Collecting statistics on keywords. Automatic collection Yandex Wordstat

There are several services that allow you to predict frequency of search queries, but most specialists use the service from Yandex - Yandex Wordstat.


Yandex has a significant market share (large data sample) and a convenient tool for analysis (Yandex Wordstat). In Mail's tool, you can get more extensive data for each keyword, but on a much smaller sample of data. The Yandex Wordstat service was created primarily for Yandex Direct, but is very useful for SEO specialists.

3 types of query frequency in Yandex Wordstat

Every day, SEO specialists use 3 types of frequency in their work. You need to grasp the difference and learn to correctly interpret the information and understand its value.

The total frequency is the predicted number of impressions per month of the entered phrase with any other words in any case/declension/number, etc. That is, if you enter the query [pizza delivery], you will receive the number of impressions per month of such queries as: [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery around the clock], [inexpensive pizza delivery in St. Petersburg at 3 a.m.], [pizza akhtynzan delivery to Yekaterinburg], etc.


The numbers next to each query in the keyword results give you a rough estimate of the number of monthly impressions you'll get if you choose that query as your keyword. Thus, the number next to the word “phone” indicates the number of impressions for all queries with the word “phone”: “buy a phone”, “cell phone”, “buy a cell phone”, “buy a new speckled cell phone”, etc.

That is, Yandex tells us that the word “pizza” and any phrases with the word “pizza” will be dialed 2,242,196 times a month, and the phrase “pizza delivery” and all phrases with the phrase “pizza delivery” will be dialed 240,705 times a month. Using this information, you can find interesting clusters of queries that users are typing and analyze the needs of potential customers. For example, it is clearly visible here that only 10% users who searched for anything related to pizza are looking for pizza delivery.

Some users want to receive pizza around the clock, while for another part of users it is very important that the pizza is delivered quickly. This is very valuable information for your business, so experiment and look for interesting query needs.

2. Accurate request frequency

Exact frequency is the predicted number of impressions per month of the entered phrase without any other words, but in any case/declension/number, etc. That is, if you enter the query “pizza delivery”, you will get the number of impressions per month of such queries as: [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery], etc.

To get the exact frequency of a query, the entire query must be placed in quotes:

The exact frequency will help you find the key queries that users actually type. Also note that only 6% of users who search for anything related to pizza delivery limit themselves to the request [pizza delivery], and 94% of users complete (specify) their request.

3. Super accurate search frequency

Super accurate frequency is the predicted number of impressions per month of the entered phrase without any other words and in specified case/declension/number and so on. That is, if you enter the query “!pizza delivery,” you will get the number of impressions per month for the query [pizza delivery].

To get the exact frequency of a query, you need to put the entire query in quotes and put an exclamation point before each word:

Super accurate frequency allows you to identify in what case, number and declension people type certain queries.

Prepositions in Yandex

Wordstat does not take into account prepositions when you analyze the overall frequency. If you need to look at a key query with a preposition, then you need to put “+” in front of the preposition.

Feel the difference:

Imagine that you want to find out how many people want to buy air tickets to Moscow. If you type [air tickets to Moscow], you will get 716,174 total frequencies, but this frequency also includes queries [air tickets from Moscow], [air tickets Moscow], [Moscow Sochi air tickets] and others.

But if you search for [flights + to Moscow], you will see 66,841 total frequencies. The numbers differ by 10 times, I hope that you will not forget to indicate “+”

The Yandex Wordstat service allows you to analyze the frequency of requests for the required region. Sometimes this can be very useful.

In some areas of activity, you will be able to find suitable queries that are found only in certain regions. For example, names of geographical objects.

There is also a separate functionality where you can see the popularity of any keyword in different regions.

Seasonality (query history) is a very useful functionality with which you can analyze the frequency of a keyword in different periods of time. Data is stored for 2 years.

For example, this is what the demand for air tickets to Moscow looks like at different times of the year:

Additional Operators

There are some operators that are used by qualified professionals. If you are just starting to master search engine optimization, then you should not focus on them.

Operator "-"

The “-” operator allows you to remove unnecessary words (similar to direct).

Operator "|" (or)

Operator "|" (or) allows you to get results based on several conditions at once.

