Remove license plates from the car. What to do if license plates are stolen

Many people will find useful information about what to do if the license plate number has been stolen or removed from your car. No car owner is immune from license plate theft. Moreover, if you lost them, then there is nothing particularly terrible about it. But if they are stolen, there is a risk of continued illegal actions. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to this incident as quickly as possible. Moreover, according to the rules traffic, driving onto the road without registration plates is strictly prohibited.

This is fraught with fines, as well as confiscation of the car. vehicle. In this regard, it is imperative that in the most short time take steps to resolve this issue.

Why do they steal?

What to do if your state license is stolen or withdrawn? numbers from the car? Before answering this question, it is necessary to clarify the motivation of the thieves; in some cases, this helps to quickly find a lost registration number. There are only 3 main reasons; your actions directly depend on who stole the signs and why:

  • Hooligan urges. Typically, such thieves can steal several numbers per night. Therefore, if the state sign disappeared not only from you, but also from your neighbors, then, most likely, hooligans were at work. Check the nearby trash containers, often in this case, that's where the numbers end up. Collectors can also be included in this group. They steal “beautiful” numbers for their collections. Usually they remove one of the signs;
  • Scammers. In this case, they usually leave a note with a phone number under the wipers. Also, state license plates are often removed from cars that have a mobile phone number on them, for example, when selling. In this case, they will soon call you back with a buyout offer. Do not negotiate with criminals; contact the police immediately. Before doing this, inspect the surrounding area; most often the numbers are hidden no further than 100 meters from the place of theft;
  • The most difficult and dangerous option is stealing numbers for further use. If there is a risk of such theft, then you need to report the loss to the police as quickly as possible. If during this time your numbers turn up for some crime, then it will not be easy to prove your non-involvement.

As you can see, there are several reasons for missing license plates. In any case, you need to contact the police to report the theft. But there is one point here: as a rule, when you submit a statement to the police, you can receive new numbers no earlier than in 10 days. Therefore, in cases of obvious fraud or hooliganism, many people are in no hurry to report it to the police. Moreover, signs are found extremely rarely.

What to do? When numbers are stolen, as well as when they are lost, there are 2 ways to solve the problem. Please note that in any case you will have to fork out a certain amount. But this is anyway cheaper than paying scammers or paying fines issued by inspectors on the road. Which one of these ways will do It's up to you to decide in your case.


The most simple option is to obtain duplicates of your numbers. Let us remind you that the rules for registering vehicles do not require re-registration of the car in case of loss of the license plate. Based on this, we can say that using a duplicate is not a violation of the law. In order to get a new license plate, you just need to provide documents for the car,

identification. The cost of such a service is about 2000 rubles. But there is one danger here. If your numbers are stolen for the purpose of using them, they may be used to commit a crime. In this case, suspicion will fall on you. Therefore, think first before ordering new numbers to replace the lost ones.


More reliable way, this is the re-registration of a vehicle. In this case, you are in no danger. Even if stolen registration marks are used for criminal purposes. You should start by filing a police report about the theft. They are unlikely to be able to find the signs, but the signs that are wanted can make life difficult for criminals. After this, the state fee is paid.

You will need to pay 2,000 rubles for issuing new license plates and 500 rubles for registering the vehicle. After which you can go to the traffic police to get new license plates. You will have to write an application addressed to the local chief with a request to make changes to the registration documents due to the loss of the number. It is best to write that this happened under unclear circumstances. If you indicate that they were stolen, you will receive new numbers no earlier than the investigation is completed. That is, in the best case, in a couple of weeks, in the worst, in a few months.

You must have with you a Russian passport or any other identification document, a PTS, a vehicle registration certificate, if you have a second license plate, you must hand it in, and a receipt for payment of the duty. If necessary, you must have a power of attorney with you. It would be desirable if it indicated the possibility of carrying out such actions. There is no need to provide the vehicle itself for inspection.


Before going to the police, you need to inspect the surroundings. After all, very often criminals hide a stolen number nearby. Therefore, with a certain amount of luck, you can find a stolen license plate. Carefully inspect all secluded places within a radius of 100 meters. It is advisable to look in the trash cans, as this is often where lost items end up. If there are cars in the parking lot that have been sitting idle for a long time, look under them. This is also a favorite burial place for thieves. Please note that the numbers can be rolled into a tube or stuck into some kind of crack.

