Radio signal suppression system. Radio jammer for TV, FM, mobile and walkie-talkies (radio jamming)

Tired of everyone around you constantly looking at smartphone screens or, even worse, talking without stopping, right in the next seat of the minibus?! Jammer cellular signal will solve the problem - no talking, no internet. Books, chess, crossword puzzle.

But won't they go to jail for this? Is it even possible to detect such a device? Let's figure out how jammers work and how legal they are.

Who invented jammers and why?

We partly owe the proliferation of jammers to King Abdullah II of Jordan. The ringing of mobile phones in the temple distracted him from prayer and irritated him wildly.

In 2001, Abdullah contacted Image Sensing Systems for a special device that would block mobile communications. The engineers thought about it and soon presented a small gadget with the necessary functions.

Previously, such devices were used by the military and employees of strategic facilities. The first - to suppress enemy communications and protect against wiretapping, the second - to avoid interference with aircraft.

Where are jammers used today – and how?

Today they are mainly purchased by large companies to ensure the confidentiality of information. Jammers are installed in government buildings, Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSB facilities, and in prisons.

Hospitals jam the signal to ensure sensitive electronics work properly. For the same reason, gadgets are purchased for research laboratories and service centers.

Jammers are often installed in cinemas and theaters. They are even available in schools and universities so that no one can copy from the Internet during exams.

They jam not only the signal of mobile phones, but also “bugs” that also work through cellular networks. However, jammers do not protect against recording of conversations (spoiler: there are such devices, read on).

You've probably seen jammers in the subway too. They were installed to combat terrorism. Even if a bomb is planted, a terrorist will not be able to detonate it remotely. The signal won't go through.

Couriers and truck drivers use jammers to prevent their employers from tracking them. For the same reason, car thieves also buy jammers.

Another option is to use a jammer to disable the alarm on a car or building. Or the system smart House", in which devices exchange data via Wi-Fi.

There are also jammers - "anti-chanson". These are radio wave suppressors. Does the music in taxis bother you? Turn it on discreetly in your pocket, and enjoy the silence.

By the way, if you use a player with an FM transmitter together with a jammer, you can force the entire minibus to listen to the right music.

How does a signal jammer work?

The device does not weaken the signal, but creates interference at the selected frequency - intense white noise. As a result, devices within range stop receiving and transmitting data.

In any model, you can select a voltage-controlled generator, an interference source, a tuning circuit, an amplification unit and a transmitting antenna. The size of such a device ranges from a matchbox to a banana box, depending on power, range, functionality and price.

Which signal to jam depends on the type of device and supported frequencies. Modern gadgets usually work with GSM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, GLONASS and FM.

Is it legal to use a signal jammer?

Formally, there is no law in the Russian Federation that would completely prohibit the use of suppressors cellular communications and GPS. But it is necessary to register the device with the State Radio Frequency Commission (SCRF).

If you use an unregistered jammer, you can end up in court under Art. 13.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. True, the fine for individuals is humane - up to 500 rubles. But the device will also be confiscated.

Legal entities can be charged up to 10 thousand, also with the confiscation of the jammer.

How to register a jammer?

The easiest way is to go to the government services portal and submit an application electronically. However, to obtain permission to jam, you will still have to walk on your feet - the invitation will come to Personal Area Online.

The statement states:

  • Full name, TIN, place of residence, details of the identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • type, name and number of the registered device;
  • number and date of permission to use radio frequencies (radio frequency channels) for radio-electronic means issued in the name of the applicant (if such is provided for your jammer by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • numbers and date of the certificate of formation of the call sign (if such is provided for your jammer by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Permits are issued by specialists Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technologies And mass communications. They will have to present a long list of documents:

  • information about technical specifications and radiation parameters of registered radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices;
  • SCRF decision to allocate radio frequency bands for high-frequency devices in the event that the operating radio frequency band of the high-frequency device does not correspond to the list of radio frequencies intended for use in industrial, scientific, medical and household high-frequency devices ();
  • decision of the SCRF on the allocation of radio frequency bands for radio-electronic equipment if such a decision provides for the possibility of using radio frequencies or radio frequency channels without obtaining permission to use radio frequencies or radio frequency channels (for most devices this is the decision of the SCRF No. 05-10-03-001 “On the allocation of a band radio frequencies 0.1-1000 MHz...");
  • permission to use radio frequencies or radio frequency channels;
  • certificate of formation of identification call signs.

