The most comfortable laptop backpack. How to choose? Materials used to make laptop bags

Some people have an original and practical concrete bathtub installed in their bathrooms; any of us can make such a bathtub with our own hands. If you wish, you can also build a brick structure for receiving water treatments.

Now plumbing stores are ready to offer their customers a wide variety of bathtubs made from modern and classic materials. But some people are not satisfied with the available range of such products. They want to install a durable and truly unusual bathing structure in their home. A concrete or brick bath will probably suit them.

Such fonts can emphasize original design bathroom. And most importantly, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on buying any exquisite (and, naturally, expensive) bathtub. Self-made concrete fonts are lined with plastic or ceramic mosaics. It is also possible to use ordinary tiles for these purposes. But only for cases when you are building a bath without any special frills - with right angles or a classic configuration.

Concrete structures are uniquely durable.

Concrete font

They have been in use for decades. And the process of their construction takes relatively little time and is simple. The operation of constructing a concrete bath consists of the following stages:

  1. Development of a drawing of the font and purchase of the required materials.
  2. Preparation of the base and installation of the formwork structure.
  3. Forming the bottom and walls of the bathtub.
  4. Giving the bathing structure the desired shape and plastering the structure.
  5. Bath lining.

Important! You need to immediately decide what material (tiles, mosaics, liquid acrylic, paint) you will use for cladding the finished structure. The method of plastering the font depends on this.

If you use mosaic elements, the bath can be made with rounded shapes. But in the case of finishing the structure, it is better to avoid smooth lines, since it is almost impossible to fix a sufficiently large tile on such a font.

Please note that plastering the surface of a concrete bath that is planned to be treated with liquid acrylic or paint must be done using a special reinforcing mesh. In addition, it is recommended to add special additives to plaster compositions for such purposes. They will provide the mixture with the proper strength and at the same time the required plasticity.

We clean the place where we plan to install the bathtub. At this stage, you need to clear the site down to bare concrete - the structure under construction will become an integral part of your bathroom. After such careful preparation, apply a couple of layers of primer to the site to ensure high-quality and reliable adhesion of the walls of the room and the floor base to the font being built.

The next step is the formation of the frame of the future structure. For this purpose, metal rods with a cross section of about 7 mm are used. They should be used to create a single structure for the outer wall and floor. The frame, in addition, must be attached to the load-bearing walls.

Pro tip! In bathrooms with small areas, it is advisable to place a concrete bath between opposite wall surfaces so that the existing load-bearing walls become part of the bathing structure. Then you will need to build only one wall (external). This means you can save a lot of building materials and complete all construction activities as quickly as possible.

Concrete bath

You also have the opportunity to build a corner bath taking into account the specified principle. In this case, the corner of the bathroom will serve as the internal walls of the font. And the last wall is made in the shape of a semicircle or at an oblique angle from wooden formwork. Everything is simple and reasonable.

Then we proceed to the construction of formwork from boards. You will need OSB sheets or flat bars (with their help you will form the walls of the concrete font), wooden panels, the already mentioned metal reinforcing rods and special wire (mounting wire) to create a solid frame.

Using all these materials you create the skeleton of the structure. It should be strong and without cracks. It is important. Through the cracks, the concrete mixture will escape from the formwork, which will reduce the quality of the work performed. Additionally, you can lay the formwork (walls, bottom) with thick construction film. It will increase the level of tightness of the bathtub frame.

We will make the solution from sand and M-400 cement. The ratio of these materials is 3 to 1. Add water little by little to this sand-cement mixture and constantly stir the composition. As a result, you should get a solution that has the consistency of good (homemade) sour cream.

Before pouring concrete, decide on the points where the technological holes of the future bathtub will be placed. It is also worth making sure that there is enough space left for servicing the siphon during the operation of the font.

Use plastic pipes for water supply and drainage. Install them before you start pouring the concrete mixture. You can immediately mount the siphon and connect it to sewer network, and then firmly concrete it.

Plastic pipes for supplying water to the bath

Let's start filling. First, concrete is supplied to the bottom of the structure - the mixture must cover the entire skeleton of the font. Next, we form the bathtub wall from the concrete composition (the solution for these purposes can be made a little thicker).

We complete the pouring by tapping in different places on the formwork. Perform the procedure with a small hammer. Tapping creates vibration, which promotes uniform distribution of the mixture throughout the formwork structure.

Leave the building for three days. There is no need to cure the concrete any longer. In 72 hours it will become strong enough and quite suitable for subsequent processing - plastering.

After 3 days, dismantle the formwork (the procedure should be performed as carefully as possible, remember that the concrete has not yet become completely monolithic) and plaster the font. At this stage of work, you level all the surfaces of the bathtub and give it the planned configuration. Activities are carried out using the rule of small geometric dimensions and a construction trowel.

