How much does update 10.3 weigh? 3. Improving the AppStore

How will the new version of iOS 10.3 differ from its predecessors? New features and specifications

Very soon a new version of iOS 10.3 will appear on the world market. According to observers, this event You should expect about 30 more days. Many people who use iPhone and iPad products are interested in one question: “What features will the upcoming update have?” The initial versions have already opened up many unique functions to the population, which we will talk about in this article.

Major changes in iOS 10.3. at first glance they may seem inconspicuous and unremarkable. This innovation is the introduction by Apple updated system Apple File System to your operating system. Apple File System designed for faster operation operating system, namely: fast work with various drives, maintaining intensive coding, helps maintain a common working area, duplication when recording data about data, instant replacement of directories, duplication of data, files and lists, high-quality and instant creation of directories.

But, nevertheless, many users of Apple products will notice the transition to the new operating system. Updated file system makes the operating system significantly faster, which distinguishes it from its predecessors. This fact has been confirmed through repeated research and testing. Despite this, productivity increases as much as the latest devices, and on those that were before them.

So, what new features will iOS 10.3 have?

Starting with this version, the manufacturing company has introduced a new feature, thanks to which program developers can show users of their products a special window, with the help of which they can quickly evaluate the application. The developers took care of those who this function may not be to your liking, and therefore you can easily disable it in the “Settings” mode by finding the “Ratings and Reviews” option. With its help it is possible to turn off the appearance of annoying windows;

Updated security section;

IN iOS versions 10.3 was introduced additional item in the "Settings" section. In the iCloud item you can view complete statistics and data about the memory and location of files in iCloud storage. Also here you will find a list of applications that are used by this storage;

By visiting the Maps program you can now get a detailed weather forecast anywhere in the world. This is done using new feature 3D Touch;

Available Universal access in the Safari application;

The HomeKit app can now support a large number of accessories;

A personal widget has appeared in the Podcasts program;

Not a very noticeable change when opening and closing application windows. Their shape has become more rounded;

Support for many new features in the Siri application;

Ability to update application icons;

Ability to open previously used programs in CarPlay;

Quick search in the browser;

New options for sorting audio recordings in a list;

A warning that new operating systems will completely stop supporting old programs and applications.

In addition to all the innovations that were mentioned above, the developers managed to get rid of many errors and inaccuracies that were encountered in previous versions. The company will provide the entire list of changes only after the full presentation of the new iOS 10.3. The latest version will be launched around April during Apple's presentation.

Congratulations! The final version of iOS 10.3 was released today. Before this, 7 beta versions were released over the course of 3 months... Let's take a look at all the system innovations regarding iOS 10.2.1

How to install iOS 10.3?

What's new in iOS 10.3?

There is a rating of reviews in App Store. It works simply. You need to hold your finger on the review for a couple of seconds. A pop-up window will appear with three response options: “Helpful”, “Not Helpful”, “Report a Problem”.

If you click “Report a problem”, it will pop up separate window, where you can leave a complaint about the review.

From now on, developers will be able to respond to users in the App Store. It's super convenient for everyone. Before this, the App Store had a one-way communication... Users demanded something, and the developer basically had no way to help or answer questions.

Another pleasant innovation for developers is the ability to quickly change application icons without having to update the entire application. What does this give? For example, weather applications will be able to change the weather on their icons. Sports team applications - show on the icon the change in the score in the match...

New file APFS system, which is designed to increase the speed of the system. Visually the system works faster, but maybe this is a placebo? :) Plus, I can’t imagine how the system becomes different during an update without any formatting. Apple are wizards! So, maybe they reduced the animation time and due to this it seems that everything is flying. The system even boots a little faster. APFS on the English wiki.

IN iOS settings 10.3 is hard to miss new line with Apple ID. It leads to a list of your gadgets and account settings. It was high time to do this.

