Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev is the founder of domestic computer technology. Test on the history of the development of computing technology

Fourth generation (1980-present) The elemental base of fourth-generation machines has become more integrated circuits (LSI) and ultra-large-scale circuits. In the 70s it was established industrial production such VLSI chips, in which several tens of thousands were located on the surface of the silicon crystal electronic components. As a result, the size of machines was sharply reduced, performance increased to tens and hundreds of millions of ops, and the amount of RAM began to be measured in megabytes.

Third generation (70–79s). Characterized by the birth of industrial technology for creating integrated circuits (ICs). It was possible to create on the surface of a silicon wafer about 1 cm in size electronic circuit. ICs formed the basis of the element base of third-generation machines. Performance has increased to 1 million op/s, and RAM in some computers has expanded to several megabytes.

Von Neumann type machines.

To simplify the process of specifying programs, Mauchly and Eckert began to design new car, which could store the program in its memory. In 1945, the famous mathematician John von Neumann (an American of Hungarian origin) was involved in the work, who prepared a report on this machine. The report by von Neumann and his colleagues G. Goldstein and A. Burks (June 1946) clearly formulated the requirements for the structure of computers. Let us note the most important of them:

- The principle of binary coding. According to this principle, all information entering the computer is encoded using binary signals.

- Principle program control. It follows from it that the program consists of a set of commands that are executed by the processor automatically one after another in a certain sequence.

- The principle of memory homogeneity. Therefore, the computer does not distinguish what is stored in a given memory cell - a number, text or command. You can perform the same actions on commands as on data.

- The principle of targeting. Structurally, the main memory consists of numbered cells; Any cell is available to the processor at any time.

The creation of ENIAC marked the beginning of the development First generation computer (50s),element base which were vacuum tubes. The speed of the first generation machines was on the order of 10-20 thousand op/s. But even these computers worked a thousand times faster than desktop keyboards computing machines. But reliability lamp devices was low.

RAM was made from blocks of ferrite cores. Programs were written in machine code language, the programmer himself allocated memory cells for the program, input data and results obtained. Punched paper tapes were used to enter programs.

Second generation. The beginning of the 60s is characterized by the introduction of a new computer element base, semiconductors, transistors, which replaced vacuum tubes. The performance of second-generation machines was on the order of 100-500 thousand op/s. The computer architecture became more complex, and NMD and display appeared. It is now possible to communicate with the machine in multiprogram mode and time sharing mode. There has been a transition from writing programs to machine language to writing them on algorithmic languages. But at the same time, the conflict continued between slow-running input/output devices and the speed of the CPU.

Communication with the machine is organized from several terminals at once; display terminal devices are widely used. With third-generation machines, the user was able to use both digital and graphic information when communicating with a computer.

The first computers were too expensive, bulky and therefore did not have widespread use. They were used only in large scientific centers, in space, defense, and meteorology.

One of the revolutionary achievements in the field computer technology was the creation of personal computers, which can be classified as separate class fourth generation cars.

In 1981, IBM introduced its first personal computer, the IBM PC. In the same time Microsoft company starts production software for IBM PC.

  • 5th generation, present: computers with many dozens of parallel working microprocessors that allow building efficient systems knowledge processing; computers on ultra-complex microprocessors with a parallel-vector structure, simultaneously executing dozens of sequential program instructions.
  • 6th and subsequent generations: optoelectronic computers with massive parallelism and neural structure, with distributed network large number(tens of thousands) of simple microprocessors that model the architecture of neural biological systems.

Development of computers in the USSR is closely connected with the name of Academician S.A. Lebedev, under whose leadership the first domestic computers were created: in 1951 in Kyiv (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences 1949-?) - MESM (Small Electronic Computer) and 1952 in Moscow BESM (High-Speed ​​Electronic Computer). Lebedev also led the creation of BESM - 6 - the world's best second-generation computer (1967), the level of which, according to experts, was several years ahead of the level foreign analogues. Possessing high speed (1 million op/s), its architecture was closer to third-generation computers and was mass-produced until 1981. BESM-6 was the most common computer for scientific calculations.

