Connecting two computers via a network cable. How to create and configure a local network between two computers

We are faced with a banal but urgent task, just like for all those who have two computers, but only one dedicated line connected to the Internet. The problem is how to connect two computers to the Internet. In addition, the economic component will be important and decisive for us, that is, the low cost of equipment for connecting two computers to the Internet, and since we still live in a nominally civilized world, then decency. What does decency have to do with connecting to the Internet?! I think you will understand by the end of this 1 way to connect two computers to one Internet line.

An analysis of the existing equipment market indicates that one of the simplest and cheapest ways is to connect two computers to the Internet via a desktop switch; its cost starts from $12 and it only requires two connecting 8-core network cables.
The photo shows equipment for connecting two computers to the Internet from one dedicated line.

I’ll immediately give you the connection through which two computers and an incoming cable should be connected to the Internet.

We connect the switch to the power supply and see a flashing indication on the front panel indicating that the connections are active

A switch is actually a device with which you can access the Internet over one line, but only if you are provided with two IP addresses, and a home network is not organized, that is, computers will not be able to “see” each other. Most providers charge an additional fee for an additional address.
Having initially set up an Internet connection on one and the second computer, we will receive an error on one of them, which will indicate to us that there are two computers referencing the same IP.
The thing is that the provider’s server “sees” two different computers with the same settings, the key criterion for whether or not a computer allows access to the Internet is the actual network address stitched into the network card, which is individual for each card and, accordingly, the computer. Or rather, the connection criterion is just the registered address of only one network card on the provider’s server at the same time and no more.
The physical address can be viewed by clicking on the network icon (two computers) at the bottom right, then the “support” tab, then the “details” button

Now, if you nevertheless decide to connect your two computers using this method, you need to replace the actual network address with a virtual one, which will be presented as the actual one, and at the same time replace it by adjusting it to the first computer, thereby, as if disguising itself as it, and accordingly gain access to the Internet. We rewrite the address from the first computer and install the same one on the second computer. You can change the actual network address using this program “TMACv5_R3”. In the program, in the "Enter the network address below - Enter name ..." window, enter the desired one and click on the "Change now" button.

Then at the top of the window we select the connection with the address we need

Now about that same decency, developing our idea about replacing the actual network address, we continue to fantasize in this direction and get the following picture. If you know someone’s actual network address and that this subscriber has paid for the Internet, even if your Internet is turned off, you can always use imitation of the network address to replace it on your computer with the address of the paying client and gain access to the Internet , unless of course you have one provider.
But you shouldn’t be so happy, since providers can easily track your entire game, and if you still have paid for Internet traffic and are playing, you can still turn a blind eye to this, but if there is no payment and you are connected to the Internet, this is already a problem for fraud.
Additionally, I would like to note that if in the Internet settings the provider assumes connecting an IP with any range, then no program is needed - everything is legal, we register different IPs on different computers in this range, which will solve the problem. In addition, I would like to say that some providers connect and control client computers not via MAC, which also makes the use of this program useless.

2 way to connect two computers to the Internet via a router

So, you have an Internet connection, i.e. The apartment comes with a cable that is connected to a computer, this computer connects to the Internet. If your connection is made using a modem, then you have a modem that is connected either to a telephone cable or to an antenna, and the modem, in turn, is connected to the computer.
In order to connect all the computers at home to the Internet, we need a “Router”, also called “Internet router” or simply “Router”. If there is a need to connect wireless devices such as a laptop or PDA, then we need a wireless router.
An approximate diagram will look like this (1)

Computer 1 and 2 will be connected to the router using a regular cable, and the laptop will be connected wirelessly.

It is necessary that computers 1 and 2 have network cards, and the laptop has a wireless adapter. Of course, you can equip computers with wireless adapters, but connect your laptop with a cable, it doesn’t matter.
What kind of router should it be?

First, look at what wireless standard your laptop supports. This is most likely 802.11g or 802.11b, so the router must support these standards. Also think about how many computers you will connect using a cable. Typically, on routers, the minimum output for connecting a network cable is four. Also, pay attention to the data transfer speed. All other parameters are the same for almost all routers; if you don’t have any unusual plans for deploying a home network, then you don’t need to bother too much with the choice.

