Rubber design html. CSS layouts: fixed, fluid, elastic

From the author: Hello dear readers of my blog! Surely many of you have already heard the legends about dragons, Santa Claus and an incomprehensible beast called rubber web design, which is able to change its shape. John Tolkien's manuscripts will tell you about the first character, parents about the second, but I take over the information about the third. As strange as it may sound, however, in this article I will try to chew rubber web design and talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

When developing a site, a webmaster, first of all, should start from the goals of the project. If it is important for the customer that the web page can adapt to any monitor screen, then rubber (adaptive) design will come to the rescue.

This format got its name due to the fact that its width is set not in pixels, but as a percentage. With it, the page will open on the entire screen of the monitor, regardless of the resolution.

For your career as a web designer to develop rapidly, it is imperative to study this direction. Many customers with an already assembled loyal customer base are especially demanding at this point, because they want to provide their users with maximum convenience.

The birth of rubber web design

As an interesting observation, one can note the fact that in our country specialists began to perceive "rubber" web design from a positive point of view earlier than in the West. The fact is that there, at the birth of the web direction, a large number of narrow-minded printers came to this area.

Foreign experts simply did not realize the possibility of creating non-fixed graphic developments. But the concepts of “web” and “design” came to us almost equally, as a result of which such visual flexibility of the image was perceived by developers as ordinary creative freedom.

Are fluid and responsive web design the same thing?

Often people confuse these two concepts, however, they are not purebred synonyms for each other. Responsive web design involves working with different site layouts in order to create the maximum usability on all kinds of devices, taking into account all kinds of screen resolutions.

It "reasonably" adjusts the overall picture to fit the screen, depending on the size of the display on the device. Well, the rubber design is, in fact, one of the elements responsive web design. He, in turn, only makes changes to the proportions of the web page.

Thus, we can conclude that responsive web design is a combination of rubber and other progressive improvements. Although, due to congenial definitions, confusion can sometimes arise. It is especially unpleasant when disagreements in this regard occur with the customer, so be careful and always clarify what the customer meant when talking about the rubber site design.

Benefits of Resin Web Design

With css fluid design, you have the ability to design a web page that fills everything free space browser regardless of screen size. If there are any changes to the settings related to the permission, the entire site structure will again adjust to the updated conditions. Miracles and magic, right?

This feature guarantees that the web page will completely occupy the browser window, regardless of whether the picture is displayed on a small HTC or on a 20-inch widescreen monitor. This can be attributed to the main advantage of the rubber design.

Those users who have small monitors do not experience problems with horizontal scrollbars, but owners of large widescreens are sometimes disturbed. Consequently, in this regard, the latter will be able to fully enjoy the picture, because the entire display area will be effectively used.

If we consider the question of which sites rubber web design is suitable for, then everything here again depends on the goals of the customer. This visual flexibility will look good on sites where placement on a single web page is a priority. maximum number content, and aesthetic norms fade into the background.

It is on this basis that rubber web design is widely used in the creation of news portals, blogs, as well as all kinds of information sites. In these cases, its use is most appropriate.

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Disadvantages of Fluid Web Design

Apart from good points, such web design has some specific disadvantages. One of them is that, in fact, the final result of "auto-adjusting" the page to certain screen resolution conditions is unpredictable. Some graphic elements on the site may suddenly find themselves in a different place, as they were forced out by neighboring colleagues.

Another disadvantage of such "rubber" is the fact that page loading with it can increase 2-3 times compared to the standard duration. This happens due to the pickiness of some browsers to page layouts. this format. They have a hard time rendering variable-width elements, which also increases the risk of visual errors.

Fluid and Responsive Web Design Examples

For clarity, I want to show you a few good examples rubber and adaptive designs from enough successful developers.


To begin with, consider the rubber site of an American blogger who is engaged in web development in parallel. Full version site:

mobile version site:

As you can see, in this case, the picture only adjusts to the size of the device, and general structure site remains unchanged.


Now I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the website, which adapts to specific device and, depending on its size, completely rebuilds its own structure. Full site version:

Mobile version of the site:

That's it. I hope today's material was interesting, and you did not waste your time in vain. If so, please comment and share own opinion. I enjoy both the positive feedback and the expert opinions of the Web Design 2.0 masters. Subscribe to the blog so as not to miss further interesting and useful information.

