Script for smooth page scrolling to the anchor. Smooth scrolling (smooth scrolling) of the landing page

So, let's first find out what anchor links or just anchors are. Anchor links are links that take the visitor to specific places on the page. At its core, these are like bookmarks. If the page is large and essentially divided into different blocks, you can make sure that the visitor can immediately go to the desired part of the page without using a scroll.

These anchor links are often used on F.A.Q pages. . On such pages, there are many different points with answers to FAQ. To avoid manually scrolling through the text, these questions are located at the beginning with links to the desired paragraph. These anchor links are also often used in landing pages ( landing pages). I also often use such anchors in landing pages if the customer requests it. Landing pages are often long and therefore such anchors are not a bad help.

An example of how such links work can be seen on this page:

In our case, it’s simple div block. Basically, that's it for a simple transition. When you click on such a link, the visitor will instantly be transferred to the part of the page where the block with the anchor is located.

To implement smooth movement for anchors, you need to connect jQuery. Once upon a time I searched for a long time required script and dug through a bunch of information. More than half show scripts that simply no longer work on new versions of the libraries. Perhaps you also found these scripts before coming to my site. Then I came across this script, which was great solution, for my tasks.

To begin with, you need to include the jQuery library in the header before the closing head or in the footer before the closing body.

Make sure that this has not already been done before, so as not to provoke a conflict and inoperability of the scripts.

Now after the library, we connect the script itself, which will carry out the animation smooth transition.

$(document).ready(function())( $("#menu").on("click","a", function (event) ( event.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).attr( "href"), top = $(id).offset().top; $("body,html").animate((scrollTop: top), 1500); )); ));

The second line of the script specifies the ID of the block with anchor links. As an example, you can organize the following block:

  • Link to anchor 1
  • Link to anchor 2
  • Link to anchor 3
  • Link to anchor 4

The sixth line contains the number 1500 - time in milliseconds and equal to 1.5 seconds. This is the time during which the transition to the desired anchor is made. To speed up or slow down the animation, simply change the number.

That's all, thanks for your attention. 🙂

Hello, friends. I would like to touch on a topic such as a smooth transition to an anchor link on a website page. If you write voluminous texts on your website, format it correctly, use screenshots and other elements, then smooth scrolling to the anchor will make the design even more attractive. But let's first find out what it is and how it will work. You can see an example of work on this page by clicking on the items in this list.

What is an anchor linkHow to make an HTML anchor link

Anchor links are made in language hypertext markup. Creating an anchor in HTML is not at all tricky. All you need is a little knowledge of this language and an understanding of how it works. If you don’t have any problems with this, then you can do it without much difficulty. So, to anchor on HTML page, you need to write something like the following in the code.

And in order to go to this place on the page where it is indicated this label, you need to write this in the link:

Jump to a label on a page

Jump to a label on a page

With this approach, the transition will be carried out by an instant jump from one place to another

Smooth scrolling to anchor

With the development of web technologies, it has become possible to create more beautiful, dynamic websites with various effects, And . And it’s really great when you can interest a visitor in something other than the content and leave a good impression of visiting the site. To a certain extent, this plays into the hands of the site owner. For a smooth transition to the anchor, we will use the library and connect a very small script.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 < script type= "text/javascript" >$(document) .ready (function () ( $("a" ) .click (function () ( elementClick = $(this ) .attr ( "href" ) ; destination = $(elementClick) .offset () .top ; if ($.browser .safari ) ( $("body" ) .animate ( ( scrollTop: destination ) , 1100 ) ; ) else ( $( "html" ) .animate ( ( scrollTop: destination ) , 1100 ) ; ) return false ; ) ) ; ) ) ;

$(document).ready(function() ( $("a").click(function () ( elementClick = $(this).attr("href"); destination = $(elementClick).offset().top ; if($.browser.safari)( $("body").animate(( scrollTop: destination ), 1100); )else( $("html").animate(( scrollTop: destination ), 1100); ) return false; )); ));

There are three ways to connect this script. The first is to insert it into the page between the head tags. The second is to take it to separate file and connect separately like this:

Label on the page to go to it

Secondly, if you want smooth scrolling to occur not for all anchors, but only for certain ones, you need to change the third line of the script like this:

Jump to a label on a page

Another nuance that I would like to mention is that, unlike a simple HTML anchor, the jQuery anchor does not register in address bar browser link to the anchor when navigating to it. So that you understand what I’m talking about, I’ll give an example of what a link to an anchor might look like in the address bar of a browser.


