The largest subwoofer in the world. The best active subwoofers for cars and their review The loudest subwoofer in the world

Dedicated to all lovers of quality music! Long gone are the days when the volume when listening to your favorite song was limited by the maximum position of the sound lever or button. Modern technologies come to the aid of music lovers and offer a new solution in the field of sound - subwoofers. What is it, how to use it, and who managed to invent the most powerful subwoofer?

A subwoofer is an acoustics system that is designed to reproduce the lowest sounds. Subwoofers, or subwoofers as they are also called, reproduce sounds from 25 to 180 Hz, and some examples are capable of producing even lower bass (from 15 to 170 Hz).

The most powerful subwoofer for a car

Subs can be used at home and in the car. In a home environment, a subwoofer is usually an integral part of a home theater. With this device you can achieve amazing sound quality, watching a movie turns into a real adventure. You can get a lot of pleasure from dynamic and realistic sound!

Subwoofers are installed in cars by those car enthusiasts who like to listen to high-quality and loud music. Just a few years ago, the most powerful subwoofer did not produce more than 1 kilowatt, but some companies are constantly developing more and more powerful amplifiers, and in 2007 the power of which broke all records was registered - 20 kilowatts! It would seem that the achievement has been recorded, verified, and we can calm down on this, but there was a group of people who wanted to set power records. Tens of thousands of dollars were spent on equipment, and as a result, a New York resident installed a real acoustic station in his van, capable of squeezing out 60 kilowatts! The fact that this was the most powerful subwoofer in the world can be judged by the fact that a few seconds after turning on the car windows shattered, and a few moments later the car simply fell apart from crazy vibration.

If the driver does not have the goal of setting world records with the help of the speaker system in his car, he should not install a subwoofer that is too powerful; few people listen to loud music all the time - this is fraught with problems with hearing and nerves. In addition, such very powerful devices are not cheap, and car enthusiasts tend to adhere to an unspoken rule: the cost of acoustics should not exceed 20% of the cost of the car. That is, if your “iron horse” costs 50 thousand dollars, it is not very rational to spend more than 10 thousand dollars on acoustics.

The most powerful subwoofer for the home

When watching your favorite movie, sound can greatly enhance the effect of what you see, especially if it is high-quality sound. Thunderclaps or explosions will be reproduced absolutely realistically if you purchase a powerful subwoofer. In addition, subwoofers can improve the overall sound by removing the bulk of the load from the cinema speakers.

Subwoofers on the market generally produce sounds between 30 and 150 Hz. If desired, you can find one with a wider range, but the question arises whether the buyer needs a subwoofer that is too powerful.

Firstly, its price will be an order of magnitude higher than that of its less powerful “brothers”; secondly, for the human ear, higher or higher ones will not be so comfortable for perception. That is, when purchasing a subwoofer for a home theater, you should not choose a subwoofer with a wider range. It's a different matter when it comes to equipment for a recording studio or other professional purposes.

Thus, when choosing a speaker system for your home or car, you should first of all decide for what purposes you will use the equipment, and, of course, how much you can spend on it.

Updated: 11/11/2018 15:08:45

Expert: David Bril

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

A subwoofer is a device for accentuated reproduction of low frequencies (from 20 to 1000 Hz), adding richness and volume to the sound. Standard stereo systems used in cars have long gone beyond the acceptable quality of music playback, and, despite the futile attempts of automakers to radically change the situation, they are gradually being subject to user modernization on an urgent basis. The whole essence of their improvement comes down, in fact, to equipping the system with a standard subwoofer placed in the car's interior or in its luggage compartment.

In modern realities, the production of subwoofers is a massive phenomenon, since over the last decade their number on free sale has increased sharply. In this regard, independently selecting such a specific playback device causes a lot of difficulties for consumers. Taking into account all the design subtleties and the state of affairs on the market, the Expertology magazine team has compiled a rating of the best subwoofers for cars, divided into five separate categories. The following parameters were used as selection criteria:

  1. popularity of the manufacturer and model among consumers;
  2. analytical opinion of experts;
  3. mutual comparison of nominees with each other;
  4. specifications;
  5. degree of reliability and performance;
  6. ratio of quality parameters and nominal value.

How to choose a subwoofer for a car

Purchasing a subwoofer for installation in a car is accompanied by the need to comply with a number of specific nuances and rules, which will determine not only the amount of costs, but also your personal enjoyment of use. Therefore, when choosing a bass player yourself, Expertology recommends paying attention to five key aspects:

The best car subwoofers with rated power up to 300 W

A technically excellent element of the acoustic system, designed for true connoisseurs to acquire precision in the sound of their favorite compositions. Pioneer TS-WX70DA is one of the few representatives of its company that received a D-class amplifier with built-in advanced bass control function (Digital Bass Control). Its essence lies in the ability to adjust the system to two operating modes:

Dynamic - for producing rhythmic bass with high response accuracy, suitable for dubstep, drum'n bass, electro and the like.

Deep – a deeper sound of bass frequencies, by definition suitable for any music.