That's all for me, see you soon!

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What is the best layout (using Cascading Style Sheets, CSS)? Each of them has its own hacks (quirks) and its own unique advantages and cons. Will one of them be more user-friendly than all the others? How easy will it be to use? What problems do each of them have, and how to get around them? Does one of them make it easier than all the others? Are there any flawed, completely unusable ones among them? Most likely, many will unambiguously answer these questions, but I will not be in such a hurry.

I like each of these layouts, and each is applicable in one way or another, if you do it wisely and carefully check for ease of use and the same accessibility for all categories of users. They are all part of the presentational layer for a website, so most accessibility questions stem from the correct use of semantics and general rules layout. Next, I'll describe my take on rigid fixed, adaptable fluid, and expandable elastic layouts.

Fixed Width Layouts

A fixed-width site layout features a main content area (wrapper) whose width is set to a fixed width regardless of the user agent's screen resolution. The most common and reasonable width is 760 pixels - the size at which users of monitors with a resolution of 800; 600 will see the main content of the site almost the entire width of the screen, without resorting to additional horizontal scrolling.

Advantages of this layout

  • The container for the main content of the site is hardwired, it does not need to set a maximum or minimum width (which does not really have cross-browser support at the moment);
  • In some cases, fixed-width layouts are easier to use for certain effects or design considerations (such as positioning a drop-down menu or tooltips for form fields). Some design layouts only sensibly lay out using a fixed-width main container;
  • A layout based on the width of the main field declared above - 760 pixels - which is a typical width for this kind of layouts, is, in my opinion, optimal for maximum text readability (I partially agree with the author of the article, in this case, about 200 more pixels can be taken to side menu, and the site will fit in 1024;768 in width, however, then, rather, the width of the main field will be 1000 pixels).

Its cons

  • The declared “optimal for maximum text readability” width cannot adequately fulfill its role if the text on the site has been significantly increased while the ratio of text line height to its size has not changed (in this case it turns out that the text is "rarefied", and it is very difficult to perceive). However, it should be noted that if there good design this problem occurs only when the text is enlarged very strongly;
  • For users with small monitors (640; 480 pixels, you should also not forget about mobile devices) will create a 760px horizontal scrollbar on the site. Although this is a very infrequent problem;
  • A website that is 760 pixels wide can look quite ugly (too narrow) on monitors with high resolution screen;
  • The small width of the main container can limit a reasonable number of columns when layout, but this can also be a plus, because it forces you to create a site, taking into account such rigid frameworks (i.e. a lot of frills and design tricks cannot be applied, because such are the imposed restrictions ).

Fixed Width Layout Tips:

  • Place the main content of the site pages on the left so that users with 640; 480 monitors do not have to scroll the site horizontally for normal reading;
  • Provide the site with small stylesheets to support portable small (portable) devices. It would be great if you also create style sheets to support projectors and TVs.

Fixed Width Block Example

This block has a fixed width of 500 pixels. It cannot be resized, when the text is increased, it will be re-split into lines within this block.

Rubber layouts

A fluid layout is obtained if the main container does not have a width at all (the default will be 100%) or if the width is set as a percentage. In other words, regardless of borders and padding, a site that has a width of 100% will take up the entire visible part of the screen without creating horizontal bar scroll.

An example of such a layout is It shrinks down to 755px before the horizontal scrollbar appears, but it's not required to view the main content of the pages. In fact, the site looks great up to a width of 560 pixels, beyond which design elements begin to overlap, disappear, or fall off. Most fluid layouts have these limitations and I've seen them behave incorrectly on mobile devices unless styling is disabled at all or a mobile-specific style sheet is applied.
Pros of a Rubber Layout

  • When properly laid out, fluid layout allows for great display versatility, regardless of the width of the user client window. In practice, this is quite rare, but, theoretically, if everything is done correctly, then this is possible;
  • The fluid layout is the same as the browser's default layout, which allows it to be considered "ideologically correct". But can the desire of the developer to make an “ideologically correct” site be considered a plus in terms of ease of use? I think it's possible;
  • The fluid layout of the site allows you to use the available screen resolution to the maximum. Most of the content on the page will be "above the fold" (i.e. visible without additional scrolling of the page). However…

