Resources blocked by Roskomnadzor. Why can’t the provider check everything once and add the required IP address to the list? Creating dummy DNS records

Since the spring of 2014, the Internet Censorship Law began to be applied in Russia, which gives a number of departments the right to block both individual web pages and entire sites without a court decision. At the moment, access to dozens of information resources is closed on the territory of the Russian Federation. But immediately after the adoption of this law, methods appeared. Many of them were proposed - from simple ones, accessible to any user, to technically complex ones, but providing additional bonuses.

Google Services

You can also view prohibited sites using some Google services. If you go to the Google Translator page, paste the link to into the translation window and press the enter key, the desired page will open. To display the content correctly, it is advisable to select the "Original" viewing method.

You can also use Google cache. To do this, just open the main Google page and copy to search bar the desired link by adding “cache:” to the left without quotes, then press Enter.

A serious disadvantage of this method is the inability to view blocked images, as well as interactive content on sites. If social networks suddenly get blacklisted and the question arises of how to bypass the blocking of VKontakte, for example, then Google services will not help here. They are only suitable for viewing text on static pages.

Opera browser in turbo mode

The easiest way to visit prohibited sites in Russia is to enable turbo mode in the Opera browser. In this case, the traffic will not go directly, but through the Opera servers. This technology was originally created to speed up the loading of web pages and has also proven effective in overcoming censorship. Mobile versions Opera and Chrome browsers also support turbo mode.

The disadvantages of this method include the fact that the turbo mode does not hide the user’s IP address. Compressing images can also degrade their quality.

The Yandex browser also has a turbo mode, but for obvious reasons it is unlikely to be effective as a tool for combating censorship restrictions.


Anonymizers are special websites designed, as you might guess from the name, to anonymous surfing. With their help, you can also bypass site blocking or get to those Internet resources where you have been banned. Some anonymizers also allow you to select the country through which the traffic will go. In this case, the site you are accessing will assume you are a user from that country.

The way anonymizers work is very simple. You just need to go to such a site and enter the address desired page in the field located on the website.

Anonymizers can be dangerous - the owner of such a service has the ability to intercept transmitted by the user data, including logins and passwords for sites. To protect your personal data, it is recommended to use anonymizers that support the secure connection function (SSL).

Browser plugins

Chrome and Firefox allow you to install additional plugins that expand the functionality of the browser. There are plugins to bypass censorship.

One of the most effective and at the same time simple plugins- This Stealthy. When using it, you just need to click on a button to route traffic through the proxy server. When proxy mode is enabled, the plugin icon will be green; when disabled, it will be red.

Plugin friGate somewhat more difficult to use. It routes through a proxy only traffic from those sites that are included in its list. The plugin has a list installed by default, as well as the ability to independently add new sites there. The advantage of this extension is high speed data transmission.

A plugin has already appeared, developed specifically for visiting exactly those resources that Roskomnadzor has included in its “black list”. Blocking of websites by this agency is carried out by sending IP addresses of Internet resources to Russian providers, access to which must be blocked. Plugin NoZapret collects data on blocked addresses from the website, and then, based on it, independently generates a list of sites that will open through a proxy. All other connections will be made directly. This plugin is convenient because it does not require manual configuration and provides fast data loading.

It should be remembered that the use of such plugins does not provide complete anonymity on the Internet, but only allows you to bypass the prohibitions established by the authorities of individual countries. In addition, as in the case of anonymizers, the owner of the proxy server through which the traffic passes can, if desired, intercept users’ personal data.


Tor is distributed network, providing users high level anonymity. It is almost impossible to track the real location of someone who accesses a website via Tor, since the traffic passes encrypted through several nodes.

In order to use this technology, you need to download from the official website and install Tor Browser Bundle . There are browser options for operating systems Windows systems, Mac OS and Linux. Tor browser for Android platforms is called Orbot.

The advantage of using Torbrowser is that it allows you to both bypass site blocking and perform truly anonymous surfing. Tor technology also allows you to create hidden sites that can only be accessed through. You can learn more about such sites by visiting the Hidden Wiki - a directory of hidden services, which itself is only accessible through the Torbrowser.

