Smiley is strong. Emoji dictionary, or how to find out the meaning of emoji on Mac, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Emoticons made from symbols have been found very often lately. And rightly so, because there is no other more universal and faster way to display your emotions and experiences during text correspondence. Today, almost everyone knows at least two or three sets of symbols that represent emotions. This set includes parentheses to show a person's lips, colons to show a person's eyes, and a semicolon to show a wink. However, you may come across an emoji written in symbols and not understand its meaning. This article will help you get closer to understanding text emoticons and remember combinations of symbols to display your emotions in text correspondence.

Even modern written speech is not endowed with the properties of quickly displaying emotions, so that at the time of writing the text the author could show the experiences he was experiencing. Only using a couple of sentences or phrases. Before the era of the global spread of the Internet, there were no problems with displaying the emotional component of the writer. Only with the advent of the Internet and increasing communication through writing text messages in chats, instant messengers, forums, and so on, such problems appeared. It would be inappropriate to write in a message that you are now smiling or winking at your interlocutor - it would look more like absurdity, and if there is no emotional component at all, then the result will be a dry and callous dialogue.

When communicating in real time, it is not possible to select words to display emotions. You can use a question mark for a question, an exclamation mark for admiration, but how can you show your seriousness to your interlocutor or that you were joking? All these problems were solved in the early 80s. Then it was proposed to add the symbols colon, dash and closing bracket to humorous messages, that is :-) — text version of a smiling face (side view). This set of symbols is a smiling emoticon. Subsequently, the dash and then the colon were no longer used and they were simply written as a closing parenthesis ) .

For messages that are filled with sadness and feelings, it was proposed to assign a set of text characters with a colon, a dash and an opening parenthesis, that is :-(. This set of text symbols shows a face with eyes, a nose and downturned corners of the lips. As with the joyful, smiling emoticon, in the sad emoticon they subsequently stopped writing the symbols colon and dash, but began to write the sorry opening parenthesis (.

Thus began the widespread and varied use of emoticons in the form of text symbols. The main emphasis is on quickly expressing emotions using some sets of text symbols, but semantic emoticons are also used to show states, actions, surrounding nature, and so on. There is no standard set of text characters, since everyone writes them differently.

Let's look at different options for symbolic emoticons.

Smileys from symbols on the keyboard

Indication of emoticons of emotions from symbols on the keyboard:

  • Joy or a smile is most often depicted using symbols:) either:-)or =)
  • Uncontrollable laughter (equivalent to the expression LOL) :-D either: D or))))
  • Another designation for laughter, but more like mockery () XD or xD or >:-D (schadenfreude)
  • Laughter to tears, i.e. what does the “tears of joy” emoticon mean :’-) or :’-D
  • Insidious grin ):-> or ]:->
  • A sad or sorrowful emoticon has text meanings:-(either =(or:(
  • Symbolic designation of a very sad smiley: -C or:C or (((((again, a variant of the under-smiley)
  • Mild displeasure, confusion or puzzlement:-/ or:-\
  • Intense anger D-:
  • Text designation of the neutral attitude emoticon:-| either: -I or._. or -_-
  • The symbolic meaning of the admiration emoticon is *O* or *_* or **
  • Deciphering the emotion of surprise: -() or: - or: -0 or: O or O: either o_O or oO or o.O
  • Variants of what the emoticon of great surprise or bewilderment 8-O could mean
  • either =-O or:-
  • Disappointment:-e
  • Fury:-E or:E or:-t
  • Confusion:-[ or %0
  • Sullenness: :-*
  • Sadness: :-<

Meaning of text emoticons emotional actions or gestures

  • What does a winking smiley mean in text-symbolic form;-) or;)
  • Sad joke: ;-(
  • Happy joke: ;-)
  • Options for designating a crying emoticon:_(or:~(or:"(or:*(
  • Joyful crying (means “tears of joy” emoji) :~-
  • Sad cry:~-(
  • Angry cry: :-@
  • Kiss in text notation:-* or:-()
  • Hugs ()
  • To show your tongue (means to tease) :-P or:-p or:-Ъ
  • Mouth shut (means shhh) :-X
  • It makes me sick to my stomach (meaning nausea) :-!
  • Drunk or embarrassed (means either “I’m drunk” or “you’re drunk”) :*)
  • You are a deer E:-) or 3:-)
  • You're a clown *:O)
  • Heart - either @)~>~~ or @-‘-,’-,—
  • Carnation *->->—
  • Old joke (meaning accordion) [:|||:] or [:]/\/\/\[:] or [:]|||[:]
  • Krezi (means “you’ve gone crazy”) /:-(or /:-]
  • Fifth point (_!_)

What do horizontal (Japanese) symbolic emoticons mean?

