Yandex service on request. Data for semantics — Yandex Wordstat

Everything that's needed - mail account on Yandex. Registration takes only a couple of minutes.

Selection of key phrases

Wordstat searches by words by default. Enter the keyword in the search and click "Select". You will see different queries with the given word and its word forms.

To the right of each is the frequency. Its value is based on data for the last 30 days and takes into account searches in Yandex.

Important points on frequency:

  • It shows not how many times a query is entered in the search bar, but how many times a Yandex.Direct ad comes out for this query;
  • Sum impressions for all variants - an error, since they are included in the total in the first line;
  • The figures are sometimes inflated and do not always reflect adequate demand. The reason is that the owners regularly monitor their sites. It is also the work of services for checking positions, cheating behavioral factors, grouping search queries.

Wordstat offers filters by device:

The service automatically takes into account all cases and numbers and breaks phrases into words. So, for the query “bow tie”, both “how to tie a bow tie” and “buy a bow tie + in Moscow” come out.

Wordstat also picks up words that users have entered along with the current query:

If you have a mono-product that differs in size, color, as in the example above, right column gives different variations. If the request is more extensive, usually in the service industry, you will see options that are not directly related. For example, the output for the phrase "Renovation of apartments":

This is your chance to find out:

  • How potential clients seek to solve a problem or satisfy a need, and how they address the search engine in doing so. It is useful to consider this when the main keyword does not provide wide coverage;
  • Additional interests of the audience (what products are still bought, what are they interested in) to create custom characters;
  • What phrases to search for near-target traffic in order to advertise in YAN.

If you click on any phrase, it appears in the search bar - and the service gives the predicted number of impressions per month for it.

Under the results - the transition to the next pages of issue. Unfortunately, you can't get to the end with a single click. You need to turn over each page by clicking the "Next" button.

For super popular queries the service does not show data beyond the 40th page. For example, the phrase "download torrent" has over 32 million requests.

Output - third party solutions for parsing. Most Popular: Key Collector, YandexKeyParser, extensions Yandex Wordstat Helper and Yandex Wordstat Assistant (about them - at the end of the article).

How to refine a request

Operators help you search for phrases by different match types. Compare impressions:

  • Broad - bicycle repair - 10,519 impressions per month;
  • Phrasal - "bicycle repair" - 631 impressions per month;
  • Exact (finishing the end) - "!repair!bicycles" - 456 impressions per month.

For greater semantic detailing of the results, there is an auxiliary syntax:

  • The minus excludes phrases containing this word. For example, for the query “bow tie for children”, Wordstat will not show phrases like “buy a bow tie for children”, “children's bow tie sizes”.
  • Plus means that it is mandatory for issuance. This is especially true for short prepositions and conjunctions, which Yandex sometimes ignores. When you enter "famous scientists from Russia", in the list we see both "the most famous scientists of Russia" and "famous scientists modern russia”, and “famous women scientists of Russia”. And for "famous scientists + from Russia" we get only what we are looking for.
  • The exclamation point ensures exact match (preserving the number and case as in the query).

  • The (|) operator adds synonyms. “Buy (duvet|plaid)” is two requests in one: “Buy a blanket” and “Buy a blanket”.

  • The operator fixes the word order in the query. Compare the statistics and understand which option is more often used:

  • Fixed number of words. This is useful for popular topics, when collecting the first 40 pages does not allow you to get everything search phrases. Option two:

When the main query is two-word and we need 4-word options, we write like this:

Query Popularity by Region

Wordstat sorts results by geography. Click "All regions" and check the ones you need:

There is a Quick Pick option for four commonly used options.

The “by regions” checkbox helps to evaluate the popularity of a query in a particular region or city. More than 100% is an increased interest:

If necessary, you can see the frequency of using words on the world map:

Determining the seasonality of a query

The Query History feature shows trends based on data from the last two years.

Issue on most topics depends on the season. If the necessary semantics is not in Wordstat, it may appear in the search results when the corresponding season arrives.

When you search for “news” or “where to go,” you constantly get different lists.

By default, a graph and a table are displayed by months, but you can switch to weeks. They contain absolute (the number of impressions per request) and relative values ​​(its ratio to the total number of impressions in Yandex).

One more feature. By sharp jumps in a short period, you can identify the cheating of impressions by webmasters. A characteristic feature is that in a separate short period the phrase gains thousands, for the rest - 0.

