Receiver tricolor gs 8306 firmware. Why is new firmware needed?

On the website of the equipment manufacturer for Tricolor appeared new software for the GS 8306 receiver - this is firmware version 1.9.160.

This firmware was intended to replace software version 1.2.001, released several years ago. It must be said that firmware version 1.2.001 for the GS 8306 is exactly the software with which the GS 8306 receiver began to work more or less normally and stably - it did not freeze, the picture practically did not freeze, the channels switched quite quickly. With firmware 1.2.001, the GS 8306 receiver had only one problem left uncured - the external 12v, 2A power supply could fail, but the problem was solved by purchasing another unit at a price of 500-700 rubles. And even the above problem is not very common with the GS 8306 model.

And now, after several years of successful operation of the receiver with proven and proven firmware, for some reason it was necessary to release new software - version 1.9.160.

Well, they released a new firmware and released it. Usually, after updating the software, Tricolor receivers begin to work more stably. There was an expectation that even after updating the firmware to 1.9.160 everything would be fine.

The website of the manufacturer of the GS 8306 model states the following: characteristics new firmware (see screenshot below):

Changes compared to the previous software version:

  1. Modern GUI Stingray Software
  2. Improved receiver stability
  3. Added functionality manual search channels
  4. Improved operation of the Tricolor TV Cinemas application

Description of the characteristics of the new version of software for the GS 8306 receiver - version 1.9.160 Picture - screenshot of the page at -

I would like to convert Special attention to point No. 2 of the description of the new firmware - the stability of the receiver has been increased!!!

In practice we encountered the following problems when flashing and after flashing the GS 8306 receiver to version 1.9.160
  1. The receiver is sewn over the air and if you confirm the completion of the firmware, it may not be successful - the firmware process freezes and the receiver remains in an unflashed state. Wherein old firmware already erased. That. the receiver turns into a brick. Further restoration is only possible by unsoldering the flash memory chip, flashing it in the programmer and soldering it back into the receiver. This is a relatively expensive procedure.
  2. Another problem with flashing is the long duration of its execution. People are starting to get confused about whether the firmware has already been completed or whether the procedure is still ongoing. Confused and unable to stand it, many of them, out of impatience, disconnect the receiver from the power supply and if the firmware has not yet been completed, then the receiver again turns into a brick.

Those subscribers who were lucky and whose receiver, after several hours, was successfully updated to 1.9.160 will have to face other problems in the operation of the receiver, which previously worked stably.

  1. The message “no signal” appears periodically when viewing channels. After such a message, you can switch to another channel, watch it for a while, return to the channel on which the “no signal” message appeared and continue watching the selected channel again for a while. But only until the next time the “no signal” message appears.
  2. From the description of the new firmware it is clear that it has received a “modern graphical interface for the Stingray software.” So, the needs of this very Stingray, according to our subjective feelings, exceed the capabilities of the processor and memory of the GS 8306 receiver. This leads to the fact that channels now switch much longer than before - not the old firmware 1.2.001.
  3. When switching channels, especially when switching channels of different thematic packages, some receivers simply reboot.
  4. Pink tint to the image after turning on the receiver. Some users actually encountered the problem that after the firmware all their channels are shown in pink color. Although, maybe it’s good to look at the picture in pink in our 21st century. The problem is eliminated by overloading the receiver's power supply.
  5. The picture may freeze terribly on some channels. On our test receiver, the “Match HD” channel, number 103 in the channel list, especially freezes.
  6. If after the firmware the receiver has not turned into a brick and continues to function at the very least, then sew it through USB port back to stable firmware 1.2.001 will not work - it is blocked
  7. Periodically, the receiver reboots on its own even without any action, such as changing the channel
  8. The audio and video tracks are periodically out of sync
  9. From time to time the receiver simply freezes, especially when it experiences some kind of load, for example, when switching channels.

These are, perhaps, the main points that owners of the GS 8306 receiver on the new firmware 1.9.160 will encounter. And in our, again, subjective opinion, most of the listed problems are related to the fact that the hardware power of the GS 8306 receiver is not enough to satisfy all the needs of the new Stingray software.

In light of all the identified operating problems with the new firmware 1.9.160, one can only guess what increase in the stability of the receiver the software developer is talking about.

Now let’s talk about how to continue using the receiver on firmware 1.9.160

This is what we personally did with our own GS 8306 receiver to improve its stability. This is the method that was recommended by colleagues who encountered and dealt with the problems of firmware 1.9.160 before us - to increase the stability of the receiver with the received signal, it is necessary to set the frequency (lower and upper) of the local oscillator to 1 MHz higher than the standard value - 10751 MHz versus the standard 10750 MHz

After the local oscillator frequency was set to 10751 MHz, the receiver stopped displaying the “no signal” message when viewing channels and began to work more stably when viewing and switching channels. It is already difficult to do anything more.