Consider the disadvantages of such a layout

  • Too much readable text on a page and its urge to fill all available space can be detrimental to user experience. Too much text can put pressure on the user and make the site look cluttered or chaotic. There is an expression: “White space sells”, I don’t know the Russian equivalent of this expression, it means that empty space needed to increase the focus on content), and this is true even for websites;
  • If you use the max-width CSS property (which is not supported by Internet Explorer(IE) 6 versions and earlier, in short, generally (poorly) supported) and being just a layout guru, as a result of striving for the “right ideology”, you can get, at best, a site that will be hard to use. Imagine that you need to read a line with a length of more than 1000 pixels, and you realize the problem.

Some tips for using this layout

  • Use the rubber layout strictly for its intended purpose. Do not let your desire to make everything "ideologically correct" prevail over common sense. There must be some enough good reason to use this kind of layout. If you do choose to use it, make sure your site's fluid layout looks good on most screen resolutions. Otherwise leave it, the game is not worth the candle;
  • If you have fixed-width areas when using fluid layout, then you've actually got a hybrid of fluid and fixed layout, and its minimum width will be determined by the width of the fixed boxes or the largest of the objects (images, for example). Be careful. If you want to create a site for free with a rubber layout, it should be so in reality, and not just in words;
  • If you did make a hybrid of fluid and fixed layout (as shown in my css guide, make sure it looks good at 800;600 resolution.

And, actually, an example:

It's rubber block a width of 74% of the width of the outer (fixed) container. It cannot be resized because its outer container is rigidly sized. When the text is enlarged, it will re-break into lines within this block.

Elastic Layout

When using elastic layout, the main container and other (important) elements are sized in ems. Ems are directly proportional to the size of the text or font. Therefore, as the size of the text on the page increases, the sizes of sections given in ems will increase proportionally.

An example of elastic layout can be seen in my CSS Zen Garden view (a limited hybrid of elastic and fluid layouts). As far as I know, this is the only Zen Garden CSS view that is as elastic and as accessible as possible with a non-editable (default) page markup. I am very proud of this fact (really, a very good example, but in Opera 9.22, when the width is less than 150 pixels, the blocks “run into” each other, this effect is described above in the minuses of the fluid layout).

Pros of an elastic layout

  • If done right, this is a very stable layout, because everything resizes proportionally. As a result, with any resizing, everything is still good;
  • Elastic layout is quite a complex thing, it's incredibly cool and every time it's a challenge to yourself first of all. My first encounter with him was on the Tommy Olsson website (which, apparently, is good example how to make elastic sites). He struck me, made me smile and think deeply about how little I know (impressed the hell out of me). best example there may be text enlargement on sites with elastic layout: just hold down ctrl and roll the mouse wheel ... I can already hear you saying “Wow”

Disadvantages of elastic layout

  • Despite its attractiveness and elegance, I don't know of a really good use for it, which makes me wonder why it's needed at all?
  • If you don't limit the dimensions of the outer container, then this layout can be a real disaster for the user: it will stretch wider and wider and wider - for no apparent benefit.

Some Tips for Elastic Layout

  • If you're going to layout using an elastic layout, make sure it works on small monitors. Otherwise, why is it needed at all?
  • Limit the size of the elastic box by defining the dimensions of the outer container (using a fluid or fixed width, i.e. creating a hybrid layout). For example, #wrapper ( width:60em; max-width:98%; ). Followers of the "correct ideology" may object that this will no longer be a truly elastic layout, that it is limited or hybridized, but in response I will ask: what's the difference? Yes, the "correct ideology" is wonderful and wonderful, but not when it comes to user convenience (golden words!);
  • Keep in mind that IE 6 and below do not support the max-width property, make sure to set the maximum big text IE doesn't have a horizontal scroll bar at 1024;768 resolution. In any case, you can check out my CSS Zen Garden solution. The next step may be layout for a resolution of 800; 600 with the same condition. As an example, take a look at my hosting site's elastic layout (a limited hybrid of fluid and elastic layouts). I plan to retype it within a year, but even now the example is quite working.

An example of elastic layout.

A couple of days ago, one visitor to this site, Maxim, asked me to show how the site was laid out.

