Measure ping speed. What ping is considered good? Which ping is better: high or low

The concept of “ping” is well known to players who spend a lot of time in multiplayer, in other words, playing online. The lower the ping, the less time the computer spends transmitting information (data packets) to the remote server and receiving a response. High ping leads to lags, that is, the user sees the picture in the game not in real time, but with some delay. Using a network with high ping is difficult, especially if we're talking about about online games, so it is recommended to check the quality indicator of the connection to the server and, if necessary, lower it.

Why check ping

If you feel like your internet connection is slow, it's a good idea to check your ping. For example, this may be necessary in the following situations:

  • The connection to the Internet is interrupted, for example, when loading a page in the browser;
  • When watching a video on the Internet, it loads slowly;
  • Pages in the browser and the content on them load slowly, for example, in in social networks Photos take a few seconds to open.

Please note: It is important not to confuse high ping and slow internet connection. If you are using Slow internet, even with the lowest ping possible, the symptoms listed above may appear.

How to check ping via command line

operating room Windows system provides the ability for the user to check ping. To check ping via the command line, you need to do the following:

After executing one of the commands discussed above, the user will see in the command line information about the number of transmitted, received and lost packets, as well as the average, maximum and minimum time to transmit one packet.

How to check ping with third-party applications

There are dozens various applications and sites that allow you to check ping. The most popular is the speedtest service, which can be launched both from computers and from any other devices simply through a browser.

On home page service you will see virtual card and the ability to choose which server will be connected to to check ping and Internet connection speed. Select a server of the required distance and click on it, after which the scan will begin.

Based on the test results, the Internet connection speed will be displayed, as well as ping information.

How to reduce ping

We recommend reading:

Ping and Internet connection speeds are two indicators that are inextricably linked. Based on this, we can conclude that to reduce ping it is recommended to do one of the following:

  1. Update drivers network card or Wi-Fi receiver through which the connection is made;
  2. Make sure that there are no viruses on the computer, for example, “bitcoin miners” that consume computer resources, including network resources;
  3. Check if they are loading into background some files. Most often, users forget to disable the torrent tracker by minimizing it in the control panel;
  4. Check through the "Task Manager" which specific applications are in this moment load the system and network. It is possible that loading to the next computer Windows updates, which causes the ping to increase.

Before you take decisive action on your computer (or other device) to reduce ping, it is recommended to make sure that it is lower on other devices. To do this, you need to turn off the computer (or other device where the ping was previously checked) and check the ping, for example, on mobile phone or tablet. If the results are the same, then the problem is related to the quality of the Internet connection.

Internet ping directly affects connection speed. Thus, one of the methods for diagnosing the quality of a connection to the World Wide Web is checking the ping. If it turns out that the problem is precisely this parameter, users are trying in every way to lower their ping. Many people reinstall the system or change providers. But is it worth resorting to such radical measures? and internet speed?

What is ping

This concept refers to the reaction time of an Internet connection and is its characterizing feature. In simple terms, the parameter shows how quickly the client computer sends a request to the server and receives a response. The indicator is measured in milliseconds. Checking ping and internet speed means assessing the quality of your internet connection. This check compares the number of sent and received packets.

Why do you need to diagnose your Internet connection?

In order to understand what the Internet ping should be, there may be different reasons. Some people check the indicator purely out of interest, while others collect statistical data. The main reason for checking ping is, as a rule, poor quality Internet connections. You can understand that the connection speed to the World Wide Web leaves much to be desired by the following signs:

  • pages load too slowly;
  • Internet connection is interrupted every now and then;
  • media files do not load, errors appear;
  • online games slow down and crash.

What should be the normal Internet ping? So, the Internet determines the slow connection speed.

Who needs to determine ping for preventive purposes?

Diagnostics of connection quality before problems arise can also be carried out in the following cases:

  1. To decide on gaming service. For some users, the online gaming industry is a way to earn money. It would be better to “ping” the server in advance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
  2. To select resources for posting information. To implement the project, hosting is required. The service is available in a variety of variations World Wide Web, but making a choice can be difficult. One of the indicators of the quality of a hosting provider is the ability to access your own information resource at any time without interruption.
  3. In order to know how the ping of your own electronic resource is determined in other countries.

What does ping depend on?

The definition of what ping is on the Internet and the factors influencing the indicator can be combined into three categories:

  1. Distance. The more intermediaries there are between the points of sending and receiving information, the longer the geographic distance of the server from the client computer.
  2. Workload. The ping value increases in direct proportion to the number of simultaneously running online applications.
  3. Equipment. A significant factor determining the quality of the connection is the technology with which it is achieved. By the way, this statement applies to both the server and the client computer. The type of connection will also influence the speed in a certain way: direct, wireless, modem. Depending on the devices (modem, wi-fi router), the speed will also be different.

