Runet what is it? The meaning of the word, the history of development. Meaning of the word Runet

Runet this (run?et, also Russian Internet) is part World Wide Web in Russian. It is widespread in various respects on all continents of the world, including Antarctica, but is most concentrated in the CIS countries and, most of all, in Russia.

Domains with the highest share of Russian language use are: national .ru(InterNIC), .рф, .ua, .su, .by, .kz, .org In Russian, you can register addresses (IDN) of domains, for example, partly - and entirely - v.rf. Nowadays, not all well-known Russian-language sites are located in the domains of the former CIS countries, and in the CIS countries in general. For example, the social network “VKontakte” uses the most popular domain, and the Russian encyclopedia Wikipedia -

The Russian-language Internet market is quite large. Thus, operating only in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the largest Russian search company Yandex, only with the help Russian speaking users took 4th place among all world search engines.

In the largest Russian-speaking country, Russia, the increase in global Internet penetration is already clearly slowing down, but in other CIS countries the level of Internet use shows potential for growth (the Runet Prize has recently been awarded). There are many talented developers in RuNet, as in Silicon Valley.

Runet or resources in Russian, according to official sources, as of January 2011, 80% of web projects in the Ukrainian segment were in global network. According to the analysis carried out on January 13, 2011, among the best 500 sites included in the Bigmir)net portal “Top 25” rating, Russian-language sites accounted for 82%, and bilingual sites - 16%.

Most international websites around the world have Russian versions. In many CIS countries, where Russian is not considered the state language, many government agencies They also have variations in Russian.

According to Yandex research data, Russian is the main language for more than 90% of sites in general (from its Yandex terminology), and in Yandex search data for the winter of 2010 there were close to 15 million sites in Runet (this is about 7% of the entire Internet - Russian Net).

Runet what is it

Runet (the word formation “ru” is the code of Russia, a domain name or the Russian language + the postfix “net” is a network) is a certain part of the Internet. The term does not have a clear interpretation.

According to different definitions, Runet is:

  • Russian-oriented and Russian-language sites (existing in all Internet domains);
  • servers located in the domains ru, rf, su, uz, ua, am, az, ge, kz, md, kg, ukr, by;
  • Russian component of the global network (this definition is used by Russian government agencies);
  • Internet resources in (only in 2004, when the Runet Prize was formed, it was ratified that “Runet is 10 years old”).

Resources in Russian can be located in all domains, and the corresponding servers can be physically located in any country in the world (for example: Russian Wikipedia servers are physically located in Holland and the domain is registered at .org). As a rule, Runet includes not only WWW sites, but also Russian language lists mailing lists, and FTP servers, IRC conferences, local networks of any scale. They can be used by Russian-speaking citizens of any country. Technically, Runet can be determined by the Russian special Cyrillic encoding (charset=windows-1251).

Russian-speaking users of the popular computer network FidoNet.

Other segments of the Internet

Based on a similar principle, they began to name other parts of the Internet that are countries of the former USSR.

  • Kazakh Internet - “Kaznet”;
  • Belarusian - “Baynet”;
  • Ukrainian - “UAnet”;
  • Tatar - “Tatnet”;
  • Uzbek - “Uznet”.


The total number of “Russian” Internet users (Russian Internet) is 70,800,000, which is about 3% of the total number of users in the world, and accordingly - 9th place. General Statistics:

By content share Russian language in 3rd place with 6%.

According to statistics from the monitoring Internet World Stats, in 2010 the “Internetization Index” was 4.1%, which is 6.1 million people.

