Secrets of the best sellers and sales managers. "What's in a name?"

If you have long dreamed of owning your own business, the easiest way to fulfill your desire is to organize your own retail outlet or your own store.

However, there are significant difficulties in implementing your plan. This is the presence of competitors with the same product as yours at almost every step.

Successful sales managers they say that best way Having your own regular customers means luring customers away from competitors. But the seller needs to make a lot of effort so that the buyer does not want to look for others profitable offer, and remained your client all the time. To do this, you need to constantly work on yourself, improve and increase your professionalism.

Believe me, this really works for you, because the number of new customers your already regular customers will bring depends only on your quality service. Will play a good role here word of mouth, where a satisfied buyer will want to tell his close people about your work, who, as a rule, will want to come to you.

Everyone has their own secrets of successful sales, but there are also universal best practices that allow you to work effectively.

7 secrets of a successful sales manager.

1. Respect

Every seller must respect their customers. Different, regardless of age, gender, hair and skin color, from social status and nationality, on the amount of money and clothing. For a seller, all clients should be welcome and respected absolutely equally. It is also worth taking care of your own modesty and unobtrusiveness, which distinguish a business person from others. Know that personal charm brings more benefits than the stony face of efficiency.

2. Training

Remember the classics who claim that it is never too late to learn. And especially not ashamed. This is necessary in order to keep up with the times, with new technologies, with all the changes that occur in the world every second. Even if you have an excellent education, you still need to fuel own knowledge new information. Don't discount reading books. This will allow you to keep your brain in constant tone. And clients will note that you are an intelligent and educated seller with whom they will want to communicate more than once.

3. Uniqueness of the work

See how others work and bring a unique approach to your work. This will allow you not only to stand out from the crowd of sellers, but also to increase your sales. Come to work a little earlier, leave a little later than the time marked on the schedule. Take care of your and other people's time, the most important resource. Perform your duties only efficiently. Aim to double your personal sales.

4. Listen

Be careful when talking with the buyer, because this is your serious partner for a long time:

Take every conversation seriously;
focus as much as possible on what the client says, notice the smallest nuances;
try to immediately answer the question posed, but never interrupt the interlocutor;
clarify all unclear details with the client for a better understanding of the problem;
try to unobtrusively demonstrate your knowledge of information on a particular issue.

5. Fears

In order to become a successful sales manager you need to eliminate your own uncertainty of success. To do this you need to have professional knowledge and skills, as well as corresponding self-esteem.

6. Sales

Don't think about sales. Think of yourself as a great product expert. After all, every buyer needs just such a specialist who can offer the client what he needs. To do this, listen to the buyer’s wishes and grasp the main motives for the desired purchase.

7. Family

Correct goal setting is a leap to success. Therefore, be clear about why and for whom you want to succeed in sales. The main motivation is family.

Know that improving and honing your professional skills is within your power. Work on this, and the buyer, when he next comes to you, will be grateful for your skill with his purchases.

Of course, every successful seller has his own secrets of successful sales. Some people win with their expertise, others with their personal charm, others exploit gender differences with all their might, and I even know those who manage to sell solely through importunity and tediousness (from the series: “okay, just get over it”). But there are certainly some general principles, which guide all successful sellers (with the possible exception of the last category). By observing and analyzing enough a large number of sellers, I have highlighted several main secrets of successful sales, which these wonderful people use.

The first secret of successful sales:

It even sounds somewhat ominous: KGB. Don’t rush to get scared, it’s not what you thought. The acronym stands for: Client Says More. To my great regret, the authorship of this transcript does not belong to me. If I'm not mistaken, it was invented by Alexander Derevitsky. But as a child, my grandmother (she was a wise woman) often told me: “God gave you two ears and only one mouth, so use it accordingly.”

Probably not all sellers are lucky enough to have such a grandmother. Because most of them believe that the more the seller talks, the better. This is a big misconception. In most cases, when the seller sings his solo arias in praise of his product or service, the buyer manages to come up with 10 excuses for how to technically avoid the purchase.

While the seller is talking, he is handing over a lot of unnecessary and unnecessary information, which becomes fertile ground for client doubts and objections. But if the seller listens carefully to the client, then he receives a lot of information about what the client needs, what its key benefits are, and can formulate convincing arguments in favor of the purchase. I already wrote a little about this in the article “”, but the topic is inexhaustible, so we will return to it again.