IN Lately Animations that play as you scroll the page are becoming increasingly popular. However, I noticed that the vast majority of browsers are not designed for such animations. Scrolling of pages with the mouse does not occur smoothly (as in Firefox), but in steps. As a result, scrolling animations on pages also play jerkily. In my opinion, the problem here is not with the browsers at all, but with the plugins that are used to create these animations. Because they are the ones who allow sudden jumps. I believe that for any animation there should be some maximum playback speed at which the animation will be smooth and the user will be able to understand what happened on the page. If you agree with me, then move smoothly and without jerking under the cat.

In this article we will talk about a plugin for creating scroll-controlled animations, which I called Scrollissimo. Its closest analogue is the ScrollMagic plugin. From common features they have their purpose and the fact that Greensock was chosen as the animation engine. If for some reason you are not yet familiar with it, then perhaps to fully understand everything that is happening you should read articles about Greensock that have already been published on Habré. For example .

In addition to similarities, these plugins also have differences. But I would like to especially highlight the main thing - smooth animation. So that this does not sound unfounded, here is proof for you. Home page ScrollMagic also confirms my words.

How to use it? Connect In order to start using Scrollissimo you need to do two things. First, connect Greensock. Can only be connected minimally required libraries(TweenLite, TimelineLite and CSS):

or, connect one library containing all of the above:

And secondly, we connect Scrollissimo itself. The library is available from the repository. And for bower users it is also possible to install with the command

Bower install scrollissimo
Downloaded, now connect:

You can optionally (but not necessarily) include jQuery for own convenience. Later in the article I will write code using it for greater readability.

I have provided for the possibility of triggering Scrollissimo not only on scrolling the entire page, but also on any other event, but in the vast majority of situations you need to subscribe to the page scroll event:

$(window).scroll(function())( Scrollissimo.knock(); ));
Now with every attack scroll events Scrollissimo will calculate the current animation progress and play it.

NOTE: If you don't need the plugin to count the page scroll itself, you can pass your scrollTop property value to the knock() method. So, for example, Scrollissimo.knock(1000) will tell the plugin that you have scrolled the page 1000 pixels .

NOTE: To support touch devices, there is a touch adapter scrollissimo.touch.js, which combats page freezing while scrolling.

That's it, now you can animate directly! Scrollissimo can animate twins (single animations) and timelines (queue of single animations). Let's start with the twins.

The simplest animation Let's say we have a beautiful red div called Divy. He really wants to grow, but so far he is only 50 pixels wide and high.

#Divy( position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; height: 50px; width: 50px; background: red; )
Let's make it so that already after 1000 pixels from the beginning of the page it becomes 300 pixels wide. To do this, we will first create the corresponding tween, as if we were doing a regular animation using Greensock:

Var divyTween = new TweenLite($("#Divy"), 1000, ( width: 300 ));
NOTE: As you noticed, the only difference from standard Greensock animation is that we specify the duration of the animation not in seconds, but in pixels (in our case, 1000).

Great! All that remains is to give this twin to be devoured by Scrollissimo:

Scrollissimo.add(divyTween, 0, 6);
Now let's slow down and look at this line. The first argument is the same tween that we created. The second argument is from what position to start the animation. In our case, this is the beginning of the page (0 pixels). The third argument remains. This is where we get to main feature, which distinguishes Scrollissimo from regular plugins. The third argument is the maximum animation playback speed. This speed is measured in abstract dimensionless units and selected “by eye”. I’ll immediately answer the question “What happens if you don’t specify the third parameter?” If you don't specify maximum speed, then it won’t exist. This animation will be played in the same way as it would be played by regular plugins.

Timelines So, Divy has grown in width. How can we help him grow in height? Chains of animations or, in Greensock terms, timelines will help us here. If you've used them before to build animations, then there's nothing new for you. In the same way as we did with the twin above, we do it with the timeline. jsFiddle

Var divyTimeline = new TimelineLite();$("#Divy"),1000 ( width: 300 ));$("#Divy"), 1000, ( height: 300 )); Scrollissimo.add(divyTimeline, 0, 6);

Conclusion That's all there is to it successful creation scrolling animations using Scrollissimo. This is where I’ll probably end the article. In conclusion, I will say that the plugin is under active development, it has room to grow and improve. Therefore, I will be glad to receive any questions, advice and feature requests.