In the 1970s, one BESM-6 car cost one million rubles (at that time, this money could buy 200 Zhiguli cars).

In the 1960s and 70s, an industry for the production of computers was already created in the world. Leading positions here were taken by such companies as IBM (International Business Machines), DEC, CDC, etc. Personal computers began to be produced in the mid-70s. The term “personal” means that the computer is intended for an individual user. A PC is a small set of interconnected devices, each of which is assigned a specific function.

Computer magazines played a huge role in popularizing the PC. Publications such as Radio Electronics and Popular Electronics fueled interest in the potential of microcomputers. Amateur clubs have sprung up across the United States. The most notable was the Homebrew computer club, formed in March 1975 in Menlo Park, California. Its first members included Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who later founded Apple company Macintosh.

Therefore, when the first microcomputer appeared, there was immediately a huge demand for it among thousands of hobbyists, whose interest was fueled by monthly articles that appeared in magazines.

This first microcomputer was the Altair-8800, created in 1974 by a small company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At the end of 1975, Paul Allen and Bill Gates (future founders of Microsoft) created a Basic language interpreter for the Altair computer, which allowed users to easily communicate with the computer and easily write programs for it. This also contributed to the popularity of the PC.

In 1976, the first Apple computer, called the Macintosh, was released.

Currently, PCs are most widely used in the following areas:

· scientific research and engineering design work (scientific field)

management of business and economic activities ( business sphere)

· education

· household sphere.

In 1980, IBM decided to try its hand at the personal computer market. At the same time, she immediately focused not on the 8-bit Intel microprocessor - 8080, but on the new 16-bit Intel - 8088. This made it possible to increase the potential capabilities of the computer, since the new microprocessor allowed working with 1 MB of memory, and when working with its predecessors it was necessary to squeeze everything in programs in 64 KB. In August 1981 new computer called IBM PC with operating system and Microsoft translators was officially presented to the public, and soon after that it gained great popularity among users. In just half a year, IBM sold 50 thousand machines, and two years later it overtook Apple in sales volume.

However, you should know the following:

In addition to IBM, computers of this type are produced by hundreds of manufacturers all over the world.

Many varieties of PCs of this type have been created, which differ in performance, internal capacity and external memory and a range of functionality.

There are other types of PCs, for example, the world-famous Macintosh computers from Apple, the founder of the PC.

Questions for self-control

1. Tell us about information revolutions in the history of the development of civilization.

2. What are the main stages in the development of computer technology?

3. What is the main element of the first generation machines?

4. Who is the founder of domestic VT?

5. What principles underlie the operation of a computer?

6. Which von Neumann idea is used to organize the operation of a computer?

7. What is the contribution of Ch. Babbage to the development of the idea of ​​a computer?

The work was added to the site website: 2015-07-10

;text-decoration:underline">DE 10. History of computer science

">56. The first machine that automatically executed all 10 commands was...

;font-family:"Times New Roman";color:#000000">;font-family:"Times New Roman";color:#000000;background:#ffff00">

">57. What is a large integrated circuit (LSI);color:#000000;background:#ffffff">;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">silicon crystal on which tens to hundreds of thousands of logic elements are placed

">58. The founder of domestic computer technology is...;color:#000000;background:#ffff00"> car of Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev

">59. Which of the domestic computers was the best second-generation computer in the world?;color:#000000;background:#ffff00">BESM-6

">60. The first computer appeared in our country..."> ;color:#000000;background:#ffff00">MESM

">61. The main element base of fourth generation computers are...;background:#ffff00">VLSI

">62. The main element base of third generation computers are...;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">integrated circuits

">63. In what generation of machines did the first operating systems appear;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">in the third generation

