Keyboard shortcut for printing. Hot keys on the keyboard - assigning various combinations

Action Keyboard shortcut
Create a non-breaking space. CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Create a non-breaking hyphen. CTRL+HYPHEN
Adding bold style. CTRL+B
Adding italic style. CTRL+I
Adding an underscore. CTRL+U
Reduces the font size to the previous value. CTRL+SHIFT+<
Increases the font size to the next value. CTRL+SHIFT+>
Decrease font size by 1 point. CTRL+[
Increase font size by one point. CTRL+]
Remove paragraph or character formatting. CTRL+SPACEBAR
Copy selected text or object to the clipboard. CTRL+C
Deletes selected text or object to the clipboard. CTRL+X
Paste text or an object from the clipboard. CTRL+V
Special insert. CTRL+ALT+V
Paste formatting only. CTRL+SHIFT+V
Undo the last action. CTRL+Z
Repeat last action. CTRL+Y
Opens the Statistics dialog box. CTRL+SHIFT+G

Working with documents and web pages

Create, view and save documents

Search, replace and transitions

Action Keyboard shortcut
Search for text, formatting and special characters. CTRL+F
Repeat the search (after closing the Find and Replace window). ALT+CTRL+Y
Replace text, formatting, and special characters. CTRL+H
Jump to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, note, picture, or other document element. CTRL+G
Jump between the last four change locations. ALT+CTRL+Z
Open a list of search options. Use the arrow keys to select an option, then press Enter to begin searching the document. ALT+CTRL+HOME
Go to the location of the previous change. CTRL+PAGE UP
Move to the location of the next change. CTRL+PAGE DOWN

Changing viewing mode

Structure mode

Action Keyboard shortcut
Move a paragraph to a higher level. ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Move a paragraph to a lower level. ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Convert a paragraph to body text. CTRL+SHIFT+N
Move selected paragraphs up. ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW
Move selected paragraphs down. ALT+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
Expand the text under the title. ALT+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN
Collapsing text under the title. ALT+SHIFT+MINUS SIGN
Expand or collapse all text or all headings. ALT+SHIFT+A
Hide or show character formatting. Slash (/) on the numeric keypad
Display the first line of body text or all of the body text. ALT+SHIFT+L
Displays all headings styled "Heading 1". ALT+SHIFT+1
Display all headings up to the header styled as "Heading" n". ALT+SHIFT+ n
Insert a tab character. CTRL+TAB

Printing and previewing documents

Document review

Full screen reading mode

References, footnotes and endnotes

Working with web pages

Editing and moving text and pictures

Deleting text and pictures

Copy and move text and pictures

Action Keyboard shortcut
Microsoft Office Clipboard Panel Output Press Alt+Z to go to the Home tab, and then press A, H.
Copy selected text or selected pictures to the Microsoft Office clipboard. CTRL+C
Delete selected text or graphics from the Microsoft Office clipboard CTRL+X
Paste the latest addition to the Microsoft Office clipboard. CTRL+V
Move text or graphics once. F2 (and then move the cursor and press ENTER)
Copy text or picture once. SHIFT+F2 (then move the cursor and press ENTER)
Opens the Create New Building Block dialog box when text or an object is selected. ALT+F3
When a building block, such as a SmartArt graphic, is selected, display its associated context menu. SHIFT+F10
Removal to the piggy bank. CTRL+F3
Inserting the contents of a piggy bank. CTRL+SHIFT+F3
Copy a header or footer from a previous section of the document. ALT+SHIFT+R

Inserting special characters and elements

Inserted character Hotkeys
Field CTRL+F9
Line break SHIFT+ENTER
Page break CTRL+ENTER
Em dash ALT+CTRL+minus sign
En dash CTRL+minus sign
Soft transfer CTRL+HYPHEN
Non-breaking hyphen CTRL+SHIFT+HYPHEN
Non-breaking space CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Copyright sign ALT+CTRL+C
Protected trademark ALT+CTRL+R
Trademark ALT+CTRL+T
Opening single quote CTRL+`(single quote), `(single quote)
Closing single quote CTRL+" (single quote), " (single quote)
Double opening quotes CTRL+` (single quote), SHIFT+" (single quote)
Double closing quotes CTRL+" (single quote), SHIFT+" (single quote)
AutoText element ENTER (after you type the first few characters of the AutoText item name and the tooltip appears)