After plastering, creating rounded or right angles and leveling the structure, treat it with a primer. Now you need to wait about 10 days. They are needed for final drying and hardening of the solution.

Plastering a concrete bath

There are mere little things left. It is necessary to properly tile the bathtub. Before doing this, apply a primer to all its parts (preferably in two layers). Attractive appearance The bathtub is decorated with mosaic tiles. It is used for bathtubs with rounded corners. The mosaic is first mounted on a fiberglass reinforcing mesh, then the adhesive is applied to the concrete bath with a notched trowel and part of the mosaic is installed. It needs to be lightly pressed into the surface.

Then place the next piece of mosaic trim. The whole procedure will be quite long and painstaking. But you will have a font with an impeccable appearance. After installing the entire mosaic, fill the seams between the finishing elements with special compounds. You were able to make a bath with your own hands!

Brick baths are built quite rarely. They are usually built in the following cases:

  1. If you are planning to turn a standard bathroom into a combined bathroom.
  2. If the swimming room in your home is large (you can make not just a bathroom, but your own brick pool).
  3. If you want to create an exquisite and very original bathroom according to an exclusive design project.

Brick bath

Before you start building a brick bathtub, think carefully about whether you need it. This type of font has several serious disadvantages. Its construction requires knowledge of the rules for laying bricks. The operation itself takes quite a long time (especially when a structure of complex shape is being built). And caring for a brick bathtub is significantly more difficult than caring for a concrete, cast iron or acrylic product.

But a brick bath has many advantages. It is very durable and easy to use (usually the depth of such bathtubs is greater in acrylic or cast iron bathtubs). And the cost of its construction, with a competent approach to the work, will be quite affordable.

For more or less experienced home craftsmen, performing such an operation will not cause any particular problems. The font construction scheme is as follows:

  1. Before starting work, arrange all the required plumbing communications.
  2. You measure the dimensions of the room, prepare a design for a brick bathtub, and order the necessary materials.
  3. You are laying the structure. It is recommended to make it in half a brick, fastening the products with a standard masonry mixture (4 parts sand, 1 cement M400-500). Some particularly thrifty craftsmen advise building a font the thickness of a quarter of a brick. This should not be done. Such thin walls may not withstand the pressure of water drawn into the structure.

The next stage of work is high-quality waterproofing of the font. It is advisable to carry out this procedure using bitumen coating compositions and weld-type moisture-proof solutions. The use of roofing felt is strictly prohibited. This well-deserved waterproofing agent is not suitable for moisture protection of brick bathtubs.

Waterproofing and finishing of the font

It is advisable to apply waterproofing materials in two layers. And before finishing work begins, a primer must be applied to the protective compounds. Then the tile adhesive will hold the cladding well for a long time.

The final work is gluing the mosaic or tiles. Your brick bath is ready!

When renovating a bathroom, you always want it to have a beautiful and cozy look. It’s so good to soak in a bubble bath after a hard day at work to completely relax. Unfortunately, plumbing today is quite expensive. But who said that you can’t create something like a bathtub with your own hands?

To hide the bathtub, use finishing in the form of tiles, plasterboard or plastic panels.

And there are just a lot of options here. The main convenience is that there is not much difference where to assemble the bathtub, be it a private house or an apartment.


Depending on your preferences and capabilities, you can consider several options for creating.

The most budget-friendly way is to use polyethylene. In this case the capacity big size, for example, a wooden or plastic box, is covered with this material. This method is more suitable for one-time use, for example, in the country. In addition, polyethylene for plots is purchased quite often to cover, for example, a greenhouse.

Such a “bathtub” can be improved by digging a hole in the area and covering the earthen floor with the selected material. This design can be used not only for hygiene procedures, but also as a “lazy” pool.

A brick and tile bathtub will last you for many years.

You can also make a bath out of brick. To do this, you need to have a pallet that is lined with material. Brick walls are created, which should be higher in height than the pallet itself. In this case, the level is selected according to personal wishes.

You should take care of the drainage first. To do this, a hole is made in the bottom of the pan, to which a corrugated pipe is connected, which, in turn, must be connected to the sewer system. The outside of the bathtub can be decorated with tiles or other decor of your choice.

This option is already more serious than the previous one, and, moreover, despite the longer work time, there will not be a lot of consumables at all.

For a bathtub created with your own hands, you can use narrow formwork modules, but only on the condition that they are made of metal. This design will be monolithic and does not need to be disassembled.

The resulting frame is filled with concrete solution. After it dries, the inner surface is lined with moisture-proof material. The finished bath should look like a swimming pool, especially if you use tiles or mosaics for the cladding.

