How long does it take to prepare Windows? Preparing to set up Windows

It happens that Windows 10 starts to act up already at the installation stage and at the same time takes a lot of time for its installation. There can be many reasons for such behavior, but the most important of them is low specifications computer for normal operation operating system. Yes, ten is suitable for many cars, including budget ones. Unfortunately in in this case no one guarantees high speed the work of the latter. At the beginning of its implementation, the dozen could generally take about 12 hours to install, since the first versions were unfinished by the developers:

  • Windows Installer 10 loaded everything language packs for each computer.
  • The installer contained errors that greatly slowed down the installation process.

It is very important to have sufficient space in disk space systems. If the disk on which you plan to install the ten is too small, then the installation process will be accompanied by great difficulties.

After prolonged use, Windows 10 becomes clogged with various types of junk files, system files are defragmented, the registry becomes clogged with unnecessary keys that remain after deleting unused applications. These and many other factors contribute to Windows 10 taking a long time to start up. The ideal solution in this case would be to reset the “ten” to its original state or new installation OS. But this option will not satisfy every user, because even after resetting the system, the settings of many applications are not saved, and the programs themselves will have to be installed again.

Another case is when the installation or update of Windows 10 has completed, and the operating system is already slow to start. Even Windows 7 is significantly slower in terms of startup time. The reason for this behavior of the “tens” is completely different factors.

See also: PPPoE settings on Windows 10

Today we’ll figure out what to do if Windows 10 starts up at a snail’s pace.

Slow startup of the old system

If the duration of loading (and even shutting down) an operating system that has been running for several months is no longer satisfactory, then it needs urgent optimization, which should be carried out periodically throughout the entire operating time of the computer.

The first reason that makes it difficult to quickly start the system is a fair number of programs in the startup list. After logging in account all these programs almost simultaneously begin to load into RAM. Thus, loading the desktop and preparing the computer for work slows down significantly.

In this case, you need to remove unnecessary programs from the list of automatically downloaded ones.

  • Call "Task Manager".

Editing the list of programs loaded after starting the OS in Windows 10 can be done through the task manager, and not in the “System Configuration” window, as was previously the case.

  • Click on the icon/name of each element one by one, call up the context menu and click “Disable”.
  • We reboot the computer and evaluate the time that passes from the moment it is turned on until it is able to work in the Windows environment.

If clearing the startup list does not help, you should defragment system volume.

In progress Windows operation 10 constantly writes temporary files to the system partition and deletes them. The user also performs read-write operations. As a result, file fragments are not written to the disk sequentially, and one file is scattered across the surface of the magnetic plate. To read it, the head has to jump from track to track with each rotation of the platter, which increases the access time to such a file. And it’s very bad if one of the many fragmented documents is a system one.

  • Through Explorer, call up “Properties” of the system partition.
  • In the “Service” tab, click on the “Optimize” button.

See also: Browser settings in Windows 10

  • In the defragmentation utility window that opens, click “Optimize.”
  • We wait for the end of defragmentation or minimize the window and continue working.

If on system partition few free space(less than 2-3 GB), delete unnecessary files or move some of them to another partition so that Windows 10 has at least a few GB of space for writing temporary files.

The problem arose immediately after installing Ten or updating its components

Most users complain about the second case. The computer seems to match system requirements and even much exceeds them, but it takes a very long time to turn on and even turn off. In this case, one of the drivers may be the culprit.

Some users noted that driver rollback for Intel chipset I fixed the problem, and the “ten” started loading much faster.

First of all, you need to update the software components of all computer devices. Both the update center and third-party ones are perfect for this. software. Let's look at the program Driver Booster, because it allows you to update not only drivers, but also system software.

  • We launch the program and wait for the system scan to finish.
  • Click “Update all” and wait until the application downloads and updates all the drivers that need it.

After installation latest versions drivers will be completed, reboot the computer.

Special cases of solving the problem

  • Go to “Device Manager”.
  • Using the context menu of the AMD graphics card, execute the “Disable” command.
  • We reboot and use the device in the same way.

Owners of Intel chipsets are also familiar with a similar problem, which is caused by new drivers for the device. If their update does not help, we roll back to an older one, but stable version through the same device manager.

  • We call the properties of the driver, which is located in system devices.

See also: Programs for setting up Windows 10

  • In the “Driver” tab, click “Roll Back”.

If the button is not active, download the archived version of the software for the chipset from the Intel website and install it manually or through the “Update drivers” item in context menu chipset in device manager. Drivers of other devices may be the culprits for the long download of the “dozens”. If you encounter this, be sure to share the information with users in the comments.