Horizontal or Japanese character emoticons are those that can be understood without tilting your head to the side, such as with a smiley face :-).

The most common horizontal text emoticons are:

  • A smile (joy) is usually indicated: (^_^) or (^____^) or (n_n) or (^ ^) or \(^_^)/
  • Sadness in symbols is denoted as: () or (v_v)
  • The following symbols mean different degrees of surprise: (o_o) or (0_0) or (O_o) or (o_O) or (V_v) (unpleasant surprise) or (@_@) (meaning “You can be stunned”)
  • Emoticon meaning admiration: (*_*) or (*o*) or (*O*)
  • I'm sick: (-_-;) or (-_-;)~
  • Sleeping: (- . -) Zzz. or (-_-) Zzz. or (u_u)
  • Confusion: ^_^" or *^_^* or (-_-«) or (-_-v)
  • Anger and rage: (-_-#) or (-_-¤) or (-_-+) or (>__<)
  • What does fatigue mean: (>_<) либо (%_%)
  • Depression (u_u)
  • Jealousy: 8 (>_<) 8
  • Distrust: (>>) or (>_>) or (<_<)
  • Indifference: -__- or =__=
  • This emoticon text expression means misunderstanding: (?_?) or ^o^;>
  • The meaning is close to the crying emoticon: (;_;) or (T_T) or (TT.TT) or (ToT) or Q__Q
  • What does winking mean: (^_~) or (^_-)
  • Kiss: ^)(^ either (^)...(^) or (^)(^^)
  • High five (means friend): =X= or (^_^)(^_^)
  • Carrot Love: (^3^) or (*^) 3 (*^^*)
  • Apology: m (._.) m
  • Greedy emoticon: ($_$)

Cool emoticons from symbols

Cool emoticons consisting of several symbols - your imagination is limitless.

I was looking for emoticons for the site, and I found emoticons, albeit poppy ones. Along the way, I discovered Japanese emoticons - kaomoji. Those. It turned out that it happened, I used some of them before, but I didn’t know anything about their origin and affiliation before.

Kaomojitext emoticons that convey emotions through a face drawn from the front, first appeared in 1986 on the ASCII-NET computer network (a service of the Japanese ASCII company).

Typically, such emoticons were created in a format similar to this (*_*). The stars served as eyes, in the center - a mouth, most often it was a sign underlining, and at the edges of the face - brackets.

Various emotions such as (“)(-_-)(“) were depicted by changing the eyes of the emoticon, for example, sadness could be expressed with “crying eyes” using the letter “T”, crying emoticon: (T_T).

A similar T_T emoticon could be used to mean “not impressed.” It was possible to emphasize the eyes using the ^^ element. Stress could be depicted like this (x_x), and nervousness like this (-_-;), the semicolon symbolized the sweat dripping from nervous tension. The repetition of the element /// could represent blushing with shame.

The dash and dot symbols could replace the underscore; The dot was often used to make the mouth look pretty or to represent the nose (^.^). Although the nose or mouth could be completely absent (^^). Brackets were often replaced by curly braces (^_^). In many cases, the parentheses were omitted altogether: ^^, >.< , o_O, O.O, e_e, e.e . Двойные » и одинарные ‘ кавычки добавляли, чтобы выразить страх или стыд, подобным образом во многих используется капля пота.

Japanese Microsoft IME since version 2000 supports 2 types of emoticons after enabling Microsoft IME Spoken Language/Emotion Dictionary. In IME 2007, this feature was moved to the Emoticons dictionary.

Further variations of kaomoji can be obtained by combining special characters and hieroglyphs/letters of various alphabets.

Kaomoji in the west

English-language anime forums have adapted Japanese emoticons for use with the ASCII standard (characters that can be entered on Western keyboards). Therefore, in the English-speaking part of the Internet they are often called “anime emoticons”. They have also become widespread in online games, chat rooms, and other non-anime forums. Smileys like

<(^.^)>, <(^_^<), <(o_o<), <(-‘.’-)>, <(‘.’-^) или (>’;..;’)>, which consist of parentheses, mouth, nose and hands (especially hands using less than symbols< и больше >), often, for external resemblance,

Called "Kirby", after the hero of the Nintendo video game series.

