We assemble a computer for modest money. We assemble a computer for modest money Gaming computer for 15 thousand rubles

As you know, all good things come at a price. If there is no money, then you have to look for various compromise solutions in order to achieve your goals and stay within the budget. This is a universal approach that is used in almost all areas from purchasing clothes to purchasing a car. We have a slightly different task - we need to find out exactly whether and how it is possible to assemble a PC for gaming within a budget of 15,000 rubles. This refers only to the housing filled with components. This does not take into account the purchase of a monitor and other things that are also necessary.

Many people may smile when they hear about such a sum, remembering that real computers for gamers cost several times more. For those whose incomes are not large, this amount will seem quite significant. So is it possible or not to assemble a gaming configuration for such a modest amount? You can if you try hard!

Choosing the basis of the basics - the processor

Before you start choosing components for our PC for games for 15,000 rubles, you need to understand that there is very little money (those who have a slightly larger budget, come here). This should prompt us to look for quite inexpensive, but not yet obsolete hardware. First of all, you need to decide on the processor, which is the basis that determines the choice of other components.

The first serious crossroads immediately arises, determining further actions - Intel, or AMD. Let us immediately remember that AMD will cost a little less, but processors from Intel benefit from the fact that they have lower energy consumption and are more efficient. So, it makes sense to save wisely and choose an inexpensive processor from Intel.

Our problem can be solved quite well by choosing one of the processors from the Pentium G4600 Kaby Lake line that have integrated graphics. This is another way to save money - the built-in video card provides the minimum level of performance that we need for games.


Keeping in mind the fact that we have already chosen a processor (Intel on the Skylake socket), we need to select a “motherboard” for it. The assembled configuration should be inexpensive - choose something inexpensive, but “angry”.

In our case, such a motherboard could be, for example, the H110 chipset, which has been on sale for quite some time, but is still relevant. Despite the fact that the MSI H110M PRO-VD is relatively inexpensive, it has all the necessary interfaces (PCI-E x16 version 3.0, USB 3.1, SATA 6 Gb/s). It is typical that the board is stable in operation and receives regular improvements and updates.


When choosing RAM, you need to be guided not only by the availability of finances, but also by the operating frequency of the memory and its compatibility with the motherboard. For the motherboard that has already been selected, memory from any manufacturer with a frequency of at least 2133 MHz will be perfect, but with a mandatory compatibility check. We take Kingston HX421C14F*2/8. The optimal amount of RAM for our configuration is 8 GB.


It's rare that anyone builds a new PC literally from scratch. Many people have “old” components available. If you have a hard drive from an old system, then it makes sense to use it in the new one. The main thing is that it is in good working order and equipped with a SATA connector. Otherwise, you will have to go to the store and choose something there. Since a new budget hard drive (0.5 - 1.0 TB) will cost approximately 4,000 rubles, we leave our old one, remembering that we want to fit into 15,000.

power unit

Considering that our configuration does not have a video card, you can (and should) save on the power supply. For correct operation, a 250-300 W power supply built into the system case is sufficient for us. But low-power power supplies are not an example of quality, so it is still better to have a small power reserve. An inexpensive but high-quality 400 W unit from FSP is best suited.


All that remains is to choose the body. If you already have an old case, this may be the best solution. If there is no such case, then for 2000 rubles you can look for a suitable option from our Korean or Chinese friends already with a 400 - 450 W power supply included, for example CROWN CMC-402 450W Black is perfect. When choosing, you shouldn’t be particularly picky about the appearance (budget!) and the materials from which they are made, but you should pay attention to, for example, how many USB outputs are available on the front of the unit, etc.

Well, when you cram everything that we have chosen into the case, install the optimal OS for yourself (preferably Windows 10 x64), you will begin to enjoy playing or working on your new PC. This configuration ensures stable operation in office suite applications and fairly fast performance in gaming applications CS Go or Dota 2 (not at the highest settings, of course), and, if desired, you can also play GTA 5 at minimum settings. Thus, we have a very inexpensive computer for work, study and favorite games for only 15,000 rubles (14,267 rubles at the time of publication)!

