Adjusting the rotation speed of the processor cooler. Automatic adjustment of cooler speed to reduce noise

If you are interested in the question of how to adjust the speed of the cooler in the BIOS, then modern BIOS offer a whole range of different options that allow you to optimize the speed parameters of the fans operating inside system unit.

The question of how to set the required rotation speed of the cooler is far from idle - after all, a processor cooler, or more precisely, the fan included in the cooler, consumes quite a lot of energy; In addition, its rotation creates constant noise.

The noise produced by the cooler sometimes does not of great importance when the computer is working intensively. For example, against the background sound effects, which accompany many computer games, the cooler noise is unlikely to be noticeable. However, during periods when the processor is not busy with intensive work, the noise of the processor cooler will most likely only annoy the user. Other fans located in the system unit also produce noise, for example, a fan located on the rear panel of the system unit, or a fan cooling the motherboard chipset.

Many coolers have a feature that allows you to reduce their rotation speed during periods when the processor is not too busy. Thus, at these times the cooler will make little or no noise. Such coolers are called “smart” and today have practically replaced old-type coolers that did not have rotation speed control.

BIOS options that allow you to configure the cooler speed

The user has the opportunity to change the operating parameters of “smart” coolers both programmatically from the operating system and using the BIOS. In particular, there are several BIOS options related to setting the cooler rotation speed. Typically, such options can be found in the BIOS section dedicated to configuring devices that provide normal functioning personal computer or in the section where the monitoring functions are located hardware. For example, in the BIOS from Phoenix-Award, a similar section is called PC Health Status, and in the BIOS from AMI - Hardware Monitor.

The Smart Fan Control option, like other similar options, is designed to enable support mode intelligent control fan rotation speed. IN this mode Fan speed will depend on load central processor.

Many users, especially those who overclock the central processor, are also interested in the question of how to increase the speed of the cooler in the BIOS. Methodology this process depends on each specific type of BIOS. It is not always possible to set the rotation speed in the BIOS directly. However, such options exist. For example, the CPU Fan Control option allows the user to enter a fan speed value, indicated as a percentage of the maximum possible fan speed. An alternative option for the user in this option is to enable the smart features of the cooler, allowing operating system independently determine its speed depending on the processor load.

Some BIOS options, of which the Fan Profile is an example, allow you to set specific mode fan operation. In such options, the Performance or Turbo mode means that the cooler will always work at full power, cooling the processor even if there is no particular need for it. Standard mode involves operating the fan at a load level designed for an average noise level. Silent mode allows you to give priority to the method of fan operation that creates the least noise.

Also, many BIOSes are equipped with options that allow you to set the dependence of the fan speed on the processor temperature. An example of such an option is Smart CPU Fan Target. In it the user can select required value the processor temperature that the fan will strive to maintain.

In addition, there are a number of options that allow you to set the temperature at which the fan will turn on or operate at maximum speed. Examples of such options are CPU Fan Start Temperature and Full Speed ​​Temperature.

Many BIOS also have options that allow you to configure not only the rotation parameters of the processor fan, but also the parameters of other fans located in the system unit, for example, a fan on the case panel, a chipset fan, etc.


Modern cooling devices have a wide range of customization options the best way their work, including setting the rotation speed of the fan included in their composition. The built-in BIOS tools can help the user in the process of setting them up. The BIOS of any personal computer, as a rule, offers several options for configuring “smart” coolers, allowing you to select a specific fan operation profile or set the dependence of the cooler rotation speed on the temperature of the central processor.

The fan is available in many types household appliances. In particular, in the bathroom or toilet it is needed for quick removal humid air through the hood. Natural ventilation in old houses most often does not work intensively enough, because it was developed taking into account the installation of wooden windows (modern double-glazed windows do not allow air to pass through). To improve ventilation in the apartment, exhaust fans are installed. And in order for this device to last a long time, a special regulator was invented that can reduce or increase the speed of rotation of the plates.

Types and features of the device

Based on the type of design, there are 2 types of fans:

  1. Axial. There is a motor with an external rotor. An impeller is attached to it. The movement of air masses coincides with the rotor axis. This type of fan has the advantage of being compact. His performance is average. Suitable for small and medium-sized rooms. That is, the fan installation location should not be further than 2 meters from the ventilation outlet.
  2. Radial (centrifugal). Here the plates are attached to a special ring. Air enters the device from the front and exits from the side at a right angle. Unlike an axial fan, a radial fan is more efficient. Mounted in large rooms, with an area of ​​more than 12 cubic meters.