Inserting characters using character codes

Highlighting text and pictures

Action Keyboard shortcut
Enable highlight mode. F8
Selecting the nearest character. F8 and then press LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Selection expansion. F8 (press once to highlight a word, twice to highlight a sentence, etc.)
Reduce discharge. SHIFT+F8
Disable highlight mode. ESC
Extends the selection one character to the right of the cursor. SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Extends the selection one character to the left of the cursor. SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Extend the selection to the end of the word. CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Extending the selection to the beginning of the word. CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Extends the selection to the end of the line. SHIFT+END
Extends the selection to the beginning of the line. SHIFT+HOME
Extends the selection down one line. SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
Extends the selection one line up. SHIFT+UP ARROW
Extend the selection to the end of the paragraph. CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
Extend the selection to the beginning of the paragraph. CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW
Extend the selection one page down. SHIFT+PAGE DOWN
Extend the selection one page up. SHIFT+PAGE UP
Extends the selection to the beginning of the document. CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
Extends the selection to the end of the document. CTRL+SHIFT+END
Extends the selection to the end of the window. ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN
Select the entire document. CTRL+A
Selecting a vertical block of text.
Extends a selection to a specific location in the document. F8 and then use the cursor keys; To exit selection mode, press the ESC key

Selecting text and pictures in a table

Action Keyboard shortcut
Selects the contents of the next cell. TAB
Selects the contents of the previous cell. SHIFT+TAB
Selecting several adjacent cells. While holding down the SHIFT key, press the corresponding cursor key several times
Column selection. Use the arrow keys to move to the top or bottom cell of a column, and then do one of the following:
  • Press SHIFT+ALT+PAGE DOWN to highlight a column from top to bottom.
  • Press SHIFT+ALT+PAGE UP to highlight a column from bottom to top.
Expanding a selection (or block). CTRL+SHIFT+F8 and then use the cursor keys; To exit selection mode, press the ESC key
Selecting the entire table. ALT+5 on the numeric keypad (with the NUM LOCK indicator off)

Navigate through a document

Moving Keyboard shortcut
One sign to the left LEFT ARROW
One character to the right RIGHT ARROW
One word to the left CTRL+LEFT ARROW
One word to the right CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Up one paragraph CTRL+UP ARROW
One paragraph down CTRL+DOWN ARROW
One cell to the left (in a table) SHIFT+TAB
One cell to the right (in a table) TAB
To previous line UP ARROW
To next line ARROW TO DOWN
To the end of the line END
To the beginning of the line HOME
To the beginning of the screen ALT+CTRL+PAGE UP
To the end of the screen ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWN
Up one screen PAGE UP
One screen down PAGE DOWN
To the beginning of the next page CTRL+PAGE DOWN
To the beginning of the previous page CTRL+PAGE UP
To the end of the document CTRL+END
To the beginning of the document CTRL+HOME
To previous correction SHIFT+F5
To the position where the cursor was the last time the document was closed (after the document was opened) SHIFT+F5

Moving around the table

Inserting paragraph and tab marks in a table

Formatting characters and paragraphs

Copy formatting

Changing the font or text size

Formatting characters

Action Keyboard shortcut
Opens the Font dialog box to change character formatting. CTRL+D
Changing the case of letters. SHIFT+F3
Converts all letters to uppercase. CTRL+SHIFT+A
Using bold style. CTRL+B
Applying underscore. CTRL+U
Underlining words (not spaces). CTRL+SHIFT+W
Double underline text. CTRL+SHIFT+D
Convert to hidden text. CTRL+SHIFT+H
Using italic style. CTRL+I
Convert all letters to small caps. CTRL+SHIFT+K
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing). CTRL+EQUAL SIGN
Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing). CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN
Removing additional formatting from selected characters. CTRL+SPACEBAR
Design of selected characters in Symbol font. CTRL+SHIFT+Q

View and copy text formatting

Setting line spacing

Paragraph alignment

Apply paragraph styles

Merge and fields

Performing a merge

Working with fields

Action Keyboard shortcut
Insert a DATE field. ALT+SHIFT+D
Insert a LISTNUM field. ALT+CTRL+L
Insert a PAGE field. ALT+SHIFT+P
Insert a TIME field (current time). ALT+SHIFT+T
Insert an empty field. CTRL+F9
Update linked data in the original Microsoft Office Word document. CTRL+SHIFT+F7
Update selected fields. F9
Breaking connection with the field. CTRL+SHIFT+F9
Switch between the selected field's code and its value. SHIFT+F9
Activating field codes GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON in a value field. ALT+SHIFT+F9
Move to the next field. F11
Move to the previous field. SHIFT+F11
Field blocking. CTRL+F11
Unblocking a field. CTRL+SHIFT+F11

