Improving it technologies in mechanical engineering. Application of information technologies and computer-aided design systems in mechanical engineering


1. Information technology concept

1.1 What is information technology

1.2 Stages of development information technologies

1.3 Components of information technology

1.4 Information Technology Toolkit

2. Formation of the information technology market.

2.1. Prerequisites for the accelerated development of the information technology market

3. Information technologies in mechanical engineering

3.1. Operational and production planning in the conditions of automated control systems. (Integrated Automated Control System

3.2. Integrated system computer-aided design and production of beds




In a market economy, independent, independent producers of goods and services, as well as all those who ensure the continuity of the cycle “science - technology - production - sales - consumption” will not be able to successfully operate in the market without information. An entrepreneur needs information about other manufacturers, about possible consumers, about suppliers of raw materials, components and technology, about prices, about the situation on commodity markets and capital markets, about the situation in business life, about the general economic and political situation not only in one’s own country, but throughout the world, about long-term trends in economic development, prospects for the development of science and technology and possible results, about the legal conditions of business, etc. n. In this regard, it is advisable to analyze the information market, a significant part of the services of which relates to the field of business information.

In developed countries, a significant part information activities over the past two decades, has been involved in market relations and acts as one of the most important elements of the market infrastructure for the maintenance, implementation and development of market relations, as well as as an independent specialized sector of the market, which offers special products and services.

The modern information market includes three interacting areas: - information; - electronic transactions; – electronic communications.

In the field of electronic transactions, the information market is a direct element of the market infrastructure, the field of electronic communication is at the interface with the communications industry, and information refers to intangible production.

The market for electronic transactions (operations, transactions) includes systems for reserving tickets and hotel rooms, ordering, selling and exchanging goods and services, banking and settlement transactions.

In the electronic communications market we can distinguish various systems modern means communications and human communication, machine production technologies: data networks, e-mail, teleconferences, electronic bulletin boards and newsletters, networks and systems for remote interactive access to databases, etc.

1. The concept of information technology.

1.1 What is information technology.

Technology- this is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge implemented in labor techniques, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. Therefore, technology is inextricably linked with the mechanization of the production or non-production, primarily management, process. Management technologies are based on the use of computers and telecommunications technology.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology- is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. Information technologies themselves require complex training, large initial costs and high-tech technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of software, the formation information flows in specialist training systems.

1.2 Stages of development of information technologies.

There are several points of view on the development of information technologies using computers, which are determined by various division characteristics.

What is common to all the approaches outlined below is that with the advent of the personal computer, a new stage in the development of information technology began. The main goal is to satisfy a person’s personal information needs both for the professional sphere and for the domestic sphere.

Division sign - type of tasks and information processing processes

Stage 1 (60s - 70s) - data processing in computer centers in a shared use mode. The main direction of development of information technology was the automation of operational routine human actions.

Stage 2 (since the 80s) - the creation of information technologies aimed at solving strategic problems.

Sign of division - problems standing in the way of informatization of society

Stage 1 (until the end of the 60s) is characterized by a processing problem large volumes data in conditions disabilities hardware.

The 2nd stage (until the end of the 70s) is associated with the spread of computers of the 1VM/360 series. The problem at this stage is that the software lags behind the level of hardware development.

Stage 3 (from the beginning of the 80s) - the computer becomes a tool for the non-professional user, and Information Systems- a means of supporting his decision making. Problems - maximum satisfaction of user needs and creation of an appropriate interface for working in a computer environment.

4th stage (from the beginning of the 90s) - creation modern technology interorganizational communications and information systems. The problems of this stage are very numerous. The most significant of them are:

Development of agreements and establishment of standards, protocols for computer communications;

Organizing access to strategic information;

Organization of information protection and security.

The division sign is an advantage that computer technology brings

The 1st stage (from the beginning of the 60s) was characterized by quite efficient processing information when performing routine operations with a focus on centralized collective use of computer center resources. The main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the created information systems was the difference between the funds spent on development and the funds saved as a result of implementation. The main problem at this stage was psychological - poor interaction between users for whom information systems were created and developers due to the difference in their views and understanding of the problems being solved. As a consequence of this problem, systems were created that were poorly received by users and, despite their fairly large capabilities, were not used to their fullest.

