SEO promotion optimization and promotion. Content as a means of promotion

You decided that without search engine promotion further development project is impossible. We found a specialist and provided him with access. After a while, you get a hefty list of recommendations for implementation - at the level of site structure, texts and even the most sacred thing - design.

How do you understand that all this is really necessary, and what exactly does an SEO specialist do to optimize your resource?

Regardless of whether you are promoting a website in Russia, Ukraine or the USA, and, accordingly, focusing on Yandex or Google, the promotion process as a whole does not change. Of course, as in other areas, there are no clear restrictions and much depends on the specifics. But there are still about a dozen mandatory stages of work.

1. Analysis of the site, topics and competitors

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Notice boards.
  5. Corporate websites.
  6. Forums.

When an SEO specialist receives all access to project analytics and webmaster panels(or adds a site there himself), he begins to analyze the products and services of the project, and also gives a general assessment of the site in order to understand what work needs to be done first.

It is at this stage that a project promotion strategy and a detailed work plan are formed.

What exactly does a specialist do?

  1. Analyzes the overall visibility of the site not only by high frequency queries, but also in mid- and low-frequency.
  2. Conducts an analysis of competitors and market leaders in order to understand what to focus on in a given topic, what is better in competitors’ websites.
  3. Analyzes the structure of leading sites in a niche and their link profile.
  4. Marks queries that need to be created and optimized for on the client’s website landing pages.
  5. Conducts both regular analytics based on search results, and systemic ones, for example, using Serpstat.

Why is all this needed? An SEO specialist determines whether it is necessary to immediately make global changes to the site. For example, change the CMS (content management system), adapt the site for mobile devices, change protocol from http to https etc.

A competent specialist notifies in advance about the need for global changes in order to clarify with programmers how possible, for example, modification current version CMS.

This also allows you to clarify the entire budget for website promotion - costs for content, links, and other expenses.

It is better to make global changes in advance, otherwise, after 3-4 months of work on implementing an SEO audit, you will find yourself at a dead end - you will be faced with the fact that it is technically impossible to optimize filters or add new tags or categories.

2. Formation of the primary core of search queries

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card websites (not one-page websites).
  5. Notice boards.
  6. Corporate websites.
  7. Forums.

Now you have in your hands a promotion strategy, a work plan, a preliminary analysis of the site and the sites of market leaders. At the new stage, an SEO specialist using Serpstat, Wordstat and other collection tools search queries collects, clusters into groups, analyzes frequency semantic core.

It will be useful for:

  • forming the site structure;
  • drawing up templates for manually generating and forming meta tags (Title, Description, Keywords), H1, H2 headings;
  • writing texts on landing pages;
  • creating competent linking;
  • external website optimization;
  • site visibility analysis.

The semantic core can consist of several hundred search queries (for small business card sites) and several hundred thousand (for online stores).

The process of compiling the core is long and, depending on the size of the site, can take several months. That is why it is divided into sections and categories, so as not to slow down progress and expand the semantic core in parallel with other works.

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3. Formation of a broad site structure

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products, except for some projects with a narrow focus.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card websites (not one-page websites).
  5. Notice boards.
  6. Corporate websites.
  7. Forums.

Search engines are constantly improving their algorithms and showing the most relevant pages for user queries. If you enter “laptops with backlit keyboards” into a search engine, you will see the pages most relevant to these queries in the first places.

If you want to see your project in these positions, you cannot do without creating a broad site structure. For each group of search queries, you need to create and optimize your own landing page.

At the same time, it is important to remember that it is better to optimize specific product cards for super-low-frequency queries, since they will only interfere with promotion important pages, taking away some of their internal static weight.

A query that is entered no more than 5 times a month is considered super low-frequency.

Category pages are created for high-frequency queries, and static filter/filter intersection pages are created for mid- and low-frequency queries.

Where do you get ideas for creating new landing pages?

  1. Issue analysis.
  2. Competitor analysis.
  3. Internal site search.
  4. Analysis of product range / range of services.

