The easiest way to install Linux using wubi directly from Windows. How to install Linux on Windows? Two ways to share How to install windows from Linux

Linux can be useful to you for many reasons. For example, your old computer can't be upgraded to new versions of Windows or macOS, or you need Linux-specific applications, or you're just curious to try something new. Or maybe you just bought a new computer without an operating system and want to save money by choosing free Linux.

Installing Linux is easy. Of course, there are distributions like Arch, which are quite difficult to install for a beginner. But most modern distributions are very easy to install. Perhaps even simpler and faster than Windows.

Before installing Linux on your main computer, make a copy of your important data. When working with partitions on your hard drive, you may accidentally erase something important. Of course, if you follow the instructions and carefully read what you are doing, then nothing unexpected will happen. But it’s not superfluous in any case.

You can install Linux on computers running Windows and macOS or on an empty hard drive. You can choose Linux as your main system or use it in parallel with your old system.

1. Download Linux distribution

First of all, you need to choose a Linux distribution. The rating will help you decide.

Then you need to download the selected distribution. This is easy to do: open the website of the desired distribution, find the downloads section and select the one that suits the bit capacity of your processor.

As a rule, Linux distributions on official websites are offered for download in two ways. The first method is a normal download. The second is via P2P using a torrent client. The second method is naturally faster. So choose it if you want to save time.

When the distribution kit in ISO format is downloaded, you need to burn it to a CD or a regular USB flash drive.

Burning to a CD can be done using standard system tools: “Burn a disk image” in Windows or “Disk Utility” in macOS. Just right-click on the downloaded image and select the appropriate item in the menu.

To burn ISO to a flash drive, you will need special utilities. For Windows it is better to choose Rufus, and for macOS - UNetbootin. These programs have a very simple interface, it is quite difficult to get confused in them.

3. Prepare the disk partition

This step should be followed if you want to keep the system installed on you and use Linux at the same time as it. If you decide to switch your computer completely to Linux or are installing the OS on an empty hard drive, skip this paragraph.


Open Windows Disk Management. Select the drive or partition from which you plan to carve out some space to install Linux. For most distributions, 10 GB is more than enough. But if you plan to install a lot of apps, get more. Right-click on the partition and select Shrink Volume. Enter the size and click OK.

The process can take quite a long time, so be patient.

When Disk Management finishes resizing the partitions, there will be empty unallocated space on the disk, marked in black. We will install Linux there.

Later, if you don’t need Linux, you can delete the partitions with it and give the free space back to Windows using the same “Disk Management Tools”.


You can allocate space for installing Linux through macOS Disk Utility. Select your drive and click on the “+” icon to create a partition for Linux. Creating a new partition may take some time.

4. Prepare the bootloader


This point only applies to new computers running Windows 10, 8.1 or 8 pre-installed. These computers use a UEFI boot loader, which will not allow you to boot into anything other than Windows.

To fix this, go into your computer's BIOS settings and disable the Secure Boot option. Then reboot. Done, you can now download and install other systems next to your Windows.


Unlike most computers, a Mac requires a couple of additional steps to install Linux on dual boot with macOS.

First of all, disable SIP. Restart your Mac and press Cmd + R. The Recovery menu will appear. Select “Terminal” in it and enter csrutil disable .

Restart your Mac again. SIP is disabled.


Suitable if you want to set the sizes for your partitions yourself or, for example, create a separate partition for your files. To do this, select “Other option” and click “Continue”.

Linux will display what partitions you have on your computer. You can delete them, format them, or, conversely, leave the sections with the information you want to save intact.

To install Linux instead of your system, select the partition with the installed system and delete it with the “–” button. Then create new partitions in the free space.

  • Root partition for Linux system files. Select Ext4 file system and mount point /.
  • A swap partition, or swap partition, is useful if you do not have enough RAM, but have a fast SSD drive. In the list of file systems, select "Swap Partition".
  • Home partition where your files will be stored. Select the Ext4 file system and the /home mount point.

Click Continue and confirm the changes. The installer will erase the partitions you selected and create new ones in the free space.

How to install Linux next to your current system

There are two ways to install Linux next to your system.


Most Linux installers will immediately detect the systems you have installed. If you haven't created a separate disk space for Linux, you can try selecting the "Install next to Windows" option. The installer will automatically create the necessary partitions, and you will not have to do anything manually.


