Skype does not establish a connection with the subscriber. Skype failed to connect

A fairly common problem: you try to log into Skype, but it resets the connection, although there is a connection to the Internet and, for example, the browser opens any sites. There can be many reasons why Skype does not connect to the Internet, although there is Internet. Let's look at the main ones, which in 90% of cases are the culprits of the corresponding problems.

Reason 1. Outdated version of the program

There are users who use very old software that is no longer compatible with current protocols. To try to get the program working again, visit the Microsoft website and download the latest version of the application from there.

On the other hand, if you installed Skype relatively recently, then the program, if necessary, will prompt you to update.

Reason 2: The connection was blocked by the firewall

Another common reason why Skype does not connect to the Internet, although there is Internet, is the presence of restrictions assigned in FireWall for Skype. In this case, the connection controller simply does not release the program onto the network. If this is the reason, then you will have to give the application the appropriate permissions. For this:

  1. Go to the “Control Panel”;
  2. Select “System and Security” – “Windows Firewall”;
  3. Click on "Advanced options";
  4. In the “Rules for incoming connections” item, find Skype in the list;
  5. Double-click on it and check: whether the switch is on “Allow connection”;
  6. If not, then install it at this point;
  7. Apply the configuration.

If this was the problem, then after the appropriate actions Skype will work.

Reason 3: Port 80 is used by multiple applications

Skype may also not work due to the fact that one of the programs uses port 80. There is no need to remove or even disable the corresponding application, you just need to assign a different port in the Skype settings that it will use. It's not difficult to do:

  1. Open Skype;
  2. In the menu, select “Tools” – “Settings”;
  3. In the window that opens, select “Advanced” – “Connections”;
  4. In the “Use port” field, enter 443;
  5. Save your changes.

This is guaranteed to help in cases where, for example, a person has some kind of web server installed on his computer (for example, xampp).

Reason 4: Connectivity may be blocked by Windows

Sometimes the reason that Skype cannot connect to the Internet is that the corresponding feature is blocked in the Windows operating system itself.

  1. To do this, you need to look at what is contained in the Host.
  2. It can be found in the following path: “%System_drive%\Windows\System32\Drivers”.
  3. The original form should not contain anything other than the local host address: Localhost –
  4. If there are any other addresses, try deleting them after making a backup copy of the file.

Reason 5: Change your password

And the last common reason why Skype does not connect to the Internet, although there is a network, is a forgotten or hacked password for your Skype account. If the connection is not established precisely because of incorrect authorization details, then visit the Skype website and go through a simple password recovery procedure. To do this, go to and click on the link “I can’t log into Skype”, and then follow all the actions that the system asks.

Messengers are needed to constantly stay in touch with friends, relatives and colleagues. But sometimes errors occur that not only prevent the application from working properly, but also prevent it from functioning in principle. For Skype, one of these common errors is the inability to connect to the network. Why won't Skype connect to the Internet? And how can you fix this?

Why can't the connection be established?

The user can understand that Skype does not have a connection already when launching the messenger. A message with the corresponding text usually appears when the user tries to log into his account.

In most cases, when Skype writes this message, the user’s Internet works fine - he can open new tabs, exchange messages on social networks and download various files without any problems. Therefore, such an error often confuses the user - he cannot understand what the reason is. Let's figure it out.

So, every time a user tries to log into Skype, he enters data such as login and password, which are immediately sent to the server. This is where the accuracy of the entered data is checked. And based on the result, the server sends a response to the application - whether authorization was successful or not. That is, the error “Skype is not connecting to the network” means that the application did not receive a response from the server. It is because of this that I cannot log into Skype.

What is causing the problem?

What prevents the messenger from exchanging data with the server? There can be many reasons. Here are the most common ones:

  1. No internet connection.
  2. You are using an outdated version of Skype.
  3. Skype is blocked by Windows Firewall.
  4. The official Skype server is unavailable.
  5. Problems with Internet Explorer.