- (abbreviated from English Russian Net, lit. Russian network), the Russian-language part of the Internet (see INTERNET), initially part of the Internet belonging to the national domain (see DOMAIN (on the Internet)) Founded on April 7, 1994 after... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Runet- Russian part of the Internet. In English: Runet See also: Internet Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

Runet- Russian part of the Internet. Topics information Technology in general EN Runet... Technical Translator's Guide

Runet- noun, number of synonyms: 2 Internet (5) Internet (13) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Runet - Russian Internet English: .ru + net English, Russian Federation... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Runet- Rune, eh... Russian spelling dictionary

Runet (term)- It is necessary to transfer the contents of this article to the article “Internet in Russian”. You can help the project by combining articles. If it is necessary to discuss the feasibility of merging, replace this template with the template ((to merging)) ... Wikipedia

Runet (disambiguation)- Runet: Runet (term) article on the use of this non-strictly defined term The Internet in Russian is often called Runet The Internet in Russia is often called Runet Internet limited only by ... Wikipedia

Internet in Russian- (Russian-language Internet, Russian Internet, also RuNet) part of the Internet in Russian. Distributed to all continents, including Antarctica, but most concentrated in the CIS and, especially, in Russia. Domains with a high share... ... Wikipedia

Runet Prize- Runet Prize. This statuette is awarded to the winners... Wikipedia


  • Runet: Created Idols, Julia Idlis. This is a book about the Russian blogosphere, written as a friendly documentary novel. Its heroes are the most famous, bright and successful bloggers of the Runet: Anton Nosik, Rustem Adagamov, Artemy Lebedev,... Buy for 229 rubles eBook
  • Runet. Created idols, Julia Idlis. 586 pp. Runet. Created Idols is a book about the Russian blogosphere, written as a friendly documentary novel. Its heroes are the most famous, bright and successful bloggers on the Runet: Anton Nosik,…

Runet (term)

Runet(from “ru” - code of Russia, Russian language or domain name + “net” - network) - part of the Internet. This slang term has no unambiguous interpretation.

The term was coined in the spring of 1997 by Israeli resident Raffi Aslanbekov, author of one of the first regular Russian-language online columns, “Thoughts of the Great Uncle.”

According to the Russian Spelling Dictionary, the word “Runet” is declined.

According to different definitions, Runet is:

  • according to the Internet-Russian Phrasebook (2001) - Russian Internet (in all Internet domains);
  • according to the dictionary “Natural Sciences” - the Russian part of the Internet;
  • Internet in the .ru domain (in 2004, when the Runet Prize was created, it was stated that “Runet is 10 years old”). Thus, according to this position of the state, the word Runet means the Russian Internet, which arose in 1994 (with the appearance of a separate Russian domain .ru).
  • servers in the domains rf, su, ru, am, az, by, ge, kg, kz, md, ua, ukr, uz (Runet’s own definition from Yandex);
  • Artemy Lebedev's dictionary in an entry from 2002 and the Finam Financial Dictionary define Runet as the “Russian Internet” (.ru + net) and the “Russian part of the Internet”.
  • The 2009 Encyclopedic Dictionary states that Runet is the “Russian-language part of the Internet”, and originally “the part of the Internet belonging to the national domain” and it was founded on April 7, 1994.

In fact, Runet is often called a certain part of the Internet that unites Russian-speaking users by their own language, common habits, a familiar set of services and a similar mentality, and this may not only be the countries of the former USSR.

Runet (disambiguation)


  • Runet is a slang term that does not have an unambiguous interpretation.
  • Runet is part of the Internet in Russian.
  • The Internet in Russia is part of the Internet on the territory of Russia.
  • Resources on the Internet within the .ru domain only, created in 1994.
  • ruNet Holdings Limited is a company specializing in venture investments, founded by Leonid Boguslavsky, which invested in and Yandex in 2000, and also popularized the word “Runet”.


Runet (Russian-language Internet, Russian Internet) - part of Internet sites with main content in Russian. Distributed to all continents, including Antarctica, but most concentrated in the CIS and, especially, in Russia and Ukraine. As of May 2016, according to research conducted by W3Techs, 6.4% of all Internet sites in the world use Russian. Russian became the second most popular language on the Internet after English (53.6%).