Do not be fooled by offers to buy signs from criminals. In most cases, you will be deceived. And the requested amounts usually do not differ from the fee for obtaining new signs.

Fastening. To protect your signs from attacks by criminals, you need to securely fasten them. Standard frames are not very reliable. In principle, numbers can be removed in a couple of minutes, and there are many cases when they fell off on their own. Therefore, it is best to purchase vandal-proof numbers. They have a more powerful frame, and in addition to 2 standard fastening screws, they also have 4 secret ones. This design is quite difficult to hack. But keep in mind that no method of protection will completely protect your car.

Conclusion. IN last years Cases of fraud related to the theft of car license plates have become more frequent. Therefore, every owner needs to know what to do if the license plate number is stolen or removed from the car. The faster you act, the better. Remember that such a seemingly petty theft can lead to very serious consequences for the victim.

The theft of license plates is something that almost anyone can encounter, especially if the plates themselves are an attractive combination of letters or numbers. The situation is quite unpleasant and in any case will force you to fork out money. But the main thing in it is not to panic, to act in accordance official instructions and do not encourage the activities of fraudsters with ransom attempts.

1. What needs to be done?

Restore the ability to legally operate a vehicle after theft or loss of license plates.

2. What should you do first when you see a missing license plate?

First you need to find out whether the license plate was lost or stolen. Of course, it is sometimes impossible to know this reliably, but approximate assumptions are easy to make. So, if only one number plate is missing (usually the front one), its fastening is noticeably damaged, and it was not located in a very protected place, then we can assume that it was lost - while driving through a puddle, off-road or a patch of thick grass, for example. If both numbers are missing, the frames are dismantled, and there is a note on the car with a phone number, address Email or electronic wallet data, then we're talking about specifically about theft.

3. What should I do if there are no license plates on or near the car?

If you have determined for sure that the numbers have been stolen, you need to immediately contact the police and file a report of the theft. It will protect you if the license plates are stolen for criminal purposes - for example, to be installed on a stolen car or on a car used by criminals. In addition, timely contacting the police will allow you to avoid possible fines for violating traffic rules, which will also be addressed specifically to you.

Important Note:

If the attacker left contact information, do not try to contact him and buy license plates. Firstly, transferring money to him absolutely does not guarantee the return of your stolen numbers. Well, secondly, by making contact with scammers and transferring money to them, you cultivate and encourage their activities, only increasing their number and increasing the risk of the situation repeating in the future.

If you think that the license plate was simply lost, you can try to find it yourself. When conducting searches, you should remember that it is prohibited to drive a car without license plates - this will result in an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months. If you couldn’t find the number, move on to the next step.

4. How can I get license plates and the ability to drive the car again?

On this moment you have two ways to solve the problem:

  • get duplicates of your license plates to replace lost ones;
  • get new license plates by re-registering your car.

5. How and where can I get duplicate numbers?

When choosing between these two options, there are details to consider. Thus, obtaining duplicate license plates does not eliminate the possibility of using stolen plates. Thus, you risk getting into trouble if a car with your license plates is involved in illegal activities. In addition, all possible fines for violating traffic rules by someone else’s car with your license plates will also be considered yours.

However, if you are sure that the license plates were simply lost, you can safely obtain duplicates. To do this, you need to contact the traffic police, fill out an application for the issuance of duplicate registration plates to replace the lost ones, pay a state fee of 2,000 rubles and get what you want. There is no need to present the car for inspection to the traffic police.

As an alternative, you can contact a private organization that produces registration plates. To obtain duplicates, it will be enough to present your passport and documents for the car, as well as pay for the production of new plates.

6. How to re-register a car and get new license plates?

If you have written a statement to the police, obtaining duplicates is no longer enough. After registering your application with the police, you will need to contact any traffic police department and write an application to replace the registration plates. You can prepare it in advance by downloading the form directly on the State Traffic Inspectorate website -. In addition, you need to pay fees for issuing license plates and a new vehicle registration certificate and making changes to the PTS - 2,000, 500 and 350 rubles, respectively.