The settings for all routers are approximately the same. The point is that after connecting, the Internet will be the first to receive the router, and then distribute it to all home computers.

WAN is the input for your Internet and LAN is the output to which computers will connect.
Accordingly, we need to configure the WAN and LAN connections, as well as the WLAN - wireless connection. All settings are usually done through the browser.
Insert the cable that brings you the Internet into the WAN socket, and connect the computer to one of the LAN outputs.

Find in the instructions for the router the IP address that is assigned to it by default, as well as the username and password to log in. This information may be on a sticker on the router itself.

For example, if the router’s IP address is, then you need to change the IP address of your computer (network card) to anything in this range, i.e. for example or any other number at the end, not less than 2 and not more than 254.
It's done something like this.

Right-click on the network connection and select “Properties”, then select “Internet Protocol TCP\IP” now, if you have any numbers there, write them down. After you write it down, enter the numbers instead, as shown in the picture (4)

ATTENTION! “Gateway” and “DNS server” must be the same as the IP address of your router, i.e. if the IP address of your router is, for example,, then enter exactly this number. You can also not enter these parameters at all for now.
To make it clear, the gateway address is the address of the device that connects your computer to the Internet, it can be another computer or, in our case, a router. A DNS server is, simply put, the address of a device that converts website names into IP addresses. In our case, the router does the same. Since we will now receive the Internet from the router, we therefore enter its address.
Now you need to open your browser and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar, for example If everything is fine, you will be prompted to enter your username and password to log in. Next, for all routers, all the settings are approximately the same, but they may look different. The picture (5) shows the settings for the Dlink DIR-400 router.

The number -1 marks the tab for setting up WAN. Here you set up your Internet connection, if you have no idea how and what you have connected, then feel free to call your provider and let them explain everything to you, this is their direct responsibility.
I will not describe all connection methods here, because... There are many options and they all have their own nuances.
One of the options, when the connection is made via a permanent IP address, is shown in the picture (5.5)

Your provider should give you all these parameters. They should be on your paper, the only problem may arise with the MAC address. In short, don’t hesitate, call your provider, he will help you. You can pretend to be smart and set it up yourself for an hour, or you can calmly do everything in 5 minutes under the guise of a fool.
Under number -2 are wireless connection settings. Everything should look something like this (6)

1. Enables wireless connection.
2. The name of your network, you will need to enter or select it on your laptop when connecting. There is no need to enter something complicated, but there is no need to write a name like “network 356 apartments” either.
3. Communication channel, you can turn on “Auto”, but if you have many different wireless networks in your area, then enter any value, in general, you can experiment with this parameter later if the connection is interrupted or other problems arise.
4. Connection speed. You can also put it in auto or you can put it on maximum.
5. The parameter is responsible for the quality of the transmission; on the one hand, it’s a useful thing, but on the other hand, no one really knows how to use it, so turn it off.
6. This parameter is responsible for broadcasting the network name. Those. when you search for wireless networks on your laptop, your network name will be among the neighboring ones. On the one hand, it’s convenient to connect; on the other, your neighbor will also see your network.
7,8,9. Responsible for security and encryption on the network. Remember these parameters, because... These are the ones you will need to select when connecting your laptop to a wireless network.
10. Key or password for connecting to the network. Enter, something quite complex. If your network name is broadcast, point (5), then someone knowing your password or guessing it will be able to connect to your network.
Numbered -3 LAN settings are the settings for your home (local) network.(7)

Everything here is quite simple, the only thing you don’t need to do is enable the DHCP server. For a small home network, especially with a wireless connection, this is not necessary. In short, if you enable the DHCP server, the router will automatically distribute IP addresses to everyone who connects to it and whose network adapter properties are configured to automatically obtain addresses. In our case, it is better to configure everything manually.
Now find the tab that is responsible for accessing the router(8)

Change the password to log into the router.
All other parameters should suit you by default.
In principle, if everything is done correctly and your router receives the Internet, then the computer from which you made the settings for the router should already have the Internet. If, of course, you entered everything as shown in the picture (4)
If everything works, then connect the second computer to the router. Change the properties of the network connection as shown in Figure (4), only enter the IP address
Now you need to connect your laptop. Just like on desktop computers, go to the “Control Panel” and change the properties, only for the wireless connection, as in the picture (4), enter ip Now go to the “Control Panel”, if you have Windows Vista, select “Network and Sharing Center” on the left, select “Set up a connection or network”. Select "Connect to a wireless network."
Now enter and select the parameters that you entered on the router(9)

Check the box to connect automatically. If everything is fine, the Internet will appear on the laptop as soon as you connect to your wireless network.