;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">64."> Which generation of machines required the specialty "computer operator";background:#ffff00">second generation

">65. In what generation of machines did the first programs appear?;background:#ffff00">second generation

">66. Electronic database Second generation computers are"> ;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">semiconductors

;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">67."> The first generation machines were created on the basis of...;color:#050505;background:#ffffff">;color:#050505;background:#ffffff">vacuum lamps

">68. Languages high level appeared;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">Konrad Zuse between 1942 and 1946 for his Z4 computer

">69. The first computers were created;background:#ffff00">in the 40s

">70. The term “computer generation” means;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">all types and models of computers built on the same scientific and technical principles

;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">71."> The basic principles of digital computing machines were developed...;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">Charles Babbage

"> DE 2. Hardware implementations of information processes

">6. Concept and principles of operation of a computer system

">72. In accordance with their functions, personal computers can act as ...;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">server, terminal, workstation


;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">74."> What are the quality criteria computing systems are mandatory;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">reliability

;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">75.;color:#000000;background:#fff1f5">">This principle is that a program consists of a set of commands that are executed automatically by the processor in a certain sequence;color:#000000;background:#fff1f5">Program control principle

;color:#000000;background:#fff1f5">76."> The set of computers and its software is called;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">computing complex or hardware and software

;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">77."> In any application, the connecting links between the computer and the process are;color:#222222;background:#ffffff">sensors and actuators

;color:#222222;background:#ffffff">78."> This principle is that programs and data are stored in the same memory, so the computer does not distinguish between what is stored in a given memory cell - a number, text or a command. You can perform the same actions on commands as on data;color:#000000;background:#fff1f5">The principle of memory uniformity

;color:#000000;background:#fff1f5">79."> This principle is that structurally the main memory consists of numbered cells; any cell is available to the processor at any time;color:#000000;background:#fff1f5">Principle of targeting

;color:#000000;background:#fff1f5">80."> This principle is that in memory cells there are only binary digits, but depending on what (what type of data) is stored in the cell, these numbers will be different;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">The principle of using the binary number system

;color:#000000;background:#fff1f5">81."> According to von Neumann's principles, the following main devices can be distinguished in any computer

;color:#000000;background:#ffff00">Arithmetically - a logical device that performs arithmetic and

;color:#000000;background:#ffff00">logical operations.

;color:#000000;background:#ffff00">A control device that organizes the process of program execution.

;color:#000000;background:#ffff00">A storage device, or memory, for storing programs and data.

;color:#000000;background:#ffff00">External devices for input and output of information

">7. Composition and purpose of the main elements of a PC

">82. The main characteristics of the processor include

;color:#000000;background:#ffffff">Speed, clock frequency, processor bit depth

To the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founder of domestic computer technology


Osipov Yu. S. S. A. Lebedev - founder of domestic electronic

computing 5

Flood B.E. Born for Science 7

Section 1. To the biography of S. A. Lebedev

Burtsev V. S., Malinovsky B. N., Lebedeva N. S. Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev.

Scientist, worker, person 9

Autobiography 49

Certificate of the Computer Society 1EEE on awarding Sergei Alek
Seevich Lebedev with the medal “Sotri1er Rupeer” dated October 1, 1997 Moscow
va, Russia 51

Key dates in the life and work of S. A. Lebedev 54

Section 2. Scientific works and articles by S. A. Lebedev

Artificial stability of synchronous machines 57

Small electronic adding machine 73

Electronic digital computer BESM 146

Electronic computers 203

High-speed universal computers 206

Powerful tool scientific research 215

Electronic adding machine 218

Urgent tasks of the organization scientific work 220

A month in Japan 224

Chronological index of the main works of Academician S. A. Lebedev. . . 225

Section 3. Scientific school of S. A. Lebedev

Melnikov V. A. The role of S. A. Lebedev in the development of domestic computing
body technology 231

