How many charge cycles on iPhone 6. How to extend the battery life of iPhone and iPad

It doesn't matter what characteristics your iPhone models or an iPad if there is something wrong with its battery. Unfortunately, even proper handling of the gadget and compliance with all instructions cannot protect the battery from degradation over time and loss of part of the capacity. It's not always clear whether your battery is in good condition or needs to be replaced.

As you know, not all batteries can be obtained and examined, especially in the case of Apple gadgets. A good place to start is by paying close attention to your battery's rate of discharge. A loss of two or more percent at once and, of course, a rapid discharge to zero in a few hours should be alarming. These are signs that you can soon say goodbye to your battery.

You can find out the number of battery recharge cycles without resorting to jailbreak. Requires CoconutBattery ( – universal utility for macOS. When you connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch it, you'll get all the necessary information. Go to the iOS Device tab and here you will find information about the number of charge cycles of the battery and its current capacity. If the full capacity is much less than the original, it's time to change the battery (a lithium-based battery loses up to 20% of its capacity after 500-1000 cycles).

Note that there is no need to completely discharge the battery before recharging. Lithium-ion Apple batteries work in cycles. One cycle is completed when you have used up a charge equivalent to 100% of the battery's capacity - and this is not necessarily the amount of energy gained from one charge. For example, you can use 75% of the battery capacity during the day, and fully charge it overnight. If the next day you use 25% of its capacity, then the sum with the previous consumption will be 100%. Thus, one cycle will be completed in two days. The cycle can be completed in more days.

That is, if you completely discharge the battery and charge it again every day, the battery can work “like new” for almost three years. Older models are designed for 500 and 300 cycles. If the gadget is charged at about 10-20%, this will not be considered complete discharge and will allow you to increase the number of cycles.

Do not overheat or overcool your gadget, try to charge them on time - and the battery will last you a very long time.

All smartphones and tablets Apple are equipped with a Li-ion battery, which allows iPhone and iPad to work without the need to be constantly connected to a source of electricity. Unfortunately, all lithium-ion batteries have their life cycle, which is measured by the number of charging cycles.

Any battery iPhone generation and iPad is rated for approximately 500 charge cycles. This means that the device must be discharged to a total of 50,000%. It is worth noting that one charging cycle is equal to 100%. For example, if you discharge your iPhone or iPad to 25% in one day, charge it overnight, and start using it again in the morning, then one cycle will end when it reaches 75%.

If you count, then 500 cycles iPhone charging and iPad is about 1.5-2 years of daily use of the device. After this period, the battery loses approximately 20% of its capacity and also becomes more vulnerable to temperature changes, due to which the iPhone even with 25% of the remaining charge.

Upon reaching the 1000 cycle mark, the battery capacity of the iPhone or iPad will drop to 50%. On average, this figure can be achieved within 3-4 years of using the device. This period is best to visit service center, because with half the capacity, the iPhone can hardly work for 2-3 hours with the screen on.

If the device was purchased on the secondary market, then find out the condition battery iPhone or iPad is quite problematic. It is for such cases that the definition of “Cycle” exists. You can find out the number of charging cycles using the program Battery Life, available in the app store.

In the Battery Life program menu, you need to select Raw Data, and then look at the Cycles value, which displays the number of battery charging cycles.

You can also find out this data using a computer on Windows based or Mac OS X. To do this, you will need to download and install iBackupbot. After launching the program, you need to connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer, and then select the connected device in the Devices section.

On the page that appears, you will need to click on More Information, which contains the CycleCount indicator. It displays the number of battery charging cycles.

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Lithium-ion batteries are not as finicky as their nickel-metal hydride counterparts, but they still require some care. Sticking to five simple rules , you can not only extend the life cycle of lithium-ion batteries, but also increase the operating time of mobile devices without recharging.