"()" operator (grouping)

The "()" (grouping) operator allows you to combine conditions.

Checking queries in Yandex is necessary for creating an SEO core, setting up contextual advertising, as well as other methods of website promotion. The statistics service is contacted after the topic of the project has been determined. In the Russian-language segment of the Internet, the most popular search engines are Yandex and Google. Therefore, the selection of phrases must be carried out taking into account the statistical data of these two search engines.

But Google search query statistics are somewhat more complicated to use than a similar service from Yandex. In addition, to compile an SEO core, an analysis of the results from any of these search engines is usually sufficient. The difference in the frequency of requests in Yandex and Google is small, and for most projects it is insignificant. Therefore, most webmasters limit themselves to a simpler and more understandable option.

Queries and "keys": what's the difference?

When talking about composing or setting up advertising, two different terms are used - Yandex or Google search queries and keywords (“keywords”). Moreover, these terms are often confused or used as synonyms.

Requests– individual words or entire phrases that are typed into the search bar to obtain specific information. The ranking of search queries allows you to determine which ones are used most often.

Keywords (abbreviated as “keys”)– these are phrases selected from Google, Yandex or other search engine statistics that a webmaster or SEO specialist will use to promote resource pages in search engines.

How to use the right column?

For most of the “keywords” you select, the Yandex query list displays two columns, we mentioned this above. On the right are the results of the analysis of queries in Yandex and user activity. Usually they do not contain the key phrase you specified for verification, but they are very close in topic.

The fact is that the Yandex query counter, like , analyzes the sequence of words and clarifications that the user enters into the search engine during one session. In addition, search engine bots “learn to understand” not only the sequence of characters, but also the topic, for which both search engines use dictionaries of synonyms, tables of phrases related to a specific topic, and much more. And these algorithms work not only in “smart search”, but also in issuing Yandex statistics.

Words from the right column can become useful hints and contain keywords for the semantic core that you didn’t think existed. Add them to your list and check the frequency in the same way as the main list.

Service symbols: for advanced users

Each search engine allows you to use special characters (operators) to refine the results; they complement the main phrase. This method works both in regular search and in working with the analysis of search queries in Yandex.

Main operators:

In most cases these characters are not needed. Sometimes they are useful when analyzing existing keyword phrases. Experienced users use them to save time (combining two or more checks into one). But more often, in order to get results as quickly as possible, specialized programs are used.

Word counting and Google features

Even experienced SEO specialists most often use this service as an auxiliary service after they have assembled a full-fledged SEO core in Wordstat. Google statistics are used to expand the list of keywords in the process of project promotion. Unlike Yandex, to determine the number of requests for keywords here you do not have to specify the region and language of the site.

The service will conduct and independently determine these parameters, after which it will offer its own version of the list. There are also flexible settings and many options here, but to take advantage of them, you will need to spend time reading the help sections and carefully studying the services for the webmaster.

We hope that we were able to tell you in as much detail as possible how to find out queries in Yandex, and we talked about the main competitor of this search engine - Google. For a small project, you will most likely now be able to select keywords and create an SEO core based on them. But if you need to optimize an online store or commercial resource, leave this work to professionals. They will carry it out as part of full optimization and promotion. In the commercial sphere, optimization errors result in loss of profit. Remember this and plan your time and advertising budget wisely.

There are many opinions on this matter: some people think that it is necessary to leave requests with a frequency of at least 50 by “!”, while others work with requests with a frequency of 1 to “!”. In this guide we will answer in detail all questions regarding this topic.

When collecting Yandex tips, there is a problem with so-called “phantom” tips - tips that Yandex automatically generates based on personalization or other data. Our algorithms effectively find these clues and cut them out, saving you a lot of time and money.

What we have as a result:

  • more frequent, but often inflated, queries from the “left column” of Wordstat
  • atypical for the Russian language, complicated queries like “buy a baby stroller in Moscow”
  • less frequent, but real, live user requests from search suggestions
  • *search queries from Yandex Metrics and Google Analytics

* Such requests can be uploaded over a long period of time and at the time of frequency collection may have zero frequency due to seasonality or the irrelevance of the request at the time of frequency collection.