Fixing the error “Skype cannot connect”

If you see a message on your monitor instead of a working messenger saying that Skype was unable to connect to the Internet, it is important to understand which of the above situations concerns you. Let's look at these situations in more detail and figure out what needs to be done in each of them.

All programs do not have a network connection. Sometimes the provider is really to blame for carrying out repair work without warning. Or the user himself, who accidentally damaged the network cable. It’s quite simple to check whether this is a problem or not: open your browser and try to open any website. For example, Google.

If it doesn’t work, then everything is fine with Skype, the problem is basically the Internet connection. In this case, you need to call your provider and ask what happened to your connection.

Your version of Skype is out of date. When the messenger releases updates, it is better to install them immediately. Otherwise, unpleasant errors may occur. It's easy to check if you're using the latest version of Skype. You need to go to the “Help” tab and select “Check for updates.”

If updates are available, you will see an icon with a green arrow in the window that appears, text that will prompt you to install the latest version of the application, and a “Download” button with which you can do this. Just click on it and let Skype update.

But what if you can't access the Skype menu because you can't log into the program? Just remove Skype from your computer via Control Panel - Programs and Features, and then install it again from the official website– There you will find the latest version of the messenger on your device and can install it on your computer.

Sometimes Skype may write about the inability to connect to the Internet if it is blocked by a firewall. You can check whether the application can access the main domains by clicking on the link: If at least one server is unavailable, try disabling the firewall and checking again.

To do this, go to your firewall settings and select “Turn it on or off.”

And then in the window that opens, check the “Disable firewall” items and click “OK.”

If, after re-checking, there is still no connection to any of the servers, contact your provider.

It happens that you cannot connect simply because the Skype servers themselves become unavailable. You can find out if there are any problems with the official servers here: If some server is unavailable, try to wait until the developer fixes this problem, and only then try to launch the messenger again.

The work of Skype is directly related to the work of Internet Explorer. It is an important component of the operating system, so a failure in its settings can lead to various errors in other programs. Try resetting your browser settings. To do this, close all programs and launch Internet Explorer. Then press the Alt button and wait for the menu to appear at the top of the screen. In the menu that appears, select “Service”.

Then click on “Internet Options”.

Select the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Reset" button.

When you do this, another window will pop up in which you will need to check the box next to “Delete personal settings” and also click on “Reset”.

Afterwards, restart the browser.

That's it, most likely, your Skype is now online and you can be in touch again. And if the login error occurs again, you will already be armed with the knowledge of how to connect Skype yourself!

Skype is a very popular program, which in 2018 is already experiencing its tenth resurrection. A large number of updates and innovations allowed it to become in demand again. The developers were able to solve most of the problems, but you can still often see a message on your screen: “Skype - the connection could not be established.” This problem is solved in a few minutes in most cases. This material presents the most common solutions; any user of a personal computer can perform them.

Possible reasons

To understand the cause of this problem, you need to understand what processes occur before it. When the user enters his username and password, the utility processes the information and passes it through the official server.

The accuracy and presence of such a profile is checked, and then a response message is sent, which should confirm authorization. The error means the following: Skype cannot receive a response from the server, so it does not connect the user.

Several possible reasons for the problems encountered :

  1. Skype must be constantly updated. If the auto-update service is turned off, then your program simply becomes outdated. Over time, this will cause a lot of problems. If you cannot establish a connection, then this option may be the reason - your version is too old.
  2. The firewall simply blocked Skype. Another popular option is when Windows has blocked access to the utility.
  3. No internet connection. Yes, many users simply do not check whether there is access to the network at the moment and only realize it after half an hour. Sometimes the cause may be incorrect router settings.
  4. Your Internet provider may simply prohibit the use of Skype. This option is quite rare, but it does happen.
  5. The program received critical damage and stopped working correctly. If there are constant power fluctuations in your area and the computer turns off, or there are a lot of viruses on the PC, all this can cause a breakdown.
  6. The official server is unavailable at the moment. Often, technical work is simply carried out on it.