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Windows 10 computer takes a long time to shut down - what to do if the shutdown time is longer than expected?

If you have been using the operating system for a long time or have recently updated to latest version OS, you can observe a situation in which the Windows 10 computer turns off for a long time when using the “Shut down” menu option. There can be many reasons for this: from the PC being clogged with numerous debris and viruses entering the environment to problems with drivers and the presence of an excessive number of installed programs. You can resolve the difficulties that have arisen only by thoroughly learning about the reasons for their occurrence, and having dealt with this, you can try to cope with this problem. In addition, it is worth noting that, as a rule, the speed of computer shutdown directly depends on the hardware configuration of your PC, i.e. The faster your hardware, the sooner the computer will turn off when the system shuts down. But it is not always the case. In particular, if you have recently upgraded your electronic assistant, and the shutdown time is more than 30 seconds, the reasons should be looked for in the settings and parameters of the operating system, and not in hardware features.

The main reason why a Windows 10 computer takes a long time to shut down

Main criterion, on which the PC shutdown time depends, is the overload of the environment with various services and processes. As soon as you click the “Shutdown” button, Windows OS immediately begins to sequentially disable everything active processes, running in the operating system. If one of the routines does not respond for a long time, the environment waits certain time before completing the routine in a forced way. In each version of the system, this time varies: in Windows XP it is 20 seconds, in Seven – 12 seconds, in “eight” and “ten” - 5 seconds. in order to change this parameter, open the registry editor. To do this, click right click mouse on start menu, select the “Run” option from the drop-down menu, and enter key parameter"regedit". The form we need will open.

Now in the left panel of the snap-in, open the branch “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control”. On the right, among a number of other parameters, we will find the value of WaitToKillServiceTimeout and set its value to 2000 or 3000, which will correspond to 2 thousand or 3 thousand milliseconds.

Changes made will take effect only after rebooting the PC, so we reboot and check the results of our work.

Other reasons why it takes a long time to turn off Windows computer 10:

1. There are too many applications installed on the system. To speed up your PC's shutdown time, scan your PC for programs you don't need (i.e., those you don't use) and remove them from the Application Manager. Since each of the utilities used loads its modules into RAM when the PC is turned on, disabling and blocking them will take much more time than under circumstances where they are completely removed from Windows.

2. The system is littered. If you have been using an operating system for a long time, then it is likely that there are many file objects stored on your hard drive that do not perform any tasks, i.e. simply unnecessary. You can clean your PC using one of the appropriate applications (for example, CCleaner).

3. Damage to system files. Another fairly common reason is damage to system objects due to penetration into the PC. malicious code. You can restore the integrity of these files using the instructions published not so long ago on our IT blog. It may take a little time to complete, but the game is worth the candle.

4. Finally, another reason why your Windows 10 computer takes a long time to shut down is long-term cleaning virtual memory when turning off the PC. Let's cancel this routine by contacting the editor group policy. To do this, start the search process on the PC by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the system and enter the value gpedit.msc in the search field - this result will be the only one that appears in the corresponding search results field. Let's click on it.

After that, in the hierarchical folder tree, open the Computer Configuration section -> Windows Configuration-> Security Settings -> Local policies-> Security settings. The presented catalog contains a number of settings available for modification.

Find in the specified directory the parameter “Shut down: clear the virtual memory file”. Let's double-click on it.

On the tab that opens, set the value of the radio button to “Disabled” and click OK.

In order for the changes made to take effect, you need to restart the PC, after which we can check the results of our manipulations.

5. The last reason why the computer takes a long time to turn off is the on mode quick launch. For some reason, when turning off the PC this service loads from system memory libraries that do not work very stably, as a result of which the computer actually has problems with fast shutdown. This procedure is especially useful when the laptop is turned off for a long time, because it has separate power settings when operating on battery power and on mains power. Let's disable this mode in the system parameters.

Let’s go to the control panel by right-clicking the mouse on Start and open the “System and Security” section.

After entering this section, uncheck the “Enable fast launch” option and click the “Save changes” button.

Now everything is ready, you can try to test your computer for a quick shutdown.

So we talked about the reasons why a Windows 10 computer takes a long time to turn off. We hope that you will solve this problem, and our detailed instructions will help you with this. DIY repair and maintenance of household electrical appliancesTips, guides...


After installing updates in Windows 8 and then rebooting, next problem, the message appears - Preparing for Windows setup. Do not turn off the computer; the process indication can reach 100% and remain in this state indefinitely.

And so, my way of solving the problem.

