics of the site, we recommend using the group setting.

In fact, it's simple. For the page added to the group, make the settings you need (visit sources, geotargeting, keywords and search engines). Further, to the same group, from the main page of the site, add any other page of the same site as a separate page.

For it you need to make very few settings, the most important thing is to indicate the source of the visit to the referrer, as shown in the screenshot:

Important! For both pages in the group, set the same limits and geotargeting (if connected).

This way you can increase the time spent on the user’s website up to 1 minute. But you can add more pages to the site with the same settings and receive visits of one and a half, two, two and a half minutes, and so on.

First of all, IMP and HPV for the group.

HPV (number of visits per hour) - regulates the number of visits that will occur within one hour.

IMP (interval between visits) - set in seconds. Allows you to send traffic not immediately within one hour, but intermittently.

It is easy to select the optimal HPV and IMP.

For that to set the correct HPV decide how many visits you need per day, for example 100. There are 24 hours in a day, which means you need about 4 visits per hour. Therefore, the HPV will be equal to 4.

The IMF can be calculated based on the obtained IHF. Since the IMP is set in seconds, we determine that there are 3600 seconds in one hour, if, as in our example, PFC = 4, then on average the optimal value will be 3600/PFC (4), that is, 900. But to diversify the statistics, you can indicate, for example, the nearest values ​​800-1000.

The settings for the group from our example should look like the screenshot:

But if you have already configured HPV and IMP for your limit, and the limit was exceeded and credits were withdrawn above the norm, then please contact the project with this problem, be sure to indicate the group with which this happened.

First of all, check to see if the element name is correct.

If the name is specified correctly, but there is no click, you need to check whether the element name is specified correctly in the settings:

Elements are specified in the CSS selector format: the id must be preceded by a hash sign (#), and the class name must be preceded by a dot (.)
For example: #title, .link

If everything is specified correctly but there is no click, then there may be one of these problems:

1. Open a new window

If when you click, a new window opens (javascript, target=_blank), this function will not work.

2. The element is inside an iframe

If the element specified for making a click in the site code is located inside an iframe tag, then clicking is impossible.

3. The ID or Class element is not constant

If the ID or Class element placed on the site changes when the page is reloaded, then the function will also not be able to work.

If none of the listed problems are related to your settings, and the element name is correct, then please contact us to resolve the problem.

Groups allow you to make internal transitions around the site in a very simple and convenient way. Internal transitions have a very beneficial effect on the external statistics of the site and allow you to increase the time spent on the site page for a small consumption of credits.

In order to properly configure a group, you first need to decide how many pages will be added to it. Then, for the top page of the site, you need to select search engines (you will find recommendations for filling it out next to the filling window in the site settings). Or configure visit sources. Or both.

Next, for the remaining pages in the group, in order to set up internal transitions, the source of the visit must be set to the auto-referrer, thus, transitions will be made automatically between the added pages of the site.

For the group itself, you need to set such indicators as PHR (visits per hour), it is very easy to select it for even distribution throughout the day, for this you need to divide the number of visits required per day by 24 and you will get the desired value for this setting. And also UTI (interval between visits in seconds).

You can also set up geotargeting for a group, showing unique IP addresses and not displaying the group’s sites to users of the client program if they are currently at night.

AGS— a filter of the Yandex search engine, designed to minimize the factor of extraneous influence on the search results.

Using this algorithm, Yandex blacklists sites.
Over time, the filter was improved, receiving the names AGS-17, AGS-30 and AGS-40.

The filter algorithm is classified, but there is some officially confirmed information.
The imposition of AGS is the result of the coincidence of several factors, which individually do not affect the inclusion of a site under the filter.

Reasons for ending up in the ACS:

  • trading spam links on the site,
  • non-unique content,
  • the number of incoming links to a resource is small in relation to outgoing links,
  • low number of unique visitors to the site,
  • small age of the site.

Behavioral factors are closely related to site traffic, detailed statistics and usability of the site, as well as its complete unique content that makes it attractive to the user. Such an algorithm is aimed at improving the quality of the site, its competitiveness, and usefulness. Today it is clear that website promotion with links alone will be incomplete. Sites with good traffic, attracting unique users, convenient and well-structured win the competition, if other optimization requirements have been met.

For example, service programs that keep statistics on visits to the LiveInternet site and Google Analytics consider it important to record so-called bounces. Refusal means that as soon as the user reached the site via the link, he immediately closed the window, was not interested, did not linger for a couple of seconds, and refused to view the content. The reason for the refusal may be the inconsistency of the site’s content with the request, its low quality, or the lack of new information. Be that as it may, there is an opinion that a 60% percentage of failures adversely affect the site’s position in the search results. The time a visitor stayed on a site and bounce rate are two of the most significant behavioral factors for search engines.

