Sorting mail in Outlook. Instructions for the new version of Outlook on the web

Almost all computer users have their own electronic mailbox, email address, or as it is now called - “ soap". Nowadays, without this very thing soap, nowhere. Why such a strange name? Yes, because in English the email address is “electronic mail » (abbreviated e-mail), sounds in Russian approximately like “soap”. Our people are smart and have a great sense of humor, so they gave it this name. So don't be surprised if someone asks you "soap." This means that a person needs your email address to write you a letter or send you some information.

Many people have a mailbox, but not many know how to use it correctly, so working with mail does not always bring joy to a person, often even the opposite. Take for example such a simple operation as sorting letters.

From my own experience, I know that many people do not even realize that letters in email mailbox You can sort and put them into folders so that you can always easily find this or that message.

Many people have their mail in their main inbox for many years. Naturally, sometimes it is simply impossible to find the necessary letter in such a heap of documents, or at best you will “kill” the whole day doing this.

If you look through your mail every day and put it in folders, then the process of working with mail will take you a little time and will even become enjoyable. Moreover, sorting letters is not a complicated procedure at all.

So, let's start sorting letters in our email box. I will show you using Yandex mail as an example, but in other mailboxes all procedures are very similar, so watch and remember.

  • Go to your mail in the folder “ Inbox»;
  • Select any letter, put a tick in front of it and go to the link in the right top corner « Move to folder" Until you check the box next to the letter, this link will not be active.

  • A window will open with the inscription “ Enter folder name" and so far only one folder " Inbox" In the box, enter your name of the folder in which the letter you have selected will be stored and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
  • Create any folders in exactly the same way and store letters in them.

In the video below I show in more detail what else you can do with your emails and how to remove or add internal folders.

If you have

Email for many years remains indispensable and one of the most effective tools for personal communication and work. The email format is convenient for storing and forwarding not only text message, but also various types of documents, reminders of events. In addition, many email services and email programs (for example, Outlook) make it easy to turn emails into tasks or events, turning your email into a real one. mobile office who is always with you.

The only problem is that after just a month or two of intensive use Email, the average mailbox turns into something like a closet - you know for sure that it has everything, but you can’t find anything. In any case, within an acceptable time frame.

I've prepared some great tips for you to clean out your inbox as well as organize your email correspondence. I’ll warn you right away - some of the things I’m going to talk about require you to tinker a little with the settings first. mail client or email. However, this is completely small fee for the amount of time you will save in the end.

Setting up mail sorting rules in Outlook - even a beginner can figure it out

Use email filters and rules

Currently, there is probably not a single postal service left or mail program, where there would be no opportunity to configure filtering rules for incoming messages. Using email rules is the first thing to do when it comes to organizing your email easily. By devoting at most fifteen minutes of time, you can create a foundation that will save you from the chaos that is happening in your life for years to come. standard folder"Inbox".

Here are just a few ideas on what I would suggest you do first:

  • Create folders in your mailbox for typical correspondence, for example: “bank statements”, “letters from online stores”, “family”, “mailings” and set up a simple rule - so that letters from certain recipients fall strictly into their own folders. This way you will always know how important the message was sent to you - the main thing is not to forget to update your address lists.
  • Set priorities for different addresses, such as “high” for emails from management and “low” for notifications from social networks. This will allow you, as soon as you open your mailbox, to note the main tasks for yourself and not waste your time on trifles.
  • Use spam filters. Some programs and email services have “spam level” settings, some have a list of “stop words” (for example, exclude emails with the word “dating”) - in principle, all you need to do is configure all this once and the flow of spam to your email will be reduced significantly .

Don't be afraid to delete unnecessary messages

Ideally, email messages should not be stored in the mailbox at all - save the necessary attachments from the letter, add the sender to address book, don’t be lazy to process a new letter (a tip within a tip: you shouldn’t respond to a letter as soon as it arrives by email - it’s better to take time at the end or beginning of the working day to look through all the incoming letters at once and immediately respond to each of them), mark new task in the calendar and that’s it - after that the letter can be safely deleted.

Remember when in last time Have you ever rummaged through your inbox for one of the old emails you were looking for? An email address that was not saved at the time? Unsaved document attachment? Anything else like that? Yes, yes, as a rule, email older than 3 days completely loses its relevance, so keep the entire “file” of emails for last years there's no point.