If you want to determine for yourself how much space to allocate to the system, and followed the instructions in step 3, click “Other option” and click “Continue”. You will see your disk partitions and empty space that we have prepared for Linux. Create a root partition there (mount point /) as described above. A home partition is not necessary in this case: you will be able to copy and modify files on your main system.

Click Continue. The installer will leave your files in place. It will simply create new partitions on the free space. You will be able to choose which system you want to boot at startup.

8. Complete the Linux installation

You will then be asked to introduce yourself. Enter your name and create a password. Don't forget your password, as you will constantly need it to perform tasks on behalf of everyone. If you wish, you can encrypt your home folder.

Then just wait. When the installation is complete, you will be prompted to remove the installation disc and reboot. Don't forget to disable booting from external drives in the BIOS if you enabled it.

What to do after installation

When you reboot and your Linux desktop appears in front of you, you can do everything you can do in Windows and macOS: surf the Internet, edit documents and listen to music. Don’t forget to update and look at the “App Store” (or its equivalent, depending on the distribution) to additionally install the applications you need.

Try Linux and you will see that in everyday life it is no more difficult than Windows or macOS.

This article will help you install any Linux distribution from a Windows machine directly from an iso image on your hard drive. The article may help owners of netbooks, as well as those who, for some reason, cannot use a regular installation disk.

Installing Grub4Dos

For starters, Grub4Dos. At the time of writing, the latest stable version was Grub4Dos 0.4.4

Windows XP/2000

  • Unpacking grldr And menu.lst
  • Editing boot.ini. You may need to remove the “read only” attribute to be able to save the file
    attrib -r boot.ini
  • Add to the end of the file

Windows Vista/7

  • Unpacking grldr, grldr.mbr And menu.lst from the archive to the root of the disk with Windows installed.
  • Launch the console as administrator and execute
    bcdedit /create /d "Grub4Dos" /application bootsector
  • In response to the previous command, we will receive the id of the created record, which we will substitute in the next three
    bcdedit /set (id) device partition=C: bcdedit /set (id) path \grldr.mbr bcdedit /displayorder (id) /addlast
More detailed instructions for installing Grub4Dos can be found.

Editing menu.lst

Adding a new item to the bootloader menu

Title Boot Installer fallback 1 root (hd0,1) kernel /vmlinuz vga=normal ramdisk_size=14972 root=/dev/rd/0 rw -- initrd /initrd.gz
Here we substitute the disk number and partition number with yours. If you install Ubuntu, you can download (amd64) the necessary images vmlinuz And initrd.gz. In other cases, they can be found in the iso image of the distribution itself. For reference, here is a small table of names in different distributions

Ubuntu vmlinuz initrd.gz
Debian vmlinuz initrd.gz
Fedora vmlinuz initrd.img
Mandriva vmlinuz all.rdz
openSUSE linux initrd
Slackware bzImage initrd.img
Gentoo gentoo gentoo.igz

Now we copy the iso image of the distribution kit into the resulting heap and reboot.


The installation may vary slightly between distributions. I'll look at installation using Ubuntu as an example.

After the reboot, a new item will appear in the Download Manager. Choose

The Grub4Dos boot loader will appear. Select “Boot Installer”

The installer will prompt you to select a language. We choose our great and mighty

The installer may not be able to find the image on its own

In this case, you need to restart the search from the main menu and specify the location manually

After selecting the image, several more familiar windows will appear and the installation will begin.

Editing menu.lst. Option #2

An alternative option menu.lst is also possible

Title Boot Installer fallback 1 find --set-root /image_name.iso map /image_name.iso (0xff) || map --mem /image_name.iso (0xff) map --hook chainloader (0xff) savedefault --wait=2
No additional actions are required here - the usual Ubuntu installer will load.

Since the image is loaded from the hard drive, I advise you to pre-allocate a partition for the OS and swap before starting the installation.

How to combine the capabilities of Linux and Windows? To move from
one to the other did not have to overload the computer and not use
a virtual machine that will definitely eat up half of all resources! To
It was finally comfortable! Dream? Already reality!

The idea of ​​having a full-fledged (or almost full-fledged) Linux environment on Windows
many people do not rest. Of course, nothing prevents us from running a virtual machine,
using, for example, the free VMware Server solution, and install as
guest OS whatever your heart desires. But do you really want to run it every time?
resource-intensive virtual machine just to
use multiple applications? With the fact that it works slowly and
It’s inconvenient, you can still put up with it, but you have to sacrifice hundreds of MB of RAM and
CPU time is often simply unrealistic. But if not so, then how?

