SEO search engine optimization. Types and comparison of online advertising

Hundreds of thousands of pages may contain an answer to a user’s key query, but most likely only the first ten will be viewed. Therefore, getting into the TOP 10 means achieving success in business promotion. To do this, you need to understand the differences and connections between internal and external optimization, what are the features and advantages of each.

SEO optimization tools

Internal SEO optimization of the website

Internal optimization consists of:

  • In a competent and internet site. For greater efficiency, keys are written in the Title, in the names of pages or sections. Use tags and meta tags. The number of characters of content on a page, which you need to be able to calculate, is extremely important.
  • In promoting the page by title, description, keywords, headings and captions for pictures. Everything matters - theme, size, water content and uniqueness.
  • Properly composed, which should accurately characterize the subject matter and activities of the resource using keywords.
  • The need to work on the internal structure of the web resource, in a carefully developed site map. Check and remove duplicate pages, extra Title and broken links, eliminate all technical errors.
  • With special attention to usability– the most important SEO tool. Your Internet resource should work quickly, have a high-quality project design, formatting and be user-friendly.
  • A professional is needed to increase the attractiveness of a resource for search engines and readers. If the site contains articles that are unattractive to machines and uninteresting to visitors, then you should not hope for promotion. Using SEO copywriting techniques, unique articles are written using keywords. But to increase the ranking and attractiveness of the site it is necessary constant update unique content. When the optimizer ranks, those pages or websites where the text content is more literate and real appear in the first results. SEO analysis shows that resources that use SEO copywriting occupy higher positions in the rankings than texts written for robots.
  • IN permanent job above the text page relevance And image optimization.
  • In the implementation, the purpose of which is to increase the statistical weight of pages within the project. Promote home page better by HF requests, while it is better to equip secondary pages with mid-frequency SCH requests, internal thematic links that will connect all the pages of the site in a circle.

Off-page SEO optimization

  • External optimization determines number of quality links to your site, which are located on third party sources. Google's ratio of the number of links to their quality is called PR, and Yandex uses a thematic citation index TIC.
  • The external optimization tool is external linking, which allows you to place links to another on the pages of any site. The trick is to redirect users to another web resource, which improves its performance. But if partner sites exchange links, then such optimization methods become worthless. Linking is needed so that participants do not intersect or refer to each other. Preferably the link that has a thematic key, to which search engines respond, which has an impact positive influence on website ranking. The maximum weight on the main page is high frequency queries(HF), therefore, proper placement of the link in a suitable place guarantees an increase in the resource’s rating.
  • Links increase traffic by users of this resource and contribute to the growth of rankings in search engines, increasing their mass should be done gradually, without sudden jumps. In order for the link to be natural, you need to carefully analyze the site from which you are purchasing it. If previously the acquisition of link mass with the necessary anchors from influential and ranking sites was welcomed, now it is a weakly working promotion tool.
  • External SEO optimization involves... Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to those websites whose age, volume, and SEO indicators are not up to par, but whose user traffic is commensurate with the indicators of their main competitors. To do this, you need to determine the competition in your thematic niche and use competitive assessment programs to search queries. Define external links on the resource, visitors and keywords and internal optimization of competitor sites. Of course, this is painstaking work, but in the future it can bring additional profit for your business.

How to achieve success in promotion?

In addition to SEO optimization tools for continuously improving your website for users and search engines, for development and success in promotion you need:

  1. Have an interest in online business. To bring a resource to the top of the search results, you should be interested in the process of its promotion as a whole.
  2. Deal only with familiar topics, then it will be easier for you to navigate thematic promotion. Remember that competent, well-readable unique texts have long been distinguished by search engines and attract new potential buyers to the site’s pages.
  3. Do not step on your own or similar rakes. Repeatedly analyze other people's and your own failures and, of course, successes. Other people's successful promotions in your topic after conversion to your own resource will definitely bring dividends.
  4. Carry out simple, uncomplicated innovations. This is the only way you can stand out and win the favor of many users. An unusual event or a charismatic angle on quite familiar things will be sufficient.
  5. In addition to large popular topics, use less popular ones. It is the latter that often work in a viral manner. Users love to jump from one resource to another site in search of something new, interesting or more complete information. An unusual angle and new products often, thanks to viral content, bring the site to higher positions and increase income.