This method involves the use of red refractory bricks. The parts are connected to each other using a special waterproof glue or cerazite. This binder solution is intended for use in swimming pools.

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Preparing the base for a bathtub involves filling in insulation and laying pipes.

After the base is ready, it is necessary to provide waterproofing. To do this, the material selected for such purposes is laid on the bottom in two layers, after allowing each to dry. To give the bathtub a complete look, it is lined with decorative materials on the inside and outside.

One of the most complex options Creating a bathtub with your own hands is considered to be the use of cardboard and a frame. A sketch of natural dimensions is created from cardboard. Next, to manufacture the metal frame, it is better to invite craftsmen of the appropriate profile.

To make a bowl, thin steel sheets are taken, which can easily change their shape. Next, the resulting structure (frame and bowl) is mounted on the place where water procedures will be performed. Such a bathtub will have significant weight, so special attention should be paid to what the legs for the bathtub will be made of. This can be a metal support or a cement “cushion”.

After installation, attention is paid to waterproofing coatings. To check the bathtub for leaks, fill it completely with water and let it sit for a couple of days. If no wet places are found underneath, then you can start decorating. The best option There will be tiles or mosaics.

It’s worth warning right away that this option is quite complicated, but it is possible to create a truly exclusive product.

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You can use mosaics to decorate a tiled screen for a bathtub.

After making a bathtub with your own hands, the question arises: will it fit into the overall interior? To do this, even at the stage of choosing the material of the product, you should present a complete view of the bathroom. After all, the comfort of a person’s presence in the room depends on this.

It was described above how to decorate a bathtub from the inside. But don’t forget about the outside. For these purposes, it is worth thinking about an object such as a screen. Its main purpose is to hide communication systems and supports from prying eyes, which in most cases do not have a very attractive appearance. In addition, since the bathtub was not created according to standard sizes, but according to individual requests, most likely, purchased screens will not fit. And here the problem arises, how to cover the bottom.

If you managed to build a bathtub structure yourself, then why not use the same approach to the screen? Moreover, this work not that heavy.

The screen can be stationary or sliding, similar to the doors of a wardrobe.

I would like to immediately note that if you make your choice in favor of the second option, then the entire space under the bathroom can be practically used, however, if there is no monolithic support there.

The material for creating the screen can be completely different, it can be plastic, MDF panels, gypsum plasterboard, tongue-and-groove boards, and the same brick. Of course, if desired, you can use a mirror or decorative glass. Basically, everything is limited only by imagination, wishes and financial resources. Although there is still one condition: since the bathroom is a room with a special climate, the technological characteristics of the selected screen must correspond to it. Firstly, it must be moisture resistant, secondly, resistant to sudden temperature changes, and thirdly, it must be easy to put in order.

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Screen options

For easy access Build a door in the screen to the drain pipes under the bathroom.

The easiest option is to create a curtain. Of course, this version can hardly be called a full-fledged screen, but it fulfills its functions quite well. Moreover, it does not require any special financial investments. An ordinary shower curtain will also work for this method.

Using a drill, holes are drilled on opposite sides of the wall into which fasteners in the form of rings are inserted, and they are fixed with self-tapping screws. Next, a pipe with fastening rings is mounted in them, onto which a curtain cut to the required length is subsequently hung.

You can make a plastic screen. With this option, it is possible to use already painted panels or apply the design yourself using acrylic paints. It’s even better to entrust the design to a child, in which case the result will be a truly exclusive product.

You also need to stock up on:

  • profiles;
  • “liquid nails”;
  • decorative corners.

The plastic is cut into blanks, the dimensions of which must first be taken in height from the floor to the edges of the bath. Next, sections of profiles are prepared so that their length matches the length of the panel.

It is necessary to mark the installation points on the floor surface and connect them. Then similar markings are carried out on the upper side, under the bathtub. In the future, a profile will be attached to this contour. Once they are ready, the panel blanks are inserted into the guides and then attached to the guides. The lower part of the marking is processed with “liquid nails”, after which the resulting structure is inserted into the corresponding grooves in the upper and lower parts.

The last step is the installation of decorative corners, but this is done only after the “nails” have dried well.

If desired, you can create a sliding screen. In this case, you can use absolutely any material of your choice, from plastic to mirror.

All materials for creating such a screen should be purchased from stores that sell accessories for sliding wardrobes. Also, knowing the size of the height and width of the basement space, you can order custom-made doors from the selected material.

Once everything is in hand, you can begin installation work. You need to start by cutting out guides to fit the width of the existing opening. Next, they are attached, the top one with dowels, and the bottom one with self-tapping screws, to the floor surface. After this, all existing fittings are attached to the doors, after which they are installed in their places. At this stage it is important that the rollers move freely, and this will be the case if they fit correctly into their grooves.