Burtsev V.S. Scientific school of academician S. A. Lebedev in the development of computing
body technology 238

Ryabov G. G. The first steps of computer design automation 252

Korolev L.N., Tomilin A.N. S. A. Lebedev and the development of mathematical and

USSR computer software 256

Section 4. Computers created by S. A. Lebedevand scientists of his school

Introduction 262


"DIANA-1", "DIANA-2" 268

Computer M-20, BESM-4 268

Computer M-40, M-50, 5E92 269

SVM 5E89, set of electronic modules “Azov” 270

Computer 5E926, 5E51 271

Computer 5E65, 5E67 274

EVM 5E26, 40U6 274

MVK Elbrus-1, Elbrus-2 277

SWS, VK "Elbrus 1-KB" (1-KB) 281

Modular conveyor processor (MPP) 282

Computer system (CS) Elbrus 3-1 283

"Electronics SS BIS" 284

Section 5. Publication of documents

A selection of congratulatory telegrams and letters addressed to S. A. Lebedev.... 287

Letters to S. A. Lebedev from China 295

Section 6. Our Sergei Alekseevich (memories of loved ones, colleagues, students)

Lavrentiev M.A. From the memoirs “Life Experiences. 50 years in science" 306

Marchuk G. I. Our patriarch 309

Belotserkovsky O. M. Lebedev and Phystech 310

Valiev K. A. Chief computer designer S. A. Lebedev 311

Burtsev V.S. Teacher, educator, friend 313

Mavrina T. A. Memories of my brother 320

Lebedev S. S. Remembering my father 323

Korzun I. V. My friends Lebedevs 334

Rabinovich Z.L. About Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev (about his Kiev period

activities and personal memories of him) 345

Lisovsky I. M. Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev. The creator of the first in the continent
in Europe and in the Soviet Union digital electronic computing
machine (MESM) 358

Elksnin V.S. Memories of Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev 370

Golovistikov P. P. From the article “The first years of ITM and VT” 372

Ryzhov V. I. Sergey Alekseevich 375

Bardizh V.V. Computer Department 377

Laut V.N. How did I get into ITM? 379

From a letter from A.S. Fedorov to the daughters and son of S.A. Lebedeva 380

Khetagurov Ya. A. My memories of S. A. Lebedev 381

Artamonov G. T. Father in life 383

Smirnov V.I. Belated memories of Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev. . 384

Tomilin A.N. Fairness, trust, exactingness, kindness 388

Khailov I.K. From Phystech to ITM and VT 389

Mitropolsky Yu.I. Memories of S. A. Lebedev 390

Yudin D. B. Meeting with S. A. Lebedev 392

Section 7. Friends joke

Osechinskaya E. I., Osechinsky I. V. Family stories 393

From kapustnik-50 1998 416

The Tale of Radio Tubes 422

Gerdt 3. Certificate 425


Literature about the life and work of S. A. Lebedev 426

List of abbreviations 431

Name index 433


S. A. Lebedev - founder of domestic electronic computer technology

President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Yu. S. Osipov

November 2, 2002 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist, talented teacher, wonderful person Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev. While still a student, he began to develop a then new problem of stability and regulation of large power systems. Having headed a laboratory and then a department at the All-Union Electrotechnical Institute, S. A. Lebedev soon became one of the country's largest specialists in automation of electrical systems. He successfully developed methods for calculating the artificial stability of high-voltage power lines and created network models alternating current for determining optimal mode the work of the powerful energy systems then being built in the USSR. At VEI, shortly before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Sergei Alekseevich began developing principles for constructing an electronic computer, which was based on binary system Reckoning.

However, the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR forced the scientist to interrupt these studies and concentrate all his efforts on developing fundamentally new types of weapons. In no time he created electronic device stabilization of a tank gun when aiming, which successfully passed tests and was put into service.

