Instagram social network support service. Help me! Or how to write on Instagram about your problem

What should I do to recover my Instagram account? If you have tried all the methods, but they do not work, there is only one option left - Instagram support service to restore your account. How to contact the Instagram support site online and how can they help? In fact, everything is not so simple: if some services simply have an address to which you can write anything you want, or a phone number that you can always call, then everything is different here.

How to contact Instagram technical support via phone?

Instagram support service: how to write via computer?

You cannot access the Instagram help desk via a computer, but you can try to find a solution to the problem yourself. To do this, follow this link: Once on this page, click on the item “Login help and troubleshooting” and choose what suits you best: problems with logging in or problems with the application. This will take you to large sections with problems that occur most frequently. Perhaps someone has already found themselves in the same situation as yours.

How to write an email to Instagram technical support?

There is no Instagram support service postal address, so there’s no way to write to them. The only thing you can do (besides the service that is) is to write a comment on Facebook - there is a Russian Instagram community there.

Instagram support: phone number in Russia

It is also impossible to reach the support service of this social network; a phone number is not provided to users. So, we have indicated all the methods that you can use to get professional support to resolve a problem with your account. In addition, it is not at all necessary that you have to write to someone unknown and wait for your message to be noticed. In many situations, you can help yourself by reading the numerous articles in the Help Center.

More and more often, people from all over the world are contacting me about a wide variety of problems they have on Instagram. Sometimes you get an indescribable feeling that I, at least, was on the development team, messed something up and now bear the cross of responsibility for a couple of hundred thousand shares of Litsoruk. So - this is not so!

I didn’t develop Instagram, and Zuckerberg doesn’t pay me, even Kevin Systrom doesn’t pay me extra! And, nevertheless, the flow of questions does not dry out. Something constantly doesn’t work, doesn’t turn on, doesn’t work, doesn’t click, doesn’t connect, doesn’t insert, doesn’t show up, doesn’t like, doesn’t tag, doesn’t scroll, doesn’t log in, doesn’t log out, won’t be private, doesn’t write and generally doesn’t take pictures. !!!

And here I am sitting and raking it all in for free!

What the hell is with the Help Center on Instagram?

Why does this situation arise? What's going on with them - they're stressed out about staffing? They can’t make a normal help center? They can’t lock up a couple of thousand Chinese so that they can answer us at least sometimes? Who the hell knows, I tell you! One thing is clear, if you just write them a letter, the robot will respond to it with something like the following:

APR 25, 2013 | 10:46AM UTC
Thank you for contacting Instagram! We only respond to requests sent through the Instagram Help Center.
You can visit our Help Center at
in order to find an answer to your question, or to submit a support request.
If you have previously filed a support request and would like to add additional comments or information, please locate the email in your inbox then click on “reply” to update the ticket. We appreciate your understanding!
The Instagram Team

They kindly report that, like, we respond to messages that you send us only through “ Help Center at " Yes, here’s the problem: it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a form for sending messages on the Help Center! But because it is not in Russian! Tricky, right? But even if you switch to English, then even in this incredible case, you will find this form- chance 1 in 100. In short, they hid it with a special agent. There are no other thoughts.

Of course, I understand that the Instagram team is very small, it is unrealistic to respond to the whole world, but it’s not our fault! After all, for a billion bucks you can make something like a working help center, right? I would definitely do it!

How to write to Instagram directly from the application

Recently, write on Instagram about noticed bugs, report technical problems, you can say hello to Leonid Arkadyevich Zuckerberg without leaving the Instagram application. The forms on the Instagram website, as well as Facebook, have disappeared, so I’ll just write where to click to write about your problems on Instagram. In fact, it's simple.

How to solve a problem with Instagram, how to write to the Instagram team about a problem, report a broken function, complain about spam, violations, what to do and where to write if a photo was stolen on Instagram, who to write to on Instagram.
Porn, spam, insults, violations, slander on Instagram - all this can be solved if you write directly to the Instagram developers.

IN this menu You can write about the following questions on Instagram:
1. Hacking an Instagram account
2. Report accounts whose owners are impersonating others
3. Complain about the accounts of children who have not reached the age of 13 according to the Instagram Rules
4. Report hateful accounts
5. Complain about photo theft and intellectual property violation
6. Report open personal information(passport, for example, or the like)
7. Report photos that show obvious self-harm
8. Complain about violations and spam
9. Report unlawful exploitation (slavery, for example, facts of coercion)
10. Other messages, if something doesn’t work, doesn’t work, doesn’t function or works with errors, you can suggest improvements, improvements new design Not good))
11. And so on.


