Reboot to Bootloader: translation into Russian and what is it? Reboot to Bootloader what is it.

Hello everyone Today, guys, my task is not easy, I have to find out what Reboot to Bootloader on Android is, but there is no information on the Internet, but what I found is just nonsense. I don't understand why write nonsense at all. I had to use secret information channels to understand what Reboot to Bootloader is. So the first thing I learned is that Reboot to Bootloader is an item in the menu. One person tells, in short, he was asleep, and the phone at this time itself rebooted and after that it does not enter the system anymore. At the same time, after the reboot, Software status: Modified is written at the top of the screen, there is also an item Reboot to Bootloader, if you select it, the inscription changes to Software status: Official. There is also an item Boot to Download Mode, if you select it, then after turning on the smart, the error Failed to boot download mode is written at the top. In short, there is little understandable

If you literally translate Reboot to Bootloader, then if I'm not mistaken, the translation will be as follows: they say it will reboot to load Bootloader, this is probably a boot menu, something like that.

Well, here's a screenshot of that same menu:

So that's what I understand. Reboot to Bootloader is an item in the menu that is shown when the phone is turned on, but the system itself does not boot. Apparently this is when the phone is locked somehow. That is, the phone needs to be unlocked, or rather not even the phone, but the bootloader. So guys, I understood everything and what can I tell you here. I'm not that special to advise anything, but I can give you a link where you can get some important information, here is the link:

I will say right away this is not some kind of forum, this is a powerful forum on Android and in general on portable devices. I advise you to look at the link, there is infa about unlocking the bootloader.

Not every owner of a mobile device in the form of a smartphone or tablet, running under the control of the series "operator" Android, knows that in any OS version there is such a thing as Bootloader... What it is will now be considered. Based on an understanding of the very essence of the issue, it will be possible to find out what operations can be performed when unlocking it.

Bootloader: what is it?

Let's start, so to speak, from scratch. Bootloader Android - systems are practically no different from what is available on any computer terminal, be it a PC or Mac. In simple terms, Bootloader is a built-in means of loading the operating system.

If you give an example of computer terminals with several installed "operating systems" (say, Windows and Linux), the bootloader, after turning on the stationary unit or laptop, offers the user a choice to enter the system, and after confirmation it loads one or another OS.

OS boot principles

As well as in stationary systems, the Bootloader in mobile devices refers to initialization files in the same way as, for example, Windows does it when loading parameters from the boot.ini file.

If you pay attention to just such data, it is easy to conclude that in Android systems you can easily change not only the boot method, but also the bootable OS either in manual or automatic mode. However, few people know that this tool itself loads only the system that is written for a certain model of a smartphone or tablet.

Bootloader: how to unblock and why do you need it?

As for the possibilities that involve unlocking the bootloader, the matter here is not limited to data recovery.

It is believed that in this case the user gains access to the system kernel, which is impossible by default. How to describe Bootloader in such a situation? What this is will become clear if you look at the absence of the so-called superuser rights... It turns out that after the blocking is removed, they are not needed at all at any level. Otherwise, you often have to install special firmware and applications. If custom firmware, to put it mildly, "clumsy", then the whole system can fly off.

Any manufacturer of mobile equipment provides for work with a component such as Bootloader. How do I unlock it? This is usually done using special utilities installed on a PC when connected to a mobile device via a USB interface. Note that superuser rights are not required in this case.

For most devices, including, for example, Sony and HTC gadgets, the use of a utility is implied, and for Sony you will have to additionally use special Sony Fastboot drivers, and even refer to the special Unlocker section on the official website. As you can see, the procedure, although feasible, is rather complicated.

How to unlock Bootloader in more detail

  • How to Unlock Bootloader - HTC
  • How to unlock Bootloader - Nexus
  • How to unlock Bootloader - Sony
  • How to unlock Bootloader - Xiaomi
  • How to Unlock Bootloader - Huawei
  • How to Unlock Bootloader - LG

Data recovery

On the other hand, in its standard operating mode, restoring Bootloader after resetting the settings to the factory settings can be done simply elementary. You don't even need to do this.

It is enough just to throw off the settings on the gadget itself, and after the reboot, the system will offer to choose an option: either use the new settings on the device, or restore the settings, programs and files using the Google services account for this. In this case, you will have to enter your Gmail mail address with a password, as well as connect to the Internet, for example, with an active Wi-Fi connection.

Installing another "operating system"

If we talk about the possibility of installing another OS, this issue is quite complicated, although we can solve it. The fact is that some manufacturers claim that after Android there will be no other system for the gadget. It is a pure publicity stunt designed to advertise the installed system.

