Download cryptopro latest version 64-bit. Purpose of CryptoPro CSP

CSP CryptoPro is a reliable commercial software tool designed to add and verify cryptographic protection on important documents and other files that require an electronic digital signature (EDS). The program is intended primarily for companies that have switched to electronic document management. Thanks to it, it is possible to ensure the legal validity of individual securities presented exclusively in digital form. In essence, a digital signature is a kind of analogue of a wet seal for physical documents.

This solution complies with all current GOSTs regulating information control and data integrity during transmission. To manage the security algorithms used, CSP CryptoPro provides a special manager, which is also responsible for setting other parameters of the program. In addition, the crypto provider’s kit includes tools that are responsible for “issuing” and verifying certificates. It also includes the CryptoPro Winlogon module. Its main task is to perform initial authentication of new users in the Windows environment. The operation of this component is based on the Kerberos V5 protocol, and authorization occurs after verifying the certificate of a USB token, smart card, or any other key media used in the enterprise. In general, the crypto provider allows you to use a variety of types of key media. For companies using relatively old computer equipment, there is even the possibility of using floppy disks in 3.5 format.

Based on the fact that this is an exclusively commercial software solution, it is easy to guess that it is paid. Although the developer CryptoPro kindly provides a demo version of his tool, which can only be used for the first thirty days. After this period, you will need to purchase a license.

Key Features

  • contains tools for adding and verifying electronic digital signatures (EDS);
  • can add and verify issued digital certificates;
  • gives legal weight to electronic copies of documents;
  • can perform authentication after verifying the certificate on the key medium;
  • ensures control of the integrity of transmitted information;
  • the algorithm used to generate hash sums and other algorithms used by the program fully comply with these GOSTs.

After purchasing a license in our online store, you will receive an email in which you will find:

  • product license key
  • link to product distribution
  • link to user manual
Since no one likes to read the user manual anyway (and you wouldn’t be reading this article if you had read the manual), we only need product license key And link to distribution.

Step 1

First you need to find out whether you have installed Cryptopro CSP earlier and if installed, what version?

This can be done by carefully examining your Start menu: there should be an item CRYPTO-PRO, which has a program CryptoPro CSP.

If you don’t find it, most likely you don’t have CryptoPRO installed, so feel free to go to.

If you find it, run it CryptoPro CSP. There we see the General tab, where the license validity period and version number are indicated.

If the version number matches the version you purchased (for example, if the window says 4.0.****, and you bought CryptoPro CSP 4.0, it means it matches), then you you don't have to reinstall the program, but simply enter the license key. How to do this - look at .

Step 2

You find out that the program is not installed. This means you need to download CryptoPro CSP and install it.

Downloading it is not so easy: the crypto provider is a means of cryptographic information protection, which means its distribution is subject to registration with the relevant authorities. Therefore, you will need to follow the link that came to you in the letter or go to the CryptoPro website yourself using the link and select from the list of products CryptoPro CSP.

You will see something like this:

Click on the link " Pre-registration" and fill out a form from many fields. After filling out the form and registering, you will be required to agree to the license agreement, and then you will still have the opportunity to download the program distribution.

At the time of publication, the distribution selection page looks like this:

If you purchased the version CryptoPro CSP 3.6, then you will need to select a version R4- today it is the most functional.

If you purchased a license for CryptoPro CSP 3.9 be careful: CryptoPro CSP 3.9 - certified version, but does not support Windows 10, CryptoPro CSP 3.9R2 - supports Windows 10, certification planned for Q4 2015

If you bought version 4.0, then select CryptoPro CSP 4.0 accordingly (recommended for working with Windows 10, certification is planned for the third quarter of 2015).

You will need to download this file:

Step 3

You have downloaded the installation file CryptoPro CSP, and now you will need to install the program itself. To do this, run the installation file; if we see a security warning, you need to allow the program to make changes on your computer. In the window that opens, click the button Install (recommended)

Installation of the program occurs automatically within a few minutes and does not require user participation.

All, Installation completed.

Step 4

Now you need to enter the license key in a special window. You can get to it this way (the path may vary slightly depending on the version of the operating system):

Start - Programs - CryptoPro - CryptoPro CSP.

Then press the button Entering a license

In the window that opens, fill in the fields in accordance with the received license.

Step 5

We rejoice! We have just installed a crypto provider. Not that hard, right?

But you need to understand that CryptoPro CSP itself cannot do anything. The next step is to install (or simply configure) programs that will interact with CryptoPro CSP and solve your problems, be it electronic signature, encryption or something else.