It is noteworthy that the presence of an amplifier for once does not give an increase in reproduced frequencies: the Pioneer TS-WX70DA feels good in the range of 20-250 hertz, but this does not diminish the feeling of fullness of sound. On the contrary, it is surprising that in the reproduction component this model surpasses all opponents without exception. However, it could take a very long time to describe it, but the fact remains: this subwoofer is definitely worth the money, especially in view of its radical difference from the others.


  • very favorable ratio of cost to overall quality;
  • the presence of an amplifier with two operating modes;
  • remote control of low frequencies, phase and level;
  • excellent design and original appearance of the case;
  • compact overall dimensions and weight (10.4 kg);
  • unique atmospheric sound.


  • not detected.

A car subwoofer from the German company Hertz simply could not escape the rating of the best, reaching almost the very top of this top. Having a very specific configuration and design, the DBX 252.3 provides a large increase in bass in the ordinary sound of a standard stereo system. Operating at frequencies from 28 to 300 hertz with a rated power of 300 watts, this model can withstand surges and peaks up to 1200 watts without any hint of mechanical damage.

A feature of the Hertz DBX 252.3, which we briefly mentioned, is the box configuration. Instead of the usual “cubes”, German manufacturers decided to stretch the body in width, bringing this linear size to 650 millimeters. At the same time, we managed to “tighten” the box a little in length and height (up to 295 and 300 millimeters, respectively). This configuration accommodates two 10-inch speakers, stylized according to all the canons of the brand. From a cost point of view, such an assembly seems a little expensive, but when taking into account the general operational parameters, this nuance is completely leveled out.


  • atmospheric bass, smoothing out all the shortcomings of standard stereo systems;
  • operation in the range of 28-300 Hz;
  • ability to withstand power peaks up to 1200 W;
  • very impressive finishing of the frame.


  • not found.

A well-known model from a not very well-known manufacturer, the beauty of which comes down to the extremely favorable ratio between cost and sound reproduction capabilities. EDGE EDV12A-E4 is a typical representative of budget subwoofers, which, by the will of the manufacturer, received, although not the coolest, but a good amplifier in the kit. With a nominal power of 300 watts, this “baby” is capable of reproducing frequencies from 25 to 1500 hertz, slightly outperforming its competitor in the form of the Alpine SWE-815 in this component.

According to users, the effect of purchasing the EDGE EDV12A-E4 is reflected not only in an increase in sound saturation, but also in the banal vibration of non-soundproof metal structures. This nuance cannot be attributed to the shortcomings of the subwoofer, but for a general idea of ​​​​its work, voicing such a remarkable fact was very necessary. The expediency of purchasing a model from the point of view of key operational parameters is completely justified: for a small price you will receive not only a beautiful thing with a pleasant design, but also high quality sound reproduction, supported by the reliability of the most important components.


  • the presence of an amplifier and the accompanying ability to reproduce frequencies in the range of 25-1500 Hz;
  • optimal sensitivity (90 dB) dynamics;
  • low price;
  • high quality finish;
  • attractive appearance.


  • lack of speaker protection.

A passive type subwoofer model, which has remained relevant for 7 years now. It is a typical “barrel” for the bulk of bass frequencies in the range from 28 to 200 hertz with a rated power of 250 watts. Suitable for use with amplifiers with an impedance of around 4 ohms and a sensitivity of 94 decibels. As users note, the sound component of the Alpine SBG-1244BR can be considered an asset: at not the highest cost, the “richness” of the bass here exceeds the level of individual competitors.

As for the ergonomic parameters of the model, in this component, first of all, the serious weight of the model is striking. With overall dimensions of 411x383x390 millimeters, the total weight of the 12-inch speaker and massive MDF body is about 19 kilograms. This is quite a lot and inconvenient, but it provides reliable protection for the “filling” from any mechanical influences. The mounting of the speaker itself is of sufficient quality, which eliminates the possibility of extraneous noise and vibrations for the next few years of operation.


  • high quality of the resulting bass;
  • reproduces frequencies 28-200 Hz;
  • low cost;
  • high-quality finishing and reliable MDF frame.


  • massive body (weight is 19 kg).

A bass reflex active subwoofer, included in the rating thanks to high ratings from consumers and complementary reviews from experts. Even despite several fruitful years spent on the market, the Alpine SWE-815 still remains one of the most expensive models in its segment. But despite this, users continue to persist in purchasing it. This is dictated by two factors:

Firstly, the manufacturing team managed to realize an optimal balance between the bass and sound components of reproduction, forcing the device to reproduce frequencies in the range from 34 to 1500 hertz. Coupled with a sensitivity of 91 decibels, the sound is truly magnificent.

secondly, a remote control system for the subwoofer was introduced using a wired remote control, which, with minimal efforts to modernize, allows you to manipulate the speaker (in the luggage compartment) straight from the cabin.

All of the above is quite enough to understand that the Alpine SWE-815 is a worthy representative of its class, which can compete with much more powerful models.


