Download the entire framework for windows 7. Microsoft.NET Framework: why it is needed and how to install it on Windows

Product Information
Program version: 4.7
Official site: MICROSOFT
Interface language: Russian, English, and others
Treatment: not required

System requirements:

  • Windows 7 SP1 (x86 and x64)
  • Windows 8.1 (x86 and x64)
  • Windows 10 Anniversary Update (x86 and x64)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)
  • Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)
  • Windows Server 2016 (x64)

Microsoft. NET Framework is a software platform that was released by Microsoft in 2002. The platform is based on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which can run both regular programs and server-side web applications. The .NET Framework has support for creating programs written in different languages programming. The platform is needed for installation and correct operation many programs, so it is recommended for installation by users.


Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 is a highly compatible in-place update for Microsoft .NET Framework versions 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, and 4.6.2 for Windows 7 SP1 , Windows 8.1, anniversary Windows updates 10, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2016.

Microsoft Visual Studio (C#, Visual Basic.NET, Managed C++),
Borland Developer Studio (Delphi for .NET, C#),
PascalABC.NET, etc.
Applications can also be developed in text editor and use the console compiler.

Like Java technologies, the .NET development environment creates bytecode for execution virtual machine. The input language of this machine in .NET is called MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), or CIL (Common Intermediate Language, a later version), or simply IL. The use of bytecode allows you to get cross-platform at the level of the compiled project (in .NET terms: assembly), and not just at the source text level, as, for example, in C. Before running the assembly in the CLR runtime, the bytecode is converted by the built-in JIT environment -compiler (just in time, on-the-fly compilation) into machine codes of the target processor. It is also possible to compile the assembly into native code for the selected platform using the NGen.exe utility supplied with the .NET Framework.

It should be noted that one of the first JIT compilers for Java was also developed by Microsoft. Modern technology Dynamic compilation allows you to achieve a level of performance similar to traditional “static” compilers (for example, C++), and the issue of performance often depends on the quality of a particular compiler.


Installing another program, users are often faced with the requirement to have a new version of the .NET Framework. Its producers Microsoft company, constantly release updates for their product. You can always download the current version of the component for free on the website. So how do you update the .NET Framework on Windows 7?

Manual update

There is no update as such in the .NET Framework. It happens like normal installation programs. The difference is that old version There is no need to delete, the update is installed on top of other versions. To install it, you need to go to the official Microsoft website and download the latest .NET Framework. After this the file is launched "exe".

The installation process takes about 5 minutes, no more. After rebooting the computer, the update will be completed.

Updating using the ASoft .NET Version Detector utility

In order to avoid searching for the right one for a long time installation file on the website, you can use special utility ASoft .NET Version Detector. Once launched, the tool will scan your computer for installed versions of the .NET Framework.

Versions that are not in the system are marked in gray font, opposite green download arrows. By clicking on it, you can download the required .NET Framework. Now the component must be installed and the system rebooted.

This completes the .NET Framework update, that is, in essence it is no different from installing the component.

And yet, if you have updated to the latest version of the .NET Framework, then you will no longer be able to install any earlier version, the program will generate an error.

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software framework that supports the creation and execution of other desktop and web applications on Windows OS since build 98.

The main focus of this platform is compatibility various applications written in different programming languages.

It is recommended that you download and update the Microsoft .NET Framework Windows users who encounter errors during the installation of any programs or games.

Platform features:

  • allows you to achieve compatibility between services written in various languages and in various environments;
  • independently take care of basic security, memory management and the list of exceptions while working with programs;
  • identifies and loads only those components that are applicable and necessary for a particular system;
  • does not require any settings from the computer user.

Purpose creation of Microsoft The .NET Framework was intended to give developers of various software maximum freedom of action for their creativity.

The Microsoft .NET Framework allows most programs to run on modern Windows operating systems. Therefore, its installation will be necessary for all users. Microsoft, starting with the Windows 7 operating system, has included this tool in the distribution and installs it automatically during installation.