Email autoresponder and response letter templates

There is quite an impressive “layer” of emails that we have to send again and again - commercial offers, price requests, reports. For all these typical operations, you need to create templates in which you will only need to enter the sender's address and other “operational” data. Yes, you will first have to spend half an hour of precious time creating them. But each of these time-saving templates will most likely pay for itself within the same working day. Value your time!

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to set up your personal answering machine. I believe that if the person who wrote you a message receives in response a short letter with the rules of your work and a couple telephone numbers by which it is convenient to contact you, nothing bad will happen.

The simpler the better

As a rule, it is not rational to make do with one “Inbox” folder in an email program. But creating a bunch of folders (and some of them even a bunch of folders!) is also not a good idea - remember, you want to make it easier for yourself to process email, and not create a repository of read messages that you will never return to.

Usually a dozen folders should be enough for everyone. If you are creating an eleventh, ask yourself: is it really The best way organizing incoming emails?

Email should be fast

The advantage of email is speed and efficiency, so when you write a response, be prompt and quick - email should not turn into a project for you. Value your time and the time of the message recipient - no two or three page texts that take two hours to write. Otherwise, by sending this letter, you risk seeing a couple more messages from the same sender in your inbox :)

If there Additional Information that needs to be reported - use attachments if necessary more information for an answer, just write it. Composing the ideal email takes no more than 5 minutes in time, and its content should not exceed 3 points.

Email is not a to-do list or an event calendar.

I'll say it again because it's really important - the purpose of the email is to provide you with operational information, and the task of a mailbox or email program is to provide easy access to new ones emails. And that is all!

Simply put, Email is a source of ideas and events for you to plan tasks and make appointments, and not a repository of everything (including tasks, meetings, pictures and collections of fresh jokes... (from February of last year, of course)). Plan, act and get rid of clutter immediately - this is the key to success.

Forget about mailings and turn off notifications

No, I actually came across some worthwhile newsletters a couple of times that carried useful information. But 99% of the time, all those countless incoming messages simply took up my time and immediately flew into the “trash” folder... only to arrive in the “inbox” again the next day. People are designed in such a way (in the sense that they are lazy) that it is easier for them to press the “delete” button than to find a way to unsubscribe from the annoying mailing list once and for all (at least by placing it on the spam list). But this is exactly what you need to do - set aside 15 minutes, find all unnecessary sources of incoming information (Vasya Ivanov (who is this?) published on Facebook new photo...) and just nail up your email from them.

If you use social networks— immediately turn off email notifications about new friends, messages, comments, etc. in the settings. trash. You won’t need it anyway, and your endless seconds of pressing “delete” will immediately stop merging into endless hours and days.

The eternal battle with spam... and laziness

So your email “security system” is set up and working like a clock. And suddenly, after a couple of months, a new spam letter suddenly appears in your inbox. Your hand automatically reaches for the “Delete” button... and then you stop with a strong-willed movement, open your spam list and add a new “lucky person” there.

The temptation to immediately remove the offender is great, yes, but remember - once the villain leaks, he will do it again and again. Therefore, it is easier and cheaper to spend a minute of time and once and for all cut off the oxygen of a new stream of spam.

By the way, do not forget to also accurately update the “bases” of email addresses, filters, folders and rules of your mailbox. Of course, no one wants to do this (laziness, laziness...), but to effectively organize email processing you need to introduce elements of... organization into your work :)

There is a time for everything - especially email

Checking email is like a drug. You know that when a new email appears, the program informs you about it, but you still press the “check email” button every five minutes - and suddenly the program made a mistake and did not notice it important letter? Now I will tell you a terrible truth - we tend to overestimate our indispensability.

For this very reason, no matter what happens, how often you check your email will not change anything (except perhaps your psychological state). In fact, all these notifications about new messages, etc. - a powerful distracting factor. It’s simply impossible to concentrate on work when the “1 new email received” message is on in the corner of the monitor.

The best way to deal with a problem is to cut it off at the root. Turn off (for fuck's sake!) all notifications about new incoming emails (take my word for it - nothing bad will happen), and then set yourself a simple rule - check and process ALL email at once once a day - in the morning or in the evening. At the appointed time, you simply push everything aside and open your mailbox, receive all incoming messages, write all the necessary answers, mark everything necessary tasks and continue working with a clear conscience.