So, now you know how to get semantics from Wordstat, refined by value, geography and seasonality. Next, consider what to do with them and how to use an example. Namely, we will select the SA from the real data of the service.

Semantic core selection

According to experts, manual parsing in Wordstat yields 30-40% of all phrases. But given that the service is free, it's very good. Additionally, you can generate keywords by search suggestions and with other tools.

Example: demand for wooden windows.


1) Determine how users formulate a query. Open and drive in the phrase:

There are too many results. It will take a lot of time to process them manually. At the same time, among them there are irrelevant ones - “windows in a wooden house”, “wooden platbands”, “do-it-yourself wooden windows” and the like.

The wording needs to be clarified. First of all, let's get rid of the "garbage" with the help of negative words: house, platbands, do-it-yourself, old, blinds, how to, insulate, sweat.

2) Set up the region - the city of Perm - and the type of devices from which potential customers enter. Let's say we are interested in all users, since we are going to run mobile and desktop campaigns:

3) Determine the target demand. To do this, we select relevant options from the search results and enter them into Excel spreadsheet across different segments.

Ideally, you need to work through all the pages to take into account all the nuances and get a more complete picture of the needs. target audience. For simplicity, consider the first example:

On the screenshot in gray phrases are indicated that we exclude, as they do not fit.

4) We look through similar phrases. Some of them fall into the target demand, for example:

You can also look at the second column for the suitable words that were identified in paragraph 3, and complete the table.

As a result, we get a certain amount keywords. Parsing in Wordstat is not enough. The semantic core can be expanded with more complex paid and free tools. In addition, they automate further work with the Wordstat service.


  • KeyCollector allows you to collect keywords, determine the competitiveness, cost and effectiveness of keywords;
  • Keywords parser "Magadan" (1,500 rubles, also offers free version). Advantage - convenient automatic collection, analysis and processing of statistics;
  • AllSubmitter (keyword selection module).

Extensions for working with Yandex Wordstat

Entering separate queries for each phrase is a huge waste of time. But there is no getting away from this. But there are solutions that will greatly simplify and speed up the work with the service.

Have you ever asked yourself the question: what are people looking for on the Internet? What are they interested in? I think if you are a webmaster, or you are just interested in the topic of the Internet, then you asked yourself this question. Let's find out which search queries are the most popular in 2017 in Yandex and Google.

The most popular queries in Yandex 2017

The most popular phrase in Yandex is download for free, and other phrases are also very popular: either with the word “free” or with the word “download”! What can you do, people love free things: download for free, watch for free, games for free. But besides them, there are other common requests: March 8, New Year, February 23. Yes, the holidays, this is another, very popular topic. True, these are the so-called situational requests, the traffic for which grows immediately before the event itself. This usually happens 2-3 days before the holiday, and after it ends, requests drop almost to zero. I also want to mention seasonal requests. These are the requests that arise in certain period season. There are a lot of such requests, for example, “answers for the Unified State Examination”, “where to relax in the summer”, etc.

Here is a list of the most popular queries in Yandex in 2017.

The most popular queries on Google in 2017.

In Google, the list of the most popular queries is similar to the Yandex list. But there are also some differences. For example, here is the popular word- download. Free download (also leader), download MP3, download movie, download game. By and large, the lists of the most popular queries to both search engines are almost the same. This is if we take, of course, the region of Russia in Google.

Well, now, let's look at the list of the most popular queries on Google in 2017.

What topic for an article should a webmaster choose to get maximum traffic to the site? First you need to check how many times this or that question was asked. Some requests are very popular (download for free), others are extremely rare. It is clear, according to popular phrases, there is maximum traffic. But there is also a lot of competition for them. As a result, break into the TOP10 for such requests search results, very hard. For rare requests, and even more so for zero ones, breaking into the top, as a rule, is not a problem. The problem is different, according to them, the traffic is either very small, or it does not exist at all.

To determine the popularity of queries, there are two popular tools - Yandex Wordstat and Google Keyword Planner.

How to view keyword statistics in WordstatYandex

Yandex Wordstat is the most popular tool on the Russian Internet for obtaining search query statistics. It is free, it allows you to collect data on all search phrases that users of Yandex. It's no secret that Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia.

What I like about the WordstatYandex service is its simplicity. To use it, it is enough to start a mail in Yandex and go to the address. Next, enter a query, and get its statistics. And it's all!