In 1945, Sergei Alekseevich was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Here he was soon able to concentrate his creative energy on creating the first electronic computer in the USSR and continental Europe. In 1947, at the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, which he headed, a laboratory was created, which was faced with the task of: the shortest possible time develop and commission an electronic computer. At the end of 1950, the Small Electronic Computer began to work; a year later it was accepted by the State Commission headed by M.V. Keldysh.

At the same time S.A. Lebedev thought through the principles of operation and circuits of the main components of a large (high-speed) electronic calculating machine (BESM). It was created under his leadership already in Moscow, at the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Science of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1950-1953. BESM marked the beginning of a whole series of computers developed under the leadership and direct participation of S. A. Lebedev (BESM-2, M-20, M-40, M-50, BESM-4, BESM-6, 5E92b, 5E26, Elbrus and many other).

These developments determined the high road of world computer engineering for several decades to come. It should be emphasized that at the time of their creation, BESM, M-20, and BESM-6 were the most productive computers in Europe and were practically at the level of American machines. In 1953, S. A. Lebedev headed the ITM and VT and became a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Sergei Alekseevich and his scientific school made a huge contribution to strengthening the country's defense capability. He was directly involved in the creation of computers for

6 Osipov Yu. S. S. A. Lebedev - founder of domestic electronic VT

radar and missile systems, the first missile defense system in the USSR, S-300 anti-aircraft systems, etc.

S. A. Lebedev trained a scientific school of developers of the most complex class of computer technology - high-speed supercomputers. Over twenty years, under his leadership, fifteen supercomputers were created, and each is a new word in computer technology, more productive, more reliable and easy to use. Without these supercomputers, the creation of domestic atomic weapons and nuclear energy, rocket science, launches would be unthinkable artificial satellites Earth, sending spaceships with humans on board and many other results of scientific and technological progress.

The ITM and VT RAS bear the name of S. A. Lebedev, the permanent director of which he was for almost a quarter of a century. Both the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine have established scientific prizes named after S.A. Lebedeva. The International Computer Society awarded him the Computer Pioneer Medal posthumously. This collection is a tribute to the memory of this great scientist, evidence of our immense respect and admiration for him as an integral, modest, wonderful person.

The creation in the difficult post-war years of the first original domestic computer and many subsequent more and more productive computers was a scientific feat of S. A. Lebedev and his associates. The name of Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev, the founder of domestic electronic computer technology, rightfully stands on a par with the names of I.V. Kurchatov and S.P. Korolev.

Born for Science

President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician B. E. Paton

Centenary of the birth of the academician of Ukrainian and Russian academies, the founder of domestic electronic digital computing technology Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev (1902-1974) is held in the year of Ukraine in Russia. The coincidence of two seemingly different events is deeply symbolic. The first creative successes of S. A. Lebedev in the field of electronic digital computer technology are associated with his five-year stay in Kyiv. It was here that the 44-year-old scientist, widely known for his outstanding scientific works and complex projects in the field of energy, made a long-pending decision to create a digital computer and brilliantly implemented his plan. Under his leadership, at the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in just two years, with the help of a small team, the first small electronic computing machine MESM with dynamic variable program and a parallel-serial arithmetic device. The principles of constructing MESM were developed by S. A. Lebedev independently of the work carried out at that time in the West and almost simultaneously with scientists in the USA and Western Europe.

In 1952 and 1953 MESM was the only computer in former USSR, on which they decided the most important tasks that time: fragments of calculations from the field of thermonuclear processes, space and rocket technology, long-distance power lines, etc. It was then that the beginning of the Soviet school of programming was laid.

The description of MESM became the first textbook on computer technology. Laboratory S.A. Lebedeva played the role of the organizational embryo of the computing center of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, on the basis of which the widely known Institute of Cybernetics named after V. M. Glushkov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was subsequently created.