  • built-in amplifier and, as a result, a wide range of operating frequencies (34-1500 Hz);
  • pleasant performance;
  • the possibility of remote control is implemented;
  • high sound quality.


  • high price.

The best car subwoofers with rated power up to 600 W

Having learned from the mistakes of the very worthy Hertz EBX 250R acoustics, the German masters focused on creating a more advanced car subwoofer model, and, it must be said, they coped with their task brilliantly. Hertz EBX 300.5 received not only a significant increase in peak withstand power, but also a good increase in design. Providing frequency reproduction within the range of 25-250 hertz, this device acquired 500 watts of rated power, due to which it significantly increased the output sound pressure. Which, in turn, had a beneficial effect on the bass - the depth and accuracy of its reproduction reached a qualitatively higher level.

The peak power increased to 1000 watts, protecting the speaker from the high probability of mechanical destruction during sudden changes. There have been many qualitative changes in the design of the sound element itself:

a double winding was introduced, allowing the speaker to be connected to the amplifier in any way convenient for implementation (series, parallel, independently);

The place of the neodymium magnet was taken by a simple ferrite “pancake”, which made it possible to achieve the effect of reducing costs without loss of quality.

All this and much more allowed the EBX 300.5 to wedge itself among the best subwoofers on the market, while at the same time winning over most of the audience from subwoofers in the Pioneer segment.


  • Colossal work on mistakes, which led to the complete rehabilitation of the company in the segment;
  • optimal operating frequency level (25-250 Hz);
  • good power performance (500 W at nominal and 1000 W at peak);
  • nice design;
  • strict compliance with established price limits.


  • not found.

A model whose entire appearance shows adherence to the old canons of external design. Which, however, plays into its hands, since for consumers it is an additional guarantee of quality. Audio System RADION R 12 BP is a typical representative of subwoofers in band-pass enclosures (Band-Pass) for increasing sound pressure, giving not so much atomosphere, but fun and charging bass depth for almost any musical genre. It is not known for certain what its true operating frequency ranges are, but it feels like they completely cover the lower boundaries (approximately from 20 to 300 hertz).

The rated power of the Audio System RADION R 12 BP also pleases audio fans: 400 watts for such a dynamic system is the required minimum. But as for the maximum values, the situation here is similar to the Hertz EBX 250R. 600 watts at peak is not bad, but if it increases sharply it can cause big problems and loss of a considerable amount of money. Fortunately, such cases were not described on the Internet among user reviews, but the very fact of the possibility of such an outcome is very alarming.


  • optimum between price and quality indicators;
  • high rated power (400 W);
  • very dynamic and precise bass sound;
  • original design of the case.


  • low peak power level (600 W).

A bass reflex passive subwoofer from the German company Hertz is a very expensive but effective solution to the problem of the poor sound quality of standard car stereo systems. Operating in the range from 28 to 300 hertz, this “box” provides sound comparable to that of an older design from the Korean “pioneers” (Pioneer TS-WX300A).

If the main advantage of the Hertz EBX 250R is entirely tied to the key function (high-quality reproduction of low frequencies), then the disadvantage completely affects the power characteristics. The fact is that at peak power this model can only withstand 700 watts of load, while opponents have indicators exceeding the value threshold of 1000. This is not critical, but in the event of extreme operating situations it can cause serious damage to the dynamics. Actually, this was the only criticism of the subwoofer from a circle of experts, while the overwhelming majority of users were completely satisfied with the model. True, if not for the high cost, there would be much more satisfied people.


  • wide range of low frequencies for a passive subwoofer (28-300 Hz);
  • excellent quality of the case;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • very atmospheric and deep sound.


  • high price;
  • low peak power level (700 W).

An active subwoofer of the bass reflex type, which has been consistently included in the ratings of the best since its debut on the market. It is a typical bearer of the philosophy of the Pioneer company, which does not want to deliberately inflate the reproduction ranges of its products, so as not to adapt to the trends of Western competitors. In this regard, the Pioneer TS-WX300A operates only with frequencies of 20-130 hertz, immersing users in a special state of bass liturgy. The saturation of low frequencies neutralizes the terrible sound of a standard stereo system installed in a car, which makes the subwoofer an ideal “companion” of any “domestic basin”.

In addition to the quality of the bass in a very limited (unfortunately, this is true) range, the Pioneer TS-WX300A can boast of good indicators of required and peak power (350 and 1300 watts, respectively), as well as a very low weight of the structure (10 kilograms) with quite large dimensions. In parallel with this, all consumers note the successful combination of red and black in the finish with small inclusions of chrome on the protection of the 12-inch speaker. This is one of the best offers in its price range, unfortunately, it has somewhat lost its relevance since it went on sale.


  • value for money;
  • reliable housing that does not allow the slightest vibration to occur for 5 years from the start of active operation;
  • very atmospheric bass;
  • legendary finish in a three-color combination (black-red-chrome).


  • low level of reproduced frequencies (20-130 Hz).