If you click on iCloud here, a graphical display of the contents of the cloud storage will appear.

iOS 10.3 introduced the “Find My AirPods” feature to search for headphones. Look for it in the Find iPhone application, which is designed to find lost gadgets.

That's all the more or less significant innovations of iOS 10.3. There are a few other changes too small to even mention.

Popular questions and answers for iOS 10.3

Question: Is it possible to rollback to iOS 9, 8, 7, 6?

No, rollback will be possible for some time on iOS 10.2.1 (iOS 9, 8, 7 are no longer available). Usually within 1-2 weeks Apple stops signing old version firmware and it will also become unavailable.

Question: What is the best way to flash? Through an update on the tablet or an update in iTunes?

Doesn't matter. :) Over-the-air updates are usually more convenient and faster.

Question: Is it better to update to 10.3 or flash it through recovery?

According to the tradition of news about updates

The answer to the main question.

On December 2, Apple released the final version of iOS 11.2. The update fixes many bugs and improves performance and battery life for everyone mobile devices Apple. But has iOS 11.2 become better than iOS 10.3.3? Or at least identical to the latest version of the “ten” in terms of speed? The answer is in this material.

If you have an iPhone 5s or iPhone 6

iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 users are advised to remain on iOS 10.3.3. The final version of iOS 11.2 has improved performance compared to previous versions iOS 11, but it still doesn't reach iOS 10.3.3. On older devices this is felt most strongly.

In case of transition from iOS 10.3.3 to iOS 11.2 iPhone owners 5s and iPhone 6 will certainly experience a decrease in speed, which will negatively affect the user experience.

However, there is an exception. iOS 11.2 is significantly faster than previous versions of iOS 11 and generally performs adequately. If you think you might be sacrificing speed for new features like a revamped Control Center or the Files app, then upgrading is worth considering. If speed is your main concern, then iOS 11.2 is worth skipping.

When will it be possible to update iPhone 5s and iPhone 6?

iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 users need to wait for iOS 11.3. Last thing major update iOS 11, which will be released in early spring, will most likely “fly” on data iPhone models, as was the case last year with iOS 10.3.

If you have an iPhone 6s, iPhone SE or newer models

Owners of iPhone 6s/SE can safely upgrade from iOS 10.3.3 to iOS 11.2. Comparisons of firmware show that they are no different in speed on new iPhone models.

In this article we will tell you how to update your iPhone to iOS 10.3, which was released recently. We’ll also tell you what’s new in this update.

How to update iPhone to iOS 10.3

There are two ways to update iOS - wireless and wired. Before you begin the operation, you need to create backup copy devices in cloud storage iCloud (if you have an account) or if iTunes help. This will help in case of initialization error new version operating system save personal information: phone numbers, videos/photos, application data, etc.

Update to iOS 10.3 via WiFi

  1. First you need to put your iPhone on charge and connect to Wi-Fi networks(without which you won’t be able to update).
  2. Then go to the “Settings” menu, select the “General” item and the “Software Update” submenu.
  3. Click “Download and Install”. Situations may arise when there is not enough OS to install free space phone memory. Therefore, the system will offer to temporarily uninstall some programs. An alternative to this is to abort the update process by clicking "Cancel", remove unnecessary content and start over.
  4. The next step is the “Install” button. There are several options here. Install the software immediately, defer it indefinitely, or select “Install at night.” With the last option, before going to bed, you need to remember to put your phone on charge.
  5. If you need to enter a password, do it.

iOS update over the wire

It will be carried out using iPhone sync And programs iTunes via computer using a Data cable. Before installation, make sure that your PC or laptop is connected to the Internet.

  1. You will need the most latest version iTunes programs. If an earlier one is installed, then upon startup the software will automatically offer to update - we agree.
  2. Connect the iPhone to the computer.
  3. In iTunes, select your device.
  4. Go to the “Review” tab.
  5. A panel will open where we click the “Update” button.
  6. Click "Download and Update".
  7. If necessary, enter a password.

