Solar panels for home heating: how to choose good panels and install them correctly. Solar panels

If we talk about energy, then in Lately many homeowners began to use alternative options, one of which is more popular than many others. It is based on the transformation solar energy into electrical energy. However, to convert solar energy into current, you need to use special means, the only affordable option which are solar panels. Of course, this is a bit expensive compared to conventional electricity, but when Electricity of the net are not connected to this or that building (enterprise), then there is nothing left to do but use or gasoline generator, or solar panels. However, gasoline today is also not cheap, and in order to provide the necessary amount of energy to the house, you need to spend a lot of it. But with solar panels the situation is completely different. With their help, you can get energy completely for free; all the costs here are only on the panels themselves and their connection to the network.

Solar panels . Catalog, prices, characteristics.

Solar panels are photovoltaic cells enclosed in cells connected together; they are also called solar panels. A variety of semiconductor materials are mainly used to produce electrical energy. They are the ones who collect the “power of the sun,” transform it and direct it in the right direction. The resulting energy is also used for loading direct current, both for accumulation in battery panels in reserve, and directly for conversion into current.

What are solar panels made of?

There are the most different types solar panels. However, the basis for generating energy in all of them is the same - it is silicon, or rather its dioxide, which is durable crystals. These crystals are used to operate transistors, processors, computer technology and electronics. Solar batteries are based on a metal substrate with a positive rear contact applied to it. A P type semiconductor is applied on top of it, then an N type layer and a grid that collects the output of the N junction. A special anti-reflective layer is applied to the panels, which makes them dark.

Recently, hybrid panels were presented to consumers that receive energy using ultraviolet and infrared radiation. They were made by combining a solar panel and specially developed film polymers.

Amorphous and flexible solar panels are made primarily from cadmium telluride and copper indium selenide. The use of these materials significantly increases the battery efficiency.

Features of using solar panels

There are some features to keep in mind when working with solar panels. If you live in an area where there is not as much sun as you would like, then solar panels may not be suitable for you. You will spend a lot of money, but the effectiveness will be in question.

However, even in sunny areas, batteries may not work if they are not properly prepared. In order for solar panels to generate energy, you will have to buy some more equipment:

  1. The batteries themselves are combined into a circuit;
  2. A special device (controller) through which the batteries will be charged and distribute current through the network;
  3. Stock up on an inverter, through which photocells (12-48V) will convert energy into alternating current;
  4. You need a series of batteries that will accumulate charge. During times when there is no sun, the charges accumulated in the batteries will be useful;
  5. Required number of wires and fastening.

About the advantages of solar panels.

Since solar panels are reliable and simple, alternative way Energy generation is actively developing in many countries around the world. They do not require additional fuel to operate. Solar panels have a fairly long service life. They are also easy to maintain. Clean them regularly from dirt and snow, and they will work properly for many years. Solar panels are an environmentally friendly device as they do not negatively impact the environment.

Where can solar panels be installed?

Install them in such a way that the photocells are directed towards the area of ​​the sky along which the sun moves from east to west. If the façade of the house is facing south, you can safely install solar panels there. Try not to let any shadows fall on the solar panels. See if there is one near your house free space. Install the panels on a hinged support, which will change the position of the device towards the sun and promote the best illumination of the photocells.

By the way, even in some electric vehicles, batteries are charged using solar panels, but this is still an exotic use of panels. Most often, solar panels are used to power buildings - public and private. Solar panels have long been popular in countries where there is a lot of sun. For example, Israel and some countries on the coast Mediterranean Sea(Turkey, Algeria) use solar panels to supply electricity to offices, production facilities, clinics and other buildings. Solar panels are also used in the space industry; at space stations they are practically the only source of energy. Such panels are the safest compared to nuclear and radioisotope sources of electricity. There are more exotic ways use of solar panels. You can take a bike path in the Netherlands, which is made entirely of solar panels and supplies electricity to many nearby buildings. France plans to create highways with reinforced solar panels built into them.