But the Chinese on their "left" HTC devices have already proved that both Android and Windows Phone can coexist on the same device. Moreover, such models are supplied in most cases with an already unlocked Bootloader. What is it in this case? This is a tool that allows you not only to choose the bootable OS, but also to install any other with changing parameters at the system level.

In other words, the user can do without even any firmware or additional programs to optimize the operation of the installed "operating system". Moreover! This does not even require specialized utilities like optimizers, of which there are so many today that the user himself does not understand what to choose from all this huge number of programs and applications.

What should you pay attention to separately?

But when it comes to custom firmwares, which have become quite popular with many owners of mobile devices, you need to be very careful with them. Of course, a sensible firmware or OS update will not bring harm, rather, on the contrary, it will only improve the operation of the device, but when something unofficial is installed, and not yet verified (like computer beta versions), expect trouble. Then no bootloader will certainly help.

By the way, few people realize that such versions are capable of exerting too much stress on the "iron" components, which, in turn, can lead to their complete inoperability. But changing the processor in the same smartphone is far from the easiest thing.

In addition, unlocking the bootloader in officially released branded gadgets implies an automatic loss of warranty and the possibility of free service. So you have to think a hundred times before performing such actions and operations.

Finally, it remains to add that the issue of installing another OS on an Android device is also, in general, quite controversial. Yes, of course, the system will stand, no matter what the manufacturer says. But how it will work is another question, especially since most users usually put some kind of lightweight version that has an unknown source of origin. But in vain. Here, as they say, you can break such a firewood, so that you won't get away with sin later. And the manufacturer himself, with such changes according to the current international standards, does not bear any responsibility for the correct operation of the mobile device. Therefore, the decision on expediency must be made by the owner of the gadget. But it's better not to joke with such things.

Experienced Android users often resort to unlocking the operating system bootloader to root and install custom firmware. The platform developed by Google is quite logical, so there is a reason why devices come with locked bootloaders. Intervention in this area poses a security threat. By itself, the use of superuser rights can open up a lot of new opportunities and turn out to be an unequivocal benefit, but only if the owner of the device is aware of the risks and makes decisions based on understanding the principles of the operating system.

Hardware manufacturers don't care about locking the bootloader because they want the sole authority to control the system. As mentioned above, in this case, the issue of user safety plays an important role. Even the Google-designed Nexus line of smartphones targeted at tech-savvy people comes with a locked bootloader. Such devices load the operating system currently installed on them. The user will not be able to install a custom OS, as the bootloader will refuse to work with it.

Is there a way to unlock the bootloader? For users of devices such as the Nexus 4 or Nexus 7, there is a quick official method to achieve this goal. The only thing to consider is the fact that Android erases all data on the device as part of this process. It is necessary to activate the USB debugging option in the advanced settings for the developer, download the file “ Fastboot», Unpack it and load the smartphone in the appropriate mode. After connecting the device to the computer, you need to press the button " SHIFT"And at the same time the right mouse button, and from the menu that appears, select the option" open command window here"And enter the commands" fastboot devices" and " fastboot oem unlock". An open lock icon on the screen during the boot process indicates that the bootloader is unlocked. Each model has its own way to reset the bootloader lock.

The main problem is that the PIN or password protecting access to the Android device will lose all meaning, because unlocking the bootloader opens the way for people with physical access to the device to bypass the password request. An unlocked bootloader allows a thief to reboot a stolen device and load a custom recovery environment. In recovery mode using ADB commands you can access all data on your mobile device without asking for the set passwords.

A user who still resorted to unlocking his, but needs protection, can use the encryption function on Android. This will ensure that the information is stored encrypted. The application “ WhisperCore". Encryption can be carried out using the tools built into the system, hidden in the settings, in the section “ Security».

Nevertheless, even this step will not be able to guarantee the inviolability of confidential information one hundred percent. There is a method to bypass the password prompt, theoretically associated with placing the phone in the freezer for an hour before flashing the new operating system on it. The principle of this hack is based on storing the encryption key in the device's RAM for much longer than the RAM is cooled, so it can be removed before it disappears.

Of course, you shouldn't worry too much about the problems associated with the bootloader, because most often experienced users resort to the step described in the article for personal needs, and among the thieves there are rarely people who are aware of the methods of such hacking. Most likely, in the event of theft, all data will be simply erased to resell the device. Either way, there is a good reason for the bootloader, especially if it is used to keep government or corporate secrets.

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This article provides step-by-step instructions that will help even an inexperienced user successfully unlock bootloader bootloader and install custom recovery Cyanogen Mod.