MESM was the prototype of Lebedev's next brainchild - the High-Speed ​​Electronic Computing Machine (BESM), which S. A. Lebedev began designing in Kyiv, but finished after moving to Moscow (in 1955 at international conference in Darmstadt BESM was recognized as the best computer in Europe). The birth of MESM in the difficult post-war period is a true scientific and engineering triumph of S. A. Lebedev and the talented team he led.

Over the next 20 years of work in Moscow at the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Science of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now RAS), where S.A. Lebedev was the director all these years and which now bears his name, under his leadership fifteen unique supercomputers were created for civil and military applications. Laid by S.A. Lebedev, back in MESM, the principle of parallelization of the information processing process was significantly developed and remains one of the main ones in the construction of supercomputers. “To be able to give direction is a sign of genius,” said the German philosopher F. Nietzsche about such people.

The creative potential of S. A. Lebedev, revealed in the second half of his life, managed to come from tube computers to computers on integrated circuits, allows us to assert that among his contemporaries he is one of the largest pioneering scientists in information technology.

A remarkable feature of Sergei Alekseevich was his concern for young people, his trust in them, and entrusting young people with solving the most difficult problems. This was facilitated by the scientist’s extraordinary teaching talent. Many of Sergei Alekseevich’s students became prominent scientists and are developing their own scientific schools.

Paton B. E. Born for Science

We will always be proud that it was in the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in our native Kyiv, that the talent of S.A. flourished. Lebedev as an outstanding scientist in the field of computer technology and mathematics, as well as major automated systems.

Nothing human was alien to Sergei Alekseevich; he loved life in all its manifestations. The wonderful family of Russian intellectuals, the Lebedevs, gathered around them representatives of the advanced culture of that time. Sergei Alekseevich was also interested in sports, especially mountaineering. And perhaps, by climbing mountain peaks, he was preparing himself to understand those scientific peaks of computer technology, which he was one of the first in the world to see and conquer.

Truly great was this wonderful and at the same time very modest man. The best monument to him is the talented scientific school created by him and continuing the glorious deeds and traditions of his unforgettable Teacher.

The entire life of an outstanding scientist is a heroic example of serving science and his people. S. A. Lebedev always sought to combine the highest science with practice, with engineering problems.

He lived and worked during a period of rapid development of electronics, computer technology, rocket science, space exploration and atomic energy. Being a patriot of his country, Sergei Alekseevich took part in largest projects I.V. Kur-chatova, S.P. Koroleva, M.V. Keldysh, who ensured the creation of the shield of the Motherland. In all their works, the role of electronic computers created by Sergei Alekseevich, without exaggeration, is enormous.

His outstanding works will forever be included in the treasury of world science and technology, and his name should stand next to the names of these great scientists.


Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev. Scientist, worker, man

V.S. Burtsev, B.I. Malinovsky, N.S. Lebedeva

Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev was born in Nizhny Novgorod on November 2, 1902. His grandfather Ivan Andreevich, a Nikolaev soldier, served for 25 years as a staff trumpeter in a hussar regiment. Special courage was required of him - a trumpeter in front of the army, in full view of the enemy. After retiring, he settled in Kostroma, became a zemstvo watchman, and married the daughter of a psalm-reader. On March 1, 1866, their son Alexei was born, two years later Mikhail was born. Cholera, which raged in the Volga region in 1870, cut short the life of Ivan Andreevich Lebedev.

It was not easy for his widow and young sons. Mother began working at a weaving factory. Four-year-old Alexei was taken to her village by his aunt. At the age of 9, he returned to his mother in Kostroma, went to parish school for two years, after which he worked as a clerk in the same factory as his mother for five years. In the city library, which he regularly visited, he became close to his peers - seminarians and high school students who were keen on the ideas of populism. It was then that Alexey firmly decided to become a rural teacher. With five rubles in his pocket, accumulated over many months of work, he went to the village of Novinskoye, Yaroslavl province, to enter the teachers' seminary opened by K.D. Ushinsky for orphans. After graduating from it and then from the Teachers' Institute with honors, he became a teacher. He dreamed of changing the lives of the people through education and enlightenment. In the village of Rodniki, where he taught, he organized a circle for his colleagues and peasants, and arranged for the delivery of literature to nearby villages.