Types and comparison of online advertising

After SEO optimization, you should think about increasing sales, attracting customers and creating a positive image of your resource using online advertising.

SEO (search engine optimization of website)

The ultimate goal of the CEO is to acquire interested visitors to the resource. There are several benefits of such advertising:
  • Reaching a huge number of visitors by searching for information, goods and services through search engines;
  • Compared to other types of online advertising, the price of attracting an audience to the site is relatively inexpensive;
  • Due to the natural results of search engines, more high level user trust in the resource;
  • Through proper optimization, interested users are immediately taken to landing pages.

This type of advertising is published on websites or on search engine resources, taking into account the thematic area, according to the interests and preferences of the user, therefore its advantages are:
  • Very quick opportunity get an interested audience;
  • Due to parameter settings, advertising is shown only to target visitors;
  • Pay only for a user click on an ad;
  • Available effect tracking contextual advertising.

The disadvantages include: attracting targeted visitors costs a lot of money, setting up effective contextual advertising requires experience and skills, and with plugins that block advertising for the user, your ad will become inaccessible to him.

Such advertising on social networks takes the form of ads with images and is offered in two forms - pay-per-impression and pay-per-click. It works well to increase sales of both new and established products and services. Targeted advertising can be used to inform and promote brands. Another advantage is the targeted impact on a group of people through flexible settings. The disadvantages of targeted advertising are exactly the same as those of contextual advertising. If you are unable to configure target audience You could waste your entire budget.

This is an advertising, usually commercial appeal to a specific audience through email. Main goals email marketing are increasing trust in the company, informing about goods or services, attracting new buyers and clients. Through email newsletters, business relationships with subscribers or clients are consolidated. Taking into account the pros and cons of various types of online advertising, you can always find the optimal one that will allow you to achieve your goals. Try and experiment, evaluate the result.

Viral advertising

A minimal investment in viral advertising can yield amazing results. By distributing free and interesting information with hidden advertising, you get a huge number of visitors who may well turn out to be your clients. Disadvantages viral advertising two – creating a truly creative product, and after losing relevance there is an immediate decline in the audience.

Display advertising

Banner or media advertising is one of the most common and working advertisements on the Internet. Its advantages are:
  • Extensive coverage of possible buyers;
  • Increase in sales volumes of popular products and promotion of new or innovative services and goods;
  • Banner advertising works well in promoting brands and carrying out all kinds of promotions.

The disadvantage is the high cost of attracting each client, since payment is made not for results, but for the number of impressions.


For many of us, website optimization seems like a completely impossible task. As soon as you hear the abbreviation SEO, your back breaks out in a cold sweat. We suspect that this is due to large quantity incomprehensible jargon: “Do you want to rise to search results? Work on meta tags, alt texts and keywords." What, what, excuse me?

Site and page titles

So, we've sorted out one point. The next step is to get search engines to discover your site. To do this, you need to enter keywords into the headings of the site and pages. Headings are classified as meta tags. To understand what they are, type any query you like in Yandex or Google. See the blue lines on top of each result? These are the headlines.

The “Title” field on the main page of the site should be filled in as follows:

Keywords | company name | address

Company name | keywords | address

Having dealt with the main page, you need to do almost the same on the remaining pages: page title + company name | keywords and address.

For that, to fill out the Title field in the Wix Editor, select desired page, click on the settings icon on the right and select " SEO pages».

Important point: There is no need to add the “+” sign; we use it as a conjunction “and”. Vertical stripes do not affect search results; their role is purely decorative.

Page descriptions

The description is the short text that appears below the title. It is necessary so that a person understands what your site is about and wants to follow the link. Your task is to come up with a good, easy-to-read text, but add keywords to it.

Important point: There should not be too many keywords, otherwise they will do more harm than good. The description should look like regular coherent text written for people, otherwise no one will visit your page.

In the Wix editor The page description is added as follows: select the desired page, click on the settings icon → “Page SEO” and add a description.