Thus, you can get the dynamics of statistics for any search query. Moreover, you can get data by region and by month.

Yandex Wordstat shows statistics not only for the selected phrase, but also for other search queries related to the search phrase.

Unfortunately, this tool has some disadvantages.

Not quite clear display of statistics. For example, if you need statistics on the phrase "summer dresses", then Yandex will show that this search query was requested 73,000 times. But it's not. In fact, 73,000 times, that's the total number of searches that included the words "Summer Dresses". That is, they also searched for "summer dresses photos", "buy summer dresses" and so on. If you look at the statistics directly for the phrase "summer dresses", it turns out that there were significantly fewer such search queries.

To determine the exact statistics for a phrase, you need to put the quote operator. And then the answer will be completely different.

But you can find out the exact data for each search phrase through the operator exclamation mark, see screenshot.

Thanks to Yandex Wordstat, you can quickly find out the statistics for the selected phrase and only then decide whether to use this phrase for promotion.

How to view statistics in Google Planner (Planner).

In addition to the Yandex Wordstat service, there is another service. This is a Google service and it's called Google Planner (Keyword Planner). In Runet, the description of this service is much less common than the description of Yandex Wordstat. And in vain. Since the capabilities of Google Planner significantly exceed the capabilities of Yandex Wordstat.

As for Yandex, here you also need to have your own account. Simply put, you need to have mail in Google. Next, go to, after which, you need to go to the Tools menu,

and select the item - Keyword Planner.

Now you need to select the item - Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category

Enter the desired search term. Here you can put additional settings: landing page, category and so on. However, these settings are optional, you can simply enter the desired phrase and click on the button - Show options.

A window will open with a lot of numbers. It displays how many options with the selected keys (as in Yandex), and separately, how many options for the selected query. There is also a Download button.

The report shows how many impressions a particular search query had. The displayed statistics are approximate. The values, from and to, differ by a factor of ten: one hundred to one thousand requests, one thousand to ten thousand, and so on. For example: a search query, “Summer dresses”, has a total number of from one hundred to a thousand (region - Russia). And such an error in all search queries.

For a general assessment, such statistics will be enough. Indeed, in any case, this is only a rough estimate of whether it is necessary to work with this request. But there is one feature in AdWords. Thanks to this feature, you can get accurate statistics for all requests. True, for this you need to transfer money to advertising company. Each country has its own minimum wage for creating an advertising company.

Since I have such an acc, here is a screen with accurate readings.

As you can see, the exact numbers are already displayed here. More precisely, the exact average figures for the year. Although, when creating a report, you can check the box, and then it will show the values ​​​​for each month for the past year.

It is not a problem to find out the statistics of search queries in Yandex. In Yandex, this is even easier to do. But Google displays everything at once related queries to file Excel programs, thanks to which, you can immediately select the necessary keys. You can sort the keys alphabetically, by frequency, by level of competition, by approximate cost.

What is the cost of advertising for a search phrase? First of all, AdWords is designed for advertisers. And of course, it is vital for potential advertisers to know how much advertising costs for this or that request. But for webmasters who are not going to give paid advertising, it will not be superfluous to know the value of this parameter.

In Yandex, you can also find out how much advertising costs for a specific query. But for this, you need to open another service. And this is not so convenient at all.

One more moment. The fact is that Google may show phrases that may not contain the keywords that you requested. However, these search queries can also be related to the search phrase.

For example, for the phrase "summer dresses", Google will also suggest the word "sundress". In fact, this is a hint to webmasters. Which will allow you to use even more search queries for search promotion.

How to combine Yandex and Google tools.

Although Yandex is ahead of Google in terms of the number of search queries, Google also has a large share. And therefore, for me, these search engines are equal. When I get statistics in Yandex, I understand that the statistics in Google will be similar. And vice versa. Therefore, both tools are relevant to me. And here the scheme of my work is simple.

For example, for Yandex queries
"buy an apartment in Moscow" and
"Buy an apartment from Moscow" will be the same

To avoid this, you must use the + operator before the preposition
"buy an apartment + in Moscow" and
"Buy an apartment + from Moscow"

This is especially important when compiling semantics for Yandex.Direct!

To answer

    Good addition by operators, they really need to be used. By the way, I also often use "+" myself.