Maxim, the fact is that the entire content of the site (any page) is formed in such a way that it completely expands to the entire width of the browser window, regardless of the screen resolution and the absolute width of the monitor.

Although I myself know little about html-layout (the profile of a programmer, not a layout designer), nevertheless, many years of joint work with layout designers could not but have a positive effect on my knowledge of html/css.

Of course, any ASP.NET proger must at least know the basics of html / css, otherwise nothing worthwhile from pure ASP.NET will turn out.

So, look - the question is in the following aspects:

a) how to arrange the blocks on the site in such a way that there would be one horizontal header on top, three vertical blocks in the center, the extreme ones of a given width and adjacent to the edges of the screen, the middle “rubber” one and placed between the extreme blocks. Under all these blocks, a footer is placed, which, like the header, occupies a horizontal 100% position.

b) how to force all blocks to be in exactly the specified positions without overlapping each other and not moving out when the content inside them changes.

Layout based on tags


left block
central rubber
Here we have 5 div blocks.

I will say that in a tabular layout, such positioning is easy to set. One table table, three rows tr and three columns per td. The top and bottom rows contain one column each with colspan set to 3. The middle row has 3 columns. Table width 100%. So we have a rubber layout with precisely positioned blocks.

Why I do not use tabular layout now I will not explain.

It is much more interesting to see the styles that allow the divs described above to take their place on the screen.

#header ( width: 100%; margin: 0px; text-align: center; background-color:#ff9999; ) #right ( float: right; width: 200px; margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; text-align: right; background-color:#99ff99; height: 400px; ) #middle ( margin: 20px 220px 10px 220px; background-color:#9999ff; height: 400px; text-align: center; ) #footer ( margin: 0; border: solid 1px Dark; background-color: #dbc1c1; font-size: 10px; text-align: center; clear:both; ) #left ( background-color:#fdff5e; margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; width: 200px; float: left; height: 400px; )

I think everything here is clear as daylight. Additional styles are introduced in order to more clearly see the location of each block. But really, the whole situation is resolved by the following:

#header ( width: 100%; ) #right ( float: right; width: 200px; ) #middle ( margin: 20px 220px 10px 220px; ) #footer ( clear:both; ) #left ( width: 200px; float:left ; )

The key property is float. Thanks to him, we tell the block how to position itself relative to the neighboring block. Neighbor is considered the previous and next in the html markup. Exactly in the order in which we listed them on the page.

By the way, Max, try to swap the right and central block in the markup. And you will see that the right block will not fit to the header, but will sink under the central one.

I understand why you couldn’t cope with positioning for so long - you yourself suffered for a long time until you got the divas to lie down as required.

Play with the padding and block width to achieve the desired width and spacing between blocks.

And the following should happen.

Dear reader, make yourself comfortable and I will introduce you to the principles of rubber block layout of the site.

The previously considered fixed model turns into a rubber one by simply replacing the pixel width of the block

for a percentage. Thus, the width of the rendered site will change depending on the size of the browser window.

In the video tutorial I set the block width

at 100% of the browser window width. You can also set a smaller percentage, then the site will occupy only part of the browser window.

Without certain block alignment styles, the site will slide into left side window. And this, in my opinion, is ugly. I want to align the site in the middle. So the question is, "how do you do it?". And here is the answer.

Alignment of blocks in the middle in case of fluid layout on divs

The first thing that comes to mind is to specify at the element body property text-align:center. It would seem that everything, including the text on the page, should align to the center. And then, for the element wrapper change centering to left alignment (text-align:left). But this is the wrong approach (although everything will work in IE). In normal browsers, the property text-align sets the alignment only for the text inside the block to which it is applied given property.

It would be correct to specify equal left and right margins for the element

and their meaning auto. If the left and right margins are equal, then the element is aligned in the middle.

CSS statement for the block wrapper will look like this:

margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;

Or in abbreviated form:

Margin: 0 auto;

It is this principle that should be followed if necessary to align the block to the center of the parent.

Note to the owner: block formed by tag

, stretches to the full width of the parent by default (regardless of the width of the content within that block). Therefore, beginners often have a shock from the fact that centering does not occur. They begin to frantically scratch their heads and try to understand why the correct margin did not give the desired result.