The best car subwoofers with rated power up to 1,000 W

Solobaric subwoofer manufactured by Kicker, a company that knows a lot about creating powerful acoustic equipment. The main feature of this model is the configuration and shape of the diffuser - in this case it is square, which is not so much a decorative feature as a deliberately technological one: thanks to this step, the manufacturers managed to achieve an almost twofold (42%) increase in the radiating area. The box itself, upholstered in gray carpet, is a standard cube with a beveled rear wall for installing the sub close to the second row of seats (and adding additional rigidity).

As for purely technical parameters, it is worth noting a good ratio of power to sound pressure level and pick-up at various frequencies. The nominal power indicators of the Kicker VS12L72 are 750 watts with peak increases up to 1500. In order to fully realize the potential of the acoustics, experts recommend purchasing a special amplifier in the kit, preferably from the same Kicker, to minimize problems with connection and setup. This model is ideal for music lovers who prefer rich and loud bass to a deeper and more measured sound.


  • increased emitter area;
  • the highest build quality, eliminating the occurrence of gaps and accompanying noise and vibrations;
  • 750 W nominal and 1500 W maximum power;
  • suitability for harsh operating conditions;
  • nice appearance.


  • not detected.

A basic version of Magnum's high-power bass reflex subwoofer, which they say can give the physical sensation of deep bass. Despite the passive design, Magnum MBW 151 SPL-BOX provides frequency reproduction in the range from 28 to 550 hertz, which, coupled with a good stereo system, provides an incredible influx of clear and rich sound.

The rated power of this model is 1000 watts, and in this parameter it significantly surpasses its rated opponents. The situation is similar with regard to maximum power: 2000 watts is an unattainable value for all representatives of the segment. In view of this state of affairs, the sound pressure created by the subwoofer can cause many problems with vibration effects on non-soundproof parts of the car and components of important units. But, leaving this to the conscience of the owners, let’s say: Magnum MBW 151 SPL-BOX is definitely worth buying.


  • the highest power ratings in the segment (1000 W nominal and 2000 W maximum);
  • reproduced frequency range (28-550 Hz);
  • good finish and high-quality connections between the speaker and the body;
  • low price.


  • not detected.

The most inexpensive and at the same time productive “box” from the Mystery company, designed for installation in cars with a great need for loud bass. MBP-3000 Operates within the range of 25-140 hertz, which determines the ability to pick up only low bass frequencies. However, even this level of the model is quite enough to ensure deep sound of compositions, however, in this component, consumers often compare it with a representative of another segment, which is the Pioneer TS-WX300A.

Despite the fact that the nominally Japanese (but in fact Chinese) company Mystery is not among the preferred manufacturers, users are very willing (but not without some fear) to purchase the MBP-3000. In particular, they are attracted by the good rated power (800 W), the successful design of the strip housing, as well as the wide range of options for equipping amplifiers of any level. Unfortunately, durability leaves much to be desired: the company still has some work to do with this component.


  • low price;
  • good level of bass depth;
  • pleasant design (adherence to corporate style);
  • presence of double winding on the speaker.


  • low level of durability of the speakers (they noticeably shrink during use).

The best car subwoofers with a rated power of more than 1,000 W

The leading line of the rating goes to Kicker DL7122, broadcasting in a very small frequency range (20-100 hertz), but with a very high rated power. If we rely entirely on power indicators, then this model is almost the most optimal on the entire speaker system market. Only premium and exclusive designs for cars, as well as full-size subwoofers for multimedia centers and other entertainment equipment, can have higher (or better) performance.

Due to the fact that the nominal power of the installation is 1800 watts, manufacturers had to take the step of intelligently replacing standard materials with others, as happened in the case of the diffuser. Instead of fabric and paper, high-strength polypropylene was used here, with custom overlays to match the overall design of the box. The speakers themselves (due to the increase in radiation area) were square in shape and located at a slight angle to each other. Taking into account the use of high-quality materials, as well as the highest performance indicators, the cost of the Kicker DL7122 is quite expected. However, taken away from everything else, it looks intimidating, and is guaranteed to cut off a large group of budget consumers from its audience.


  • the highest quality of execution (both in terms of technical parameters and in terms of reliability);
  • 1800 W power;
  • beautiful design, made taking into account the corporate style of the company;
  • very clear and deep bass.


  • very high price.

Another representative of the Magnum company is losing the competition for leadership to the subwoofer from Kicker, inferior to it both in terms of reliability and technical characteristics. The original shape of the MLW 3x12-2SM made it possible to place three 12-inch speakers on the front surface at once, creating an all-encompassing sound effect. The total nominal power of the installation was 1200 watts, and with such indicators the car becomes more of an object for stationary music playback, as they say, “out on the street”.

Despite the complexity of the design and the very acceptable quality of the materials used, the cost of the Magnum MLW 3x12-2SM is barely higher than the price of low-power subwoofer models from famous manufacturers. This is due, first of all, to the marketing principles of the company itself, which tries to squeeze the maximum possible even from not the highest quality raw materials. In this regard, the subwoofer may somewhat lose its appearance during long-term use, but stubbornly remain in good condition until the speaker fails.