And have no doubt - your conscience and rights will be clearer. Firstly, you will not be distracted by trifles (oh, another new message, I wonder what’s there?!), and secondly, you will have a ready-made work plan. Possibly for the first time!

Get started already!

Well, the most important thing is that you have read a list of 9 points on how to increase your efficiency with email. You understood everything, assimilated it and decided that now the devil himself is not your brother, because everything is simple and clear as day. And here the most important thing comes into play - the tenth point, the most difficult.

Just take it and do what you read about above.

Yes, you got it.

Yes, tomorrow for sure.

But you need to start right now. No need for complications, find a dozen messages in your email inbox for which the response period expired “the day before yesterday” and simply delete them. It is useless to answer them now; even the sender most likely forgot about them. And you will immediately feel a little easier. Has it happened? So the advice works. Now let's go through the list from the very beginning.

As promised, we continue to talk about the possibilities of filtering letters in Mail.Ru Mail. In our article, we talked about how to create your own filter and shared several situations when they would be especially useful.

Today we are talking about automatic filtering of letters and mailings. Go!

Automatic sorting of mailings

In Mail.Ru Mail you can set up quick sorting of mailings and notifications from online stores and social networks.

To do this, go to the “Filtering Rules” section in the settings. Click on the “Filter mailings” button.

A pop-up window will ask you to sort all the mailings that were found in your mailbox. Organize senders into the desired folders by dragging and dropping site names. By default these are “Inbox”, “Mailouts”, “Discounts”, and “Spam”. You can also create an additional folder.

Quickly set up a filtering rule through a list of letters

In fact, Mail.Ru Mail has several options quick settings filters for incoming letters. Let's look at each of them in detail.

The simplest option is to select several letters from specific senders and move them to the desired folder, which you can create in advance.

  • To do this, select several letters on the list of letters and “pull” them into the desired folder, as shown in the picture below.

  • Then in the upper right corner you will be asked to automatically move letters from these recipients to the selected folder. Agree, you won't regret it.
  • In the pop-up window you need to confirm your actions and create a filtering rule. To do this, click on the “Move automatically” button.

When creating a filtering rule, you can also set other criteria for messages from these recipients, for example, marking messages as read. To do this, click on the “Customize” button, as shown in the picture above.

Creating a filtering rule using hotkeys

You can also create a filtering rule quickly using hotkeys. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut Shift+L on letter reading page.

To know full list You can use hotkeys in Mail.Ru Mail using the combination Shift+?.

In the previous article, I talked about how you can sort emails by folders (labels) in your mailbox. GMail service. And in this article I will show you how to organize incoming letters into the required folders in Yandex mail, in which this process is even more intuitive than in Google.

If in the mail GMail folders Since “shortcuts” are correctly called and you won’t see the word “folder” there, Yandex uses the concept of “folders” for letters.

Creating folders for sorting letters in Yandex

In Yandex, folders are created simply.

Left in personal account mail there are main folders, such as “Inbox”, “Sent Items”, “Deleted Items” and under them there is a “Create folder” link. Click on it:

In the window that opens, you need to indicate the name of the folder and such that you will later understand what kind of letters it contains :) It is clear that by naming the folder “123”, you are unlikely to understand what kind of letters are in it :))

Here you can select the “parent” folder, i.e. the one in which the created one will be placed this folder(subfolder). For example, there is a folder called “Company A”, in which you will receive all letters from company “A”. And since letters can be from different people and for different purposes, you can create several more subfolders in that folder, for example, “From management”, “Reports”, if, of course, you need such detailed sorting.

To create such a subfolder, click “Attach to another folder” and select the desired parent folder.

You can now click “Create a folder” at the bottom and that’s it, the folder will be created.

All created additional folders located under “Inbox”:

The principle of sorting letters into folders in Yandex

You can sort letters into created folders in 2 ways:

  1. Manually. That is, by choosing the right letter, move it to the desired folder;
  2. Automatically. By creating special rules (conditions) for transferring certain letters to the required folders immediately when they arrive in the mail.

Manually moving emails to a folder

Manually transferring a letter or several to the desired folder is done like this...

Select one or more letters from the list that you want to move to another folder, click “To folder” and from the window that appears, select which folder they will be moved to.

Or you can open the letter itself and do the same. No difference.

