xml editing. XML format: how to open and edit

With this extension? These and other similar questions can often be found among users visiting various forums dedicated to web design and programming languages. But first you need to figure out what an XML document is, what structure it has and what it is intended for.


An XML document is a hierarchical structure that contains both the data itself and its description. Due to the fact that it is a simple text file, it does not depend on the operating system and can be created using any programming language. Its extraordinary flexibility makes it possible to describe any kind of data. One of the important advantages of XML documents is that they are easy to read not only by programs - even a person can figure out what information is contained in the file. Using XML actively promoted by many major companies such as Borland, Microsoft, Sun and others. All universal programming languages ​​have libraries that support this format. In new versions of various DBMS, it is possible to obtain data using standard queries in the form of an XML file. This language is supported by Internet servers and all popular Internet browsers. When transferring dynamic pages data in XML format significantly increases the speed of applications that interact with databases.


If you open the file in XML format, you can easily see that it is very similar to a standard HTML page. It also contains instructions (or tags) that are enclosed in angle brackets and mark up the main text of the document, as well as define its elements, their attributes, and other language constructs. Each XML file necessarily begins with a statement that may contain information about the language version number, code page, and other parameters that the parser program needs to parse the document.

XML format - how to open

So, let's get to the main question. Now you know what the XML format is, how to open it, we will describe further. Most easy way do it with standard application"Notebook". However, in this case, the user will need certain knowledge XML language(at least - what these or other tags are responsible for), since opening the file in this text editor, you will see just a set of lines of code and, in fact, the text. For those users who are not strong in this or want to immediately see the results of editing, we recommend using special programs. Despite them huge selection and a different level of implementation, they all work about the same. The difference is only in functionality, that is, in the set available tools. As a working tool for editing XML files, we recommend using the free editor Serna Free. It is quite powerful and at the same time handy program from open source. By selecting it, you can easily make an article, a book, technical documentation and much more. Creating and editing an XML file with this editor is in many ways similar to word processing in Word and does not require the user to have deep knowledge of the markup language. In addition, there are additional features Serna Free, such as the presence of XSLT and XSL-PO styles that provide close to real document display, as well as the ability to display holistically XML files composed of a large number parts.


So, we figured out what the XML format is, how to open and edit such files. With the help of special software, you can easily create texts of any complexity, mark them up, create your own elements, as well as their attributes in accordance with your requirements for documents.

I have been working with XML files for a long time, but only now I wondered: How regular means create and edit XML files in MS Excel? Excel is a convenient and intuitive tool for creating, editing and processing various data. Excel is studied at school and, probably, there is no person who knows how to work on a PC and does not know the basics of working in Excel. Therefore, in my opinion, this is the most suitable tool that can be recommended. ordinary users to create and edit data files for various applications, including web applications. I have MS Excel 2013 installed at home and, using its example, I will describe the simple procedures that must be performed when creating an XML data file in Excel. I think that in earlier Excel versions this will work too. Let's take a few simple steps to create an XML data file. Let's consider them on the example of creating an event data file.

1. First you need to create and fill in a data table in Excel in accordance with the data structure. Please use the menu item for this Insert/Table.

2. Let's create the schema of the XML file. To do this, in a text editor, enter following lines and save them in a file.


0 0 0 0 Holy Christ's Resurrection. Easter 0 0 -7 0 -7 Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem 1





Holy Christ's Resurrection. Easter






Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem


3. Now open the tab Developer, press the button A source and specify the XML source file. If necessary, enable the menu item Developer in Excel Preferences.

4. It remains to match the elements of the scheme and the columns of the table by dragging the elements to the corresponding column headings.

5. And last step: export table data to xml file with context menu. Stand on any cell of the table, click right button mouse, select XML/Export... and save the XML file with the desired name.

Save the Excel file for later editing and additions. In the following paragraphs 1.-4. will not need to be done!

P.S. Why did I write this banal note? Firstly, so as not to forget it yourself, and secondly, I think that this information will be useful to users, starting with next version 0.6 ;-)

Multifunctional XML (and not only) editor. Able to highlight commands of a great variety of programming languages, check for errors, and much more.

Today we will consider one of the multifunctional tools for webmasters - the Czech program PSPad. In fact, this is the same Notepad, but its functionality has been expanded to the limit.