This example clearly shows that the desired result can be achieved by applying ingenuity and reasonable savings. And do not be confused by the cost of the system - many more expensive, but less optimally selected configurations will work worse than the one given above.

Article updated: 01/03/2019. The information provided is relevant for the entire year 2019.

It's time to change the assembly, because the previous one lasted a whole year! Yes, a lot has changed during this time, prices jumped up and down, but now we are ready for change. I warn everyone right away: most likely, you will not meet the given budget, but this article will help you buy the most suitable hardware for your money. It will be ready when you have additional funds.

It would seem, what can you buy for 15 thousand rubles? In fact, even now it is possible to assemble a configuration for this modest amount. Let's go through each component in order and choose the most optimal ones. Let’s immediately make a reservation that we will only talk about the system unit without a monitor and other peripherals. They will have to be added separately, but with us every ruble counts. The system will definitely run GS GO, Dota 2, HotS and Fortnite without any problems with good FPS. You can even play GTA 5 and PUBG, Destiny 2, Tom Clancy and other modern games. And if you add a video card (I don’t write about it in the article because I don’t have enough money), then you won’t have any problems at all.

Let's make a shopping list, at the same time it will play the role of content - navigation through the article:

There is much more choice here, so it’s dizzying, but in fact, if you choose the minimum, there won’t be many options left. For an Intel processor on the LGA 1151v2 socket, we can take the H310 chipset. This is a budget option that will cover all your requirements. There is support for all modern interfaces, such as USB 3.1, PCI-E x16 version 3.0, SATA 6 Gb/s and so on. The chipset is quite recent, but has already been tested; it is advisable to periodically update the BIOS, because useful fixes may be released that will reduce power consumption and optimize the already stable operation. You can take another one with the same socket. You most likely won't notice any significant differences. The main thing is to look at the processor socket, we have it Coffee Lake (LGA 1151v2), respectively, the motherboard should have the same one. It is very important!


Video card


power unit


Final assembly

Congratulations! We just assembled a gaming computer for 15,000 rubles! To be honest, I myself didn’t fully believe in it, but, as you can see, everything is real, you just have to want it. So, for ease of reading, as well as for those who missed all the material that I presented above, I am posting the final assembly with links to Yandex Market.

That's all, dear readers. Now you can build your own computer, even with a modest budget. This could be, for example, a child’s first computer, on which he can not only do his homework, but also play a little modern games. By the way, read why games can slow down. The second option for using a computer for 15 thousand rubles could be an office. To work in such configurations as I gave above, it will be enough. If you like to play CS Go or Dota 2, Fortnite, PUBG, then this system, as I already said, is quite suitable, even though it does not have a video card. Nobody plays these two games at maximum settings anyway, since additional details only distract and interfere with concentration.

If you still have questions, ask them in the comments, we’ll look at them together.

It would seem, what can you buy for 15 thousand rubles? In fact, even now it is possible to assemble a configuration for this modest amount. Let's go through each component in order and choose the most optimal ones.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that we will only talk about the system unit without a monitor and other peripherals. They will have to be added separately, but with us every ruble counts. The system will definitely run GS GO and Dota 2 without any problems with good FPS. You can even play GTA 5 on minimum settings.

Processor selection

For such a modest budget, the selected parts are quite good. Prices seem to have been frozen, although this is not surprising, because the dollar exchange rate has also remained virtually unchanged over the past six months. No new technologies were brought in either.

In order to start assembling a computer in this price category, you need to understand one simple truth - money is not enough. Even very little! But this does not mean that we will take something completely ancient and useless. On the contrary, for our gaming computer we will use budget modern hardware. Let's start, of course, with the processor. It is he who will give us a guideline for all other components.

Here we need to decide who we like best: some like Intel, some like AMD. Intel has lower power consumption, which means it runs cooler, and is also more efficient in most calculations.