If you want to play on two PCs without using the Internet, instantly transfer files from different devices without USB drives, then you need to know how to create a local network between two computers. This technology of connecting two PCs has been used for quite a long time, and even today it has not lost its relevance.

Local network example

A local network is a group of interconnected devices: PCs, televisions, printers, usually located no further than one room. The devices use shared memory and servers, thus complementing each other. This connection allows you to create a gaming area for several PCs, easily and fairly quickly transfer any data, print documents if one common printer is installed, and do much more. Connecting devices today most often occurs using a router, but other connections can also be used, which you can read about below.

Creating a connection

Creating a connection is quite easy, and also in different ways: through a router or cable. Setting up devices for both methods is quite similar. The difference lies mainly in the connection method: via cable or via Wi-Fi.

Communication via Wi-Fi, which is used much more often today, can be much more convenient, but connecting two PCs with a cable will cost less if you have not yet installed a router for some reason.

Connection via cable

The oldest type of communication between two machines. All you need to do is connect an RJ45 network cable. The cable must be a crossover cable, although regular straight cables can often work for modern computers. Still, when purchasing, it is better to check the type of cable with the seller. When you add the ends of the crossover cable, the colors of the ends of the wires will differ - this is its main difference. Also, the connection requires network cards on both devices, but today they are already installed. You just have to note that if the network card is already occupied by connecting to the Internet, then you won’t be able to use it.

This connection was just used before to play. But it may be convenient for some today, especially if you still have Windows XP, which has difficulty supporting wireless connections.

After connecting the cable itself, you need to know how to set up a local network between two computers:

  • Control Panel, select the item related to network connections.
  • We select what we created there, right-click on it, select “Properties”
  • Next, depending on “Windows”: for Windows XP select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), for Windows 7/8/10 - Internet Protocol version 4.

  • Manually enter the IP address: You can enter the last six digits yourself, the main thing is that they are not repeated on different devices.

  • On Windows 7, you will also need to go to the Network Control Center, there, through the “Settings” item, select “Private” for our network.
  • Then in Control Center, enable file sharing, network discovery, and turn off password access protection.

After this, you also need to set up sharing. This is done so that PCs can exchange any files. The methods vary on different OSes. On WindowsXP:

  1. Section Network connections, go to “Tools”, select “Folder Options”.
  2. “View” tab, check the box next to “Use simple file sharing”.
  3. Next, go to the “System Properties” window: RMB on “My Computer” - select Computer Name.
  4. Click “Change”, select “Is a member” of the working group. We come up with a common group name for both PCs.
  5. My computer, right-click on the hard drives (for example, Windows (C:)), in the “Access” tab, click on the link, set the sharing permission.

That's it, access to the files on the selected disks is completely open. With Windows 7/8/10 we proceed as follows:

  • Control Panel, then Folder Options.
  • Check the “Use Sharing Wizard” checkbox.
  • The following steps will be the same as for XP.

Connection via router

This is the most convenient method, since it allows you to connect not only two, but a larger number of computers or other devices that support Wi-Fi. You can play over this connection without lengthy settings.

IP addresses for such a connection will be set automatically. To use shared files, you will only need to share the files, and then add two computers to one workgroup, as described above.

Now, to transfer files, you just need to enter the computer name using the address bar: \\name\. You can also do this through the Network Connections section. It is also worth securing your personal or especially important files so that no one can access them from a nearby computer. To do this, it is best to specify drives that do not contain information important to you. For example, it is better not to make the disk that contains user account data open to everyone, or, using the file and folder settings menu, restrict access to them: RMB on the desired folder, then select the sharing settings there.

Playing on a local network

So, we managed to connect two devices to the same network without the Internet, allowing them to exchange files. How to start playing on a local network?