Have Tor networks and serious shortcomings. Firstly, this low speed data transmission. The fact is that the network nodes are supported by enthusiasts, so throughput nodes can vary greatly. It is natural that traffic passing through several random nodes will often be quite slow.

Another danger lies in the possibility of traffic scanning by the owners of end nodes, information from which is transmitted, unlike intermediate nodes, in unencrypted form. To avoid password theft, you should whenever possible work with sites that support the https protocol.


Virtual private network, or VPN, is a technology that makes it possible to pass all traffic from all applications through a remote server, usually located in another country. In this case, data between the user’s computer and the remote server is transmitted in encrypted form and cannot be intercepted by the provider.

home VPN feature is that absolutely all traffic is sent through the proxy server. If you use several browsers, you do not need to configure each of them separately - site blocking will be bypassed automatically.

There are several types of VPNs. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to dwell in more detail on their features.

PPTP - this protocol has been used for quite a long time. It is supported by all popular platforms and operating systems. Configure the router to transmit traffic through this type VPN is possible without installing additional software. The disadvantage of this protocol is that the encryption is not strong enough. In addition, difficulties may arise with a PPTP connection via a 3G modem.

L2TP is a tunneling-only protocol. Therefore, as a rule, it is used in conjunction with IPSec - such a combination also provides encryption. However, if you are only concerned with the question of how to bypass blocked sites, you do not need to use encryption. This type of VPN also does not require the installation of special software.

OpenVPN is the most common type of virtual private network. Provides strong encryption transmitted information. Overcomes NAT and corporate firewalls when correct setting. To work with OpenVPN, you need to install additional software on your computer.

Most VPN services are paid. Free VPNs either have limits on the amount of traffic they can send and receive, or show ads on the pages you view. Speed ​​y paid services also, of course, much higher.

Open proxies

There are sites on the Internet that regularly publish current lists of open proxies. They are a list of IP addresses and ports. This data must be entered into the network by selecting manual setting proxy. There are also browser plugins that make working with proxy lists easier.

Open proxies can be anonymous or transparent. When using anonymous proxies, the sites the user accesses will not know his real IP address and location. When using transparent, information about where the user accesses the Network from will remain open. But in any case, the blocking of sites by the provider will be successfully overcome.

Using open proxy lists is a rather inconvenient way to bypass censorship. There are several reasons for this.

  • Firstly, page loading speeds through public proxies are usually very slow.
  • Secondly, such proxies are unstable and close quickly.
  • Thirdly, open proxies can be created by hackers to collect passwords and other personal information unsuspecting users.

Public DNS Servers

Another effective method visit freely - use alternative public DNS servers. By default, requests to Internet resources are processed on the provider's DNS server. And if a program is installed there to block blacklisted sites, then instead of the prohibited site, the user will be shown a stub page.

Using public DNS servers allows you to ignore ISP blocking. In order to start using this tool, you only need to change the network settings of your operating system once.

The most popular alternative server today is Google Public DNS. Its primary and secondary addresses for DNS queries are:


Google, in addition to solving the problem of how to bypass site blocking, also promises to speed up Internet surfing and improve user protection from the actions of computer scammers.

I2P network

The decentralized I2P network is designed to reliable protection user anonymity. This technology is also called the “deep Internet”, because within the I2P network there are websites, peer-to-peer networks, instant messengers and other services that are technically impossible to censor. Network invulnerability is ensured by encryption and tunneling of all internal traffic. The client program processes not only the information requested by the user, but also serves as an intermediate node for the transit transmission of traffic from other network participants. As a result, neither the provider nor government regulatory authorities can track the final recipient of the encrypted packets.

Increasing Internet censorship in Russia has already led to some popular sites acquiring mirrors on the I2P network. An example would be free library"Flibusta", which opened sites in I2P and Tor.

Another possibility to visit prohibited sites in Russia using I2P is to use gateways from anonymous network to the regular Internet. A serious drawback of such gateways is the very low loading speed of sites. It is expected that with the increase in the number of I2P users, the data transfer speed will also increase both within the network and when exchanging data with the external Internet.

SSH tunneling

if you have own server, located outside of Russia, the question of how to bypass ISP blocking can be solved using SSH tunneling. in this case it is used as a regular SOCKS proxy.