His active work was noticed by the prominent populist M.V. Sabunaev, who fled from Siberian exile and sought to unite the disparate circles of Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and other Volga cities. However, in December 1890, the secret police carried out widespread arrests among the populists. A.I. was also detained. Lebedev, who spent two years in prison. After his release from prison, the authorities deprived him of the right to engage in teaching activities and established secret police surveillance over him. According to Alexei Ivanovich, “secret surveillance” was expressed in a completely public, suspicious-looking gentleman in a bowler hat and a pea-colored coat, hanging out at the gate of his house in all weathers.

Nevertheless, Alexey Ivanovich, who left for Kineshma soon after his liberation, continued his educational activities there. He established a public library at the zemstvo government, attracted a large group of workers and youth of the city to regular readings, and created a propaganda circle. "A. I know I. Lebedev as an old Narodnaya Volya member and a prominent social activist, a literary figure known to me from the time I met him in Kineshma in 1894, where he carried out cultural and social work among workers and peasants, created a public library with radical

a) a set of hardware and software for information processing;

b) a set of technical means designed for automatic information processing;

c) a model that establishes the composition, order and principles of interaction of its components.

2. Based on the principle of operation, computers are divided into three large classes:

a) analogue (AVM), digital (DVM), electronic (computer);

b) analogue (AVM), digital (DVM), hybrid (GVM);

c) tube (LVM), transistor (TVM), microprocessor (MVM).

3. Digital computers work with information presented by:

a) in the form of electrical voltage;

b) in symbolic form;

c) in digital form.

4. Establish a correspondence between the stages of creation and the element base used and generations of computers:

1. Computers with transistors; a) 1st generation;

2. Computers based on semiconductor integrated circuits; b) 2nd generation;

3. Computers using electronic vacuum tubes c) 3rd generation;

4. Computers on large and ultra-large ICs d) 4th generation;

5. Computers based on highly complex microprocessors. e) 5th generation.

In questions No. 5-6, indicate all correct answers.

5. Inventor of the counting clock

a) W. Leibniz

c) V. Schickard

6. First proposed and applied a method of reading information from paper using electricity

A) A. Turing

B) G. Hollerith

B) Ch. Babidzh

7. A personal computer is:

a) A computer for an individual buyer;

b) desktop or personal computer that meets the requirements of general accessibility and universality;

c) A computer that provides dialogue with the user.

8. Fourth generation PCs are used:

a) Large integrated circuits;

b) vacuum lamps;

c) Transistors.

9. By design features PCs are divided into:

a) portable and pocket-sized;

b) stationary (desktop) and portable;

c) notepads and electronic notebooks.

10. A mechanical device that allows you to add numbers was invented by:

a) P. Norton;

b) B. Pascal;

c) G. Leibniz.

11. The idea of ​​a mechanical machine was combined with the idea of ​​program control:

a) C. Babbage (mid-19th century);

b) J. Atanasov (30s of the XX century);

c) K. Berry (XX century).

12. The first programmer in the world is:

a) G. Leibniz;

b) A. Lovelace;

c) J. von Neumann.

13. The first computer implementing the principles of program control was created:

b) in Cambridge;

c) in Germany.

14. The founder of domestic computer technology is:

a) M.V. Lomonosov;

b) S.V. Korolev;

c) S.A. Lebedev.

15. The first domestic computer was created:

a) in Kyiv;

b) in Moscow;

c) in St. Petersburg.

16. The first domestic computer was called:

a) MESM (small electronic calculating machine);

b) BESM (large electronic adding machine);

c) "Arrow".