Domain name

Domain name must include your company name. If you can add a keyword, great. Your domain should be easy to remember and type, so avoid hard-to-type phrases and don't overthink it. Remember: the best is the enemy of the good.

And yes, consider expanding. Don't limit yourself to domains ending in .ru, take a closer look at .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .guru or .net. By the way, expansion may depend not only on the country, but also on the type of activity. If your business is related to the IT industry, you can take the Italian, and if it is related to medicine, then the Moldovan You will find other useful ones in our

To connect a domain, click on "Site" in top panel editor, then to “Connect domain”, and then follow the instructions.

Alt texts

Search engines have one specific feature: they cannot “read” images. You need to “explain” what is shown in the photo by adding a text description, or alt-text, to it. After this, search engines will easily find photos for the corresponding request. Not long ago we wrote a detailed one, if necessary, you can re-read it.

How to Add Alt Text in the Wix Editor:

    Click on the image you want to optimize.

    Click on the “settings” icon.

    Find the “photo texts” field and add alt text.

And for the most meticulous, we recommend adding tooltip text. This is done there, in the image settings. When the user places the cursor on a photo, a tooltip will appear on top of it, the main purpose of which is to inform and explain what it is.

H1-H6 tags for building content hierarchy

Tags H1-H6 are used to highlight the main thing and place emphasis. The H1 tag is suitable for a heading, H2 for a subheading, etc. For example, on this page we use one H1 tag, several H2 tags and various keywords such as “site optimization”. Think about what text on the page is most important and add the right tags to it.

Search engines primarily respond to H1 tag, so it needs to be added to every page. The role of this tag can be compared to the role of the title - it also conveys the main essence of the page. Have you already forgotten? No problem, just go back to point 2.

To add a tag in the Wix Editor, click on the text, click “Edit text” and select the desired style.

And remember: it’s not the font size, but the tag. If there is no tag, nothing will change.

Real example of an optimized page

Now let’s see how this all looks in practice. Let's take as an example the ones made on Wix and analyze it:

    Title: Create an online store | Open an online business |

If you want your website to be attractive to visitors, you should know SEO basics, be able to use them correctly, so that the search engine displays your site in the first positions. Without this knowledge, you will not be able to promote your site, which means you will remain unknown to most users. What is SEO?

SEO is search engine optimization, a set of ways and methods for raising the site’s position in search results and search engines (Google, Yandex and others) for certain keywords and queries that users enter in search engines when looking for the material they need, in order to promote and promote the site. Thus, the better you optimize your website, the more visitors you will receive.

What do the basics of SEO include? What do you need to know and be able to do to create a website that is popular with users and ranks first in search engines? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Unique material

Search engines use various principles, algorithms and schemes for calculating the best site for any queries. One of them is the uniqueness of the material presented on the site. Write quality content, relevant to the selected topic, with minimum quantity water (up to 15%) and spam (from 30 to 60%).

All materials on the site must be written in user-friendly language and contain up-to-date information that strictly meets the request. In this case, the text should be divided into paragraphs, contain headings and subheadings, bulleted lists, since reading a sheet of text is completely inconvenient.

Unique text is a chance to improve your site’s position. If you plagiarize, the site will be lowered in ranking.


In order for your text to appear when a user requests a search engine, you must use keywords by which the user finds your site. Before writing material for the site, it is necessary to create a semantic core of the SEO text, containing a set of words, their morphological forms and phrases that characterize the content of the text. These words must be used in the text, since it is by them that search engines will calculate your site.

In order to compose the semantic core of the text, it is necessary to analyze the structure of the text, search engine statistics, competition in the market, depending on which all keywords are divided into three groups:

  • highly competitive (HC);
  • average competitive (SC);
  • low-competitive (NC).

It is necessary to work with all groups of keywords so that you do not end up competing with thousands of texts on the same topic.

Copywriter, who know the basics The CEO is aware that due to too frequent use Key words in the text may make the material unreadable. The optimal percentage of keywords in the text is considered to be from 4 to 6%.

Category: SEO Created: 09.19.2016 13:32

Good afternoon friends!