To use this method, it is not necessary to buy or rent a foreign server for a long time. You can use the Amazon EC2 service, which allows you to use a dedicated server hourly at a price starting from three cents per hour.

Setting up a tunnel to remote server simple. It is enough to enter a command like this through the console:

ssh -D localhost:port username@serveraddress

  • port - open port on your computer;
  • username - your login on the remote server;
  • server_address - host of the remote server.

After that in network settings browser, you need to select the use of a SOCKS proxy and specify desired port and localhost as the address.

other methods

The arsenal of methods for bypassing blocking is so wide that detailed description each of them can take more than a dozen paragraphs. One way or another, they all boil down to transferring traffic through a foreign server, as a result of which the list used by the Russian provider for blocking sites turns out to be useless. Here is a small list of the most interesting ways.

  • JAP is a long-known program for ensuring anonymity on the Internet. Passes traffic through a chain of proxy servers. Has a paid mode that increases surfing speed.

  • Ultrasurf- a project developed in China to bypass government censorship. Requires software installation. Default is set to use Internet browser Explorer.
  • TunnelBear - paid application For mobile devices. Uses VPN technology. It has free version, limited to 500 megabytes of traffic per month. Requires configuration.
  • Onion Pi - portable device, which routes all traffic through the Tor network and distributes Wi-Fi access. Allows you to anonymously access the Internet from a computer on which no anonymous surfing programs are installed. This can be convenient if you have to work from someone else's or company computer.

Future prospects

Obviously, if users begin en masse to bypass state-imposed restrictions on access to Internet resources, the censors will accept additional measures to ensure blocking of prohibited sites. Methods for limiting the online activity of citizens can be either purely technical or police.

The most popular proxy servers and Tor exit points may be blocked. There may be a ban on using a VPN by private individuals. However, it is almost impossible to limit the use of I2P and products similar to the program JAP. SSH tunneling will also remain a reliable way to circumvent restrictions.

Effective censorship on the Internet is only possible if complete shutdown countries from World Wide Web, similar to how it is implemented in North Korea. In all other cases, you can always find ways to get to the information you need.

Browsers with Turbo function

Initially, the Turbo function was created for Opera browsers to speed up page loading when slow connection. Subsequently, it turned out that this technology helps to circumvent some restrictions. After you enter the site address in such a browser, the information from it is not sent to you, but is transferred to intermediary servers, where the data is compressed and from there it gets to your computer. Therefore, the provider believes that this moment you are on the servers of the browser developer, and not reading an article about five-leaf smoking plants or visiting Rutracker. The Turbo function is available in the Opera and Yandex Browser browsers. By the way, you can install Yandex Browser even on your work computer, since you don’t need administrator rights for this. This method allows you to view portals included in the Roskomnadzor register and sites blocked at work (but not always, depending on the blocking methods). Tor technology was developed by none other than the US Navy Research Laboratory in order to leave no traces in enemy logs and securely transmit military secrets over networks. In 2002, it was officially declassified, and independent developers adapted it for ordinary users and made it available for free use. When you launch the Tor Browser, an anonymous network connection based on onion routing. The military still uses Tor to obtain information from open sources. In addition, it has become one of the most popular ways to break through the Great Firewall of China. Chinese dissidents know a lot about anonymity! In addition to the Tor system, it is very popular among the Chinese Hotspot program Shield. When you launch it, an encrypted connection is created, and your computer is assigned a temporary IP address of some civilized country. This allows access to sites closed to Russia, such as or


This is the easiest way to view a blocked site. To do this, just enter his address on the anonymizer website. The method has a number of disadvantages: slow speed, payment for disabling advertising, inability to log in “inside” the opened site (it’s unlikely to be possible to watch a VKontakte video). In fact, the method is only good for visiting simple static pages. But it’s worth remembering: you may need it in the near future to read Lolita or download Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Some popular anonymizer sites: Note to the user : Google Translator can also act as an anonymizer. Paste the URL into it, and along with the translation of the page, you will also have access to its original.

Got a new option - checking for hits Single register prohibited sites.