Automatic placement of letters into the required folders

Automatic placement of letters can be configured directly when creating the folder itself.

To do this, in the folder creation window, click “Yandex.Mail can automatically move …”.

In the window that opens, conditions will be given (“Put in a folder if”), with which you can set up automatic forwarding of letters.

For example, you can fill in the address in the “From” condition or part of the address, and as a result, if when the letter arrives in the mail, the sender’s address matches what you specified in that condition, then it will work and the letter will be sent to this folder.

To make the condition more “narrow”, you can also specify a topic. As a result, two conditions will be checked at once: address and subject of the letter. And only if both of them correspond to what you specified, the letter will be sent to the desired folder.

Here, if necessary, you can proceed to setting up more complex and flexible conditions by clicking “I need more complex conditions.”

In the window that opens, you can create more complex conditions and actions depending on these conditions for incoming letters.

The principle is similar: you specify the condition itself and choose what to do with the letter if this condition is met.

Action on folders (delete, rename, configure)

Created folders can be easily deleted and renamed. You just need to click on the folder in the list right click mouse and select the appropriate action from the pop-up window:

If you need to configure folders in more detail, click “Folder and Label Settings” in the same menu. This will take you to separate window, where you can change the location of folders on top of each other, nest one folder in another, create conditions for moving letters into them.


When letters are sorted into folders, it is easier to work with mail and, most importantly, more convenient, because everything is sorted into shelves. In Yandex, as you already understood, creating folders, managing them and sorting emails by them is very simple and intuitive. Therefore, I recommend that owners of Yandex mail take this into account if they are not already using it!

The Focused folder splits your Inbox into two tabs - Focused and Other. Yours important messages emails are on the sorted tab, and the rest remain unchanged on the other tab.

Note: If you don't see the "sorted" and "other" items in your mailbox, you may be using the "non-urgent" folder. additional information See Use the Non-Urgent feature to sort low priority messages in Outlook.

Outlook for Windows

In Outlook for Windows, Mail Sort is only available for Office 365, Exchange, and accounts.

Enable mail sorting

Organize your messages

Working with the mail sorting feature

Outlook on the web

The instructions are slightly different depending on whether you're using the new Outlook on the web or the classic version. Select the version you are using to see the instructions for the version you are using.

Note: If the organization has placed a logo on the toolbar, the interface may differ from the above.

Instructions for the new version of Outlook on the web

Enable mail sorting

Organize your messages

    In your Inbox, open the Focused or Other tab, and then right-click the message you want to move.

    Move up message from "Assigned to" select move _gt_ move to "others" folder. Select always move to the "other inbox" folder" if you want all subsequent messages from this sender to be delivered to the "other" tab.

    If you are moving one message from another to "sorted", select move _gt_ move to the "sorted" folder. Select always move to the "sorted" folder, if you want all subsequent messages from this sender to be delivered to the "sorted" tab.

Instructions for classic Outlook on the web

Enable mail sorting

Organize your messages,

Enable mail sorting

Organize your messages

Outlook for Mac

In Outlook 2016 for Mac, Mail Focus is only available for Office 365 email messages.

Enable mail sorting

Advice: You can customize the quantity unread messages so that only messages in the "Sorted" tab are taken into account. To do this, select Outlook > Settings > Notifications and sounds > Event indicator.

Organize your messages

Mail for Windows 10

Enable mail sorting

Move messages from the Focused folder to the Other folder


    • Move to "Others".

      Select Always move to "Others" if you want all subsequent messages from this sender to appear in the tab Other.

Move messages from the Other folder to the Focused folder

    In your inbox, open the tab Other and right-click the message you want to move.

    Select one of the options below.

    • If you only want to move this message, select Move to "Sorted".

      Select Always move to "Sorted" if you want all subsequent messages from this sender to appear in the tab Sorted.

Questions and answers

Why can't I see the Sort Mail feature in Outlook?

How does mail sorting interact with the Non-Urgent feature?

Mail sorting will replace the Non-Urgent feature. After switching, less important messages will no longer be delivered to the Non-Urgent folder. Instead, mail will be distributed between the "Sorted" and "Other" tabs. The Non-Urgent feature and mail sorting are based on the same algorithm, so any messages that previously ended up in the Non-Urgent folder will now be moved to the Other tab. Any messages that are already in the Not Urgent folder will remain there unless you delete or move them.