For large stores with distribution centers in various cities, as well as bulletin boards, marketplaces, companies with branches, the number of landing pages in the structure is multiplied by the number of cities. It is important that the content of such pages be unique.

This is a long process and large projects new filter pages for specific categories are created even two years after the start of site promotion. But still, the bulk of work to expand the structure of landing pages should be carried out much earlier in order to quickly obtain the desired effect.

4. Formation of a task for internal optimization

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card websites (not one-page websites).
  5. Notice boards.
  6. Corporate websites.
  7. Forums.

Specialist corrects errors internal optimization site, works with landing pages for groups of requests, removes duplicate pages. To do this, a technical SEO audit of the site is carried out, on the basis of which a task for internal optimization is formed.

The following points must be followed (in order of importance):

  1. Setting up automatic generation of Title, Description and H1 headings based on templates for categories, products, filters, filter intersections, pages created for geo queries, etc.
  2. Formation of page addresses on the site (bringing them to a human-understandable form).
  3. Optimization of filters: creation of rules for the formation of URLs for filters and their intersections, meta tags, visibility of links to filters).
  4. Increasing server response speed and site page loading.
  5. Removing duplicates using permanent redirects, canonical addresses, noindex follow.
  6. Creating an XML sitemap.
  7. Setting up multilingualism (if language versions are available).
  8. Optimization of pagination pages.
  9. Optimization of server response code and page headers.
  10. Setting up micro markup for reviews and information on product card pages.

5. Organization of internal linking

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Notice boards.
  5. Corporate websites.
  6. Forums.

Often the reason for poor website ranking is a problem with filling promoted pages with static weight. What are we talking about?

It is important not only to create landing pages, but also to organize internal linking so that users and search robots can easily get to other pages. Otherwise, they may not appear in the search engine index.

Typically, this problem occurs with pages of optimized filters - the user can get to such pages by selecting a filter, but the search robot does not see it.

Also, at the stage of site promotion, the SEO specialist builds the linking of menu categories using developed scripts, where he adds previously collected and clustered queries, pours static weight from pages with low competition (for example, from product cards, filter intersections) to pages with more high level nesting.

6. Content optimization

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card websites (not one-page websites).
  5. Notice boards.
  6. Corporate websites.

The optimizer manually generates unique meta tags (Title, Description, Keywords) and H1 headings based on the “long tail” of search queries for those pages where it is necessary. Also, for promoted pages of the site, texts are generated that include previously collected key queries, naturally, taking into account the current requirements of search engines.

Texts influence both the ranking of pages for high-frequency queries and their display for long-tail queries.

7. Working with a crawl budget

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Sites of services and products, where it is possible to filter search results and sort them.
  3. Notice boards.

A search robot's crawling budget is the number of pages it can crawl on a website at one time.

Often site owners, after reading 1-2 articles on website promotion using filter and tag optimization, create hundreds of pages of useless filters for which there are no requests or very few of them. Moreover, pages of intersections of two filters from one block (for example, two brands), intersections of four or more filters are not closed to the robot. Don't hide pages various sortings: by price, rating, number of products on the page. These are all gross mistakes.

As a result, the search robot can index only part of the filter pages and leaves the site. Even if you do everything else correctly, this will be the reason why pages will not be included in the index. Moreover, the static weight of category pages will be greatly reduced.

An excellent case for working with filters: “How to save a project and increase organic traffic by 109% in 6 months”.

It is recommended that only experienced specialists work with a crawling budget. Specialists will competently close for indexing “junk pages” created only for the convenience of users, leaving only necessary filters, will prohibit robots from crawling “junk pages” and will close links to them.

8. Improving site usability

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card websites (not one-page websites).
  5. Notice boards.
  6. Corporate websites.
  7. Forums.

Do search engine algorithms take into account behavioral factors— how the user interacts with the site? Yes, take into account.

SEO specialists work on:

  • failure to return the user to search results;
  • reducing the failure rate;
  • increasing the duration of stay on the page.