What is the Unified Register of Prohibited Sites
The register was created in October 2012 by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. It includes all sites blocked for viewing for publishing information prohibited in Russia. Such information today includes:
Video, photo, audio materials, as well as texts characterized as pornography with the participation of minors.
Information about methods of production or places of sale of narcotic substances.
Calls to commit suicide, materials describing methods of committing suicide.
Calls for mass unrest, extremist activity, incitement of ethnic and religious hatred.
Websites are blocked by Roskomnadzor. Restriction of access to Internet resources occurs based on complaints from their visitors. First, experts check the content of the sites on which complaints have been received. If the received signals are confirmed, notifications are sent to the hosting providers on whose servers the sites are located requiring them to remove prohibited materials. If this does not happen within three days, the resource is added to the “black list”. Telecom operators are required to block access to the site from Russian IP addresses.
Checking for inclusion in the register of prohibited sites using the Host-tracker service
After a citizen submits a complaint to Roskomnadzor, any site can be blocked within 6 days after its receipt. Moreover, not only resources that deliberately publish materials on the verge of a foul are exposed to the threat of blocking. A site may be included in the register of prohibited sites by mistake. Once the VKontakte network got into this register. The photographs posted by some users were classified as child pornography. Simultaneously with this complaint, others were also being considered on more than 100 different sites. When blocking the sites, the operator mistakenly checked the box on the VKontakte website. As a result, the network's multimillion-dollar audience was unable to access this resource for some time.
If suddenly you have reason to believe that your site may be included in the list of prohibited sites, you can check this using the Host-tracker service.
In the upper right corner home page service, select RegBL, or at the bottom of it, find the “Features” column and follow the link “ Quick check" Enter the address of your website in the special field and click on “Check”.

If your resource is prohibited for viewing in Russia, the service will give you the following result.

Bye this function Only works in instant check mode. We are considering the possibility of adding to the functionality of the service a regular check to see if a site is included in the register of prohibited sites. Your opinion on the feasibility of creating this function and the demand for the service is very important to us. You can send all your wishes to us, we will be glad to hear.

TOP 7 ways to bypass site bans. Use any of them to gain access to web resources that have been censored or blocked.

Situations when a web page is unavailable due to the fact that you are “in the wrong region” or when access to it is prohibited system administrator your company or Internet provider are quite common.

In 2014, the Russian government instructed Roskomnadzor to create a list of sites that could be dangerous for “state politics.” As a result, about 70,000 websites, almost all torrent trackers, were under the threat of a ban for residents of the Russian Federation, and such popular opposition pages as “Echo of Moscow”, “” and were blocked immediately. A number of websites have also been blocked in Belarus.
There are often cases when company management instructs system administrators to “ban” social networks and blogs so that employees are not distracted from their main responsibilities.
So, how to open a blocked site? Go to or another blocked torrent. We'll bring seven simple ways, how to do it.

This is perhaps the easiest way. But it is designed only for those users who have a web browser installed or (alternative link). Simply activate "Turbo" and inaccessible online resources will become available.
Initially, the mode was intended to speed up page loading when the Internet connection speed drops. But since it relies on sending traffic through browser servers, where it is compressed and optimized, to the provider it also looks like a stream of data from harmless servers. Thus, browser servers act as proxy anonymizers.
However, in the case of Yandex.Browser, such a trick may not always work, since its servers are located in the Russian Federation.

Extensions such as Hola, Zenmate, Stealthy and Frigate are instantly integrated into the browser and provide seamless surfing on any site. They work on the same principle - they automatically change the user’s IP address, thereby distorting information about where he is.
Stealthy and Frigate can be installed for and , Hola, in addition, it supports IE (there is also a version of a separate Hola program - it is useful for those who use, for example, a browser).
Zenmate can integrate into Chrome, Firefox and (to install this add-on, you need to go to the developer page, since it is not available in the extension store).

Another way to open a blocked VKontakte, Facebook, YouTube or any other resource is to use special anonymizer sites. The principle of their operation is based on redirecting traffic to thousands of proxy servers, which allows you to hide the user’s IP.
Among such resources, the most popular are, Zenmate, Nord VPN,, HotspotShield, Speedify VPN. It is enough to insert a link to the page where you are denied access into the appropriate field on the anonymizer site, and the page you so wanted to get to will open in a new tab.