    To answer

    • Well, I think that any user who is going to work with wordstat should learn these operators and figure out what each of them represents.
      Moreover, there are not so many of them.

      Not possible without correct selection keywords. To start promoting a site in search engines, you need to develop a semantic core, which will be presented with the most appropriate keywords for your subject and service provision.

      You also need to choose the words for the article you are going to write, often this option is found in people who blog. This is one of the first stages of the start of website promotion and only after the collected semantic core and done, you can start working with links (or use tricks and ).

      Key words (key phrases)- this is the basis and without their correct selection it is impossible to achieve good results. There are many services and programs that can help you with this, but as a rule, most of them are paid. Specialists who are engaged in promotion use paid programs, those who are just starting or dealing with big projects prefer to use free services:

      • Yandex Wordstat;
      • Google Adwords;

      The services are completely free and give you the opportunity to use good tools. Since in Runet it is necessary to move under both Yandex and Google, let's look at each of them.

      Yandex Wordstat

      To start using this tool, you need to register yandex mail. After registration, you can safely follow the link:

      The tool is easy to use, as it has only one field in which you need to enter the query you are interested in. After entering the request, you must select the region in order to get as accurate data as possible. For example, let's enter " Search Engine Optimization ”, region “ Russia". Click pick.

      In the window that appears, you can see the keyword we entered and the words that were searched with “Search Engine Optimization”. You can also immediately get the frequency (impressions per month) of a given word.

      In this way, you can select and view the words you are interested in. If not big project, you can easily manual mode collect a small semantic core or just pick up keywords for the article.

      Google Adwords

      Before using the tools from Google, you need to get yourself an email gmail. After registration, follow the link below and follow all the recommendations.

      Once you get to the Adwords tools page, you need to top menu select “Tools” -> “Keyword Planner”.

      In the left menu there will be several items by which you can search for keywords. To get started, you will need the first 2. The first paragraph “ Find keyword and ad variations", may be more suitable for contextual advertising, the second "Get query statistics for a list of keywords or group them by ad group".

      Let's try the second point. Enter a keyword in the field or load words from a file. You also need to select the region in which you are moving. After entering all the words, click “Find out the number of requests”.

      Now you can view the keywords and find out their frequency.

      If you need to pick up several options with this word, then go to the first paragraph and do all the steps above. On the “Keyword Options” tab, you can see all the suggested options from Adwords.

      If we compare the work of the two tools Wordstat and Adwords, then my opinion is that Google gives more information for analysis, although the keyword selection service itself is more complicated. Due to its complexity, it provides a bunch of opportunities with which you can easily assemble a good semantic core. But whatever one may say, it is necessary to use these two servers in conjunction, since in Runet it is necessary to advance both in Yandex and Google.


      Perhaps the most visited service in Russia is wordstat from Yandex. To select, just follow the following link and enter the query you are interested in in the "Keywords and phrases" field. After clicking on the "Pick up" button, a table will appear in front of you, on the left side of which the most popular queries will be displayed, and on the right side you will see related queries.

      Do not forget that the issuance of query statistics is different for regions, so if you are interested in regional, use the By tab. In the same place, you should specify your choice - region or city.

      Rambler (Rambler) - no less famous than Yandex, but clearly inferior in terms of, and more recently, fully using search technologies above the designated company. To go to the request statistics check service, click on the link In the empty rectangular box, enter the words or phrases of interest, then click the "Calculate" button.

      This service is clearly inferior to Yandex, but there is also a regional issue: check the box next to the item "Geography of requests" or click the link "Statistics by geography" and click the appropriate button.

      Google has two products that allow you to create an objective assessment of the queries you enter: using the keyword selection service, you can select the most relevant query, and the comparative statistics service Google search gives an idea of ​​the forwarded request.

      The keyword selection service (AdWords) is Wordstat from Yandex, you can find it at the following link Search query statistics can be viewed on this page

      Related videos

      Before you start making a site, you need to know exactly who will look for it and why. More importantly, statistics are needed. requests if it is planned to be promoted.

      You will need

      • computer, internet


      Refine the list of parameters that you are interested in in queries. In addition to the typed words, the period of data analysis can also be important - a week, a month. Understand what kind of audience you need. For example, in Russia the most used search engine is Yandex. And to work with domestic Internet users, be guided by its indicators. If the real location of the site visitor is not so important, then it is necessary to analyze Google and Rambler.