  • optimal cost indicators;
  • original design and configuration of emitters in the box;
  • 1200 W nominal power;
  • good build quality.


  • for its price - not found.

The best compact subwoofers

The most advantageous difference between the Kicx PRO-POWER 301D and its competitors is the ratio of cost and quality - it is hardly possible to get such a powerful low-frequency speaker at a similar price. Its rated power is 1250 watts with the ability to briefly perceive 2500 watts at peak, which is not available even for standard “box” subwoofers. The value of the reproduced frequency varies in the range from 30 to 600 hertz, and with the installation of an amplifier this number increases by several more points.

As a coil, the Kicx PRO-POWER 301D has a double high-temperature winding that requires intensive cooling. It also allows you to connect the amplifier in any way convenient for the user, which greatly simplifies the installation of the model. The basket is made of aluminum, the heat dissipation of which is also at a good level, but this requires the provision of several technological holes for through air circulation. To be honest, the purpose of this subwoofer is to ensure high bass volume and its dynamics, rather than depth and richness, so some music lovers may not like its use.


  • the highest power ratings (1250 and 2500 W in nominal and tolerance);
  • wide operating frequency range (300-600 Hz);
  • nice design;
  • aluminum basket;
  • double winding, providing simplified connection of the amplifier;
  • Excellent value for money and quality.


  • not found.

Taking into account the novelty factor, the Focal E 25 KX is a higher quality alternative to the well-known Alpine SWR-1542D, albeit with slightly less pronounced power parameters. So, at nominal value the speaker produces 600 watts, while at peak this value can reach up to 1200 watts. For a 10-inch subwoofer, this figure is optimal, especially due to the ability to reproduce frequencies in the region of 25-500 hertz.


  • the ability to install the speaker in bass-reflex or closed-type boxes;
  • optimal power performance for a 10-inch speaker (600 W nominal and 1200 W peak);
  • 25-500 Hz frequency;
  • very high quality performance.


  • high price.

Alpine SWR-1542D is the most protected subwoofer model from unwanted power surges, capable of operating at extreme values ​​of key technical parameters. Providing up to 750 watts of nominal power, the user has an excellent chance of increasing sound pressure until peak values ​​​​reach 2000 watts. Thanks to such indicators, listening to music can become not a purely individual process, but a nationwide activity.

The minimum/maximum frequency parameters do not let us down either - the Alpine SWR-1542D operates in the range of 22-500 hertz, providing exceptional accuracy and dynamics of the bass. As an advantage of the design, everyone without exception notes the cast basket as the most resistant to vibration and fatigue deformation. Manufacturers strongly recommend “packing” this model in bass reflex and closed boxes to achieve optimal sound effect.


  • very high quality execution;
  • optimal power indicators;
  • support frequencies within 22-500 Hz;
  • rather ordinary, but extremely recognizable design;
  • wide possibilities for installing the speaker in the box.


  • not detected.

An interesting representative of the Hertz company, which is recommended to be installed in enclosures with a volume of 20-38 liters to achieve the best sound effect. It operates in the range from 25 to 250 hertz, having a sensitivity of around 92 decibels and an impedance of 4 ohms, which allows for a wide selection of amplifiers for installation in a single housing. Which, by the way, is recommended to be designed according to the bass reflex or closed type.

The positive feature of the Hertz ES 300 design lies entirely in the presence of a double magnet on an elongated voice coil. This pair allows the subwoofer not to lose any sound quality even during long-term operation at high power. Which has quite strict limitations: for example, with a nominal value of 350 watts, a short-term peak surge can reach 700 watts. Anything above the limit can lead to dire consequences. Among the other features of the speaker, users often mention its universal appearance, pleasant sound and very high reliability.


  • optimal combination of price and quality;
  • fairly wide range of reproduced frequencies (25-250 Hz);
  • wide possibilities for customization according to the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • universal design;
  • Pleasant bass sound even at low volume levels.


  • reduced peak power (700 W).

A speaker of a more meager appearance than the Pioneer TS-W306R, unexpectedly for itself, became the standard of quality for all low-budget products in this category. Having a lower rated operating power (namely 250 watts), Alpine SWG-1244 captivates consumers with a wide range of reproduced frequencies of 28-1000 hertz.

As in the case of the competitor mentioned above, this model acquired a huge number of fans and, obeying the laws of logic, boxes, assembled once to order or according to an established template, gradually began to be introduced into the market. Which, on the one hand, simplified installation for the car owners themselves, but deprived the niche of some individuality. However, this does not at all negate the chic sound demonstrated by the Alpine SWG-1244 and so gorgeously described by thousands of domestic users. According to them, the bass acquires atmosphere, depth and richness, and is also suitable for absolutely any composition, which is important for inveterate music lovers.


  • wide range of low frequencies (28-1000 Hz);
  • good indicators of rated and permissible power (250 and 800 W, respectively);
  • universal design;
  • high-quality sound transformation.


  • not detected.