I've collected hints, but many of them have a small frequency of "!ws", is it worth using them?

Definitely worth it. Our service is designed to find as many target keywords as possible that can be used and that competitors do not know about. Most of these keywords are low-frequency keywords and they bring up to 70% of search traffic to websites in any country in the world. Plus, as mentioned above, these are live user requests that are relevant at a given moment in time and can (often happens) quickly gain popularity, creating new semantic trends and cross-sections.

Keywords below what frequency should be discarded?

It all depends on the theme of your site:

In topics where search demand is narrow (for example, repair of Vertu phones), it is advisable to use even keywords with a frequency of “!” = 1 because Every user from search engines is important here - in principle there are few of them.

For e-commerce, for example electronics/gifts/clothing stores, where search demand is very high, you can discard all keywords with a frequency less than "!" = 5, concentrating efforts on more frequent requests, and returning to completely unpopular low frequencies later, during the second iteration.

For information sites, such as recipe sites, movie-themed sites, essay sites, car portals and other similar sites, you can discard all keywords with a frequency of less than "!" = 50 tk. The demand in these niches is simply huge and it is physically impossible to work on the entire semantic core. Go from the most popular user needs to the less popular ones. Work in iterations.

How not to lose necessary requests and not throw away unnecessary ones?

There are situations and topics in which:

  • there is very little search demand in principle
  • verbose queries in various word forms and reformulations predominate

a) The first option is to leave requests with a frequency of "!" = 1, as stated above. But this is not possible everywhere; in some topics, such requests are either too specific (they do not have common URLs in the SERP with other requests and are not clustered) and promoting them is impractical (there is no point in creating a separate page for such low demand) or are not entirely targeted.

b) The second option is to use " " instead of "!". This method works when your semantics is dominated by multi-word queries in various word forms and reformulations. The fact is that "!" fixes a specific word form, and since a multi-word query can have a huge variety of reformulations, and “!” takes into account only one specific one, you will lose all the others. This method is advisable to use if you see a steady trend of a sharp drop in frequency from " " to "!" - a drop of 70% or more.

Don't forget about seasonality

It is also necessary to take into account seasonality for some requests. It can be viewed in Yandex Wordstat if you select "Query History" after entering a keyword.

So, for example, requests related to the New Year holidays begin to increase in frequency from September, and from mid-December they already fall.

It is also very important to take into account that Yandex shows data for the past month. And if you have a new request, one that has just appeared, there may be no data about it, or there will be a low frequency. Or, it is possible that you are recording the frequency in the “low season”. If you have a rough idea of ​​the popularity of queries, but the frequencies for them turned out to be much lower than you expected, check the seasonality and do not rush to refuse these queries! By starting to promote queries during the low season, you will gain an advantage over competitors who will start promoting the same queries during the high season.

Query frequency is the number of queries for specific key phrases over a certain period of time.

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Methods for determining search volume may vary depending on the search engine used. The most popular services are Google and Yandex.

Key phrases have varying degrees of popularity among users searching for information on the Internet. Some queries can be asked by search engines several times every 30 days, while others can be asked from 2-3 thousand times to several tens of thousands. Search robot algorithms are designed in such a way that the more often a particular phrase is used, the higher its frequency. Having such statistics and knowing how to use these numbers correctly, an SEO specialist can find out exactly what kind of traffic he will receive if he brings the site to the first pages of search results for queries that interest him.

In addition, frequency statistics make it possible to most effectively select the semantic core for a site or an individual web page, as well as exclude non-target key phrases in the first stages of resource promotion.

Determining the frequency of requests by type

High frequency (HF)

They have a broad focus and, as a rule, contain one or several words that are most popular among users when searching for certain information. High-frequency queries are used as advertising to form a positive opinion of the target audience about the company in general and the products/services offered in particular.

  1. HF are not suitable for promoting web resources that have been in operation for less than one year. In this case, you need to start with the bass and midrange.
  2. The maximum frequency of RF requests can reach several tens of thousands (according to Request Statistics).
  3. They are asked by users who are just starting to study the subject area and, being the most competitive option, are much more expensive in promotion than other types.