But here it’s worth immediately warning that, despite the beauty and functionality this option screen (after all, the space under the bathroom can now be used as a storage room), it will be quite expensive. And all because of the high cost of the components themselves.

This article will help you find the best backpack or bag to keep your laptops, tablets and other gadgets safe while traveling. Here are the best options for a variety of options, including high-end designer backpacks or durable waterproof backpacks.

Both laptops and tablets are becoming slimmer and lighter, so they require careful protection when traveling. And while a case can be convenient from time to time, nothing provides complete protection like a backpack or laptop bag. You also need a means of storing your chargers, batteries, cameras, e-readers, and other accessories. From stylish to monstrously durable, here are the best bags for laptops and backpacks that are worth taking with you on a trip.

Whether you're traveling around Europe, looking for a new bag for work, or starting a new semester at university, it's important to choose the right backpack. Not only should it look good, but it should also be comfortable and large enough to accommodate all your belongings. Let's start with size. Typically, a small backpack holds about 6-10 liters and is great for children. A medium-sized backpack holds about 10-30 liters, ideal for commuting and hiking. More than 35 liters, and you can go on long expeditions. We'll focus on compact backpacks and laptop bags. Of course, before choosing a backpack, you first need to decide what you will wear in it. The year review is available in a separate collection. First of all, you need to decide what type of protection you need. Is there a need for rain protection and increased impact resistance? You may need a completely waterproof backpack. If you want maximum protection, the North Face Access Pack with Exoskeleton is your best bet.

Finally, comfort. If you're going to be carrying this thing around all day, you'll need padded straps. Your shoulders will thank you later. Other comforts to look out for are support around the waist. They're not the latest in fashion, but they take the pressure off your shoulders. If you want to make a smart choice, then make sure to check out the most stylish and practical backpacks and laptop bags.

Backpack Eastpack Austin

This is a stylish, durable and affordable laptop backpack with many benefits:

  • 30 year warranty
  • Padded laptop compartment
  • Attractive design
  • Accessible

Eastpak's Austin backpack features a slightly more mature design than its famous Pak'R, making it ideal for university, or your first job. It's made from durable nylon and has padded straps to keep you comfortable even when you're carrying your entire library on your back. There are two external zippered pockets and internal padding for carrying your laptop. Eastpak is so confident in the quality and durability of its backpacks that it offers a 30-year warranty.

Backpack Patagonia Arbor 26L

This backpack is made from 100 percent recycled materials and has the following key benefits:

  • Laptop sleeve
  • Ergonomic straps
  • Waterproof finish

Made from 100 percent recycled polyester and treated with a polyurethane coating and DWR (durable water repellent) finish, this is truly Patagonia's premier backpack. It features a padded laptop sleeve that can also be used as an insulated water tank. The backpack has Human Curve shoulder straps that ergonomically fit your body.

Backpack Tom Ford Camouflage

A luxurious backpack, ready for the urban jungle with a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Famous brand
  • Black lightning
  • Soft nubuck leather

This Tom Ford backpack is a smart and practical item to add to your wardrobe and can be paired with almost any outfit. This miracle is made in Italy from velvet-soft nubuck leather that becomes even more flexible with age. The camouflage print is interrupted by a bold, polished golden ratio. The interior is extremely comfortable, with ample space for all everyday items. It is worth noting that Tom Ford also produces some of them, which you can learn about from a separate review on TrendCat.

Filson Ranger backpack

This durable backpack has a great classic design, padded shoulders and large capacity. Inspired by vintage forestry bags, this Filson Ranger Backpack is cut from durable twill engineered to resist wear and tear. This is the perfect bag for carrying a lot of stuff. With 22 liters of interior space, the Filson Ranger backpack has enough room for a laptop, essentials, a sweatshirt or a pair of sweatpants. The straps are convenient and quite comfortable.

Hershel Casual

Want to look great? Check out this classic backpack from Herschel.

Advantages of the backpack:

  • Classic design
  • Affordable price of $70
  • Space for 15" laptop
  • Comfort

The Herschel Heritage Backpack has a classic, functional design that will fit well with any need. It's crafted from canvas with leather accents to add a touch of class. The backpack features diamond accents and a woven label. Inside there is a striped Herschel fabric liner, as well as a 15-inch laptop compartment.

Brooks England Transit backpack

Designed in London, this stylish backpack boasts:

  • Great brand
  • Comfort belts
  • Metal fins
  • Made for cycling

26 liter backpack with long name The Brooks England Transit Pickwick is a versatile backpack with a design that Brooks says “complements the lightness that epitomizes urban cycling.” It's made from water-resistant cotton and features genuine leather trim. Pickwick was designed by Andre Clauser in London and is made in the hills of Tuscany by Italian craftsmen. There's enough space for a 15-inch laptop. The backpack fits comfortably on your back, maintaining a stylish look while keeping your belongings safe.