Computer technologies in mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and most important branches of industry. But, like any other field, mechanical engineering could not do without modernization and the introduction of new technologies. Computer technologies in production began to be used relatively recently, but have already been able to significantly ease the work of workers and improve the quality of production.

However, despite the generally accepted opinion, the use of computer technology is aimed not so much at automating production, but at changing the technology of design and production itself, which in itself significantly reduces the time it takes to create products, reduces costs over the entire life cycle of the product, and also increases its quality.

Computer technologies are used not only to automate machines and equipment, but also to design a product layout. This is especially applicable for complex engineering parts. Computer technology requires the creation of an accurate and detailed layout of the part being manufactured; first of all, this gives huge opportunities to create higher quality products in a shorter time frame.

Several people are often involved in the design process, and for more accurate and fast work they must watch each other’s work, and at the same time create models of parts, assemblies, assemblies, etc. on computers.

In the process, a number of indirect issues must also be resolved, such as types of engineering analysis, modeling of various situations, product layout, etc.

Simultaneously with the creation of the project, all possible information is transferred to production to establish its process even before creation finished layout.

Computer programs in production

For computer design Computer-aided design and engineering analysis systems are used in production, as well as production preparation technologies (CAD/CAE/CAM).

Similar technologies are widely used in the West, in various branches of mechanical engineering. In Russia, similar technologies are used in large companies.

Many Russian companies have introduced into their production such design programs as: AUTOCAD, CATIAV6, Compass-3D and many others.

Most significant Computer techologies used in companies with mass and large-scale production. In Russia, domestic developments (1C Enterprise) are also widely used for production automation.

Experience with computer technology implementation had a significant impact on productivity. In terms of the economy, industries that use computer technology are developing 1.5 times faster.

However, not many enterprises are ready to switch to computer production completely - often they replace 30-40% of the equipment, given this, not many of them can achieve at least 50% of the expected growth.

Note 1

Most computer programs are made on the basis of Western standards, which significantly slows down the process of their implementation, since management and production processes do not meet foreign standards.

In small-scale production, computer technologies are practically not used, in particular in shipbuilding. Since the entire vessel is assembled in stages, with fitting and testing carried out on site, each vessel is unique. This means that each vessel has its own project and its own documentation.

Often in shipbuilding there is no production of identical parts. Wherein important point It is considered during implementation that it is quite difficult to organize work with documentation, and any computer system unable to work properly if there is a lack of information.

Computers are also widely used directly in production. Each plant dispatcher has at his disposal an automated system that is responsible for the operation of several machines, programs, and technologies. Computers are also used to control pressure and temperatures, giving a signal about their excessive decrease or increase.

Robots in mechanical engineering

Also, do not forget about the use of robots in production. The first full-fledged robot was Unimate, which is mechanical arm, produced in 1961 for General Motors. He performed a sequence of actions that were recorded on a drum.

Beginning in the 1970s, the production and use of robots began to rapidly develop. at the beginning they were used for dangerous and uncomplicated, monotonous work. Robots were most in demand in automotive production, where they carried out:

  • welding,
  • stamping,
  • painting,
  • assembly.

Implementation similar technologies significantly reduced labor in factories.

Note 2

There are a number of fully automated factories, for example, a factory in Texas for the production of keyboards - IBM, such factories are called “no lights”.

In such factories, all production is automated, people are completely replaced by computers, and the factory can work seven days a week.

In addition, computers do not require lunch breaks, and, therefore, significantly increase the number of products produced. It is also worth noting that the computer system is not capable of going astray or missing something.

Also, computers and automated systems can perform work that is difficult and often dangerous for people.

Nowadays, computers have become an integral part technological process in production. The range of objects and phenomena falling under the influence of computer technology is constantly expanding. Computer technology is used in any engineering activity. They accompany the part throughout its entire life cycle, from planning to release. Many factories began to use spatial design technologies, and for some it became the main tool for design documentation and technological process. Computer technologies also help solve the problems of linking several technologies, using common base data.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

State budgetary professional educational institution

“Kopeysk Polytechnic College named after S.V. Khokhryakova"

(GBPOU "KPK named after S.V. Khokhryakov")



Specialty: 02/15/08 Mechanical Engineering Technology

Kopeysk, 2018

at a meeting of the Central Committee

mathematical and natural science disciplines

L.G. Queen



Deputy director for sustainable development

N.V. Tipushkova


Working programm academic discipline Computer science was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as FGOS) in the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SPO) 02/15/08 Mechanical Engineering Technology.