Midrange (MF)

These are more specific queries consisting of several words. Their frequency can reach from one to several tens of thousands of requests per month. They are suitable for promoting any web resources, regardless of the duration of work. Like high frequency, requests are the basis of promotion, endowed with not the broadest, but not too narrow focus. They are great for online stores and other sites that promote specific products or services, where users know what to look for and what keywords to enter into the search engine.

Low frequency (LF)

They have a narrow focus, describe a specific need of the target audience and, as a rule, consist of three or more words. In other words, LF is asked by people who know exactly what product they need in what configuration (for example, buy a Philips toothbrush in Moscow). The average frequency of requests here can be from 1 thousand views. the most converting and suitable for promoting any Internet sites at all stages. The main advantage of LF is that, not having much demand, they are not competitive and are much cheaper for search engine promotion.

Checking the frequency of requests in Yandex

High-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency queries are calculated based on the number of impressions per month. They cannot reflect accurate statistics, but in the process of promoting web resources they are used as a rather rough rounding. Without exact indicators, they can be divided as follows: a request of 100 impressions is low-frequency, over 1-2 thousand is high-frequency. At the same time, it is impossible to determine exactly the average frequency query - each SEO specialist determines it for himself independently.

Different search engines use different query frequency checking services. In the Yandex search engine, you can assess user interest in specific topics for selecting keywords using the WordStat service. To do this you need to enter a request. In response, statistics will be shown on the request itself and on its analogues (or word forms). In order to clarify the phrase, you can use additional operators. For example, if you enclose a query in French quotes (or “herringbone quotes”), you can get data on the frequency of a query consisting only of the specified words, but written in any form and sequence.

Types of request frequencies in the Yandex service

There are several types of frequency in the Yandex search system - basic, precise and refined (they are indicated by different signs and symbols).

  1. The base frequency is of purely research interest to the webmaster, as it is considered the most inaccurate. To calculate it, you need to enter a query without special characters, but the result will be non-specific, since it will contain data both on the query itself and on all others, which include all the words specified in the keyword. The only application of such frequency can be found in the analysis of general interest in a topic. So, if you enter “buy flour” and indicate the region of interest, you can understand how many people want to buy flour on the Internet (without specifics - what kind and in what volume). However, do not forget that there may be more such people, they can use queries like “flour price”, “cost of flour”, etc.
  2. The exact frequency (“herringbone quotes”) reflects the number of times users enter a query in different declensions. For example, a webmaster needs to calculate the frequency of the request “iron doors”. To obtain this information, you should put the query in quotation marks before selecting. This will allow the service, which shows statistics of keywords and queries in the search engine, to display the total number of specific queries for iron doors and all forms of declension (iron doors, iron doors, etc.).
  3. The updated frequency (!) contains only relevant and relevant information. It reflects the amount of user input of a specific form (declension, conjugation, number...) of a particular phrase that the webmaster is looking for. It is recommended to calculate the specified frequency, because it reflects the essence of the request and determines its popularity among the target audience. This way you can find out how many people enter a query exactly in the form in which you wrote it - very useful, if necessary, to find out which of two or more keys will be more useful to use in direct entries in texts. For example, “how to make candy with your own hands” or “how to make candy with your own hands.”

To obtain the frequency of queries in other search engines, other services are used. To obtain static data from Google, for example, you must have an account in the AdWords contextual advertising service. After logging into your personal account for an advertising campaign, you need to go to the “Tools” section and use keyword suggestions. By entering the desired phrase, the service will provide a ready-made analysis result not only for the specified words, but also for similar ones. This allows the webmaster to select the most optimal variant of queries for search engine promotion.

At the same time, Google does not have the ability to check the frequency of queries, however, the user can add web resources with content for persons of legal age to the results, as well as use additional filters. In particular, you can check a specific request by geographic location: in a specific region, country or throughout the world.

Services for determining the frequency of search queries

In addition to AdWords, Google has a web service that shows how many times users search for a specific phrase (over a certain period of time) to the total volume of search queries, divided by geographic location (region, country). This service is called GoogleTrends. By entering queries of interest, the webmaster receives statistics in the form of a graph with the ability to compare several phrases. At the same time, not exact indicators are displayed here, but conditional ones.
Statistics of search queries for the Search Mail.Ru service are also popular. Here you can see information on general impressions, divided by age and gender categories.