Today we will talk about a painful issue for many beginners. This post will focus on the concept of SEO, what is SEO and what types of search engine optimization exist in principle. We will also touch upon the topic of Why do you need SEO website optimization? and why it is necessary to carry it out on your website and engage in search engine promotion of the site as a whole.

Many seasoned webmasters and bloggers often neglect search engine optimization of their sites, and they do it in vain, because they miss the opportunity to take higher positions in search results in Google and Yandex search engines.

Many who have been working on the Internet for several years can say that it is enough to post useful, high-quality original content on the site that will be interesting potential visitors site. Here, of course, you won’t see that the basis for promoting any website is high-quality and unique text. But it often turns out that the text written in one’s own hand, after a while, does not reach the visibility of search engines. The question arises: How then did competing sites reach the first page of search results? This is the perfect time to dive into the concept of SEO, what SEO is, and how to properly optimize a website for certain promoted queries.

One of important factors as mentioned above, is a high-quality unique text. This is the most important component of any Internet project. All other factors are based on the content component of the site.

What is SEO? Why do you need SEO?

SEO is an abbreviation for “Search Engine Optimization”, which means in English: “ Search Engine Promotion and Optimization".

SEO is a set of measures aimed at improving the site’s position in search results in search engines, which leads to an increase targeted traffic(traffic) on the site, and accordingly to an increase in orders for the goods or services provided.

SEO includes work to increase indicators such as:

TIC (Yandex Thematic Citation Index); (in 2018, TIC was officially canceled as a search engine Yandex system. Now Yandex has changed the TIC indicator to the VIC indicator)

PR-Page Rank Google (PR was officially canceled by Google search engine in 2016);

TrustRank - site trust (trust in the site from search engines).

On at this stage search engines are the most visited Internet portals on the Internet all over the world. Search engines are designed to allow visitors to find the Internet as quickly as possible. necessary information on other sites. Essentially, any search engine is an intermediary between the visitor and the site, where the visitor can find the information they need. In the overwhelming majority, it is search engines that bring the main traffic to websites.

If you go to the main page of the Yandex search engine, enter the query you are interested in into the search line, you will see in the search results first advertisements (Yandex Direct), and then natural search results (TOP10). Traffic from advertisements Ya.Direct is called paid traffic, and transitions to the site from natural search are called “organic traffic”.

The search engine displays Ya.Direct advertisements as the first block, and accordingly these links are clicked on more often. Next, the cream of the crop is captured by the first three organic search positions. They account for approximately 60-70% of the traffic, and only a small part of the traffic is received by all other sites.

In order to get into the TOP3 on a long-term basis for the queries you are interested in, and the queries you most likely want to make highly competitive, you need to constantly engage in search engine optimization (SEO) of your website. Read more about what can be classified as SEO in the “Types of SEO” section.

Types of SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is divided into two types:

1. On-page search engine optimization

2. Off-page search engine optimization

On-page search engine optimization is a set of works on a website aimed at improving the site’s visibility in search engines. That is, improving those factors on the site that search engines pay attention to and which accordingly affect the position of your site.

Internal search engine optimization of a website can be called the most painstaking and time-consuming work. Internal website optimization must be done constantly so that your website has positive dynamics in positions in search results, and not vice versa.

Internal website optimization includes the following list of works:

Compilation semantic core website (selection of keywords to promote your Internet project);

Work on the internal structure of the site (HNC (human-readable URLs), Robots.txt, SiteMap);

Identification and elimination of errors on the site (removing duplicate pages, correcting broken links on the site, speeding up site performance);

Working on the general improvement of usability (convenience) of your website;

Work on content (texts) (selection of thematic keywords for the site, optimization of images for keywords);

A set of works on internal linking of the site;

Search engines are constantly improving and, accordingly, complicating their algorithms, and therefore the factors for selecting quality sites that have the right to occupy good options in search results are becoming more and more numerous. Every year, website promotion becomes more difficult and you need to have an analytical mind in order to understand what factors keep your competitors in the TOP in order to ultimately beat them.

Be that as it may, internal search engine optimization must be given due attention when developing an Internet project. The site must be informative and have fast loading, intuitive for most site visitors appearance and functionality.