Language bar

Handwriting recognition

Function Key Reference

Function keys

SHIFT+function key

Action Keyboard shortcut
Display context-sensitive help or formatting information. SHIFT+F1
Copying text. SHIFT+F2
Changing the case of letters. SHIFT+F3
Repeat the Find or Go action. SHIFT+F4
Go to last change. SHIFT+F5
Move to the previous window area or frame (after pressing F6). SHIFT+F6
Selecting the Thesaurus command (Review tab, Review group). SHIFT+F7
Reduce discharge. SHIFT+F8
Switch between field values ​​and their codes. SHIFT+F9
Display the context menu. SHIFT+F10
Move to the previous field. SHIFT+F11
Selecting the Save command (Microsoft Office Button). SHIFT+F12

CTRL+function key

CTRL+SHIFT+function key

ALT+function key

Action Keyboard shortcut
Move to the next field. ALT+F1
Creating a new building block. ALT+F3
Quit Office Word 2007. ALT+F4
Restoring the previous size of the program window. ALT+F5
Navigate from an open dialog box to the document (for dialog boxes such as Find and Replace that support this behavior). ALT+F6
Find the next spelling or grammatical error. ALT+F7
Running a macro. ALT+F8
Switch between the values ​​of all fields and their codes. ALT+F9
Maximizing the program window. ALT+F10
Display Microsoft Visual Basic code. ALT+F11

Good day, mysterious wanderer! I hope you know that the Windows operating system contains a large number of useful functions.

In today's article I want to teach you how to save your personal, precious time when working at the computer. Hotkeys will help us with this "Windows".

G hot keys - these are keys on the keyboard, when pressed, this or that action occurs.

Invites you to familiarize yourself with the list of key combinations. They will help when working in Windows operating systems. .

So, let's begin to reveal the secrets of optimizing computer work. A short note about the description of the “Windows” key, for novice users..

* Key Win dows located on the keyboard between the keys Ctrl And Alt on the left side (the Windows logo is drawn on the key - a window in the form of a flag).

The value of the Windows key is that when you press it, the Start menu opens. This is a very simple and fast way to open the Start menu without using the mouse. You can see this for yourself by pressing this key. In addition, there are also interesting and useful combinations of the Windows key with regular letter keys. I will describe only the most necessary, useful, convenient and frequently used key combinations, so as not to overload your brain, my dear friend.

* The combination “key” + “key” means that you first press the first key, and then, while holding it, press the second.

General purpose hotkeys.

Windows- opens the Start menu. Clicking again closes the window that appears.

Windows + Pause/break- View basic information about your computer.

Windows+ L - blocking the computer. The combination of these two keys will help when changing users.

Windows+ D - minimize all windows. Pressing again returns the windows to their place.

Windows+ Space (space)- show desktop.

Windows+ E -O Opens “my computer”.

Windows + R - O opening the “Run” window “Run a program” (Run), analogous to “Start” - “Run” /

Windows+ Tab -P Switch between running programs that appear on the taskbar.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc- opening the task manager.

Win+F- opening the search window.

Ctrl+F- search in a document or in a program (for example, in a browser).

F1- call for help.

Alt+F4- closing the active window.

F5- refresh window. (The combination is convenient for updating pages in browsers).

F11- switch to full screen mode.

Ctrl + mouse wheel scroll - Zoom in/out.

Print Screen- does screenshot of the entire screen.

Alt + Print Screen- makes a screen copy (screenshot) of the active window.

Alt+ F 4

Hot keys when working with text and files.

Ctrl+A- selects all objects and text.

Ctrl+C- copying the selected fragment.

Ctrl + V - pastes objects or text from the clipboard.

Ctrl +Z- cancels the last action.

Ctrl+P- prints a document or image.

Ctrl + N - creating a new document.

Ctrl+S - saving the typed document or project.

Key DELETE deletes the selected file or text.

Good day.

Have you ever wondered why different users spend different amounts of time on the same operations in Windows? And the point here is not the speed of using the mouse - it’s just that some people use the so-called Hotkeys(replacing several mouse actions), others, on the contrary, do everything with the mouse (edit/copy, edit/paste, etc.).

Many users do not attach importance to keyboard shortcuts (note: several keys pressed simultaneously on the keyboard) , meanwhile, with their use, the speed of work can be increased significantly! In general, there are hundreds of different keyboard shortcuts in Windows, there is no point in memorizing and considering them all, but I will give the most convenient and necessary ones in this article. I recommend it for use!