(c)Nintendo not to be confused with

Parentheses are sometimes omitted, and the mouth-emphasis is prolonged, to enhance the emotion (for example, ^_________^ means very happy). And this emoticon t (-_-t) is made in the Japanese style, but has the Western meaning of “showing the middle finger” (often called “bird”), the letter “t” is used to denote the arm, hand and finger. One of the new emoticons *,..,*or `;..;´ is used to depict a vampire or other mythical fanged creature.

A mixture of Western and Japanese style

The use of both Western and Japanese styles for communication in blogs, chats, forums, etc. is called emoji. This mixture of Western and Japanese pop cultures gave birth to text emoticons turned to their side. As in English-language emoticons, the brackets will be omitted and only numbers, alphabetic symbols, and the most common punctuation marks will be used. Emojis such as O -, -3-, -w -, ‘_’, ;_;, T _T, :>, and.V. used to express mixed feelings that are difficult to convey with standard emoticons. Often, symbols are added to emoji to depict drops of sweat in an anime style, for example ^_^’ or!>______<@>;;, ;O ; and also *u *. The equal sign = can be used to represent closed eyes and anime-style eyes, for example: =0=, =3=, =w =, =A = and =7=. There are many emoticons like >o<; где точка с запятой используется для изображения капли пота, буква «о» вместо рта, а знаки больше >and less< для обозначения стресса или легкого замешательства. Число смайлов которое можно создать подобным образом бесконечно и каждый будет иметь свое значение, например >D , >=D , >P , >:P , >3 or >:3.

Dual channel style

Japanese language encodings typically use two-bit character codes. This results in a huge variety of characters suitable for use in emoji, many of which are not found in ASCII.

Most kaomoji contain Cyrillic letters, as well as letters from other alphabets foreign to the Japanese, in order to create more and morecomplex expressions comparable in complexity to ASCII art .

In order to type such kaomoji, you need an input editor equipped with a kaomoji dictionary. The user simply types the Japanese word that represents the desired emoji, and the editor immediately converts the word into complex kaomoji.

Complex compound kaomoji are called Shift JIS- art(Shift JIS is one of the Japanese language encodings). Users using the two-channel style have developed a huge number of kaomoji using characters from obscure languages ​​such as Kannada (a Dravidian language spoken in southwestern India): ಠ _ಠ (meaning disagreement, disbelief and confusion). They were soon picked up by the Forchan web forum (4chan) and then spread to other Western sites. Some of them later acquired a different meaning.

A few examples of complex and not so complex kaomoji:




~~-v(= ̄ω ̄).。o○お.。o○め.。o○で.。o○と.。o○う

Bye bye


Good night


Long time no see


Nice to meet you


Hooray! I'm home!





This post presents pictures of emoticons of various types: good and evil, happy and sad, emoticons for discord, png emoticons, like emoticon, for every taste. As well as symbol emoticons and text emoticons.

And please do not rush to leave the page without finding what you are looking for! It will definitely be below. Be patient! A program has not yet been created that pushes a request to the top of the page.

And here are exactly the emoticons that you are looking for!

And this smiley is applauding something, clapping very cheerfully. Smiley face clapping hands! A real applause emoticon! Such emoticons are quite suitable for a nickname. Unless, of course, you know how to have fun.

The photo shows text emoticons and graphic emoticons. Text emoticons made from symbols, they are also emoticons made from symbols on the keyboard.

In the photo, this angry smiley is all red with his anger.

A real demon smiley!

An emoticon of a girl with a bow closing her eyes. Such kolobok emoticons for nicknames are quite suitable for girls. Sleepy emoticon.

Discord emoticon with a gun in his mouth. Discord emoticons are very popular! And this smiley is simply suicidal.

Fakyu emoticon smiles evilly. A very snide smiley!

Sad black smiley face.

The photo shows a happy smiley png wearing glasses and white gloves without a background. Baby smiley yet.

A funny smiley chef with a chef's hat on his head waves his hand.

The picture shows a smiley face shrugging. I don't know the smiley!

The photo shows a smiley heart smiley. Toothy smiley.

The photo shows a smiley face with money. Happy with money.

Emoticons for Avito are just like on display! There is such an online store Avito!

Another Verka Serduchka emoticon in the photo.

Sad and sick emoticon for discord.

Very different emoticons for discord.

The smiley was thinking about something. Thoughtful smiley! And it’s clear that the smiley is a tricky one!

Another angry fakyu emoticon.

A funny apple emoticon sticks out its tongue.