      Go to and enter right word. Specify the region if it matters (in our case, most likely, you need to select "Russia". Enter a word or phrase that denotes your product or service. Click the "select" button. You will receive two columns: the left one with data on your request, right - with data about what else interested these people.

      Click the "regions" tab to see how popular given request in different parts of Russia and the world. There are also two columns here: absolute number requests and regional popularity as a percentage. This data can be visualized on a map. To do this, go to the appropriate tab. If seasonal fluctuations are important to you, open by month and week.

      The correct selection of keywords is the basis of search engine promotion and high-quality contextual advertising settings. It is from the formation of the semantic core (compilation of the database of queries and the creation of pages relevant to them) that the further result largely depends: the popularity of the resource and conversion.

      Do you want to become a real SEO guru and get ready instructions work with the best services for the Russian-speaking segment? Then this article is written especially for you!

      On the this moment There are two main ways to collect popular queries in Yandex - Yandex.Direct and Yandex WordStat. Let's study them in more detail, consider the advantages and disadvantages.


      search engine Yandex system regularly collects information about user requests - based on this data, a convenient Yandex WordStat service was created. It helps website owners and optimizers get to know the needs of Runet visitors in detail, track trendy topics, and choose the most appropriate keywords.

      Screenshot of the Yandex.Wordstat interface

      Among the advantages of the service, one should highlight the simplicity and high speed work. This free service has great functionality. With it, you can:

      • find out the frequency of a query in Yandex in exact, phrase and broad match;
      • get statistics for a particular region;
      • use "Query History" to determine seasonality.

      Now for the cons. Advanced SEO specialists agree that the selection of keywords in Yandex.Wordstat allows you to compile a list of keywords up to 50% of a full-fledged semantic core. To save data to a computer and search for other phrases, you will need to use additional services.

      Another drawback - WordStat only shows 2000 nested phrases (up to 40 pages), missing low frequency requests, which lead additional traffic. Many are annoyed by the frequent introduction of "captcha", in addition, there is a possibility of blocking the account.

      Advice! To collect more keywords, use the paid Key program Collector or take on board little trick advanced optimizers. They get around the limitation by injecting queries into different options. For example: blouse, blouse, blouse, blouse.

      Remember! Are you going to collect a lot of keywords? Create a separate Yandex account to avoid the consequences of potential blocking.


      It is a contextual advertising service on pages search engine and websites of YAN partners. Despite a different purpose (the service was created to conduct paid promotion And fine tuning advertisements with output for specific queries), Yandex.Direct also allows you to select keywords.

      Besides, this service makes it possible to study the search phrases used by competitors in order to apply them next time in their own website development strategy.

      Most users of Yandex. Direct - advertisers and online sellers, therefore this commercial tool is also designed to calculate the profit received from promotion for individual keywords.

      The main disadvantage of Yandex.Direct is that it is not particularly suitable for solving large-scale tasks. In such cases, it is better to opt for a powerful Key Collector or free service"Slovoeb".

      How to use Yandex.Wordstat to select keywords?

      The interface of the platform is simple and understandable even for beginners. The main elements of the main screen:

      • query input field - here you need to enter the search phrase about which you want to get information;

      • button "by words" - displays a list taking into account the specified operators ( Special symbols to narrow the search range);
      • "by regions" - allows you to go to the section on geo-dependence;
      • "query history" - generates data received over the past two years;

      • left row - shows query statistics in Yandex for the entered word;
      • right column - used to determine other keys from users who searched for the original phrase;
      • switching to statistics by device type: requests from mobile, phones and tablets.

      Advice! To improve your work with Yandex.Wordstat, study its operators - they will save you time by eliminating unnecessary words or by combining information on several queries at once.

      Instructions for working with Yandex.Wordstat

      1. Log in or register a Yandex account.
      2. Go to the page
      3. Enter the phrase you are interested in in the search bar.
      4. Click the Pick button.

      To clarify the required request, use the set of service commands:

      Key word order

      The method of collecting statistics in Yandex WordStat has a serious drawback - there are no differences in the frequency of queries that are essentially the same, but with a different word order. Even with the operator "!" the service gives the same number of impressions per month. But in fact, the phrases “online radio” and “ online radio» have an unequal number of views.

      Attention! First you need to activate the option "Consider word order" in the settings.