The last method, which will help open any blocked site, will be useful for especially careful users. It is actively used by spies and Reporters Without Borders. The infamous Edward Snowden also used it to search for facts incriminating high-ranking officials.
Tails is Linux distribution, which can be downloaded to a flash drive or SD card. To run it on Windows, you will have to use the program or. Software includes Tor browser, i2p client, as well as special cryptographic tools.
By downloading Tails, you can access any sites, and all information about your stay on the Internet will be deleted as soon as you close the program (which looks like a custom Windows interface), remove the flash drive or memory card from the connector.

It is also possible to bypass the ban from smartphones and tablets. NordVPN (Android), NordVPN (iOS), and e have a Turbo mode, which works on the same principle as in the PC versions of the browsers.

Besides, in Play Market and iTunes, Hola, TunnelBear and Zenmate applications are available, which allow you to choose a location - from Germany or Britain to Hong Kong and the USA. Such services work not only in the browser, they are compatible with all installed programs. For example, with their help you can use clients blocked in Ukraine to social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and applications from Yandex and Mail.Ru.

The browser has a special function " Free VPN", it allows you to access the destination page using a proxy server. A similar operating principle is used in

Hello, dear blog visitors and readers!

Today we will discuss this current topic, How blacklists of sites and methods for bypassing blocking. As you know, in the fall the Government Resolution on amending the the federal law No. 139-FZ "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development", and the so-called “Register of Prohibited Sites” was created. It would seem, what's wrong with this? These are good intentions, there is no point in posting drug addiction, suicide and porn with minors online. But not everything is so simple with this “register” and the law.

  • Firstly, I am an adult, and the very fact that I am told what to do, how to do it, what to read and what to be interested in irritates me.
  • Secondly, because of this innovation and the imperfection of the blocking methods themselves, completely harmless sites.

According to resource statistics RosKomSvoboda, as of mid-April 2013, the picture with blocking looks something like this:

This is due to the fact that if regulatory authorities decide that a particular site contains prohibited information, then this resource is easily blocked by IP address. And they don’t think that in addition to the “harmful” site, there may also be other sites on the same IP address. dozens and hundreds of other sites!

With this article, I in no way encourage you to visit sites promoting drugs, sites promoting suicide and other “forbidden” sites. But those mistakenly included in this register are easy!

To begin with, let's briefly look at how the Internet generally works from the perspective of a user accessing a particular site (server).

Websites, in addition to the main domain name (for example, a website), also have a specific IP address. which can be either individual, dedicated, or general. You can get to the site not only by entering the domain name in address bar browser, but also by entering the IP address. But this is completely inconvenient. Just imagine if, instead of, we constantly had to dial Extremely inconvenient.

So that we do not need to remember the IP addresses of all known sites, there is DNS, which distributes addresses on the Internet.

DNS – Domain Name System, i.e. domain name system.

So, when we type, for example, into the address bar of the browser, our computer first connects to the provider’s DNS server to find out where exactly the resource we need is located. And after that, the browser already receives the IP address of the site, connects to it directly, and in the browser window we see our favorite search engine. Schematically, this can be depicted something like this:

So, here are the “black lists of sites,” that is, the Register of Prohibited Sites consists of two types of entries:

  1. Blocking a website domain name
  2. Blocking a site by IP address

And to bypass domain blocking, it is enough to use public DNS, for example:

  • Google Public DNS: /
  • OpenDNS: /
  • Comodo Secure DNS: /

How to register DNS in Windows OS

In order to register public DNS, you need to go to the settings of the Network and Sharing Center shared access". To do this, just left-click (LMB) on your connection icon (number 1 in the figure), and then select “Network and Sharing Center” (number 2):

You can also access this “Control Center...” through the “Control Panel”. Next, we need to select the connection through which we access the Internet and click LMB on it:

After which the connection status dialog box will appear, where you need to click on the “Properties” button.