  • Outstanding bold design
  • Spacious
  • Soft belts

If you want a backpack with a standout pattern, check out Cath Kidston and check out the green and pink color scheme, printed on waterproof oilcloth. This laptop backpack really stands out. There's a padded section inside to keep your laptop safe and plenty of space for A4 files and items.

Backpack Off-White

A stylish backpack from the hottest designers boasts the following advantages:

  • Hard fabric
  • Plenty of space
  • Durable straps
  • Classic custom design features

Off-White founder Virgil Abloh is quite busy these days, juggling his work as creative director of Louis Vuitton, positions at IKEA and the Met Gala, and plenty of travel. If you find yourself in the same position as Abloh, you will understand how necessary a sturdy backpack is. This option is made from durable canvas and has durable nylon straps. There's plenty of space inside for a laptop, a change of clothes and other essentials. The backpack is marked with a badge bearing Abloh's signature.

Burton Tinder Laptop Backpack

  • Retro style
  • Padded laptop compartment
  • Price 30$

The Burton Tinder Backpack brings vintage style to everyday use and looks truly great. It has a simple drawstring closure system, which is handy when you need to quickly pull out your laptop at a coffee shop. Next to the padded laptop compartment there is also a quick access pocket for accessories. Yes, it may look a little too throwback, with vintage canvas and faux leather details, but it's a thoroughly modern backpack. It is well made and has an extended warranty.

Backpack Paul Smith

A luxurious leather backpack from one of the UK's finest designers, crafted from luxurious textured leather. The clear, sophisticated design of this Paul Smith backpack is immediately apparent. It is equally suitable for business meetings as well as weekend trips. The laptop backpack is crafted from black textured leather, features a zipper closure on the mesh back and striped straps in muted burgundy, grape and navy blue hues. The very slim design makes it a little more special, and the interior features a sleeve for storing electronic devices.

Backpack EASTPAK Out of Office

A classic from the iconic Eastpak brand, now with a modern aesthetic. The Out of Office Backpack is a simple, stylish design that comes in several different options. Most commonly found on the school playground, Eastpack continues to be the market leader in laptop backpacks. Just for these purposes, it is equipped with a separate compartment and shoulder pads with SGS. You can also read about the comparison in our detailed review.

Backpack Fjallraven Kanken

Fjallraven has equipped its backpack with a carrying handle, cute branding and a practical design. This Swedish company was born from the idea of ​​creating a more convenient carrying bag. Kanken, in particular, was created in 1978 to help prevent back problems in schoolchildren. This modern (but still classic) backpack is stylish and practical enough, with enough space for a 13-inch Macbook. The water-repellent fabric and carry handle wins in terms of simplicity and versatility.

Backpack Mammut Xeron Courier 25

An excellent all-rounder from the Swiss climbing brand provides fast access with a separate compartment for a laptop and four colors to choose from. This 25 liter backpack is practical and attractive, ideal for both work and travel. A convenient divider provides quick access to the main compartment, which is divided by a large mesh pocket. There's also a laptop compartment that can be accessed via a separate zippered pocket (very useful for airport security). Internal laptop compartment reinforced with hard rear panel to protect things.

Backpack Knomo Dale

Stylish and practical backpack with significant advantages:

  • Small but roomy
  • Premium leather design
  • Comfort

The Knomo Dale is deceptively roomy, although its size is very small. The bag is divided into several sections, with the back space holding a padded laptop and tablet, while the front can hold a lot of cables as well as books and the like. Both pockets are protected by durable zippers, and the straps are especially comfortable to wear for long periods of time.

North Face Access

The backpack is equipped with a steel exoskeleton to ensure the safety of your equipment. The North Face Access is perhaps the most advanced on this list, with a steel exoskeleton to keep your laptop secure and a case that opens at the touch of a button. The laptop backpack features comfortable Flex Vent shoulder straps. The contrasting yellow interior features four pouches and two zippered pockets. It will fit laptops up to 15 inches in size.

Backpack Tumi Alpha Bravo Knox

Protect yourself like Fort Knox with this travel backpack. This backpack is named after one of the most safe places on the planet and is known for its quality, durability and all-around toughness. The backpack is tough enough to keep your equipment soft inside on mountain climbs and in other tough situations.