How to test ping

In order to determine what the Internet ping should be, you first need to check the indicator for own computer. The pinging method depends on where the indicator will be diagnosed. If the procedure is carried out for personal purposes, you can use the following method:

  1. Select the key combination Win+R.
  2. Enter on the command line cmd command,
  3. After clicking OK, type the word ping.
  4. After pressing the space bar, enter the website address.
  5. After pressing Enter, all the information will be displayed on the screen.

If the number of packets sent is equal to the number of packets received, then this is a normal ping for the Internet. For optical fiber, this figure should be one hundred milliseconds. With this value, no critical changes in the operation of the Internet will be noticeable. A ping of up to one hundred and fifty milliseconds is considered acceptable, above that is a problem that needs to be solved.

How to test the ping of sites

In order to find out what the Internet ping should be, various online services are used. Ease of access, wait times and other information can be obtained to further analyze your own information resource. By the way, the statistics include users from all corners of the Earth.

There are several online services for ping testing, the most common of which are the following:

  • Ping-admin. This service is used by people all over the world and provides information on accessing various electronic resources for computers that may be located anywhere. To use the resource, you need to enter the address of the site you are interested in and press Enter.
  • Besides standard information about an electronic resource, the user is given the opportunity to ping it and check the connection. Developers provide these services free of charge.
  • Pr-cy. Thanks to this online resource, you can find out the status of your hosting and domain. After testing, the screen will display IP information, code HTTP states and decryption.

What are the ways to reduce the Internet connection quality indicator?

It is logical that after testing (especially if the results of the parameter evaluation did not satisfy the user), the question arises of how to reduce the Internet ping. Mostly, advice on changing this indicator is given by avid gamers, because they are the ones who most often struggle with lowering the ping. From general recommendations The following tips can be highlighted:

  1. To make the ping value minimal for visitors to your own web resource, you need to perform segmentation. This means that it is necessary to select from all site visitors target audience. You should determine the geographic location of users and select a server that provides hosting services in the required region.
  2. In order to remember as little as possible what ping is on the Internet, you need to unload the Internet channel. This means simply closing useless applications.
  3. Carrying out the defragmentation procedure. Ping depends not only on technical characteristics devices, but also on the order in the computer. The work will be faster if the files accessed by the program are arranged in an orderly manner.
  4. Choosing an Internet provider that provides the best quality services.
  5. Using proxy servers. Danger this method reducing the ping rate is the possible loss of some data packets.

The ping value is important characteristic the quality of the Internet connection and the comfort of working at the computer. Sometimes testing is necessary for preventive purposes. If obvious problems appear, you should use one or more methods to lower the ping.

Playing Online Games? Shot at the enemy, and he teleported several meters to the side? Because of the high kick, there are also not such jokes, and how can you find out your ping?

First, a clarification: what is ping. The time spent by the client sending a packet of information or request to the server plus the time spent receiving information or a response is ping. Translated from English into Russian, you get “whistle”. Which is quite consistent with the measurement speed - ping is measured in milliseconds, i.e. one millisecond is 1/1000 of a second.

If we talk in simple language, ping is the time it takes for the computer to respond to a request. The answer doesn't appear out of thin air. It is born in the depths of another computer. First, the question reaches this other computer over the network. Then it also returns via the network with an answer. All this happens on the Internet. And the time spent on the question and answer is the ping.

Knowing your ping is not just curiosity

It follows from this that the shorter, smaller, lower the computer’s ping, the better, more efficient, and faster the exchange of information occurs. If the ping is high or large, the dynamics are slowed down, giving commands on time or responding quickly will simply not be possible. In a game, this is an almost guaranteed loss.

Knowing your ping means realistically assessing your capabilities in a game or communication. But these capabilities are set or dictated by the computer, in in this case his ping. And how can you find out this very ping? What does that require? There is no particular difficulty in finding out the ping. You can do this on your computer or use special websites and online services.

Determining ping speed: method No. 1

Here is one way that can determine whether there is a data packet transmission or a ping to the server. Perhaps it does not work at all, it is “silent”. In case of “silence”, either the server itself is to blame; it is not responding, but other websites are working. Or you need to look for the cause on the line. A call to the operator will help: you need to clarify what’s going on. At the same time, it is possible to calculate the ping time in milliseconds.
Here's what it looks like: go to Start - All Programs - Accessories - Run. Next step: enter, if you know the server’s IP address, in the line ping or, if you know the site address, ping

Next step: press Enter. You can immediately see that requests are sent to the selected address.
Particular attention should be paid to whether packets will be exchanged, how many of them are sent, how many are received, what is the percentage of losses, if any. Actually, ideally, the percentage should be zero. And below you will see the speed. For example, if it is about 66 ms, and the request was sent to Google server, there is every reason to believe that everything went very well.