Solar batteries advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages can be noted:

They are environmentally friendly because there are no emissions or combustion products during their operation.
They have a long service life (up to 30 years).
They can be installed where there is no power supply.

Disadvantages of solar panels

Among the disadvantages, we can again mention the high cost of the panels themselves and the equipment for them. They are not suitable for work in places where there is not enough sunlight. They need to be monitored and cleaned regularly. Such panels take a long time to pay for themselves.

However, despite all the problems associated with obtaining solar energy, we must firmly remember that alternative energy is our tomorrow. But time does not stand still and today it is worth paying attention to this and using the energy obtained from solar panels.

A few decades ago, electricity converted from solar energy seemed fantastic to us. But today you won’t surprise anyone. Residents of European countries have long understood all the benefits of solar energy, and now heat their homes and charge electric vehicles (Tesla).

We have so far alternative systems electricity is still gaining momentum. However, every day this technology is rapidly developing, and the cost of equipment necessary to generate energy is gradually decreasing. In this article we will look at the types in detail, analyze their advantages and features of choice.

Areas of application of SB

Solar Airplane The applications of solar panels are endless. Gradually they are used in almost all industries, scientific, space and agricultural sectors. This also applies to use at home.

In specialized stores and large supermarkets you can find lighting fixtures powered by solar energy. Often they are installed by owners of private houses in their gardens and summer cottages. installed on the streets of large cities, which significantly reduces the consumption of conventional electricity.

The beauty of solar panels is that they can bring light to places where civilization has not yet reached, and such places still exist. For example, in some areas of our homeland there are remote areas where it is physically impossible to install electricity. About 1000 villages in our country are still without electricity.

This is where alternative energy systems come to the rescue. An optimally selected solar panel can serve an entire house without polluting the environment.

An installation costing up to $1000 is capable of:

  • illuminate a private house area up to 300 sq. m.;
  • feed large Appliances(water heater, TV, computer, kettle, hairdryer);
  • You can charge phones, flashlights, laptops, tablets, etc.


On this moment There are many types of solar panels that are used in one industry or another.

Each type has its own characteristics and operational features. For household use, silicon solar cells are mainly used.

Working principle of silicon solar cells:

  • the silicon (silicon-hydrogen) panel is exposed to sunlight;
  • the plate material changes the direction of the electrons' orbits, after which the converters produce an electric current.

These devices can be divided into four types:

Converters made of polymer film. Many users believe that this is a promising alternative to today's silicon panels. This is a film consisting of polymer coating, aluminum conductors and a protective layer.

Its peculiarity is that it is lightweight, bends, twists and does not break easily. The efficiency of such a battery is only 5-7%, but the low cost and convenient use makes this type of solar battery very popular.

Expert advice: Buy equipment only from trusted resources and specialized stores. This will save time, nerves and money.

Selection criteria

When choosing equipment of this specification, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The financial side of the issue. It all depends on how and under what conditions the panel will be used. If for home use (hang on the window in an apartment) or for travel, then portable panels up to $50 for 12V are suitable.

    If the installation is more serious and installed on the roof of the house, then the options range from $1000 and above. It all depends on the power and country of the battery manufacturer.

  2. Panel options. Before you buy anything, you need to understand technical characteristics devices. To do this, you can contact specialists who will help you choose a panel the right type and power.
  3. Power. It will be difficult to choose here, since the market is now flooded with various offers. On sale there are panels with a power of 3.5 W for charging flashlights, and there are systems up to 100 W for powering a refrigerator in the country. It all depends on your preferences.
  4. Equipment. High-quality photocells come complete with a waterproof container, clamps, adapters for phones and other accessories. They may be needed in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays it is hardly possible to find a sphere of human activity in which photocells that directly convert energy would not be used sunlight into electricity.

United in tens, hundreds, thousands, interconnected, these elements form solar batteries that generate electric current of such power that it is possible to meet the needs of residential buildings, industrial premises, and farms. Portable batteries provide power to small appliances and devices.