Good old Cygwin

Ability to combine Windows and Unix without using virtualization
appeared a long time ago. Who among us has not tried to use the well-known Cygwin
a special environment designed for porting programs from POSIX-compatible
operating systems in Windows. Many Nix utilities ported using
Cygwin, they feel great under Windows and are still developing. Me too
I remember very well how happy I was when I compiled some Linux program for the first time
(it seems that it was an exploit) right under Windows. Essentially, Cygwin is
a library that implements the application programming interface for unix systems
based on Win32 system calls (standard for Windows). The product is still
copes with its tasks perfectly, and in the case of using assemblies
(Cygwin +
GNOME) and
(Cygwin + KDE) even allows you to run some windowed applications. Fairy tale?
Well, not quite. Even despite the emulation of niks, one gets the feeling
incompleteness and lack of integration into the system itself. Console window in Cygwin,
claiming to be a tux in Windows is not exactly what we wanted. Team
the shell in the system remains the same: the same notorious cmd.exe and nothing else. A
after all, people accustomed to bash or another convenient Nix shell are unlikely to go
compromise with the limitations of Microsoft's solution. Yes, you can install
collection of GNU utilities for Win32, which includes 26 ported niks
utilities (for example, grep, beloved by many), partly compensating for the lack
familiar tools, but again, there is no talk of integration into the system.
Microsoft's extended shell - PowerShell - although it provides a huge
room for activity (which you can read about in a separate article, which
we have posted on disk) and is thoroughly integrated into the system, but has nothing to do with
bash doesn't have any. So what should we do?

Microsoft solution

The solution was found where you weren’t looking for it - on the Microsoft website, in the form of a special
package Windows Services for UNIX (SFU), which is freely available for download.
The developments themselves position it as a special subsystem for
IT professionals who want to painlessly migrate to Windows from Nix systems.
The subsystem was called Interix and, let me tell you, it’s something! Latest SFU release
includes more than 350 utilities loved by Unixoids (including vi, ksh, csh, ls, cat,
awk, grep, kill), which are fully integrated into the system. In addition to this at SFU
includes GCC 3.3, GDB debugger, NFS server and client and many more useful
housekeeping of things. Unfortunately, the mentioned bash command shell, file
Midnight Commander manager, OpenSSH daemon, emacs editor or Apache http daemon
you will have to install it manually, but ready-to-install packages can be easily downloaded from the website Moreover, the listed programs -
only a small part of what is there.

As a result of installing SFU, you get the complete feeling that you are in
*NIX environment. What is the cost of one bash, executed by the kernel subsystem and therefore
running at the same speed as Win32 applications. By installing the ssh daemon, you
you turn regular Windows XP into a multi-user server on which
Several active accounts can work simultaneously. And no need to use
any additional tools, like Terminal Services - here you have it ready
a solution with many capabilities of niks. Well, what if you work in the console?
If you don’t like it, then nothing prevents you from installing a free X-Window server,
specially optimized for SFU –

X-Win32 LX
. Let me remind you that the X Window System is a protocol with
by which video output can be sent from one computer to another. IN
As a result, we get a full-fledged Remote Desktop. In conclusion, it is worth noting that all
the above is installed one or two times, like any regular application for
Windows. One thing is upsetting: the last release of SFU came out back in 2006, and new ones
Apparently, no versions are expected.

Linux under Windows: really?

Even if specialists from Microsoft are engaged in the issue of creating
Linux environments on Windows, then it is reasonable to assume that there are similar solutions
and on the other side of the barricades. The big problem is running niks applications under
Windows is the absence of a corresponding operating system kernel, and
The team of programmers from Japan understood this very well. Puzzled by this
the catch, they presented first the concept and then the implementation of the Linux kernel,
entirely ported to Windows! The project is called Cooperative Linux or,
abbreviated coLinux. He
became the first free development that allows you to run Linux under Windows without
any virtualization and the need to recompile applications! Achieved
this is due to a special driver that maps Linux system calls into calls
Windows. When an application tries to call a Linux function it is familiar with, it
the work does not fail with an error - the call is translated into a set of system calls
Windows itself and runs successfully. All this works much faster than in
any virtual machines, since the native Windows kernel is used and not
resources are wasted on virtualization.

Despite the fact that using coLinux you can run not only Linux systems
applications, but in general the tux itself, we will not consider it in detail. But
Let's look at two other projects that use coLinux as
basics, but more user friendly, eliminating the need to spend
time for setup, which in the case of “naked” would have to be done manually.
The first of these projects is

How to make Ubuntu from Windows?