How to find out your ping: method No. 2

This method is for online services, for example, a ping test. First follow the link. Then you need to select the city where the service will be located, which, in theory, should accept the request. On the map you need to click on this city.
This is where the test itself begins. Apart from him, i.e. speed test, you can find out the ping of that particular connection. In this case, it is not the speed that is of interest, but the ping that was determined first is of interest.

You need to know the approximate good level: the optimal figure for a good ping is about 100 ms. Behind this is a very decent data link. This is also due to the fairly close distance of the server from the location of the computer.

Method No. 3

Here is a recommendation from an experienced user, which is recognized as one of the best (given verbatim):
“The easiest and most common way is to check online at, where they will show you the ping and Internet speed for both incoming and outgoing traffic. One of the advantages is that you can check the speed and ping of your Internet connection from a different source, be it New York, London, Moscow, or any city in the world with which you need to check the connection speed.”

Knock. And they will open it for you

In general, the Internet is not just a web. This is a place where you can always get an answer to the most seemingly difficult question. Moreover, the answer has options. One of them will solve the problem as much as possible specific user computer. Including, it will help you find out your ping. But first, it is necessary, in military parlance, to study the materiel. It is perhaps much more important to understand computer language, special terminology. And, of course, understand the programs, without installing which the newest and powerful computer It will just be a jumble of hardware and plastic.

Ping- this is the time to receive a response from remote server(site) to a request sent from the user’s computer. The lower its value, the faster the pages of Internet sites will load. This indicator is especially important for those who play. After all, the higher the time it takes to receive data from game server, the slower the player’s reaction to certain actions of other participants in the game will be.

In order to check the time of receiving a response from the server, there are special Internet servers and programs. 

Online service

On the website you will see a world map, in the center of which your location as determined by the server will be displayed. The map will display blue And green pyramids - servers. The servers with which the Ping will be checked will be displayed in green. Blue, all servers available for checking. When you hover your mouse over the server (pyramid) you will see Additional information about its location (city and country). If you want to start checking with the servers closest to you ( green color), then click on the BEGIN TEST button. If you want to check the quality of your Internet channel to another city or country, find this place on the map and click on the closest server (blue pyramid). After this, a connection check with the server you have selected will begin. Upon completion of the check, you will be shown the result Deciphering test results on Line Quality- quality of the channel to the server being checked (A, B, C, D, F) - A (Excellent) - B (Good) - C (Satisfactory) - D (Bad) - F (Very Bad) Packet loss- Lost network packets Ping- Average time to receive a response from the server Jitter- The difference between the minimum and maximum time to receive a response from the server 

Network utility Ping

Using the Ping program, which is included in the Windows OS, you can check the quality of the Internet connection to any server. Working with the program is very simple, and with its help you can check the stability of the connection to any site. How does this program work? In order to check the quality of the channel to the server on which the site is located, you need to do the following. Start - Run - cmd(the “cmd” command without quotes must be entered in the “open” field) Click OK and enter the command in the black window that opens: ping site(without htpp and www) and get the result of the check.
As a result, we get: - IP address of the server on which the site is located - Time to receive a response (by default, the ping program sends 4 requests) - Minimum / maximum / average time to receive a response and % of lost packets

The global network has become firmly established in our lives. Purchases are made via the Internet, payments for various types of services are made, chats and negotiations are conducted. However, it is quite common for a site or server to drop connections. In this case, you will need to determine the availability of the access endpoint. You can check the response from the server in the following ways:

  • through the command interpreter (command handler, command line) key “ping”;
  • through the command interpreter using the “tracert” key;
  • using an Internet browser.

Conducting tests is useful when choosing a game server, a site with video recordings, or when hosting own files V general access. It should be remembered that even when sending from the same city, to the same site, the “ping” time can be different - this is due to network congestion, connection speed, and even the route of sending the packet.

On a note! It's about routing network traffic will go in the chapter dedicated to the team "tracert".

Step 1. The interpreter is launched through the Run dialog box. To call it, use the combination “Win ​​+ R”. In the window, enter the launch key “cmd” and click “OK” in the window, or the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

Step 2. In the interpreter, enter the key “ping [address or name of site/server]” and press “Enter”.

By default, four packets are sent. If a response is received, a line is displayed indicating the number of bytes transferred, the time the response was received (in milliseconds), and the packet lifetime (from English TTL - Time To Live, in milliseconds).

Important! A response time of up to 150 milliseconds is considered normal, and a good response time of up to 100 milliseconds. Despite the fact that the measurements were made on wired network(namely - twisted pair), these values ​​are relevant for any data transmission medium (you are unlikely to have the desire to watch video through a browser in 16K resolution).