Attention! No one except the developers and Instagram support team will solve your problems with this social network. The Instagram team DOES NOT TAKE MONEY for resolving issues!

If you have any questions, ask in the comments to this post below:

How to report a technical error on Instagram?

If you think you have discovered technical error at work Instagram apps, then you can report this from the application itself. To report a broken feature:

Be sure to describe the problem in as much detail as possible. For example, identifying the model of phone or tablet you are using or the operation that caused the problem will help us look into the problem.

This is how it's done (in pictures)

How to report your problem on Instagram (video)


So, to sum up a job well done, I would like to say this:

1. Write and report problems and violations, this is how you make Instagram better! In fact, no joke, the team listens to what you write to them, even if it seems to you that it is not so.

2. You can write in Russian and in any other languages. At first, the robot may answer you, then, if the problem requires it, it will connect a real man from the Instagram team.

3. They don’t work on weekends, although they may work, but they don’t answer questions.

4. Write to me about your problems in the comments - it's not useless! I help and answer everyone!

5. Follow the rules of Instagram (well, at least don’t post porn or any stolen crap).

7. Take good photos!

In contact with

– this is the first place that users look for when any problems arise with the service’s services.

If you have a problem, some kind of breakdown, perhaps something is not working out, first of all try to solve the problem on your own. For example, you can always enter a phrase that embodies the problem into a search. In almost 80% of cases, you will find the answer and solution already on the first page of search results. Disturb the service technical support It is advisable to disturb Instagram when it is no longer possible to cope with the problem yourself or the problem does not go away after certain time, perhaps it was a temporary system glitch. But, if you have any of the problems listed below, then contact technical service Instagram will most likely have to.

The reasons for technical support anxiety can be very different:

  • You want to log into your Instagram, enter your login and correctly as always, but the site says that such an account does not exist;
  • Hashtags may not be added to photos;
  • it doesn’t work under your own or other people’s photos;
  • users report that they cannot follow you or that you similarly cannot.
  • Your account was subject to random rolling shutdowns or deliberate actions were taken to ban your account.

For example, recently, many profiles of famous show business personalities and artists were blocked. This blacklist included Sergei Bezrukov, Anna Seminovich, Tatyana Navka, Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin), lead singer of the group “System of a Down”. But the thing turned out to be that, unfortunately, any attacker can distribute multiple posts and comments on your behalf with a call to subscribe. Instagram automatically recognizes such actions as spam and violation of rules, after which blocking follows.

Problems like these can only be solved with the help of technical support. Of course, Instagram technical support works automatically on many issues, so the answers will come in templates. However, after applying, the system algorithms will once again check the conditions for your account to be banned and, if serious violations was not, the account can be unblocked or restored to functionality. Although, after gross violations of the conditions, your Insta profile is often blocked and even deleted.

If the malfunction does not resolve itself after a while, it will be useful to know “how to write to Instagram support”. First you need to go to the support section via the link

Getting into this section, you can see three main directions for systematizing answers. In the first subsection, information about the main new products of the service is regularly posted, which is very useful to know not only in case of problems.

The second subsection, “Known Issues,” describes common bugs and ways to solve them using standard methods.

But it turns out that the very form of contacting technical support is not so easy to find in these labyrinths; you can simply waste hours of time. Therefore, here is a direct link for the Instagram feedback form.

Instagram phone support service version is a little more conveniently designed than on a computer. In order to write you need to go to home page your profile, then go to the settings section by clicking on the link at the top right.

Once in the settings section, you need to scroll down and find the “Support” item, click “Report a problem”.

Here you will see a division into areas of concern.

When contacting technical support, you should also follow the following recommendations:

  • read the message several times before sending so that there is clarity in the presentation;
  • state without emotion, but only the essence of the problem;
  • the shorter the better;
  • don't forget to indicate as much as possible more precisely the date and the time the error occurred.
  • Please enter your contact information correctly.

If you are interested in high-quality or safe promotion of photos, you should contact only trusted professionals.