If this is not the case, then there can be no talk of high search positions and traffic to your project as a whole. If the site is not particularly convenient, it will have technical problems, the content will be borrowed from other sites, such a project will not be able to reach the TOP and receive targeted search traffic. Therefore, make websites thinking about people, how convenient it will be for them to use your project, and whether they will get answers to their questions by surfing the Internet and ultimately going to your website.

External website optimization- this is a set of works aimed at increasing the number of high-quality incoming links to the site. Of course, there are other activities, such as analyzing competitors in your niche, but this issue will not be considered in this article.

Just 3 years ago, incoming links to a site with promoted anchors worked perfectly, that is, with promoted queries in the text of the incoming link, along which the site page was promoted. It was enough for an SEO optimizer to purchase more links than from a competing site, and thus it was possible to be in the TOP, using authoritative Internet resources.

On this moment incoming link mass, of course, has lost such relevance as it was several years ago, and does not have such weight in website promotion as it did then. Nevertheless, it is not worth neglecting the purchase of quality links from good sites today, since incoming links still work, although not as well as they did before. Now, of course, it’s worth spending more time on internal website optimization, filling and developing your project with useful original content.

Inbox reference mass can be increased as free methods, and paid. I recommend paid method, since this way you can select only high-quality donor sites where links to your site will be placed. Purchased links may come with a monthly rental fee or eternal links. I recommend buying links forever, because once you buy a link, you can essentially forget about it, since exchanges provide a guarantee that the link will be indexed by search engines on the donor site, and it will not disappear anywhere for at least 1 year.

A lot of information on SEO (optimization, promotion, that’s all) is scattered across the vast Internet, many articles and forum topics on this topic have been created. In this post, I have collected recommendations and tools that relate to the actual website page (structure, code, that’s all).

In the article you will find:

  • structural elements of the page: headings, pictures, URL, content. Recommendations for their use and assessment of importance in ranking.
  • micro-marking: who it is and what it is eaten with. Considered and OpenGraph
  • the tools were assessed in terms of importance for ranking, usability or behavioral factors
  • using the example of large thriving sites, examples of using the described tools are considered
The article is educational in nature, and therefore, even if you ate the dog in this area, you can come in and leave your professional comment and assessment of the content of the post.


Before moving on to consider the structure of the page and its elements from the point SEO perspective, let's make a reservation: SEO is not built only on these factors. In addition to structure, domain, link, brand, and other ranking factors are also important ().


Each factor is assessed in terms of three parameters:
  • ranking - if a factor affects promotion to the top
  • usability - if a factor makes any action easier for the user
  • behavior (behavior) - if the factor “forces” the user to perform the target action


Behavior: +
Range: +
Usability: +

The title is the “face” of the page; it describes its content and essence. But beyond that, the title can affect SEO. Having keywords in the title can have a positive effect on the relevance of the page. Header Match key query and correct wording can make the link more visible and attractive to visitors, which in turn will increase the CTR (click-through rate).


  • Informing visitors about the contents of the page.
  • The title (anchor) of the page in search results.
  • Heading length up to 100 characters;
  • Place keywords at the beginning of the title;
  • Use fewer direct keyword listings;
  • Eliminate repeating parts or leave them at the end of the title;
  • Maintain consistency in page titles;
  • The title should be interesting for the visitor;
  • Do not use rare, complex or allegorical phrases - the title should be simple and understandable.



El Dorado
H1: (category) (manufacturer) (product) H2: loyalty program block and back call(and they are wrapped in ) H3: “Pickup” (popup), “Services and services”
H1: (heading) H2: “Materials on the topic” H3: news headlines from the block “Other materials in the section” H4: news headline from the block “Materials on the topic”


Range: +
Usability: +

There are many studies confirming that images attract more attention and are remembered much better than text information. Many buyers in online stores make purchasing decisions solely based on the image, not the description and technical specifications. That is why the pictures must be of high quality, clear, bright, presenting the product “in the best light.” Set the default image to the most relevant or popular product.