Website adaptation for mobile devices will significantly increase the visibility of the site in mobile search results, and conversions from mobile devices will also increase. Simplifying navigation reduces bounce rates. Competent design“About Us” pages will increase the trust of visitors and search engines.

9. External website optimization

For whom is this relevant? For all types of sites in highly competitive topics.

Yes, in a number of topics with low competition you can do without building up external link mass, but mostly external optimization is necessary. The more high-quality thematic sites link to you, the more authoritative you become in the eyes of search engines.

There are many parameters by which you need to build a link profile and select donors. SEO specialists can use permalink exchanges, add natural links from forums, Q/A services, and also directly post through webmasters of sites that do not sell links.

10. Increase conversion from visitors to clients

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card websites (not one-page websites).
  5. Notice boards.
  6. Corporate websites.

Conversions are not necessarily sales. This can be either an order for services or a subscription to a newsletter.

In fact, this is a complex stage that requires knowledge of design, usability, email marketing, and even skills in creating quality content.

What does a specialist do first?

  1. Corrects order forms.
  2. Adds ways to communicate with managers through the site.
  3. Changes the colors of page elements.
  4. Works with reviews.
  5. Sets up triggered personalized mailings.

And this is only a hundredth of the improvements that increase site conversion.

11. Step-by-step page optimization

For which projects is this stage relevant:

  1. Online stores.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Notice boards.
  5. Corporate websites.
  6. Forums.

Based on the ranking of pages by queries and analysis of traffic by category, SEO specialists constantly work with the site structure, expand it, make changes to texts, meta tags, internal linking, external reference mass pages. This is a long process.

Complicates everything constant update search engine algorithms, which is why it is often necessary to make changes to the website promotion strategy and constantly improve it for users and search engines.


Conventionally, we can distinguish 11 main stages of the work of an SEO specialist:

  1. Analysis of the client’s website, topics and competitors. Formation of strategy and work plan. Relevant for all types of sites.
  2. Collection and clustering of semantics, formation of the primary core of search queries. Relevant for all types of sites.
  3. Creation of a broad site structure. Irrelevant for specific products and narrowly themed services that solve specific goals.
  4. Conducting an audit, creating assignments for technical optimization site. Relevant for all types of sites.
  5. Internal linking, enlargement internal weight pages important for promotion. Relevant for everyone except small business card sites and specific products.
  6. Content optimization. Relevant for all types of sites.
  7. Working with a crawl budget. Relevant for online stores, message boards, services where it is possible to filter the results and sort by various parameters.
  8. Improving site usability. Relevant for all types of sites.
  9. External optimization, working with the link profile. Not relevant for topics with low competition.
  10. Increasing the conversion rate from visitors to clients. Relevant for all types of sites, except forums.
  11. Step-by-step optimization of pages by sections, categories, implementation of improvements based on data analysis. May not be relevant for small business card sites.

Almost all stages are not applicable to one-page sites.

Of course, there are many nuances that remain outside the scope of this review. For example, correct transfer site when changing CMS, working with mobile version. Articles with detailed descriptions of these works will appear on the blog soon.

Despite the active development of Internet marketing, Not everyone understands what SEO is. What do these letters mean? This is website optimization for search engines, organized using a set of measures for external and internal website optimization, in order to help search engines find faster necessary information Online. Simply put, the content of the site must be structured in such a way that Yandex and Google quickly find the necessary keywords on the site and showed the site on them in the first positions of the search results.

Search engine optimization is not the primary goal of Internet marketing in all areas of business. Because if there are not enough requests for your activity, then even if you advance through them, you will either still not get clients, or it will not be economically profitable. This is simply because no one is looking for a specific product or service. For statistics on key queries, you can contact the service. Only after analyzing the number of requests can you conclude whether your business needs SEO or not.

How to raise a site to the first lines in a search engine?

We need to work and work on the site again. Improve it all the time, both in terms of content and in terms of ease of use of the site and finding the necessary information on it.