Types of exhaust fans

For the bathroom, an axial view is generally chosen, because few can boast of a spacious area in this room. The cost of such devices is low. The fan does its job well if the distance to the ventilation outlet is selected correctly. But if it exceeds maximum value– 2 meters, then it is worth considering the radial version of the device.

Exhaust fans are also classified according to how the structure was installed. Installation can be done:

  • on the wall;
  • on the ceiling;
  • both on the wall and on the ceiling (you need to choose where);
  • into the ventilation duct.

The channel type characteristic requires special attention. Such devices are mounted in the gap of the ventilation duct. Used when there is only one channel, but more rooms need to be connected to it. However, this does not mean that it cannot be purchased when connecting one room.

Duct exhaust fan

The choice of a duct fan is made in rare cases, because the process takes longer and further maintenance (cleaning, replacement) is difficult. This does not apply to private houses, because there it can be laid in the attic, which makes the task much easier.

Why adjust the speed?

Speed ​​regulator (speed controller) is a device whose function is to reduce and increase the number of revolutions of the exhaust fan. This is ensured by changing the voltage supplied to the device. To work, it must be connected to the fan according to a special circuit (we'll talk about it later).

The fan, due to the specifics of its device, always operates at full power, which significantly affects its service life to a lesser extent - rapid wear of the elements and their breakdown occurs.

Important! Working “at maximum” not only leads to rapid breakdown, but also consumes a lot of electricity.

Therefore, it is useful to know how to reduce the speed of the hood fan to increase the operating life of the equipment.

In addition to increasing wear resistance, a fan with a controller begins to blow more quietly, and less energy is consumed.

Main types of regulators

All controllers can be divided according to the principle of regulation:

  1. Transformer speed controller. Designed for powerful fans. Motor – single or three phase. The speed reduction occurs smoothly and can be carried out on several devices simultaneously.
  2. Electronic speed controller
  3. Thyristor speed controller. Prevents overheating of the case, works effectively in single-phase equipment.
  4. Frequency speed controller.
  5. Triac speed controller. The most common. Capable of covering not one, but several engines at once. It is very important that the current indicator does not exceed the limit value; most models are silent.
  6. Frequency speed controller. These models can only be used in the range from 0 to 480 Volts. Suitable for 3-phase motors with power not exceeding 75000 W.

Features of using devices

First you need to understand general principle work. It is aimed at changing the power of the air flow and affects air exchange in general. Speed ​​control is achieved in one of the following ways:

  • changing the voltage supplied to the winding;
  • changing the frequency of the current.

In practice, devices of the first type are always used, because a frequency-based regulator is sometimes more expensive than the fan itself. Such an acquisition is not justified by any advantages in the future.

Oddly enough, but the use of controllers is very wide: industrial equipment, public places(restaurants, gyms, office). Wherever intensive ventilation and its regulation are needed.

Control can be mechanical or automatic. Mechanical control is carried out using a special wheel, which allows you to either stepwise or smoothly reduce the speed of the hood fan. This control method is typical for triac models.

Controller connection rules

Let's figure out how to connect the regulator depending on its type.

Let's start with the most common types - triac and thyristor. Their installation is very simple. If there is the necessary diagram, anyone can navigate it (see below). Regulation is carried out by the control unit. Each model has its own power - it cannot withstand more voltage.

Connection diagram for triac and thyristor controllers

Important! The exhaust fan motor must have overheating protection.

The second type is transformer. The input voltage is 230 Volts. The winding has a number of branches. To reduce the voltage, you need to connect a load to them. Once the voltage has decreased, energy consumption becomes lower. The switch allows you to connect the motor to the desired section of the winding, and then the voltage changes.

Transformer type connection diagram

If we consider the models electronic principle actions, the connection diagram will be different. Here, using pulse simulation, the voltage changes smoothly. The longer the pulses and the shorter the pause time, the higher the voltage, and vice versa - short pulses with long pauses indicate low voltage.

Diagram of electronic operating principle models

If the fan has a timer, then it works on a different principle - the lighting turns on along with the fan. After turning off the light, the device continues to work certain time. The diagram and example of connecting an exhaust fan with a timer is shown in the picture below.

Exhaust fan connection diagram with timer

A power cable (FZN) is pulled into the distribution box, and a two-core cable is run from it to the switch. There is a triple wire to the light source, and 4 wires are connected to the fan. Now you need to make their connection in the power box.

Take a blue wire that goes to the lamp, and a blue wire that goes to the N-contact. They are peeled and twisted together. Next, you need to take and strip the phase wire, brown from the switch and brown from the exhaust fan (L-contact) and twist these 3 wires together.

The brown one from the lamp, the additional one from the LT contact (timer power supply), the blue two-wire one going to the switch, are twisted together.

The next step is soldering and crimping the wires, insulating them and placing them in a box. There are many connection options, but the one described is the most popular and time-tested. The final stage– supplying voltage and checking the functionality of the circuit.

Regulator: DIY assembly

By devoting an hour or two of free time, you can build the regulator yourself. You will need:

  • resistor (hereinafter referred to as R);
  • variable resistor (hereinafter referred to as PR);
  • transistor (hereinafter referred to as T).

The T base is soldered to the middle contact of the PR, the collector to the side output. A resistor with a resistance of 1000 ohms must be connected to the reverse edge of the PR. The second output P is soldered to the emitter T.

Regulator assembly

It remains to connect the input voltage wire to T (it is already connected to the extreme output of the PR). The “+” output is soldered to the PR emitter.

To check how a homemade regulator works, you will need a fan. Its positive wire is connected to the wire coming from the emitter. The output voltage wire is connected to the power supply.

The negative wire must be connected directly. To check, turn the PR wheel and watch how the number of revolutions changes.

The design is safe (the negative wire is connected directly) - if a short circuit occurs in the controller, nothing will happen to the fan.

The verification process looks something like this:

Regulator check

If desired, you can synchronize the controller with two fans at once, as shown in the diagram:

Synchronizing a controller with two fans

Installation does not take much time, especially if you work according to ready-made schemes. The main thing is to choose the right device for the room. You should not regret the money spent, because clean air is more important. Moreover, you can always save money by making the regulator yourself.

There are several possible situations when it may be necessary to adjust the speed (increase/decrease) of fan rotation: high level noise caused by cooling systems; the need to cope with overheating; desire to overclock the system, etc.

Programs for adjusting cooler speed

The easiest way to accomplish the above task is to use special software that allows you to manage the settings of cooling systems. You can find many programs of this kind on the Internet - both paid and free.

Let's look at the best of them below.

Speed ​​Fan

How to increase or decrease CPU cooler speed through BIOS

If you don’t want to install special software on your computer or it doesn’t work correctly for some reason, that’s okay - everything is included in the device itself, namely in its BIOS. necessary functions to control the speed of the processor fan. You just need to do a chain of simple manipulations:

Adjusting cooler speed using additional devices

Special programs and BIOS settings are not the only accessible to the user ways to reduce cooler speed on laptops and PCs.

Many expensive cooling systems have manual controls that allow you to reduce noise or increase airflow to the processor radiator by pressing a button or turning a wheel on the controller.

Such systems operate much quieter than budget analogues that come with a CPU and demonstrate much greater efficiency.

It is also worth considering purchasing a mechanical regulator as an option. “Reobasa”.

This device is installed in the drive bay (who needs DVD/CDs in 2018), connects to the FAN connector on the motherboard and allows you to adjust the speed of the fan blades on the CPU and case.

Usually the reobass has a screen that clearly displays the temperatures and current speed of the cooling systems - we tweaked the settings, and there is no longer any annoying noise.

Any of the above methods for adjusting coolers should be used wisely.

By setting unreasonably low values, you risk causing overheating, which will lead to freezes, unplanned reboots and failure of your hardware.

Programs do not always correctly read information from sensors - the user may think that everything in the system is in order, while the processor suffers from elevated temperatures.

It is recommended to regularly clean radiators and coolers from dust and change thermal paste - this will increase heat dissipation and reduce noise levels.

If after all the manipulations the cooling rotation speed on the processor does not change, this may indicate a fixed speed in the BIOS. Go there and change the setting to one that is convenient for you.

Good day, computer users. The topic of our conversation today worries many: how to make the cooler much quieter.

Often the main reason for the loud operation of the cooler is the presence of a layer of dust on it. This is easy to check without even removing the cover from the system unit. It is enough to give the PC a small load, and the cooler starts spinning at maximum speed (and no drop in temperature is observed).

You should clean the dust in the entire system unit yourself or order subscriber service computers If cleaning does not help, you should figure out whether mechanical damage at the cooler.

These simple steps often help reduce the noise produced, but in some situations this is not enough. If you are completely sure that the noise is not due to dust, then you are faced with a problem that needs to be solved by other methods. Most likely, the matter is in the rotation parameters, namely, in the given torque. It turns out that even when loading the PC normally, the loud noise, which means that the speed is high. In this article you will learn how to correctly set optimal speed fan rotation.

So, let's begin.

Correct cooler speed: how to achieve it? Speed ​​fan

Fan adjustment is done using the motherboard. Calculated required speed, based on temperature data and from those indicated in Bios settings. The motherboard independently regulates the rotation speed by changing the voltage/resistance, which allows it to control the speed based on user-specified settings. In addition, the temperature of the PC inside the case is taken into account.

But these actions do not always lead to setting the correct cooler rotation speed, despite “smart” technologies. In most cases, there is a choice of either maximum speed rotation, or minimum. The first option causes excessive noise, the second ─ the cooler is much quieter, but the speed is not enough for normal cooling. There are at least 3 options for solving the problem:

  • attempt to enter required values using Bios;
  • physical impact on the operation of the cooler with the subsequent connection of various physical. devices capable of changing the rotation speed;
  • installation specialized software to adjust the speed.

The first option may seem the simplest, but it is not suitable in all cases. No one can guarantee that all coolers are powered by motherboards. boards , which means Bios may not even be aware of their presence. This often applies to case fans. In reality, everything looks like this: they work at full capacity, which is unnecessary, and produce unnecessary noise.

Physical intervention can help, but for this the owner must have necessary knowledge in physics and electronics, while understanding how you can change the rotation speed. And besides, there is no guarantee that your intervention will not lead to damage to the fan, and cutting the wires itself is not an easy task. Ultimately, you can end up with a cooler whose rotation speed is forced to change, and it will not be possible to increase it if necessary.

The solution may be to buy a reobass. You need to connect everything through it and easily change the rotation speed. However, this is quite expensive, and many people do not like this method because they have to change the set speed each time, which can only be done manually.

After analyzing the two methods, we smoothly moved on to the most important thing - installation special programs to adjust the speed. If you try, you can even find free programs, among which the highest quality is Speed ​​fan. This utility completely copes with the adjustment and will become your salvation. The only problem is that this program is not English language, but the interface is quite simple and you'll get the hang of it quickly. Installing a program is several times easier than installing a game.

When you launch the utility for the first time, the following window may appear:

Click on the “Do not show again” checkbox, then “Close”:

So, let's figure it out. Regardless of whether it is a new version of the program (picture above) or an old one (picture below), the principle of operation is the same. The only difference is the different value signatures.

“Cpu Usage” ─ this field with indicators shows how much the processor and its cores are currently loaded. “Configure” opens the program settings, “Minimize” minimizes it.

“Automatic fan speed” ─ it makes no sense to enable this checkbox, because then the cooler will rotate at the original speed, which will reduce the benefit of the utility to zero. It makes no sense to install a program and not change the speed. If you don’t want to waste your own time, order computer repairs in Butovo at a time convenient for you.

IMPORTANT! 100% guarantee that the cooler in your PC is installed in in the right places, therefore, when choosing CPU or Fan1 for the first time, you need to remove the cover of the system unit and observe which cooler will work slower (faster) when changing parameters in the program. This is worth dealing with from the very beginning, since the program may incorrectly read information about coolers, and they may be connected to the motherboard sockets incorrectly.

Next is a set of indicators of rotation speeds of certain fans (left) and component temperatures (right) in this moment. So which is which? Let's look at the example of rotation speed, which is measured in RPM (rpm):

  • SysFan (Fan1) ─ shows the rotation speed of the fan plugged into the SysFan socket on the motherboard. A chipset cooler or any other cooler connected here by mistake can be connected here (each motherboard connector has a specific signature);
  • CPU0 Fan (Fan2) ─ parameter showing the speed of the fan on the processor, provided that it is plugged into the CPU_Fan slot;
  • Aux0 Fan (Fan3) ─ provides information about the current rotation speed of the cooler plugged into the AUX0 connector;
  • CPU1 Fan (Fan4) ─ similar to CPU0, works if there is a second processor or a connector for a cooler labeled CPU1_Fan;
  • Aux1 Fan (Fan5) ─ similar to Aux0, shows the rotation speed of the knob connected to the AUX1_Fan connector;
  • PWR Fan (Fan6) ─ indicates the speed of the cooler located in the power supply? or the speed of any fan connected to the PWR_Fan connector on the motherboard.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that these parameters completely coincide with the motherboard connectors, into which you can connect absolutely any cooler from the listed ones, and the indicator will be in the corresponding column of the utility. This is only possible if the cooler is connected via a small 3-pin connector on the motherboard. For clarity, take a look at the photo. The first photo is with the correct connector (4-pin) and socket (3-pin). Speed ​​adjustment is allowed:

The wrong connector (power supply to the power supply) does not allow monitoring and changing the speed even using the program:

If you find on your computer this method To power the coolers from the power supply, it is better to plug the plugs into the connectors on the motherboard. This will allow you to change operating parameters using the utility.

As mentioned above, the temperature of the components is indicated on the right, but the indicators of this program are not always adequate and accurate, and this parameter is better controlled using analogues HWMonitor or AIDA64, which give the most accurate values. Taking into account their readings, set the settings:

Now we have reached the most important thing - speed adjustment. This can be done in one way: opposite the inscriptions Speed ​​(01-06) or Pwm1-3 Pwm1-3 (for newer versions) there are arrows that set the fan rotation speed. They are exactly what we need. If you press them, you can hear how the rotation speed of the coolers changes. Here you can understand what the minimum volume of your PC is.

To understand in which column the speed of each cooler is located, click on the arrows and see where the RPM will change. You cannot turn off the fans completely, as there is a risk of burning something. When adjusting, you should also monitor the temperature.

Disable/enable fan speed control in BIOS

Some motherboards and their BIOS types can block the program from running. This occurs because automatic or pattern-based throttling is enabled or disabled in the BIOS.

You may encounter incorrect work programs and problems that arise, or you decide to connect speed control using the motherboard. Then you will need to go into the BIOS and activate or disable the adjustment system. You can do it like this:

If Q-Fan is in the Enable position, it means automatic control enabled if Disable control is performed manually using the utility. Depending on what BIOS type on your PC, and is located this parameter. It may be in other tabs and have a different appearance. Sometimes it is necessary to switch the CPU Fan Profile from Auto to Manual (or vice versa).

There may be many options for the location of this tab, but it is required on every computer, and you can find it. Perhaps it will be called CPU Fan Contol, Fan Monitor, etc.


The program has other tabs that are responsible for completely different components. This program may be exactly the utility you have been looking for for a very long time. Keep your PC productive and quiet.

For temperature monitoring of the main components of the computer and for adjusting the rotation speed of the processor cooler and other fans installed in the computer. But before you start using the program, you need to install the Russian language in the program and make settings for the program.

How to change language in SpeedFan

First you need to configure the interface in SpeedFan and make it in Russian, and to do this, launch the program and close additional window called Hint by clicking on the Close button. Then in the program window you need to click on the Configure button.

Program for increasing the speed of the SpeedFan cooler with an English interface

A window called Configure will open. In this window, you need to go to the Options tab.

SpeedFan crack on the Options tab

On this tab, in the Language item, you need to select Russian from the pop-up list and click on the OK button located at the bottom of the program window. After this, the window called Configure will close, and the program interface will already be displayed in Russian.

How to set up the SpeedFan program

Now you need to configure SpeedFan correctly, and to do this, open the Configuration window again and go to the Options tab.

Recommended program settings

On this tab, you can check the boxes Run minimized and Minimize when closing, so that when you start and close the program, it will immediately minimize and hide in the tray. You can also check the box next to Full fan speed on exit, since when you restart the computer, more energy is consumed and the computer heats up more. If you check the static icon box, then just the program icon will be displayed in the tray instead of the temperature readings from the sensors. By clicking on the OK button, all settings will be applied.

In SpeedFan how to change the fan speed

With this program you can set the fan speed in automatic or manual mode. For the program for adjusting the cooler speed to work in automatic mode you need to first set the minimum and maximum temperature conditions in which the fans will spin slowly or at full power.

SpeedFan fan speed setting

Open the Configuration window and on the Speeds tab you will see how many fans and on which devices this program can regulate the fan speed. On this tab, click on the desired fan and at the bottom of the window, check the Auto Change box. Do this with those fans that you want to regulate.

Setting temperature conditions for fan operation

Then we go to the Temperature tab and see that there are many sensors indicating temperature, but not all devices have fans installed. On this tab, click on the device for which you set Autochange on the Speed ​​tab and at the bottom of the window set the temperature limits in the Desired and Alarm items. If the temperature is below the set Desired, the fans will spin slowly, and if the temperature is higher than the set Alarm, the fans will start spinning at full speed. Thus, set the temperature conditions for all the fans that you want to regulate, and when everything is ready, click OK and the configuration window will close.

In SpeedFan, the fan speed temperature controller operates in automatic mode

For the specified parameters to start working, you need to check the box next to Auto fan speed in the program window.


In this video called SpeedFan how to use the video explains how to change the rotation speed of the cooler depending on the temperature.