A service employee will take these documents from you and send them for review. If all is well, then within 10 days another invitation will be sent to your personal account on the government services website - this time for a registration certificate. The service is free.

Practice shows that an individual can only get a permit by miracle. Mere mortals are often denied registration without explanation. And government agencies or commercial structures have to fight with bureaucracy, proving the need to use a jammer. But for money this is not possible.

What types of jammers are there?

Stationary jammer.

There are jammers stationary And portable.

Stationary jammers– complexes of serious power, which are ordered for round-the-clock use. They are capable of working at ten different frequencies, accordingly, have at least 10 antennas and impressive dimensions.

Portable jammer.

Portable jammers – pocket-sized options that run on battery power for several hours. Such a jammer can be easily hidden in a bag and brought with you to negotiations.

Hybrid jammer.

Hybrid jammers– for example, small jammers for cars that connect to the cigarette lighter.

Signal muffler covers.

Covers-jammers– covers that block the signal. And this is the only option that does not require registration. If, of course, you use it with the consent of the owner of the gadget that you put in the case.

By the way, portable jammers for camouflage purposes are produced in a variety of form factors. For example, a gadget might look like a can of Coke or a pack of cigarettes.

Larger devices fit into a bag or suitcase. The main thing is that no one forced you to open it.

What about recording conversations?

Cellular signal jammers will not help here, but there is a solution - ultrasonic suppressor. The device generates safe sound waves at ultra-high frequencies. This interference prevents you from recording sound on a voice recorder or smartphone.

Another variant - acoustic suppression devices. They create a special noise, a kind of “choir of voices”. As a result, if you speak at close range and not too loudly, the recording will be ruined.

How to understand that the signal is being jammed

If the connection goes out for everyone at the same time in a small area, then it is almost certainly a jammer. Inexpensive portable models are effective within a radius of 5-10 meters, industrial ones - up to 300 meters.

It’s more difficult if they jam it from a car, minibus, etc. But the logic is the same. Once you exit, the signal will most likely return.

So if Wi-Fi suddenly turns off in the office and starts to glitch wireless headphones, mouse and keyboard, someone nearby definitely turned on the jammer. And if the navigator sent you to Kuala Lumpur or Domodedovo, a government motorcade is traveling nearby.

A reliable way to determine if the jammer is working right now is - radio signal detector, also known as a field indicator or bug detector. Such a device for 5-10 thousand rubles will allow you to scan a room and find the source of interference.

So is it possible to buy a jammer for yourself?

Jammers can be bought and sold; the law does not prohibit this.

But! You can use the jammer only after registration (free!).

You won’t be imprisoned directly for using it, even if a jammer is found on you. However, it will be confiscated and you will be fined 500 rubles.

In the summer of 2006 we organized a Summer Art Camp for media artists in Aizpute, Latvia. Here is a video of that time - the art group “Where the Dogs Run” from Yekaterinburg demonstrates in action the newly assembled “Antishanson” device, or a pocket jammer for the FM range. Indispensable in taxis, cafes and other public Russian places.

"Antishanson" - individual mobile device to protect and actively counter the interference of unwanted information from the radio air (PMRG - personal mobile radio jammer). Allows you to quietly jam the selected radio frequency by creating harmonic radio interference in a given range. The device has a radio interference button “OFF FM” and a frequency adjustment knob. The cost of the device is $10.

Location of video recording - creative cottage for media artists, summer 2006, Latvia.

Performance characteristics:

Frequency range: 88-108MHz (FM)
Range: 5-10m
Supply voltage: 9V
Continuous operation time: 15 hours.
Overall dimensions: 35x50x25

NEW! Instructions on how to assemble "Antishanson" directly from the authors!