SEO copywriting

First, this is 100% unique content, which will be useful to the user. For example, the article “How to choose plastic windows?, should talk about manufacturers, prices, conditions under which it is profitable to buy and other aspects of purchasing windows. The more useful this becomes to the user, the better for the site.

Also, your resource should contain keywords from which you are promoting. At the same time, they must be organically integrated into the content, otherwise the search engine will simply mark your site as a Spam resource. Keywords are also selected based on Wordstat keyword data. This is called SEO copywriting and it assumes that you primarily write texts for people, and not for search engines.

SEO optimization

Second, this is a convenient site, with a logically constructed and understandable structure for the visitor, which loads quickly and its pages are interconnected by links. This is called SEO optimization.

One of the indicators of the convenience of a site is how long it takes a new visitor to find the information he needs. This is called (usability - literally “possibility of use”, “usefulness”). These indicators are better recorded in cases where the Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics analytics systems are installed on the site.

SEO promotion

Third point, this is SEO promotion or external website optimization. Buying links is a thing of the past, and if you continue to use this method, you can only do harm. If you want to post links to your site, then you need to select information sites from your topic and order the placement of an advertising article with a link to your resource.

Also very important, from the point of view of external optimization, is activity on social networks. For example, Google is very good at indexing posts from its social network Google +.

Rising to the top of the search engine rankings does not mean the job is done. To stay in the TOP, you should constantly monitor your results search results and in case of loss of leading positions, “tighten up” SEO again.

But don’t forget that the main goal of SEO is not to be in the TOP, but to sell goods and services from your website! We hope that we were able to fully answer the question “What is SEO?”

Those who access the Internet not only for entertainment, but for more practical purposes are familiar with the abbreviation SEO (Search Engine Optimization). But even those of them who know that it is translated as " search engine optimization ", are not always able to explain what this optimization consists of.

Meanwhile, minimal knowledge about search engine optimization is necessary for everyone who has anything to do with websites. Therefore, we will try to clearly explain what SEO is, what actions are taken for search engine optimization of a site, and how necessary these actions are for the site.

What is SEO?

Imagine that you need to choose one person from a crowd of comrades who are no different from each other, and who are also standing at a distance. By what criteria will you choose? Well, not in any way, since there is still no difference. You poke at random. Whether it is better or worse than the others, you still won’t be able to determine in advance.

Now imagine the same choice situation, but provided that several people from the crowd stand close enough to you, you will be able to see their clothes, facial expressions and other distinctive features. Agree that in this case you will choose someone from this group close to you. For those standing in the distant crowd, the chances of being chosen will be close to zero.

This example well illustrates the principle of SEO: from a variety of sites on a similar topic, the optimizer strives to place the customer’s site as close as possible to the choosing user. Which, accordingly, will significantly increase the chances that this chooser will go to the site and become potential buyer or a user of goods and services offered on the site.

The goal of search engine optimization of websites is to increase the flow of visitors from search engines Yandex, Google, Rambler and others. By writing your query in the search box and pressing Enter, the user receives a list of 10 sites that match his query. There may be several tens of thousands and even millions of such sites. Naturally, the top ten sites will have much higher chances of success. Naturally, all sites want . Naturally, with such high competition, only a true SEO expert can provide such results. What will he do for this?
There are concepts of “internal” and “external” optimization.

Internal optimization

The work of Yandex and other search engines is determined by algorithms, the changes of which every self-respecting optimizer must know and monitor. Without exaggeration, we can say that this knowledge and the ability to use it is what distinguishes a real optimizer from a mediocre SEO specialist.

Search engines strive for the user to receive the most relevant (relating exclusively to a specific topic) results for the query he is interested in. To do this, the search engine analyzes the content of the site page to determine whether it matches the request.

The goal of the optimizer in this case will be to determine semantic core site and competent distribution of relevant key queries across site pages using tags, meta tags, titles. In addition, it is necessary to determine the optimal number of keywords on the page and the correct location for them. - website optimization for search engines and users.