You need to perform an emergency shutdown. The meaning of the method is as follows - if any problem is detected, Windows 8 launches the environment at the next boot Windows recovery. The problem in our case will be an emergency shutdown (press the power button until the computer turns off, then turn on the PC). When you try to start the operating system again (after pressing the computer's power on or reboot button, during or after the system boots), you will receive the following message:

We go to “ Additional options recovery."

I would also like to add that, from the first time (after forced termination operation via the power button), the recovery tool may not start. In this case, the “on-off” action must be repeated until we achieve the desired result.

To me this method helped, I wish the same for you

Windows users often encounter the Blue Screen of Death problem. What is it? The fact is that damaged system files can lead to a critical error that prevents the computer from starting correct operation. In this case, “ blue screen" But don't panic! After all, you can fix the problem yourself. Let's figure out exactly how.

Causes of blue and black screens

In Windows 10, you may encounter the following error messages: “The computer is not starting correctly,” “The system requires repair,” etc. The reason for their appearance lies in damaged system files, due to which Windows could not boot.

The system may be damaged due to incorrect actions the user himself who made changes to the registry or files on drive C. Or the cause of the breakdown could be a virus. The error also sometimes occurs due to incompatibility with drivers third party devices or activated fast boot. However, most often a critical error appears due to an interrupted update or an incorrect shutdown of the computer. For example, the computer shut down forcibly because the power was lost or a power surge occurred. Processes and files controlled by them are terminated, after which their reuse becomes impossible.

If damaged, the system first tries to recover twice on its own, rebooting the computer each time. If the error is not resolved after this, control is given to the user. Sometimes it happens that the system freezes and reboots a large number of times, after which a black screen appears. In this situation, you must abort the procedure and continue the recovery manually.

Video: the danger of the Blue Screen of Death in Windows 10

Automatic system recovery

First, give the computer a chance to figure out the error on its own. Please note that the procedure automatic recovery can go more than an hour. Do not interrupt it under any circumstances, as this can lead to even more tragic consequences. Proceed to manual recovery only if the system freezes or one of the messages appears: “The computer is not starting correctly,” “Windows seems to have loaded incorrectly.”

The appearance of a “blue screen of death” indicates the presence of a critical error in the system


This method is suitable for you if the system displays a message with a choice of two options: “Reboot” and “ Extra options" If it is not there, then you will have to use other methods.

What should be done:

  1. When you receive the notification, go to the Advanced Options section.

    Start System Restore by going to Advanced Options

  2. Select the troubleshooting block.

    Open the “Troubleshooting” tab

  3. Select the section with additional parameters again.

    Select "Advanced Options"

  4. Go to the Boot Options tab.

    Open the "Boot Options" section

  5. In the list that opens, click “Restart”.

    Click Reboot

  6. A list with download options will open. Select 6th option - support mode command line. Wait until the system restarts and the command prompt appears.

    Select reboot with command line support

  7. On the command line, run three commands in sequence:
    • sfc /scannow;
    • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth;
    • shutdown -r.

Commands take time to complete, please wait for them to complete.

Video: how to fix the Blue Screen of Death in Windows 10

Deactivating Quick Launch

The reason for the impossibility of recovery may be fast loading, activated by default. Since in this case there is no access to the system, you will have to deactivate the function through the BIOS:

If this method does not work, move on to the next one.

Deactivating automatic recovery

It happens that the system resorts to recovery without any reason, by mistake. Therefore, it is worth trying to prevent it from calling the recovery procedure by following these steps:

  1. When the message appears, go to advanced options and invoke Command Prompt.

    From the Advanced Options menu, open Command Prompt

  2. Using the bcdedit command, find the string resumeobject and copy its value.

    Run bcdedit to get to Windows Boot Manager

  3. Run the command bcdedit /set (X) recoveryenabled, where X is the previously copied line enclosed in braces. After that, exit the command line with the exit command.

    Run bcdedit /set (X) recoveryenabled to disable automatic recovery

Ready! Now try booting the system.

Manually running diagnostics

Going to the command line using the method described in the paragraphs “Deactivating automatic recovery” or “Reboot”, run the following commands in sequence:

  • chkdsk /r c:;
  • sfc /scannow.

Run the command chkdsk /r c;, sfc /scannow

These commands scan system files and fix any errors found. After executing them, write exit to exit the command line and check if the problem goes away.

Manual system recovery

If none of the described methods help resolve the problem, you will have to return the system to working condition manually. There are several ways to do this.

Restore point

This method is good because your data (photos, music, archives and other files) will not be deleted or changed. System settings, updates, and driver versions will be rolled back to the state they were in when the restore point was created. If it was not created automatically or manually in advance, then you will not be able to use the method.