6 Basic Methods to Fix the Problem

So, we have listed the most common causes of this problem. If the program cannot establish a connection, then you simply will not be able to start using it. This fact prevents her decision from simply being put aside and forgotten. After all, Skype is used for work and other important things. We will list the six most basic options that will help you enable the utility.

Method 1: Check the network connection

Let's start with the simplest method. You should check if there is an Internet connection. In most cases, users do this even before directly searching for solutions on the Internet. But still, look at the start menu, at the bottom left of the screen. If there is a connection, but you cannot access any page on the Internet, then the problem is a bad connection. There may be problems with your router.

Lack of Internet connection prevents the program from sending data to the server and receiving a response. Therefore, it must not only exist, but also have a good connection.

Method 2: The program version is out of date

As we already wrote, perhaps your version of Skype is simply too old. This problem is solved by checking a box in the settings, which allows the utility to update automatically. But users very often turn it off so that Skype does not take away traffic or for other reasons. Then they forget about it and, as a result, the version of the utility on the personal computer is too old.

First you need to find out about your current version of Skype. This is easy to do - go into the program, and then go to the toolbar. Now click on the words “Help” or “***” and on the next column where it says “About Skype”.

A special menu will appear in front of us, in which there will be a line with the program version. It is highlighted with a green line.

The process can be speeded up if you find the version creation date, it is underlined in red. If the year is the same as now, then it is definitely not outdated.

If your version is outdated, you need to update it. To avoid problems, it is better to immediately uninstall the old version of the program and install the new one.

For this:

Open the Start menu on the desktop and go to the control panel. Now you need to go to the uninstall programs item

  • The old version of Skype is no longer available on your personal computer. We open the official website of the utility; it can be easily found on the Internet using simple search engines.

  • Next, open the installation file and follow all the instructions.
  • Done, you now have the latest version of Skype on your computer.

The utility does not have to be uninstalled; when installed from the official website, the old version should “recycle itself” itself. But sometimes this does not happen and a conflict may begin, so it is better to play it safe.

Reinstalling the program does not guarantee that you will solve the problem. If nothing has changed, then the problem is somewhere else. It is also worth remembering that there are the most popular versions that work best. When talking about Skype, one cannot fail to mention This version is considered the most stable and has virtually no problems. Therefore, we recommend installing it if the update does not solve anything.

Method 3: Disable the firewall

All modern versions of Windows have a firewall, it is built in automatically, you do not need to download it. It so happens that this program very often becomes the cause of many problems. It blocks access to other utilities, blocking their capabilities and functions. Fortunately, there is a solution.

You can simply disable it, but to do this you need to carry out a small series of actions:

  • Now you need to try to launch Skype again. If it was blocked by a firewall, it will immediately connect to your account. If the problem is not there, then you will again see a window - the connection could not be established.

If the reason was hidden in the firewall, then we advise you to enable it again, and simply add Skype to the exceptions. This is an easy procedure that is performed within the program.

Method 4: Disable the antivirus

Many people believe that antiviruses are more trouble than they're worth. And this is true, because you have to pay for good protection. Any, even the most insignificant, file can raise suspicions in your antivirus. In this case, he will simply throw it into quarantine, and in the worst case scenario, delete it. It is for this reason that many programs simply stop working, because the antivirus blocks their capabilities, considering them dangerous.

If you don't have an antivirus at all, then just skip this method. Otherwise, open your “protector” right now. The problem is that there are no specific instructions, because all antiviruses are different.

In any case, you need to go into the settings of this program and look for the following names:

  • Quarantine
  • Parental control
  • Blocked
  • Under treatment

Often this is where you can find the Skype file. You will understand that this is it by the name that should be in the element. There are several solutions below. You can remove a file from quarantine and then add it to exceptions. Then the program will be able to work constantly, even with the antivirus enabled. But first, we advise you to check whether this is the problem. To do this, turn it off and then try to log into Skype.