To do this, as a rule, you do not need to make any additional settings. We just turn on the game and, if you can play over a local connection, select the appropriate item, and then play over the one we have already created.

Connection to a shared server may vary for different games. You will need to enter the IP or PC name somewhere. For Minecraft, Counter Strike, for example, you will need to create a server. But as a rule, everything is done quite simply.


This happens quite rarely, but sometimes a game does not allow you to play over the Internet, but allows you to play it over a local network. Don’t despair, even if it turns out that your friend lives far from you.

The Hamachi program allows you to emulate a local connection and thus connect a PC to it via the Internet. To do this, you just need to download the program, register, and then create a new connection, give it a name and, if necessary, a password. After this, you can easily use this network to play.

As you can see, connecting computers into a local network is a fairly easy process. It won’t take you much time, and you can connect two PCs, and then play with your friends, both being away from them and being in the same room with them.

The methods for creating a connection are suitable for all Windows, from XP to Ten.

Greetings to all visitors.

Nowadays, many people already have several computers at home, however, not everyone has them connected to a local network... And a local network provides very interesting things: you can play online games, exchange files (or even use shared disk space), work together on documents, etc.

There are several ways to connect computers into a local network, but one of the cheapest and simplest is to use a network cable (regular twisted pair cable) to connect the network cards of the computers. Here's how this is done and we'll look at it in this article.

1) 2 computers with network cards, to which we will connect the twisted pair cable.

All modern laptops (computers), as a rule, have at least one network card in their arsenal. The easiest way to find out if you have a network card on your PC is to use some utility to view the characteristics of your PC (for information about such utilities, see this article:).

Rice. 1. AIDA: To view network devices, go to the Windows Devices/Devices tab.

By the way, you can also pay attention to all the connectors that are on the laptop (computer) case. If there is a network card, you will see a standard RJ45 connector (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. RJ45 (standard laptop case, side view).

2) Network cable (so-called twisted pair).

The easiest option is to simply buy such a cable. True, this option is suitable if your computers are not far from each other and you do not need to run the cable through the wall.

Rice. 3. Cable 3 m long (twisted pair).

Connecting 2 computers to a network with a cable: all steps in order

(The description will be based on the Windows 10 OS (in principle, in Windows 7, 8 the settings are identical). Some terms have been simplified or distorted in order to more easily explain specific settings)

1) Connecting computers with a network cable.

There is nothing tricky here - just connect the computers with a cable and turn them both on. Often, next to the connector, there is a green LED that will signal you that you have connected the computer to some kind of network.

Rice. 4. Connect the cable to the laptop.

2) Setting up the computer name and workgroup.

The next important nuance is that both computers (connected by cable) must have:

  1. identical work groups ( in my case it is WORKGROUP, see fig. 5);
  2. different computer names.

To set these settings, go to " MY COMPUTER» ( or this computer), then right-click anywhere and in the pop-up context menu, select the link “ Properties". Then you can see the name of your PC and workgroup, and also change them ( see green circle in fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Setting the computer name.

After changing the computer name and its workgroup, be sure to restart the PC.

3) Configuring the network adapter (setting IP addresses, subnet mask, DNS server)

Then you need to go to the Windows Control Panel, address: .

Actually, next you should see your network adapter; if it is connected to another PC with a cable, then there should not be any red crosses on it ( see fig. 6, most often, the name of such an Ethernet adapter). You need to right-click on it and go to its properties, then go to the protocol properties " IP version 4» ( You need to go to these settings on both PCs).

Rice. 6. Adapter properties.

Now on one computer you need to set the following data:

  1. IP address:;
  2. Subnet mask: (as in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Setting up IP on the “first” computer.

On the second computer you need to set slightly different parameters:

  1. IP address:;
  2. Subnet mask:;
  3. Default gateway:;
  4. Preferred DNS server: (as in Figure 8).

Rice. 8. Setting up IP on the second PC.

Next, save the settings. The setup of the local connection itself is now complete. Now, if you go into Explorer and click the “Network” link (on the left), you should see the computers in your workgroup ( True, we haven’t opened access to the files yet, so that’s what we’ll do now...).