Solar panels on the roof of a multi-storey building

Residential buildings provide electricity

More and more often you can see houses with solar panels on the slopes of their roofs. These panels look so aesthetically pleasing that in some places they are installed in front of houses as decorative decorations. Residents of such houses are almost completely self-sufficient in electricity.

The electricity generated by the batteries is quite enough to illuminate rooms and power all electrical appliances and equipment: washing machines, refrigerators, televisions, vacuum cleaners. In the cold season, you can turn on electric heating at home without worrying about saving money. Moreover, sometimes so much electricity is generated that its excess is given to the general power grid, bringing owners additional income, gradually compensating for the costs of energy upgrades at home.

Solar panels on the roofs of small houses

Solar energy has come to villages

The specificity of farms is such that much more space can be allocated for solar panels than in the city. Premises for keeping animals and birds, as a rule, are large in size, and a fairly powerful structure can be installed on their roofs.

The electricity generated by these panels ensures the operation of electric milking machines, drinking bowls, separators, mixers, pumping stations. The incubators maintain a constant, set temperature, as well as lighting. In dairy farms, solar panels power all devices and mechanisms involved in the process of milk processing, production of cheese, butter, and other dairy products.

Solar panels on farm roofs

Magic suitcase and more

Surely each of us has dealt with various devices powered by photocells - miniature solar panels. This and Digital Watch, and calculators, and miniature radios, and much more. In everyday life, solar panels have found such wide application that sometimes it is no longer possible to imagine how we managed without them before.

Mobile phone. Surely everyone has one. But often at the very right moment he suddenly finds himself discharged. Now they have appeared. Certainly, small sizes These devices do not allow you to charge your phone very quickly. But 15–20 minutes is enough to make the necessary call.

And the German company Vodafone has released a mobile phone that is powered by solar panels. That is, its battery is constantly recharged from the sun. This phone is indispensable long trips, forays into nature and where problems with battery charging may occur. .

Vodafone mobile phone

The Canadian company WeWi Telecommunications produces SOL laptops that run only on solar panels.

Laptop SOL

The BRUNTON company has launched the production of thin-film chargers that can literally be rolled into a tube. By the way, for thin-film panels it is by no means necessary to be exposed to direct sunlight. Diffused lighting is quite enough for her.

BRUNTON thin film charger

The same company produces bags for laptops. Their outer side is a solar panel. The bag can accommodate a laptop with a screen diagonal of up to 17 inches and, using special adapters, allows you to charge the batteries of any laptop.

Bag - Charger for laptops

A lot could be said about the possibilities of solar panels. They find the most unexpected uses:

  • a fountain pen with built-in photocells, a microbattery and an LED so you can write in the dark;
  • a jacket with a thin-film photocell coating and sewn-in heating elements that prevents you from freezing in the most severe frosts, etc.

Human imagination is inexhaustible. And who knows what other horizons new technologies and scientific research in the field of solar energy may open to us.

Modern solar batteries have found wide application in various industries, such as astronautics, aircraft manufacturing, power supply for buildings and outdoor lighting, automotive industry, water transport, children's toys and parking lots with electric gas stations. Let's take a closer look at all these uses of solar panels.


Astronautics, it is in this area that solar panels have found their main application. These devices are autonomous sources of electricity, supplying electricity to all systems and life support installations of space stations, and also ensure the uninterrupted and smooth operation of all equipment. The batteries simultaneously supply electricity to the equipment and charge batteries that will supply electricity to space devices in the shadow areas of orbit.

Aircraft manufacturing

The use of solar panels in aircraft construction has become the most important achievement in the history of the conquest of the sky. Thanks to light generators, they can stay in the sky for quite a long time without using fuel. The engines of aircraft equipped with solar installations run on generated electricity. During a flight during daylight hours, the aircraft's batteries are charged, which in the dark will give their charge to the engines to continue the flight. Such aircraft are needed for communications and reconnaissance, as well as for civil and scientific surveillance.