Your old numbers will be put on the wanted list - that is, you will not only protect yourself from problems and fines, but will also indirectly contribute to the fight against crime. By the way, if you receive new license plates, you also do not need to present the car for inspection to the traffic police. And one more thing: do not forget, after receiving new license plates, to contact your insurance company to make changes to your existing MTPL policy.

7. Is it possible to save money on the procedure of re-registration or obtaining duplicate numbers from the traffic police?

You can - to do this you need to submit the necessary applications to in electronic format through State Services portal and pay duties by bank transfer. In this case, you will receive a 30% discount, and issuing registration plates will cost you 1,400 rubles instead of 2,000, issuing a vehicle registration certificate will cost you 350 rubles instead of 500, and making changes to the title will cost you 245 rubles instead of 350. Thus , the entire procedure for obtaining new registration plates to replace the stolen ones will cost you 1,995 rubles. Against the background of the demands of scammers, who sometimes often want to receive a “ransom” of 3-5 thousand rubles, this looks not only the only correct, but also a much more economical option.

When I left the house in the morning, I found my car without license plates. This is how this instruction was born, which will help other car owners get their license plates back as soon as possible.

It was a shame to find a steel horse without registration plates. There was a piece of paper with a phone number under the wiper...

Reason for number theft As a rule, there is always one: to make money from the car owner. If you want to get your tokens back, here’s your Qiwi wallet...

Driving a car without license plates will cost 5,000 rubles. fine, so don't even try. I was doubly annoyed because the next day I was planning a trip with my family to Penza. And this is such a bummer.

I will tell you about four ways to return registration plates, and you decide which one to use.

So, you've lost your favorite numbers. Calmly. Look at the sky, breathe. Be glad that your arms and legs are in place. Nothing bad happened. Happens. In Russia, every fifth owner had their license plates screwed up by ghouls. Wait three minutes and start acting. Once again, calm down.

Do not take the piece of paper with your bare hands - this is evidence with the fingerprints of the attacker. Figure out how to get it without leaving your fingerprints.

1. We look for numbers on our own

Inspect the area around the car in a radius 150 meters. Special attention Pay attention to holes in walls, landfills (if there are any nearby), playgrounds, benches, trees. Don't care what others think about you. Explore the area, look for numbers.

Thieves never take the license plates with them, because this is evidence for which criminal punishment is given - God forbid, the police department notices... Thieves hide the plates in nearby places that can be described to the victim over the phone. For example:

– Your number is located behind the blue garage, which is to the left of the car.

– The number is in the hollow of the tree where you parked.

– The number is behind the trash can.

– The number is on the roof of the transformer booth.

Take your time. I know of many cases where numbers were found within half an hour by the owner.

Return time: 15-30 minutes.

Disadvantages of this method: the numbers may not show up, as in my case.

2. Negotiate with the scammer

We call or write SMS to the phone left under the wiper. We are told the ransom amount and the Qiwi wallet. An ordinary number is valued at 2,500, a beautiful one – at 10,000 rubles.

No amount of persuasion, entreaties, attacks, or curses against the thief will help. This is a criminal business. The issue can only be resolved with money.

We look for the nearest terminal, transfer the fee, and in response we receive the coordinates of the place where the number is hidden.

Return time: up to two hours.


  • Firstly, by transferring money you have just supported the crime and confirmed its profitability. Now in your area the numbers will be rolled up more often. You too. If you paid the first time, that means you’ll pay the second time too...
  • Secondly, you will feel like a loser for at least a year. Bro, you don't even have to tell anyone about the incident. But in your heart, the thought that you were scammed by a migrant worker or a local drug addict who didn’t have enough for a dose will be more pressing than a multi-ton press.
  • Thirdly, after transferring money, the numbers are not always found. The district police officer told how the scammers tricked one girl into three transactions until they realized that she had run out of money, and only then did they tell her the correct amount.

3. Make a duplicate number

It couldn't be simpler:

  1. We enter the query “ duplicate license plates»;
  2. We choose the company we like that produces the numbers;
  3. We send by mail a scanned copy of the vehicle registration certificate with a driver’s license and inform you of the required license plate number that needs to be restored;
  4. We are waiting for the courier to deliver the finished plates.

Is this legal? Yes.

Amendments to the law in 2013 made the production of duplicate license plates legal. The price with delivery is only 1800 rubles.

Time: 2-4 hours.