In a program that established form occupies only about 10 megabytes, they managed to cram so much that they can’t say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen (or tap with a keyboard :)). PSPad has the following set of tools:

PSPad Features

HEX editor(English hex-editor) - a program for editing code in hexadecimal form.
  • support for many programming languages: HTML, XML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-DOS, Perl, Basic, etc.;
  • syntax highlighting and checking (as well as optimization) of the code;
  • built-in preview of the finished web page;
  • HEX editor;
  • spell check;
  • built-in FTP client;
  • the ability to call from the PSPad development environment for each of the languages;
  • flexible system of settings.

In short, PSPad can replace a lot of other software, which will save space on your hard drive and help streamline and more or less centralize all the work on site layout.

PSPad Interface

Do not be afraid in advance - there is nothing complicated here.

  • In the center is the main working window, in which we will directly work.
  • Left - side panel, which gives access to the project tree, directory tree hard drive, FTP client management, favorites and work files.
  • Top - menus and options for control additional features programs.

Let's try to enter the simplest program in BASIC to calculate the function "y=3*log (A)" and see how PSPad behaves.

By default, the program creates Text Document with extension .txt.

In order to select the extension we need, go to the "File" menu and select the "New" item (or press CTRL + N).

A table will appear that contains a list of language syntaxes available in the program. Choose the right one (in this case Visual Basic) and click "Ok".

Now the file extension is .bas- standard for programs written in BASIC. We enter the code:

As you can see, PSPad automatically displays different colors numbers, printable text, and reserved words of the programming language. Thus, we can always see if we enter this or that information correctly. At the same time, the backlight color can be changed at will, which makes the interaction with PSPad even more convenient.

All settings can be made using the ability to edit the template of a particular language.

To do this, go to the "Settings" menu and select "Edit Template", then select the desired language from the drop-down list.

Several slots, as you can see, are empty. This makes it possible to additionally connect those languages ​​that are not available by default, but that are needed for work.

Truly tremendous support PSPad provides in HTML editing pages.

In addition to HTML syntax highlighting (and in several variations), the program helps:

  • check spelling;
  • errors in the code;
  • optimize code;
  • synchronize and edit the page directly via FTP;
  • browse appearance pages using the built-in browser or a plug-in server (Apache);
  • and many many others.

Let's look at some of the possibilities. First of all, I would like to pay attention to those related to code optimization and viewing the document while editing it.

HTML Compression

We are always at war to reduce the size of an HTML file so that we can fit more information into it in a smaller size. PSPad offers an interesting feature to compress HTML code.

Let's compare:

In the figure you see the uncompressed code, which is placed on 53 lines.

Now click on the button "Compress HTML code without changing performance" and get the following result:

The total length of the code is 13 lines!!! That is, the size of the document has decreased by more than 3 times!!! However, performance was not affected. You can verify this by pressing the F10 button - the built-in page viewer is called.

Checking HTML code for validity

A utility for checking HTML code and a table of non-printable characters are also very useful.

In order to check the document for errors, go to the "HTML" menu and select the "Check HTML code" item (hot keys - CTRL + F10).

Below you will see in the opened "Log" window all errors and warnings regarding your code.

At the very bottom of the program window there is a status bar that displays all sorts of supporting information(current cursor position, text switch, current character designation options (HEX, DEX, HTML), current language and text encoding).

To access the table of non-printable characters, click once on the line where the options for displaying the current character are indicated.


To describe all the functions of PSPad, it will probably not be enough, and whole book because there are not just a lot of them, but a lot.

Everyone will find something of their own in the program, but I would advise paying attention to it, first of all, to web programmers and layout designers, because PSPad just asks to take the place of the main tool for working with HTML :).


Everything is known in comparison ... As you know, nothing is perfect, but nothing, nevertheless, does not prevent striving for perfection. And so it is in all spheres of our life.

Programming is no exception. On the contrary, all programmers strive to improve and optimize their creations.

And before, the only assistant for them was the standard Windows Notepad. It did not have any frills, such as syntax highlighting of programming languages ​​or HTML tags, but this did not interfere with work.

Now it is unlikely that anyone will program through Notepad, if there is a sufficient number of special programs, which help the programmer, and sometimes even take on most of the work.

However, there are times when you need to always have a small but functional tool at hand that could equally cope with creating a site and writing programs in any programming languages.

Although there are fewer such programs, they still exist. Which one to choose? This question is often asked by novice programmers. Yes, and experienced ones sometimes reconsider their point of view and change their favorite tool to a more modern and functional one.

Therefore, in this article, we have considered one of these tools, the wonderful Czech program PSPad.

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

P.P.S. If you are a beginner coder, then it might be best for you visual HTML editor Nvu. It will help you understand the language better. hypertext markup and you will be able to see and control all your actions in real time.