Follow these steps:

After this, the rollback procedure will begin, which can last about an hour. Don't interrupt it - it will lead to big problems. As a result of the rollback, system files are regenerated, so no errors should occur.

Reset to factory settings

This method allows you to reset all system settings, installed programs and created tasks, and at the same time save the user’s personal data that is not stored in the system partition. This method replaces system reinstallation, allowing you to complete it much faster.

Do the following:

The rollback procedure will begin, which may last more than an hour. Do not interrupt it, otherwise the system will be damaged so much that a direct reinstallation cannot be avoided. At one stage you will be asked whether to save your personal data or not. If you select the “Do not save” option, you can get absolutely clean Windows 10.

Choose whether to save your personal data or not

Manually entering the recovery menu

To manually enter the recovery menu, you will need recovery media. An installation flash card with at least 8 GB of memory will be used as it.

To create installation media, follow the instructions:

  1. Insert the flash card into your work computer, find its icon in Explorer, right-click on it and select the “Format” function. Please note that you can create media at any Windows versions, but the Format feature is only present in Windows 10. In previous systems you will have to use a third-party program, for example, USB Disk Storage Format Tool. The formatting format is FAT32.

    Before formatting the flash card, select the format file system FAT32

  2. After formatting is complete, go to the Microsoft website to the page with loading Windows and download the installation program.

    Go to the Microsoft website and download the system installer

  3. Launch the downloaded program. Check that you want to update another device.

    Select "Create installation media"

  4. When asked to select the characteristics of the system to be recorded, select the specifications that match the characteristics of the system that needs to be restored.

    Specify the characteristics of the system you want to restore

  5. Specify which media to use and wait for the recording to complete. Done, the installation media has been created.

    Specify the media - flash card or disk

  6. After the operation is completed, run the flash card on a non-working computer. To do this, enter the BIOS (how to do this is described in the first step of the “Deactivating Quick Startup”) and change the boot order so that the connected media moves the hard drive from the first place.

    Install the installation media first

  7. Exit the BIOS and wait for the installation window to appear. Go through the first step of selecting a language, and on the second, interrupt the installation procedure by clicking “System Restore.”

    Click "System Restore" in the second step of Windows installation

After completing these steps, you will be in the recovery menu and can use all the instructions described above.

Generating a system image

If you have another computer with the same Windows characteristics 10, as on a non-working computer, you can record a system image. This will create a restore point and you will be able to use the fix method already described above. Windows errors using a restore point.

To generate a system image, follow these steps:

  1. In the Control Panel menu, go to File History.

    Click "Create a system image"

  2. Select the recording media and confirm the action. After the procedure is completed, you will have a flash card with backup copy. Use it to restore a damaged system.

    Specify the media on which the system image will be written

The appearance of a blue or black screen with an error indicates the presence of failures or damaged files in the system. You can fix the problem using the automatic system recovery options. If this doesn't work, use one of the following methods: manual recovery. Follow the instructions from the article and you will definitely succeed!

After introduction automatic updates in the operating system can often occur similar problem. The message “Preparing to set up Windows” appears, asking you not to turn off the computer until the process is completed. However, it can drag on forever due to some device problems. What to do in such cases?

How to solve the problem of incorrect update

This is one of the most frequent problems associated with almost endless preparation for customization. An incorrectly installed update may have virtually no effect, but in some cases you get errors like this. As a result, the system is able to update itself ad infinitum whenever you turn your computer on or off. In the first case, this leads to the fact that the operating system simply does not start. In the second, it means it is impossible to turn off the computer normally. So how to solve this.


If you don’t want to spend a long time figuring out the cause and fixing all this, just restore the system. Of course, this will take a fair amount of time and leave you without your files. But if you don’t have anything that important, then feel free to restore Windows. To do this, use one of the restore points that the system makes independently.

By the way, for this to work, the ability to create restore points must be enabled. Otherwise, it will be impossible to “heal” the system in this way, and it will have to be reinstalled.

To start the recovery, just open “Start” and enter “System Restore” in the search. After this, you should open a similar item and confirm that you are really an administrator and definitely want to do this. Well, select a restore point.

With Update Center disabled

If you have neither the desire nor the ability to reinstall the operating system, you can simply prevent it from updating. In fact, if there is nothing to launch the update, then there will be no freezes due to this update itself.

First of all, if you turn on your computer, you need to log in through safe mode. This is done quite simply. Press the power button and immediately start frantically clicking on F8. You can't hesitate. If the operating system logo appears, turn off the computer and try again.