Minuses: you ordered new duplicates, and someone else found the “old” originals, attached them to your car, on which...

  • I started driving along the highway under speed cameras. You will pay the fines. Every single one of them. Most likely, the total check will have four zeros.
  • He hit a pedestrian and fled the scene of the accident. In an hour, the investigators will get you out of bed in the middle of the night and you will spend a long time explaining in jail why I’m not me and my ass is not mine.
  • Robbed collectors. Here, dude, you're really in trouble.

By making a duplicate of a stolen registration plate, we are playing red and black with fate. It is quite possible that everything will work out, you will ride around the city with duplicates as if nothing had happened. But shit happens.

4. Call 02 and report the theft

I did this. My experience can save you many hours and you may even get new numbers the same day. So, let's be patient. I'll put everything in order.

1. Call at 02(112 - from a mobile phone) and say: “They stole the license plates from my car. What should I do?"

2. The operator asks to call license plates, address of the incident and contact number, by which two crews should contact you. I’ll explain why there are two below.

Immediately ask the operator to give you the phone number and address of the Control Unit to which the area where your numbers were scammed is assigned.

3. After 10-15 minutes(we're talking about Moscow) the first traffic police or police patrol crew will approach you. This is a test outfit.

The police examine the car and inform the dispatcher that the theft really happened, and your call at 02 was truthful. After their arrival, your registration plates immediately become wanted. Now, if a surveillance camera “sees” your license plate on some car on the street, it will be stopped at the nearest checkpoint for inspection. The fact that license plates are wanted can be found on the website

The police say that second operatives will come to you - literally in about 20 minutes. Don’t believe it. I waited at home for FIVE hours :) Therefore, immediately declare that you want to come to the Duty Department yourself for inspection. They will radio the district dispatcher about your arrival. After 5 minutes, dial the Duty Officer from your mobile and confirm your arrival - this is your safety net in case you are stopped by the traffic police on the way for driving without license plates.

4. We prepare an electronic queue in advance immediately after the departure of the first crew on the same in any registration department of the traffic police. There are several 24-hour centers in Moscow where new numbers can be obtained even at two o’clock in the morning. I would sign up for them because it is unknown how long you will stay in the department for examination.

Or we arrive at 8 am the next day, when free slots open at the registration terminals.

5. Let's go to the control room. Take a fountain pen.

That day, in the area, signs were removed from 20 cars and the camera girl complained: “Well, of course, Smirnova came out for a day - so let’s change everyone’s license plates! She doesn’t have any important things to do!”

In short, we write a statement, give the car to the operative for inspection and receive notifications from serial number that your request has been recorded. We drive the car back to our parking lot.

7. We arrive at the traffic police registration center using your ticket 15 minutes before your scheduled time.

After an hour and a half we leave with new registration plates.

What happened to me next?

I have a happy ending. The numbers were found.

In short, after spending a lot of time on all the steps, I wasted today’s queues for re-registration of numbers, and the next day I left with my family by train to Penza.

A couple of days later the local police officer called me. He says that the numbers have been found. Some guy was drinking beer on a bench and noticed registration plates stuck between the boards and brought them to the department. After which the state signs disappeared from the wanted list.

Upon arrival from Penza, I picked up my signs and immediately headed to the nearest auto store to buy steel frames, for which I bought locking screws.

Now it is easier to remove the registration number from a neighboring car than from mine. Or tear them out “with the meat”, but you can’t sell them back.

Why is it better to prefer calling 02 over all methods?

We live in happy time, Friends. Thanks to traffic police statistics, changes were made to the laws that reduced to a minimum the number of body movements when registering a car. For example, when buying a trade-in car (with mileage), you don’t have to go to the traffic police station at all.

The theft of license plates is the priority of the operational team's departure at the very last place. They will deal with you when the issues of robberies, fights, quarrels, and murders are resolved. Against the backdrop of a total reduction in the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a lot of routine work falls on the shoulders of the operatives. Those at the top are well aware that the flow of complaints about the theft of license plates distracts operatives from other important matters, so they try to make life easier for everyone. I am sure that more changes for the better await us.