Pioneer TS-W306R is a low-frequency speaker for pretentious people who place high demands on sound quality. Operating in the range from 25 to 125 hertz, it is capable of taking on a little more, but only in conjunction with a high-quality amplifier (preferably from the same “pioneers”). Fortunately, the sensitivity (96 decibels) and impedance (4 Ohms) indicators allow you to select amplifiers of a fairly wide range.

As for power parameters, the Pioneer TS-W306R is rated at 350 watts, with the ability to handle up to 1300 watts in the short term without causing any damage. As users note, due to the high demand for these speakers, a huge number of custom and factory boxes for their installation have appeared on the market. The external design of the model is quite interesting, even despite the paucity in terms of colors (out of the “abundance of colors” on the speaker there is only a red belt and a gray company logo). This option is quite cheap and inferior to opponents in the category only in terms of power.


  • Wide range of amplifier options;
  • high-quality low-frequency sound;
  • an abundance of assembled boxes for a specific model;
  • ability to withstand up to 1300 W of power;
  • nice decoration.


  • not detected.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Installation requirements.

Frequency range: 20-50 Hz
Sound pressure: 92-104 db
Range: 2500 meters

Oddly enough, this is not a weapon. The military expects to use this subwoofer to reproduce low-frequency sounds with enormous volume in order to immerse the military in a real combat situation. For training, the low-frequency emitter will reproduce the sounds of explosions and vibrations of shock air currents.

To build the largest subwoofer, 40 high-power speakers were used - 1000 watts each. To drive such a number of powerful speakers, the creators installed 40 powerful amplifiers of 1 kW each on the case.
They placed all this power in a ship's refrigerator (container). The housing for the working volume of the speakers was assembled from large multi-layer sheets of plywood.

The container is compact and suitable for transportation. The creators themselves will demonstrate how this most powerful subwoofer works in the video below.

P.S. The authors stated that this subwoofer can be used not only for military purposes. For example, it can be used as a huge subwoofer for various events. This is the only subwoofer that can reproduce such low and deep bass at such volume.

The device can also be used to test TORNADO fixation sensors. Many of these sensors detect the approach of a storm by low-frequency sounds that travel many, many miles around the epicenter.

The creators also noticed that this design of the subwoofer is quite unusual; it is a horn subwoofer with two oppositely directed vibration emitters. Before this, this design had not been properly mastered, and now that they have accumulated such invaluable experience in this area, it is quite possible that they will create more compact models for use in domestic purposes.

One of the main advantages of this design is its high sensitivity, thanks to which it is possible to create more efficient and economical sound sources.

A high-quality sound system in a car is every man’s dream. The automotive electronics market is developing very intensively, so audio equipment is presented in a very wide range. But if earlier it was easy to choose a good active or passive subwoofer due to weak competition from manufacturers and lack of choice, today finding a suitable model is much more difficult. Sensitivity, impedance, frequency range - many parameters can be combined in a variety of combinations, so it’s easy to get confused about them. Our review of the best car subwoofers of 2019 will help you understand the world of car acoustics, which brings together the best devices of both active and passive types.

Which brand of car subwoofer is better?

There are not many manufacturers in the car audio system market, but competition, unlike the late 90s, has become much higher. Previously, Alpine was the main trendsetter in subwoofers. Elegant, reliable assembly of devices, high-quality metal and plastic elements, a wide frequency range, many additional settings - the list of advantages of this company’s products is simply endless. Along with it, Pioneer and Sony, which produce top-end active and passive subwoofers with excellent sound, show themselves worthy. There are also devices from Mystery, Supra, JBL and Kicx, but they are noticeably inferior to their more famous competitors.

Manufacturers may be different, so you should not compare subwoofers only by brand. It is important to follow several criteria to help you find the best speaker system:

  1. Frequency range. For exclusively low-frequency devices, it ranges from 20-40 to 120-150 Hz, for devices with a wider profile (i.e., also operating at high frequencies) – up to 800-1500 Hz.
  2. Standard size. Usually it varies from 20 to 30 cm. It is best to select it according to the size of the place in which you plan to install the device.
  3. Crossover presence. If this device is provided with an acoustic system, the sound will be of the highest quality, but it doesn’t matter at all if this device is not there: a high-quality subwoofer will cope with the task without it.
  4. Sensitivity. The more sensitive the subwoofer, the more micro-vibrations it perceives. This allows you to make the sound alive and give natural and pure tones.

The best active subwoofers

The most popular type of subwoofer is active. It is considered the easiest to install and operate, since all the elements necessary for its full operation are already provided for in the structure of the device. In other words, an active subwoofer has a built-in amplifier and a separate filter. It connects to a special output of the radio, immediately outputting low-frequency sound.

1. Pioneer TS-WX210A

The review should, of course, start with the best active subwoofer in a closed enclosure, presented by Pioneer. The device is a good compact active subwoofer (only 8 inches), which at first glance even seems simple. In fact, it has an excellent dual-wound strontium magnet woofer that produces very clear sounds. The sensitivity of the Pioneer subwoofer is simply wonderful: at 101 dB, even subtle frequencies will give songs incredible melody and clarity.