Mass checking of query frequency, as well as collection and analysis of the semantic core can be carried out using the Key Collector program and the Rush Analytics web interface. The first program is paid (the fee is only for purchasing the program - a one-time fee), the second is provided in various pricing solutions - from 0 to 6,000 rubles per month. At the same time, their functions and capabilities are largely similar.

The need to use these services is determined by the fact that, in addition to checking the frequency of queries, WordStat cannot be used to effectively compile a semantic core. Of course, you can rely on the information received, but with some nuances. In particular, keywords with a minimum frequency can have competition in the search engine and bring a certain amount of traffic to a web resource.

In articles about website promotion, we often recommend the Yandex.Wordstat service. This is a simple, convenient and (what is important!) free resource, which is highly popular among Internet marketers and optimizers. Today we will analyze Yandex.Wordstat for spare parts.

Why do you need Yandex.Wordstat?

Yandex.Wordstat is necessary to track the statistics of search queries in the Yandex system. Based on these statistics you can:

  • develop a semantic core for the site ();
  • select anchors for links;
  • predict traffic to the site (how exactly -);
  • prepare an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct;
  • find out the seasonality of demand.

What does Yandex.Wordstat show?

    The total number of queries containing the desired phrase.

    Requests for specified phrases that include the one you are interested in.

    Other queries that were also entered by users interested in this phrase.

    Yandex.Wordstat allows you to view general statistics (for all types of devices), as well as selective statistics for desktop (this includes desktop computers and laptops), mobile devices (these are phones and tablets), only phones, and only tablets.

    The mobile-only search rate feature allows you to predict mobile traffic to your site and helps you make decisions about site adaptation. Although “mobilization” is a steady trend in recent years, so in any case it’s worth thinking about how to adapt the site for mobile devices.

    Statistics of impressions in individual regions.

    If you sell bicycles in Tomsk, you are unlikely to be interested in statistics for all of Russia. Just find the region you are interested in and click on the “select” button:

    If you are interested in several cities at once, you can see a general summary by region by selecting the appropriate search:

    Here the data is presented in actual and percentage values. Percentage values ​​show regional popularity: values ​​above 100% indicate that interest in the request in the region is above the Russian average, and conversely, values ​​below 100% indicate reduced demand.

    Information helps make strategic decisions about entering new markets.

    Thus, for a large bicycle seller, entering Yekaterinburg (107%) will probably be more interesting than entering the Novosibirsk market (74%), although the population of Novosibirsk is 125 thousand larger.

    BUT! To make such an important decision, you need to look at other indicators (competition, average income of the population, etc.).

    Query history and seasonal variations.

    If you want to see how query statistics have changed over time, search for “query history.” Select the type of detail (by month or week) and set the region (if you are interested, statistics in a specific region).

    The example shows that the request “bicycle” has a pronounced seasonal demand. Which, in general, is logical, given the climatic conditions of our country.

What do absolute and relative values ​​mean?

Please note that statistics are presented in 2 graphs: absolute and relative. Let's try to figure it out.

Absolute indicator- this is the actual value of impressions over different periods of time.

For example, in June 2018, users requested phrases containing the word “bicycle” 5,909,651 times, and in August 2018 there were 4,152,377 such requests

Relative indicator is the ratio of impressions for the word of interest to the total number of impressions on the network. It demonstrates the popularity of the query among all others.

Both graphs should go smoothly, repeating each other (in the example this is the case).

If the graphs diverge dramatically, this may indicate that there is something wrong with the request. Perhaps the request is being automatically boosted or, despite the general seasonal decline, interest in the request is higher than normal (if the schedule relative value is higher than absolute). Or vice versa - demand should have been higher, but it is lower than expected values ​​(if the schedule relative below absolute).

Yandex.Wordstat operators

All of the above examples demonstrate statistics on a wide range of queries. That is, when we ask Wordstat for statistics on the query “bicycle” and see the number 6,887,204, this does not mean at all that users searched for the word “bicycle” that many times. Statistics show the sum of different queries that include this word, including “buy a bike”, “bike price”, etc.

You can clarify query statistics using various operators.