Energy supply for buildings

For backup (in cases of emergency shutdown of stations or substations, broken power lines) or primary (in cases where there is no possibility of connecting to a centralized source of electricity) energy supply, as well as street lighting systems, solar panels are ideal equipment. Considering that in traditional electricity generation, this applies to thermal power plants, fossil fuels are burned, during which a huge mass of harmful gases are released, leading to the global greenhouse effect.

Even the Anglican Church began to encourage humanity to use solar panels. Thus, in the UK, St. Michael's Church in Hardfordshire became a pioneer in the use of “green electricity”. Solar panels were installed on the roof of this church.

Prince Charles is also concerned about environmental problems in the world. He became interested in alternative energy projects and plans to equip the Clarence House palace in London with solar panels.

The US Department of Defense plans to reduce harmful emissions (carbon dioxide) from the territory of the Pearl Harbor military base and make it economically independent. By equipping its roofs with solar panels, the military base will reduce its need for petroleum products by 5,667 barrels per year and its carbon dioxide emissions by 3,118 tons per year.

Other buildings, such as lighthouses, located far from the centralized power supply, are also equipped with solar generators. Surface buoys and indicators are also equipped with these devices.

Cars and other vehicles

Solar installations are starting to become a priority in the development of this industry. Environmentally friendly transport is not just a tribute to fashion, but vital necessary measure. In “green” cars, during daylight hours, the engines are driven by electricity generated by a solar generator, and in dark time- due to charged batteries. Such a car can reach a significant speed of 135 km/h.

Water transport gradually they are also equipped with solar generators. This concerns mainly the tourist fleet of small ships. So in Turkey, namely in the city of Dalyan, known as a resort town, eco-friendly boats equipped with solar panels are transported to tourists through its numerous channels. True, the speed of such eco-boats is low and is only 10 km/h. But this speed is only good for tourists; they have time to look at all the sights and take photographs.

Where else are solar panels used?

The smallest users of electricity also did not remain aloof from the onset of “solar” electricity. This is due to the replacement regular batteries for solar generators. This is how your favorite cars, equipped with solar panels, became environmentally friendly and almost eternal, if they were not dismantled in the first days of the game. Of course, this applies not only to cars. There are a large number of entertaining and educational toys equipped with solar batteries; thanks to the introduction of solar electricity technology, there is no need to buy and then throw away used ones galvanic cells and pay close attention to ensure that they do not end up in the baby’s mouth. And such a toy as an eco-home model is also instructive. It demonstrates all the possibilities of solar panels installed on the roof of a private house.

Construction "solar" parking lots grows in proportion to the production of hybrid cars. Developed countries of the European Union, the USA and Japan are engaged in such construction. Solar generators are installed on the roofs of these gas stations, which charge not only parked cars, but also high-power batteries. Electrical energy The rechargeable batteries are only sufficient for the refueling station's own needs, which makes them energy independent. At night, cars are “refueled” from a stationary network.

South Korean inventors offer their new invention to solve the problem charging all kinds of devices (mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc.), in hiking conditions. This device is a kind of solar generator. It generates enough electricity to charge the battery of almost any gadget.

Alternative energy sources are actively capturing the consumer market. About ten years ago, most people did not imagine the possibility of purchasing such engineering developments as a wind power plant or a station powered by solar panels. Now this is becoming possible. Solar panels for home: kit cost, installation costs and Maintenance– a cost-effective solution for today.

If we talk about solar panels in technically, you need to understand that we're talking about about photovoltaic power supply systems (PSS). The main purpose of such devices is to convert the energy of sunlight into electrical energy based on the physical law of the photoelectric effect. The process of improving solar installations for generating electricity has been ongoing for about two hundred years. Currently, engineering has achieved significant results in the development of photovoltaic equipment, especially in terms of efficiency - from 1 to 46% (the share of converted solar energy).

Converts sunlight energy into electrical energy

The modern market for solar power supply systems can be considered sufficiently mature, since it allows you to choose a product from a considerable number of offers, from a very large market segment. To answer the most frequently asked question, how much do solar panels cost for a private home, you need to understand the technological and design features FSE. The structuring of the equipment offered by the market involves three main categories of solar systems, based on their functional, design and technical features.