Next we will see the properties window for our connection, where we need to select " Internet Protocol 4 (TCP/IPv4)"We click on it twice with LMB and see a new window with the properties of this protocol. This is our final goal. We check the box "Use the following DNS server addresses" and manually register the preferred and alternative DNS servers (in the figure there is an example of using DNS servers Google, you can use any public DNS)

Well, that’s all, basically. Don't forget to click "OK" when closing the properties windows.

Thus, if some resource is included in blacklist of sites by domain name , then by changing your provider’s DNS servers to public ones, you will certainly be able to access this resource, despite its blocking. In general, I recommend using public DNS servers not only to bypass blacklisted sites, but also in everyday work. From now on you already know how to register DNS.

Now let's consider the second option for blocking resources - by IP address.

How to bypass the registry of prohibited sites blocked by IP

There are quite a few ways to bypass such blocking, and they consist in the fact that if we are not allowed to directly connect to some server (site), then we will do this using an intermediate server from which access to this site is allowed. This becomes possible because these intermediate servers are located, as a rule, outside the direct jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, i.e. outside the country, and our laws cannot influence the routing and access to any resources through these servers. Schematically it might look something like this:

So we’ll talk about these intermediate servers. The easiest (but not recommended) way to bypass blacklists of sites is to use online anonymizers.

Anonymizers (Web proxies)

To get to a blocked site using an online anonymizer (sometimes also called - anonymizer, which is not entirely correct), first of all you need to go to this anonymizer site. There are a sufficient number of them on the Internet, but I do not recommend using little-known services, and even more so if, when you access such a site, the antivirus starts to “swear.” The most famous anonymizers are perhaps:

Just go to any of them, and in the field for entering the site address, enter the required one. For example, on the website I entered the address into the line to see if my IP address and country would change.

And here is the required result:

Thus, any resource placed in blacklist of sites, we can easily visit and read. But don’t forget that anonymizers are not tools real anonymization, and if you plan to use them for something so bad, then under no circumstances should you do this.

It is also worth noting that many online anonymizers also provide additional paid services, such as elite proxies, VPNs, etc.

A small lyrical digression. Most often, I use the site to determine the IP address. They position themselves as a service for checking anonymity. Those. checking exactly what information your PC is leaking onto the network. In particular, in addition to standard leak checks from JS, Java, Flash, you can also check whether your browser has closed the possibility of data leakage through a “hole” in the WebRTC protocol (I'm sure it's not closed...) . So, this “feature” of WebRTC is too insidious to forget about. And there are very, very few services for checking browsers for this “vulnerability” on the entire Internet. So enjoy it for your health.

Browser extensions

Some online anonymizers have special extensions for browsers. For example, the HideMyAss service has add-ons for Chrome and Firefox.

Let's look at the functions of this extension using Chrome as an example. Follow the link given above (or search for it yourself in Chrome Web Store, just enter Hide My Ass into the search) and install this add-on. After installation, the configuration page will open. In principle, you don’t have to change anything there, everything will work as is. At the bottom we look for the “Save settings” button and press it, thereby saving the settings. Now a button like this appears in your browser:

If you click on it on any open page, then the same page will open through the proxy server. And if you click on an empty tab, you will see this field:

We enter the desired address, and it also opens through a proxy. Everything is very simple and can be done in one click. Extension for Mozilla Firefox acts in a similar way. If you are not satisfied with the Hide My Ass service, you can search the Chrome Web Store for other similar extensions. Or just follow the link: Web Proxy for Chrome.

Added later: IN Lately ZenMate extensions have become very popular (for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, as well as mobile app for Android and iOS) and friGate (for Chrome and Mozilla). Highly recommend.

Built-in browser functions (Turbo Mode)

The simplest option for visiting any resource placed on blacklists of sites is Opera browser. More precisely, its function is Opera Turbo .

Initially, this function was designed to save user traffic, because... All visited pages are first downloaded to Opera servers, the pages are compressed and only then transferred to the browser for display. And this function turned out to be very useful after the introduction of these very black lists, because... it acts as a proxy server.

Opera Turbo is very easy to use. We launch the browser, and in the lower left corner we look for this icon, as shown in the figure:

Click on this button (you don’t have to configure anything), and turn on Turbo mode. The button will turn blue and the browser will notify you that the mode is enabled. Let's now see what "tells" us about our location and IP address.