    Operator "" (quotes)

    This operator clarifies statistics specifically for the word/phrase of interest (without “tails” - additional words).

    Do you feel the difference? 85 thousand requests are no longer 6.8 million.

    How many times has the phrase “buy a tricycle” been requested?

    1,045 times. In this case, all word forms are considered, such as “buy tricycles”, “buy a tricycle”, etc.

    Such an operator helps in developing the correct semantic core of the site.

    Operator! (Exclamation point)

    This operator allows you to fix the form of a word (number, case, tense).

    For example, if you want to find out the frequency of the request “buy a ticket to Moscow” and not “buy a ticket to Moscow”, this operator will be very useful to you.

    Another example of how to use the operator! helps to filter out unnecessary requests.

    Use this operator when looking for anchors for links.

    Operator + (plus)

    By default, Yandex.Wordstat does not count prepositions and conjunctions in statistics (they are considered stop words). Sometimes it is very important to take these parts of speech into account, since in another case the meaning will change. Compare what Wordstat shows when you enter the query “studio recording” just like that, and using the “plus” operator:

    Operator - (minus)

    This operator does the opposite - it excludes unwanted “tails” (words) from the statistics.

    For example, if an online store sells only luxury furniture, then all the information on queries related to inexpensive furniture will only get in the way. They can be removed using the minus operator.

    If we had simply looked at the statistics for the word “buy furniture,” we would have seen 439,013 requests, and having excluded the “tails” that were uninteresting to us, we would have received other data. And again, in this case we make it easier for ourselves to further work with refined queries.

    This operator helps to narrow the number of viewed keywords, for example, when compiling the semantic core of a site.

    . Operator (|) - parentheses and vertical bar

    To avoid entering similar queries one after another, we use the brute force operator.

    For example, we are interested in queries such as “buy a folding bike”, “buy a sports bike”, “buy a mountain bike”, etc. depending on the store's assortment. You can search for statistics on all these queries one by one, or you can do them all at once

    This operator helps in developing a semantic core, significantly saving time on query selection.

    * Several identical words in the request

    When using the operator "" (quotes), repetition of the same word/preposition/number is perceived by Wordstat as any word from Wordstat results for the specified keyword length. That is, if there are 3 words in quotes, 2 of which are repeated, then Wordstat shows statistics on phrases of 3 words, including 2 specified + 1 any other.

    If we enter the query “buy a bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle” (5 words in quotation marks), we will receive statistics on queries such as “buy a bicycle in Moscow inexpensively”, “buy a bicycle in Moscow on sale”, etc.

    This point must be taken into account when working with queries that include repetitions. For example, statistics for queries such as “movies about films”, “1+1” will be distorted.

    If you need statistics on such repeated requests, use the “!” operator.

Disadvantages of Wordstat operators

Yandex.Wordstat operators are a convenient thing. They allow you to obtain accurate data on a large number of requests in a short time. But even they have shortcomings.

First, some operators do not combine with each other. So, for example, you cannot use the operators “” and (|) at the same time, but you would like to. However, use the operators "" and! at the same time you can:

Secondly, the operators do not work when viewing the request history. Therefore, we can view history and seasonality only for requests from a wide range.

Common mistakes when working with Yandex.Wordstat

    Working with a wide range of keys

    If the user does not know how to use service operators, he often receives erroneous data and wastes his time on dummy requests.

    When developing a semantic core and searching for anchors for link promotion, be sure to use the operators “” and/or “!”.

    Region selection

    If you are planning to promote a website in one specific region, but do not specify the region when viewing statistics, you will receive erroneous forecasts.

    Ignoring seasonal demand

    If the site owner orders promotion from specialists, then dishonest optimizers can deceive him, especially if the promotion is based not on positions, but on traffic (we wrote about the difference between these 2 methods). After all, traffic growth can occur naturally.

    Or, on the contrary, the keywords are chosen correctly and the promotion tactics are chosen correctly, but the decline in seasonal demand is not taken into account - the result is not impressive, after which a decision is made to change course.

If all of the above is tiring for you, then contact us, we will help. When working with keywords and anchors in the “Business” tariffs and when writing texts, as well as during complex promotion, we take into account the operator “” (quotes) and be sure to look at the region in which the site operates.