Nowadays, the use of various digital devices is part of every person’s life. One such device is a portable computer - a laptop. To ensure that your laptop is always with you when traveling, outdoors, or on a business trip, a laptop bag will come to the rescue. Nowadays the market offers a wide range of different good models and styles that may suit your type, color and size portable device. Every piece of advice on choosing a reliable laptop bag will give useful recommendations, after which you can easily decide on the choice of the model you like. Which laptop bag to choose in 2015-2016? To answer this question, let's first look at existing types bags

Accessory type

A laptop bag made by different manufacturers creates a huge problem in choosing a convenient and practical model. In turn, they are all divided into:

  • covers;
  • cases;
  • portfolios;
  • backpacks;
  • bags;
  • photo bags;
  • trolleys on wheels;
  • suitcases.

All these varieties today have their pros and cons. Therefore, each species deserves special attention. A laptop bag can be of the following types:


Advantages of cases:

  • this attribute is suitable for safe storage of the device;
  • are convenient when traveling in transport;
  • have the most low price from all types of bags.

The disadvantages include: lack of handles for comfortable carrying, low degree of security, inability to put any other things in the case.


In all respects, this type has the most business-like and respectable appearance, in turn protecting the laptop from various influences. The advantages include reliability, durability, excellent appearance throughout long period. This model does not require special care; in addition, it has a combination lock. This type has significant disadvantages. The rigid design does not allow you to put a lot of things in it. Charging, extra papers in external pockets, that’s the whole list of additional included materials that influence the choice of a good laptop bag.


A type of case that looks like a business briefcase is simultaneously mobile and portable. It has pockets with various compartments where it is convenient to put a phone, tablet, etc. The cover can also be attached to luggage when long trip. Often, briefcases have locks with a code and have an excellent level of protection.


This option will be very useful for people leading an active lifestyle. Its main feature is the freedom of hands when wearing it. In this case, the least load is applied to the back, since the design is made on the basis of an orthopedic frame. Many models, in addition to the laptop compartment, have many pockets, thanks to which you can always take the necessary technical accessories with you. This type of accessory is popular among the young contingent.


A bag is the most convenient, simple and practical type. It has handles that allow you to carry your laptop in your hand, as well as a strap that allows you to easily sling it over your shoulder. These distinctive components give the wearer respectability, comfort and ease. Many models have both external and internal pockets where you can put auxiliary elements: mouse, flash drive, external HDD and so on. This type of accessory will become an indispensable assistant for those who need this accessory for every day.

Photo bags

Suitable for those who like to photograph in extreme conditions. This model can accommodate photography equipment, a laptop, a tripod, etc. The disadvantages include: relatively large size, since it is intended primarily for carrying bulky equipment, and also for a laptop computer.

Trolleys on wheels

The main advantage is the transportation of a large number of necessary things, ease of transportation without additional effort. Among other things, functionality and capacity. The main disadvantage of this type of bag is that it is too big for a house or apartment.


In addition to choosing a model that is stylish, comfortable and practical, choosing a good laptop bag is also influenced by its size. Currently on the market a large number of models with a variety of sizes: from 10.1 to 17.3 inches. Many types of bags have internal fastenings in the form of straps that prevent the laptop from dangling when carried, thereby ensuring its shock resistance. Since the smallest sizes of laptops are not so convenient, therefore, advice on choosing a reliable laptop bag recommends giving preference to devices that have a diagonal size of 15.6 or 17.3. They are the most popular on the market and are often chosen by users. Its filling also depends on the size. In larger models you can find compartments for papers, organizers, etc. And small models of bags, as a rule, do not have additional compartments; they only contain the laptop itself, its charger and mouse. We are sure that after familiarizing yourself with the above types, the question: “How to choose a laptop bag?” is no longer so pressing for you.

Materials used to make laptop bags

All types of bags may differ in the material of manufacture, as well as in the packaging. Most of the accessories are made from inexpensive but good synthetic materials, being the most balanced between such parameters as: appearance, practicality, ease of use and cost. Natural leather is suitable for briefcases where status and nobility need to be emphasized. The purpose of the bags differs in the following ways:

  • waterproof - Made from water-repellent material - nylon and polyester.
  • reinforcement is a type of material that uses metallized thread to enhance strength and reliability.

There are also interior finishing elements:

  • additional wall seals - made of compacted material that has the properties of protecting the laptop from shock and also preventing it from cooling down at low temperatures. All materials considered have their advantages and disadvantages. For example: genuine leather “breathes” and has the ability to retain internal heat, but its improper use can have a detrimental effect on its reliability and durability.


The material is much stronger, resistant to abrasions and sun exposure, and is also very difficult to wrinkle. Nylon is one of the most resistant to temperature changes, durable, difficult to rub and tear. The material has a fairly elastic structure. Its only drawback is its poor resistance to sunlight.