Note: In the various key combinations below you will see a “+” sign - you do not need to press it. The plus in this case indicates that the keys must be pressed simultaneously! The most useful hotkeys are marked in green.

Keyboard shortcuts with ALT:

  • Alt+Tab or Alt + Shift + Tab- window switching, i.e. make the next window active;
  • ALT+D- selecting text in the browser address bar (usually, then use the combination Ctrl+C - copy the selected text);
  • Alt+Enter- look at “Object properties”;
  • Alt+F4- close the window you are currently working with;
  • Alt + Space(Space is the space key) - calls the window system menu;
  • Alt + PrtScr- take a screenshot of the active window.

Keyboard shortcuts with Shift:

  • Shift + LMB(LMB = left mouse button) - selecting several files or a piece of text (just hold down Shift, place the cursor in the right place and move the mouse - files or part of the text will be selected. Very convenient!);
  • Shift + Ctrl + Home- select to the beginning of the text (from the cursor);
  • Shift + Ctrl + End- select to the end of the text (from the cursor);
  • Pressed Shift button- CD-ROM autorun blocking, the button must be held while the drive reads the inserted disc;
  • Shift+Delete- deleting a file bypassing the trash (be careful with this :));
  • Shift + ←- text selection;
  • Shift + ↓- text selection (to select text, files - the Shift button can be combined with any arrows on the keyboard).

Keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl:

  • Ctrl + LMB(LMB = left mouse button) - selecting individual files, individual pieces of text;
  • Ctrl+A- select the entire document, all files, in general, everything that is on the screen;
  • Ctrl+C- copy selected text or files (similar to the edit/copy explorer);
  • Ctrl+V- paste copied files, text (similar to edit/paste in Explorer);
  • Ctrl+X- cut a selected piece of text or selected files;
  • Ctrl+S- save the document;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete (or Ctrl + Shift + Esc) - opening the “Task Manager” (for example, if you want to close an “unclosed” application or see which application is loading the processor);
  • Ctrl+Z- cancel the operation (if you, for example, accidentally deleted a piece of text, just press this combination. In applications whose menu does not indicate this option, mail always supports it);
  • Ctrl+Y- cancel the operation Ctrl + Z;
  • Ctrl+Esc- opening/closing the Start menu;
  • Ctrl+W- close the browser tab;
  • Ctrl+T- open a new tab in the browser;
  • Ctrl + N- open a new window in the browser (if it is running in any other program, a new document will be created);
  • Ctrl+Tab- moving through browser/program tabs;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- reverse operation from Ctrl + Tab;
  • Ctrl+R- refreshing a page in the browser or program window;
  • Ctrl + Backspace- deleting a word in the text (deletes from the left);
  • Ctrl + Delete- deleting a word (deletes from the right);
  • Ctrl + Home- moving the cursor to the beginning of the text/window;
  • Ctrl+End- moving the cursor to the end of the text/window;
  • Ctrl+F- search in the browser;
  • Ctrl+D- add a page to favorites (in the browser);
  • Ctrl + I- show the favorites bar in the browser;
  • Ctrl+H- log of visits in the browser;
  • Ctrl + mouse wheel up/down - increasing or decreasing the size of elements on the browser page/window.

Keyboard shortcuts with Win:

  • Win+D- minimize all windows, the desktop will be shown;
  • Win+E- opening “My Computer” (Explorer);
  • Win+R- opening the “Run…” window, very useful for launching some programs (more details about the list of commands here:)
  • Win+F- opening a search window;
  • Win+F1- opening a help window in Windows;
  • Win+L- blocking the computer (convenient when you need to move away from the computer, but strangers may come nearby and see your files and work);
  • Win+U- opening the accessibility center (for example, magnifier, keyboard);
  • Win + Tab- switch between applications in the taskbar.

A few other useful buttons:

  • PrtScr- take a screenshot of the entire screen (everything you see on the screen will be placed in the buffer. To get a screenshot, open Paint and paste the image there: Ctrl+V buttons);
  • F1- help, user manual (works in most programs);
  • F2- renaming the selected file;
  • F5- updating a window (for example, a tab in a browser);
  • F11- full screen mode;
  • Del- delete the selected object to the trash;
  • Win- open the START menu;
  • Tab- activates another element, moving to another tab;
  • Esc- closing dialog boxes, exiting the program.