5.00 out of 5, rated: 3 )

website When I left the house in the morning, I found my car without license plates. This is how this instruction was born, which will help other car owners get their license plates back as soon as possible. It was a shame to find a steel horse without registration plates. There was a piece of paper with a phone number under the wiper... The reason for stealing a license plate is, as a rule, always the same: to make money from the car owner. If you want to get your signs back, here you go...

Today, theft of license plates is a fairly common occurrence. Moreover, the goals of such theft can be very different. It is worth noting that license plates can be stolen by hooligans, extortionists or ill-wishers. Thus, every vehicle owner can find his car without license plates. The question is, what to do if your license plates are stolen from your car and where to go?

Why are license plates stolen?

Before you begin to do anything in case of theft of numbers, you need to determine for what purpose they were stolen. So, car plate numbers can kidnap:

  1. For the purpose of ransom. In some cases, when the owner of a car has "thieves" license plates, thieves steal license plates in order to obtain a ransom.

License plates that contain beautiful combinations of numbers or letters most often become the target of attackers. The presence of such license plates indicates that the car owner values ​​his plates and will be willing to return them for a certain fee. Of course, it is up to the owner to decide what to do in such a situation. beautiful rooms. There are several options for action in this case.

  1. To carry out fraud. Sometimes license plates are removed from a car for illegal transportation of cars from abroad. In this case, it will be quite difficult to get your numbers back.
  2. In order to complement the collection of rare or antique license plates. In this case, the thieves remove only one sign, and do it carefully.
  3. The last reason is common hooliganism. Most often, a license plate thief can be found in your own yard.

Thus, the reasons for the theft of license plates can be very diverse. It is worth noting that if numbers are stolen, it will be quite difficult to return them.

It can be very difficult to quickly determine the purpose of stealing numbers. Most often, signs are found with numbers that the attacker did not have time to hide or deliver the stolen sign to the destination (usually in the area of ​​300-500 meters from the crime scene).

It must be remembered that if the attackers stole only one license plate, then the remaining number must be secured to the front of the car. This will provide the possibility of temporary travel by car.

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New rules for stealing license plates

Not so long ago, drivers had to go through many formalities to obtain old or new license plates. The current legislation (changes in 2016) gives the opportunity to choose how the car owner can get his license plates back.

So first of all If license plates are stolen from your car, you must:

  1. Contact the police to report the theft of numbers.

The application you submit guarantees your non-involvement and safety in the event that attackers commit any crime using your numbers. In addition, this way you can avoid troubles and fines when driving a car without license plates.

  1. Contact the traffic police to re-register or create a duplicate license plate.

You must contact the traffic police within 10 days after filing a police complaint. It is worth noting that the police are given only 10 days to investigate your application.

  1. When filing a statement with the police, pay attention to whether a report was drawn up with the facts of the crime indicated in it.

Submitting an application may also be accompanied by some problems, for example, employees may try to persuade you not to write an application, citing the fact that searching for hooligans will not yield results. In this case, it is worth remembering that you are drawing up a statement not for the purpose of finding a fraudster, but for the purpose of registering the fact of theft.

Since 2016, car owners have a choice of how to return their license plates. Of course, it will not be possible to resolve the issue completely after contacting the police. That is why it is necessary to study in detail the procedure for re-registration or creating a copy of license plates.

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Making a duplicate or re-registering numbers, what to choose?

Today, car owners who have become victims of hooligans and license plate thieves are offered 2 ways to resolve the situation:

  1. Re-registration of car license plates.
  2. Making a duplicate.

Each of these methods of returning license plates has its own advantages and disadvantages. That is why the method of returning numbers must be chosen based on the current situation.

Making a duplicate

Until 2016, creating a duplicate was illegal and was punishable by the confiscation of license plates and driving licenses. Today, everyone who has suffered from attackers has the opportunity to create a duplicate without re-registration of license plates.

It is worth noting that this method of returning plates with numbers has several advantages, including:

  • speed of the procedure. Creating a new license plate will take from 20 minutes to 1 hour, and you will not need to provide a lot of documents and receipts;
  • low cost. The cost of producing a duplicate number is about 2 thousand rubles;
  • minimum package of required documents.

To create a duplicate number you will need: passport or car license, notification coupon, car registration certificate.

Of course, this method has its drawbacks. If you are a suspicious car owner, then we do not recommend duplicating your license plate number. If attackers stole license plates for the purpose of committing a crime, they will be able to do this, since they will have license plates with an identical combination of numbers.