Naturally, you will not achieve any centering, because. the boundaries of the centered block rested on the boundaries of the parent. Container Width

becomes equal to the width of the content only if this container is set to the property float:left .

In the case of a directive float:left ( or float:right) , again, you will not achieve any alignment using the above method. A block with this directive will stick with its left edge (or right) to the parent, and all other normal flow blocks will wrap around it to the right (or left).

Therefore, limit the width of the block with the property width(either a fixed width in pixels or percentages) and, to understand what is happening on the page, circle the block with a border. For example like this:

Border: 1px solid black;

In this case, you will clearly see the boundaries of the layout block. But remember that in normal browsers, the size of the border will be added to the size of the block (the IE browser turns out to be abnormal, in which the size of the border does not affect the width of the block). This can cause the outlined box to jump out of the position it would occupy without the stroke.

Now move on to watching the video.

What will be discussed in this video tutorial:

  1. Using the site, we will form the HTML framework of the layout.
  2. Let's take a closer look at the properties that reset the parameters set in the default browser. These properties are underground nicknamed "eraser". I strongly advise you to use an eraser in all your projects, so as not to rack your brains with the question “why the layout is distorted if everything is set correctly in HTML and CSS”. In our case, the eraser will have a very developed look.
  3. Let's get acquainted with such interesting CSS properties as outline and pseudo-class modifier :focus. outline allows you to set the stroke of the block without changing its size. Pseudo class :focus lets change appearance element when giving it input focus. It's a pity, but all these wonderful features are supported by the IE browser starting from the 8th version.
  4. Let's discuss in detail one of the ways to push the footer to the bottom of the browser window.
  5. Let's deal with the principles of forming the main content of the site: setting the left and right sidebars, setting the main content area of ​​the site.

Video from the RuTube service:

The first part of the video from the YouTube service:

The second part of the video from the YouTube service:

The third part of the video from the YouTube service:

If you want to practice, you can download the layout source code from Deposit Files (*.zip-archive 3.5 KB).

Due to the compression algorithms of the RuTube service, the quality of the picture is seriously affected. If small details are hard to see, you can download the video from Deposit Files in better quality (*zip-archive with *wmv-file. Size 53.9 MB).

I welcome you to the next lesson, which will be devoted today CSS language . And we realize with you three-column rubber layout for site. In the future, you can simply copy this frame and proceed to site creation. The layout will consist of such blocks as: site header, left sidebar, right sidebar, content area and footer. Nothing complicated, just a simple template. Well, it's time to implement it. Let's start by writing the following html structure code:

We have implemented the structure. It's time to apply styles, thanks to which we will implement three column layout.

So we have completed writing the styles, let's take a look at them a little.
As a basis, we took the block in which we place all the other blocks, and set for it the maximum width, center alignment, as well as a width equal to one hundred percent (this is not mandatory, but it will not be superfluous).
A heading was placed in the block responsible for the site header, and the background color was set for the block itself, and the text alignment was centered. After that, we moved on to the most important part, our rubber speakers.
For left sidebar set the background color, fixed height, so that we can visualize how the site will look like in the future. We set the width to twenty percent, and also set the elements to wrap around to the left.
FROM right sidebar similar situation, only we ship given element to the right side of the screen, wrapping elements to the right. After this method, the content is automatically centered on the screen between these two sidebars.
But for the content, we also set the background color, height, left and right padding to 21 percent, and the corresponding width to 58 percent. You may be wondering why 58 percent. Based on a width of one hundred percent, we subtract the padding on the left and right sides, which are equal to 21 percent, for a total of 100 - 21 - 21 = 58. That's where given figure. Everything, rubber blocks are ready, it remains only to implement the footer.
It is implemented according to the principle of the site header, we also create a block, with a title inside, set the background, text color, and also center text alignment.

Looking at the result, we can say that everything is quite simple, and the site will shrink to the limit, and stretch to the maximum width that we set. If you like, you can specify a minimum width that your site will shrink to. This property is specified for a block with container id, because it is the parent for the rest of the blocks. So you and I have considered the possibility of creating a three-column rubber site, on this I will say goodbye to you. All the best to you, success!

Rubber site layout.

Rubber web design. What and where will we stretch?