Actually, that's all for me. I recommend that you remember the most useful keys, marked in green, and use them everywhere, in any program. Thanks to this, you won’t even notice how you will work faster and more efficiently!

By the way, the listed combinations work in all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (most of them also in XP). Thanks in advance for the additions to the article. Good luck to all!

To improve your computer efficiency, you just need to know the most useful keyboard shortcuts Windows. You can find huge lists of “hot” keys on the Internet, but it’s hard to remember everything, and it’s not necessary.

In this IT lesson I will share with you those useful keyboard shortcuts that I use most often.

What are hotkeys?

First, let’s figure out what “hot key combinations” we are talking about.

Hotkeys or keyboard shortcut(aka shortcut keys) are combinations of simultaneously pressed buttons on the keyboard that allow you to quickly perform an action.

That is, by holding down two or three buttons on the keyboard, you replace several actions with the mouse, thereby significantly speeding up your work on the computer.

Where can I use keyboard shortcuts?

On different operating systems(Windows, Linux, Mac OS) different keyboard shortcuts are used, but some of them are identical.

In most programs hotkeys are also used. Some of them are standard for certain operations (creating a new document, printing), and some are unique for each individual program.

If you constantly use any program, be sure to familiarize yourself with its hot keys, this will help speed up your work several times!

Useful Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

And now the most useful Windows key combinations that I recommend remembering. All of these shortcuts use "modifier keys" ( Ctrl, Alt, Shift and key Windows):

Every computer user should know this!

All PC users should know these Windows key combinations; they work both with folders and files, and with text.

“Copy”, “Cut”, “Paste” keys:

  • Ctrl+C– copy to clipboard (the file, folder or text will remain in the current location).
  • Ctrl+X– cut to clipboard (the file, folder or text will be deleted from its current location).
  • Ctrl+V– paste from the clipboard (copied or cut files, folders or text will appear in the current location).

“Select All” and “Undo”:

To select all the contents of the current folder or all the contents of an open document:

  • Ctrl+A- select all.

I hope you already know about these hotkeys, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat them.

But not everyone knows these combinations:

  • Ctrl+Z– cancel the previous action (including copying/moving files).
  • Ctrl+Y– repeat the undone action (i.e. the opposite of the previous key combination).

Working with documents opened in the program

Hotkeys that will save you both time and nerves. Why drag the mouse to the menu " File", after clicking, look for the item " Create" or " new document"(in most programs the location and names of the items are different), when you can hold down two keys:

  • Ctrl + N– creating a new document in the program.

When you type text in Word, you need to save the document often so as not to lose it in case of various failures. But sometimes you are too lazy to pick up the mouse again, look for an icon on the taskbar, or an item in the menu; there is a simple replacement:

  • Ctrl+S– save the open document.

These key combinations work in office programs, browsers, and graphic editors; both in Windows and Linux.

Hotkeys for working with program windows

When you have many programs open, and each program also contains more than one document, it’s not difficult to get confused. But these hotkeys will help you quickly switch between programs.

  • Alt+Tab— switching between windows of running programs. Hold Alt and keep pressing Tab to move to other programs (see ).
  • Alt + Shift + Tab— scrolling through open programs in reverse order (the same Alt+Tab, but backwards) with a large list of open programs can be very convenient.
  • Ctrl+Tab– switching between bookmarks of an open window, switching between documents open in the program (for example, you can quickly switch between two open files in Word).
  • Win+1, Win+2…Win+0– switch between open programs by number on the taskbar. Launching programs pinned to the taskbar (we have already discussed in more detail).

These keyboard shortcuts will help you quickly close unnecessary documents.

  • Alt+F4– closes the active program.
  • Ctrl+F4– closing one document or tab in the program (the program itself continues to work).

Have a lot of programs open, but need to quickly see your desktop? Please:

  • Win+D– minimize all windows and show the desktop (pressing again returns all windows to their place!).

Let's start with the keys that do not need a combination, pressing which individually performs some operation.

  • F1– in most programs it calls help system(“Help” or “Help”)
  • Backspacego back in the Explorer window and in browsers (the previous open folder or the previous page of the site).
  • Tab– each time you press activates another element program window for keyboard control (open a new browser window and press the Tab key several times, watching where the blinking cursor or highlight moves). In text editors, pressing TAB indents text at a standard distance - very convenient, but more on that in one of the future IT lessons.
  • Esccloses dialog boxes, various menus and some programs. Also, undoes completed actions(if you get lost in open program windows and are afraid to accidentally change settings, then press ESC until you return to the main window).
  • Win– opens and closes menu "".