And more press reviews:

Resounding success

"Rolling Stone", No. 30

A group of Yekaterinburg artists “Where the Dogs Run” created a portable radio signal suppressor called “Antishanson”. The RS correspondent was the first to test this device.

The creators of the device say: “It will become a constant companion for taxi passengers and public transport, allowing you to quietly jam the signal of an unloved radio station by creating radio interference at the required frequency.” “Antishanson” resembles a pocket radio with a round frequency adjustment knob, a button for turning on interference and a wire-antenna and operates from regular battery"Crown" type.

Having secured the antenna under my sweater, I put the device in my pocket - nothing is noticeable from the outside. I'm catching a taxi. In the “six” that arrived, “Autoradio” was playing with might and main, and Uspenskaya’s song was playing. I get into the car and by touch begin to turn the Antichanson tuning knob, trying to catch the Avtoradio frequency. A few seconds later, Uspenskaya drowns in a stream of white noise and it becomes clear that the device is working. I press the static button and there is complete silence.

The Caucasian driver switches the radio to “Police Wave.” I'm doing the same operation. “What’s the matter, damn it! What are they having, a strike there?!” — the driver indignantly knocks his palm on the radio panel. Sitting on the next seat, I sympathize with him and make suggestions as to the reasons for the breakdown. The Caucasian begins to get nervous, mutters in an undertone, “Fuck you,” and desperately pokes all the buttons in a row, but without any result. Finally, outraged and upset, he turns off the radio.

The next victim of “Antishanson” is a small kebab shop near the Nikitsky Gate. The device instantly jams Gloria Gaynor singing on Radio Retro. The bartender turns the tuner knob in bewilderment, but a minute later inserts a cassette with a Soyuz studio collection into the tape recorder.

Once outside, I hail a taxi again. In the new Kalina there is an extremely intelligent-looking driver. Radio Jazz is playing muffledly. We talk about the skill of pianist Herbie Hancock. “You see, Hancock’s state of mind at the climax of the solo...” the driver says enthusiastically as the radio begins to hiss and goes silent. “Fuck!” — the intellectual says unexpectedly loudly and clearly and switches the player to CD mode.

In conclusion, “Antishanson” is tested on public transport. The sounds of “Russian Radio” can be heard from the driver’s cabin of trolleybus No. 42. As I assume, “Antishanson” copes with them without difficulty.

According to members of the art group “Where the Dogs Run,” the device was created manually as part of the conceptual campaign “Antishanson,” but at the moment there are already so many people willing to purchase it that the authors are thinking about establishing serial production. The cost of the device is only three hundred rubles. In the meantime, “Antishanson” exists only in a few copies.

Every day we are surrounded by more and more technology that works using wireless networks: Cell phones, smart home gadgets, car alarms, unmanned aerial vehicles.

Unfortunately, such devices are easy to damage. A simple device for a few thousand rubles can neutralize burglar alarm or cut off cellular communications in the entire office.

If you live in Moscow, you see this regularly in the city center.

In this article you will learn what types of household radio frequency suppressors there are and for what purposes they are used.


“Jammers” can be easily purchased on the Internet, but they should only be used with the permission of Roskomnadzor. More details about the process of registering radio frequency suppressors can be found in the document Registration of RES and RF.

Responsibility for violating the rules registration of RES and VHF is prescribed in Article 13.4. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for the design, construction, installation, registration or operation of radio-electronic equipment and (or) high-frequency devices. For individuals threatens fine up to 500 rubles and confiscation of the device.

How do RF jammers work?

The general operating principle of all jammers is very simple: they emit a signal in the same frequency range as the device that needs to be jammed. A “white noise” field is created around the jammer, in which signals from other sources are lost.

Types of jammers by form factor

Stationary jammers. Such devices are designed for constant use in one place and require a network connection to operate. They weigh several kilograms and can simultaneously generate “white noise” on ten or more radio frequency bands.