If someone asks you “What is andLinux?”, then it’s best to answer like this:
"This is an almost complete Ubuntu Linux distribution that runs right in
Windows system! Yes Yes exactly! coLinux is used as the kernel,
however, andLinux is far superior in terms of capabilities. For racing from
A ready-to-use distribution is available on the official website. Generally,
a regular program, except for the weight: 131 MB for the graphic version
XFCE shell and a minimal set of utilities - and as much as 653 MB for the full version with
KDE. If you don’t know what it is, choose the second option - you can’t go wrong.

Installing the package on the system is nothing special, but you will have to
answer a few questions from the wizard, indicating some work parameters

1. The amount of RAM that can be used
Linux applications, it is better to choose “at least 256 MB”, although everything will work,
even if you select only 128.

2. Regarding the question of how to run andLinux, I advise you to choose the option with
automatic launch as a Windows service.

3. In order for the add-in to have access to the main file system, you must
configure Samba (a special service on nix systems that allows you to connect to
shared resources of Microsoft networks). To do this you need to create a folder in
Windows and make it accessible from the network (share), and during installation and Linux
– indicate its name and, if required, login and password for access.

After installation, a panel appears on the system (in the case of a distribution with XFCE)
or a tray icon (in the case of KDE), with which they are launched
pre-installed Linux applications. For the average user it looks like
a set of the most common programs! Not at all surprising, because they all have
a framework familiar to Windows (unlike the ugly Cygwin). That's why
It’s very easy to confuse a “foreigner” with a regular program!

You can run absolutely everything in Ubuntu Linux. At least none
We found no restrictions and installed a bunch of software from the repositories without any problems
Ubuntu using apt-get and Synaptic package managers. If you're with him
I’m not familiar with them yet, this is your real chance to evaluate their power and convenience. Opened the window
I found the name of the program I needed, clicked “Install” - that’s the whole installation.
The manager himself will download the necessary distribution files, as well as all the necessary
libraries and will provide the user with a ready-to-run application. It's even
easier than installing the program on Windows! Naturally, nothing prevents you from collecting
programs from source. Overall, andLinux works amazingly and is the only
The only inconvenient thing to consider is file sharing between Windows and Linux
via shared folders and Samba.

Final solution

Perhaps our experience of turning Windows into Tux would have ended there if
On May 19 this year, Ulteo did not announce the launch of beta testing of its
new application -
Virtual Desktop
. Essentially almost the same as andLinux. New
also based on coLinux and allows you to run a wide variety of Nix applications
without the need for recompilation. Due to the fact that this is still an early beta,
developers recommend using only a pre-installed set of programs
(Kopete, Konqueror, KPdf, GIMP, etc.), which are launched from a special menu
immediately after installing the package and do not require any additional configuration.
But if you do not take this limitation into account (especially since installing applications
in fact, it is possible, however, at your own peril and risk), then now we can distinguish
several serious development advantages over andLinux (in fairness
I note that this development also did not have a final release).

The developers of Ulteo Virtual Desktop have implemented the exchange system much more conveniently
files from Windows. User account folder in Windows automatically
mounted in the Linux home folder, which is incomparably more convenient than
exchange via shared resources. Excellent sound system support and
printers straight out of the box – another strong point of the system. All that remains is to add
automatic program updates and data synchronization via the Internet.
I sincerely hope that Virtual Desktop will develop quickly and in a few
months will please us with the release.


Virtual Desktop, coLinux, andLinux will only work on 32-bit versions
Windows 2000, XP, 2003 , Vista. Support for the 64-bit platform still exists
only in plans.

This method requires the GRUB boot loader to be installed on your computer!

P.S I personally tried installing Linux Mint and Ubuntu using this method. I have not tested the installation of other distributions and cannot guarantee the functionality of this method, but theoretically there should be no problems.

First, download the Ubuntu image somewhere. I downloaded the Ubuntu 11.10 image, renamed it to ubuntu.iso and put it in the root of the hard drive. The main thing is to remember the full path to the image from the root of the partition and the number of this very partition. You can reboot.

If you want to install Ubuntu from an iso launched this way, then keep two things in mind:

    Your iso image should not be on the hard drive on which you will install Ubuntu and which is bootable. Otherwise nothing will work. And it doesn’t matter which section you put it on.

    After starting Ubuntu from iso, go to the terminal, type mount and make sure that the output really does not contain partitions that satisfy step 1.