I have already mentioned some of the listed combinations in previous IT lessons, so as not to overwhelm you today with a huge list of new combinations.

Keyboard shortcuts book

Want to learn more hotkeys? Then leave a useful comment and receive a book as a gift"Magic Keyboard Shortcuts"! You can read more about the book.

In this lesson, you will find the main Windows 7 hotkeys; after reading, you will use your computer much more efficiently than you used it before.

Hotkeys is a method of interaction between the keyboard and the computer. This method consists of executing commands (operations) on a computer using keys or key combinations to which commands (operations) are programmed.

It’s very difficult to get used to something new, so you shouldn’t start memorizing all the keys. To begin with, take 10-20 pieces to use, and then use others, so to speak, expanding your knowledge. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that each program can use its own hot keys, which were programmed by the developers of this program.

If you use Windows 7 hotkeys daily, at least 10 of them, you will notice how much more efficient your work will become. See the list of hotkeys in Windows 7 below.

List of hotkeys

Hotkeys for working with text and files

I advise you to use the hotkeys that are in this section, be sure to learn and use them always.

Ctrl + C– Copy selected elements.

Ctrl+A- Select all. If you are in a text document, then pressing these keys will select all the text, and if you are in a folder where there are other objects, then you can select all files and folders.

Ctrl + X- Cut out. The command cuts selected items (files, folders or text).

Ctrl + V- Insert. Paste copied or cut items.

Ctrl + Z- Cancel. Cancel actions, for example, if you accidentally deleted text in MS Word, then use these keys to return the original text back (cancel input and actions).

ALT+ ENTER or ALT + Double-click the left mouse button– View properties of the selected element(s) (applicable for files).

CTRL+F4- Close the current window in the program.

Deleting files and text

Delete- Delete the selected element(s). If you use this key in text, then placing the mouse cursor in the middle of the word and clicking on the “Delete” button, deletion will occur from left to right.

Shift+Delete- Delete item(s) bypassing the trash. For files and folders.

Backspace - Deleting text. If you are working in a text editor, then this key can be used to delete text; place the cursor, say, in the middle of a sentence, by clicking on the “Backspace” button, deleting will occur from right to left.


— Open the Start menu or CTRL + ESC, the button is usually located between the buttons CTRL And ALT.

+F1- Reference.

+B- Move the cursor to the tray.

+M- Minimize all windows.

+D- Show desktop (collapse all windows, and when pressed again, maximize windows).

+ E— Open My Computer.

+F- Open the search window.

+G– Show gadgets on top of windows.

+L– Lock the computer. If you move away from the computer, be sure to use these keys to quickly lock the computer. Very useful if you have children or ill-wishers who can read your personal information.

+P– Projector control. If a projector is connected, these keys will quickly switch between the projector and the computer.

+ R– Open the “Run” window.

+T– One by one, we move the focus sequentially on the icons that are located in the taskbar.

+U– Open the Ease of Access Center window.

+X– Call “Mobility Center” (laptops and netbooks).

+ Tab– Call “Flip 3D”. When clicked, you can use the mouse to select the window.

+ Space– Desktop view (Aero Peak). All windows will become transparent.

+ Arrow– Control the location of the active window. Pressing the up arrow - maximize, down - minimize, left - snap to left edge, right - snap to right edge.

+Pause— Open the “System Properties” window.

+ Home— Minimize all windows except the active window; pressing again will open the minimized windows. + 5, the player will open.

Alt + Tab– Switch between windows and applications.

Shift + Ctrl + N- Create a new folder.

SHIFT+ F10– Displays options for the selected element.

Shift + Arrow – Selection . The arrows used are left, right, down and up. Applicable for text and files.

CTRL- Selection of elements. By holding CTRL you can selectively select elements. For example, while in a folder, left-click on the folders that you want to copy or cut, after selecting, release CTRL and get the folders you selected for further work with them.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc– Open task manager.

CTRL+TAB– Go forward through bookmarks.

Alt + F4– Close the window or exit the application.

ALT + Space- Display the system menu for the current window.

F2- Rename. Select the object and press the F2 button .

F5- Refresh window. It is often used in the browser if the page is frozen or information needs to be updated. Applies also if you are in a folder or program.

F10 - Activate menu.

Esc- Cancel the operation. When you open, for example, the properties of a folder by pressing the ESC button, the Properties window will close.

ENTER– Open the selected element.

TAB- Go forward through options.

P.S. Dessert for today, video about Windows 7 hotkeys.