If the problem is in the antivirus, then go to the settings and find the “Exceptions” line. Find the blocked file in your Skype folder and add it to the list.

Almost every modern antivirus is the same in terms of settings. Therefore, these processes should not cause you problems. The picture below shows how this is done in Kaspersky Internet Security.

If you don’t need an antivirus as such, you can simply remove it. But we do not recommend doing this, because your computer simply needs some kind of protection. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide. First, check whether the Skype problem is related to the antivirus or not.

Method 5: Setting up a router

If you see a connection error on the screen, then the problem may be with the router. This device allows you to use the Internet. If it starts to work incorrectly, then it is very easy to check - the network simply will not exist on your personal computer.

The second option is that the router settings are incorrect. To go into the router settings, you need to use your browser.

Now let's go in order. As you already understood, you need to open your browser.

  1. The router settings may look different, it all depends on the model of your equipment. But in any case, we need to enter a username and password. In this regard, despite the visual differences, all settings are the same. In both lines you need to enter the word – admin and click “Login”.
  2. Now we look for the item with virtual servers in the window that opens. In different settings, this line can be located here and there. But it won’t be difficult to find it, click on it.
  3. A new window opens in front of us, in which we look for the “Add” item and click on it. We will be asked to fill out a couple of fields. We advise you to write simply Skype in “Name” so as not to get lost in the future. In the “Port” field, enter a set of numbers, for example, 5417. Now you need to click on the “Save” button and exit this window.
  4. Next, open our Skype and go to settings. We need a line with tools, which is located at the top. There we find and click on “Connection problem”.
  5. There you will also find the line “Use port”. Now we need the numbers that we entered in the router settings. We enter them and save, restart the utility and try to log in again.

If it doesn't work, then the problem is not with the router. And remember that the settings always differ depending on the model of equipment. Therefore, we have provided approximate names. Sometimes, to save the created port in the router settings, you need to click “Save”, in other cases, “Change”. A port can become an internal port, everything is individual, but the meaning remains the same, so it will be easy to understand.

Method 6: Delete appdata

If you see Skype on the screen - the connection could not be established, then the problem may be in the old data. They need to be removed and this will have to be done manually. But the process is quite easy if you follow our instructions.

The main thing is not to remove anything unnecessary. Even the smallest file that can be accidentally sent to the trash can be responsible for an important part of the program's functioning. Therefore, be careful during the removal process.

We again provide you with instructions that will help you carry out the entire process quickly and without problems:

  • On the work menu, click on Start, then select “Run” at the bottom left. More precisely, you just need to click on it and then enter the following information - appdata%\skype. Press Enter and a new window appears.

If you cannot find the “Run” line, then simply hold down the Win + R keys when you are on the desktop

  • Now we will see a large number of folders and various elements.

The required files are highlighted in red

  • Now you just need to select them and send them to the trash.
  • We empty the trash and restart the program. If it doesn't start working, you can try reinstalling it. Sometimes changes may only take effect on the updated version.

This option is the most effective of all. Often you just need to clear the files, then delete the old version, download the new one from the official website, and install it. The whole procedure will take you no more than 10 minutes of free time. Its effectiveness is quite high. But there are rarer reasons why Skype refuses to work, and we will tell you about them.

3 more options that could be causing the problem

So, we have listed 6 main problems due to which connection cannot be established. Why them? It's very simple - they are the most common. Often, namely in 9 out of 10 cases, the cause of the problem is one of the above. We have provided solutions for each, so we advise you to follow them strictly according to the list, then you will be successful and continue to use Skype.

But there are exceptions that are rare cases. But it cannot be denied that this is exactly what can happen to you. We present you with rarer options that do exist.

First, try to solve the problem according to the instructions, which cover the six most common methods. Only then proceed to further actions.

Option 1 – servers are temporarily unavailable

Sometimes a problem may arise in the program itself, or more precisely, in its servers. Often they work correctly, but sometimes there are severe overloads. This is due to increased user activity at the same time. Or the program settings, during which it is difficult to use. If the servers are unavailable, then it is simply impossible to log in.