Organization - developer: GBPOU "Kopeysk Polytechnic College named after S.V. Khokhryakova"

Developer: _______________ O.N. Ivanova, teacher of computer science and information technology of the KPK




  1. conditions for the implementation of the work program of the academic discipline

  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline


1.1. Scope of application

Work program of the academic disciplineComputer science is part of the working basic professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education 02/15/08 Mechanical Engineering Technology

The work program of the academic discipline can be used in additional vocational education(advanced training and retraining)

1.2. The place of discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

academic discipline Informatics belongs to the mathematical and general natural science cycle of disciplines specialty 02/15/08 Mechanical engineering technology.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

be able to:

    perform calculations using applied computer programs;

    use the Internet and its capabilities to organize the rapid exchange of information;

    use technologies for collecting, placing, storing, accumulating, converting and transmitting data in professionally oriented information systems;

    process and analyze information using software computer technology;

    receive information on local and global computer networks;

    apply graphic editor for creating and editing images;

    use computer programs to search for information, compile and execute documents and presentations.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student mustknow:

    basic system software products and packages application programs;

    basic provisions and principles of constructing a system for processing and transmitting information;

    methods and techniques for ensuring information security;

    methods and means of collecting, processing, storing, transmitting and accumulating information;

    general composition and structure of personal electronic computers (computers) and computing systems;

    basic principles, methods and properties of information and telecommunication technologies, their effectiveness.

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and methods of implementation professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activity.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively withcolleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and for the results of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, and consciously plan professional development.

OK 9. Navigate in the context of frequent changes in technologyprofessional activity.

OK 10. Perform military duties, including using received professional knowledge(for boys).

PC 1.1. Use design documentation when developing technological processes for manufacturing parts.

PC 1.2. Choose a method for obtaining blanks and their basing schemes.

PC 1.3. Draw up routes for manufacturing parts and design technological operations.

PC 1.4. Develop and implement control programs for processing parts.

PC 1.5. Use computer-aided design systems for technological processes for processing parts.

PC 2.1. Participate in planning and organizing the work of the structural unit.

PC 2.2. Participate in managing the work of a structural unit.

PC 2.3. Participate in the analysis of the process and results of the unit's activities.

PC 3.1. Participate in the implementation of the technological process for manufacturing parts.

PC 3.2. Monitor the quality of parts for compliance with the requirements of technical documentation.

1.4. Number of hours to master the discipline program:

maximum student workload96 hours, including:

Mandatory classroom teaching load for the student64 hours;

Practical classes40 hours;

Independent work of the student32 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types academic work

Extracurricular independent work:

    work on educational materials, lecture notes;

    performing individual tasks;

    work with additional educational and scientific literature

Final certification in the form of differentiated credit

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline computer science

Topic 1.1.

Architecture personal computer, structure of computing systems

Personal computer device

Practical lessons

Practical work No. 1. Study of personal computer architecture

Compiling a table on computer architecture

Topic 1.2.

Computer networks

Classification computer networks. Communication lines, their main components and characteristics. Local and global computer networks. LAN topology. Basic computer network services: e-mail, teleconferencing, file archives

Independent work of students.

Filling out the Network Testing template

Filling out the Comparison template search engines»

Topic 1.3.

Network technologies for information processing

Internet services

Independent work of students

Work with by email.

Section 2.Protect information from unauthorized access. Anti-virus information protection tools

Topic 2.1. protection of information from unauthorized access

Protection of information from unauthorized access. The need for protection. Cryptographic methods protection. Protection of information in networks. Electronic signature. Access rights control. Archiving information as a means of protection.

Independent work of students

Algorithms for encoding information (using the example of a specific algorithm)

Topic 2.2.

