How many gas boiler operators are needed? Average salaries of stokers

Mechanisms in boiler rooms often fail, and therefore a very important person monitoring the equipment is the boiler station operator. Everything about this specialist will be discussed below.

Who is a boiler operator?

In fact, the representative of the profession in question is a very important person. Thanks to this specialist, high-quality and safe work boilers, pipelines, heating elements and other components of boiler stations. Heat in houses is also provided by the boiler operator.

The responsibilities of a representative of the profession in question are very extensive, and his work is very important and useful to society. However, will every person be able to work in the field in question? Of course not. In order to get a job in a boiler station, you need to have certain qualities and character traits. These include, for example: endurance, strong physical state, sustained attention, hard work, stress resistance and much more.

Boiler operator rights

What rights does the boiler room operator have? The job description prescribes the following points for this specialist:

  • Has the right to demand everything from management necessary tools and elements of parts, as well as workwear, safety footwear and other protective equipment.
  • Able to propose ideas and plans to superiors regarding the improvement of working conditions and working conditions.
  • An employee has the right not to listen to management instructions, but only if they contradict safety precautions, human life and health.
  • An employee has the right to work in optimal and fairly comfortable conditions, without violations by superiors or other persons representing the organization.

This is not the entire range of rights that a boiler room operator may have; the job description of this specialist also prescribes some other points. However, all the main points have been mentioned above.

Responsibility of the boiler room operator

A representative of the profession in question, as well as many other workers, is entrusted with great responsibility.

In particular, the specialist’s job description states that the employee is responsible for:

  • for complete failure or improper performance of their work functions;
  • for causing material damage to the organization;
  • for a crime or offense committed by a worker at the workplace;
  • for violation of safety regulations or internal regulations;
  • for disclosing industrial secrets.

What is all the responsibility that a boiler room operator has? The duties and functions of the specialist in question are too extensive and complex, and therefore the responsibility becomes corresponding.

Responsibilities of the boiler room operator

What functions does a boiler room operator have? The responsibilities of this specialist are incredibly extensive and are also related to the level of qualifications and rank. That is why only the most basic and generalized functions will be named below:

  • The employee is obliged to take any measures to ensure uninterrupted steam production in the required quantities and in accordance with established standards.
  • The boiler room operator is required to keep a so-called “shift log”. Competent filling, its execution, submission to the authorities - all this is also included in the range of responsibilities of the specialist in question.
  • The boiler station operator is obliged to monitor the gas level and its consumption; at the same time, all identified comments must also be recorded.
  • One of the functions of the specialist in question is preventive examination boiler station, and more specifically, all available mechanisms and equipment (this includes pumps, measuring instruments, various units, etc.)

Thus, the boiler room operator has quite extensive functions. Responsibilities under the UTKS (Unified Tariff Book), however, may differ slightly from those present directly at production. Everything will also depend on the place of work, on the region, and in the end, even on the boss. The level of qualification also plays a role (for example, the duties of a solid fuel boiler operator will differ from the functions performed by an ordinary specialist).

Handover of shift by boiler room operator

It is worth talking about a special type of responsibility of the boiler station operator, namely, the duty assignment.

What must a boiler room operator do at the end of his shift? The responsibilities of this specialist are: in this case the following:

  • The specialist must carefully review all entries left in the shift log. If any shortcomings or problems are discovered, you must report them to your superiors.
  • A complete walkthrough of the station must be carried out: nothing should be leaking or operating improperly anywhere. Again, if a problem is found, you should try to fix it. If the problem is too big, you will have to report it to management and ask for help.
  • It is necessary to obtain information about the operation of critical equipment.
  • It is necessary to check the operation of the alarm.
  • The employee must be aware of all repair work ongoing at the station.

Only after all the above points have been met will it be possible to pass the shift.

Boiler room operator 4th category

It is the 4th category in the profession in question that is considered one of the most common, and therefore important. In total, there are 6 categories in the work sphere.

The job description of a 4th category boiler room operator prescribes the following functions and responsibilities for a specialist:

  • Inspection, maintenance and repair of steam and water heating boilers (thermal capacity not more than 84 GJ/h).
  • Maintenance of boilers from heating networks, as well as steam stations (more than 84 GJ/h).
  • Checking the readings of instrumentation - pressure level, temperature, water in boilers, gases, etc.
  • Adjusting the load of a particular boiler in accordance with standards and consumption schedules.
  • Identifying and eliminating various types of problems and malfunctions in the operation of existing equipment.

Thus, the responsibilities of a category 4 boiler operator are very extensive and complex.

General safety requirements

For boiler house workers there is a large number of safety rules.

Below are just the most basic of them:

  • the doors to the boiler station must be open (but only during operation);
  • lighting the boiler is prohibited without permission from management;
  • any boiler repair work is carried out with at least three workers;
  • equipment must not be left unattended;
  • you can’t be distracted;
  • It is prohibited to dry clothes or any other items on the boiler.

Heating of houses and buildings of various organizations in winter time- Very important task, which is what boiler house operators, or simply stokers or stokers, are called upon to solve.

Additional payments

Thus, in each region, a fireman’s wages are calculated based on certain indicators. At the same time, wages depend primarily on the length of working hours and the number of shifts worked.

In addition, the calculation includes additional payments:

  1. For working at night.
  2. For working on holidays and weekends. In this case, it is expected that wages will be calculated in double or more amounts, depending on the region.

The following example will help you better understand the payroll system.

In local regulations current organization stated: employees working on a staggered schedule are paid according to the summarized accounting of working hours, taking into account hourly rates, according to the average monthly number of hours. Thanks to this, the fireman receives the same amount of money every month, regardless of the standard working hours.

Working time calculation scheme.

The boiler room operator performs a responsible job. He is responsible for the serviceability of heating equipment, is engaged in servicing boilers and setting up instrumentation used to record fuel consumption and control steam engines.

Responsibilities of the boiler room operator

In accordance with job description, the operator on duty is required to maintain the operation of the boiler equipment throughout his entire shift, which usually lasts 12 hours. At the end of the shift, the operator must hand over workplace to the next duty officer.

The operator must understand technical features boiler operation and know how fuel quality affects the combustion process. He also needs to become familiar with safety precautions when working with heating equipment. In addition, the operator needs to understand the principles of operation of steam engines, centrifugal and piston pumps, as well as have knowledge of the technologies for operating external heating networks and the causes of malfunctions in the operation of heating networks.

List of responsibilities of a boiler room operator:
- heating boilers taking into account compliance with safety precautions and lighting rules;
- regulation of uniform combustion of fuel;
- keeping records of readings from measuring instruments (water temperature, steam and water levels, steam pressure, etc.);
- monitoring the serviceability of boilers;
- regulation of the boiler load in accordance with the schedule specified in the instructions;
- troubleshooting boiler equipment;
- ensuring uninterrupted operation of equipment.

If an emergency occurs, it is necessary to stop the operation of the boiler room, take measures to eliminate the accident and call employees specializing in emergency response.

Responsibility of the boiler room operator

The operator while on duty is responsible for the safe and uninterrupted operation of the boiler room. He is also responsible for the sanitary condition of the boiler room premises. Therefore, before starting a shift, he needs to make sure that the workplace is clean and check the logbook for recording instrument readings.

Their job responsibilities the duty operator is obliged to perform in accordance with labor legislation Russian Federation. He may be dismissed for improper performance of his duties. The operator is responsible for causing material damage to the boiler room (in accordance with current legislation).