Download the file scavenger program in Russian. File Scavenger data recovery software

File Scavenger is a small utility that has the ability to recover deleted data on various storage media. Of course, there are many similar programs, but we are describing this particular application because of its very high power and quality of information recovery.

What are the benefits of using File Scavenger?

The presented utility does not require mandatory installation and can be used as an excellent program, allowing you to record it on removable media.

The only serious drawback of this application is that the service is paid, but there is also a demo mode, which we will consider in more detail below.

Based on the many positive reviews from users who have successfully used File Scavenger for a long time to recover data deleted a long time ago and even over a year, it should be noted that the application has great power and quality of operation. You can verify this fact in free mode, since after the search you will be presented with a preview with complete information on the search result.

This application should also be recommended in cases where standard methods with free programs like Recuva did not bring a positive result or the data turned out to be incomplete or corrupted. You should try this option as File Scavenger has helped many users and recovered enough information to deserve respect.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the utility does not have a Russian language, but the interface is intuitive and will not cause much discomfort. The positive thing is that there is no need for deep program settings, which will allow you to use the application as simply as possible.

It's time to look at the limitation that is imposed due to the demo version. The utility works at full capacity while searching for files, the preview is also fully functional, which will help you evaluate the capabilities of File Scavenger, but at the time of recovery, you can return an unlimited number of files from the abyss, but only 64Kb of each. This may be enough for the most important files, such as text documents; anything larger than the specified volume will be partially restored.

Launching File Scavenger

In total, there are 3 necessary settings that can help you perform both a targeted search and a mass search. The following will discuss the required fields and tips for filling them out. You can download the program from the link

1.Search for– translated as “Search”, this field is intended for entering a search mask - this is a regular expression that helps customize the search query for a specific type of data. Thanks to this, you can specify only the necessary data, for example: docx is a Word document, txt is a text document in a regular notepad. Opening the list of possible formats, you go into a kind of frenzy, since there are a huge number of them, and considering that the program is small, this is even more impressive. Another very convenient feature is the ability of the utility to select several extensions to set all the formats you are interested in. There is a * before the dot that is indicated before the extension, this means that the file name does not matter, only the format is important, but you can also specify the name - the type should be *.docx;

2.Look in– translation “Search in”, here you should specify the section in which files with a predefined format will be searched. Here are options with logical and physical disks, logical includes the usual type of partitions, Disk C:, Disk D:, etc., and physical represents the volume of data of the storage medium itself, in this case it will be one single disk, regardless from its internal partitions, signed Disk 0, Disk 1.

3.Mode– translated as “Mode”, there are 2 operating modes of the program, the first Quick is a quick disk scan, in this mode you can restore files that were recently erased, that is, the function is relevant for simple data recovery. Long – this is a long and, accordingly, more thorough scanning, it helps in most cases, as it has great power. The second option is usually used due to the poor quality of search in the fast format.

4.After all the settings, click the “Search” button to launch the application.

After these steps and after a certain time required to search for information, you will see a preview of the contents of the selected disk that matches the search filter.

Thanks to this function, you can view not only the file icon, but also its thumbnail in the window; in addition, information about the selected file will be shown. True, preview does not work for documents.

As a standard, the found data is structured in Tree View; this format is a display of only files that the application can recover. Another option is to switch the view to List View; in this case, the information will be presented in a view in which all folders with the full path of the file are indicated.

Data recovery using File Scavenger

1. Check the boxes next to the files that you want to bring back to life;

2.Go to the “Step 2: Recover” tab;

3.In the “Destination Folder” line, manually specify the folder in which you want to save the data or click the “Browse” button;

4. There is another option “Use Folder Names”, if there is a checkmark next to it, then all the recovered data that you have selected will be recorded along with the folders in which they were located; if you uncheck the selection, only the file will be restored;

The 160Gb Seagate hard drive was wearing out, there were problems, and as a logical result, it malfunctioned and died (the heads crunch, Windows sees the hard drive, but cannot read anything from it and freezes when accessing the hard drive).
1) Retrieve data from hard drive
2) It is advisable to pull them out in the structured form of folders and files that was before the hard drive failure.