In fact, the easiest way is to put the Ubuntu image on a flash drive, which is defined in GRUB as (fd0).

When the computer boots, when the GRUB menu appears, press the C key. You will be taken to the GRUB console. Dial

A list of all your partitions will appear. Find the one you need there, in my case it will be called (hd1.0 ) . hd is usually sda, hd1 is sdb, etc.

Now do

loopback loop (hd1,0)/ubuntu.iso

By installing the disk you need and the full path to the ubuntu iso image. If everything worked successfully, then we write

linux /casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu.iso noprompt

Don't forget to change the path to the image! Then initrd:

That's it, you can boot. We give the command

and wait for Ubuntu to load.

If you need to install the system from the hard drive on which you are installing it, then you may need the following information useful:

I faced this problem

The Ubuntu installer flatly refused to continue the installation, arguing that I had a mounted partition. In order to create a loop device with our Ubuntu image, grub2 first mounted the partition on which this very image was located. And it doesn’t matter that this section did not appear in any way among those claiming to be any kind of modification during installation, the installer was adamant and refused to continue the installation.

After a short search on Google, it turned out that I was not the first person to encounter this. The problem was solved by removing the line with the mounted partition (in my case it was /dev/sda1) from /etc/mtab . This should have been done before installation began. After removing it, everything went like clockwork.

If you install from external media (usb-hdd, usb-flash), such problems should not arise.

At the moment, installation from an iso image is natively supported in Ubuntu and all distributions based on it (Kubuntu, Edibuntu, Hubuntu, Lubuntu, Mint and others *buntu), Gentoo also supports this type of installation.

But do not forget that in each distribution, the kernel and init image files may be named differently and located in different directories; to make it easier, I will present a small table of what these files are called in popular distros.

Ubuntu vmlinuz initrd.gz
Debian vmlinuz initrd.gz
Fedora vmlinuz initrd.img
Mandriva vmlinuz all.rdz
openSUSE linux initrd
Slackware bzImage initrd.img
Gentoo gentoo gentoo.igz

I also want to give a little hint for those who do not have the GRUB bootloader on their computer and have a Windows system installed (the version is not important).

For such people, there is a utility called grub4dos; I won’t describe the installation; there is a ton of documentation on the Internet, and there is absolutely nothing complicated there. In short, this utility installs the hornbeam bootloader into your system and registers it in the ntldr Windows bootloader. after restarting the computer, you can see 2 boot options - launch Windows or launch GRUB, by selecting GRUB you can return to the beginning of this post and follow all the steps described in it.

Due to the fact that there are several operating systems (OS) that are conceptually different from each other, the user will at some point want to install another one. Moreover, this action can be performed without deleting the previous OS. The rest of the text will tell you how to install Linux from Windows and vice versa. At the end you will also learn how to install a full operating system on a Flash drive.

Installing Linux from Windows

In most cases, users install Windows as the main OS on their computer, so the topic of installing Linux from Windows is more relevant, and we will consider this situation. Looking ahead, let's say that there are two methods: the traditional one, which involves using a drive with the Linux installer image, and a special one - using the Wubi program.

Method 1: via bootable USB flash drive

If you want Mint from Windows using the traditional method, then you first need to create a bootable USB flash drive with the desired distribution. For this we will use the Rufus program.

  1. Launch the application.
  2. Click on the button with the disk image.
  3. In Explorer, select the Linux image that you want to download to your computer first.
  4. From the "devices" list, select your flash drive.
  5. Leave the partition scheme and system interface type as default.
  6. Also leave the file system and cluster size at default.
  7. Leave all other settings unchanged.
  8. Click the "Start" button.

After this, the recording process will begin. Wait for it to finish and close the program. The flash drive is ready, now you need to start from it. To do this, restart the computer and, as it starts, press the F9 or F8 button until a special menu appears. In it, select your flash drive. After this, the installer for Linux Mint or another distribution that you have chosen will start.

  1. Select "Run" from the menu.
  2. Once logged into the OS desktop, launch the Install Linux shortcut.
  3. The installer will open, in which, following the instructions, install the Linux operating system.

This is how easy it is to install Linux under Windows 10 or any other version of the OS from Microsoft.

Method 2: Using the Wubi program

Having finished figuring out how to install Linux from a flash drive, let’s move on to a non-standard method, which involves using a special program that, in fact, will do everything for you, you just need to set the necessary parameters. The application, as you might guess from the subtitle, is called Wubi, so download and install it on your computer before following the instructions.