The number of bytes in the packet is, in principle, not very important. The response time is the very parameter by which the speed of the Internet connection is judged. Lifetime refers to the time period in which a data packet is active. If the packet does not reach its destination within its TTL, it is deleted.

In the event that the ping does not work, it makes sense to use additional keys that are indicated in the table.

Key with additional parameterResult of use
ping [address or name of site/server] –tSending packages until canceled by the user (cancel by pressing “Ctrl+C”)
ping [address or name of site/server] –n [number]Sending packets, the number is equal to the specified number (the parameter is written without square brackets)
ping [address or name of site/server] –i [number]Changing the lifetime of a package
ping [address or name of site/server] -4Work exclusively with IPv4 protocols
ping [address or name of site/server] -6Work exclusively with IPv6 protocols

Important! A complete list of parameters and examples of their use can be found by searching “ping/?” in the interpreter.

If, after increasing the lifetime, the response is still not received, then you should try to “ping” another site or address - perhaps the problems are not the fault of your provider, but the fault of the site/server owner.

Working with the key "tracert"

The previous key is simplest check physical connection with the server. “Ping” protocols (IP and TCP) do not have delivery confirmation; roughly speaking, they are a letter “To Grandfather in the Village.” The “tracert” key (from the English “trace route” - tracing route) allows you to track not only the response from the server, but also provides data about the node stations. For systems Windows family key uses ICMP protocols(from the English “Internet Control Message Protocol” - Internet control message protocol), for Linux and Cisco - UDP protocols(from the English “User Datagram Protocol” - user data block protocol).

On a note! As an analogy, we use a comparison with railway transport. "ping" is a ticket, for example, from Novosibirsk to Moscow, indicating the time of departure and arrival. "tracert" is a train schedule, indicating all stations, stopping times and possible branch routes. That is, the passenger will arrive in Moscow in any case, but he can go through Omsk, maybe through Achinsk, or maybe through Vladivostok - depending on the availability of each route.

Step 1. Launch the interpreter as described above.

Step 2. In the interpreter, enter the key “tracert [address or name of site/server]” and press “Enter”.

As a result of execution, the route table will be presented:

  • first column contains serial number jump;
  • the next three columns are the delivery time of three sequentially sent packets;
  • the last column is the name and address of the server-router.

Stored on each computer special files, which specifies the last successful route to access the server. In the event that passage along the recorded route is impossible, then a workaround is searched for using the “tracert” key, and the symbol “*” is displayed in columns 2-4. After moving to the next router (hub station), the key is sent from it. If the normal route is not available, the hub seeks a workaround. Thus, the final list of node stations between your computer and the site is displayed in the interpreter window.

Important! This command should be used to determine whether there is a connection with global network in general, and with Internet service provider servers in particular. It is possible that the final site is unavailable due to blocks introduced into the equipment by your provider.

Working with an Internet Browser

If in general, but there are problems with a certain site, it is advisable to use online “ping”. There is enough to send requests a large number of services, here are some of them:

  1. Ping-admin.
  2. Wservice.


Step 1. Open the service website and follow the “Free checks” link.

Step 2. Indicate the name of the site whose availability you want to check. Mark the settlements from which the “ping” key will be sent to the specified location. Bottom of the page (after full list settlements) use the “Start scan” button.

Important! You can check accessibility from different places in Russia and the world in general. This opportunity very useful when checking access to your personal website from different parts of the world.

Step 3. Review the test results. If there is access to the site from other points, but not from your computer, it means that access is blocked by your provider.

Important! On November 1, 2017, a law prohibiting the use of any anonymizer orVPN gateway. If a site is blocked in Russia, do not try to access it bypassing it - they may impose an administrative fine (5000 for individual, 50,000 for an official, 500,000-700,000 for a legal one).

Please note that using of this service You can save the test results in an Excel document or as a link.


The servers of this site are located in Moscow, and perform checks from one (own) IP address.

Step 1. Expand the service website and check the “Ping host” option, then enter the address or name of the site and use the “Run” button.

Step 2. Review the test results.

Important! Using this service you will be able to perform not only “ping", but also "tracert" It is enough to mark the appropriate item in the first step.

2 IP

Step 1. Open the service website and follow the link “Internet connection speed”.

Step 2. The site for testing is selected in automatic mode, but you can change it if you wish. After selecting a test point, click the “Test” button.

Step 3. Testing takes place in real time, with a “speedometer” displayed on the screen. Wait for the process to complete.


We looked at five ways to determine. Two of them are available directly from operating system, three are online services. Remember that problems with accessing the site may be due to its ban in a certain area (for example, by a city provider). Try to check the availability and speed of the connection in every way - this will help to avoid incorrect conclusions about the state of the network.

Video - How to check ping