Usually, to carry out an electronic signature, they use or - they can be purchased from us in the online store. We tried to make the purchase as convenient as possible: electronic licenses are sent immediately after payment (even at night), a large selection of payment methods.

If you found the instructions useful - share it, you will find buttons for this right below the article.

In the following instructions I will tell you how to install CryptoPro Office Signature , CryptoARM, how to work with tokens and so on.

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The duration of use of the demo version of CryptoPro CSP is limited to 90 days from the date of installation.

Transfer of rights to use software produced by CRYPTO-PRO LLC is carried out on the basis of a License Agreement.

Licenses to use the product must be purchased from CRYPTO-PRO LLC or from an authorized dealer.

Licenses for the right to use software are issued on paper in A4 format.


For normal operation of cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF), they must be installed from the distribution kit.

The distribution can be:

  1. Purchased from the manufacturer or from an official dealer of the manufacturer on a physical medium.
  2. Retrieved from the manufacturer's website or official dealer.

The procedure for obtaining the distribution kit from the site:

Along with CIPF distributions, checksums of installation modules and documentation are posted on the download page. Checksums are calculated in accordance with GOST R 34.11 94 taking into account RFC 4357, as well as md5.

Installation of CIPF on the user's workstation can only be carried out if the integrity of the received CIPF installation modules and operational documentation is confirmed.

Verification must be carried out using the cpverify.exe () utility, which is part of the CryptoPro CSP CIPF cpverify -mk , or any other encryption (cryptographic) tool certified by the FSB of Russia that implements GOST R 34.11-94.

The md5 checksum can be verified, for example, using md5sum (linux) or File Checksum Integrity Verifier (

The use of the software is governed by the following License Agreement with CRYPTO-PRO LLC:

PLEASE READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE PRODUCT CAREFULLY LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. Exclusive rights to the computer program, including documentation in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as the Product) belong to CRYPTO-PRO LLC, hereinafter referred to as the Copyright Holder. 2. This agreement is an offer from CRYPTO-PRO LLC to an individual or legal entity, hereinafter referred to as the User. 3. The user, in accordance with this agreement, receives the right to use the Product on the territory of the Russian Federation. 4. Installation of the Product into the computer memory is considered as the User’s unconditional consent to the terms of this agreement. 5. In case of disagreement with any of the terms of this agreement, the User does not have the right to continue installing the Product in the computer memory, and if the Product is installed in the computer memory, he is obliged to remove the Product from the computer. 6. The user has the right to use the Product for non-commercial purposes and for the purpose of familiarizing himself with the Product and checking its performance and functional characteristics within three months from the date of installation of the Product in the computer memory. 7. The User has the right to use the Product under a simple (non-exclusive) license from the moment of activation of the Product by entering the Product installation key (the serial number of the license provided by CRYPTO-PRO LLC) during the validity period of the exclusive rights of CRYPTO-PRO LLC to the Product , unless a different period is established by the relevant agreement (license). 8. The User has the right to use the Product during the validity period of the exclusive rights of CRYPTO-PRO LLC to the Product without activating the Product by entering the Product installation key (serial license number) only in the following cases: - verification of the electronic signature; - calculation of the hashing function value; - use of the TLS protocol for one-way authentication (server authentication). 9. The user has the right to use the Product in accordance with its purpose and rules of use set out in the operational documentation, which includes the right to install, store and reproduce the Product in computer memory, limited by the right to copy and launch. 10. The User does not have the right to: - use the Product without activating the Product by entering the Product installation key (license serial number) for commercial purposes, except for the cases established by clause 8 of this Agreement; - attempt to disassemble, decompile (convert object code into source text) the Product and its components; - make any changes to the object code of the Product, except for those made by means included in the Product package and described in the documentation; - perform other actions regarding the Product in violation of the laws on copyright and related rights. 11. The User has the right to receive technical support related to the operation of the Product, and the Copyright Holder undertakes to provide the User with technical support services for the Product if the User has: - a certificate for technical support of the Product in accordance with the regulations for the provision of technical support services published on the website: http ://, or - an agreement for the provision of technical support services for the Product between the User and the Copyright Holder in accordance with the terms of such an agreement. 12. This agreement applies to the entire period of use of the Product. Upon termination of use of the Product, the User is obliged to remove the Product from the computer memory. 13. Violation of the terms of this agreement is a violation of the exclusive rights of the Copyright Holder, is prosecuted by law and entails liability established by international standards and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

CryptoPro CSP is a modern crypto provider. The application is responsible for storing all necessary resources using encryption.