Technologies for working with behavioral factors
Working with behavioral factors is a whole area of ​​Internet marketing associated with social and psychological criteria, selecting a target audience, and monitoring the work of competitors. Accordingly, search engines are working towards creating technologies that allow them to reflect behavioral factors in their work as accurately as possible. Thus, Yandex today uses, in addition to taking into account behavioral factors, Matrixnet technology, which, using manual assessment by real users, determines the relevance of the site. That is, serious obstacles are placed to the manipulation of search engine optimizers and the creation of a high-quality Internet product is supported.

This is the totality of actions of visitors on a particular site. Logging into the site, time spent, browsing pages, “clicking” on suggested links, returning to the site - all these moments can be attributed to behavioral factors. Today, search engines show a strong tendency to focus on behavioral factors when ranking sites, which means their analysis is becoming a very significant part of SEO optimization. Despite the fact that there are not even ten factors themselves, search engines both Yandex and Google give preference to taking into account behavioral factors when forming a ranking algorithm. That is, sites with good traffic, attracting unique users, convenient and well-structured win the competition, if other optimization requirements were complied with.

The article is not mine, but I think it will be useful to webmasters. I myself use this site and am very pleased with the traffic to my site and, most importantly, everything is free.

I found a free and very good way to increase site traffic. I read reviews on the Internet for it, some praise it, some don’t. But after tinkering with the settings a little, I realized that the method is very good. It will not give an influx of new visitors (although new visitors may appear), it will simply raise our site in the eyes of search engines, and search engines will raise our site in the search results. And if the search results are normal, then the influx of new visitors will be greater.

I want to warn you right away, register here Link It is IMPOSSIBLE to let everything go automatically! You can get BAN from search engines. Therefore, we work step by step and carefully.

First of all, we need to register. Registration requires your website and mailbox. After confirming your registration via email, you will be able to log into your account.

On the main page you will see your website added to the system. It is necessary to highlight it and pause it so that credits are not wasted and incorrectly spent.

Next, go to the project settings: (wrench in the picture)
1- The limit for spending credits per day is 30 by default, for the first few days this is a normal amount. You can gradually increase the limit. If you immediately set a large limit, search engines will notice the influx and may consider it unnatural. And this is very bad.
2- Title - the name of your site.
3- Url address - the address of your home page.
4- Keywords - you need to select keywords that will find your main page in search engines. For all the keywords you add, your site should be found in searches. Using these keywords, programs will find your site and go to it. If your site does not match this request, it is better to remove the keyword. Each key is on a new line.
5- Search engines only select those where your site is located. You can view conversions from search engines through metrics. Set the priority approximately. For example, more people access the site through Yandex than through Google, respectively, set the coefficient to 1 and 0.8 (the values ​​are approximate, they are different for each site).
6- HTTP_REFERERs - addresses of sites where there is a link to your resource. For example: on the page Link open link to my page, I pasted this link into the field. Now the program will navigate from this page to mine. Incoming links must be permanent, without a script. Incoming links can be checked through the Yandex webmaster. Each address is on a new line.
7- There is no need to hide the source of your visit.
8- Language - Russian, English.
9- Display time - Preferably 45 seconds (1.5 credits). The heavier the site, the longer the time. If the time is short, the site does not have time to load, and the impression is not counted by the counters.
10- Show only unique ones.
11- Interval between displays. If you set it to 0, then impressions will occur at the first opportunity and there will be an influx. It is better to set from 50 to 900 seconds, other parameters are also possible. The main thing is to distribute your visits evenly.
12- Shows per hour can be set to any value. But since our impressions are regulated by time, I set it to 0, that is, without restrictions.

Apply this setting and unpause.

The same method must be applied to the internal pages of the site. Look through the LiveInternet statistics of the site login page. Select the most popular ones and in step 3 insert the address of the internal page, the subsequent steps for the new address must be followed for the new address. Also select keywords, http refs.

You can earn credits using the free program download here Link Download it and install it. Next, you need to update the program, to do this, download the update package here, and copy the files from the archive to the folder with the installed program, agree to replace the files. When you first start, you must enter the email you used to register your account. We launch the program, surfing sites will begin. Credits will be awarded for each view.

Another way to earn credits is to post your referral link on your social media profiles. You can also write a post about the system and receive credits for referrals.

Good work to you.