Domains with a high share of Russian language use: .su, .ru, .рф, .rus, .deti, .ua, .by, .kz, .com, .org. Domain addresses (IDN) can be registered in Russian, for example, partially in .su and .com and completely in .рф. Not all popular Russian-language sites are located in the domains of CIS countries. For example, the social network VKontakte uses the domain, and Russian Wikipedia uses

The Russian-speaking market is quite large. Thus, working only in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus, the largest Russian Internet company Yandex, only thanks to Russian-speaking users, took 4th place among all search engines in the world. In the largest Russian-speaking country, Russia, Internet penetration growth is already slowing, but in other CIS countries, Internet usage levels have the potential to grow.

According to official data as of October 2003, 82% of websites in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet were Russian-language. A control count carried out on January 29, 2007 showed that among the first 500 sites included in the rating of the “Top 25” section of the bigmir)net portal, Russian-language sites accounted for 81.4%, and bilingual sites - 14%.

A significant part of international sites have Russian-language versions. In the CIS countries, where Russian is not the state language, the websites of a number of government agencies still have versions in Russian.

According to Yandex research, Russian is the main language for 91% of Runet sites, and according to Yandex search data, in the fall of 2009 there were about 15 million sites in Runet (about 6.5% of the entire Internet).

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Runet is the Russian segment of the worldwide Internet.

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The usual word is a tracing paper from the English spelling Runet. It consists of two parts:

  • “ru” – denotes belonging to Russian content, this ending is usually assigned to a domain in our country.
  • “net” – finding content on the Internet.

In the article we will tell in simple words about RuNet, we will explain what it is and what are the features of this area of ​​the World Wide Web.

It is a mistake to assume that only the geographical factor and location of the site owner can serve as a guide. In fact, a user can create a website from anywhere in the world with the domain and fill it with Russian-language content.

Features of Runet

The following features can be distinguished in the functioning of the RuNet:

  • Cyrillic layout for the main text block. English inclusions (terms, names, links) are not important.
  • The article is aimed at the Russian-speaking user. But the technology for instant text translation makes the data available to the rest of the network.

Most sites are located in the domain zones .ru, .su, .рф. Some entrepreneurs who want to expand their scope register with the ending .org, .com, .tv. Also used country codes some countries, if the owner is targeting a segment of Russian citizens.

Thus, Runet is the Russian-language part of the Internet. Statistics show more than 3 million websites in Cyrillic.

It is much more extensive than simply filling web pages with informational and commercial content. It includes email newsletters, File Transfer Protocol servers for file transfer, and local networks.


These are multifunctional developments that provide access to the news block, e-mail, file sharing, everything information content, and also offer search engine capabilities. Most popular on this moment Yandex and Mail are considered.

They are characterized by high attendance, competitiveness and, as a result, loyalty. The user receives various benefits in the form of free data volume, expansion of the limit on cloud storage etc.

Due to the frequency of visits and registrations, an impressive database is formed on the pages of the site. At the same time, it can be divided into two areas - contact information and grouping by interests and frequency requests.

Search engine sites

Some systems are not part of multifunctional portals; they are located on separately created domains, for example, The main goal of such systems is the automated selection of search results, as well as the elimination of errors if necessary, and the collection of information on the number of specific requests.

The more advanced and complete the database, the wider the search coverage. The program begins to select current topics, alternatives for those keywords, which appear in the line.

Online communication, social networks

The peculiarity of such servers is the concentration of information about users. Moreover, it is not always reliable. Users create fake accounts, fill their personal pages with fake data, and use spam mailings.

All platforms can be divided into:

  • Video signal transmitters, for example, Skype, which has a Russian-language interface.
  • Chat rooms, which can be separate or linked to an information website.
  • Blogs, forums, any pages that support commenting.
  • Messengers created for quick messaging - WhatsApp, ICQ.
  • Websites of cellular operators.
  • Specialized programs for conducting video conferences and webnars.
  • Social media. They contain an impressive arsenal of capabilities and are used not only as a way of communication, but also as a file sharing service and data storage.
  • Sites for offline data stand apart: pages for posting advertisements, information about yourself for the purpose of getting to know each other, etc.