I will consider the option based on Intel and choose the Pentium line with integrated graphics. It will allow us to save on a video card. We won’t buy it at all, since Dota 2 and CS:Go can be comfortably played on the built-in graphics core of our processor. By the way, here is the Intel Pentium G4400 Skylake (3300MHz, LGA1151, L3 3072Kb). Let's take a box modification so that the cooler is in the box along with the stone, then we will be able to save a little here too. On store websites they usually write BOX (RTL, Retail) or OEM.

Choosing a video card for a gaming computer for 15,000 in 2018

Since we took an APU, that is, a processor with a built-in graphics core, we can save on a video card and use the remaining funds on a hard drive and a case with a power supply. Let me make a reservation right away that in the store they can assure you that you won’t be able to play anything with integrated graphics and that you definitely need to buy a video card. Don't listen to them and don't blindly believe the words of consultants. Watch videos on YouTube - there are examples of different games with this processor. Everything starts up and runs fine; integrated graphics have long since come a long way.

If you have a video card from an old computer and it has a PCI-E x16 connector, then feel free to install it. It will not be worse. If you still want to buy a new video card, then buy something that you have enough money for.


There is much more choice here, so it’s dizzying, but in fact, if you choose the minimum, there won’t be many options left. For an Intel processor on the Skylake socket, we can take the H110 chipset. This is a budget option that will cover all your requirements. There is support for all modern interfaces, such as USB 3.1, PCI-E x16 version 3.0, SATA 6 Gb/s and so on.

The chipset came out a long time ago, but it has already been tested; it is advisable to periodically update the BIOS, because useful fixes may be released that will reduce power consumption and optimize the already stable operation.

You can take MSI H110M PRO-VD or another with such a socket. You most likely won't notice any significant differences. The main thing is to look at the processor socket, we have it Skylake, so the motherboard should have the same one.


If we calculate the average numbers, then our budget for a gaming computer for 15,000 rubles has already lost 12-13 thousand (or more, depending on the store). Which means it’s time to call it a day, but I warned you that we would go over budget in any case. We don’t have money for a solid-state hard drive SSD, and therefore we take a cheap 500GB or 1TB screw if it’s available in the store at a similar price. Something at the level of the Western Digital WD10EZEX will suit us, which will serve us faithfully for 4,000 rubles (on average).

It will accommodate your entire collection of movies, music, photos and games. We don't need more. Yes, if it squeaks or crackles, take it to the store under warranty. Components at any price can be defective, it happens, there’s nothing wrong with that.


Our Intel Pentium G4400 requires RAM with a frequency of at least 2133 MHz, since all game textures will be written to RAM, in the absence of a full-fledged video card. It’s very easy to decide on the volume - 8 GB, since the prices for them have dropped quite significantly and there is no point in taking 4 GB.

Take, for example, Kingston HX421C14FB/8, it will do just fine. If your store has memory from AMD or Hynix with a frequency of 2133 MHz or higher and it costs less, then take it. But check the list of compatible brackets on the official website of the motherboard manufacturer. I repeat once again that you can use another RAM, not the same as in this article. But first make sure it's right for you.

Gaming PC case

With the remaining money we must manage to get a case so that we have a place to assemble our computer. What recommendations can there be? The main thing is the correct form factor so that the motherboard fits; the board I recommend is microATX. It won't be difficult to fit it into a regular ATX case. Well, our main limiter is the price of about 2 thousand rubles, so as not to go beyond the budget even more, as well as a built-in power supply of at least 400 watts. In fact, many Chinese and Korean cases, the quality of their materials, will fall under these criteria will cause negative emotions. They are made from extremely low-quality steel, which sometimes even looks like foil or just plastic.

But there is still plenty to choose from, so it is advisable to walk through a real store and look for yourself at the material, the number of USB outputs on the front panel, and so on. I can just show an example of a case that you can take - 3Cott 4009 450W Black.