The second secret of successful sales:

Don't tell the client about the product, talk about the client's benefits. The client does not want to buy your products or services. He wants to buy solutions to his problems. So all you have to do is find his problem and show him how your great proposal will help solve it.

On average, a person thinks about himself more than 90% of the time, about his business or work, about solving his problems, and, in extreme cases, about his immediate environment. And you want him to drop everything and start thinking about your proposal! Does he need it? Better talk to him about his problems (well, not globally, of course, but about those that your proposal can help solve) and you will find a grateful listener in him.

The third secret of successful sales:

"All is decided". Your initial internal attitude is that the deal will definitely take place. It can not be in any other way. Calm confidence. A powerful and warm current that you don’t want to resist, but you want to trust and swim towards the alluring goal... Sorry, I got carried away - I’ve already started meditating on the topic. However, you can safely use it, it’s a good mental image for entering desired condition. At one of the trainings, we even came up with a special term denoting this state: “Make a Gulf Stream!” - and everyone understands everything.

To make it clear what we’re talking about, during training I often ask the question: “Who leads in a pair dance?” Girls usually say, “A man should lead.” And those who have ever danced know: “The leader is the one who knows how to dance better and is more confident in himself.” So, in the sales process, a successful seller is always the leader. Another question is that this should be done so skillfully that the client, at a minimum, does not have resistance, and at most, so that the client does not guess about it.

The fourth secret of successful sales:

The best impromptu is a prepared impromptu. Yes, yes, I'm talking about sales scenarios again, scripts, speech modules etc. Don’t be too lazy to write down:

  • where will you start the conversation (so that they don’t send you right away),
  • how will you establish contact (to be able to ask necessary questions),
  • what questions to ask (to make an irresistible offer),
  • how to present your offer (so that it is impossible to refuse it),
  • how to respond to objections (they will be there anyway),
  • how to close a deal (pauses and deep thoughts about what to say are definitely unacceptable here),
  • how to end a conversation (you know, last impressions are best remembered).

It’s better to write it down – it’s remembered better and can be used in the future. This is the kind of work that bears fruit repeatedly. Subsequently, it can become the basis (or your personal sales book). It only seems that an experienced seller speaks on a whim, impromptu. He just has all these impromptu songs already in his head, and there are a lot of them.

The fifth secret of successful sales:

In one of the interviews, Mary Kay, the founder of one of the largest cosmetic companies, when asked what main secret her success, answered: “I know that every person, regardless of gender, age, position, has an invisible sign hanging on his chest with the inscription: “Let me feel my importance!”

Most of our contemporaries have a clear lack of evidence of their own importance. And if you manage to make the client feel important, he will cooperate with you happily ever after.

The fifth secret is the most difficult, as practice shows. Too often, companies declare that “The customer must be loved,” “The customer is always right,” thereby causing salespeople to quietly hate their customers. Imagine how easy it is to love someone who is always right? (The default mentality is that the seller is always to blame). In my opinion, it is much more productive to teach sellers simple techniques, which make the client feel important and AT THE SAME TIME increase the importance of the seller and the company!

I will definitely write more about each of these secrets of successful sales, and for those companies who want to implement them into their practice and increase sales, I recommend mine.

The word “sales” is now on everyone’s lips, and each of us, one way or another, encounters them - as a seller or a buyer. After all, if you think about it, our whole life, in fact, consists of sales: self-presentation skills - in relationships, in friendship, in a professional environment - turn out to be one of the leading ones today. The ability to sell, regardless of the industry in which you work, is one of the key skills in general, within the framework of current reality.

My name is Rumiya Abdrakhmanova, I am a marketer (in the past, by the way, a sales manager), and today we will talk about the secrets of sales.

Interestingly, in America these skills - the so-called “sales ladder” - are considered at school age. In Russia this is not yet so developed, and yet the area tends to expand and is becoming more and more significant and studied. There is such a term as “the art of sales”. Selling using manipulations has long ceased to produce the same effect that it had initially. As well as the “aggressive” sales that were popular not so long ago. Selling to a client a product that interests him competently, ethically, professionally - this is truly an art!
We are gradually moving away from the “Soviet” perception of reality, in which sales are “speculation” and “traders” are not people. Nowadays, being a sales manager—successful, in demand, earning well—is very, very prestigious. Today, “sales people” are one of the main backbones of any company. Which is logical: where there are no sales, there is no business.