What is Runet on the Internet: distinctive features

The Russian-speaking segment is characterized by:

  1. Creation of neologisms and tracings from foreign words.
  2. Optimistic posts, an abundance of joyful emoticons, brackets and diminutives.
  3. Dominance of spelling and punctuation errors.
  4. In justifying our fellow citizens, it is worth noting the difficulty of our grammar.
  5. Queries on philosophical topics occupy a leading position in search engine statistics. Neighboring them are search results like “*term* – what is this?”
  6. The superiority of men in terms of the amount of use of information sites. Girls are less likely to enter words in the Latin alphabet into the search bar, preferring transliteration.
  7. The target audience of Runet is younger than the average user in the West.

The Internet is actively developing as a platform for sales, while information and blog content are more popular in the Runet environment.

The Russian-language segment was formed three years later than the global network - in 1994, the first domains with the ending .ru appeared. With this delay, all processes occur, starting with the introduction of new technologies, and ending with a change in the guidelines and needs of ordinary people.

But the active development and replenishment of the Runet with new addresses is inevitable; every year the percentage of links doubles, providing the population with publicly available data.

Runet... There is so much talk around it... And few people really know what it is. But in fact, everything is very simple. The very word “Runet” already speaks about this: “ru” is Russian, “net” or “net” is a network, which is mainly now understood as the Internet. That is, simply put, this is the Russian Internet.

In reality, of course, the Internet has no boundaries., neither Russians, nor Chinese, nor anyone else. In fact, if I make a website and place it on a server, then it absolutely does not matter to me where this server is located - in Moscow, St. Petersburg or in California. But, if my site is written in Russian and is aimed at Russian-speaking visitors, then it will become part of the Runet.

So, Runet is the Russian-speaking part of the Internet, which has no geographical boundaries, but is aimed at Russian-speaking users. All sites in Russian are part of the Runet. Moreover, they may not even have a “.ru” domain, not at all... I can register any domain for my website, even “.com”, even “.net”, and it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the site is in Russian. Then search engines anyone who enters it in the search bar will also go through it the right words in Russian, will go to my website. But those who are looking for information in other languages ​​will never visit it, because there is simply nothing there in their language. This is the very invisible border that divides the Runet from the “bourgeois net”.

In fact, of course, anyone can access a site written in any language. If you enter the text in the search bar English language, or in address bar If you write an English word at random with “.com” or “.net” or any other domain at the end except “.ru”, you will most likely end up on an English-language site that is not part of the Runet. Likewise, anyone can get to your Russian-language site, but they only need to read it in an incomprehensible language?

Therefore, no matter where the servers, sites, and other Internet resources are located, if they use the Russian language, then they are part of the Runet. You can go for a thoroughly “bourgeois” Google service, use their Blogspot system for creating blogs, and create own blog in Russian. This blog will also be part of Runet, although it will be located on Google server, and have the address You can even imagine that you “conquered” part of the territory from “them” and planted a Russian flag there, like at the North Pole. Although, of course, they have blogs and websites on the server on the most different languages- from Chinese to Swahili, but although they are stored in adjacent folders on the same computer, they do not belong to Runet. Maybe to some “Chinanet”...

In addition to websites, Runet also includes any mailing list services, local networks and other network services, but only if they use Russian as the main language. Parts of the Internet of some other countries that were previously part of the Soviet Union are also classified as Runet. For example, the Kazakh “Kaznet”, the Ukrainian “UAnet”, the Uzbek “Uznet” and others. Although more and more sites appear in their national languages, they are still few. In these countries, the Russian language is very widespread, so it is more profitable to use it - the audience of users is larger, so their Russian-language resources also automatically fall into the Runet area.

As we see, Runet– this is just everything on the Internet that uses Russian and is written in it. Even a video in Russian is part of the Runet, no matter where it actually is.