Features, advantages and disadvantages

One of the most popular types of site layout is rubber layout. Main Feature rubber layout is the ability to adapt to different screen resolutions and browser window sizes.

Of all types of html site layout, three main ones can be conditionally distinguished - fixed, rubber and adaptive.

Features of rubber layout

Unlike the fixed layout, fluid layout provides for resizing the browser window and is designed for different screen resolutions. The fact is that with the modern rapid development of technology and the constant emergence of more and more advanced technology, there is a problem with the layout of sites. Regular fixed layout no longer meets all needs necessary requirements and gradually outlived itself. Now the use of old methods is the exception rather than the rule, and this is quite natural.

Imagine such a simple example - a user was riding in a subway car, returning home from work and came to your site with mobile phone, whose screen resolution is 320x480 pixels, then at home he went with desktop computer and viewed your site on a monitor with a diagonal of 24″ and a resolution of 1920x1200 pixels (and this is far from the limit). The question is how, using a fixed layout, to achieve the same results on a smartphone and on big monitor(If you put aside automatic scaling). That is, in other words, it is necessary that horizontal scrolling does not appear on the phone and at the same time the site does not look like an unfortunate narrow strip in the middle of a white empty screen on the monitor. The answer is no.

And here we come to the rescue Rubber layout that easily gets the job done. On a large monitor, it is not a sin to stretch the site to full screen, or to limit yourself to a certain template width, for example, 75% of the screen width. For this task, there are wonderful CSS properties max-width and min-width, which will allow you to keep the width of the site within certain limits, which is the most correct and aesthetic solution.

Advantages and disadvantages of rubber imposition

The main advantage of fluid layout is its versatility when resizing the browser window and on monitors with different screen resolutions, the difference of which can fluctuate quite a lot. A well-designed site will look great on a large monitor, taking up enough space on its screen, but it’s worth remembering that a person perceives too badly long lines text and calculate the width of the site wisely and within reasonable limits. Well, the fact that a site that is too narrow will look pitiful on a large monitor is no secret to anyone and this should always be avoided.

There are not so many disadvantages of rubber layout, hence its popularity and ubiquity. The main disadvantage is that it is much more difficult to make up a rubber site than a fixed one. In the case of large images or backgrounds, you will need to look for places in the pictures that can be stretched while maintaining the adequacy of the image. Almost all dimensions in the layout will need to be indicated in percentages, which, of course, need to be calculated wisely. What if original image too small, then when scaling to big side it will lose a lot of quality.

On the other hand, if you take too big picture with a margin, it will “weigh too much” and users who access the site from mobile devices with a weak Internet will download too many extra bytes.

When laying out a rubber site, a lot of time is spent on checking the result at various screen resolutions, and moreover, for this you need a monitor with a fairly decent diagonal, otherwise how to check it. But all these shortcomings are nothing compared to the advantages of rubber site layout. HTML layout- a real art, which not every layout designer comprehends. Any type of layout should be used where it is appropriate, and not just anywhere.

HTML layout

Example - rubber

Page 1

Examples of rubbers with a sufficiently high resistance to multiple bending, containing diphenylguanidine, are given in Table. 4.15. At each value of the modulus or degree of cross-linking, the DPG rubbers showed the highest resistance to fatigue.

On the example of rubbers for tire sidewalls, it is shown that the DSC and DTG methods, when the samples are decomposed in a nitrogen atmosphere, give best results in the identification of compositions of NC, SBR, EPDM and halobutyl rubber.

In the case of decomposition in an oxygen medium, the curves are not so informative, but they agree with the curves obtained in a nitrogen medium.

Let us consider these effects on the example of rubbers based on crystallizing rubbers, where they manifest themselves most clearly.

In the work of K. A. Kerimov (1965), using the example of rubber and polyvinyl, it was shown that dynamic stress-strain curves close to straight lines lie above static ones, and in the region of stresses close to zero, residual deformations from dynamic loads can be three times higher than static.

The effect of moisture on chemical reactions during ozone cracking should have manifested itself in the same way on rubbers made from rubbers of a similar chemical structure; meanwhile, this is not observed, as can be seen in the example of rubbers from NK and SKI.