What to do in this case? You just need to wait, often the problem is solved in a few tens of minutes. We also recommend that you go to the official community and view the latest user posts. If others are complaining, it means you are not the only one with a problem. That is, it really lies in overloaded servers. You can find the Skype community on VKontakte.

Option 2 – Internet Explorer is outdated

You may say - what does my browser have to do with the Internet messenger? It’s very simple, because it is the components of this program that Skype uses. Often the utility writes slightly different information in this case.

You need to update it to version 11, which is considered one of the best. Also, after the procedure, we advise you to reset all parameters

Interface of updated IE to version 11

To do this, you need:

  1. Open settings and go to properties, then find the “Advanced” tab.
  2. There you will see the inscription “Reset”.
  3. Additionally, you can check the checkboxes; you can check this in the same tab. Check all the boxes and reset the settings.
  4. Next, we restart our computer and try to log into Skype.

Option 3 – Ports and proxies

Many people use various programs that change the computer's IP address. This allows you to hide your location, become a kind of “invisible”, and also bypass the protection of various sites that do not allow you to enter them from your country. But the problem is that Skype may not work normally when such utilities are enabled.

If the port that the program creates has low bandwidth or is blocked, then Skype will simply ignore it. Just disable such programs for a while while the messenger

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Sometimes users may experience the following error: Skype could not establish a connection. Why is there such a problem with Skype?

The fact is that when launched, after entering the login and password, the program sends data to the server, where information about all users is stored.

If such an account is found, the login is performed, otherwise the program simply does not log into the account.

But the error “The connection could not be established” means that the program cannot contact the server at all - the signal from the program is sent, but does not arrive at the server.

That's why the account menu in Skype doesn't open.

So, we have already figured out what the error “The connection could not be established” means, now it’s worth understanding what to do.

Solution #1. Checking your Internet connection

First you should check whether there is an Internet connection at all. Maybe the problem is not with Skype. This can be done by opening a website in your browser, for example,

If the site does not start, then you should check whether there is enough money in your account to use the World Wide Web or call the technical support of the company whose client you are.

Solution #2. Check program version

Another basic problem is that the old Skype is installed.

To check your version, you need to select “Help” in the toolbar and click on “About Skype”.

In the window that appears, you can see the version (underlined in green in the figure below).

Therefore, you need to try to turn it off, at least for a while.

To do this, go to the same “Control Panel”, where select “System and Security”.

After this, you need to click on “Windows Firewall”.

Now all that remains is to check the boxes “Turn off Windows Firewall” - 2 times (circled in red in the figure) and click the “OK” button.

Now you need to try to launch Skype and if the program again writes: “The connection could not be established,” you can try further methods.

Solution #4. Disabling antivirus

To exclude this option, you should go to your antivirus program and look in the settings, for example, for “parental controls” or other additional functions of the Skype antivirus.

To exclude this option, you should temporarily disable the antivirus - if Skype works with the antivirus program turned off, then the problem is in it.

As for how to disable the antivirus, it all depends on the specific program.

In Kaspersky Anti-Virus, this is done as follows: you need to right-click on the icon and select “Exit” (underlined in green in the photo below).

This approach is applicable to almost every modern antivirus.

It is possible that the antivirus automatically added Skype to the list of blocked programs. How to fix this problem?

It all depends on the specific antivirus. If it is possible to reset it, do so. You can also remove the antivirus.

This is done in exactly the same way as described above for Skype.

Solution #5. Router settings

If Skype says “The connection could not be established,” the reason may be in the router settings. To remove this error, you must do the following:

  • Go to the router settings. To do this, type in the address bar of your browser (depending on the router, this address may change, see the information in the documentation).

Advice! You should go into the router settings through the Google Chrome, Mozilla or any other browser, but not through Opera - the settings very rarely work through this browser.