If all manipulations are performed correctly, then upon completion of installation, the iPhone will be installed new iOS 10.3.

What's new in iOS 10.3

According to forecasts, current update will be the last in the IOS 10 branch. It will add several new features to the gadget, albeit minor ones, but the iPhone will work faster and the user interface will change slightly.

Regain disk space and speed up device performance using APFS

main feature versions - new file system - Apple File System. APFS, compared to previous software, copes much more effectively with the distribution of productivity and disk space. Beta testers note that the amount of free space after installing the OS increased to 5 GB.

The new file system gives a performance boost. This is especially noticeable on older devices like the iPhone 5s. After installing the update, the gadget starts working faster and smoother - without jerks or freezes. When switching to APFS, the user does not lose a single bit of personal data.

Find my AirPods

AirPods - wireless headphones, developed by Apple. They are distinguished high quality sound and small size. The latter often leads to gadgets being lost, even at home. iOS 10.3 has useful function Find my AirPods. You can find it using the corresponding sign in the Find my iPhone application. After pressing the search button, the headphones will begin to emit an increasing high-pitched sound, which will help you find them. The function is only possible if there is a Bluetooth connection between AirPods and iPhone. Otherwise, the application will indicate the location when in last time similar synchronization has been recorded.

Improving AppStore performance

This is made possible by allowing developers to now respond to user reviews. Now, when an application does not function correctly or requires some modification, the software creators can respond to complaints. This direct communication will help improve the quality of applications. For example, previously, through a torrent program, when searching and downloading a movie, it was impossible to select a container, namely mp4, which is the default for the iPhone, and the format (HD). Therefore, I had to download movies on iOS via torrent directly from websites. Now, thanks feedback with the developers, such incidents can be quickly corrected.

Error correction

Here the Yabloko team did their best. They fixed a large number of bugs, including crashes user interface. The famous vulnerability, thanks to which a stranger could cause your iPhone to freeze by sending a text message, was also fixed.

Among the developers. This cumulative update, of course, is not as interesting as the upcoming large-scale update, but still worthy of attention. We've put together five things you need to know about the new version of the OS.

iOS 10.3.3 beta

If you want to test iOS 10.3.3 before official release, you have this opportunity.

Apple allows developers to install beta versions of updates ordinary users as part of the testing program. But before you decide to install preview version iOS, it is worth remembering that you may encounter all sorts of errors.

You can downgrade to iOS 10.3.1/10.3.2

If you have problems with iOS 10.3.3, you can rollback to the previous final version of iOS. At this time Apple moment signs iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 10.3.1. That is, for a limited time you will be able to install any of these versions.

For users who are waiting for a jailbreak, . Apple will soon stop issuing digital certificates, and only iOS 10.3.2 can be installed.

What's new in iOS 10.3.3

The lack of new features is one of the reasons why you shouldn't rush to upgrade to iOS 10.3.3. The OS does not bring any innovations at the user interface level, except for three new ones background images on 12" iPad Pro. And even for the sake of the wallpaper, it’s not worth updating, their .

iOS update 10.3.3 is aimed primarily at eliminating errors and increasing operational stability. But not only.

iOS 10.3.3 will improve the speed of devices

iPad Pro users can expect new wallpapers, while others will have to make do with traditional bug fixes. The question arises: how much will the transition to iOS 10.3.3 affect device performance?

Recently, a video comparison of the final version of iOS 10.3.2 with the first appeared on the iAppleBytes YouTube channel beta version of iOS 10.3.3. The participants in the experiment were iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s. Judging by the test results, new release will bring certain improvements in terms of performance and speed of applications.

iOS 10.3.3 release date

Apple has not announced a release date for the final version of iOS 10.3.3, so how long the update will remain in beta status is unknown. The company usually reveals such details from the stage during presentations, so perhaps the release date will become known on June 5th.