External optimization

One of the most important parameters that influence the search engine results of a site are those hosted on third-party sites. The quality of a link to site A placed on site B is determined by the number of sites C, D, E and so on, which in turn link to site B. The ratio of the number of links to their quality is determined by PR coefficients ( Page Rank) from Google and Yandex.

There are special exchanges for purchasing such links. However, you should not think that the issue can be resolved by simply purchasing large quantity links. The technology of external optimization is much more diverse, and the complexity of most of its methods lies not in the actual execution of any actions, but in the analysis of the situation, the definition and selection of these actions, and their sequence.

For an inexperienced person, the work of an optimizer looks like shamanic dances. How, however, does any work look to anyone who has no idea about its essence and methods. Today there is no need to convince anyone of the importance of SEO and the need for search engine optimization. The difference between a faceless crowd and a separate bright group standing close to the one who will choose the best among the sites is very obvious.

Anyone who, due to the specifics of their activities, is in one way or another connected with the Internet, has at least once heard the concept of SEO promotion. Today we will talk about this and find out what this short word SEO means and where it is used. So, this concept obtained by adding the first letters of the English phrase Search Engine Optimization, meaning “search engine optimization,” into an abbreviation. Thus, SEO is a set of activities to promote a website for certain queries in search results.

The main objective of these events is to attract the largest number visitors to the Internet project. SEO is not only a whole science, with a certain set of rules, but also an art, which lies in the skill of the webmaster to timely identify changing trends in SEO promotion. If SEO is just a set of activities, the knowledge of which can be applied in practice, then SEO promotion is the very process of putting these scientific principles into action. That is, when a SEO begins to put into practice such knowledge in the field of SEO, then we're talking about about SEO promotion. This is it fundamental difference These two concepts are often confused by many Internet users.

Why is SEO promotion necessary?

Having understood what SEO promotion is, let’s determine what caused its popularity. As mentioned above, these actions are necessary to increase the positions of sites in search engines. The need for high ratings is caused by the possibility of absolutely free attraction of target customers from the Internet to commercial sites, to the corporate resources of manufacturing companies, which in the case of good progress will be able to exist by selling their products only to consumers found on the Internet. It is the opportunity minimum investment To attract an unlimited number of solvent partners and buyers, they give website owners Internet and SEO optimization, which it would be foolish not to take advantage of. In addition, a well-promoted website is a platform for round-the-clock sales around the world. That is why the relatively young profession of SEO has become, in a fairly short period of time, one of the highest paid and most sought-after specialties.

At the same time, there is a catastrophic shortage of schools or courses in the post-Soviet space, the completion of which would result in a state-issued certificate, and many of today’s popular SEO specialists are simply self-taught. Another feature of the emergence of the Internet era is the desire to receive such an education not for the sake of a diploma, but for the sake of knowledge. Today, anyone, including you, can independently, through self-education, go deeper into the features SEO optimization and become a highly paid specialist, even without a diploma.

Stages of SEO promotion

Let's look at the stages of the process SEO promotion in order for search robots to truly love your site.