Do not allow complete discharge. Lithium-ion batteries do not have the so-called memory effect, so they can and, moreover, need to be charged without waiting for them to discharge to zero. Many manufacturers calculate the life of a lithium-ion battery by the number of full discharge cycles (up to 0%). For quality batteries This 400-600 cycles. To extend the life of your lithium-ion battery, charge your phone more often. Optimally, as soon as the battery charge drops below 10-20 percent, you can put the phone on charge. This will increase the number of discharge cycles to 1000-1100 .
Experts describe this process with such an indicator as Depth Of Discharge. If your phone is discharged to 20%, then the Depth of Discharge is 80%. The table below shows the dependence of the number of discharge cycles of a lithium-ion battery on the Depth of Discharge:

Discharge once every 3 months. Full charge over a long period of time is just as harmful to lithium-ion batteries as continuous discharge to zero.
Due to the extremely unstable charging process (we often charge the phone as necessary, and wherever possible, from USB, from an outlet, from external battery etc.) experts recommend completely discharging the battery once every 3 months and then charging it to 100% and keeping it charged for 8-12 hours. This helps reset the so-called high and low battery flags. You can read more about this.

Store partially charged. The optimal condition for long-term storage of a lithium-ion battery is between 30 and 50 percent charge at 15°C. If you leave the battery fully charged, its capacity will decrease significantly over time. But the battery, which has been collecting dust on a shelf for a long time, discharged to zero, is most likely no longer alive - it’s time to send it for recycling.
The table below shows how much capacity remains in a lithium-ion battery depending on storage temperature and charge level when stored for 1 year.

Use the original charger. Few people know that the charger in most cases is built directly inside mobile devices, and the external network adapter It only lowers the voltage and rectifies the current of the household electrical network, that is, it does not directly affect the battery. Some gadgets, such as digital cameras, do not have a built-in charger, and therefore their lithium-ion batteries are inserted into an external “charger”. This is where using an external charger of questionable quality instead of the original one can negatively affect the performance of the battery.

Avoid overheating. Well, the worst enemy of lithium-ion batteries is heat– they cannot tolerate overheating at all. Therefore, do not allow mobile devices direct sunlight and do not leave them in close proximity to heat sources such as electric heaters. Maximum permissible temperatures, in which it is possible to use lithium-ion batteries: from –40°C to +50°C

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The iPhone battery is its heart, without it even the most new smartphone Apple is just a useless piece of metal and glass. In this article we will talk about what kind of battery is installed in the iPhone, how to assess its condition and how to charge it correctly.

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What type of batteries are installed in the iPhone?

Each iPhone comes with lithium-ion battery. They have enough advantages over “traditional” batteries: they charge faster, work longer, and weigh less.

Battery charging consists of two phases. During the first - from 0 to 80% - the battery is replenished with energy quickly ( exact time charging depends on device usage, settings, and other factors). The second - from 80 to 100% - is called compensatory, it “weaken” electricity and thus allows you to extend the life of the iPhone battery.

What is a “recharge cycle” and why is it important?

One cycle is when you discharge your iPhone from 100% to zero. This can be done either at one time or several times. Example: within a day the battery was discharged by 75%. You charged it to 100% and continued using it. One charging cycle will end when you have used up another 25% of the charge (“yesterday’s 75% + today’s 25%).

What are we talking about? U iPhone battery, of course, there is a resource. After 500 full charging cycles, the battery capacity of an Apple smartphone will decrease by 15-20%. In practice, 500 charging cycles is 1.5-2 years of smartphone operation. After about 3-4 years, the battery capacity will correspondingly decrease by 50% of the value that the iPhone had out of the box. That’s when it makes sense to think about replacing the battery - after all, you will probably notice that your iPhone, for example, no longer “survives” until the evening and lets you down at the most necessary moment.

How to find out the number of iPhone recharge cycles completed directly on your iOS device?

Download at iPhone free Battery Life program. Open it and go to the tab Battery, where the value Cycles and will indicate the number of completed iPhone cycles recharge.

Unfortunately, section Cycles in the application Battery Life available only users of devices with iOS 7, iOS 8 and iOS 9. iOS users 10 and newer can obtain data on the battery status in percentage indicating the general characteristics:

Perfect— battery of the new iPhone.
good- slight loss of capacity.
Fine— the battery has lost the permissible amount of capacity.
Bad- significant loss of capacity.
Terrible- it's time to think about replacing the battery.
Almost died- The battery needs to be changed urgently!

How can I find out the number of charge cycles my iPhone has completed on a Mac or Windows computer?

Use the program. After installation, connect your iPhone, select it in the Devices, click on the inscription More Information and look at the number opposite the inscription CycleCount- this is the number of recharge cycles already completed.

Below you will also find another useful information about the battery of your iPhone - capacity according to the passport ( DesignCapacity), actual capacity after fully charged (FullChargeCapacity), battery wear level ( BatteryCurrentCapacity).