How to open access to a folder (or drive) for local network users

This is probably the most common thing that users need when joining a local network. This is done quite simply and quickly, let’s look at everything step by step...

1) Enable file and printer sharing

Go to the Windows Control Panel along the following path: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center.

Rice. 9. Network and Sharing Center.

Next you will see several profiles: guest, for all users, private (Fig. 10, 11, 12). The task is simple: enable file and printer sharing everywhere, network discovery, and remove password protection. Just set the same settings as shown in Fig. below.

Rice. 10. Private (clickable).

Rice. 11. Guestbook (clickable).

Rice. 12. All networks (clickable).

Important point. You need to make similar settings on both computers on the network!

2) Disk/folder sharing

Now just find the desired folder or drive that you want to give access to. Then go to its properties and in the “ Access" you will find the button " Advanced setup“, and press it, see fig. 13.

Rice. 13. Access to files.

In advanced settings, check the box next to “ Share a folder" and go to the tab " permissions» ( by default, read-only access will be opened, i.e. all users on the local network will only be able to view files, but not edit or delete them. In the “permissions” tab, you can give them any privileges, up to completely deleting all files...).

Rice. 14. Allow sharing of the folder.

Actually, save the settings - and your disk becomes visible to the entire local network. Now you can copy files from it (see Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Transferring a file locally...

Internet sharing for local network

This is also a very common problem that users encounter. As a rule, one computer in the apartment is connected to the Internet, and the rest gain access from it (unless, of course, a router is installed :)).

1) First go to the tab “ network connections» ( how to open it is described in the first part of the article. You can also open it by entering the control panel, and then entering “View network connections” in the search bar.).

Rice. 16. Internet sharing.


By the way, you might be interested in an article about options for connecting a PC to a local network: (the topic of this article was partially touched upon there). And I’ll call it a day. Good luck to everyone and easy setup :)

There is nothing better than, after finishing another hard day at work, going into a virtual game world recreated on a computer screen to shoot a careless monster. This is not only interesting, but also useful. True, in order to surf the gaming expanses not in splendid isolation, but together with a comrade in arms, you first have to figure out how to connect two computers to each other. There is an opinion that unrealized internal tension provokes conflicts and discord in families. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are so “imbued” with this idea that they even invite everyone to smash plates against a concrete wall in equipped rooms or have pillow fights for a small sum. As they say - until the last feather.

Combining computing power

The question of how to connect two computers to each other did not arise yesterday. Back in the days of the first XT machines, owners often had to figure out how to ensure direct data exchange without intermediate media. And, it is worth admitting, the task was solved very successfully. Modern systems have far surpassed their predecessors in their capabilities. In this article we will talk about the most popular methods of communication and indicate how to connect two computers to each other in practice.

Serial port

One of the simplest methods that has stood the test of time is to connect two computers into a network by connecting their COM connectors using a null modem cord. Not all modern motherboards are equipped with this port, but if it is, then you can say you are lucky. If only because you can not only not “rack your brains” over the question of how to connect two computers to each other, but also easily connect a programmer, oscilloscope or satellite tuner for firmware to the system unit. In a word, if there is a COM port, then this is an advantage of this system unit.

The cord itself can be purchased or made independently. In the latter case, you will need a three-core wire (up to 18 m) and two DB-9F sockets. You need to connect according to the scheme “2 and 3, 3 and 2, 5 and 5”, and also do not forget to short circuit “7-8” on each to remove the transmission ban. The speed is about 8 kbaud. A more complex implementation already uses 7 conductors and is capable of operating at 115 kbaud.

Network via COM

This connection is called direct and does not require any special drivers. The cable must be connected to completely de-energized system units. On each computer you need to open the "Control Panel" window and run Create a new connection in the Network section. Next, you need to choose to create a direct connection to the second computer. When requesting, you must specify “Master” on one machine, and “Slave” on the other. You will also need to come up with a name, access password and method - “via COM port”. If everything is done correctly, a new one will appear in the list of connections - in its properties you need to select the “Connect” command. Although, of course, this method has limitations and cannot be recommended for regular use. Other options are more preferable.