Here are the input data.

To be honest, I have some experience in recovering data from hard drives after software failures, so after setting the task I immediately decided to use the File Scavenger 3.2 program (although in general I could try the proven R-Studio - also an extremely positive experience using this program , I’m writing a report on using R-Studio too, but later).

From the program description:

File Scavenger— a program for recovering data and files on disks with the NTFS, FAT 32/16/12 file system.

File Scavenger can recover accidentally deleted files, including those deleted from the Recycle Bin, in a DOS session window, from network drives, deleted through Explorer using the "Shift" key. Recovery is possible provided that the files are restored before they are overwritten by the system.

File Scavenger supports regular and dynamic disks, NTFS compression, alternative data streams, etc. In addition, both the file itself and the path leading to the file on the hard drive can be restored. File Scavenger allows you not to be afraid of formatting. It is even possible to recover data when the disk has been logically deleted and the original position of the file on the disk, as well as its size, are unknown.

Program features:

Restore original file names and folder paths
Recovering files deleted from network drives
Recovering files deleted in a DOS window
Recovering files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin
Recovering files deleted from Windows Explorer while holding down the Shift key
Recovering data from formatted or damaged partitions
Recovering data from deleted partitions
Effectively recover deleted JPEG files
Recovering files from damaged RAID 0 or RAID 5
NTFS compression support
Support for basic and dynamic disks
Scanning damaged partitions
Ability to search by file type
Recover multiple files in one click
Sort scan result by name, date, size, type, location, etc.
Restoring original creation and modification dates of files
Unicode filename support
Scanning very large disk partitions with millions of files
Saving a scanning session to disk to restore an interrupted task
Scanning disk image files
Additional support for FAT and FAT32 file systems

The program is extremely easy to use, now I’ll tell you how to use it (the order of the firmware can also be seen in the screenshots below):
1. Connect your hard drive to your PC or laptop. The best option, of course, is a direct connection to the motherboard, but a USB box will also work, it’s been tested.

2. Open the program File Scavenger, from the list, select your hard drive or flash drive, memory card from which you need to extract data.

3. Select the type of scanning of your drive - Quick or Long.

Quick— fast scanning, but of lower quality.

Long accordingly - long, very, but very high quality.
I usually do scanning on Long.

4. In the next window, choose whether or not to skip the data you previously deleted from this drive.

5. Press the button Search and, depending on the quality of the drive, its current technical condition and the will of God, we leave for a period from 1 hour to 8 or more.

6. After scanning, press the button on the panel Tree View, and voila, our folder and file structure has been successfully restored!

7. Go to the tab Recover, push the button Browse and choose the path to save your recoverable files!

ATTENTION! You need to restore to a medium DIFFERENT from your drive from which you are actually trying to recover data!!!

8. Click on the button Recover, your data is being restored. READY! In general, that's all. I just need to add two things that, in my opinion, are important.

Using the program File Scavenger you can save the image of the media (memory card, flash drive, hard drive) into a separate file and work with it as much as you like, as if you were working with a full-fledged media.

You can also save and load scan sessions so you don't have to scan the media every time you connect it to your PC for the next data recovery.

The program can also be useful in restoring deleted files, including those from the OS recycle bin.
GENERAL RECOMMENDATION: In order not to worry about saving your data, I HIGHLY recommend that you buy an external hard drive powered by USB, such as Samsung M2 Portable 750GB USB, Black .

Your computer can malfunction at any time and for any reason, and it is very sad to lose your family photos, videos that you have collected over the years and ANALOGUE OF THESE PHOTO-VIDEOS - you simply don’t have them, because sometimes there are no people already alive who are on those photo... And don’t retake it.

When you understand this, data safety is the most important thing, something you should not skimp on under any circumstances!