Is it possible to build a decent gaming computer for 15,000 rubles in 2017? Fortunately, this possibility still exists. In order to be convinced of such a possibility, you should carefully analyze all the offers of components and try to understand which option is appropriate for your personal choice. At the same time, 15,000 rubles will be allocated only for components of the system unit.

The analysis will not include a monitor or peripheral devices, since they immediately lead to even greater financial investments. Moreover, every ruble in the account does not allow you to immediately calculate the monitor and peripherals. It is desirable that the system runs modern games: GS GO, Dota 2, FPS, GTA 5.


Even at the stage of choosing a processor, you can be convinced that serious financial limits have been set, although it is possible to assemble a gaming laptop. Despite strict restrictions, you cannot use ancient and useless functions. Modern hardware is a must.

The processor will allow you to navigate your further choices. The choice of manufacturer is still possible: Intel, AMD. It is important to note that Intel has lower power consumption, minimal heating, and a high level of efficiency in calculations. For this reason, it is best to choose an Intel Pentium. For example, a good processor model is the G4400 Skylake.


At this stage, you can note a more diverse selection, but some options will have to be eliminated.

For the Intel Skylake processor, the H110 chip is suitable, offered at an affordable price and characterized by suitable characteristics:

  • USB version 3.1;
  • PCI-E x16 version 3.0;
  • SATA with a speed of 6 gigabytes per second.

The chipset has been introduced for a long time, but it is still popular.


A gaming laptop requires RAM with at least 2133 MHz. It is important to be prepared for the fact that game textures are written to RAM, because the video card will not be fully functional.

The optimal volume is 8 gigabytes. Recently, prices for RAM modules have fallen, so 4 gigabytes can be left for other cases.

It is recommended to use Kingston HX421C14FB/8. This model is ideal for future use. If desired, you can choose memory 2133 MHz and higher from AMD, Hynix, since these two manufacturers offer affordable products.

Before purchasing a memory module, you should make sure that it is suitable for the processor. Otherwise, the computer will not be able to please you with its characteristics.

Video card

So, an APU (processor with built-in graphics core) is already used. Now you can save on a video card. The remaining funds will be needed for a hard drive, case, and power supply. This approach is practical.

Store consultants may try to make sure that the APU will not be able to play. However, you don’t need to immediately believe the store employee, because the experience of many users and expert recommendations indicate otherwise.

APUs have recently been ready to please with decent graphics.

However, if you already have a video card with a PCI-E x16 connector, you can successfully use it, since it won’t get any worse.

When choosing and purchasing a video card, you need to remember the following nuance: the cost should not exceed 5,000 rubles.


There is a suspicion that you will still have to go a little beyond 15,000 rubles. There are already no funds for an SSD hard drive. For this reason, you need to choose a 500 gigabyte or one terabyte model.

You need to focus on Western Digital WD10EZEX, which can be bought for an average of 4,000 rubles. This hard drive is enough for games, movies, songs, photos.

An ideal option for saving money is an old hard drive with a SATA connector. The main thing is to have free space, otherwise you will not be able to install the games.

power unit

To save money, you need to take advantage of unpopular offers. You shouldn't overpay for a brand. Zalman, DeepCook, Corsair, Thermaltake offer high-quality power supplies. The optimal power is 400 Watts, because a video card that consumes a lot of energy is missing or outdated. If you wish, you can choose a model of 250 - 300 Watts, but in this case you should not count on good quality. It's best to play it safe.


A case for a gaming laptop is required in any case. The form factor must be sufficient. You also need to make sure that the motherboard can fit into the case. You need to allocate no more than 2,000 rubles for the purchase, since otherwise financial restrictions will be erased.

When choosing a case, you need to evaluate the quality of the material and the presence of a USB output on the front panel. If possible, you can leave the old case.

For 15,000 rubles you can create a personal gaming laptop, if you understand how to solve the problem.

Video: build a gaming computer for 15,000 rubles 2017

There is no definite answer - it all depends on what games and with what settings you want to play. Let's look at three configurations for different purposes. The assemblies indicate the main components. Parts such as the case, cooling and power supply are included in the price but are not listed.