What else do you need to know when operating the GS 8306 on firmware 1.9.160

The new firmware has changed the operating mode of the receiver. Now the receiver automatically determines which video output the cable connecting to the TV is connected to. Depending on which video output the firmware detects the connection cable to that video output, it will send a video signal. In the case when 2 cables (HDMI and 3RCA) are connected to the receiver at once, confusion may arise and the receiver will not understand which video output to send the video signal to. Therefore, at one time we connect only one video cable to the receiver.

Another point is the light indication on the receiver. Previously, the top lit indicator meant activity HDMI output set-top boxes, then on firmware 1.9.160 the glow of only the top indicator means that the receiver is in standby mode and to start watching it must first be turned on. And after turning on, the receiver will automatically send a video signal to the detected video output.

Download firmware 1.9.160 for GS 8306

If you really need it, then the “wonderful” firmware for the GS 8306 receiver can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of this receiver at

P.S. — After lengthy problems with mastering the new firmware for the 8306 receiver, a number of questions arose:

  1. Why was it necessary to write new software for the receiver if the old one worked stably and with virtually no complaints?
  2. when will new software appear that will fix all the problems and bugs in version 1.9.160

Somehow it turns out that after last update Firmware for the GS 8306 receiver up to version 1.9.160, the previously normally working receiver becomes somehow uncontrollable. If, of course, it happens at all. After all, many receivers cannot withstand the process of flashing to version 1.9.160 and stop turning on. The same receivers that still completed the firmware procedure are buggy on the new firmware in different ways. They may freeze when watching, freeze when switching channels, display a “no signal” message, or display out-of-sync audio and video streams. And in general, do a number of other things dear to the heart. And having received such a receiver after flashing, you can decide that it is simply broken. But common sense dictates that it just worked perfectly on the old firmware, which means that the problem is not in the hardware component of the GS 8306 receiver.

What can happen to the GS 8306 receiver after updating to firmware ver. 1.9.160

1. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 does not turn on after update

In such a situation, it can be assumed that the firmware was not completed completely. This means that the old firmware has already been erased, and the new one has not been loaded into the receiver’s memory. In this situation, the receiver turns, as they say in slang, “into a brick.” Similar problem solved either by replacement motherboard receiver (which is quite expensive and difficult to find a replacement board), or by separately flashing the receiver's flash memory chip with new normal firmware. To perform separate firmware, you need to unsolder the flash memory chip of the GS 8306 receiver, then use the programmer to “fill” the flash with the new necessary firmware and finally solder the flash chip to the receiver board again. In the presence of necessary equipment and experience in handling it, the entire procedure takes 50-60 minutes.

2. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 does not show via hdmi

In the new firmware 1.9.160, the active video output control mode has been updated. If previously the active video output on the receiver was selected using the “in” key. sing" on the remote control, pressing which alternately activated either the 3RCA (tulip) or the HDMI video output, but now the receiver has learned to independently determine which video output to make active. But in order for the mechanism automatic detection active video output worked correctly, it is recommended to connect the 8306 receiver to the TV at a time with only one cord. If both 3RCA and HDMI cords, then the receiver may not understand which video output to activate.

Another important aspect is changing the operating mode of the LED indication on the front panel of the receiver. Now the uniform glow of the top LED means that the receiver is in standby mode and to start viewing it still needs to be turned on using the remote control (on firmware up to 1.9.160, the glow of the top LED meant that the receiver is turned on and working via the 3RCA output)

3. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 produces a pink picture

There are videos on YouTube that show how wonderful the picture from the gs 8306 looks in pink. This bug is associated with the update to 1.9.160. The problem is temporarily resolved by resetting the receiver to factory settings and searching for channels again. But then it appears again. The problem can be completely eliminated by updating the receiver to a different software version.

4. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 constantly freezes after flashing the firmware

The reason for this is presumably the same firmware. Which presumably has greater load per processor than the previous version. Eliminating such a problem again leads to the need to replace the firmware.

5. The Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 after updating it often loses the signal and writes no signal.

Also, the problem under consideration can be expressed in the fact that when searching for channels, a random number of channels is found; if you’re lucky, the receiver can find 86 channels, after a minute 140, and after another minute 57. Possible Solution in such a situation - a change in the local oscillator frequency by 1 Mg up to a value of 10751 MHz (both the upper and lower frequencies of the local oscillator). We performed this frequency increase on several receivers, after which the receiver began to operate more stably and stopped losing signal.

What to do if the GS 8306 does not work, but you don’t have the slightest desire to repair it or replace it with a new one?