  • Preparatory. At this stage, the web specialist must prepare the site structure for promotion. This includes editing the template design, getting rid of junk in the html code, setting up the indexing file (robots.txt), increasing the speed of loading information. This is the main foundation in SEO promotion, but, oddly enough, many bloggers skip this stage due to the high cost of ordering services from professionals, because prices for the above listed work start from 50 USD.
  • Determination of the semantic core of the resource. Compiling and selecting the right keywords that reflect the theme of a blog or website is the basis for the success of SEO optimization. Without a core, of course, you can bring your site to the top 10, but the traffic flow in this case will still be significantly lower than that of a blog that has a correctly formulated semantic core.
  • Internal resource optimization. After selecting the core, you need to pay attention to writing articles, using the necessary key phrases. Creating the right SEO text, taking into account important factors ranking is one of the key tasks of blog promotion, which, as practice shows, many webmasters and resource owners successfully use on their own, since it does not require a large volume technical knowledge, and are quite common on the Internet open sources with this information.
  • Site relinking. After filling the site with 20-30 articles, you need to start linking the site, which can be both internal and external. Internal linking is the process of placing links leading from one article on a site to another. Thanks to the correct saturation of blog texts with links, search robots It's easier to index old and new documents. And as a result - the opportunity to achieve a TOP-10 resource without significant costs. Many bloggers neglect this stage or trust linking to special plugins and extensions, which also negatively affects the promotion of their resource.
  • External promotion. Another stage of blog promotion is the process of purchasing third-party links to it. For this purpose there are special services and exchanges, where those who are willing to post a link to a third-party site for money meet and those who can purchase these links. Minus this stage is its high cost and the need to have knowledge of the correct selection of worthy candidates for reference donation.

Despite the apparent complexity SEO promotion resource, it is easier to master it by delving step by step into each aspect of optimization. We hope that you have identified for yourself distinctive features SEO promotion and just SEO, and you have a desire to start studying this knowledge on your own, especially if you yourself are a blogger, because such an effort is worth it.

A lot of information on SEO (optimization, promotion, that’s all) is scattered across the vast Internet, many articles and forum topics on this topic have been created. In this post, I have collected recommendations and tools that relate to the actual website page (structure, code, that’s all).

In the article you will find:

  • structural elements of the page: headings, pictures, URL, content. Recommendations for their use and assessment of importance in ranking.
  • micro-marking: who it is and what it is eaten with. Considered and OpenGraph
  • the tools were assessed in terms of importance for ranking, usability or behavioral factors
  • using the example of large thriving sites, examples of using the described tools are considered
The article is educational in nature, and therefore, even if you ate the dog in this area, you can come in and leave your professional comment and assessment of the content of the post.


Before moving on to consider the structure of the page and its elements from the point SEO perspective, let's make a reservation: SEO is not built only on these factors. In addition to structure, domain, link, brand, and other ranking factors are also important ().


Each factor is assessed in terms of three parameters:
  • ranking - if a factor affects promotion to the top
  • usability - if a factor makes any action easier for the user
  • behavior (behavior) - if the factor “forces” the user to perform the target action


Behavior: +
Range: +
Usability: +

The title is the “face” of the page; it describes its content and essence. But beyond that, the title can affect SEO. Having keywords in the title can have a positive effect on the relevance of the page. Header Match key query and correct wording can make the link more visible and attractive to visitors, which in turn will increase the CTR (click-through rate).


  • Informing visitors about the contents of the page.
  • The title (anchor) of the page in search results.
  • Heading length up to 100 characters;
  • Place keywords at the beginning of the title;
  • Use fewer direct keyword listings;
  • Eliminate repeating parts or leave them at the end of the title;
  • Maintain consistency in page titles;
  • The title should be interesting for the visitor;
  • Do not use rare, complex or allegorical phrases - the title should be simple and understandable.



El Dorado
H1: (category) (manufacturer) (product) H2: loyalty program block and back call(and they are wrapped in ) H3: “Pickup” (popup), “Services and services”
H1: (heading) H2: “Materials on the topic” H3: news headlines from the block “Other materials in the section” H4: news headline from the block “Materials on the topic”


Range: +
Usability: +

There are many studies confirming that images attract more attention and are remembered much better than text information. Many buyers in online stores make purchasing decisions solely based on the image, not the description and technical specifications. That is why the pictures must be of high quality, clear, bright, presenting the product “in the best light.” Set the default image to the most relevant or popular product.