Layout, animate!

Hello, dear friends!

Today we want to tell you about smooth scrolling landing page to the desired element.

Smooth scrolling (or smooth scrolling) allows the landing page visitor to move between sections without losing visual contact with the content of the offer.

You can see an example from. On this page, smooth scrolling is triggered when you click on the “Order delivery” button.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the use of smooth scrolling is also relevant in combination with a static menu. Previously, we published a guide to creating one, which also greatly simplifies navigation on landing pages with a large amount of information and allows you to increase conversion.

So, we suggest using a detailed illustrated guide to creating smooth scrolling for one element:

1) Open the landing page in visual editor LPgenerator

2) Copy the code:

jq_144("#block-newID a").click(function(e)( // replace #block-newID with the ID of the element on which we click e.preventDefault(); jq_144("body, html").animate(( scrollTop: jq_144("#block-newID").offset().top ), 1000); // replace #block-newID with the ID of the element being scrolled ));

3) Using the “Scripts” tool, paste the copied code onto the page

Set the code position: “Before the tag”:

4) Write in the code the identifier of the button, when clicked it will scroll. The identifier is written inside single quotes.

5) You can view the element’s identifier in its extended properties on the right:

6) Attention: if the element that triggers scrolling when clicked is not a button, then remove the letter ‘a’ in the code:

Please note: after scrolling, the element will have zero padding from the top border of the window, that is, it will be at the very top of the page.

Therefore, if you want to move a visitor to a lead form, we recommend specifying in the code the identifier of its header or element that is located above the first field of the form, for example an arrow:

Attention: smooth scrolling does not work for sections. Therefore, do not specify section identifiers in the code.

8) By default, the scrolling time to the specified element is 1000 ms = 1 second. You can make the scrolling slower (eg 5000 ms = 5 sec).

Register right time in code:

9) Check the position of the script, don't forget to give the script a name. After that, save your changes and save the landing page in the visual editor.

Greetings, dear friends. As you may have noticed, in almost all browsers, scrolling on websites is very sharp and not beautiful. And of course, I would like to make the scrolling of my site smoother; of course, this can be done and, moreover, without straining too much. This is done using simple jQuery plugin and several CSS rules. And in order to see how it all works, I suggest you take a look at the demo below.


Well, now let's move on to attaching smooth scrolling to our site.


First we will need to attach jQuery library. If you already have it attached, skip this step:

Then we need to attach ourselves JQuery plugin, which is responsible for our smooth scrolling, and along with it come separate CSS rules which change the scroll bar itself on the site. We will talk more about the scroll bar in the next lesson, but for now only smooth scrolling. And here are the rules and the plugin:

All. Now we have already taken the first and important step. Now we need to add one simple rule to CSS styles our site.

CSS html, body( height: 100%; )

This is necessary to let our plugin know that the page width is stretched and is 100% of the height. Be sure to add this rule to your CSS, otherwise scrolling will not work.


And now I propose to take a closer look at the demo example. And we'll start with HTML.

HTML in demo Smooth scrolling for the site Content Hello, This is text to demonstrate smooth scrolling of pages on your site. It really doesn't look bad, does it :) This text will be repeated. (function($)( $(window).load(function())( $("body").mCustomScrollbar(( theme:"dark-thin" )); )); ))(jQuery);

As you can see, here I used completely standard HTML5 markup, with all the inserted scripts and CSS files which we talked about above. I think that there is nothing to explain here; if you don’t understand anything, be sure to ask in the comments.

Well, now let's take a look at the CSS rules.

CSS from demo @import url(,cyrillic); @import url(,cyrillic); body( background-color: #fff; color: #555; font-size: 14px; font-family: "Bad Script", cursive; margin: 0; padding: 0; min-width: 480px; ) html, body( height: 100%; ) h2( font-size: 80px; text-align: center; font-family: "Lobster", cursive; font-weight: 700; font-style: italic; color: #444; ) hr( height: 0; border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; border-top: 1px solid #eee; margin-bottom: 50px; clear: both; ) .cont( font-size: 30px; margin: 0 auto ; padding-top: 20px; width: 50%; max-width: 50%; ) .text( padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 20px )

The CSS rules are also very simple and there are not many of them, and you can also see that Google fonts are attached here to make the demo look visually beautiful.