In this mode, it sometimes happens that, for example, CSS is not loaded at all, but “bare” html is loaded. Loading speed can be very slow, and if a site takes too long to load, try turning off Turbo mode and turning it on again. Thus, the server will change, and the download may speed up. This method, like anonymizers, does not provide you with any anonymity, and your real IP is visible behind the proxy server.

Turbo mode is also available in the browser from Yandex. But in order to bypass blacklists of sites, it is not very suitable, because... Russian IP addresses, servers and routes are used. But, in fairness, it is worth noting that most blocked sites still open in Yandex Turbo mode.

Added:"Turbo mode" is also available in Google Chrome for mobile OS.

All of these are the simplest ways to bypass the blacklist of sites that are intended only for such purposes, because... They provide absolutely no security or anonymity. Next, we will briefly look at more drastic, secure and anonymous methods. But within the framework of this article only superficially, because The topic is very extensive, and separate articles and manuals will be devoted to it.

Proxy servers

Proxy server– this is a complex certain programs, allowing remote clients to make various requests to other network services. Actually, all kinds of online anonymizers are also a kind of proxy, only with a web interface (i.e., a website where we can log in and use the services). We need to register proxies ourselves in the network settings. If you do everything manually, then you can go in different ways.

Browsers that use system network settings – Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer.

It is enough to configure one of these browsers to work through a proxy, and all Internet connections in the browsers will be proxied (unless separately configured otherwise). You can register a proxy like this (using Chrome as an example): Settings - Show additional settings– Network – Change proxy settings... The standard Windows browser properties will open. On the "Connections" tab, click on "Network Settings". The settings window will open local network. Enter the proxy server IP address and port.

Don't forget to click on the "OK" button after these manipulations.

A proxy can also be registered through the control panel: Start – Control Panel – Internet Options – “Connections” tab. And we will see the same window that we saw when we set up a proxy through Chrome.

Browsers like Mozilla Firefox and allow you to work through a proxy without using system network settings. That is, if you register a proxy server in Mozilla, then in all other browsers the usual one will be used direct connection, and in Mozilla - a proxy. It's quite convenient. After all, as a rule, we do not need to constantly work through proxies.

In the picture, I indicated with arrows and numbers the procedure for proxying Mozilla Firefox. In Opere the principle is the same.

Free proxies have significant disadvantages:

  • generally low speed
  • They usually don’t “live” long, and you have to change them often

Oh, by the way, before I forgot to say: when using public proxies, anonymizers, etc. – do not use Internet banking, etc. You never know what kind of software is installed on a server unknown to us, and who owns this server.

How to choose the proxy server we need?

Since our goal today is “”, we are not interested in Russian proxies, we choose foreign ones. We look at the “Speed” parameter – the lower it is, the better. We will not look at the anonymity column in today's context. After all, we want to get to an illegally blocked site, on which there is no illegal information, and, therefore, we also have nothing special to hide. In general, in the screenshot (proxy list from the website) I have highlighted the most suitable proxies:

That's all about proxies for now. I repeat, this topic is very extensive, and I will return to it later. Let me just say that there are also browser extensions for quickly changing proxies; proxy checker programs that check proxy lists for legal capacity; programs that are capable of building entire chains of proxies (for example, JAP), etc. In general, proxies (especially elite ones and chains) are mainly used for various illegal actions on the network, by cybercriminals and all sorts of politically objectionable people (such as oppositionists who want to remain anonymous ).

VPN (Virtual Private Network) - Virtual private network

In fact VPN (Virtual Privat Network, i.e. virtual private network) very useful technology. It is used both at the corporate level (various organizations to create their own secure tunnel) and ordinary respectable users.

For example, I highly recommend using a VPN connection if you are in a public Wi-Fi networks, since such networks are very often “sniffed”, i.e. Various hackers and cybercriminals, using special software, scan all traffic on such networks to identify various credentials: passwords, logins, Internet banking data, etc. Therefore, a VPN tunnel in open networks is simply necessary, because... all traffic that passes through it is encrypted and becomes completely inaccessible.