Built-in system modules are capable of protecting electronic information from disappearance or failure. The program can provide identification and establish authorship during document flow on the network.

The resource can be used by entrepreneurs to generate an electronic signature (EDS) when preparing reports and to protect documents from damage.

Please note that a license key is required to use the CryptoPro program.

Download links

Using CryptoPro version 4.0

The program is used as a means of electronic signature (EDS). It is also installed to protect information:

  • on government websites and local government resources;
  • in client-bank programs;
  • on trading platforms on the Internet;
  • on resources that are responsible for generating and submitting reports to government authorities;
  • on official websites for the protection of individuals;
  • in programs that contain significant document management functions.

Enable an application on your computer

The program is free. The work begins with its installation on the entrepreneur’s work computer. Installation requires the user to have administrator rights. Additional options can be installed.

The installation mode of the program should not cause difficulties. After the “install” button, you must carefully read the subsequent instructions. The user can select Russian language.

  1. After downloading, you must restart your computer for the program to start working correctly.
  2. The Start menu will contain the application and an additionally installed settings panel.

CryptoPro is certified according to all requirements of the FSB of the Russian Federation and current legislation. The developers recommend checking the update for more comfortable use and expansion of functional resources.

A cryptoprovider is a means of cryptoprotection of information (), without which use becomes impossible. is formed on the basis of cryptographic algorithms, and the implementation of these processes is possible only with the presence of CIPF. CryptoPro CSP is the most popular product on the Russian market of cryptographic utilities. Most electronic trading platforms, state information systems (UAIS FST, EGAIS, etc.) and regulatory authorities that accept reports via the Internet (Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund of Russia) work with this program.

At the end of September 2019, two versions of CIPF are valid in the CRYPTO-PRO line - 4.0 and 5.0. Both programs are certified and provide a full range of capabilities for digital signature owners. In this article we will focus on, consider the functions and characteristics of the software, licensing features, installation and configuration procedures.

We will help you obtain an electronic signature. Consultation 24 hours!

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CIPF CryptoPro version 4.0: characteristics and functionality

State portals and trading platforms that accept information from users post on their websites requirements and instructions for working with electronic documents. In addition to , there is another popular crypto provider on the market - VipNet CSP. But some organizations (for example, Rosreestr) limit users’ choices and specify in the requirements the mandatory use of CryptoPro CSP. When issuing CEDS certificates, certification authorities also most often use CryptoPro, so if the user installs another crypto provider on the PC, errors may occur when creating the digital signature.

Software functions

CryptoPro software is systematically updated and improved. Latest certified build version (3-Base version). All current updates can be tracked on the developer’s official website in the “Certificates” section.

The crypto provider has been certified by the FSB. This means that it can be used to create an electronic signature and encrypt data in accordance with the Federal Law-63.

CIPF performs the following functions:

  • gives legal force to digital files certified by the CEDS;
  • prevents data compromise using modern cryptographic encryption and imitation protection tools;
  • guarantees the authenticity and immutability of electronic files;
  • supports the official authorization of private entrepreneurs and legal entities on Internet platforms and web portals of government bodies.

Without a crypto provider, the user will not be able to participate in electronic document management (EDF) and perform the following operations:

  • remote ;
  • sending reporting documentation to Rosstat, Pension Fund and other government agencies;
  • interaction with information services, AIS State Order, GIS Housing and Communal Services, etc.;
  • bank transfers and other financial transactions where CEDS are needed;
  • submitting an online application for participation in auctions under Federal Laws No. 223 and No. 44;
  • support of bankruptcy proceedings;
  • interaction with participants of corporate e-document flow.

From January 1, 2019, all CAs issue electronic certificates according to the new standard (GOST R 34.10-2012). The software fully complies with this standard and supports new cryptographic protection algorithms.

  • System requirements for installing software

    To fully use all the functionality of the crypto provider, all that remains is to install certificates in the PC registry. As a rule, CAs issue certificates on key flash media; in rare cases, they are sent to the owner’s email.

    The certificate is installed in the “Service” section of the CryptoPro program. It is recommended to perform this procedure in accordance with the instructions from the developer. As a result, the certificate should be saved in the “Personal” folder.

    At the final stage, save the root certificate (RC), which is available for download on the CA website. This document is saved in the Trusted folder. The CS performs an important function in e-document flow - it confirms that the certificate was obtained from an accredited CA.