      Definition of keywords based on regions

      To analyze the demographic aspect, you will need the By Regions tool. It will be useful when the optimizer is looking for queries for advertising or is the semantic core for a site that sells goods or services.

      Of all the features, the most interesting is regional popularity - the percentage that a city occupies in impressions for a phrase, divided by the share of all search results. If you see more than 100% - it means that the interest of the region for the keyword is increased, if less - it is reduced.

      Seasonal analysis of requests

      Would you like to determine the dynamics of the demand for the selected key during the year? Then you need to look at the statistics in Yandex.Wordstat ("Query History" tool).

      Using the service, you can evaluate the seasonality of any topic with detailed frequency by month, as well as by week. In addition, the tool will save money and effort by further abandoning the “dummy” phrases that site owners have wound up in a short time.

      Advice! For a deep understanding of traffic dynamics, analyze different keywords from the same group. Be sure to consider explicit seasonal queries (such as “buy a swimsuit” or “how to decorate a Christmas tree”), as well as unforeseen important events and news that can change SEO trends.

      Advice! Low-frequency speakers are focused on more efficient and less expensive promotion, they specify the request as much as possible. We recommend using them in the semantic core.

      LF phrases are phrases that users have entered less than 10 times in the last month.

      Parsing queries with a fixed number of words

      If there is a need to search for queries of a certain length, type the keyword as many times as necessary in the corresponding line, enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, a webmaster needs to find popular three-word phrases with the key "flowers" - he must enter "flowers flowers" into the search.

      Such experiments with up to seven words can increase the reach of the target audience, because as a result, the same wordstat words will replace with analogues, which are often introduced by Runet users.

      Semantic core extension

      To increase the traffic of an Internet resource, try to cover as many queries as possible that are similar in linguistics and syntax. By finding the maximum number of keys, you will create an efficient and powerful semantic core.

      When compiling it, pay attention to other interests of the target audience - by deciding to look at such query statistics in Yandex.Wordstat, you will better understand the needs of your potential readers and customers, expand the list of queries by topic.

      Browser plugins for comfortable work

      To use the service to leave only pleasant memories, we recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Helper or Yandex Wordstat Assistant extension. The mentioned plugins will significantly speed up the selection of keywords, raise the Internet marketing of your site to a new level.
      The first extension allows you to add your own queries; it copies, deletes, and appends data to the buffer.

      As for Yandex Wordstat Assistant, it also displays the total frequency key phrases, supports different types sorting.

      1. Go to and click "Create campaign" - Text and image ads.

      2. Select the region you are interested in below.
      3. Open the "Manage groups" tab and enter the masks collected in Yandex.Wordstat there, that is, the main phrases. Click "Save" and proceed to create an ad group. In the "Settings for the whole group" column, enter the masks collected earlier in Yandex.Wordstat.

      4. Start searching for additional phrases by selecting "Search words"

      5. Click "Start Collection" and be patient: the operation can take hours, especially when working with a huge semantic core.

      6. Filter received keys from non-target requests.

      Would you like to learn how to use Yandex.Direct to select keywords with maximum benefit? Calculate duplicates, as well as explicit negative keywords that are not suitable for your site, and then delete all phrases collected by the program that contain them.
      Interface Features

      In 2017, the developers of Yandex.Direct divided the options into semantic blocks and improved usability - working with the service became even more pleasant. Previously, the platform supported two versions of the interface: light and professional.

      Now there is only a convenient extended version, with which you can find out the frequency of a query in Yandex with the addition of negative keywords, adjust keywords on your own, manage bids, and receive data on financial spending.

      Other services and programs for selecting keys for Yandex

      • Key Collector - helps to automate the advanced collection of the semantic core, to get effective search phrases as quickly as possible. In this paid program always used fresh statistics, there are frequent updates.
      • "Slovoeb" - convenient free analogue, suitable for compiling a large list of queries. It analyzes regionality and seasonality, allows you to determine the period of promotion, as well as calculate its approximate cost.
      • »- it can be used for free and without registration. The service instantly selects search phrases from its own large database. It shows not only their frequency, but also competition, seasonality.


      Having gained experience in selecting keywords in Yandex.Wordstat, Direct and other programs, you will become a real promotion specialist, because its basis is precisely right choice keys. After compiling the semantic core, it remains only to create quality pages that are relevant to the selected queries.

      Good traffic and crazy conversion!