  • frequency range – from 40 to 150 Hz;
  • fantastic sound;
  • crossover with frequencies from 50 to 125 Hz;
  • bass adjuster;
  • power – up to 150 W (low frequencies only).


  • no speaker cable included;
  • Can only be attached to the floor.

2. Alpine SWE-815

Once the only best manufacturer of car subwoofers, Alpine is still extremely popular in the market. The SWE-815 is a compact 8-inch device that perfectly reproduces both low and high frequencies, giving them an improved sound. Moreover, with a sensitivity of 91 dB there is no need to complain about the sound quality. The woofer is simply wonderful because the double magnet winding allows it to effectively pick up low frequencies. And, of course, we cannot help but say that the subwoofer body has a bass reflex, which allows you to convert one sound into two, distributing them as widely as possible (up to 180°).


  • excellent low-frequency sounds;
  • high voltage input for increased power (up to 100 to 300 W);
  • the widest frequency range (from 34 to 1500 Hz);
  • high build quality;
  • the presence of a durable protective grille;
  • original design;
  • bass adjustment.


  • The included wires are too thin;
  • Not everyone is comfortable using a wired remote control.


This unusual device, similar to a wheel rim, is one of the most interesting budget active subwoofers with a 30-centimeter diffuser on the car audio market. For just 4,500 rubles, Supra offers an excellent operating range that allows you to pay the most attention to low frequencies - from 28 to 250 Hz. The presence of a crossover is an undeniable plus, since hardly anyone can dislike live surround sound. It's interesting that an active subwoofer with a remote control is a rarity today, but Supra gives buyers the opportunity to make control as convenient as possible.


  • good power (180 W);
  • crossover frequencies – from 40 to 250 Hz;
  • excellent work with low frequencies;
  • low price;
  • Great build for a low price.


  • At high volume it starts to make noise.

4. Mystery MTB 300 A

The Mystery company entered the segment of acoustic systems for cars relatively recently. However, in terms of price-quality ratio, the MTB 300 A subwoofer is one of the best in the rating. Such high ratings of the device are explained by its excellent low bass, which, due to its purity and naturalness, allows you to enjoy music to the fullest. The 12-inch diffuser seems a little big, but it actually looks quite harmonious in almost any car. For its fairly average price of 7,000 rubles, the subwoofer performs just perfectly.


  • good frequency range - from 40 to 250 Hz;
  • bass reflex housing;
  • smooth bass adjustment;
  • When properly configured, it fits well in the trunk.


  • not enough power (nominally 180 W, actually less);
  • difficult to regulate.

5. Kicx ICQ 300BA

The segment of the rating of active subwoofers is closed by a high-quality and sensitive model from Kicx. With such a device, the low bass in the car will always be at a level, since the power of the device is 250 W, and the frequency range starts at 28 Hz. The sub also works well with high levels, the frequencies of which can reach 800 Hz. Excellent sensitivity of 89 dB allows you to pick up all the smallest sounds, creating a wonderful live sound. The woofer itself also works brilliantly, which, also due to its impressive size (30.5 cm), makes the car a real music center.


  • high voltage input;
  • impedance 4 ohms;
  • small body sizes;
  • ease of setup and bass adjustment.


  • poor protection (terminal block too small);
  • low quality switches and regulators.

The best passive subwoofers

It’s difficult to say that passive subwoofers are an order of magnitude worse than active ones. The main difference is the absence of a built-in amplifier. Simply put, the meaning of the work is to convert the frequencies going to the speaker to lower ones. On the one hand, secondary signal processing makes itself felt: the sound quality of passive subwoofers is slightly lower than that of active ones. But the frequencies can be slightly lower - from 20-30 Hz. In addition, the price of such devices plays a role: for example, between the top-end Pioneer active and passive types with approximately the same parameters, the difference is 3,000 rubles.

1. Pioneer TS-WX305B

The most powerful subwoofer in the rating opens the review of passive-type speaker systems. Pioneer offers a high-quality bass-reflex enclosure, a 30-inch speaker and a low frequency threshold that reaches 20 Hz (with a maximum limit of 125 Hz). The device justifies the title of the most powerful subwoofer with a maximum power of 1300 W (with a nominal power of 350 W). All these factors, brought together, form a wonderful sound and excellent purity of the melodies played, which are a pleasure to listen to.


  • excellent sound quality;
  • compact body made of IMPP composite material;
  • value for money;
  • interesting design.


  • The body rings a little at high volumes.

2. Alpine SBE-1244BR

The second position in the ranking is occupied by the best passive subwoofer offered by Alpine. The device is perfectly balanced in terms of both sound and technical components. The device's sensitivity of 93 dB is one of its main advantages, which allows you to capture all the slightest sounds and saturate the melody with them, making it more lively. It is worth noting that the company offers a very powerful passive subwoofer, as it is capable of operating in the range from 200 to 650 W. A curious detail distinguishes the device from its competitors: it is equipped with a decorative plug for the bass inverter port. It allows you to convert the device from a cabinet subwoofer to a bass-reflex subwoofer and vice versa.