It’s worth saying right away that with its help you can install Linux Ubuntu from Windows; unfortunately, there are no other distributions. But without getting hung up on the nuances of the application, let’s move directly to its manual for use.

When you launch the application, you will see six settings that you are asked to change or set. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Installation disk. Here you need to select the drive or partition on which Linux will be installed. It is noteworthy that you can even choose the system one, and no malfunctions in Windows will be observed.
  • Installation size. Many will be surprised that the maximum you can allocate for Linux is 30 gigabytes on the previously selected disk, but in the future this amount can be increased.
  • Desktop environment. Those who are familiar with Linux will figure it out right away, while others are recommended to choose Unity.
  • Language. Here you select the OS localization.
  • Username. Enter your name, which will be displayed in the system.
  • Password. Enter and confirm the password required to log in to the system.

After that, click the “Install” button, and then give permission for this action. Wait for all necessary processes to complete and restart your computer. After this, the Linux desktop will appear, on which all OS files will be unpacked. Once finished, the computer will reboot and the boot loader will offer you the choice to start Linux.

Installing Windows 7 from Linux

Now let's move on directly to how to install Windows from Linux. As in the previously described method, this can be done through a bootable USB flash drive, however, the method of creating it differs in many ways from the previously discussed method. In any case, if you find it difficult to follow all the instructions, you can use the second method, which is also provided. It involves using another application called Qemu.

Method 1: via boot drive

Considering how to install Linux from Windows, we outlined a method using a flash drive. Let's consider it, only inside an operating system based on the Linux kernel. For this you will need a program called ROSA Image Writer, so download it to your computer and install it. Also, do not forget to download the image of the Windows operating system that you will install.

  1. Launch the program.
  2. In the Image field, enter the path to the Windows image. The same can be done through the file manager by clicking on the button with the image of the folder.
  3. From the "USB disk" list, select the flash drive, which should already be inserted into the computer at this stage.
  4. Click the "Record" button.

After this, the creation of the flash drive will begin. Wait for this process to complete and close the program. Restart the computer and while it is loading, press the F9 or F8 button, and in the menu that appears, select the drive as the device from which to start the computer. The Windows Installer will appear, following the instructions written in it, you will install the OS.

Method 2: using Qemu program

What if you are using a specific distribution that does not support ROSA? In this case, you can use the Qemu application. This is what is recommended on the Habr website for installing Windows from Linux. Looking ahead, it is worth saying that for many users this method may not be suitable, since it does not imply the use of a graphical environment; on the contrary, all actions will be performed directly in the Terminal.

  1. Install the program by entering the command sudo apt install qemu in the Terminal.
  2. Download a Windows image to your computer.
  3. Gain superuser rights in Terminal by running the command sudo su and then entering your password.


Now you can go directly to the main process. All you need to do is run one command: qemu -boot d -cdrom<путь к образу windows>/dev/sdb -m 1536. Please note that /dev/sdb is the partition where proprietary software will be stored, and m 1536 is the amount of RAM that will be allocated to manage the operating system.

After executing the required command, the process of copying the installation files will begin, after which you need to restart the computer and disable the Qemu program; you can do this, for example, through the “System Monitor”.

Now you need to update the GRUB boot loader, this is done with one command: update-grub, after which a new entry will appear in it, necessary to run it on a Windows computer. However, sometimes this is not enough for it to appear, this happens in cases when the Windows bootloader overwrites GRUB. In this case, run one of the commands: grub-install or dpkg-reconfigure grub.

After all this has been done, you need to restart the computer again, and in the GRUB menu select the line mentioning Windows. The operating system installer will launch directly, in which, following all the instructions, you will install the OS.

Installing Linux on a Windows flash drive

So we looked at how you can install Linux from Windows or Windows from Linux, but what if you want to have, so to speak, a portable operating system? In this case, you can easily install Linux on your flash drive and boot from it at any opportunity. Unfortunately, it is much more difficult to do the same with Windows, at least using official methods.

So, to install Linux on a USB flash drive, you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare two flash drives. One should be at least 2 GB, and the second should be more than 8 GB, since the operating system will be installed on it.
  2. Write an image of the desired Linux distribution onto a flash drive with a capacity of at least 2 GB.
  3. Start your computer from this flash drive and start installing Linux.
  4. When partitioning the disk, specify your flash drive with a size of 8 GB or more as the installation location.

After this, the files will begin unpacking onto the flash drive. Wait until it finishes and restart your computer. This is how easy it is to install an OS on a USB drive.