The first category of FSE includes autonomous systems that are not connected to the main power supply network. Such systems operate on their own network circuit to directly power connected equipment. Maximum operating efficiency is achieved by the presence of a storage device included in the kit ( rechargeable batteries), which allows the use of accumulated electricity in the event of a drop in the intensity of sunlight (i.e. reduced generated power) and in the event of moments when the power consumed exceeds the generated.

The second category includes open FSEs. In their configuration, these systems do not have batteries and are connected to the main power supply network through a special inverter. If the power consumed does not exceed the generated power, the main network is turned off. Otherwise, the FSE is turned off and consumption is made from the main network. Such systems are very reliable and cheaper, but if there is no power supply from the main network, then the solar station does not work.

The third category is represented by combined FSE. They represent a combined format of the first and second categories. This allows it to have an additional quality in its functionality - excess generated or accumulated electricity can be transferred to the main network and have commercial value.

Helpful advice! For uninterrupted power supply in cases of simultaneous interruption of the general network and exposure to negative weather conditions, it is necessary to have backup source power supply Such a source can be a small (2-5 kW) electric generator running on gasoline or diesel fuel.

Price of solar panels for home: cost of the kit

It is necessary to resolve issues of saving energy costs through the installation of solar power plants in conditions of full information about the prices for the entire set and the upcoming costs of their installation and operation. Frequently asked question There is no clear answer to how much a solar battery costs for a home, since many factors influence pricing.

The established price of the main element of the solar cell (solar battery) is on average at a minimum (but also at a minimum in terms of quality) of about 50-60 rubles. for 1W of power generated. Consequently, the price of solar panels for a private house with a power of 100 and 200 W will be in the amount of 6,000 and 12,000 rubles. respectively.

The composition of the station kit depends on its category and power. It may include a charging controller, battery station, inverter and connecting equipment. When choosing, for example, a set of the first category and a rated power of about 2 kW (2000 W), the price of a set of solar panels for a home will be from 120 thousand rubles. and higher.

And it is necessary to compare the entire capital spent with the economic effect obtained from the difference in the cost of 1 kW/hour of a centralized network and the cost created by the FSE.

The most recent solar market statistics show the unit price ratio to be 8.8 times. This means that the electricity generated by the solar station is 8.8 times cheaper than the electricity provided through shared network, taken in equal equivalent.

An important criterion for choosing to use FSE is also the factor of the ability to ensure uninterrupted operation of automation in heating systems, security monitoring and fire alarm systems. The list includes computer home network and groups of electronic control and measuring sensors.

Application and price of solar panels for home

A large selection of solar panels provides the opportunity to use them in a variety of qualities and applications, since if you want to buy solar panels for your home, the price today already allows this to be done by a wide segment of the population. Knowing their main characteristics, such as the output voltage standard (12, 24V and higher), as well as the parameters of the generated rated power, you can use them locally without purchasing the entire set. On the market, the average cost of solar panels for a private home ranges from 60 rubles. for generated 1 kW of electrical power.

If you need to use a light bulb in a dark room with a voltage of 12V and a power of 25 W, then it is enough to buy and connect directly to it a solar battery of similar parameters and this will cost no more than 2000 rubles. and you won’t have to waste electricity on a 60-75 W light bulb in some closet. You can connect a small well pump for daytime watering of any landscape area with a power of 200 W and a 24V power supply. At a cost of 11,000-12,000 rubles. You can have an independent irrigation system throughout the spring-summer period and for more than 10 years.

The necessary set of solar panels for a summer residence

If we consider the feasibility of using solar systems for a summer cottage, we should take into account the factors of stability of the electricity supply to the village, the level of its insolation (time spent in direct sunlight), the required electrification power and the risk factor of theft during the time of year when the owners are empty. The best option- This permanent installation FSE of the first category.

Considering the low power consumption of the dacha, it is possible to organize a 100% replacement of the centralized power supply with an autonomous and cheap one. In another case, when a stationary installation of a solar station is not justified by some criteria, you can use a quick assembly moving kit.