As in practically any activity, in sales one can identify certain laws and principles on which this concept, so popular today, is based. Vitaly Katranzhi, sales development expert at, will share his position on such laws/principles.

“It is quite difficult to formulate sales laws and principles; every industry, company and even manager has their own, but let’s highlight the main ones that are relevant for most businesses:

1. Build a relationship before you sell. We don't like to buy from strangers, whom we don’t trust, so before you announce the price or make your offer, log in with the person trusting relationship find out about his “pain”, give the person the opportunity to tell you about himself, and thereby he will gain confidence in you.

2. Listen to the client. There is a simple rule: the more the client tells us, the more he trusts us. If we listen to the client and “get used to” his problem, it will be much easier for us to convey to him the value of the product.

3. Speak the client's language. It seems to many professionals in their field that the whole world around them is developing as the professional himself grows, and we often abuse terms, knowledge, and understanding. Retargeting, conversions, leads - these are all great, but for 80% of entrepreneurs these are not the most understandable words. If what you are talking about can be understood by a 5-year-old child, then you are a professional who can convey the value of your product to anyone. If your industry is very specific, then a “knowledgeable” client will make it clear that he speaks this language to you. Therefore, listen to the client, pay attention to what concepts he uses and adapt your explanations taking into account these concepts.

4. Focus on value, not price. Paying money is “painful” for a person, but receiving a benefit is pleasant. This means, move away from talking about price and move on to opportunities, and then for a person you will not be in the zone of “pain”, but in the zone of happiness.

5. Love your product or service! Most people have a keen sense of falsehood, so if you think that you are selling a “crappy” product, it is almost impossible for you to convince other people of this. Find the advantages of your product, find customers who are interested in this product - and sales will go much easier.

6. Understand the product! There is nothing worse when a manager answers a buyer about his product in a vague and unprofessional manner. Customers will ask you all the necessary questions themselves, but your task is to know the answers to these questions that are important to the client.

7. Help make a choice, don’t sell. The client came to you for a purchase with his own vision of a product or service, and the worst thing is to start destroying it. He has a clear and precise idea of ​​what he wants, and if we convince him otherwise, he is unlikely to make a purchase. Supplement his idea of ​​happiness with your product, or, even better, make this happiness dependent on your product - and you will make a sale!
Of course, many sales laws can be written, and there are many versions on this topic from different specialists, but all of them, one way or another, come down to understanding the client and conveying to him the value of the product. Don’t think about bonuses and benefits, think about the client - and he will make you rich, and he will remain happy!”

We thank Vitaly for such a colorful, clear and simple explanation of the laws and principles of sales! And I would like to draw the attention of blog readers to the fact that, regardless of whether you are engaged in sales or are not familiar with them at all (and perhaps even do not plan to become acquainted), these skills will be useful to you in any of your activities! Whether you like it or not, knowledge of the above-mentioned “sales ladder” is a certain standard today. It will only complement and improve your skills in other activities! Again, from my own experience, I can confirm this.

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Hello! Igor Zuevich is in touch, and today we will talk to you about how you will learn about what you need to do in order to achieve success in sales and increase the number of sales.

There are some characteristics that allow you to achieve tremendous results in the field of sales. All these principles are closely intertwined, and you practically cannot improve at least one of the characteristics without improving all the others:

1. Champions can be easily recognized as soon as they walk through the door!

Their clothes immediately show their level. It can be either the most fashionable or less popular. However, in any case, their clothes are absolutely well-groomed and clean. They take good care of their appearance and take care of themselves.

2. Champions are happy with themselves.

Every person who is involved in sales and considers himself a Champion is infinitely pleased with himself and feels a sense of pride, and nothing else.

3. Every champion exudes self-confidence.

However, beginners ask themselves - if I don’t know, what am I doing?

Therefore, it is necessary to beware of such emotions if you are in a situation where you do not know what and how you need to do in this moment time. You must develop your sense of humor and confidence to achieve greater and greater results.

However, it will be worse if, on the contrary, you work with a feeling of insufficient confidence. In this case, it is necessary to somehow train according to certain principles in order to be a more confident person.