  • large and high-quality 30 cm speaker;
  • frequency range – from 30 to 500 Hz;
  • versatility and functionality;
  • compactness;
  • good protection with special grilles.


  • sensitive to low temperatures;
  • flimsy plastic protection.

3. Pioneer GXT-3604B

Pioneer makes some great subs, and the GXT-3604B is no exception. A large 12-inch woofer, excellent maximum power of 1300 W with a nominal power of 300 W, low frequencies from 20 Hz - what could be better for a lover of cool bass? The device demonstrates excellent sound purity and clarity, which is achieved largely thanks to a sensitivity of 95 dB. And for those who like to listen to music in low frequencies at maximum speed, the manufacturer has included an additional amplifier in the kit.


  • great sound;
  • reliable closed case;
  • range – from 20 to 220 Hz;
  • comes with an amplifier;
  • quality of terminals and connection wires;
  • composite diffuser.


  • not found.

4. Mystery MBP-3000

The review of the best passive models continues with a worthy subwoofer from the Chinese company Mystery. Very loud sound is achieved due not only to 800 W of power, but also to the Band-Pass type housing, made according to the so-called “trapezoid”, allowing it to cover most of the trunk area, which allows the sound to be distributed evenly. The device also ranks among the best budget passive subwoofers because at a price of 6000-7000 rubles, increased sensitivity of 103 dB is an unaffordable luxury.


  • range – from 25 to 140 Hz;
  • double-wound strontium speaker;
  • gold plated contacts;
  • stylish original design;
  • great sound.


  • actual power is slightly lower than declared;
  • quite large dimensions.

5. JBL GT5-12

The review ends with the most inexpensive passive car subwoofer that can only be found on the car electronics market. The device fits quite well in the trunk even with a 12-inch speaker, which is very practical. In terms of maximum frequency, the system is slightly below Pioneer, but 1100 W is a very good indicator. The rated power is also good - 275 W, so there will definitely be no problems with volume and gain. Despite the price tag of 4000-5000 rubles, this high-quality Free Air subwoofer (without housing) also boasts a sensitivity of 93 dB, allowing you to experience a great music experience.


  • excellent speaker and sound from it;
  • excellent range from 23 to 450 Hz;
  • versatility;
  • Decent build quality.


  • No criticisms found.

Which subwoofer is better to buy for a car?

Finding a decent speaker model for your car is difficult at first glance. To quickly find the device of your dreams, when choosing the best subwoofer for a car, you need to pay special attention to a number of criteria necessary for selection, your own needs and capabilities. If you don't have a big budget, buy passive options, but in the best cases, we would recommend purchasing devices with amplifiers as they allow you to increase the dynamic range and thereby improve sound quality.

Before we tell you about the largest subwoofer in the world, I would like to tell you a little about the speaker system as a whole. It is difficult to imagine the current generation without music - and we do not need an even, calm flow of melody, we need a powerful, rich bass - only it can satisfy the needs of the most demanding music lover.

So what is a subwoofer? This is a low-frequency speaker whose sound diverges many meters from the sound source. It is difficult to imagine a decent speaker system without a subwoofer. By adding loud and clear bass, it not only improves the sound quality of musical compositions, but also makes the melody more voluminous and realistic. Moreover, without a subwoofer, any film, even the most special-effects-rich one, will be bland and boring.

By the way, did you know that the eardrum can withstand a sound of 140 dB maximum? In any case, this is exactly the value that experts call, let's take their word for it and get acquainted with an installation that is fraught with a certain danger to human health - the largest subwoofer in the world.

The American company MTX, an undisputed authority in the field of acoustic developments, has taken the liberty of declaring that they have manufactured a subwoofer one and a half meters long. It's certainly not every day you see a speaker system of this size. The power of this unit is such that it can reproduce a sound of one hundred and eighty decibels. This volume will drown out the roar of jet engines. Such technical characteristics allow the largest subwoofer in the world to become a real record holder.


This subwoofer was created for military needs - it is difficult to imagine for what purposes the army needed such a large structure - this speaker system can only fit in a sea container. Is it possible that the military views it as a weapon of mass destruction?

In any case, this unit consists of forty subwoofers and forty thousand-watt amplifiers. Perhaps, with such acoustics, any most ordinary action movie will make an impression not only on you, but also on your neighbors - explosions will really be explosions, and shootouts will be shootouts, powerful and terrifying.

Royal Device

This time we are surprised by the sound quality of Italian designers. They built a dedicated audio room for their largest subwoofer. The entire construction was brought to reality thanks to the idea of ​​​​an audio designer named Roberto. For his unique acoustic system, the man prioritized the quality of the speakers.

To bring their idea to life, the Italians built a special room, in which the entire underground space was reserved for the largest subwoofer in the world - one meter high, almost seven meters wide, and almost nine meters long. It consists of 9.5-meter waveguides, each of which is equipped with eight speakers operating in the low-frequency range - each with a diameter of forty-seven centimeters. There are also two pairs of tube amplifiers, each operating with a power of 50 watts per channel.