  • image search (Yandex, Google)
  • ability to read pictures using screen reader
If we talk about code, then there are the following recommendations for tag attributes:
  • alt: Alternate text description of the image. Displayed to the user if for some reason the image has not yet been loaded or has not been loaded at all. The description in the alt attribute must accurately and briefly describe what is shown in the image. Search engines do not fully understand long descriptions, so it is advisable to limit yourself to 50-60 characters.
  • title: Tooltip. If in the case of alt attribute describes the contents of the picture, then in the case of title attribute, can be reported Additional information about the image.
  • src: Another way to indicate the contents of a picture is to make the name of the image file match the contents of the picture. More details about CNC and URL below.

El Dorado

Header picture with logo:

Product picture:

Picture of the main news (by the way, micro markup is also used):

Picture of the block “Other materials in the section”:

Links and URLs

The anchor or link text must match (not completely, but still) with the page title. Therefore, like the page title, it must have keys and reflect the content of the page.

URLs with keywords are considered as one of the ranking factors (probably due to the increase in CTA since search engines highlight the URL if it matches the query).

By the way, for the most part, large sites simply “spit” on CNC. I see the point of using an ID only in the case of a changing URL (for example, depending on the title, which can be changed).

El Dorado

I don’t understand the point of removing the category ID in detail page, anyway.

Actually, from the first link we will get the news for the day, but I think it would be nice to make it possible to watch the news for at least a month (that is, a link like /news/2016/08/), but oh well.


The most important thing in optimizing text content is to understand the logic of filling the site with content. After all, you need to optimize not just one text, but all the text content on the page.
  • The closer to the beginning of the document (page) the text is, the better.
  • The closer to the beginning of the text the main key queries are, the better.
  • The beginning of the text should be within the visibility range of the first browser screen (without scrolling).
  • Text on the page should not be hidden by scroll boxes, drop-down boxes, etc.
  • Use illustrations. Text with an image better describes the essence of the document and is rated higher. The bonus is getting a request for Google and Yandex “Pictures”.
  • The text should consist of clearly separated logical parts (with their own key queries)
  • Tags , , . These tags draw attention to certain parts and elements of the text. It is recommended to highlight in “bold” important points text and keywords.
  • Lists, tables and more. Don't forget to use all the tools. The more varied the content, the better.
Quality content parameters:
  • nausea (the degree of unnaturalness of the frequency of use of keywords) no more than 7
  • frequency of occurrence of the keyword is 3-5%.
  • relevance. The relevance of content most often refers to its novelty and frequency of site updates. An inexhaustible source of unique and relevant content is user comments.
You can analyze the text for these (and not only) parameters on this website:
About uniqueness
The topic is holivar, it would seem, but in fact there are several points of view, or rather two:
  • uniqueness greatly influences rankings
  • uniqueness does not greatly affect the ranking; what is important is relevance and demand.
As for me, for the most part, a minor rewrite is enough (without it it would be completely blatantly stupid). Moreover, relevance is much more important.

Anyone who has facts on this issue or real statistics, please write in the comments.

About linking
Contextual links should be considered an integral part of internal linking, because with their help, you can transfer PageRank to deep pages in the site structure and to section pages.

If you have 5 pages that have the same keywords, then the pages may compete with each other in search. Thanks to mutual linking, you can link from four pages to one for a common key query and thereby indicate that this particular page answers the query, and not all five pages.

Micro markup

A very useful thing. In a nutshell (or rather in the words of Yandex):
The purpose of semantic markup is to make the Internet more understandable, structured and facilitate search engines And special programs extraction and processing of information for its convenient presentation in search results.

Popular dictionaries with markup examples are discussed below. More detailed information, history and detailed descriptions You can markup on the corresponding sites.
If we talk about validation, we used the Google validator. (
Used to communicate with search engines. In general, the structure is as follows:

Containers can be nested inside each other.




Russia, Kurgan
Description of the picture


Number of views


Article title

Number of comments

Open Graph ( /

Used to communicate with social media. networks. All data is written in tags inside, and tells the social network what data is on this page. For OG to work, you must initially connect the namespace:

If several types are used, then they all need to be specified:

Common data:

Additional data:


Video (identical to Pictures):


There is also a JSON-LD data recording format that is convenient in comparison with (