Smiley boxer in red gloves.

There are such emoticons made from symbols in comparison with graphic ones. Our character emoticons are simpler than Japanese emoticons! Smiley symbols on the left.

The shrugging emoji is perplexed! I don't know this smiley!

Smiley PNG yawns deliciously. Sleepy smiley!

The smiley had a question. Also a thoughtful smiley! Eureka smiley!

Funny emoticon for Discord. Unusual emoticons for Discord! Like a demon smiley!

In the photo, the bearded smiley looks kind of gloomy. Smiley upset about something. Such emoticons for nicknames are suitable for those who want to make themselves look gloomy.

This angry and toothy smiley also clenches its fists in rage. A very angry smiley face in the photo.

Smiley with a heart as a symbol of love and friendship. Emoticon symbol of staring eyes. Pictures of kolobok emoticons are very different.

An animated smiley dancing happily. These animated emoticons are funny!

In the photo, a heart emoticon with a gift in its hand is cheerfully waving its hand.

Cute smiley coloring page dreams of something with a smile.

In the photo, the emoticon Verka Serduchka says something into the microphone.

However, each of us can depict such a smiley face on our own face!

Girl emoticon is also for Discord. Unusual emoticons for Discord!

And this smiley face shrugging from the symbols on the keyboard.

And these look like Japanese emoticons from symbols. Japanese emoticons are complex!

In the photo, a bearded emoticon in a cap smiles good-naturedly. There are good-natured emoticons.

An animated smiley nods its head. Agrees good-naturedly with something. Animated emoticons are popular!

Text emoticons from symbols are compared with graphic ones and an explanation is given for the expressed feeling.

Strawberry emoticon smiles cheerfully. Delicious smiley.

Simple green smiley emoticon.

The smiley face with the pacifier burst into tears! Just a small smiley face. The baby smiley is still there.

Emoticons for reflection at school. Now teachers are using emoticons in schools too!

In the photo there is a heart emoticon with a thumbs up. Heart like smiley!

Animated smiley face of hands folded and dancing.

Children especially like animated emoticons!

The smiley face rolls its eyes and smiles sweetly. Good smiley.

Funny unshaven smiley emoticon.

Smiley PNG Fortnite.

And this is the love emoticon. On the left is a smiley girl with a bow.

Smiley thinks. Thoughtful smiley with glasses. Definitely a smart smiley!

And this is a picture of hand symbols. The symbols here are dollars. Pictures of symbols are very popular!

Heart emoticon with a rose in hand smiles sweetly

The photo shows a smiley coloring book of a girl with a bow.

Smiley coloring pages are very popular!

The shrug emoticon spread his arms to the sides.

The emoticon sticks out its tongue for sketching.

These emoticons are very easy to draw and are suitable for beginners to draw! You can also color it.

And this smiley winks at us slyly. Also a smiley girl?

Smiley with sunglasses. Proud emoticon.

A smiley face with a mustache and thick eyebrows grins slyly. A little angry smiley. Clearly a Georgian smiley face.

An animated smiley face with a flower is having fun, dancing and waving its hand. Animated emoticons are always on the move!

Happy emoji laughs joyfully. Smiley is a symbol of joy and laughter!)) Smiley laughter!

In the photo the smiley is drinking. Smiley drunkard! A completely drunk smiley!

Coloring page smiley drinking tea.

Real good morning emoticon! Such a cute smiley!

And this is a good morning emoji with a daisy in hand.

And this smiley is eating something delicious. Exactly the glutton emoticon!

A very thoughtful smiley! I was already wrinkled from the depth of thought! Very smart smiley!

In the photo, a smiley face of a soldier in a cap sticks out his tongue and winks.

In the photo, the smiley face in love is all in dreams. And the emojis fall in love! Many people are interested in love emoticons!

Mustachioed kind smiley coloring book.

A heart emoticon with hearts instead of eyes burst into a smile

In the photo, the kissing emoji rolled its eyes. Dreamer smiley!

Smiley Santa Claus. This smiley looks like Santa Claus!

Funny chicken emoticon with a beak.

Smiley with glasses smiles cheerfully. Also a smiley smiley!

Japanese text emoticons are varied and numerous!

The smiley is dancing and laughing merrily. Smileys know how to have fun! Smiley is a symbol of fun! Smiley laugh!

Coloring page emoticon is crying sadly.

A small cat smiley with hearts instead of eyes.

The bald emoticon with a beard widened his eyes. Funny bearded emoticons.