It is manufactured in various color variations, and is based on various materials that have certain properties. Its big disadvantage is its low service life.

Accessories materials

Among all the models found, the main quality of reliability of all fastenings is metal. Therefore, when choosing a more reliable bag that has strong carabiners and other connections, it is better to choose ones made of metal rather than plastic. Plastic, in turn, allows you to choose a budget model, but metal fasteners help you be confident in the safety of your device. You should be careful when choosing metal fittings, since now there are a lot of “cheats” in the form of plastic painted to look like metal.

Presence of a rigid frame

The laptop is not only intended for use at home or in the office, it will also come in handy at a business meeting in a cafe or while out with friends, for example, to listen to music and look at photos. To carry it, there are a huge number of different bags that will not only protect the device from mechanical damage and weather conditions, but will also accommodate additional gadgets, for example, mouse, headphones, network adapter.

On AliExpress you can find not only a classic laptop bag, but also stylish cases, roomy backpacks and practical cases. In order not to make a mistake with your purchase, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics of the products:

  1. Size. When purchasing, it is important to consider the aspect ratio of the laptop and choose the right size bag. Models with the same diagonal may have different widths and heights, for example, 16:9 and 4:3, so when choosing, you should not focus specifically on the display diagonal. If there is a lot left next to the laptop computer free space, then it will not be securely fastened, but you can place accessories nearby.
  2. Material. Leather models are durable and easy to care for, but they are also more expensive than, for example, products made from polyurethane, nylon, polyester or leatherette. AliExpress offers laptop bags made from budget materials, but at the same time they have a stylish exterior and good quality.
  3. Protective functions. To ensure the safety of your laptop, the bag should be waterproof with a tight frame. You can also take a closer look at models with a combination lock. It is important that all locks and fasteners work without jamming and are made of durable material. The main pocket should be equipped with straps or elastic bands to secure the gadget.
  4. Weight. Laptop computer coupled with a heavy carrying bag can become an unbearable burden for fragile girls.
  5. Practicality. When choosing, you should also pay attention to the presence of additional pockets and compartments for various accessories.

For those who are not going to take a laptop with them on a business trip or travel, it is better to take a closer look at inexpensive bags that protect the device from scratches and dust. For long trips, it is better to buy a reliable suitcase or case that will save your laptop from accidental falls and bad weather. We reviewed all the laptop bags from AliExpress and ranked the best ones based on the number of orders, customer reviews, and key features.

The best laptop bags from AliExpress

This category presents budget cases and folders for laptops from AliExpress. Such products usually lack not only additional pockets for accessories, but also handles. At the same time, the bags protect the device from dust and scratches, and due to their reasonable price they are very popular among students and schoolchildren.

3 Kayond

Original design
Price on AliExpress: from 824.52 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The stylish, elegant laptop bag KAYOND will appeal to all representatives of the fair sex. On AliExpress, the seller sells the product in 14 different color options, so every buyer can find the best print for himself.

The top of the products is made of wool and canvas fabric. The outer walls are quite dense. The cover is fastened with two zippers. There is a small hole at the bottom for convenient use Charge your laptop without removing it from your bag. There is a special compartment inside for charger, wires, phone and mouse, fastened with a zipper. A soft, high-quality lining protects your computer from damage. The product is suitable for laptops with a diagonal of 11 to 15.6 inches.

2 Voground

Best price
Price on AliExpress: from 248.07 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The thin, stylish VOGROUND laptop case is suitable for students, schoolchildren, teachers and people who work on a computer. Takes up little space in your backpack when carrying and protects the device from accidental scratches and damage. The accessory is an envelope made of wool felt. It closes with a triangular flap with strong Velcro. Inside there are two large compartments: for a laptop and documents. On the back side there are two small mortise pockets designed for a phone, headphones and pens.

Internal lining prevents your computer from slipping or shaking when you walk or run quickly. The folder bag comes with a case measuring 17x11 cm for storing the charger with a cord. Product refers to budget models, thanks to inexpensive material and minimal availability of fittings and additional accessories.

1 Anki

Variety of models
Price on AliExpress: from RUB 323.67.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Fashionable universal laptop case from Chinese manufacturer More than three thousand AliExpress customers have already ordered Anki. The top of the product is made of dense, wear-resistant, high-quality cotton fabric, which promotes good ventilation of the computer. High-strength antistatic material prevents the accumulation of static electricity on the surface of the device.

On AliExpress, the manufacturer offers the bag in three different versions. The stylish case without pockets is convenient to carry in a backpack, as it protects the laptop from accidental damage and scratches. In the second option, there is a vertical slot pocket on the outside where you can put computer mouse and charging cables. In the third, the case has handles and compartments for storing necessary items. If desired, you can remove the handles in these same sections. The bag is available in several delicate colors: black, gray, turquoise and pink.