In the event that only 20 basic federal channels, it will be possible to switch to receiving digital terrestrial television. Digital terrestrial television reception is available in large quantities settlements Russian Federation. As of December 1, 2016, digital terrestrial television broadcast in open mode and it can be viewed without subscription fee. But it is important to understand that satellite antenna not suitable for digital reception air signal, which means for confident reception signal will have to be set to normal terrestrial antenna(internal or external), as well as purchase a digital DVB-T2 receiver (this is the case if there is not one built into the TV itself)

GS 8306 - how to return previous version Software after updating to 1 9 160

Rolling back the software of the 8306 receiver from version 1.9.160 to the previous version is possible only with the help of a programmer - the flash memory chip containing the firmware is unsoldered, placed in the programmer, flashed with the selected firmware and soldered back to the receiver board. Roll back to previous versions using USB storage and the firmware will not be released on it - the new software does not allow updating to previous versions.

These are the thoughts that have accumulated regarding firmware 1.9.160 for the GS 8306 receiver as of December 1, 2016, from the date of its release - September 27, 2016.

What are the prospects for the GS 8306 receiver? To the landfill? For replacement?

In the event that the developer releases a new corrected firmware for the GS 8306 receiver, the prospects for this receiver are no worse than the prospects for other HD-class receivers for tricolor TV. Our service center specialists have already reported the need to release new firmware for the GS 8306 to the technical support of the tricolor TV operator by phone. 8-800-500-0123. Other tricolor TV users can do this too. If new software for the receiver does not appear, its operation may cause some difficulties.

We update GS 8306 from USB to the new version 1.9.160, beginning

GS 8306 has waited its turn and we are updating it via USB. For this we have a new software version 1.9.160. Let's see what difficulties there may be during pouring. Because unfortunately updates on the operator's receivers Lately don't go very smoothly.

GS 8306 version p.o. 1.9.160

GS 8306 update process

2. The receiver begins the update process. The entire button is lit, but there is no image on the screen! It is impossible to check the update process on the screen; both receiver outputs do not work!

GS 8306 version p.o. 1.9.160, upper diode.

3. One diode of the receiver lights up constantly, the second blinks occasionally. This is all normal, the main thing is not to turn off the receiver from the network! If you turn off the power now, the receiver will fly far and long!

GS 8306 version p.o. 1.9.160, the update process is complete.

4. After the receiver has loaded everything, both diodes will go off! We wait at least 10 seconds. If you turn it off earlier, the receiver will be damaged! Of course, it’s scary, but that’s how everything is done here….

GS8306 p.o. 1.9.160 inclusion.

5. After everything has been updated, turn off the receiver from the network. We remove the flash drive from the USB. We turn on the receiver and configure all programs.

GS8306 version p.o. 1.9.160 status check.

That's all, we have updated our receiver, now we can watch television programs. The main thing to remember is that during the update our receiver may break and this is not a joke. The majority of users will not be able to repair the receiver themselves.

If you still have doubts about how to update, watch the video. In this video, the entire update takes place in real time.

Let's add another video about this firmware.

Each company always strives to improve the quality of the equipment and content provided through technical updates. This is no exception for receivers (set-top boxes), so they can also be updated for better performance.

How to update

The current firmware version for the Tricolor GS 8306 receiver is 1.9.160, which was released in the last quarter of last year and continues to be valid in 2017. With each new update, the operation of the GS 8306 Tricolor moves to a new, higher level.

For firmware you need:

  • Never turn off the set-top box while updating the software;
  • the update takes about twenty minutes in two stages, during which it will automatically update itself;
  • follow step by step instructions to avoid technical errors that could lead to damage to the receiver and forced re-flashing.

Step-by-step update procedure (all steps must be followed carefully):

  1. Search for channels in manual mode, through the item in the Tricolor TV menu.
  2. After this, be sure to turn off the receiver cable from the power supply and turn it back on after a few minutes.
  3. Turn on the information channel on the TV under No. 333.
  4. On the screen you should see information alert that a new version is available and an offer to update.
  5. Using the remote control remote control select the “Yes” option, after which a new window will open with the firmware process and service messages about it.
  6. At the end of the first stage, the receiver will reboot itself, after which the second part of the update will begin.
  7. After the second part, you will see a window signaling that the update has been completed and the need to set the data (operating language, time), and also search for channels again.
  8. As a result, you can personally go to the setup wizard to make sure that the equipment has been updated and is ready for full operation again.

Equipment upgrades brought new opportunities in the field satellite television. Firstly, there is a new and modern graphical interface for the Stingray software. Secondly, the stability of the receiver has improved significantly. TO automatic search channels also joined manual option. A pleasant moment touched upon and special application"Tricolor TV Cinemas", which has also been updated and improved.

For those interested, the option is also available to update the Tricolor TV set-top box GS 8306 using USB flash drive. To do this, you need to move the files necessary for the process, connect it to the receiver and perform the update. In addition, its completion will be indicated by two LEDs that will go out for a while.