The heart emoticon laughs, sticks out its tongue, and points a finger at someone

And another smiley girl with a bow.

And this is a toad emoticon. Rare smiley.

In the photo, the smiley is eating an apple with gusto. It seems you can even hear a crunch? Smiley symbol of appetite?

Serious smiley with glasses. Solid smiley! And such emoticons for nicknames are suitable for those who imagine themselves to be respectable, serious and smart!

Another Japanese emoticons in the picture.

The smiley is crying very pitifully. The tears are so abundant. I feel sorry for him. Sad emoticon. Smiley is a symbol of sadness and sadness.

An animated discord emoticon shakes its head thoughtfully. Emoticons for discord are often chosen with animation.

A gloomy and angry smiley looks from under his brows. Such emoticons for nicknames are just right for Internet trolls!)) Demon emoticon!

Emoticons from the symbols on the keyboard in the picture.

The smiley fell in love with someone and started daydreaming. For those who like love emoticons.

Smiley rejoices and waves his arms. Joy smiley! It’s also a like smiley!

This angry emoticon is clearly threatening someone and holding a thumbs down.

Scientist emoji with glasses has a degree. Smileys with glasses look funny!

The toothy smiley smiley laughs. It's not even a smiley face, but an angry smiley!

Sad emoticon is all despondent. Smiley is a symbol of sadness.

And now I want to list some specific emoticons from the symbols on the keyboard

Emotions, experiences, feelings

=) Smiley smiles
=(sad emoticon
=D Smiley laughs so much
xD And this smiley is laughing hard
=* kisses someone emoticon
%) smiley face is dizzy
=;(crying bitterly emoticon
=!!! smiley really needs something
=| Smiley blushes

E hungry smiley
=O surprised emoticon
=B shows teeth smiley
:*-(tears, crying at the emoticon
F*-(crying emoticon
:-< Смайлик бесится
:-E very angry emoticon
:-E~ Smiley is furious
:-() surprised smiley
:-I Boring emoticon
:*) drunk smiley
:-(0) Smiley screams

In the photo, the emoticon is crying bitterly. Also a sad crying emoticon.

Funny smiley face in a hat with a leaf in his hand.

The emoticon rejoices at its success. Success emoticons are nice!

Smiley is a symbol of success and victories!

A malicious emoticon sticks out its tongue.

This toothy smiley smiles evilly

A peculiar smiley face clock

Smiley with headphones listening to music. Smiley musician.

More emoticons from symbols on the keyboard.

Actions and deeds of the emoticon

:^) Smiley raised his nose
8- the smiley's jaw dropped
|^o snoring emoticon
|-O smiley yawns
~~:-(smiley sweating
8^) smiley sunbathing
8O> smiley surprised
:’-) emoticon is crying
:-) The smiley has chapped lips
?? Smiley smokes a pipe
|-I Smiley is sleeping
:"(or:-‘(Smiley is crying
:-X or?? or X: The smiley has its mouth shut

A smiley smiley waves his hand at someone in a friendly manner. There are friendly emoticons!

Selflessly screaming emoticon. Smileys can yell!

Smiley beauty girl with a bow

These are the pictures, emoticons and emoticons!

Sometimes words alone are not enough to express feelings. In such cases, when communicating on social networks, we turn to emoji. Winking “emoticons” and other symbols appeared back in 1999, but they only recently won great love among users. Despite the fact that almost everyone uses them, the meanings of some pictures are not entirely clear.

For example, two palms clasped together can be interpreted in different ways - perhaps they symbolize prayer, but it is also possible that these are two people greeting each other with the words “High Five”. How to understand the meaning of certain emojis? We bring to your attention a few tips that will help you understand the meaning of emoticons on iPhone, iPad and macOS.

Examples of the meaning of emoticons Emoji

Many users mistake this picture for a crying face. In fact, the drop is not a tear, but sweat, meaning relief after the excitement experienced.

Don't be fooled, this is not a nut at all, but a roasted sweet potato.

What appears at first glance to be a pyramid of ping-pong balls is actually a “harvest festival card,” symbolizing a Japanese traditional ceremony that occurs during the Tsukimi festival.

If you think it's an acorn, you're wrong. It's actually a chestnut.

This picture should not be used as a greeting card as it is nothing more than a bookmark.

This gesture means “OK” and indicates that everything is fine with you.

Raised palms do not mean an appeal to higher powers, but symbolize joy.

This “smiley” means severe irritation and a nervous state. Many users mistakenly use it to express contempt.