Portable jammers. Such devices can be carried in your pocket and discreetly turned on as needed, without attracting the attention of others. Time battery life such a device 1-3 hours.

Portable jammers weigh on average 300-700 grams and combine 3-6 antennas to suppress different radio frequency ranges.

Blocking cases. Since the 90s, there have been many legends about the “police mode” built into every GSM phone, which allows the cellular operator to monitor the movements and listen to the conversations of any subscriber.

Typically these cases have two compartments. The first compartment is designed to completely block signals, and the second to protect against harmful radiation.

In many countries around the world, high-ranking officials and intelligence officers use specially assembled mobile phones. In Russia, employees of secret agencies are issued crypto phones SMP-ATLAS/2 and M-549M.

Now let’s take a closer look at why signal suppression is used in practice at different frequency ranges.


In most cases, cellular jammers are purchased to protect premises from wiretapping using GSM bugs. Suppressor mobile communications You can create silence in the hall at a public event by blocking incoming calls.

Perhaps our country will soon pass a law according to which cellular jammers will be installed in prisons, schools during the Unified State Exam, in university auditoriums, theaters and other public places.

Frequency ranges:
GSM900: 925-960 MHz
GSM1800: 1805-1880 MHz
3G: 2110-2170 MHz
4G WIMAX: 2570-2690 MHz
4G LTE: 791-820 MHz
CDMA800: 850-894 MHz ( Not used by Russian mobile operators since 2010)
PHS: 1900-1930 MHz (legacy standard, formerly used in China and Japan)


Such jammers are often combined in one device with cellular jammers. They are designed to block data transmission channels wireless cameras. This provides additional protection against information leaks.

If such a jammer is active in the room, then in addition to the cameras covert surveillance Routers don't work wireless keyboards and mice.

Frequency range:
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth: 2400 – 2500 MHz


Company cars of truck drivers and couriers are sometimes equipped with GPS trackers, which allow the employer to monitor the location of the employee. But you can protect yourself from such surveillance using an anti-tracker.

GPS anti-tracker is small device, which is installed in the car's cigarette lighter and blocks signals GPS satellites and GLONASS. Some anti-trackers also include a GSM jammer.

GPS and Glonass jammers are also used by car thieves to protect against surveillance of a stolen car.

Frequency ranges:
GPS L1: 1570-1620 MHz
GPS and GLONASS L2: 1200-1310 MHz
GPS and GLONASS L3: 1380-1410 MHz


In online stores they are sold under the life-like name “Antishanson”. Such jammers will be useful in minibuses, taxis, shops and other habitats of Radio Dacha and Retro FM listeners.

Frequency range:

FM: 88-108MHz

MP3 players with FM transmitters are also used to counter chanson and troll drivers. With their help, you can not just turn off the radio, but force the entire minibus to listen to your favorite tracks.

Audio recording

Microphone jammers are included in a comprehensive anti-wiretapping protection kit along with cellular and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth jammers. There are two ways to prevent audio recording:

Ultrasonic suppression. The device generates ultrasound, which is not perceived by human hearing, but creates interference that blocks recording from smartphones and pocket voice recorders.

Acoustic suppression. The device generates a “choir of voices” interference that is audible to humans.

A “microphone jammer” usually weighs several kilograms and looks like regular column and looks organically in the interior. It is controlled using the remote control remote control, which can be hidden in your pocket.

How are jammers camouflaged?

To suppress radio signals unnoticed by others, online stores sell jammers camouflaged as various objects. Portable jammers with a range of up to 15 meters are disguised as purses or packs of cigarettes, and more powerful universal jammers are disguised as briefcases, diplomats or interior parts.

Hello. Of course, many radio amateurs had problems with interference and unnecessary radio signals that intrusively interfered with their work with audio equipment.

So, we will provide you with an option on how to get rid of this.

How to make a radio signal jammer:

1. We need a KT368 transistor (in the figure it is provided in two versions)

or you can use any HF.