All batteries consist of a cathode, anode and electrolyte. Charge accumulates on the charges where the chemical reaction occurs. It is reverse, and when charging it flows in the opposite direction. The cathode is a negatively charged plate, and the anode is a positively charged plate

Lithium-Ion batteries consist of an anode made of Lithium and Cobalt oxide, and a cathode made of carbon. When you charge your battery, electrons flow from the Anode to the Cathode, and when discharging, they flow in the opposite direction.

  • at the anode LiCoO 2 => Li 1-x CoO 2 xLi + xe −
  • at the cathode С + xLi + xe − > CLi x

The main advantages are higher voltage and no memory effect

New generation cell phones are usually equipped with new types of batteries - Li-Pol (Lithium Polymer) batteries. The differences lie in a different type of electrolyte, which consists of a gel-like substance of a polymeric nature. This technology makes it possible to make batteries of any size (up to 1 millimeter thick), are more environmentally friendly and are capable of delivering a higher current. Do not cause spontaneous combustion. New technology becomes more popular.

The battery takes a long time to charge. What's the point?

All mobile devices have inside information relative to the device's charge memory, and it is determined by the maximum and minimum voltage required for operation. The maximum developed voltage will automatically stop charging your battery (power controller), so what do you put on overnight and what do you wait until the signal is fully charged? no difference. But the first time you turn it on determines your normal capacity for an accurate display of battery life.

The battery needs to be fully charged and completely discharged, and at first this should be done 10 times to ensure full capacity. There is no point, since there is no memory effect

As we said in the previous review about batteries, it is Li-batteries that do not have a pronounced memory effect.

What is the memory effect This is a reversible effect of battery capacity loss, applicable to NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) and Ni-Mh (Nickel Metal Hydride) batteries. It is based on the formation of crystalline formations in the structure of the electrodes, which makes it difficult to exchange electrons and ions, reducing the working surface. Eliminated by complete deep discharge and charging the battery several times. Leads to almost restoration of battery capacity, or approaching it. The disadvantages of these types of batteries were their large size, low capacity and voltage.

And since there is no memory effect, is it harmful or pointless to discharge it deeply? It turns out that something bad is happening. Deep discharge Below the lower threshold of 3.0V may cause the device to turn off, but this does not mean that the battery has stopped wasting energy. After all, she spends it on work system device(memory), response to control buttons (how will they turn on?) and keeps your device in “sleep mode”. So what will happen? But it turns out that loss of charge to 2.5V can lead to loss of the ability to charge the battery, and it will have to be charged separately with a weak current of 0.1C, bringing it back to life. It is logical to assume that this will affect its capacity. The following conclusion can be drawn It's better to always have a charge than to completely discharge it!

The battery life is independent of operating time, but depends on the number of discharge cycles FALSE

This statement turns out to be completely false. Regarding the operating life - the battery willy-nilly loses charge (even when turned off), and as we mentioned in point 2 - this can lead to a discharge of up to 3V and below, and reduce the capacity of the device. The optimal temperature for maintaining charge and low exchange is 5 degrees (usual refrigerator temperature). Therefore, there is no point in buying batteries for future use unless you (1) store them in the refrigerator and (2) recharge them periodically.

We get the picture that discharge cycles affect the operation of the device. But in fact, it is not the quantity itself, but the duration of work that affects it. Batteries are subject to aging and usually the capacity decreases normally by 10% at 500-800 cycles That is, over a year of operation of the device, the capacity will normally drop by 5-10% .

Regarding temperature. At temperatures below minus 20, the battery begins to refuse to both charge and operate. And, when the temperature rises above plus 40 Celsius, the situation repeats itself. High temperatures also greatly reduce battery capacity. -20C, +40C - destructive temperature limits, comfortable zone +20C

In total, we have received enough information, refuted false information, and will finally do conclusion:

  • When purchasing a device (smartphone), pay attention to the year of manufacture of the battery. If the product came out a year ago, pay attention to the battery life.
  • Be sure to fully charge the battery to 100% when you first turn it on, this will help the phone determine your normal capacity
  • Remember that after two years of service the capacity will drop and then you can look for a new battery
  • Charge at room temperature and do not charge in the cold
  • Don't let the battery drain completely
  • When storing in a cold place, let the battery warm up and then only recharge if it is an additional battery