What looks like a black cube actually symbolizes the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba located in Mecca.

No, this girl does not have deer antlers growing on her head. They just give her a facial massage.

Often users resort to this picture when they want to express denial of something, but in fact it symbolizes the person at the information board.

This is not a dance move at all, as it may seem, but open arms.

This boy didn't hide or think. Believe it or not, he bows.

A smiley face without a mouth symbolizes silence. However, it is often used to express confusion, even fear, and is sometimes used as a "Kolobok" character.

You might think it's fire, but it's actually a name badge.

This sign is not a fancy image of a house at all, but a symbol of anger.

The picture below appeared with the release of iOS 10.2. Some people might see a glass of whiskey here, but in reality it's just a glass.

This symbol does not mean ordinary laughter, but hysterical laughter, when the laugher literally rolls on the floor.

This image can be interpreted as both a jellyfish and an umbrella, but Apple believes that this is what the oriental furin bell looks like, ringing in the wind.

Do not confuse this symbol with the panic button. It's actually a trackball.

You shouldn’t look for hidden meaning in this sign, because it’s just a hole.

It may seem that this guy is none other than the legendary Ziggy Stardust performed by British artist David Bowie. Despite the similar makeup, this is just a symbol of any singer.

How to independently find out the meaning (determine the meaning) of emoji on iPhone

Finding out the meaning of an emoji on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is very easy. Using the function Pronunciation you can “force” iOS to explain out loud what this or that picture means.

1 . On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to " Settings", select "About main» -> « Universal Access» -> Speech -> Pronunciation).

2 . Write a message and insert an emoji.

3 . Place the cursor next to the Emoji emoticon whose meaning you want to find out and click on the screen until a menu with actions appears.

Click " Choose", after which the emoji will be highlighted, and then select the option " Talk” and the voice assistant will read aloud the meaning of the emoticon in Russian.

June 3, 2008

More and more new people are appearing on the Internet, brought up on Windows and other graphic systems. However, in chats it is often not possible to use graphic emoticons and you just type text emoticons the old-fashioned way. Naturally, people from this new Internet generation often do not understand them. Once again they asked what these strange brackets mean and how many of them there are. I started looking for an explanation on the Internet (I can’t write everything myself, and I don’t remember much anymore) and barely found it. The search results are full of sites with collections of graphic emoticons. But since I did find it, I’ll republish it here in its entirety so as not to have to look for it again, if anything happens. I’ll just note that you don’t need to take this entire list seriously. Nobody remembers it entirely or uses it. Nobody remembers the Japanese ones for sure, and in general, everything in the second half of the text is extremely rarely used. But many of the simple emoticons listed in the first third of the text are quite common, as are acronyms. I have corrected a couple of points in the quoted text for greater clarity.


We will look at the main aspects of using emoticons and acronyms, and also give an interpretation of some incomprehensible (at first glance) icons. Let's start with terminology.

Smile or smiley (smiley, emoticon) is the name of a text or graphic symbol that gives the message an emotional connotation. Western (horizontal) emoticons have the following feature: for easy viewing and comprehension of their essence, you need to tilt your head 90°, then this :-) icon will take the form of a human face.

Japanese (vertical) emoticons do not require tension in the neck muscles (in this regard they are better for health): in this picture

Q(^_^)p you can immediately see the ears depicted by the symbols q and p, the face delimited by brackets, the eyes and the mouth.

Western school emoticons are typed in Latin letters: to the eyes: ; 8%
add (optional) nose: - ^ n u 0 o =
and then as the final touch - the mouth :) (] [

Let's take a look at some of the most popular emojis.

:) :-) :^) - silent smile. When used at the end of the text, it serves as a sign that all of the above should not be taken seriously.

=) %) :o) - interesting varieties of laughing emoticons, which have become especially widespread lately (apparently, the old ones are already boring). % symbolizes crazy eyes, that is, %) or %-) means a certain “awesomeness” from what the opponent said. :o) usually means a clown, that is, either self-irony or accusing the opponent of frivolous behavior.

:(:-(:n(-- sad or frowning faces.

;) ;-) ;v) - winking, encouraging smiley.

:D:-D =D:^D - this is what loud laughter or laughter looks like.

:-/ :/ - dissatisfaction or skeptical attitude towards the matter.

:P:-р =p:-b =b -- a smiley sticking out its tongue pleasantly breaks up the monotony of correspondence on ICQ.

:-* =^* :-x -- "Tsem-tsem!", or a passionate kiss - they add even more pleasant flavor to the text dialogue.