This section is available for download. XML programs Converter / XML Constructor / XML Reports / Just Sign / XML Contact - Rosreestr.

Formation examples electronic versions documents through XML Constructor and their printed counterparts using Programs XML Reports can be downloaded from the section. We also suggest looking at the section in which you will find various free utilities, libraries and more.

XML Converter Program configured to convert XML-files / documents of Rosreestr such as cadastral extracts, cadastral plans of the territory into other convenient formats, such as MIF / MID, DXF, CSV, TXT, HTML.

XML Constructor Program configured to create electronic versions in XML format, such documents for cadastral activities as land survey plans, technical plans, map (plan), etc., as well as notices on the pledge of movable property and notices in accordance with the FATCA law.

XML Reports Program set to convert electronic documents for cadastral activities such as land survey plans, technical plans, map (plan) into the corresponding printed (paper) counterparts.

Program Just Sign is intended for creation and verification of electronic digital signatures(EDS).

Program XML Contact-Rosreestr designed to interact with the Rosreestr web service, i.e. creating applications for cadastral registration of land plots and real estate objects, requests for cadastral information, obtaining results on these applications and requests.

All programs (except Just Sign and XML Contact-Rosreestr) have a demo mode lasting 30 days, which allows you to use the functionality of the programs without restrictions. After the demo period expires, you must either purchase full versions programs or stop using them. The Just Sign Program is free program and has no restrictions on use. The XML Contact-Rosreestr program is in beta testing and is currently free to use.

IMPORTANT! To convert using the program XML Converter or XML Constructor XML files big size you need to download and install an external XQuery query processor and specify it in the corresponding field of the program before converting. The two open source query processors currently supported are AltovaXML 2010 (by www.altova.com) and Saxon-HE 9.5 (by www.saxonica.com). You can download them from the manufacturer's website or from this website using the links below:

IMPORTANT! Before you start working with the programs, you must read the instructions. This is especially important for the XML Constructor program, since before work it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of this program. The instructions are located in the same folder as the program's executable file, i.e. for the XML Constructor in the "c:\ProgramFiles\XMLCON\XMLConstructor\XMLConstructor-help.rtf" folder. You can call the instruction through the shortcut from the main menu Windows programs, i.e. for XML Constructor "Start->Programs->XMLConstructor->XML Constructor - Instruction". For the XML Constructor program, the instruction is also available through the Help menu.

A good XML editor saves a developer's nerves and makes working with XML easy and enjoyable. This is what I thought when I started using the Altova XMLSpy editor. This program is definitely worth the money.

But the leadership set the task of finding free analogue. Search result short review free XML editors.


Working with XML/XSLT/XSD
- Convenient editor with hints and lights
- XSLT processor and debugger.

Free XML Editors


Exchanger XML Lite V3.2. There were problems with the installation. The installation took place almost to the end and froze. It's a pity. According to the description on the site, it has a very rich set of functions.

Editix Lite Version. good editor. Can do XSLT transformations. But hints are given in the form of highlighting similar parts of the code, and not in a drop-down list and a tabular representation of the document.

Serna Free. This editor is my least favorite. He hides XML tags and terribly slow. It is very inconvenient to work.

XML Marker. Liked it very much. Shows XML in a tabular form, editable. It's a pity there are no tips and the ability to do XSLT transformations.

XMLPad. Liked the most. Shows XML in tabular and tree view. There are hints. It is possible to do XSLT transformations.



None of the reviewed free editors can completely replace a good paid editor. Most of all the requirements are met by XMLPad. But XML Marker can simultaneously edit the code and see the result in a tabular form.

P.S. Dear readers, if you know a good free editor then write in the comments. I will gladly add a review.

UPD. Big XML overview editors "Choosing an XML editor"

UPD. Letters from readers.

Good afternoon Alexander,

I am not a member of the Habrahabr community, therefore, with your permission, I respond by mail to your post.

I would like to note that your review of the Syntext Serna editor in the context of the XML file editor is absolutely incorrect.
The main purpose of Syntext Serna is not editing XML configs or creating XML files Scheme and XSLT, and
visual creation and support for documentation in XML format (such as DocBook or DITA). That's why "It hides XML tags" (quote), tk.
the main user of the editor is a technical writer who does not need to have deep knowledge of XML and
especially to make mistakes in unbalanced tags. If you need to correct an XML document in non-visual mode,
then for these purposes in Syntext Serna there is a "Plain mode".

If possible, I will be grateful if you place this comment in your post.

With best regards
Andrew Sichevoi, thekondor.net

2022 gtavrl.ru.