4. You must perceive work as leadership of certain people

It is necessary to suppress all thoughts in your mind that you are doing wrong when you sell people this or that product and take away their own money.

It is necessary to use only truthful information when working as a seller and not deceive people using your own unworthy methods!

That is, you must sell the product with maximum care and warmth to your customers using special powerful technologies, from which they will actually receive real benefits.

5. Most people who succeed in sales look only at themselves first.

Don’t compare yourself to someone else, as your self-confidence increases!

6. Champions, like no one else, want to get rich!

And there is nothing wrong with this, because in this case the seller can quickly accumulate the necessary capital to be an independent person.

The most important thing is that you must first of all bring benefit to people, and not unnecessary problems from your sales. The main goal that every seller strives for is the dream of becoming rich.

7. Great desire to achieve results immediately

In order to determine the degree of your desire, you can ask yourself a couple of guiding questions, for example:

  • How much trouble do you have to endure to quit selling?
  • Or how much trouble or failure are you willing to experience before you go home and go to bed?

If you are a real champion and want to receive enormous wealth, then you must answer these questions like this: never give it up, no matter what troubles you experience.

After all, this is absolute nonsense compared to your enormous desire.

8. Salespeople try to find out their fear in as much detail as possible.

That is, they actually study what they are afraid of. When they realize that they are afraid of something, they immediately begin to do it and get rid of the fear. Naturally, after a person overcomes fear, he begins to feel confident and this is a very positive feeling.

9. Feel good

Many salespeople only feel good when everything else is great and their enthusiasm is high. in this case depends not only on the seller, but also on external conditions or other people they talk to. If the same thing happens to you, then you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why do you allow yourself to have such an attitude and allow your life to be thrown from one side to the other?
  • Why do you think that you are a simple passenger who travels through life, and at the same time cannot take the steering wheel in your hands and independently move where you want?
  • And why do you feel good only when everything around you works out and happens well?

That is, you take on the role of a seller who simply stands and waits until a buyer comes up to him and wants to buy something.

For example, if you communicate with a seller who is very successful, then you will not be able to understand whether he had similar problems for the past day or the past hour. But how does such a person manage to hide his feelings inside?

The thing is that real sellers are not really going to hide their own feelings, they are sure that sooner or later they will have problems (either this week or next) and they are always ready for them!

For example, they know that over the next 5 years, some year will be better than another year. They are almost sure that they will have success or failure - all this will sooner or later change, and they will experience completely different feelings and results!

However, they continue to act according to the same principle, that is, they do not change their behavior in any way due to external circumstances, and they simply remain happy people, and there is absolutely no need for them to worry about trifles!

For example, If a customer appears in front of a salesperson who is angry, then a competent salesperson can easily cope with this problem. He will solve it and immediately forget about it, because what’s done is already done, and you can’t take anything back!

Champions know that between all the good events, some unfortunate event will appear, and this does not bother them, because they were full of enthusiasm and continue to be charged with it!

10. Care about people

Professional salespeople genuinely care about the people they serve, which is why people often turn to them for repeat purchases.

If, when talking to your potential buyer First of all, you think about how to quickly earn a tidy sum, then this will be clearly visible in your eyes and non-verbal gestures. In this case, the buyer will immediately begin to resist all your offers.

11. Any professional seller does not accept refusals on a personal level.

That is, if he wanted to sell the goods to one, and he refused to buy the goods from someone else, and besides, he changed his phone number and refuses to contact the seller, then there is no need to make a serious problem out of this.

12. First and foremost, professional salespeople invest their money and time in developing themselves.

That is, your own head, from which everything, in principle, begins.

As you can see, success in sales is possible for anyone, you just need to take these practical strategies and start using them right now.As always, the main thing is to act correctly, and you will succeed. It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs and earn more at the same time!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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Ten rules for any salesperson to be the best in your business.

№1 There is only one thing you have to sell - yourself. The first and most important thing you need is to have expert status. Your field is not the field in which your products and services are located. Another, more an important part– your client’s business. It’s somehow inconvenient to start an argument about price with an expert. If most of your meetings begin and end with a conversation about price, this means that you may be a good salesman and good man, but you didn't sell expert status.