Anti-virus information protection tools

Computer viruses: classification, recognition methods, infection prevention. Protecting information from computer viruses. Antivirus programs.

Practical lessons

Practical work No. 2. Availability testing computer virus, treatment of infected files

Independent work of students

Usage antivirus programs

Section 3. Software. Information Technology

Topic 3.1.

Application software classification

Applied software: archiving programs, utilities, CAD, office packages

Practical lessons

Practical work No. 3. Working with archiving programs

Independent work of students

Fill out the table of application packages

Topic 3.2.

Word processors

Basic techniques for working with a word processor

Practical lessons

Practical work No. 4. Creating a document, typing and editing text

Practical work No. 5. Font design and text formatting

Practical work No. 6. Working with tables, pictures, diagrams

Practical work No. 7. Editing typed text. Print text

Independent work of students.

Preparation of an abstract in word processor

Topic 3.3.


Basic Spreadsheet Techniques

Practical lessons.

Practical work No. 8. Create, populate and edit a spreadsheet.

Practical work No. 9. Carrying out calculations in a table using formulas.

Practical work No. 10. Using functions in spreadsheets

Practical work No. 11. Filtering data in spreadsheets

Practical work No. 12. Studying graphic capabilities spreadsheet.

Practical work No. 13. Using conditional formatting in spreadsheets

Independent work of students

Completing tasks on the topics: “Absolute and relative links”, “Filtering and searching data in spreadsheets”.

Topic 3.4.

Database management systems

The concept of a database. The concept of fields and records. Links in databases. Key.

Practical lessons

Practical work No. 14. Database creation. Data schema. Relationships in tables.

Practical work No. 15. Creating a form and filling out a database.

Practical work No. 16. Sorting records. Organizing a query in a database.

Independent work of students.

Perform database normalization tasks

Topic 3.5.

Graphic editor

Presentation Methods graphic images. Raster and Vector graphics. Systems RGB colors, CMYK , HSB

Practical lessons

Practical work No. 17. Exploring the capabilities of a raster graphics editor

Practical work No. 18. Exploring the capabilities of a vector graphics editor

Independent work of students

Filling out a comparison table between vector and raster computer graphics

Topic 3.6.

Multimedia technologies

Basic principles for designing multimedia projects

Practical lessons

Practical work No. 19. Working with Basic Presentation Objects

Practical work No. 20. Adding media to your presentation

Independent work of students

Creating a presentation “My future profession”


3. conditions for implementing the discipline program

3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a computer science classroom, a computer lab; does not require workshops.

Classroom equipment: educational interactive whiteboard, projector, posters.

Technical means training: Video projector, workplace teacher equipped with a computer.

Computer class equipment: Computers combined into local network connected to the Internet, scanner, printer, video projector.

3.2. Information support for training.

List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature.

Main sources:

  1. Tsvetkova M. S. Informatics and ICT: Textbook for secondary vocational education / M. S. Tsvetkova - M.: Academy, 2014 - 352 p.

    Kolmykova E. A., Kumskova I. A. Informatics: Textbook. manual for secondary vocational education / E. A. Kolmykova, I. A. Kumskova - M.: Academy, 2014 - 416 p.

    Information technologies: Textbook for open source education / G. S. Gokhbert, A. V. Zafievsky, A. A. Kfotkin - M.: Academy, 2014 - 208 p.

    Levin V.I. Information technologies in mechanical engineering: Textbook for V.I. Levin - M.: Academy, 2014 - 240 p.

    Mikheeva E. V. Information technologies in professional activities: Tutorial for secondary vocational education / E. V. Mikheeva - M.: Academy, 2011 - 384 p.

    Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on computer science: Textbook for secondary vocational education / E.V. Mikheeva – M.: Academy, 2016 – 192 p.

    Mikheeva E.V., Titova O.I. Informatics: Textbook for secondary vocational education / E. V. Mikheeva, O.I. Titova – M.: Academy, 2015 – 352 p.