  • Depending on the router, the appearance of this window may vary. If nothing has changed in the router settings before, the login and password will be the same – “admin”. Enter and click “Login”.
  • After this, you need to find the “Virtual Servers” item. Depending on the router model, this item may be located in different menus. For one of the most popular routers today, DIR-300NRU, the search looks as shown in Fig. No. 12.
    There you need to go to the “Firewall” item in the menu on the left, and then “Virtual servers”.

  • After going to the “Virtual Servers” item, you need to find the “Add” button. We remind you: the names of the lines may vary depending on the router model. There in the “Name” field we write skype or whatever we want (underlined in red in the photo above).
    In the “Port” field (“External port” - underlined in green), write, for example, 4960. Save the received settings. To do this, find the “Save”, “Change” or something similar button on the page.
  • Now you need to open Skype and go to the settings menu there. To do this, go to the “Tools” item in the top menu of the program and go to “Connection problem...”.

  • Here in the “Use port” field we write the port we specified in the router settings. We indicated, as we remember, 49660. Click “Save” (circled in green in the figure below) and try to log in again.

Solution #6. Removing appdata

Sometimes the problem may be that some old data is preventing the program from working smoothly, so it needs to be deleted.

To do this we do the following:

  • Go to the “Start” menu and “Run” or press Win + R at the same time. In the window that appears, write “%appdata%\skype” and press Enter.

  • After this we see a list of folders and files (highlighted in green in the figure above). Select all of them and delete them.
  • After this, we launch the program again. If Skype still doesn’t work, you can remove it and install it again using the method described above.

The video below shows exactly this method. It shows you how to go to your Skype save folder and install the new version.

Failed to establish a connection in Skype problem solution 100%

Skype could not establish a connection - 6 solutions to the problem

Sometimes Skype users encounter such a problem that when starting the program, an error appears about there being no connection or the connection goes on forever. And at the same time, the Internet works on the computer, sites open in the browser, and so on.

Causes of the problem

Understanding the cause of this problem when Skype does not connect is extremely difficult. Most often, restarting the computer solves the problem. But in some cases it remains. The issue may be with Skype itself. For example, its data is damaged, or an old version is used. The failure may also be due to incorrect system configuration or blocking of the program by a firewall. Sometimes the essence of the error lies in the operation of the antivirus, which interrupts the connection.

We must also not forget that authentication in Skype occurs with the participation of the Internet Explorer browser. And if its settings are messed up, then various problems may arise.

The result of any of the described reasons is that the program cannot send login information to the server. Then an endless Skype connection occurs or connection errors appear.


There are 3 simple ways to fix this problem: reinstalling, deleting Skype files and resetting Internet Explorer settings. One of them will definitely help restore communication.

But before you start trying to fix the problem, you should make sure that the problem is related to your computer. Sometimes, when there is no connection on Skype, it's all about the developer's servers. They can be disabled as a result of a failure or during maintenance work.

Use the resource Down right now. There, information about the servers is presented in the form of a graph. The current status is displayed on the right. Up - everything is fine. Down - servers are not working.

Also try disabling your antivirus and logging in to your account again. It can block communication with servers. In this case, you should add the program to the antivirus exceptions.

Method 1: Reinstallation

The most obvious reason for such a failure is an outdated version of Skype. It is initially set to auto-update, but the feature can be disabled. It can, of course, be reactivated. But the best solution would be a complete reinstallation.

Method 2: Reset Internet Explorer settings

You can also try reverting the Internet Explorer browser settings to their original state. To do this, open it and press the Alt key. A toolbar will open, click on “Service”. From the context menu, call the “Browser Options” element.

There you need to go to the “Advanced” section and activate the “Reset” option. A confirmation window will appear, click the “Reset” button again. All that remains is to restart the computer.

Method 3: Deleting program files

In a number of situations, the problem, although related to Skype itself, cannot be solved by a simple reinstallation. This happens because when you uninstall the program, some files are not erased, and the failure occurs precisely because of them. Accordingly, if the previous methods did not give the desired result, try the following: