Receiver repair after a thunderstorm. Damage to the cable or cable connections

ayf 28-06-2014 21:09

Colleagues who have a tricolor or another plate. Has anyone thought about installing lightning protection on the cable? If they did, what did they put in?

kaka 28-06-2014 22:20

So it seems like this is not specified in the instructions, but at least at NTV+. Read the instructions and call the support again.

APavel 29-06-2014 03:25

A certified office installed it for me and didn’t say anything about this. There is not a word about this in the manual. The house is probably equipped, but I’m not on the top floor, so I don’t even think

ayf 29-06-2014 12:06

TENCH 03-07-2014 13:48

quote: Originally posted by ayf:

Tricolor replied that there was no need.

Most likely, at the input of the device there are (back-to-back) powerful diodes that will protect against interference... That is. There are literate guys sitting in Tricolor...

kaka 03-07-2014 18:35

Yes, during a thunderstorm, my signal generally disappears, and therefore, during a thunderstorm, everything is turned off.

Phantom1977 03-07-2014 18:49

Doesn't work during a thunderstorm...

APavel 03-07-2014 22:59

At this frequency (2.4 GHz, if memory serves), water vapor allows the wave to pass through, but the smallest debris that lives there does not. Therefore, clouds over the city of Moscow most likely will not transmit the signal, but somewhere in the region they will. And don’t forget where the satellite for the middle zone hangs; for example, the sun may be shining above the house, and the receiver will show “no signal” when there are heavy clouds over Novogireevo

kaka 04-07-2014 22:31

quote: Originally posted by Comrade Beria:

Does ionization in the atmosphere have anything to do with it?

That's it!

shooter001 07-07-2014 23:40

But at my dacha, even in snowfall, the tricolor doesn’t work...

spiritcraft 08-07-2014 10:44

Ku-band, low atmospheric noise immunity.

Maxim V 11-07-2014 13:11

A month ago, a friend of mine - it was as if lightning had struck the dish - the receiver burned out - the TV too - the dish and cable were not damaged. The TV was repaired - the receiver was thrown away.

ayf 11-07-2014 15:56

quote: Originally posted by Maxim V:
A month ago, a friend of mine - it was as if lightning had struck the dish - the receiver burned out - the TV too - the dish and cable were not damaged. The TV was repaired - the receiver was thrown away.

I saw the consequences of a lightning strike in RRS. Despite the fact that lightning protection was done according to all the rules. We had to change a lot of equipment. Pieces of microcircuits in the LAZ were swept away with a broom...

Duga 12-07-2014 12:20

Good afternoon. They installed NTV+ with a 90cm plate, which in fact is an ellipse 107 * 97cm. Advice from the Internet about directing it in our area to the sun at 13.40 turned out to be crap both vertically and horizontally (I think the installers are throwing in some misinformation to confuse them). The reception is good, by the way, neighbors on the left and right with 50-centimeter tricolor dishes are complaining in the rain.

Comrade Beria 12-07-2014 15:30

They installed NTV+ with a 90cm plate, which in fact is an ellipse 107 * 97cm. Advice from the Internet about pointing it in our area towards the sun at 1:40 p.m. turned out to be crap both vertically and horizontally (I think the installers are throwing in some misinformation to confuse it).

For NTV+, a diameter of 60 cm or an ellipse of 60x55 is sufficient.
The direction is almost to the south, about 180 degrees. Which roughly corresponded to the previous clock time at 13:25-13:40. But thanks to the runt Medved, the time is now off, the astronomical and political do not coincide by a couple of hours.
quote: Originally posted by Duga:

I heard that tricolor and NTV are broadcasting from the same satellite. So it turns out that they can be received (without turning the antenna) at the same time? I’m reading - it seems possible, but one has left polarization and the other has right polarization. So here’s a converter with circular polarization, perhaps?

It's fundamental there different systems signal encoding. Despite the fact that normal converters can perceive different signals, encodings for NTV+ and Tricolor have the viaccess and drecrypt specifications, respectively. Receivers released for one system do not understand the signal from another by default.

Duga 12-07-2014 16:14

Thank you Comrade Beria.

Comrade Beria 12-07-2014 17:13

quote: Originally posted by Duga:

I have two more free outputs on the converter. Is it possible to extend a cable from one of them, buy a tricolor receiver and a card, will it show tricolor?

You need to look at the specification of the converter. If the outputs are not parallel, but independent, then a separate output connected to the receiver with drecrypt can probably work with Tricolor. The main thing is that the converter has outputs independent from each other and is able to understand different signal polarizations. And the receivers will decipher it.
But if it will connect to one TV, then it’s probably easier (and perhaps cheaper) to buy an additional CI (common interface) module for the receiver. Let's say my tricolor module has such a connector - and if you insert a Viaccess decryption card, you can watch NTV+ (NTV+ channels, oddly enough, are still being picked up by me - only because of encoding they are not played back).

The work of the largest satellite television operator is based on modern equipment and software. A complex process does not provide insurance against malfunctions and errors, the most common of which is the absence of a signal. If Tricolor does not work, today we will look at the most common causes of the malfunction and how to fix them. You can fix the problem yourself; to do this, you will need to carry out preliminary diagnostics and follow the instructions provided.

Unstable transmission of prepaid service packages is associated with many external and internal factors, each of which requires individual consideration. The following reasons can be tentatively identified:

  • engineering works. The operator can update software or components, which prevents you from using the operator’s services for some time. Subscribers are notified in advance of such work by publishing the relevant news on the official website or organizing an email newsletter;
  • incorrect connection. The most common reason for the above message to appear on your TV screen. The problem may lie in an incorrect connection or in the satellite position settings;
  • bad weather. The principle of satellite television is to exchange signals between satellite dish and a companion. Heavy rain, snowfall and other natural phenomena may adversely affect the provision of services;
  • problems in software settings and firmware update. Here you may need both a reset to factory settings and full reinstallation systems.

Each of the above reasons can be identified during diagnosis. You should additionally consider the full algorithm of actions for a specific error, which will speed up the troubleshooting process.

What happened to Tricolor now?

The official website of the largest satellite television operator in Russia not only contains tariff information, but also notifies its customers about upcoming technical events. It is recommended to periodically visit the news section to stay informed latest events. Subscribe to the newsletter by e-mail will help you find out what is happening with Tricolor TV today. You can activate it in your user account. To do this you need:

  1. Go to home page control panel, where you will be asked to register and further authorize;
  2. Fill out the required form, indicating personal data and login parameters;
  3. In the settings section, specify own address email and activate the newsletter system.

If problems with Tricolor TV are not related to the planned work, you should independently carry out preliminary diagnostics and correct the problem that has arisen.

Tricolor TV does not work - what to do

Initial diagnostics are based on identifying the location of the malfunction. Turn on the technical channel, if the image is not broadcast, the reason is hidden in:

  • improper installation and configuration of equipment;
  • failure of technical components;
  • bad weather conditions;
  • software problem.

If the technical channel is displayed correctly, you will need to restart the receiver and initiate a reconnection with the satellite. The problem of “why Tricolor is not working today” is easily solved. To do this, just completely disconnect the equipment from the network for a few minutes. If after this action nothing happens, reset the settings to the factory level, since problems with the receiver are often associated with incorrect functioning of the software.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning the possibility of equipment incompatibility with some service packages. So, an outdated receiver will not be able to broadcast HD channels. Please check technical specifications in advance.

Factory reset and software update

Resetting the settings can be done independently using a regular remote control. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Menu or Settings. The names and locations of functions may vary depending on the specific model of technical device used;
  2. When you go to Options, you may be asked to enter your system PIN. The default is "0000";
  3. Select “Reset settings”, confirm the changes;
  4. Wait for the action to complete, after which the equipment will reboot;
  5. Proceed with reconfiguration.

You will be asked to indicate basic parameters and search for channels. This can be done manually or automatically, for the client’s consideration.

Diagnostics of correct settings and operation

Considering why Tricolor TV does not work: it says no signal today 2019, you need to go to technical equipment if resetting the software to the factory level did not bring the desired result. The "No connection to server" problem may be due to incorrect connection wiring. Check the compliance of all ports and connectors according to basic instructions operator.

Wrong installed antenna also often acts as a reason for the lack of signal. Satellite antenna– an important element that acts for transmitting and receiving data packets from the server. Position adjustments are made according to your location. detailed information, a table of the inclination level and recommended location is published in the corresponding section of the official website. If you have problems troubleshooting the problem yourself, contact qualified professionals for help.

If the above methods do not help, there is a high probability of device failure. If you didn't violate warranty obligations, the receiver will be replaced by free terms. To do this, it will be enough to visit the nearest service office and leave a corresponding written application.

There are external and internal reasons no signal Tricolor TV. The user can independently identify and eliminate them.

The message “No signal” when using Tricolor equipment appears due to several reasons. They come in two types:

External and internal problems are solved in various ways.

External reasons

To the group external problems relate:

  1. Weather;
  2. Preventative work;
  3. The appearance of obstacles along the path satellite signal to the plate.

You can determine them yourself. And the solution depends on the situation.

Internal problems

Internal causes are different from external topics, which are associated with the Tricolor equipment itself. This group includes:

  1. The video signal source on the TV is incorrectly selected;
  2. Damage or detachment of the cable;
  3. Settings functions failure;
  4. Problems with the receiver;
  5. Converter failure;
  6. Antenna malfunction.

Internal problems are often solved without the help of specialists.

How to independently determine the reason for the lack of signal

If a notification appears on the TV that there is no signal, you should check that the video source is selected correctly using the TV remote control. Many remote control models have an “Input” or “Source” button. After clicking on the corresponding button, select the input where the antenna connector is connected.

If no changes are made, the user must ensure that power is supplied to the receiver. There are situations when the “on” indicator is on, but the device does not function. You need to unplug the power plug and wait a minute and turn it on again. It is also necessary to check the serviceability of the cable connected to the receiver.

Bad weather conditions cause the signal to be absent or weakened. They can also cause the antenna to malfunction when it moves from its original position due to wind, snow or rain. Re-adjusting and firmly securing the plate will result in the display resuming.

Check if the satellite dish is damaged.

Preventative work carried out by the Tricolor service affects the lack of signal. If the user has not seen the notification about this work, then you can look at the company’s official website or call the customer service.

Possible reasons for the lack of signal and solutions to problems

The resumption of television broadcasting of Tricolor TV depends on the nature of the problem contributing to the lack of signal.

The antenna is out of whack

The antenna gets knocked down due to bad weather or poor fastening. Long-term use also leads to changes in position or deformation. To find out, you should check the rigidity of the fastening. If a loose fastening is detected, you need to adjust the position of the dish, while monitoring the signal level on the television screen (the “Settings” menu, where the information banner is displayed.)

It is necessary to change the position of the plate slowly in the horizontal and vertical plane in increments of 1 cm, observing a time range of 3-5 seconds.

When a signal is detected, fine-tune so that the fill level of both scales (quality and signal) is greater than 70-80%. Finally, tighten all the bolts firmly so that the plate is in a stable position.

The cable has come loose from the receiver

The cable detachment from the receiver is detected when inspecting the connection. The cause can be eliminated by checking the F-connector for damage and tightening the contacts tightly.

The problem is in the receiver

The receiver is responsible for receiving the signal and transmitting it to the TV. To check its serviceability you need to use a working antenna. Such an antenna can be found among neighbors, relatives, and friends who use Tricolor services.

After connecting to a working dish, the signal that appears indicates the serviceability of the equipment. The absence of a signal confirms the fact that the receiver is broken.

The receiver is repaired at a service center. If the device is unsuitable for repair, it must be replaced.

Converter failure on the plate

The converter located on the plate receives the signal from the mirror. Being exposed to constant external influences, it may fail. If all other reasons have been analyzed and excluded, then the lack of signal is caused by a broken converter. A visual inspection will not help identify the problem.

This can be detected by installing a working converter. The item is purchased at the sales center. Replacement process:

  • Remove the old converter;
  • Install new element without turning the plate;
  • Check the signal level and quality on the TV screen;
  • If the scales are not filled enough, adjust the signal by rotating the plate in the horizontal and vertical plane.

If the user is unsure if the converter is broken, then you can call a specialist technical support. After examining the device, he may suggest replacing it. Usually specialists bring new converters.

Damage to the cable or cable connections

Having visually detected damage to the cable, you can replace it or repair the break. To work, you will need two F-connectors (if one is damaged), a connector, insulating tape, a knife, and pliers. Gap repair scheme:

If no obvious damage is found, you should check the cable with a tester. This will help check for hidden problems. If the cable is damaged again, it must be replaced.


In rainy, snowy weather or when thunder or lightning strikes, the quality of signal reception deteriorates. Therefore, a “No Signal” message may appear. You can try turning off the equipment and turning it back on after a few minutes. If the problem does not go away, then you should wait for good weather conditions.

Clear the plate of snow and ice regularly.

Wet snow can cause ice to form on the dish, which interferes with satellite signal reception. By carefully removing the ice, the signal quality improves.

If the weather has improved, but the TV does not show, you need to check the fastening of the dish. Strong gusts of wind and heavy rainfall can loosen the side joints. The result will be a deviation of several degrees, resulting in no signal. Then you need to re-adjust and configure the TV display.

What to do if the signal is weak and unstable

Weakness and instability of the signal appears due to factors:

  • The cable connection between the antenna and the receiver is loose;
  • There are damaged cable sections;
  • The plate has become loose;
  • Tree branches are in the way;
  • The receiver is outdated.

After visual inspection cable and plate mounting bolts, the problem can be eliminated. If overgrown tree branches are in the way, they need to be cut down. The outdated receiver model is replaced with a new device.

What to do if the message no signal appears only on some channels

The cause can be resolved by updating the channel list:

The new list of channels will be displayed on the information TV channel.

The appearance of the message “No signal” indicates a malfunction of the equipment. Having found out the cause of the failure, the user can make attempts to eliminate them. You can also contact the Tricolor technical service, where a specialist will help solve any problems that may arise.

Real problem solving experience

The company Tricolor, well known to many, provides optimal access to quality satellite television using special equipment. In order for the system to work as smoothly as possible, you will need to strictly follow the instructions for using this system. If you neglect this rule, the equipment will break down from time to time and certain failures will occur. For example: the Tricolor receiver says boot and does not turn on. In this article you can find out why a system failure may occur and how to fix it yourself.

System failure digital television quite often occurs due to breakdown or incorrect setting receiver. This is a specially designed device that operates on the action of certain mechanisms. If minor damage occurs in the device, or if certain settings were entered incorrectly, the equipment completely fails. The set-top box simply stops working and a corresponding message appears on the screen. You can deal with many of the reasons causing the failure yourself. The main thing is to know how to solve a particular problem.

The reasons why there is no signal on the GS 8300 or GS U510 and it does not boot and does not respond to the set-top box remote control may be different. The problem must be solved by determining what to do with the equipment if the breakdown occurs after a thunderstorm. Now we’ll find out what to do if the tuner fails and what boot means, and how to fix it similar problem. There can be many reasons for a receiver to break down.

The most common reasons why the Tricolor TV receiver does not work and there is no signal:

  • Lack of food;
  • Mechanical failure;
  • Illiterate software installation;
  • There is a problem with the settings.

If a malfunction occurs in the television, first of all you should check the Tricolor TV set-top box and the power supply. For this purpose, you need to check the serviceability of sockets and wires, determine whether the adapter is connected correctly to the network, it is very important to understand whether all wires are connected to the installed equipment. Quite often, already at this stage it is possible to detect the cause of the breakdown and carry out corrective work. If during the inspection the adapter is found to be damaged, you will need to contact a specialist to replace it.

Another reason for the failure is a broken control panel. Failure of such a plan arises on the following grounds:

  1. Low battery. In this case, you need to replace it, completely eliminating the problem.
  2. The remote control itself has failed, then you will need to purchase a new one.
  3. The element receiving the signal has failed. This problem can only be corrected by a qualified technician.

A failure in the television system can occur due to incorrect firmware of the device, a system that is fully responsible for all processes occurring. If it was discovered this problem, you will need to reboot the equipment by setting in the settings standard parameters, after resetting all old settings.

What to do if the Tricolor receiver does not turn on

If, during the process of studying the state of the equipment, problems with the receiver were discovered, they can be eliminated based on the detected causes. Here are the main options:

  1. If power problems are detected, you will need to carefully check normal connection to the outlet, check the power source and cable integrity.
  2. Damage to the remote control may result in no signals being received by the remote control. The reasons for the breakdown may be purely technical plan– penetration of moisture into the device and basic wear of power parts. Correcting the breakdown will depend on which of these factors was discovered. Often a simple battery change is sufficient.
  3. If there is no image on the screen completely, if the current picture is frozen, you will need to check to see if the standby mode is starting. It is very important to double-check the reliability of the wire connections.

If you are unable to eliminate the cause of the breakdown yourself, you should invite a repairman to your home. He will diagnose the equipment and resolve all issues on the spot. To successfully carry out repair work, you can call the service center and act under their guidance.

What to do when the boot message appears on the Tricolor receiver

If a system malfunction manifests itself in the form of a boot message appearing on the TV, you will need to establish the exact cause of the equipment malfunction. The inscription very often appears due to a failure in the settings and can be resolved as follows:

  1. You need to go to the “Settings” menu and click on the special “Reset” tab. This action requires mandatory confirmation.
  2. After this, a line will appear for entering a password there. Here you will need to dial the combination 0000. This standard code for all modern receivers.
  3. After standard authorization, you need to install mutual language interface, primary time zone, operator and location.
  4. When searching for TV channels, experts recommend running auto mode, due to which savings will be made a large number of time.

After changing the color scheme of the indicator, you must save it installed settings. This will help you not to lose the information received. If you strictly follow the instructions, you can correct errors in a few minutes, without having to repeat it several times.

How to fix a Tricolor receiver if it does not respond to the remote control

If certain malfunctions occur in the operation of the equipment, it is worth checking that the receiver is connected correctly. For this purpose, it will be necessary to check for correct connection receiver, examine the condition and position of the wires. If there are power problems, the device will not light up. indicator lights. LEDs light up only when the equipment is running.

If after the checks no problems were found, if the receiver does not work, it is worth checking the state of the switch located on the back of the device. In most cases, it is accidentally deactivated during installation or during cleaning. After normal switching on, the system immediately begins to function normally. Boot inscription almost always indicates a technical or software malfunction equipment.

Summing up

If from time to time the TV does not have a signal from the Tricolor TV provider, if the system often turns off on its own, the problem can and must be solved, and you can do it yourself. In most cases, reinstalling the software is sufficient. If you can’t solve all the problems yourself, you need to ask our staff for help. service center. At the same time, a Tricolor client can always count on receiving a free consultation.