Buying a 1.5-2TB hard drive is now a bit expensive in my opinion. It’s more logical to buy a 750Gb screw powered by USB than to carry around a 2Tb box with external power (for 4200 rubles, for example) or powered by USB, but with a price of 5000 rubles! What if there is no free outlet nearby? What we get is not a data carrier, but natural hemorrhoids!

The hard drive looks like this:

I liked two points from the description:

Scandinavian design – no marks or scratches
The perfect, noble Scandinavian design of the M2 line attracts everyone's attention. The scratch- and fingerprint-resistant surface of these discs maintains their beauty for a long time, so you can use them again and again. In addition, this design is very functional: the disc with a wavy surface is easier to hold in your hand, so there is no need to worry about its safety

Saving data saves the planet
Save the planet and your data at the same time. All wheels in the M2 line are marked with the Samsung Eco Triangle. It certifies that they comply with international environmental regulations (RoHS) and that their components are free of halogens. In addition, M2 drives have very low noise and power consumption.

The device costs about 3600 rubles, but it’s much cheaper than lost nerves, believe me.

By the way, much more expensive (from 100 to 300 rubles for each Gigabyte, if anything can be recovered at all) is the actual data recovery from a dead hard drive!

I already bought such an external hard drive for myself, so I highly recommend it to you!

Good luck, take care of your data!


File Scavenger:

Important note! By to numerous requests

File Scavenger gets back accidentally deleted media files or documents and syncs with formatted or damaged devices. Logical partitions and hard drive volumes can be easily scanned by some of the product's working tools. The location, size and file system will be visible to the user in a separate working window. Advanced modern algorithms make it possible to restore bad sectors.

Different types of compression, alternative media data streams, encodings of varying complexity are supported in a simple interface. Deleted files or folders should not be overwritten as new material when scanning begins. The structure of the archives is completely saved in the tray; it is possible to launch through a removable drive.

Download the full Russian version of File Scavenger for free from the official website without registration and SMS.

System requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows Vista, 8, 7, XP, 10, 8.1
  • Bit depth: x86, 32 bit, 64 bit

File Scavenger program

File Scavenger program ( is designed specifically for data recovery from RAID, although it works well with any individual drives: hard drives, flash drives, laser discs. Despite the apparent simplicity of the interface, this application has very flexible capabilities and settings. The program belongs to the Portable Software category: the only executable file (FileScav.exe) with a size of only 1.32 MB can be written to any media and launched directly from it. The second file is a help file. However, despite the fact that it contains a lot of necessary information not only about working with the program, but also about RAID recovery in general, this file is not needed to work, but you should definitely read it!

By default, it is assumed that the operating system and program run from one physical disk, and the RAID array includes the remaining two or three physical disks. Then, when launched, the program will try to determine the probable configuration of the array and will focus on it. But you can also work with disk images created by other programs, and with physical disks connected to regular controllers.

Launch the program. The program window contains two tabs:

Step 1: Search On this tab, you set file search parameters and display found files.

Step 2: Recover Until files are found, this tab is inactive. After files are detected on the disk during the scanning process, you can use this tab to specify options for restoring the objects found.

The image file can be created by different programs, and its expansion does not play a big role. As a rule, this is a regular binary file, although some programs apply the ZIP compression algorithm to the image, since there is no point in recording all sequences of empty blocks - zeros - in this file. File Scavenger creates images in files with the DSK extension, but is able to open such files regardless of the extension.

1. Select one of the physical disks or partitions from the Look in drop-down list (Figure 3.7).

Rice. 3.7. File Scavenger – disk selection

2. Call the File menu command? Disk Image? Create (File? Disk image? Create). The Creating a disk image file window appears. It should note the warning that the image cannot be saved on the same drive that the image is being created, check the box to confirm that this is clear, and indicate the file name and folder where the image will be placed.