Duplicates of stolen license plates can be made at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Features of re-registration

Re-registration of license plates involves obtaining completely new numbers. In this case, old signs are automatically sent to the wanted list.

Since 2016, in order to obtain new license plates for a car, you must:

  1. Write a statement about the loss of car signs.
  2. Pay the state fee (up to 3 thousand rubles).
  3. Provide a specific list of documents.

The entire re-registration process practically means the same thing as registering a car with the traffic police.

To re-register a car you need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • vehicle passport;
  • remaining license plate (if any);
  • insurance policy;
  • a document confirming the registration of the car.

In this case, the car from which the license plate has been removed is not checked by a traffic inspector.

How to prevent license plates from being stolen again?

No one can guarantee that no one will steal your license plates again. That is why it is necessary to take all measures to prevent repeated theft of numbers.

Today, there are many ways and rules by which you can save license plates from theft and loss on broken roads. So, in order to avoid problems with lost numbers, you must:

  1. Installation of special anti-vandal devices that can protect plates with numbers from hooligans. On the automotive market you can find a wide variety of devices, for example, special protective frames, which will be quite difficult to remove even for the most experienced attacker.
  2. Using bolts and screws to secure license plates. By using custom head screws, you can further reduce the likelihood of plates being removed from your vehicle.
  3. Correct parking. If you want to protect your car from intruders, then it is best to park your car in a garage or on well-lit streets, near large shopping or business centers, as well as offices and stores. Make sure that the parking area is secured and recorded on video camera. This way, you can reduce the likelihood of license plates being stolen.
  4. Good alarm - the best remedy from thieves. Of course, signaling is The best way protect your car not only from license plate removal, but also from burglary and theft.

Will the thief remain unpunished?

In most cases, it is never possible to find the robber. Even if they demand a ransom from you for the numbers or you suspect someone of this, it will not be possible to catch and punish the attacker. If the whole operation was well thought out, the bully will not leave any clues behind.

When catching such a criminal, it will not be possible to punish him significantly, since the cost of a tin license plate plate does not cost much (less than 1 thousand rubles). The maximum that awaits a caught criminal is the registration of such a citizen and carrying out preventive work with this subject. At the same time, driving a car without license plates will cost the car owner from 500 rubles to 5 thousand.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations on the road, register the loss of car signs in a timely manner and make a decision regarding their return.

Remember that the criminals who took the license plates from your car will most likely go unpunished, while your wallet and you may suffer significantly.

Absence registration number in the right place in the car - this is a real disaster for the driver. For such a violation, the traffic police inspector with a pure heart will issue you a fine of 5,000 rubles or order deprivation of your rights through the court for up to 3 months. Such prospects will clearly not please any car owner. The problem is that we cannot constantly monitor the license plates on our cars. And their theft and subsequent demand for ransom has become a kind of criminal business for those who like easy money. Unfortunately, no means of protecting numbers have yet been invented, so we will only have to talk about solving the problem that has arisen.

By the way, numbers can not only be stolen, but also simply lost. Many car owners know from their own experience that losing a license plate is a fairly simple and uncomplicated matter. But the consequences of this situation may not be very pleasant. By law, you can get a duplicate license plate from any company that provides such services. But if you suspect that the number was stolen for the purpose of using it on another vehicle with fake documents, then it is better to re-register your car by getting new license plates for it. This is the only way to protect yourself from trouble.

Number stolen - procedure and solution to the problem

If you know for sure that the license plates from your car were stolen, you should stop driving so as not to meet with a traffic policeman and not receive an immodest fine. Next, you should call the police and write a statement about the theft of numbers, indicating all the information about the possible criminals. This term was not used in vain, because the law includes criminal liability with huge fines for the illegal seizure of the license plate of someone else’s car. With this turn of events in the case of license plate theft, the driver’s course of action will be as follows:

  • touch nothing at the crime scene and remember all the events you witnessed;
  • call the police and write a statement about the theft of car license plates, describe the persons involved;
  • call a tow truck and take the car to a parking lot, garage, or just leave it in safe place in the area of ​​the crime;
  • expect news about the completion of the criminal case, the capture of criminals and the return of numbers if possible;
  • if the license plates are not returned, only after all these stages will you be able to order a duplicate;
  • All this time the car will be parked, since its operation without a license plate is impossible.