Download NET Framework 3..

Do not care about the language in which a particular utility is executed, its architecture, system bitness or assembly - the mission is about application compatibility various types it was decided to rely on this software environment.

The principle of completing the task in stages:

  1. Start a service or process.
  2. The compiler converts the language being used into a single bytecode.
  3. Execution or translation of code for a specific target process or service.

You need to understand that the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework does not replace the previous one in all cases. It is also important that new builds of operating systems Windows family do not support older versions of this tool.

Microsoft NET Framework is recommended to update to the latest version for all users of Windows 7, 8 and 10 OS of any bit size.

So, if 4.0 is installed, but not 3.5, and the program needs exactly the previous one, then it will not start working without the necessary one. At the same time, 3.5 already includes 2.0 and 3.0, so sometimes it is better to install it. And XP from Microsoft supports software platform only up to 4.0. Therefore, when installing, for example, a game that requires a new Microsoft version.NET Framework, you will have to reinstall the entire OS or look for another alternative to the game.

It is worth noting that Microsoft does not recommend that users install multilingual versions of this software environment on their PCs. In such cases, conflicts are possible and incorrect work utilities If the need arises, it is better to remove the already installed one and install a new one.

Co rapid development new technologies, programs have appeared that promote normal operation applications even with the most complex technical code. Today they are familiar to us as DirectX.

However, after the advent of the Internet, this was no longer enough, because most software and computer games for one reason or another, they began to need access to the World Wide Web.

That's why Microsoft developed their .NET Framework software platform. What are its features and what exactly is it used for?

What is the .NET Framework?

This application is used for the correct operation of the program connected to the Internet. This development was a kind of response from the global corporation Microsoft to a platform that was very popular at that time and quite quickly became many times more famous than its competitor.

Today there is more and more software refuses to work without .NET Framework, which indicates complete dominance this application in your market.



The main feature of this program is the fact that by downloading for free Microsoft Framework, You will install the application, compatible with almost any existing programming language, and therefore with software written in these languages.

By and large, this is one of the main reasons for the rapid increase in popularity of the discussed Microsoft development.

Also, it is not necessary to constantly download latest version Framework, because every new build this program has information about the past. This eliminates incompatibility between them, which saves the user from unnecessary hassle.

Moreover, there have long been separate developments with which you can write technical codes under Framework in new languages.


Naturally, being a program from Microsoft, the .NET Framework is supported operating system for computers on Windows based. You can install .NET Framerwork for Windows 7, 8, 10 and for other previous versions of this OS. Not so long ago, independent projects began to be built that make it possible to run the program under discussion on other systems.


In the end, it should be said that in today's realities it is simply necessary to download the .NET Framework for Windows 7 x64 or another version of this OS, because without this platform almost none of the computer programs now work.

Microsoft managed to create another product highest quality, which has become not just the best, but literally irreplaceable in its market.

That's why we We recommend downloading the .NET Framework for Windows for free 7 x64 or for another Windows versions on our website. Using the link below you can download Windows .NET Framework from the official website completely free of charge.

When purchasing a computer, users often encounter some difficulties during installation. software. Individual applications do not want to be installed without first installing NET.Framework. Not understanding why this is happening, they begin to produce reinstallation software, but all actions will end in constant failures.

Users very often have problems with NET.Framework

This is quite simple to explain, since some programs and applications can only be installed on the NET.Framework platform, which is a Microsoft product. Beginner users may hear the term “framework” for the first time; they don’t even understand what it is, so in order to solve the problem that has arisen, you should first familiarize yourself with additional information.

Like any other software application, NET.Framework can be installed if there is a download file available, which can be found using the Internet. Only when performing a search, it is important to remember that for applications to work correctly, it is advisable to install the latest versions of any software product, including the NET.Framework platform.