Possible problems after the firmware

At first, after the update, there was a stage when many people complained about technical errors their receivers, which they noticed precisely after updating the firmware to the most new version. The company itself did not recommend updating until they themselves corrected the released update.

However, there were those who managed to do this, and they were divided into two parts:

  • those for whom everything worked properly;
  • and those who, due to the transition to a new version of the software update, received a large number of problems with your equipment.

There were several solutions for this. For example, contact service center behind qualified help to change the firmware version. This was considered the most the best option, because the client does not need to change anything himself, and the company does not need to replace old equipment with new equipment due to its own mistake. The second version was not so good, because customers had to wait for the update version to be corrected and reflash the receiver themselves according to the scheme. And most difficult option there was one in which people themselves could roll back the update version at home. However, it was practically not recommended, because for this the user must have special equipment (a blowtorch and a programmer) and a material and technical knowledge base of how to flash, so as not to make critical mistakes during the procedure.

The signal from the Tricolor TV operator is transmitted to the TV screen through receivers. These receivers are designed to decode satellite signals. Their correct work depends not only on the serviceability of the equipment, but also on the software, which must be updated periodically.

And since the most popular receiver is the GS 8306 for Tricolor TV, it is worth considering in more detail, as well as the process of updating the software on it.


The Tricolor GS 8306 receiver began selling back in 2012, but even years later it remains one of the most frequently purchased devices. It provides high quality broadcasts, makes it possible to connect different models TVs, and also supports all operator options and packages, including packages, and others.

Regarding the advantages, users highlight the following:

  1. Easy to repair;
  2. Low power consumption.

There were also some drawbacks:

  1. It may be difficult to identify TVs connected to the receiver, resulting in manual setup;
  2. No digital screen;
  3. You cannot connect to other operators.

Software Update

As with other gadgets, the GS 8306 firmware needs to be updated periodically. This is required to achieve the following goals:

  1. Elimination of possible problems with past collateral.
  2. Achieving maximum efficiency of equipment operation.
  3. Adding new codes and functions to the system.
  4. Inspection of old software for errors, etc.
  5. Improved user experience.

If you do not update the GS 8306 Tricolor TV receiver, this may lead to interference in the broadcast, and they will begin to occur more often. Therefore, updating the GS 8306 firmware is mandatory if the system indicates that new software is available for the receiver.

Execution of work

You can install new software in one of 2 ways.

  1. By connecting to a satellite;
  2. Using a distribution package previously downloaded to a flash card.


On the one hand, this option is simpler for the average Tricolor TV client. On the other hand, difficulties arise noticeably more often during the update process.

IN in this case Updating the GS 8306 Tricolor TV firmware should be done according to the instructions.

  1. Implement new search channels and save them;
  2. Remove the plug from the socket and plug it in again, thus turning off the receiver and then turning it on again.
  3. Turn on channel 333;
  4. Wait a little while the receiver checks for a software update - the software version will also be noted in the pop-up message;
  5. Click on the “Yes” icon;
  6. Wait for the download to complete;
  7. Wait for stage II update to complete;
  8. Wait until the receiver reboots;
  9. When the receiver reboots, the Setup Wizard will appear on the TV screen - you need to select the region, language, operator and set the time;
  10. Find the channels again.

On this self-updating GS 8306 Tricolor TV firmware from satellite is completed and the new software will be reflected in the “Status” tab.

Note! During the software update process, it is prohibited to turn off or restart the receiver. Otherwise, the update may be incomplete and you will not be able to view channels.

Distribution from flash card

To update the receiver, you will first need to know latest version Software, and then activate the search for update availability.

It is on it that there is official software for the receiver, and therefore it is necessary to download it from here.

The software must be downloaded to a flash card in the root directory. The flash drive must be formatted in FAT32.

Note! It is not acceptable to change file names.

After turning on the receiver, you need to look at the LEDs around the power button that light up. Both LEDs should start flashing, after which one of them will go out, while the top one will remain on. In the future, the upper one will light up, while the lower one will blink. This means that the update process is happening right now.

Note! You need to keep an eye on the indicators, since nothing will be displayed on the TV screen.

The duration of the GS 8306 Tricolor TV software update is about 5 minutes. You need to wait until both LEDs go out. When this happens, it is recommended to wait 10-20 seconds. and only then remove the flash card.

All that remains is to unplug the receiver from the socket, and then, after 15 seconds, plug it back in.

Afterwards, the installed software will be displayed in the menu.

IMPORTANT! The GS 8306 Tricolor TV receiver will not be able to return the previous software if a new one is installed.

As you can see, updating the firmware of the GS 8306 Tricolor TV receiver is not difficult. You just need to follow the instructions.