By default, it is proposed to create a binary (Binary) file, but the program can also save data as text (Text). The latter can be useful for viewing the contents of sectors not in binary, but in a regular text editor. Additionally, you can specify the first and last sectors to read only part of the disk.

After specifying the file name and type, click the Create button. The image will be saved to the specified folder.

In the example described, images from RAID-0 disks have already been removed and stored in a folder on the first and only system drive. All that remains is to open them with File Scavenger, mount the virtual array and extract data from it.

3. Call the File menu command? Disk Image? Load (File? Disk image? Load). A standard Windows file opening window will appear. Select the images in it (you can select several files at once with the mouse) and click the Open button. The uploaded images will be added to the Look in drop-down list.

4. Click the button in the program window

Advanced (Advanced settings) or select the menu command File? Advanced (File? Advanced). The Reconstruct a broken RAID or spanned volume window appears. The switches and checkboxes in this window specify the type of array that should be recreated (Figure 3.8).

Rice. 3.8. Specifying the type of array to be reconstructed

5. Select the appropriate RAID type (level). Spanned volume – a spanned volume that combines the volume of several disks. For an array, select its original implementation using the RAID Implementation switch:

Hardware-based (using a RAID controller) – the disks belonged to a hardware array;

Software-based – disks were originally part of the software array.

For a Level 5 array, the RAID 5 Parity Rotation area further specifies the order in which the parity blocks are rotated. After specifying the initial array parameters, click OK. The following window will appear in which you can include disks in the array (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Adding disks to an array

From the Physical disk drop-down list, select the first disk to include in the array. Click the Add button and the disk will appear in the Disk extents or component disks field. Add the remaining disks in the same way.

The Move Up and Move Down buttons allow you to change the order of disks within the array, and therefore their rotation.

In the Size group you set the size of the disk that the program will scan. It can be less than or equal to, but not greater than, the true size of the array.

Having created the virtual array in this way, click OK. A third, final window will appear.

6. In this window, Stripping Block Size, set the block size (64 KB by default). Additionally, you can specify the number of blocks for which parity is simultaneously calculated. By default, for the vast majority of controllers, one block is calculated per action. Some controllers, such as HP/Compaq, processed groups of 16 blocks, but such controllers are now rare.

After specifying the named parameters (or leaving their default values), click OK. The new virtual array is added to the Look in drive drop-down list.

7. Select this created array from the Look in drop-down list. Set the Mode switch to one of the following positions:

Quick – quick search through file system entries;

Long – long search for file signatures across the entire disk.

8. Click the Search button. The Determining the Boot Sector window appears, allowing you to specify the boot sector number. The search will start from this sector, and if the real number is unknown, leave the default value (0). Click OK in the window. In another window, the program offers to ignore correctly deleted files (Yes, Skip deleted files) or show them (No, Display deleted files). Click OK and wait while the program scans the virtual RAID array looking for existing and lost files.

9. At the end of the search, a list of found objects will appear on the tab in the program window. To view this list in the form of a tree of files and folders, click the button on the toolbar

Tree View.

Next to each file, the Status column shows the recovery forecast: Good or Poor.

10. Go to the Step 2: Recover tab (Fig. 3.10). Specify in the Destination folder field the directory where you want to save the recovered files. To preserve the entire file and folder structure, select the Use folder names check box.

Rice. 3.10. Step 2: Recover Tab

11. In the work area of ​​the window, check the boxes next to the files that you want to extract. Click the big Recover button. The selected files will be extracted from the virtual array to the folder specified in the Destination folder field.

Since scanning large arrays can take a very long time, the program provides for saving intermediate results. File menu command? Session? Save (File? Session? Save) allows you to save the current scan state to a file, and the File ? Session? Load (File? Session? Load) loads the saved session to continue scanning further.

Thanks to its small size, portability and versatility, this program can take its rightful place on any user’s flash drive. Of course, it cannot completely replace the powerful R-Studio package, but it is very convenient for emergency data recovery.

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