Many motorists and market experts agree that the state should have come up with a system similar to the option with the loss or theft of a license. It is enough to apply to the traffic police and obtain a temporary license. In the case of numbers, you will have to wait for the end of the investigation and the capture of the thieves, which can take quite a lot of time. It will be impossible to operate the car all this time. It is this fact that often leaves criminals unpunished. And the legislation is quite complex. If a ransom is demanded from you, this is subject to criminal liability and fines of up to 300,000 rubles. Otherwise, everything is regarded as hooliganism with a fine of up to 5,000 rubles.

How to quickly return license plates after theft without investigation?

There are two ways to renew a license plate without investigating the theft. The first one is ordering a duplicate. This method is suitable if one number was stolen from you. In this option, an application for the production of a duplicate number with certain notes is written and submitted along with payment for the work to a certified private company. Within a few days you will be able to get a new license plate and continue to use your car without sacrificing your time. The second method is more complicated, but completely safe and legal. This is a car re-registration. To commit this process you need to do the following:

  • arrive at any traffic police department in the territory Russian Federation(you can arrive without a car, but with all the documents and remaining license plates);
  • write an application for re-registration of a vehicle due to loss of license plates;
  • forget that your license plates were stolen, indicate only the possible loss of the plates;
  • submit all documents for the car, including title, registration certificate, insurance;
  • also submit a document confirming your identity to avoid illegal actions;
  • provide receipts for payment of all fees for car registration (the total is 2850 rubles);
  • wait for all legal checks and receive a new certificate, as well as new numbers.

There is one problem with this whole process. If the numbered villains are targeting you, they will repeat their theft and try again to demand a ransom. Sometimes thieves say they found your license plate in a parking lot or somewhere else. Think about where they got your phone number, why they don’t give away the license plate for free, and so on. If you look closely at this situation, you can see the whole truth. Therefore, always be wary of those people who “find” your car’s license plates and demand a certain ransom for them.

Returning stolen numbers with the help of the police - some subtleties

If you decide to stand your ground to the last and get a real return of your stolen number, you need to contact the police as quickly as possible after the incident. Every hour of delay can cost you months without a car, so it’s better to hurry and file a police report as quickly as possible. After this, your participation in the process does not end. Be sure to get in touch with the investigator who is leading the case and keep him informed of any possible requests for the return of the number for a fee. The simplest situation in in this case There will be the following development of events:

  • you file a police report immediately after you notice the theft of license plates from your car;
  • the police begin search activities by interviewing known employees law enforcement violators;
  • you are contacted by a person who allegedly found your license plates on the road, in a parking lot or in another place;
  • you report the caller to the investigator and go to meet the person along with the police;
  • Having received your number back, you can achieve a fair punishment for the villain, forcing him to pay a considerable fine;
  • Criminal liability in this case occurs infrequently, but administrative fines inspire true horror.

A violator in such a situation may pay a fine equal to his annual official income or 200,000 rubles. In this case, of course, you personally will not receive anything except your number and a lot of positive emotions. However, the criminal will be punished and is unlikely to attempt to steal any more numbers. But after the incident, the police recommend paying more attention to the safety of storing your car. Do not exclude the possible revenge of the criminal, so rent a place in a paid guarded parking lot or buy a garage for your iron horse. This way you can keep both the car itself and the license plates in perfect order. We invite you to watch a video about number theft:

Let's sum it up

The theft of numbers or their loss are quite complex processes that should be considered from many perspectives. possible sides. Exist different variants possible loss of license plates, and in this situation it is best to check several versions simultaneously. If you are not sure that the license plate was stolen, it would be better to simply order a duplicate and not involve the police or open a criminal case against alleged offenders. After all, in this case you will have to do without a car for a long time.

Driving without a license plate in the required place will cost you 5,000 rubles for each meeting with a traffic inspector. That is why it is better to resolve the situation quickly and without criminal cases. But if you are sure that your license plates have been stolen, it will be quite difficult to solve the problem without involving the police. They can either try to return the plates to you for a fee, or use them for criminal purposes to create a legal twin of your car. Which way to solve the problem would you choose?