Responsive layout of the site, lesson one. Main page layout

Of great fundamental importance are the results obtained by P. A. Rebinder and V. V. Margaritov on the influence of the nature of the surface of filler grains on its strengthening effect. Using rubber as an example, they showed that fillers are divided into three groups according to the molecular nature of their surfaces.

Rubber has different requirements. Consider, as an example, rubber used in drilling and oilfield equipment.

However, the different nature of the intermolecular forces of interaction between the polymer and solvents can lead to completely different swelling of the polymer at close values ​​of the solubility parameters for these media. This issue has been studied in most detail on the example of rubber.

Impurities and fillers can make up a significant part of the total weight, and often even exceed the weight of the rubber itself. How diverse and complex the impurities added to raw rubber can be, is seen in the example of rubber for automobile tires.

To increase the resistance of polymers to chemically active media, cross-links must be resistant to these media. The most persistent of the currently used are cross-links type C-C, as shown in the example of fluoroelastomer rubber and chloroprene rubber (see Chap.

An important characteristic of the wear process of rubber sliding on a metal surface with high speeds, is critical temperature its destruction during friction. When sliding rubber on a metal surface under conditions high temperatures impact (200 - 400 C), the following main types of its destruction are possible: the occurrence of cracks on the friction surface, the formation of layers of rubber enveloping on both contacting surfaces of the friction pair, and the process of catastrophic wear. Using rubbers based on nitrile-butadiene and ethylene-propylene rubbers as an example, we will analyze the causes that cause the destruction of these materials.

The introduction of fillers increases the effect of rubber softening. The conclusion that the softening effect is greater in the presence of a filler is an apparent one and is connected only with the fact that the comparison of rubbers is carried out at different actual deformations of the rubber phase, is of a particular nature. This conclusion is based on the extensive material collected in the study of NR rubbers. However, a more detailed analysis on the examples of rubbers from other rubbers shows something else.

Pages:      1

On the this moment how to make a website yourself- is not an outrageous fantasy and does not represent something complicated, as it was in the early 2000s.

To create your own miracle on the Internet, you can, of course, use ready-made and free website engines and programs (website designers) with which, without even basic knowledge of html and css, you can make a website from scratch on a professional basis in a matter of time from the point terms of optimization and SEO.

And you can go the other way more correct: to study the software html code and styling elements on css. In this direction, you will be able to make a website of any design and give it a unique look.


I strongly recommend that you spend a little time and start by learning the basics of html and css, because without knowing these things, you will never be able to correct any of the fragments yourself, as you would like, and even more so add something new to your site. within the template.

computer science labs, exam

And there are a lot of tutorials on this topic on the Internet.


To make a website you need to know how to embed on html pages css menu, links, pictures and videos, be able to properly optimize the site and correctly set meta tags. It will be useful to learn where and how to place a website on the Internet and what name to come up with for a new portal, how to make a website with the help of various programs and tools.

Why is it needed adaptive design? I'll start with statistics. You can see TNS data for March 2013 on the slide below.

As you can see, approximately a third of the audience comes from smartphones and tablets. And this is provided that the percentage is only growing every month. As you understand, it is better to keep your nose to the wind!)

How to implement responsive layout on your website?

Since it is clearly not enough to solve the problem using CSS alone (it is necessary to change not only the styles, but also the structure and content of the blocks), we will use jQuery. Often the site consists of several blocks: main and sidebars. If you adapt the site for mobile devices, then this is no more than 2 blocks (left and right).

Below is an example code adaptive layout. It contains the very basics - you can add the rest at your discretion. And don't forget to connect jQuery library! (See How to include the jQuery library?)

JS code (jQuery)

If you have at least basic knowledge of JS or jQuery, then the code should be understandable. In our case, it is assumed that there is a site from the main block (middle) and two side ones: on the left and on the right (sidebars). If the script calculates the width of the window and it is less than 480, then the content of the right block is written to the bottom of the left one. As an addition, I indicated a line with a change in the styles of the left block (since the right block is now removed, the indents will probably change). Well, it's up to you to decide!)

As you can see, everything is quite simple! It goes without saying that it is recommended to use block, not tabular, layout, strict markup, and so on. And changing the site template is not difficult!

Thank you for your attention! And don't forget about those who decide to view your site from a smartphone!)

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How to swap blocks and other elements with jQuery? Next article
Show or hide block on jQuery checkbox selection