After this, you need to log into the Control Panel using the command line. It is called by the combination Win + R, and then the control command is entered into it. From the window that appears after entering, you need to go to the “System and Security” section. And among all the variety that is there, scroll to the very bottom and select “Administration”.

Another new window will appear, in which there will be the inscription “Services”. You need to double-click on it with the left mouse button.

After this, another window will pop up. It will contain all services running on this computer. In order to get rid of the computer freezing with the message “Preparing to configure Windows”, you should find “Windows Update”. As a rule, this service is located almost at the very bottom if sorted by name.

Once found, you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button. And you will see another new window in which you need to stop this service. Done? Feel free to turn it off by selecting the appropriate startup type. After this, it will no longer turn on without your intervention, which means there will be no problems, the computer will not undergo automatic updating.

With updates removed

If you want to figure out what caused your computer to not work correctly, you can try removing one of the latest updates. To do this, you must first enter the Control Panel, and from there through the same section as in the last paragraph - into “Windows Update”.

Then at the very bottom you need to find the inscription that reads “ Installed updates" And there, in a huge list, you can see which of them was installed last. And delete it.

By the way, you should first disable the ability to update your computer, otherwise every time you turn it on deleted file will be installed again.

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If not everyone, then almost everyone has encountered this problem. Windows users 10. Manifests this fact either when you turn on, or more often when you turn off the computer. At the same time, it is not possible to use it, since there is no reaction to either button presses or mouse clicks.

What does it mean?

Usually the message “Preparing windows, do not turn off the computer” in Windows 10 and other versions of this operating system indicates downloading and/or installing updates system components. Since Windows 10 is a fairly young OS, its developers are constantly finishing and improving it, introducing these improvements in the form of system updates.

The preparation window then changes to a window displaying the progress of the update.

Displaying system update progress

Therefore, if you see this message on your PC, it is better not to really try to turn it off or restart it, so as not to disrupt the progress of the update. This can lead to a complete failure of the operating system and the only option to correct the current situation is to reinstall it.

Why does the update take so long?

There are several factors that influence the update time, namely:

  • Update size. Sometimes an update comes out small size(about 100 MB). In this case, downloading and installing it takes little time. And there are large-scale updates, up to 4-5 GB in size. In this case, quite a lot of time is spent downloading and installing them.
  • . Everything is simple here. The faster your Internet connection, the faster the update will download. Especially the big one.
  • PC performance. As with the above, the speed of installing the update depends on how fast and productive your computer is. Weak PCs spend much more time installing updates.
  • Having problems with hard drive. HDD, which has a lot bad sectors slows down the installation of updates very much and general work the computer as a whole. Therefore, if you have slow work computer and the message “Preparing windows, do not turn off the computer” hangs often and for a long time, then in this case we recommend that you check its performance.


The message “Preparing windows, do not turn off your computer” that appears in Windows 10 when you turn on or off your PC indicates the progress of installing system updates. Interfere this process You can’t and should always wait for it to end. If it hangs for a long time, then there are a number of reasons for this, described above.

To of this message subsequently not displayed necessary .

To prepare to set up Windows, do not turn off your computer, is an alert that appears during an operating system update. But due to an incorrect upgrade, this notification may remain on the screen for quite a long time. And in most cases, you simply have to forcibly turn off the PC, thereby exposing it to not turning on again, or to working with errors. It’s true that you’ll have to worry about normal loading. But it is not uncommon for everything to go well. How to solve the problem? We will talk about this in this article.

To prepare to set up Windows, do not turn off your computer

Let's call the first method “Radical” - its method is that we will use system recovery as the basis for the correction. Yes, there is a possibility of losing all the data, so if you don’t need the existing information, then feel free to proceed with the process.

It is important to note that this is only possible if the “Create a restore point” function in Windows is activated.

Confirm administrator rights, if required, and select the desired date and time.

Also suitable third party programs, if any.

Disable Update Center

The entire procedure will take place from Safe Mode. To do this, press F8 when turning on or restarting the computer. Use the “Up” or “Down” keys to select required function and press the “Enter” key.

Next, use the hotkey combination + R to enter the command control. In the window that opens, go to the “System and Security” section and then to “Administration”.

In a new window we find “Services”, open double click left mouse button, at the end of the list click on “ Windows Update«..

Now our task is to stop the selected service and save the changes.

Uninstalling Windows updates

If you have the time and desire to find the reason for the long message “Preparing to configure Windows, do not turn off your computer,” you can uninstall the updates one by one, starting with the latest one. This is done through the same “Windows Update”.

Or through “Programs and Features”, which is also located in the “Control Panel”.

Yes, and at the end of the procedure, disable the auto-update option. So that you don't have to repeat everything again.