Minelab service center. Repair of metal detectors and coils – Fortuna service center

The Leader-SC service center offers high-quality and fast repair of Minelab metal detectors in Moscow. We fix any breakdowns of metal detectors of these models: CTX 3030, CTX 3030 RUS, E-Trac PRO RUS, E-Trac Professional, E-Trac RUS, Eureka Gold, Excalibur 2, Explorer E-Trac, Explorer E-Trac Rus, Explorer SE Professional, Go-Find 20, Go-Find 40, Go-Find 60, GPX 4500, GPX 4800, GPX 5000, GPX-4800, GPX-5000, GPZ 7000, Pro-Find 25, Safari, Safari PRO Pack, SDC 2300 , Sovereign GT, X-Terra 305, X-Terra 505, X-Terra 705, X-Terra 705 DD 10.5", X-Terra 705 Dual Pack, X-Terra 705 Gold Pack, CTX 3030 and all the others.


*Labor prices shown, part cost not included

Our service center provides a guarantee for all work performed and installed parts.

Conditions for repairs in our service center

Using the services of our service center is very simple:

  • Call by phone in Moscow (495) 771-52-79 and describe your problem. Our specialists will help determine the most likely cause of the breakdown and the approximate cost of repairs, or
  • You can come come to us and bring the device to free diagnostics. If the defect is not clear, then we accept the device and print you a receipt. After diagnosis, we will inform you of the exact cause and cost of repair.
  • Ask a question using the website. We will answer you by phone, if indicated in your request, or by email.
  • If the cost is reasonable- we are repairing. You pick up the finished device, check it, pay for repairs, and receive a guarantee.
  • If the cost is high- you pick up the device “without repair” without paying anything.
  • "Courier" service- the courier will deliver your device to the service center and bring it back repaired. Check with your consultant by phone in Moscow (495) for the opportunity to use this service. 771-52-79 .

Repair is a scary word that few people want to meet and that everyone is afraid of. But the reality is that nothing lasts forever and sooner or later equipment breaks down, including metal detectors. Our “equipment” is intended for active use and is therefore subject to constant stress, both physical and technical. There are many reasons for failure. This can be anything from a physical blow to water getting into the block (if it is not protected). There are many reasons for breakdowns, but there is only one solution - it needs to be repaired.

The FORTUNA online store is expanding the range of its services for the repair of metal detectors, coils and accessories. Until recently, the service center that serviced Koschey metal detectors expanded its capabilities. Now you can repair most metal detectors and coils from global and domestic manufacturers.


If your metal detector or coil is subject to warranty repair and the warranty period is still valid, you must contact the manufacturer or store where you purchased the product.

Only official metal detectors that have holographic tags can be repaired!

Metal detector repair

We repair most metal detectors from global manufacturers. Here you can repair the following devices:

  • Garrett;
  • Minelab;
  • XP md;
  • Koschey;
  • Teknetics;
  • Fisher;
  • Makro MD;
  • Nokta DT.

This is a list of the main manufacturers. If you do not find your device on the list, you need to check the possibility of repair. Repair of homemade metal detectors is discussed personally.

“Reversal” (confusing “+” and “-”) of the power supply, water getting into the device, as well as various physical breakdowns are solvable problems.

These are the most “popular” breakdowns that occur most often. If the device simply does not turn on for no known reason, you need to submit the metal detector for diagnostics. Diagnostics are carried out within 2-3 days, taking into account the repair queue.

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Hi all. For a whole season, comrade Alexander, with whom we often dig, has been away with the Minelab Explorer SE device. But a problem arose: false signals during operation of the device. He was just phantomizing. So I took a metal detector from the comrade to see what was going on. If your device suffers from the same problem and has an identical cause, then if you decide to fix it yourself, you do everything at your own peril and risk. I and this blog do not bear any responsibility for your hands and the damaged device!

When I opened the device, I immediately noticed a swollen capacitor with electrolyte leaking from above and drying up. Definitely needs to be changed!

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The characteristics of the capacitor are as follows: 16 volts 2200 uF. Then I went to a radio parts store and bought a replacement for the failed component. It turned out to be smaller in size, but the width of the legs matched.

Next, it’s a small matter: unsolder the old one and in its place, being sure to observe the polarity, solder in a new capacitor. The varnish that covers the printed circuit board melted a little under the soldering iron. Don’t forget to wash off the rosin or flux with alcohol after soldering.

Also, in addition to resoldering the capacitor, I strengthened the insulation of two coaxial power wires, the insulation of which was pinched by the case, after which bare metal was exposed.

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The company offers post-warranty repairs of all metal detectors. Troubleshooting is done quickly, efficiently and reliably.

Unstable operation, constant failures, breakdowns and dents - all these are typical and standard malfunctions of metal detectors, which necessarily require timely, high-quality repairs. We produce repair of metal detectors in Moscow at quite attractive prices.

Prices for additional services

What breaks most often?

There are several standard metal detector breakdowns that occur most often.

  1. Cable fault. It occurs due to careless handling of the equipment, and also due to various mechanical effects on the cable itself, which is the connector between the coil and the electronic unit.
  2. Coil malfunction. One of the most popular faults. The “symptoms” are as follows: lack of reaction to an object, decreased search depth, a wide variety of “glitches.”
  3. Electronic unit malfunction. The cause is most often a classic software glitch. Sometimes this malfunction occurs due to moisture getting into the equipment.
  4. Malfunction of connectors. Often combined with cable related faults.

Our experienced employees are familiar with all these types of breakdowns, and they repair metal detectors of all types very quickly and efficiently. But before you send your metal detector for repair, it is advisable to clean it of various contaminants.

What is offered to clients?

The range of services of our specialists includes such things as diagnostics, replacement of the display and parts using soldering equipment, changing software, restoring various switches and control buttons, and much more. More detailed information related to the services provided for the repair of metal detectors can be found on our website or by calling the Deteknix phone number.

Improper transportation, storage and operation of the metal detector can cause interruptions in its operation or even complete failure of the equipment. If your metal detector stops functioning normally, contact our qualified technicians. We perform professional Minelab repair in Moscow, offering its clients the most profitable and convenient conditions for cooperation.

If you are interested, we will be happy to help resolve any questions you may have. Our employees quickly identify the main causes of unit malfunctions and quickly eliminate equipment breakdowns of varying degrees of complexity. Our company’s specialists have extensive experience in diagnosing, servicing and repairing various models of Minelab metal detectors.

Prompt detection of the cause of device failure, the ability to perform small, medium or large repairs, as well as reasonable prices for restoration and repair services make contacting us as convenient and comfortable as possible. With our help, you can quickly restore the functionality of your metal detector, resuming various search operations.

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