№3 You should sell when you need to, not all the time. Today's salespeople are nothing like traveling salesmen. Different rules of the game, average transaction cost, transaction cycle – everything is different. If previously preparation took 10% of the time, and working with the client – ​​90%, now on average 90% of the time spent on preparation accounts for 10% of the time working with the client. There are no sellers who are good at “concluding contracts”; there are sellers who skillfully work at all stages: initial search, qualification, identification of needs, presentation, presentation of evidence and closing the deal.

№4 You should focus on internal sales first, and then sales of goods and services to customers. There is safety in numbers. Sales is too serious a matter to be left to salespeople. If the welfare of the entire company depends on sales results, it would be logical for the entire company to participate in this process. If the sales team says “we,” meaning salespeople, and “they,” meaning everyone else, it’s a common problem. The seller has no right not to sell. If a seller says that he could sell a lot more, but... he is hampered by service, logistics, finance - this means that he must engage in internal sales 95% of the time until he wins conditions under which his sales to customers will become possible.

№5 You must make sure that the client cannot compare you with others. Find a way to differentiate yourself. Don't allow yourself to be in a "it's all the same" situation. Avoid comparisons. If the client’s first phrase is about “the same thing,” then the second will be about a discount. Our positioning occurs in the client's head. He must feel and perceive differences. If he doesn't see any differences, assume there are none. If a customer needs to become an expert on your products and give you a year of their life to understand the difference between you and your competitors, look for more recognizable and tangible differences. The differences may relate to the product, service, company, but the main thing is that the sales manager himself should be the difference. If we can only partially influence the product and the company, then we can improve ourselves endlessly.

№6 You must understand what the client is afraid of. At the beginning of the 20th century, sellers were clowns (“buy attention and talk”), then walking encyclopedias (“kill on the spot with facts about the product”), then special forces (“sell at any cost, despite the client’s needs”), and today they are the client’s partners . Partners respect each other, listen to each other and sign only mutually beneficial deals. When a client leaves you, promising to think about it, understand: if everything is done right, then he should buy right away; If everything is wrong, then what should he think about? Your know-how is to find out what he is afraid of. If it is price, then you will have one plan of action, if quality - another, if it is lack of experience, uncertainty in the capabilities of your company - you know what to do.

№7 You must manage the client's expectations. The panicky fear of losing a client leads to the fact that we sometimes generously promise him more than we can offer, or sluggishly limit his unrealistic wishes and expectations. We are once again working with the client based on what is urgent rather than what is important. For a professional salesperson, high client expectations are not a problem, but an opportunity. The opportunity to ask a dozen questions about the client’s previous experience, concerns, budget and analyze the decision-making system. Then the expert will streamline expectations, say what happens and what doesn’t happen, in what time frame, for what money and under what conditions. And the client will understand this. What if your client doesn't understand? It's not his fault, it's your fault.

№8 You must master the basics of project management. The secret is that we can no longer work successfully while remaining within the same framework. The British have long been playing with the words product (product) and service (service), coming up with such combinations as provice and serduct, which indicate that there are not only products without services and there are not only services without products. Authors J. Alexander and M. Lyons in the book “The Knowledge Based Organization” say that salespeople of the future will need to be very well versed in four key areas: sales skills (thank god for that), technical knowledge subject area, project management, general business acumen. Why do I emphasize project management? Because in this area we suffer more often. Not every seller will answer where his operations end and projects begin. And, as a rule, sellers simply do not have formal training in project management.

№9 You must work harder and differently. Armand Hammer said: “As soon as I start working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, I start to get lucky.” Champions work harder. Forget the prejudice that some people are destined to become a salesperson and others are not. Talent is needed (and again, not without great difficulty) in order to become outstanding, but many can become simply good. Champions work with pleasure and ease - this is one of the conditions for success. Only an optimist can do the same thing for years and expect it to always bring the same results. Change is a way of life. Someone once said: “In the future there will be only two types of companies – the fast ones and the dead ones.”

№10 A stern, concerned face is not the only sign of professionalism. Smile! Do you agree that your customers don't just want your product? If that were the case, no salesperson would make more than $300 a month. They need your experience, your laurels and big shots, your knowledge of risk factors and success. If for your client almost everything is a problem, then for you almost everything should be a work issue. So don’t make a face like everything around you is bad (nightmarish and neglected), as if there are problems all around you. Smile! Give the client a little joy and optimism. Let him know that he has come to the right place. He has enough problems even without your lean face.