8-] :-] =] - expresses interest in the subject of conversation or simply a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor.

>:-(>:-[ - anger, which manifests itself in knitted “eyebrows”.

:-| - indifference, not a smile and not sadness.

8) 8-) -- bulging eyes convey the same feelings as the common people's "wow!"

:-o =O - extreme degree of surprise or horror, in other words: “I’m just in shock!”

:"-(:"(:,-(-- sadness, melancholy - it doesn’t hurt to send a comforting message to such an emoticon.

:,-) :"-) :"-) - the man is simply crying with laughter.

:*-) %* - “We’ve already had a good time sitting and drinking beer,” says this cheerful emoticon. However, maybe not beer.

:-Q -- "Smoke break?"

X-) -- "I don't see anything."

:-X - “I’m silent, I’m silent...”.

Tips and notes

To get the emoticons: :b:D (_)] and ^_^ without switching to the Latin alphabet, use the following technique. Press the Alt key and on the additional numeric layout (NumPad) enter the character code, any number from 0 to 255, then release Alt. In this case, it is important that the NumLock light on the keyboard is lit. Codes of the searched characters: D=68, ]=93, ^=94, b=98. The entire coding table can be viewed here:

Practice has shown that to save time, either the nose or the eyes are usually lowered, and as a result we get: :) ;) or -) =).

Instead of the English p in the smiley:p, you can use the Russian r.

By changing the number of brackets in a smile, you can express the depth of your condition.

Let's say this :-))) emoticon will show that you are having a lot of fun, while the parent :-) will show a simple smile. The same applies to the sad smiley:(((-- well, you are very sad! A little practice - and after some time you yourself will feel how many parentheses to put when.

This (^_^) version according to the Japanese canon depicts a man, a woman is drawn like this (^.^).

By changing the number of underlines in the previous emoticon, you can show that your joy simply has no limits! (^_____^).

Acronyms are often typed in Cyrillic: IMHO, lol, bb, gg, etc.

If you want no one to read your messages, write in translit (that is, type Russian text in Latin letters). Another way to irritate your interlocutor is to imitate the Cyrillic alphabet using English letters and service symbols: BbI2JI9IguT 3To /7pocTo y|acHo.

Come up with your own versions of emoticons, for example, by crossing Eastern and Western styles, you can get X=(^-^)=X: “I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, buddy!”

There are no standards for emoticons; you can find a dozen different interpretations for one. Therefore, understand them depending on the context.

Western style is compact and convenient, and also has the whole “gentlemanly set” of emotions, and therefore deservedly enjoys the greatest popularity. But the oriental style has its strengths. A great variety of Japanese characters makes it possible to create entire pictures in the text. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to admire them all, but those that do not use the intricate symbols of the Japanese alphabet are widely used here too.

Canonical Japanese emoticons are constructed as follows: parentheses () delimit the face, the characters ^ ; or * are used to imitate eyes, and _ and o are used to imitate a mouth. Japanese emoticons have their own characteristic style, are quite convenient and beautiful, and therefore have become very popular among the people. Let's look at a few examples.

(^_^) or
^_^ - this is how joy is expressed in the East.

O_O -- "What-what"? - this emoticon asks again, raising an eyebrow.

(;_;) or
(T-T) -- crying emoticons, sometimes sobbing.

$_$ - when big money is reflected in the eyes - a more beautiful version of the Western $).

(@ @) -- "You surprised me, buddy." Similar to Western

(^o^) - this emoticon is rolling with laughter.

(^3^) - and this is a kiss in Japanese.

(*-*) - thoughtful smiley.

Let's finish with the basics and move on to deepening our knowledge. In the corresponding subsections you can see lesser-known and more interesting specimens. Among them there are also quite rare ones; these are the ones you can show off in front of your friends and acquaintances. Finally, let’s give a small example demonstrating the advantages of smiley technology over routine typing. Typical situation: the end of a hard day at work, you want to invite your friend for a beer.

) or (_)] ? - Well, how about a beer?

;"-))) - “I cried,” he asks again.

Yes, how many words were written in vain, how much extra time was wasted! But now everything will change, and with new knowledge you can safely break into chats, forums, IRC channels, send letters and SMS to friends, bombarding them with unusual emoticons, saving your time and adding variety to your communication. And by showing a little imagination, you can express your feelings in a special way, unique to you.

Acronyms, Acronyms - an expression or word formed from the initial letters. Here is a fairly comprehensive list of acronyms that express a wide variety of emotions, thoughts and feelings.