2. We will need the following types of capacitors: 1n, 0.1mk, 10pf, 25pf

3. Resistors here are suitable 22 Ohm and 12 Kom

4. Copper wire, diameter should be 0.5 mm

5. Power supply 9V

And here is the actual diagram:

6. The coil should be made of 6 turns, with a tap from the middle. We need a mandrel of 5 cm, as mentioned earlier, the wire should be 0.5 mm

7. Telescopic antenna, preferably 25 cm long.

Adjustable using a tuning capacitor with a capacity of 1n

It is better to use a power supply, because firstly, your muffler will operate more reliably and stably, and secondly, using a power supply significantly increases the range of your muffler. When using a battery, the range is about 40 meters, and when using a power supply - about 70 meters. As you can see, the difference is significant. This is of course up to you to decide.

That's all. Good luck.

I sell jammers, noise generators, suppressors or signal blockers.
- FM Jammers
- FM jammers
- TV jammers
- Car alarm suppressors
- GPS jammers
- GSM jammers
- jammers and much more
For consulting and acquisition issues
Address [email protected]
If you want to buy something, buy it!
Guarantee - reputation!
If there is no trust and in doubt, then go to the “shop”.
I didn't want to offend anyone.
If you have any questions, you are welcome!

FM suppressor (jammer). Product view in the video. Designed to suppress radio signals in the entire FM broadcast range (87.5-108 MHz). Can be used in the office, at home, in the country to prevent listening to “annoying” music from neighbors. The effective suppression radius of the product is 20-27m. When removing broadcast transmitters, it reaches 50m(!). The range depends on the electromagnetic environment at the place of use, the proximity of the location broadcast transmitters, type of receiving device, also from urban development.
Power supply 9V, "Krona" type battery. It is also possible to power the device from a 9-10V power supply, current not less than 70mA. The suppression band is 800KHz-1MHz, which is practically enough to suppress one or two radio stations. When this product is operating, there is a squeaking/crackling/noise in the receiver.
Tuning to the desired frequency is done using a knob located on the side.
Ranges to choose from: 87-108/93-108/100-108 MHz, (also “Our” VHF 68-74 MHz) depending on the region of use.
Everything is made in Russia.

Payment methods by agreement.

FM radio jammer. FM-Killer 2, modernized, using GKCh. Video review.
Designed to suppress radio broadcasting stations in the FM range 87.5-108 MHz.
Power supply is 9-10V, you can use either a Krona type battery or a 9V power supply with a current of at least 150mA.
Effective suppression radius of the product (under average electromagnetic conditions):
- 25-30m. when using battery/accumulator
- 40-50 when used from a power supply.
When removing broadcast transmitters, it reaches 100m(!).
Pros and cons compared to the previous version:
1. Full range suppression mode
2. The bandwidth in the tuning mode has been expanded to a frequency of up to 3 MHz
3. Good stability of technical parameters
1. Continuous operation of the product on battery power is no more than 2 hours
2. It fits in a jacket/jacket pocket, but not in smaller ones.

TV jammer (suppressor).

TV jammer!!! Designed to suppress signals in the range from 30 MHz to 850 MHz. Can be used in the office, at home, in the country to prevent listening to “annoying” TV from neighbors. The effective suppression radius of the product is 3-15m. When removing broadcast transmitters, it reaches ~25m(!). The range depends on the electromagnetic environment at the place of use, the proximity of broadcast transmitters, the type of receiving device and the antenna connected to the TV receiver.
Power supply from 12V power supply, current not less than 1.5-2A. The suppression band is from 30 MHz to 850 MHz, there are “holes” in the range. When this product is operating, the TV receiver experiences ripples/streaks/starts to “snow” or a complete loss of the TV channel (what this depends on is described above). The sound may "break through". Equipped with forced cooling.
Contents: Noise generator, power supply, two antennas (possible without power supply).
Everything is sent by Russian Post 1st class, a track code for tracking and a small user manual are provided.
Payment methods by agreement. Suppression of analogue and digital broadcasting.
Use of the product for illegal purposes is prohibited.