Your data will be deleted. If you need to save important information, we recommend making a backup. All your actions you perform at your own peril and risk. Note that the author is not responsible for the "scouring" of the user's smartphone.

Preparing for installation

1. Download and install drivers. You can do this by clicking on our link below.

2. Unpack the archive anywhere on your hard drive.
3. Turn off the phone.
4. We start the phone in fastboot mode, for which you should press "volume -", and, while holding it, press "Power".
5. The PC will display a message that a new device has been found.
6. Go to the device manager (path: Control Panel - System - Device Manager).
7. Find an unknown device, which is usually indicated by a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark.
8. Double click on it.
9. In the window that appeared, click: Update driver - Search for a driver on this PC - Select drivers from the list of installed drivers - Install from disk - Select the folder where the drivers were unpacked - Check the "Search in subfolders" box - complete installation of drivers.
10. The device is completely ready for further manipulations.
11. Download ADB and Fastboot according to the bitness of the operating system: for x32 / 86 or x64. Unpack the archive into a folder of your choice. It is necessary that the path does not contain Russian letters (Cyrillic) and numbers. I, for example, unpack the folder to d: \ ADB.

12. Download custom Recovery: CWM and drop the * .img file into the same folder as ADB.

Unlock Bootloader

First you need to unlock Bootloader on your smartphone. To this end, you need to connect your smartphone to your PC and put it into fastboot mode. To switch to this mode, you must turn off the phone and during shutdown press and hold two buttons: "Volume -" and "Power". In Fastboot mode, a green robot will appear on the smartphone display, whose belly has been opened.

Next, you have to run the command line: start - write "cmd" in the "execute" line (without quotes) - "cmd.exe" should appear on top - right-click "cmd.exe" - Run with administrator rights.

After that, go to the folder in which the ADB is located (in my case, it is located on the path d: \ ADB): first I enter "d" (you do not need to enter quotes) and press Enter - I enter "cd ADB" and press Enter again. The command line window now looks like this:

In order to unlock Bootloader, you must enter the following command:

fastboot oem unlock

We accept unlocking by pressing the "Volume +" button and confirm the action by pressing the "power" button.

So Bootloader is unlocked. Now we reboot into the system. The smartphone will introduce the necessary changes, boot, after which the initial configuration from Google should be carried out (I miss a lot, since the phone will still wake up to be overridden). Next - launch fastboot and install custom Recovery.

Now install custom Recovery. To this end, you must enter the command in the command line

fastboot flash recovery ***

As a rule, Android users who consider themselves experienced often perform bootloader unlocking on their own. They do this in order to do it.

It is known that Google developers have made their platform not only open, but also very logical, it is for this reason that the company supplies its main product along with blocked bootloaders. Since changes in such processes can create a certain threat to the security of the platform.

Of course, taking advantage of the power user benefits opens up many opportunities, however, owners must be aware of the expected risks, so they must make any decisions about changes, understanding and adhering to the principles of operation of Android.

The manufacturer of an Android device does not lock the bootloader in order to have sole control over the OS, but to ensure the safety of the user. For example, Google smartphones in the Nexus series are positioned as a development for tech-savvy users, but they also come with a locked bootloader. All these devices receive the operating system that is currently installed on them, so the owner cannot import a custom product, the bootloader will not work with "foreign" firmware.

Are there options for unlocking the bootloader? Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 users have an official way to unlock these devices. While there is one inconvenience with this, Android does not leave any old data on the device during unlocking.

You will need to activate the function in the settings, then download "Fastboot" and unzip the file, load the Android smartphone in the desired mode. Then you will need to connect the smartphone to the PC and simultaneously press the "SHIFT" button and the right mouse button, then you will need to select "open command window here" from the menu, activate two options "fastboot devices", as well as "fastboot oem unlock". After that, the lock icon should show that the bootloader is already unlocked. As a reminder, each Android device model has its own.

After unlocking Android, the main problem will appear - the PIN and password will not protect access to the Android device, since unlocking the bootloader will make the device vulnerable, it will be possible to easily bypass the password request process. So, if the device is stolen, the unlocked bootloader will allow it to be rebooted and loaded with other firmware to restore the user environment. By restoring using the command, a third-party user will be able to get quick access to data in a mobile device without using passwords.

Android developers assure that you should not worry about possible problems with the bootloader, in their opinion, only a few users are mainly engaged in unlocking the bootloader, but only experienced ones and they do it for their own purposes. Not all attackers can use this hacking method. When devices are stolen, they simply erase all data. It is important to remember that the developer has a good reason for blocking the bootloader - to protect personal, corporate and government data.