IMO, IMHO -- "In my (humble) opinion" is a good ending to a long statement, which indicates that it is simply your personal opinion, which every person is entitled to, and no one needs to take it as the ultimate truth.

LOL -- "Laughing out loud" -- your interlocutor said something funny or absurd.

ROFL - "I'm rolling on the floor and dying of laughter" - you heard something very funny or very stupid.

GG, GL, HF are sayings often used in online battles. These three short combinations wish you a good game, good luck and fun.

BB -- "Happy!" -- a convenient form for quickly saying goodbye.

AKA -- "Also known as" -- is an expression used to indicate a person's nickname.

ASAP -- "As soon as possible" -- a common optimistic promise or a strict requirement.

BTW - "By the way" - you want to move the conversation to the desired topic, which you just remembered, as if by chance.

FYA - "For Your Fun" - a link marked as such will point to a site where you can see something fun.

FYI - "Just so you know" - useful information worth taking into account.

THX, TX, 10X or TY -- "Thank you" is a common expression of gratitude.

PS, PS - once upon a time someone was too lazy to switch to the English layout, and the expression PS (Post Scriptum) was typed in such a mysterious form, we have a lot of lazy people, so this option took root.

$%� -- obscene word, service symbols replace missing letters.

Household and everyday

(_|_) - an image of an ass, a pessimistic emoticon, indicating that things are going very badly for you.

~@ @~ ^ ~ \m/(^_^)\m/ -- entertaining Japanese emoticons. Looking closely, it’s easy to see a man with glasses, a squinting face and a painfully familiar and familiar image.

O/ or
\o/ -- the person waves or raises both arms in greeting or asking for help.

(___.___) - fat ass, “And you’ve gained weight, buddy!”

_\ | /_ -- "sunrise", it's time to turn off the modem and go to bed.

0:-) and
O:) - son and daughter ask dad to go to the disco (real angels!).

*#:-) - a Scotsman in a national cap.

3(:-| -- “Viking in a helmet.” Or a husband without a helmet...

Help for lovers

8:-) - and this is a very little girl.

@~~"~~ or
@---- -- roses with which you can shower your beloved's ICQ.

:-)(-: or
)-::-(-- bride and groom or husband and wife.


(||] - Big Mac, dedicated to fast food lovers.

\%/ \%40/ -- "Are we going to eat something?" - “That’s what we will be, my dear.”

|_| \_/ -- "It's a mess, why isn't it poured?"

\~/ \-/ -- "Oh, now it's all right."

C|_| or |_| - container for a cup of coffee or tea.

C (_)] C (_) (_)? [_]? - the right container for the right tea - beer mugs.

Fairy-tale characters and celebrities

) or (-- for fans of Lewis Carroll - Cheshire cat: happy or bored.

]:- =]===> - King Arthur and his famous sword Excalibur.

8:o) is a children's favorite. No, not Teletubby, but Mickey Mouse!

(_8(|) -- Homer Simpson.

^i^ - an angel from the toy Heroes of Might and Magic 4. Although no, let's not talk about the sad thing - from the third "Heroes".

0-) -- mythical character -- one-eyed Cyclops.

*-(-- ...after meeting with Odysseus - Cyclops-without-eyes.

-- "all-seeing eye" looking through the keyhole in the "door closed" position.

The same eye in the “door opened quickly” position.

@(-_-)@ -- this is not Cheburashka, but Princess Leia from the movie "Star Wars".

(-o-) -- Tie-Fighter is a spaceship of the Empire.

____/\___\o/___ -- screenshot from the movie "Jaws 2".

=|:-)= - legendary American President Abraham Lincoln.

:-.) -- this cutie's name is Cindy Crawford.

(-_-)3 -- a victim of the bad American food service system -- Evander Hollifield after his fight with a hungry Mike Tyson.

In the animal world

8^ or

A whole school of fish, smoke it and go with beer (~)].

^.^ or >^.^

3:] - try to guess that this is a cow. But when someone tells you, you believe.

<:3 logitech="" mx700="" mx500="" microsoft="" blue.="">

//\(o.o)/\\ or [[[[(^-^)]]]] - suppressor of flies and mosquitoes.

O(~U~)0 @(*o*)@ -- Australian koala bear, made in Japanese style.

Or >

:@) And
(^(oo)^) and
:8) - nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf.

:-) >:-) :> -- imp, FreeBSD symbol.

8> -- penguin is a symbol of Linux.

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