After downloading the installation file before proceeding practical actions, inexperienced users recommend studying the information on how to install the NET Framework. This will help you avoid serious mistakes.

Installation algorithm

Currently, almost every computer equipped with the Windows operating system already has the platform installed certain version. However, despite this, some applications refuse to install. This happens for the reason that installed version outdated.

To resolve such issues, it is important to install the version of NET.Framework recommended by the developers software application which you need to install on your PC.

The installation process itself is simple if you do not skip a single step of the algorithm. Initially, you should save the downloaded pre-boot file to your computer, then right-click on it, and in the window that opens, select the line “Run as administrator”. Some versions of NET.Framework cannot be installed unless you select this important option.

After this, unpacking will begin. boot files, after which the NET.Framework icon will appear on the screen, indicating to the user that the installation process has started.

In the next window, it is important to check the box next to the phrase “I have read and accept the terms and conditions license agreement", then click on the "Install" button.

Next, you should have a little patience and just watch how the platform is installed on your computer. The installation process is accompanied by a gray line that gradually fills green. As soon as it turns completely green, the installation is completed and the system will prompt you to reboot.

Restarting the computer is very important, since most programs and applications urgently need it, otherwise the system simply will not see the changes made.

Removal process

As a result incorrect installation previous version The framework or its system files are damaged, there is a need to re-install NET.Framework.

Many users may be misled into thinking that uninstalling the Framework can be done quickly and easily. However, having started practical actions, they encounter difficulties that they cannot resolve on their own, so users try to find information on how to remove the NET Framework if necessary.

Removal algorithm

The Framework removal process can be accomplished in several ways. One of them is performed manually by experienced users, and all system files, the cache and registry are cleared. For users who do not have sufficient experience and are not armed necessary knowledge, but who want to do everything themselves, it is best to use some utilities that automate the uninstallation process.

If you want to remove the Framework without resorting to third party resources, you should carefully study the uninstallation algorithm.

To remove NET.Framework 2.0 from the Windows cache, you need to run the Run command, which can be easily found by selecting the Start menu.

In the window that opens, write “installer” in the line provided. This command calls Windows installer. In the new window that opens, you should find the “Comments” column, which you need to carefully review to find “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 RTL x86 enu”. This is the comment that should be removed.

The third time, running the “Run” command, “” is entered. As a result of this, the following folder “Microsoft.NET” is displayed, in which there are several subfolders, among which it is important to find and then open “Framework”. Already in it you still need to find one subfolder “v2.0.50727”, which should also be deleted.

The next step is to clean the registry, which can be opened by running the “regedit” command. Registry lines that mention the Framework must be deleted.

And only now, when all the steps of the algorithm have been successfully completed, the user can be sure that the “traces” of the Framework have been successfully and irrevocably deleted; accordingly, they can proceed to new installation platforms.

Update process

It also happens that, even understanding what the NET Framework is, having installed it on a computer, users still encounter certain problems. Such difficulties are due to the fact that the user was able to install the Framework successfully, but this only happened quite a long time ago. Over a very long period of time, new versions of the Framework have appeared, which new applications are oriented towards. Naturally, in this case it will not be possible to install them, since the platform does not meet the requirements.

It is in this regard that there is a desire to know how to update the NET Framework.

Update problems

Wanting to update NET.Framework, the user may also encounter problems, since the update principle itself is somewhat different from the same process, but aimed at other software.

In particular, it is enough to launch many programs, then click on the “Update” line, and only the missing files, the databases will also be updated, after which the program will immediately be designated as a new version.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to apply the same scheme to NET.Framework. The developers point out that in reality you can only delete old versions and install a new one, which you previously managed to download and save on your hard drive.

In this regard, if there is such a desire, it is important to use the removal algorithm first, and then immediately the platform installation algorithm.

So, realizing how important current version NET.Framework platform, the user can independently implement a number of consistent actions, upon completion of which it will be possible to achieve the set goals.