  • image search (Yandex, Google)
  • ability to read pictures using screen reader
If we talk about code, then there are the following recommendations for tag attributes:
  • alt: Alternate text description of the image. Displayed to the user if for some reason the image has not yet been loaded or has not been loaded at all. The description in the alt attribute must accurately and briefly describe what is shown in the image. Search engines do not fully understand long descriptions, so it is advisable to limit yourself to 50-60 characters.
  • title: Tooltip. If in the case of alt attribute describes the contents of the picture, then in the case of title attribute, can be reported Additional information about the image.
  • src: Another way to indicate the contents of a picture is to make the name of the image file match the contents of the picture. More details about CNC and URL below.

El Dorado

Header picture with logo:

Product picture:

Picture of the main news (by the way, micro markup is also used):

Picture of the block “Other materials in the section”:

Links and URLs

The anchor or link text must match (not completely, but still) with the page title. Therefore, like the page title, it must have keys and reflect the content of the page.

URLs with keywords are considered as one of the ranking factors (probably due to the increase in CTA since search engines highlight the URL if it matches the query).

By the way, for the most part, large sites simply “spit” on CNC. I see the point of using an ID only in the case of a changing URL (for example, depending on the title, which can be changed).

El Dorado

I don’t understand the point of removing the category ID in detail page, anyway.

Actually, from the first link we will get the news for the day, but I think it would be nice to make it possible to watch the news for at least a month (that is, a link like /news/2016/08/), but oh well.


The most important thing in optimizing text content is to understand the logic of filling the site with content. After all, you need to optimize not just one text, but all the text content on the page.
  • The closer to the beginning of the document (page) the text is, the better.
  • The closer to the beginning of the text the main key queries are, the better.
  • The beginning of the text should be within the visibility range of the first browser screen (without scrolling).
  • Text on the page should not be hidden by scroll boxes, drop-down boxes, etc.
  • Use illustrations. Text with an image better describes the essence of the document and is rated higher. The bonus is getting a request for Google and Yandex “Pictures”.
  • The text should consist of clearly separated logical parts (with their own key queries)
  • Tags , , . These tags draw attention to certain parts and elements of the text. It is recommended to highlight in “bold” important points text and keywords.
  • Lists, tables and more. Don't forget to use all the tools. The more varied the content, the better.
Quality content parameters:
  • nausea (the degree of unnaturalness of the frequency of use of keywords) no more than 7
  • frequency of occurrence of the keyword is 3-5%.
  • relevance. The relevance of content most often refers to its novelty and frequency of site updates. An inexhaustible source of unique and relevant content is user comments.
You can analyze the text for these (and not only) parameters on this website:
About uniqueness
The topic is holivar, it would seem, but in fact there are several points of view, or rather two:
  • uniqueness greatly influences rankings
  • uniqueness does not greatly affect the ranking; what is important is relevance and demand.
As for me, for the most part, a minor rewrite is enough (without it it would be completely blatantly stupid). Moreover, relevance is much more important.

Anyone who has facts on this issue or real statistics, please write in the comments.

About linking
Contextual links should be considered an integral part of internal linking, because with their help, you can transfer PageRank to deep pages in the site structure and to section pages.

If you have 5 pages that have the same keywords, then the pages may compete with each other in search. Thanks to mutual linking, you can link from four pages to one for a common key query and thereby indicate that this particular page answers the query, and not all five pages.

Micro markup

A very useful thing. In a nutshell (or rather in the words of Yandex):
The purpose of semantic markup is to make the Internet more understandable, structured and facilitate search engines And special programs extraction and processing of information for its convenient presentation in search results.

Popular dictionaries with markup examples are discussed below. More detailed information, history and detailed descriptions You can markup on the corresponding sites.
If we talk about validation, we used the Google validator. (
Used to communicate with search engines. In general, the structure is as follows:

Containers can be nested inside each other.




Russia, Kurgan
Description of the picture


Number of views


Article title

Number of comments

Open Graph ( /

Used to communicate with social media. networks. All data is written in tags inside and reports social network What information is on this page? For OG to work, you must initially connect the namespace:

If several types are used, then they all need to be registered:

Common data:

Additional data:


Video (identical to Pictures):


There is also a JSON-LD data recording format that is convenient in comparison with (