The best laptop bags from AliExpress

Classic bags are most often used to carry a laptop computer. They are comfortable to carry not only in your hand, but also over your shoulder. The models presented on AliExpress are quite versatile, so they are suitable for both office workers and athletes. The bags are equipped with a large number of additional pockets, making it easy to store and carry laptops.

3 Fopaty

High quality
Price on AliExpress: from 995.80 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Universal compact laptop bag FOPATI depending on the chosen colors will suit both men and women. The model is made of high quality nylon, which is durable, wear-resistant and waterproof. The laptop is provided with fixation and built-in shock protection.

The product has two wide handles and a shoulder strap fastened to reliable metal carabiners. The top closes with a zipper. On the front side there is a large hidden pocket, which has additional compartments for small items and a holder for a ballpoint pen. A strap is sewn on the reverse side for attaching to a travel suitcase. Inside there are two spacious compartments and small pockets for storing accessories.

2 Burnur

Water-repellent housing
Price on AliExpress: from RUB 1,374.98.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The versatile, fashionable Burnur laptop bag is made in a casual style and is suitable for all modern young people. The product is made of high quality nylon. The material is very durable, wear-resistant and moisture-resistant. The bag has two handles and a shoulder strap with reliable metal carabiners. For greater comfort, the belt has a soft thickening at shoulder level.

On the front side there is a large secret pocket and under it a vertical zipper in the form of a decoration. Inside there is a compartment with a thick wall with a laptop holder and a compartment for documents. On the outside and inside there are additional small pockets for a mouse, phone, charger and cables. On AliExpress, bags are available in different sizes and colors.

1 Bestchoi

Several variants of one model
Price on AliExpress: from RUB 835.74.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The universal laptop bag from BESTCHOI is suitable for devices with a diagonal of 11.6 to 15.6 inches. The product is made of high-quality polyester, which has high strength, wear resistance and moisture-repellent properties. On AliExpress, the seller offers three options for the bag. The first is a traditional folder or laptop case. The second model is equipped with small handles that can be hidden in special compartments. And for the third there is a long adjustable shoulder strap.

On the front side at the top of all models there are two large welt pockets where you can put a charger, cables, a mouse and a phone. Below them on the right is a small pocket for headphones. Inside there is a laptop compartment made of soft fleecy fabric. The bag is fastened with two zippers.

The best laptop backpacks from AliExpress

Externally, such bags are practically no different from a regular backpack. But they are always equipped with a special hard compartment for a laptop and are equipped not only with external pockets, but also with internal compartments for a mouse, power supply and other computer accessories.

3 Kingsons

Large capacity
Price on AliExpress: from RUB 2,055.97.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The lightweight, roomy Kingsons laptop backpack is suitable not only for everyday wear, but also for long-distance travel and business trips. The orthopedic design allows for uniform distribution of the load on the back. The model is made of durable nylon with water-repellent properties. Lining material: polyester.

The laptop is securely fixed in a special compartment, which creates additional protection from damage, moisture and dust. The straps are comfortable and wide, keeping the backpack upright. Two main compartments are zipped. There is a secret pocket on the back where you can hide important documents. The product has many additional compartments and pockets for business papers and accessories. On AliExpress you can order a model with a capacity from 36 to 55 liters.

2 Ahri

Budget model
Price on AliExpress: from 720.57 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The compact AHRI backpack bag is suitable for young people, schoolchildren and students. The product is made of high quality Oxford fabric. This is a synthetic material made of polyester and nylon with a matting weave. The fabric is elastic, durable and moisture resistant. The lining material is high-quality polyester. The laptop is placed in a special pocket on the back and is isolated from other things.

On the outside there are three pockets with zippers hidden under the flaps. Small patch mesh pockets for water bottles are sewn on the sides. Inside there is a compartment for a smartphone and small items. The length of the soft and wide straps is adjustable with plastic fasteners. The model is popular on AliExpress due to its low cost.

1 Mark

Best by popularity
Price on AliExpress: from RUB 2,319.39.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The stylish multifunctional backpack from the reliable AliExpress brand MARK RYDEN has a large capacity and is very popular among buyers. trading platform. More than 4 thousand site users ordered the bag. The product is made of high quality polyester with water-repellent properties.

The back is thick and breathable. There are two pockets sewn into the front side, hidden under hidden zippers. On the sides there are hidden pockets for water bottles and an umbrella. There is also a convenient input on the outside for charging your phone via an external power bank port. The backpack has limiters that do not allow it to be opened more than 45°. There are two compartments inside: for a laptop and documents, and five pockets of different sizes. There is a special latch for storing keys.