Ethernet LAN

Every modern motherboard must have a built-in network card. Its connector resembles a familiar telephone connector, with the only difference being that it is slightly larger in size. How to connect two computers to each other on Windows 7 using the specified cards? This is perhaps the easiest way. True, it requires the purchase of a twisted pair cable and the physical connection of system units with its help.

Two conditions that must be met on both computers: the use of Ethernet is allowed, drivers are installed in the operating system for network cards. For speeds up to 100 Mbit, a line length of up to 130 meters is acceptable, but a gigabit network operates over shorter distances.

So, one of the cable plugs needs to be connected to the connector of the first computer, and the other to the second. Next, you need to go to the “Control Panel”, from there to the network management section and use the item that allows you to change additional access settings, where you need to enable network discovery and, if necessary, resource sharing. For trusted networks, it is useful to refuse passwords - this will speed up work.

Radio communication

A great alternative is a wireless connection. There is nothing complicated about how to connect two computers to each other via wifi. Especially if you need to organize communication between two laptops that already have WLAN modules. In personal computers you will have to purchase these components.

First, on the first step, you need to go to “Network Management”, select the link responsible for setting up a new connection, and select the “Configure a computer-to-computer network” item. Next you will need to come up with a name, encryption method and password. In the properties of the network adapter, you will need to go to “Protocol Version 4” and enter IP The last thing to do is enable discovery, as discussed earlier.

On the second computer, the last digit in this window should be different. After this, you need to use the network search function in the system tray, select the desired name and enter the access code.

How to connect two computers to each other via a router

The main condition is that the network name must match. This can be done in “My Computer - Properties - Advanced System Settings - Change.” For example, Home. Next, in the network management section of both systems, you need to select the “Home network” type, and in the list on the right - “Ready to create”. A window will open asking you to create a homegroup, which you must agree to. All that remains is to allow Windows to manage workgroup connections and disable password access. That's all. After the reboot, you can scan the network - the target computers will be displayed there. Additionally, on each of them you can subsequently open access to resources (disk drive, hard drive, etc.). Actually, this is a variation of the previous method. The only difference is that the router acts as one WLAN adapter.

Although rare, there are situations when you need to connect two computers to each other without using a switch. There are several ways to do this. This is the use of a crossover patch cord, the use of an LPT cable, etc. In this article we will tell you how to use a cross-linked patch cord.

Materials and tools

Crossed patch cord (a cable on the end connectors of which the yellow and green pairs are swapped) and two computers.


  1. Connect both computers with a crossover patch cord. Insert one end of the patch cord into the network port of the first computer and connect the other end of the cable to the network port of the second computer.
  2. Make sure that the indicators on the network ports on each computer are lit (assuming that both computers are assembled and connected to power).
  3. Congratulations, you have completed the first part. You have physically connected computers. All that remains is to configure each of them programmatically, and the job is done.
  4. Go to setting up the network card using the following path: Start - Settings - Control Panel - Network Connections - Local Area Connection.
  5. Right-click on the “Local Area Connection” icon and select “Properties” from the menu that appears.
  6. In the window that opens, select the “Internet Protocol TCP\IP” component and click the “Properties” button.
  7. On the “General” tab, check the “Use the following IP address” checkbox. You will immediately be able to enter fields with an IP address and subnet mask.
  8. Enter the following address in the “IP addresses” field -
  9. Enter the following address in the “subnet mask” field -
  10. Click on the "Ok" button.
  11. Click on the “Ok” button again.
  12. To set up a workgroup, follow the following path: Start - Settings - Control Panel - System.
  13. In the window that appears, select the “Computer name” tab.
  14. Click on the "Change" button.
  15. In the resulting window, fill in the “Computer name” field: for example, “comp1”.
  16. Check the box next to “is a member of the working group.”
  17. Enter the workgroup name "workgroup".
  18. Click on the "Ok" button.
  19. Click on the “Ok” button again. The system will prompt you to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Reboot.
  20. Perform the same steps for the second computer, only specify “comp2” as the computer name. The IP address in this case will look like this:, the subnet mask will remain unchanged (, as well as the workgroup name (“workgroup”).
  21. Reboot the second computer.

Now you can be congratulated on successfully setting up and connecting two computers with one patch cord into a small network. Make public directories on both computers and enjoy using them!