17. Who led the work on the creation of the first domestic computers MESM and BESM

A) P.L. Chebyshev

B) V.Ya.Bunyakovsky

B) S.A. Lebedev

18.Computers using electronic vacuum tubes include machines of the following type:

a) “Ural”;

c) "Minsk-22".

19. Used as a programming language in first generation machines:

a) machine code;

b) Assembler;


20. The means of communication between the user and the second generation computer were:

a) punched cards;

b) magnetic tokens;

c) terminal.

21. The first instruments for counting were:

a) human hand;

b) pebbles;

c) sticks.

22. Abacus is:

a) a device similar to a jukebox;

b) a device similar to an abacus;

c) a device for working according to a given program.

Device personal computer. Computer architecture. MMP PC construction.

In order to connect different computer devices to each other, they must have the same interface (English) . interface from inter- between, and face- face).

If the interface is generally accepted, for example, approved at the level of international agreements, then it is called standard .

Each of the functional elements (memory, monitor or other device) is associated with a bus of a certain type - address, control or data bus.

To coordinate interfaces, peripheral devices are connected to the bus not directly, but through their controllers (adapters) and ports approximately according to this scheme:

Controllers and adapters are sets of electronic circuits that are supplied to computer devices for the purpose of compatibility of their interfaces. Controllers, in addition, directly control peripheral devices at the request of the microprocessor.

Ports are also called standard interface devices : serial, parallel and game ports (or interfaces).

TO consistent The port is usually used to connect slow or fairly remote devices, such as a mouse and modem. TO parallel “faster” devices are connected to the port - a printer and a scanner. Through game port connects the joystick. The keyboard and monitor are connected to their specialized ports, which are simply connectors .

The main electronic components that define the processor architecture are located on the main board of the computer, which is called systemic or maternal (MotherBoard ). And controllers and adapters of additional devices, or these devices themselves, are made in the form expansion boards (DaughterBoard- daughter board) and are connected to the bus using connectors extensions , also called expansion slots (English) slot- slot Based on the nature of the area of ​​application, computer technology is divided into universal and specialized.

Based on their operating principles, computer technology is divided into digital and analog.

By performance:

    processor brand

    frequency (MHz)

    amount of RAM (MB)

    Hard disk capacity (GB)

    amount of memory on the video card (MB)

    Availability of sound and network card

What does the line mean P- IV 2.2/64 Mb/ 120 Gb / SVGA 128 Mb /50 XACER

“Computer architecture” - in its original sense, is used in urban planning. Cars of the same family. Used in programming. Needs of specialists. Hardware. Computer. Architecture and organization. The role of software and hardware. Architecture. The principle of compatibility from bottom to top. The term “computer architecture”.

“Basic computer devices” - Most often it is a handle with control buttons. They differ in the number and location of keys, shape (regular, ergonomic, folding), type of contact group, etc. Basic devices of a personal computer. Keyboard A device for entering information and controlling the operation of programs.

“Processor and system unit” - Multiprocessor architecture. Clock frequency Processor capacity Processor performance. The structure of such a machine, which has a common RAM and several processors. Motherboard. Thus, several fragments of one task can be executed in parallel. System or motherboard.

“Computer Hardware” - Data exchange between computers is also possible. The connection is made through ports - special connectors on the rear panel. Mouse (mechanical, optical). From 4.7 to 13 and even up to 17 Gb can be recorded on a DVD disc. How does a computer work? ROM is designed to store permanent program and reference information.

“Sound card” - Parameters. Sound information on PC. Digital (WAV) – an exact digital copy of music or other sound. Sound card-. Sound card (characteristics): Basic computer sound formats: Relevant for Internet phones. MIDI sound playback methods: Supports MP3 hardware decoding. Sound card elements:

“Computer structure” - Personal computer devices. Designed to create the illusion of three-dimensional space. Devices « virtual reality" Modem. Personal computer devices: Control device. System unit. The structure of a computer. 3D glasses. Game controllers. (joysticks).

There are a total of 22 presentations in the topic