VPN has a number of advantages compared to previous methods of bypassing blacklists of sites:

  • very decent connection speed;
  • fully encrypted traffic;
  • very high anonymity if you use a service that does not store any logs, and even if it does, then what do we care? We are not criminals, no one will be interested in us.

One of the disadvantages is that VPN is 99% payable service. But prices don’t always bite. They vary depending on the tariff plan and configuration. And we don’t need “sophisticated” configurations, so if you decide to use the services of a VPN service, choose the cheapest one first tariff plan. We will also return to the topic of VPN more than once on the pages of this site.

Tor (The Onion Router) - very high level of anonymity

Using Tor, you can also bypass any blocking. Moreover, the level of anonymity is quite decent, there is encryption, and if no one is interested in you ( law enforcement agencies, special services), then you don’t have to worry about your anonymity at all. It is quite difficult to track a particular user using the Tor network. I recently published the news "", it says that they caught one hacker who was caught for quite a long time. And such cases, although rare, are still not isolated.

Briefly and figuratively, the Tor network is a huge network of computers around the world on which a special software package is installed that allows all users of this network to use each other as an “intermediate server” (this function can be disabled in the settings so that your the computer was not used for these purposes). Moreover, the chains of connections are selected randomly.

The main disadvantage for using Tor for legal purposes, is a very slow speed (note: at the moment, after a year since this article was written, the speed on the Tor network is already quite high). But this drawback, as a rule, is ignored by those who use it for illegal acts, because low speed pales in comparison to all the capabilities of this network. For greater anonymity and security, Tor is sometimes used over a VPN. Or vice versa.

You can download Tor on the official website. Now there is such a package as Tor Browser Bundle, having downloaded and installed it, you can immediately start working.

Many other projects are based on Tor, for example, OperaTor, Tails OS, Liberte, Whonix, etc.

I2P (Invisible Internet Project) - maximum degree of anonymity

I2P is almost impenetrable anonymity. Overall the implementation is similar to Tor, but with some "improvements". In general, everything there is simply “focused” primarily on encryption. Everything possible is encrypted, every packet, and more than once. The network also has very complex routing of these encrypted packets, which can change every N minutes. It is probably unrealistic to de-anonymize someone on this network.

I2P is, of course, more for hackers, cyber and other criminals than for the average person.

Added: In connection with the recent strict control over the Runet, more and more sites began to have their own “mirrors” on the i2p network. And more and more ordinary people became interested in this technology.

Virtual machines

By virtual machines There will also be more than one article on my blog, because... I believe (and I’m not alone) that they are very useful to use for all those who, in one way or another, are connected with computers and the Internet. For now, I’ll just mention one specially compiled distribution of the GNU/Linux family (Debian), tailored for security and anonymity - this is Whonix.

The distribution consists of two images for the virtual machine:

  • Whonix-Gateway, which acts as a gateway through which all network connections go;
  • Whonix-Workstation– actually, the distribution kit itself

The advantage of this build is that a special gateway is used, and any traffic goes only through him, and the traffic itself is directed to Tor. And since not all applications in Windows, for example, can be run through Tor, and traffic can sometimes leak through a regular connection, this threatens anonymity. Whonix has this excluded.

This is, for example, how my “virtual machines” now look with running Whonix

That's all for now, friends. I hope the article was interesting and useful. In the future, I will analyze in more detail what is described here, since I believe that all those who are not indifferent to the fate of the Internet should know this. After all, I am sure that soon in Russia, under the pretext of fighting extremism, drug addiction and pornography, any resources that are objectionable to someone will be blocked (note: This is already happening, unfortunately) . The mechanism has started...

And we should never forget that such giants as Google, Facebook, Yandex, etc., monitor every click of every network user every second. And it is unknown how this all may turn out in the future. So, don’t neglect anonymization tools, but don’t abuse them either. Because if you constantly use an encrypted channel (VPN, Tor, etc.), this may arouse suspicion from your provider.

Now it’s your turn, brothers;) Tell me, have you ever had a need to use such services? What exactly did you use? It's very interesting to hear about this. And don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates if you are interested in this topic. You can also offer some ideas about what kind of articles you would like to see on the blog pages. After all, the blog is created for you - for readers and visitors.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!