1. A computer that supports modern games at medium settings in Full HD

  • Processor and motherboard: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 and AMD B350 or Intel Pentium G4600 and Intel H110 Express.
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti or AMD Radeon RX 470.
  • RAM: 8 GB DDR4-2400/2666.
  • Storage: HDD 1 TB.
  • Price: about 40,000 rubles.

2. A computer that can run modern games in Full HD with maximum graphics settings

  • Processor and motherboard: AMD Ryzen 5 1600X and AMD B350 or Intel Core i5-8400 and Intel Z370 Express.
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 or AMD Radeon RX 580.
  • RAM: 2 × 8 GB DDR4-320.
  • Storage: HDD 1 TB and SSD 120 GB or more.
  • Price: about 90,000 rubles.

3. A computer that can run any game with maximum settings in WQHD

  • Processor and motherboard: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X and AMD X370 or Intel Core i7-8700K and Intel Z370 Express.
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.
  • RAM: 2 × 16 GB DDR4-3000/3200.
  • Storage: HDD 1 TB and SSD 250 GB or more.
  • Price: about 170,000 rubles.

Why building a gaming computer in 2018 is impractical

Even top-end configurations do not remain relevant for long, and prices for components are constantly rising. If ten years ago you would have spent 40,000 rubles on assembling a good gaming computer, now it’s at least twice as much.

Moreover, the further we go, the faster gaming technologies develop. For example, in 2016, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 video card was enough for comfortable gaming. Now, to play PUBG and Monster Hunter: World at maximum speed, you will need an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060. The difference in price is about 10 thousand rubles. Prices for new GeForce RTX series cards start at 47,990 rubles.

Of course, the high price of hardware is partly justified by new capabilities. The mentioned 20-series GeForce RTX video cards support new ray tracing technology, which allows you to achieve realistic light in games. But whether it’s worth paying for it is a moot point. Be prepared for the fact that new games will always require more.

The computer must not only be assembled, but also constantly updated. No matter how much money you invest in a computer, there will never be enough new games.

How to harness the power of a gaming PC without buying one

This is possible if you play on a cloud platform - for example, such as Playkey. Cloud gaming is renting data centers for games instead of buying a computer. You pay for a subscription, connect to a remote machine, which will certainly run any games with maximum settings, and play.

The system requirements of this technology come down to six modest points. You need:

  • processor with a frequency of at least 1.5 GHz;
  • RAM at least 1 GB;
  • operating system Windows 7, 8, 10 or macOS 10.7 and higher;
  • stable Internet connection with a speed of 10 Mbit/s;
  • account on the gaming platform Steam, Uplay or Battle.net;
  • Playkey app.

This is all. No expensive processors or video cards - only what any computer and Internet provider can provide. A cloud platform is like a computer on a long wire. Everything you do with your mouse and keyboard is transmitted to data centers, and from there all gameplay is broadcast to your screen.

How to play via Playkey

  1. Download and install the Playkey application. Your personal virtual computer with excellent hardware on board will be created on the server. Good news for Mac owners - macOS is also supported.
  2. Explore the list of games that are available on the platform and choose a tariff. In total, the service has more than 250 games, including the latest Tomb Raider, Far Cry, GTA, Fortnite and Counter-Strike, as well as PUBG, The Witcher and Monster Hunter: World.
  3. Select a game from the catalog, click “Play”, and then in the Playkey client, log in to your Steam, Uplay or Battle.net account. Piracy is prohibited here - if the game is paid, then it must be purchased.
  4. Launch the game. There is no need to install anything - everything is already prepared on the Playkey servers.

How much does it cost

One ruble per minute. We calculated: if you play on Playkey for two hours a day, then for a year of daily games you will spend 43,800 rubles - almost the same amount you would pay for a gaming computer with minimal characteristics, which will also become outdated within a year.

2024 gtavrl.ru.