Note! Experts in the field of using solar panels carried out calculations and found that solar panels are strategically and economically feasible for use in the summer in private homes and country houses with an area of ​​50 to 300 m², designed for a family of up to four people.

Using solar energy to generate heat

Along with the use of solar energy for production electric current There are also equally common devices for converting the energy of sunlight into thermal energy. Such installations are called solar collectors and serve as heating elements for heating systems and hot water production. Regardless of the installed boilers in heating systems and hot water supply circuits, their combination with highly efficient solar collectors allows saving up to 36% in heating and hot water preparation costs.

In its design, the solar collector is made from the category hot commodity It is a rectangular panel with dimensions of approximately 1x2 m and a thickness of up to 100 mm. The main difference between collectors of the specified standard sizes is the heat flow of power, i.e. the amount of heat that can be transferred to any coolant fluid through the contact surface. In another way, this parameter is called the heat loss coefficient and has the dimension W/m²×°K, i.e. heat transferred through an area to raise the temperature of the receiving fluid. Modern designs of solar collectors have thermal power ratings (one panel) from 1.2 to 5 W/m²×°K.

Prices of solar collectors for home heating

The main element of the system (heating station) is the solar collector panel. Depending on the required power, it can be purchased on the market at a price of 18-20 thousand rubles. per 1 m² of usable area and an average heat loss coefficient of 2.5-2.7 W/m²×°K.

For example, a panel of European quality with dimensions of 1.9x1.8 m (area 3.5 m²) and with a coefficient of 2.7 will cost about 70 thousand rubles.

Taking into account competition analogue made in China may be cheaper by 30-55%, and a domestic prototype by 10-25%.

If we talk about the required kit, which includes: a tank, a battery, a pump and automation, then the average market price of such a station will be 160-170 thousand rubles. A domestically produced kit with similar parameters will cost 100-120 thousand rubles.

Installation on the roof of a house

Helpful advice! Sharing solar collectors with solar panels with making the right choice parameters allows you to reduce the consumption of thermal energy to produce hot water by up to 61%.

Review of manufacturers. Solar panels for home: cost of a set and one panel

Solar technologies as alternative energy sources have confidently taken leading positions in the market. A large number of manufacturers actively compete, offering more and more new innovations. The leading place in the sales volumes of the TOP-15 countries of solar power plants and their components is occupied by China, with more than 50%.

The most popular brands are Exmork, RENE SOLA, LDK, Helios House, Suntech, JA Solar, etc.

European manufacturers with a market volume of about 25% are represented by companies such as the German AXITEC GmbH, Solarworld and Viessmann Group and the Norwegian Renewable Energy Corporation, etc.

Japan, Korea and Taiwan (15%) are represented by Kyocera, Sharp, Sanyo, Hanwha Solar One and Motech.

Domestic products are represented by companies such as Hevel Solar and TSM. American manufacturer - First Solar.

You can buy solar panels for your home relatively inexpensively. If we take a 200 W solar panel as a consumer sample, then the price range will be within:

Manufacturer countryPrice solar panel 200 W, rub.Price of a solar station kit 2 kW, rub.
China8000-16000 120000-160000
Europe15000-17000 190000-250000
Asia10000-15000 140000-190000
Russia12000-20000 104000-240000
USA27000 380000

To see the difference in pricing policy, which mainly depends on the power indicator, let’s take for example a 5 kW solar power plant for a home, the price of which in Chinese version will be:

  • about 300 thousand rubles. (solar battery);
  • about 420 thousand rubles. (the whole set).

Quality of sales and prospects for the development of solar technologies

The modern market and its sales technologies do not leave the buyer with an unambiguous assessment. Especially high-tech equipment and devices. This also applies to the market for the sale of solar power supply systems. Since production technologies themselves are very energy-intensive, if you want to purchase solar panels or buy a solar power plant for your home, the price in both cases will call for a detailed analysis not only of technical and technological features, but also of economic justification.