    Mikheeva E. Informatics: A textbook for secondary vocational education students. – M., “Academy”, 2010;

    Mikheeva E. Workshop on computer science: A textbook for secondary vocational education students. – M., “Academy”, 2013;

    E. V. Fufaev, L. I. Fufaeva, Application packages: Textbook - M., "Academy", 2014;

Additional sources:

    N. D. Ugrinovich, Computer Science and Information Technologies. 10-11 grade: S-P; BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory, 2014

    N. D. Ugrinovich, Computer Science and ICT. Textbook for 10th grade; M.; BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory, 2014.

    N. D. Ugrinovich, Computer Science and ICT. Textbook for 11th grade; M.; BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory, 2014.

    N. D. Ugrinovich, Computer Science and ICT. Toolkit for teachers; BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory, 2014.

    N. D. Ugrinovich, Computer Science and ICT. Workshop for grades 10-11; M.; BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory, 2014.

Internet resources:

    1. (Internet University of Information Technologies) (Educational Internet resources - Computer Science) (Electronic educational resources Internet)

  1. (Megaencyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius) (Educational resources) (Wikipedia)

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the Discipline

Control and evaluation the results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes And laboratory work, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments, projects, research, tests and independent work during the final certification.

Learning outcomes

(mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes

The student must be able to:

    perform calculations using applied computer programs;

    use the Internet and its capabilities to organize the rapid exchange of information;

    use technologies for collecting, placing, storing, accumulating, converting and transmitting data in professionally oriented information systems;

    process and analyze information using software and computer technology;

    receive information on local and global computer networks;

    use graphic editors to create and edit images;

    use computer programs to search for information, compile and execute documents and presentations.

The student must know:

    basic system software products and application packages;

    basic provisions and principles of constructing a system for processing and transmitting information;

    arrangement of computer networks and network technologies processing and transmission of information;

    methods and techniques for ensuring information security;

    methods and means of collecting, processing, storing, transmitting and accumulating information;

    general composition and structure of personal electronic computers (computers) and computer systems.

    Basic principles, methods and properties of information and telecommunication technologies, their effectiveness.

Current control:

    assessment of practical work;

    frontal survey;


    performing independent work.

Intermediate control:

Final control:

Differentiated credit

information technology mechanical engineering

Operational and production planning in the conditions of automated control systems. (Integrated Automated Control System)

The norm for managing domestic enterprises in market conditions is the use of computer technology in the process of intra-company planning. Their use in non-mass production is due to the need to perform a large volume of labor-intensive calculations and very complex graphical constructions.

The implementation of production planning and management processes is currently carried out at most modern enterprises using an IT complex, including software and computer hardware, which together form an automated control system (ACS).

When building effective automated control systems, coordinated automation of both the sphere of material production and the sphere of information technology itself is carried out at all levels and stages based on the concept of integrated automated systems management (IASU). IASU automates both the material and information components of the production process in their interrelation from the formation of a portfolio of orders to sales and shipment finished products. ACS are integral part systems information support life cycle(LC) products - CAL8 technologies. This area is included in the critical technologies approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

The automated control system for multi-item production consists of functionally and operationally complete subsystems, each of which can function independently, exchanging information arrays with other subsystems. These subsystems can be resident at various hierarchical levels and operated as part of various organizational services. The subsystems into which IAS can be divided are: subsystem for managing production and economic activities (ASU PCB); technological preparation control subsystem (ASU TT1P); subsystem for operational control of the progress of automated production (APCS).

The main component of the automated control system, which ensures the management of organizational and economic processes of the enterprise at all levels, is the automated control system for chemical control. The PCB ACS, in turn, includes the following subsystems: technical and economic planning; financial management; Accounting; operational management of main production; quality control; HR management; auxiliary production management.

The central place in the operational production management subsystem is occupied by the functions of planning and modeling the progress of the production process. They can be divided into two subsystems:

1) scheduling and accounting subsystem. Subsystem functions:

drawing up an inter-shop calendar plan coordinating the work of shops and services;

calculation of production programs for workshops and areas;

calculation of production flow standards;

calculation of calendar schedules that determine the order, sequence and timing of production;

operational operational accounting;

accounting for the availability of finished parts, assembly units and products in warehouses;

accounting for technical readiness of orders, etc.;

2) subsystem for operational regulation of production progress. Subsystem functions:

analysis of deviations from established targets and production schedules and taking prompt measures to eliminate them.